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What does viraz kіn pedal mean. Kіn pedal. A gift for Vodohrescha. Grandmothers from a remote village did not let us go to the police

Kіn pedal

Mriya radianskih children. The history of virobnitstva.

Kіn pedal.
Tsya konyachka is known to be rich, whose childishness has passed in the SRSR. Pedal kіn, yak і raznomanіtnі pedalnі avto, bv mrієyu bagatioh radyanskih children.

Such horses in the SRSR from the 50s to the 80s were let out at a number of factories of the defense and metalworking complex at the line of goods of the national economy. For example, at the Moscow plant "Salyut" and at the Omsk aviation plant "Polit".

In the 70-80s, the price of a toy bula was 21 rubles. 50 kop. (The average salary is 80-120 rubles.)

Few people could afford to buy a similar toy. Then in the rich parks you can rent a brandy or a pedal car. The truth is, the rolling units are far from being in a good state, so the bagats in the memory lost no more damage to the rolling stock.

Write that the cognac was terribly clumsy, unsteady and creaky. Therefore, navit vinik such a viraz "pedal throw" means, to put it mildly, people's mind is tight.

I remember how much I remember, I was rightly folded, lower by a pedal car, then, like a cognac, I was touching my legs, and then I was right. Tse yelled in the slaughterhouse.

It appears that the "pedal kick" is not a rozrobka of the Radian engineering minds, but a direct touch of the English Victorian horses-goydalok. Axis so.

In England, this model of velo-cognac appeared on the cob of the 50s of the last century and is small Nizefella. In honor of the horse - the legend of British film sports, the yak repeatedly overcame kankura in the 40s and 50s. The truth of the name of the metal cognac is not small for anything with its prototype. The real roll was dark (sweet for all the black suit), and the toy pickers made their horse light, because. such a color used to be popular with buyers, it was overturned by rocks on wooden fronts.

Well, let's go in order.

Until the 1970s, the largest British toy maker firm G&J Lines, like in the Victorian era it became famous for its wooden goydal horses.

Until the beginning of the twentieth century, there was already a large factory, in the range of horses like krіm, carriages, bicycles, soft toy, lyalki, etc.

At the dawn of the last century of horses on the streets of the city, embossed cars began to run, and they picked up toys.

Pedal baby car factory began production in the 20-30s (the same products were under the Tri-ang brand). First of all, the models were made from a wooden case, then we made the production of stamped metal models.

The wooden horses continued the vipuskati. For the English, it’s a cult toy and it’s so easy to change it to a newfangled car, the stench was ready. Ale after Another light war on aphids, drink on toys, which zbіlshivsya (slavic baby boom and the appearance of the stage of Nimechchini, as the main competitor in the field of toy production), there was a need to vote on the assembly line. Stamped metal toys were the simplest in production, low wood. The horse was made with metal, taking as a basis the technology of making pedal cars. Manes and tails from natural kinsk hair were replaced with lithium gum elements.
This is how the metal goydal horse appeared Nizefella.
Photo from the book “The rocking horse” by Patricia Mullins:

The legs of the metal brandies were stamped around the body and then screwed on with bolts. The support, as it turns out, was so metal itself.

Then, on the basis of the body of the boulder, a model of a big cognac with a visor (the very same "pedal throw") was made.

In England, this model was not long released. The G&J Lines factory tried to keep pace with the hour and constantly updated its product range.

I don’t have any information, like horses got drunk in the SRSR. Imovirno, that the technology was introduced and possessed and introduced at a few factories in the country, they were released into the body until the beginning of the 90s. Cognacs, which were produced in the 50s and 60s, still have design elements that are typical for their English prototypes - wheels with metal spokes, a black seat with a blue outline.

The horses of a badly worn out, to which they lie and my life, even more plastic wheels, less detailing of the smoothing of the case through the stamping of old forms and a simpler zabarvlennya (black seat).

in Kin pedal ...

Kіn pedal
And tsya mythical istota, illegitimate cousin of the centaur and tyanitolka, vinykla iz pragnennya radyanskoy craftsmanship to give everything best to children. Best bright mind boules will be thrown at those to create the ideal hybrid of cognac on wheels with a bicycle. The mutant took off the official name "pedal kick" and, for example, the 1950s, the launches of the mass production.

Children and fathers were in ecstasy. Ride on the horse, resoundingly kicking with their feet, the Ditlakhs could not: they respected the pedals that they erased. And it didn’t work to turn the pedals hard and kostrobaty - a light child could tighten the distance into a sprat of meters, after which it sounded safely fell, because the design didn’t suffer from a stalk. Through the rock of a rock, the horse-breeders of madness would recognize their fiasco, and the pedal kick from the counters, but forever lost in the memory of the people.

Look like a Latin word that means "vіvtsya". Why did this peaceful creature become a symbol of great success? To that, for successful military leaders and others, who committed great heroic deeds, the Romans adopted the power of "triumphs" - parade walks with obov'yazkovym sacrifices. Under the hour of the great triumph they stabbed the bugs, and under the hour of the small (for a little less reach) under the bottom, they left the vivtsy.

Not in my own way
Tsey viraz, having become so zvichnym and understand, that this wondrous sense does not seem to be noticed by those who sing it. But in due time, about 150 years ago, it made a lot of noise. All the illumination of Moscow and St. Petersburg's society roared over the unfortunate translator, who, having taken up a fashionable French novel, had scribbled a bunch of pardons there. Navit with such a broadened view, like "n" etre pas dans son assiete "(" not in the powerful yoma of the camp "), having contrived to confuse similar words - "stand" and "plate" і, without becoming particularly thoughtful about it, what happened , Virishiv, scho zіyde i so.

Dr. Ferdinand Justus Christian Loder, who opened the beginning of the 19th century in Moscow with the “mortgage of piece mineral waters”, obviously, having thrived on success, and yet the silliness outdone the nasmilivishi of yoga ochіkuvannya. Coachmen and lackeys, who for three years minted their ladies, who lay under parasols in chaise lounges with kitchens of mineral water, made a word that would accurately describe the vain fortune-teller. “From the very noon of the ledar they’re banging,” — zіthali stench one to one, and snuggled kudlatі beards that were soaked in sweat.

The word "tragedy" means "song of the goats". IN Ancient Greece tragedies were called the p'esi of the divine zmist, as they were accompanied by ledges of the choir, put into masks, which depicted the heads of these divine artiodactyls. Before the speech, the sum total of these p'sakh could not be brought to the fore, although, obviously, the gods were not brought to the good of the heroes. So, vreshti-resht, the word "tragedy" began to mean shchos on kshtalt: "At the same time, a sea of ​​blood spills, everyone suffers for a long time, and then they died in terrible agony."

The word appeared on the cob of the 19th century, after the Napoleonic campaign. The remnants of the French army, as you know, stepped along the Smolensk road, freed up any kind of post. They took care of themselves - for the money they earned on the dovkolishni of the village. Moreover, they rarely attacked from behind: it is not easy for frost-bitten hands in a hungry madder to wade through the scythes. To that, before the inhabitants of the city, they turned timidly and affectionately: “Mon cher ami! Dear friend, why don’t you find something to chew in you, for all people - take it and really want to! "Sher amig" Abiyak was prepared, and you went off together, populating the expanses of our country with a new miraculous viraz.

Give me two!
Phrase, yaku stay rocky everyone who doesn’t molt, twirl at the tail and mane, it’s true, if it’s like a familiar anecdote, which would sound like this:

- Girl, what about you now with porcelian kisya with whiskey?
- Tse n_yaka is not mushy, but Marshal Semyon Mikhailovich Budionniy!
- Fuck! Give me two!

Let's turn to our sheep
Tsіy frazі 537 rocіv. In 1469, the famous middle-class farce "Lawyer P'er Patlen" was first staged. The plot of the farce is notoriously entangled (for those wines and a farce), but the central part is the scene in the courtroom. To judge a person suspected that she stole a flock of sheep from her patron, prote judge's eyes are constantly getting confused, through those that all the participants are welded, scandalous and ringing one of one in different sins. So the court should be told ten times to repeat the phrase: Revenons a nos moutons! - "So let's turn to our rams!"

Durny yak cork
Why a cork is stupid for a fork, a chest of drawers, or, let's say, ontognoseology, you can explain more than that high-working hulk, who knows the order in a full, unrestricted version, which sounds like this: “Bad as a cork, where you put it - there and wash it.” The end of the tsієї already rozpovsyudzhenої phrases step by step ceased to move (now? And so you know what they gave there) and scrambled to the point that now they don’t remember anything, through which the cork was so depicted.

Cats and Vasi are not up to anything here, wanting to see quiet and others, sometimes there is a lot of noise and inaccuracies. For Russian ears, the word is the most ancient adventure: get out of the Greek language, dragging straight from the church service. Tse means “convergence” and describes the moment when, in certain urochist services, two choirs (klirosi) descend from their places near the center of the temple, they are angry in one and singly congregate with sleep. After a long rehearsal, the convergence didn’t always go smoothly, so it’s not surprising that “cataclysm” began to mean a swindler, a bedlam and a swindler.

Live until the fun
That you yourself can live until the wedding - no one remembers anymore. A darma. The fact that you don’t get ready for the wedding is a medically established fact. And yet this anatomical moment was invisible to the unillumined peasant pannochka, as if the lads let loose and whispered words in the ear, trying to lure the villagers to the sleigh. Before the speech, “nothing, everything grows up” - from those operas, and not about the evil hands and feet.

Fly like plywood over Paris
On the cob of this sailing from France, there was an action - the flight of the airship "Flaner" over Paris. At that hour, whether or not such a plan was supported by numerous newspaper comments, so for a few days the light of day was stalking for the share of "Flaner" and having discussed it for the evening teas. The device was safely flooded and forgotten, and the axis of the viraz was lost. True, the shards already didn’t remember anything about the kind of “Flaner”, then they turned a bunch of wines, pretending to be “Flaner”, and then here we put in the letter “l”. As a result, there is a new image that praises, revealing its riddle - “plywood over Paris”.

To this slang slang, schonaimshe, three thousand rokiv. The very Russian guards fed the Russian guards at Christ that yoga of the apostles, since the Aramaic word means “paper”, “documents”. And it came to the Russian slang for the help of enlightenment of the Jewish bandits and shakhraiv, as on the cob of the XX century they became a part of the criminal world of Odessa and Kiev. Jewish pohozhennya (from Yiddish and Hebrew) may have started close to 10 words of a thieves vocabulary - for example, "boy", "shmon", "shmot", "nix", "raspberry", "blat", "slop".

Hunger is not a titka
And I can renew my butt of that, yak, having cut the tail, they forget everything about it. Why not a titka, but why not an uncle? And to the one who, in general, looks like the phrase is small enough to make sense: "Hunger is not a titka, a pie is not a pie." Tobto on the face of a soft-hearted woman-relatives, like a redhead, that pidgodu, hunger does not know the ease of life.

Get rid of your nose
Why zalishitis with a bad nose? Better without a nose, what? No, the creators of this phraseology were not fanatics of beznosnosti. Just 300 years ago, if vin vinik, the word "nіs" is not much more than one meaning, as for the importance of mayzhe, the main one was not sacrificed. It meant “swag”, “offering”, that is, those without which it was impossible to set foot in today’s Russia (that and not only in today’s Russia). Like a person, like a swag, didn’t mind trusting an official, there, obviously, she got drunk with her nose and looked at his drive unimportantly.

Behind the Hamburger Rakhunk
IN for example XIX- At the beginning of the 20th century, the world was suffocated by the lihomania of the French wrestling. At all circuses, the other was seen by the strong men in swarthy tights, until the public was swamped with gusto they carried one face along the thyrsus, winking over all the wonders of the reception: suples, rulada, tour de bra, nelson, parterre. Champions were popular for spivakiv, actors and princes; the names of Piddubny, Bull and Van Ril, knowing a skin child, what you respect yourself, is older than three years. And the axis about those that the whole struggle was a successful fiction for the kshtalt of modern wrestling, few people knew. Scenarios of battles were written in advance, and the type of action was far more important for the sport. The impresario wrestlers sold the tournament results of their contributions; And once more on the river the best wrestlers went to Hamburg, rented their own arena and secretly, mayzhe under the cover of night, fought in fair fights, who was really the best of them, and who was simply turned into a husband of a lyalka.

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    On the middle of a working day, a call. Colleagues pass the phone, moving, for you, for toys.

    - You know, I read an article in the newspaper about toys, - it seems to be a dart in that province. – I guessed that on the robots in the garages there was a rock-goydalka of the 60s. Do you need?

    Wow! I don’t need me) We’re moving, like de zustrіtisya, to take the horse.

    - I've misinterpreted, - hasten to add the man. - Spravzhnє radianske zalizo, do not be there China.

    - Zalizo?

    - So, kіn - zalizny.

    I hang for a second, but then I immediately come osyayannya:

    - Throw white? With a visa?

    - That's a pedal kick!

    – Ha-ha-ha… How did you say?

    - Kіn pedal. You do not think, I will not weld. Tse vin is so called!

    Offendedly, we rush after the horse ... Immediately, the wines stand at my house, by the corridor. There is nothing to say at home - at the light shotsi (zvichny camp). All that I have caught up with is the growth of a kіlka znіmkіv vrantsі today, getting to work.

    The horse has a waste. I have lost my life. I in the tail, and in the mane.

    From history (found on the Internet)

    Dosit often tse stupid word-of-mouth get used to a person, guided by his narrow-minded mind, stupidity and stupidity. For example, a man’s squad sent for bread, and he turned back drunk, without a penny and without bread - well, who wins after that? Short-lived fool and ledar, pedal kіn.

    And in the meantime, the pedal throw is a completely real character of the Radian's history of "playing a game". Yogo was constructed at the top of the defense industry at the 50th anniversary of the last century, at the top of the order to give everything the best to children. The idea was like this - to eat in one version the popular cognac on the wheels and the super-deficit for that hour a child's bicycle. The product was named "Pedal Kіn".

    Mechanism buv hіba scho jockey vіzok іz harnessed by a new horse - the miniature, zvіsno. One wheel was under the horse’s breasts, two more lifted the “day”. Whatever suits the “pedals” were let out, now it’s important to install - copies that have reached our times, as a rule, have been repeatedly refurbished, kind of slick.

    The child-loving buyers came to a halt, and then fell into a stupor. The new unit is chic in appearance, but absolutely not functional. Ride on a new one, sounding in the earth with their feet, the little ones could not - they respected the pedals, which erased the hurt on the sides. You couldn’t turn the pedals either - the stench was too tight, that one was pushed far in front of the improvised seat. The greatest nazniks forcibly added a sprat of meters, after which, without strength, they fell all the way to the bottom at once with a horse - through the lack of perfection of the arched design. І tse on smooth asphalt! What else can you say about other roads, important routes and for right transport with right, not pedal horses.

    Through a sprinkling of rocks, the toy was nevertheless taken from the shop - the “horse buddies” recognized their fiasco, and the “pedals” appeared from the counters of the shops. And the name itself “went to the people”, becoming one of the symbols of human stupidity.

    From history
    Yogo was constructed at the top of the defense industry at the 50th anniversary of the last century, at the top of the order to give everything the best to children. The idea was like this - to eat in one version the popular cognac on the wheels and the super-deficit for that hour a child's bicycle. The product was named "Pedal Kіn". The unit is chic in appearance, but not well-known functional. For a sprat of rock, they took a toy from virobnitstv - "horse buddies" recognized their fiasco, and "pedal" appeared from the counters of shops.

    Retro cars are gaining more and more popularity over time. Recently. Today the hero of the publication is a collector from Kazan. De shukati such a rarity, and skilki tse cost - in our material.

    13 pedal cars, on which the lads and girls rode for hours of the SRSR, are the largest exhibits of the great collection of car models, as if they had reached their 24th birthday Roman Shitov. Roma himself, after a century, didn’t get to ride on the Radian pedal cars, about which it’s too bad, but he didn’t start up youma intimidate them with biased kohanny. The lad dream of becoming the Volodar of the toy "Moskvich" of the first series, if you had a prick at your father.

    Like and be like a normal boy, Roma Shitov from childhood loving cars. Youmu especially liked the collection models, which were worn in long ranks on the police.

    - I'm picking them up already over the last years. He stained them with his mustache pennies, - the collector of the correspondents of "Vechirnyoї Kazan" rose.

    Today, Roman can boast of a fleet of 300 miniature models: there are retro cars, all products of the Radyansk auto industry, and buses. Of particular value are rare exhibits, which are hard to find here on foreign sites. Boy friends know that the best present for a new one is a black car.

    Okrim collection models from Roman є sim іg іrshkovih metal vantageіvok radianskogo period, pіdёmniy crane а ekskavator.

    - And once I looked at the family album and on one of the photos I made my dad a child - I sat at the toy pedal "Moskvich" of the first series. Rapt for myself virishiv, that in me obov'yazkovo will be such a machine. From that hour, having started її jokes, it’s necessary to buy other pedal games - I have a bunch of brandy cars.

    When looking for exhibitors for his collection, Roman goes to flea markets, regularly browsing the Internet and thematic sites of collectors, deaking cars and wines, uryatuvav vіd reprocessing at the points of acceptance of metal goods. "Murders" camp іgrashok mastrovitoy lad do not lakaє - vіn lovingly vіdnovlyuєєєєє, breathing in the pedal horses that car new life.

    - The pedal car is expensive. The price of depositing without any damage will become a rarity: without repair it is about 1,500 - 7,000 rubles, with repair it is more expensive, - the young collector explains. - And for an hour it’s like this, that for the Vlasniks the machine is not just a dirty moth, but a memory, you’re ready to stink apart for such a rich fortune, I’ll mean a lot for a big sum ... I’m a radium, why my fathers with roses are put up to such a hobby. Batko helps to restore the car - our love is busy with him, to which we dedicate evenings and holidays.

    Roman Shitov publishes photographs of the updates of the “Lastivkas” in the social media. In Kazan, you share your childish photographs with the collector, the girls ride on pedal cars, and in good faith.

    - All these roses are even more similar - there are stories about those, how generations of one and the same generation caught a ride on typewriters: a bunch of children, then onuks, and then they threw the toys on the hills and in the commissaries, because the stench was not needed by anyone, - it seems . – It’s a pity, I didn’t catch these cars myself, but I had a chance to ride on them with children’s rocks ... At the same time, I regularly find propositions about photoshoots for children on these cars - maybe, you need to take a look at them. Let my toys be quiet for the new generation of Kazantsev.

    Before speech, the whole "Moskvich" of the first series Roma is known recently. It's true, buy yoga while there is no possibility - the master of the toy wants more than 25 thousand rubles for it. Ale, the collector cannot save up and buy.

    - Did you get the horses of the stars?

    - Cognacs are the same pedal cars, they just look different. When the stench goes, the front and back legs begin to collapse.

    Cognacs and cars belong to the same class of pedal cars produced by the Radyansk Union. If I rozshukuvav pedal cars, starting to run into the cognac. From і vyrishiv, why not add them to your collection?

    - Do you use your collection or won't you just stand there?

    - Collectors from other places often propagate to take part in different exhibitions at the same time with their collections, but after learning that work for me, it’s a great pity, I can’t at the same time.

    Axis zovsim recently phoned unknown person And having said that I saw a place for my cars at the auto show, I see it near Kazan. Propositions about hiring for children in these cars are constantly needed.

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