What did Georgy Malenkov create for the Radian people? The remaining fates of life
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Vidminno Georgy Malenkov was born in noble homeland , my father was a former serviceman. The boy was left without a father early, and yet he graduated from high school with a gold medal. In 1919 he volunteered for the Red Army, in 1920 he joined the Bolshevik Party, becoming an army police officer. After demobilization (1921), Malenkov joined the electrical engineering department of the Moscow Higher Technical School, becoming secretary of the party organization.

In 1925-1930, Malenkov worked at the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) under the direct support of I.V.

Stalin became the trusted person of the leader of the USSR.

Then Stalin handed him over to the Moscow Party Committee, and Malenkov handed over the work to the personnel. In 1934, they turned to the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks), having separated the main party organs.(Berezen 1942), Stalingrad and Don fronts (Lipen, Serpen, Veresen 1942), Central Front (Berezen 1943).

In 1943, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Socialist Party and the rank of lieutenant general.

In 1944, the Malenkov family was appointed as the head of the committee for the renewal of dominion in the eastern territories, taking part in the modernization of coal production in the Donbass, climbing and bridges.

Analysis of the activity of G.M. Malenkova largely shows the progress of the modernization of the region, the correction of distortions in the social and economic structure. Zokrem, the taxes on the special officer of the main village court were cut off, it was allowed to increase the garden plots, the collective workers took away passports and the right to freely transfer the country, the fence on the foreign press was cut off.

In the spring of 1953, with the initiative of Malenkov, a decree was adopted that replaced wines with party officials. The growth in the production of goods for the population has largely outweighed the growth in the production of production facilities; People's goods began to appear in stores.

In 1957, most members of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPRS, together with Malenkov, Kaganovich, and Molotov, tried to push Khrushchev out of power.

The product was tested, which is why the Minister of Defense G.K.


At the Chernev (1957) Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPRS, Malenkov was named for anti-party activities by the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPRS and members of the Central Committee of the CPRS. On June 5, 1957, the head of the Minister of the USSR and the Minister of Power Plants was released from prison. After this, Malenkov was appointed director of the GES in Ust-Kamenogorsk.

Through the river, he was transferred by the director of the thermal power station in Yekibastuz, after spending ten years.

In 1961, Malenkov was excluded from the ranks of the CPRS. They were allowed to return to Moscow only in 1968, after retiring. G.M.

Malenkov from 30 rubles 1941 to the first warehouse of the State Defense Committee (DKO) of the USSR under the leadership of I.V. Stalin. As a member of the DKO, Malenkov served on a number of special commissions on the major fields of the Radian-German front - Volkhovsky, Stalingradsky, Central and others.

So, in the spring of 1941 the fate was near Leningrad, in the spring of 1941 it was near Moscow, in the spring of 1942 it was near Stalingrad.

1943 by decree for the sake of the People's Commissars of the Union of the Russian Socialist Republic Malenkov G.M.


military title

"Lieutenant General"

Chief executive officer of DKO member G.M. Malenkov

The Red Army was equipped with pilots, and they successfully recovered from these high-level tasks, which played an important role in the well-established production of combat pilots.

After death 5 Bereznya 1953 I.V.

Stalin, 6 Bereznya 1953 rock G.M.

Malenkov's head was robbed for the sake of the Ministers of the SRSR and the Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPRS, and the head of the Union of Radian Socialist Republics, on 15 February 1953 at the session of the Supreme Council for the sake of the SRSR.

Head of the Ministry of the SRSR G.M.

Malenkov was inspired by L.P.’s encouragement.

Beria, after which there continued to be arrests, and then executions.

At the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPRS, which took place on June 2-7, 1953, the speech “About the evil, anti-party and anti-power actions of Beria” was discussed, Malenkov was a witness.

After this, the ditty spread among the people:

Georgy Maximilianovich Malenkov died on June 14, 1988.

Pokhovany near Moscow on Kuntsevsky District.

Malenkov Georgy Maksimilianovich (December 26, 1901, Orenburg – January 14, 1988, Moscow), party and government activist, lieutenant general (1943), Hero of the Socialist Party (September 1943).
Sin serviceman.

Having started at the Moscow Higher Technical School named after N.E. Bauman (not finishing). In 1919, he joined the Red Army, a police officer in a squadron, regiment, brigade, and the police department of the Skhodny and Turkestan fronts.

In the spring of 1944, at a public meeting in the Kremlin, there was talk about the “Jewish problem”, advocating “increasing the consumption rate”, after which the recognition of Jews in high positions was very important.

Since March 18, 1946, member of the Politburo (since 1952 – Presidium) of the Central Committee.

At the hour of the opening after the war, Stalin’s new purge of party and military cadres Malenkov was removed from the post of deputy on March 19, 1946.

After the death of Stalin on 5 February 1953, Malenkov, having lived with L.P.

Berieyu, V.M.

We are hammering away at the SRSR order and planting their heads for the sake of the ministers who have so far embraced Stalin.

It’s true, on the 14th of March, there will be confusion about the imprisonment of the Secretary of the Central Committee.

  • In the spring of 1953 transferring control over the party apparatus to Khrushchev.
  • By encouraging others in the fight against Beria, without interfering with the process of de-Stalinization of the marriage.
  • Ale against the growth of the influx of Khrushchev, he did not hesitate to write a sheet about the recognition of his pardons and representation for the state of the rural state, 02/09/1955, having spent the posad before.
  • Radmin was demoted to intercessor.
  • Suddenly he was appointed as the Minister of Power Plants of the USSR.
  • Khrushchev's policy, which attracted criticism, spontaneously encouraged Malenkov, having merged with L.M.
  • Kaganovich and V.M. We are molotoving to launch a campaign to fight against Khrushchev. Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine N. S. Khrushchov from the RRFSR to the warehouse of the Ukrainian RSR.
  • 1954 – the USSR launched the first nuclear power plant in the world.
  • 1955 - criticism of Malenkov and his removal from the planting of the Head for the sake of the Ministers of the SRSR.


  • R.K. Balandin, “Malenkov.
  • The third leader of the Krajina Rad”, view.

Viche, 2007

R. A. Medvedev, The stench left Stalin.

Politvidav, 1990 r.

It was impossible for him to get involved at the top of power in the USSR The political biography of Georgy Maksimilianovich Malenkov (1902-1988) is a phenomenal collection of gold and money. From the title of Hero of the Socialist Pracia (b. 1943) “for special services in strengthening the production of aircraft and motors among important minds during the war” to the “firing” calls “in moral integrity” for military “inconsistencies” in the aviation industry.

The official title, in essence, of Stalin’s defender before the exclusion from the CPRS in 1962, and in his party, under the leadership of Molotov and Shipilov, was never renewed.

Unfortunately, in the cruel year of 1955, Malenkov was forced to sacrifice the position of the head of the Radyansky order to Mikola Bulganin, the “temporary ally” of Mikita Khrushchev.

And two fates later, after an obviously late and recent attempt to overtake power, the ex-offensive, at that time the Union Minister of Power Plants, and there were always withdrawals from the Central Committee warehouse and “sentries” to Ust-Kamenogorsk.

Radiologists following Josip Broz Tito confirm that Malenkov has no intention of losing power, having shown himself to be insufficiently accomplished in the apparatus struggle.

This is more plausible, in our opinion, and the situation at the top is not unusual.

For Stalin, Malenkov spent 12 years in the “selection” of the party nomenklatura, the entire personnel service of the Central Committee, and miraculously knew who was what. Having been an accomplished employee, he was able to work many moves ahead, and he also had a phenomenal memory. But, first of all, the special achievements of the leaders played a lesser role in the world’s emergence from the “cult.”

In another way, the peculiarity of the formation of the Radyansky synclite in the post-Stalin period is due to the fact that all potential leaders: Semichastny, Shelepin, and later Katushev - became victims of rather powerful looks, rather than political ambitions ій. Malenkov appeared first among the lower rulers of the land that did not rise (behind the Great Rakhunko).”, de going through mass terrorism.

At the current plenum, Malenkov gave a speech “About the shortcomings of the party organization due to the communists from the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks),” and in 1938, he gave a speech “About peregins.”

Together with Beria, Malenkov took part in the arrest of M. Yezhov, who was arrested in Malenkov’s office.

The physical liquidation of the 1949-1950s of the rich party and government ceramics of the Pivnichno-Zakhod RRFSR and, as a result, “Leningrad on the right”, eliminated competitors who could lay claim to power in post-Stal nsky SRSR.

Malenkov, who was the leader of the attack, dealt with it, otherwise he, like Khrushchev, suffered a fatal fate.

And not only Stalin’s representatives, perhaps, but also the leading ones, one might say, “careers” of the former head of the Derzhplan of the SRSR, Mikola Voznesensky, and other militants from Leningrad (Kuznya) Tsov, Rodioniv, Popkov et al.).

The internal party struggle - as it was then - was waged mainly on poverty.

In the middle of 1957, it was not Khrushchev, but Malenkov, who had the opportunity to explain this drive at the plenum of the Central Committee;

General A.V.

Gorbatov (1891-1973) deprived of information to testify about Malenkov’s authority among the military.

In the middle of spring 1942, at the headquarters of the Don Front, created with the initiative of Malenkov, such a rozmova appeared.

“Tell me, comrade Gorbatov, why did we stumble on Volz?”

- Asks from a military general.

Starting from this, he suggests with ignorant phrases, and then, having believed the spyvrozmovnik, move on to the essence of the speeches: “The main reason for the failure is that we do not have enough qualified personnel... The imprisonment of commanders and more y people are honest, honest, but uninformed.

This war will not be corrected for a short time, but will be aggravated by a small selection of people.

Between them, it seemed, there was nothing special, most likely neither in the approach to high nutrition nor in particular behavior.

Beria will be rude, we will get into swearing.

During the entire war, Malenkov never felt a harsh word.

Their personalities were clearly changing, and I never wondered why there was any friendship between these people?”

In 1943, as a representative of the DKO on the Central Front, Malenkov took an active part in the preparation of the Battle of the Kursk River, delving into all the details of the upcoming operation and its logistical and technical support.

This will remain a front-line assignment.

Following this export, at the end of the same month, there were a lot of strategic projects in the economy, which contributed to the further industrialization of production and exports, accelerating its restructuring Iyu.

On the other hand, the new pre-Soviet actively advocated the development of galouzes that would produce household goods; for expanding the scope of services, considering the need to weaken the “collectivization” regime of the rural state. On the cob of linden in 1953, the Minister of Finance of the SRSR Arseniy Zverev sent Malenkov a draft of a new law on state benefits.

The additional note, from the source, explained: “the average size of the social security tax for the USSR for 1941-1952.

from 198 to 528 rubles (at current prices), that is 2.7 times.

That same day, the 8th sickle, the state budget was praised – according to the relevant notes.

Newly, a deficit appeared, which became 10% - 50 billion rubles.

Moreover, in the 1953 budget, it was planned to spend twice as much on defense, and the deficit was planned to be replenished by the “ordering” of trade, in simpler terms - to slow down the regular “Stalinist” reductions in sovereign prices (once again This one was in the spring of 1954).

At the same time, the plan for the fifth five-year period, which began in 1951, turned to the bark of light and grub industry.

Since 1953, with the initiative of Malenkov, the military-industrial complex enterprises have stopped printing the production of household goods.

What became obligatory, later lost the name “conversion” and lasted until the collapse of the USSR.

The English historian Andrew Hobart rightfully appreciates that “Stalin, having allowed all his “successful followers” ​​to demonstrate independent initiative, and the “Leningrad right” transferred them from their surrogate caretakers and any kind of independent work.

Ale Khrushchov appeared as the “master” of the struggle for power.

Therefore, Malenkov, Bulganin, and Molotov did not risk going against Khrushchev’s apparent testimony against Stalin.

That’s why they immediately decided to try to get Khrushchev out of jail as the first secretary.”

Such a thought is of no use.

Leaders of Yugoslavia and Sunset spoke out at the time that Malenkov and Molotov openly spoke about the infliction of wrongful harm not for the sake of defense, but for the prestige of the USSR.

Naturally, these factors played their role in the residual “throwing away” of the first head of Stalin to the order.

From the linden of 1957, Malenkov was taken away from Moscow - the director of the Ust-Kamenogorsk Hydroelectric Power Plant (at a birthday meeting in Kazakhstan). Since 1960, he has been recognized as the director of the thermal power plant in Yekibastuz. It is noticeable that these power plants began to operate more successfully, and social services for workers, service workers and their families were quickly improved there.

Which, obviously, propelled Malenkov’s popularity to such a high level.

According to the testimony of Donna Volya Malenkova, “the father at the Ust-Kamenogorsk hydroelectric power station rose to demonstrate the whole place - with ensigns, his portraits.

And so that there would be no conflict with this demonstration, they pushed us into the steppe, transferred us to a car and brought us off-road to the place.” for expanding the scope of services, considering the need to weaken the “collectivization” regime of the rural state. On the 1st May and 7th the leaves fell in white Budinka, where Malenki lived in Ust-Kamenogorsk, and then in Ekibastuz large groups of people gathered and walked along the street with his portraits.

On tsyomu in

political biography

Malenkov, a Mao-style bureaucrat, with a photographic memory and keen nose for heresy, was comparable to General Secretary Stalin.

Preparing to give up, Malenkov, over the course of eight years of 18 years, began to memorize the memory: once upon a time, Stalin’s diet about the production of steel in 1926 is as accurate as about the number of party members in Bilo Russia. Promote your ruler by remembering. He is the ideal type of intelligent and yet dedicated functionary to his boss. U vyinu vin buv meanings State Committee

defense, Stalin's command headquarters, responsible for the production of flights and to the greatest order at least once at the front.

After the war, Malenkov became a member of the Politburo and the intercessor of the head of the Ministers of Stalin. for expanding the scope of services, considering the need to weaken the “collectivization” regime of the rural state. You need something more than that.

At the end of the party in 1952, the party entrusted him with reading the main testimony, thereby calling him their champion. In the coming spring, the tyrant died, and Malenkov, having voiced his first farewell proclamation, his trusted comrades elected him to their heads for the sake of the Ministers.).

Khrushchov, having approved Malenkov’s revisionist program and enforced it until Stalin’s condemnation at the 20th century of the advancing party, against which the old fighters fought, who united around Malenkov, they wanted... inlet 1 957 rub. Most of the Politburo will bring down Khrushchev.

The rest of the Central Committee and the defeat of the Stalinists.

On the 14th of today Malenkov died and the Christian rites were celebrated far from the Kremlin wall...” For information from ZMI, near the village of Semenivskoye, 150 kilometers from Moscow, there is the Church of St. George the Victorious, where the riddle about those who perished near the Great Vitchyznyana is set. The temple was designed by the architect Volya Georgiyevna Malenkova, and painted by the artist Petro Stepanov, onuk of Georgiy Maksimianovich.

Andriy Malenkov, son of the party

sovereign figure

, Doctor of Biological Sciences, says in his book: “It is more important to put before the church, as far as I understand, it was not superb to the sovereign manifestations of my father.

Religion, my father, has more people to eat, and less to eat.
In connection with these thoughts, let’s talk about an episode that at one time shook me deeply and left me with me for the rest of my life.
It was on the 7th of June 1988, near the Holy Day of Christ.
There was another heavy pause, and then there was a short reply: “Yes, I respect you like that.”
These words sounded like it was not easy, but it was necessary.”