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Get a work schedule form for a month. How to put together your good and cheap arrangement of tidying up

you need

  • - Decree of professional split;
  • - labor contract;
  • - Internal regulations;
  • - chart form;
  • - Pen.


Make a schedule of robotic guards for the skin summer period. Take advantage of one month of work during the sunny period. When folding the schedule, insure the thought of the trade union committee of that same spokesman.

When folding the schedule, insure Article 94 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Whenever your organization pays wages in the form of a working hour for the summer period, then you have the right to lay down any kind of schedule. For example, a skin caretaker can work for 24 years, but if he works, he can be at least 48 years old. For the uninterrupted protection of the business, you will have to take 3 guards.

If you have set a working schedule for 24 years of work and 72 years of repair, then you will have to take 4 watchmen.

Having set the schedule for 8 years, so that the triple order of work, 3 watchmen will protect the undertaking for the profit of work. The leather watchman, zgidno with labor legislation, can work no more than 6 days per day, so that you happen to receive 1 or 2 replacement workers.

Can you install a 12 year old I work change. Zgіdno z TC with a 12-year working day, a working hour cannot exceed 40 years for a week. That is why the legislator allows the robot to be stagnant, whether it be a work schedule, the head of the robot was scolded with a repair, the validity of which cannot be less than 42 years for a day (Article 110 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Insertions schedule ohm a break for resignation and accepting it for trivality may buti from pivdini to two years. Regulate the normative number of working years per month according to the date of the Labor calendar for the day. If it is actual to exceed the norm, pay the years of rework as above the norm in the end of the working period.

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Article 103, part 3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes obov'yazkove uzgodzhennya razroblennaya change schedule representative body practitioners. Call the committee of profspilok. As there is no yoga at your undertaking, it is necessary to create such an organ - Rada of Practitioners.


  • change schedule for 2017

On certain undertakings of an uninterrupted virobnichesky cycle, it is quiet, the activity of such duties is tied to the vital duties of the services, the essential need for the work of the personnel change. It is allowed to be regulated by Article 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Vіdpovіdno pіdpovіdno until legislation schedule change, uzgodzhenim from the representative body of spivrobitnikiv.


If you have blamed the need to change the regime of work and entrepreneurship and transfer yoga to a change of work, then it is necessary to complete everything legally competently, the shards of this are connected with the change of minds of the workers. Whoever wants to make changes to the employment contract, fight for the good of the parties. Tse means that it is necessary to arrange changes with the committee of trade unions, or be some other representative body of servicemen.

Vіdpovidno to article 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the number of working shifts can be set 2, 3 or 4. Vіdpovіdno, the number of times they can be 12, 8 or 6 years. Change, trivality for 24 years, superechat the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Vіdpovіdno to the specifics of technological processes in your business, depending on the degree of change will be optimal for you. Once again, set up an oblіkovy period, at the end of which, the balance of the working hour and the day of work will be safe - day, month, quarter, river.

At the schedule of obov'yazkovo rebatch the order of the second practitioner when the cob is completed, change the procedure for transferring that second practitioner in case of non-appearance of the replacement.

When the schedule is folded, it is necessary to protect the number of obov'yazkovyh authorities, which are enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. So, the valority of a short-term uninterrupted repair of a worker can be no less than 42 years old, and the valority of a repair between two men change and may be no less than the subvincial trivality of the change.

Vrahuyte, scho krim vipadkiv, obumovlenyh Art. 96 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the triviality of the night change is restored 1 year less. At pre-Svyatkov days, the rule is the same, although the technology of production does not allow such a short period of time, the practitioner may have the right to an additional hour of payment, or an additional payment like for a work above the norm.

Set the schedule for interruption for repair and injury for skin changes. Vznachte s urahuvannyam yogo kіlkіst actual working years, scho pripadat skin pracіvnik stretching out for a month. Pay off the working hour normatively before the production calendar for the work day. If there is a fact of remanufacturing, then that's all above-normal annual owing to buti insured in the end of the oblіkovogo period and paid as above norm.

The caretaker - for hiring a spivrobitnik, a profession that can be classified as a savage classifier and does not have a year to protect, as if they practice for the presence of a license, which allows viroblyat zbraynu protection of the enterprise. For the watchman, you can set up a working schedule, if you want to lie in the minds assigned to the employment contract, and then pay the fee according to the tariff rates 016-94.

you need

  • - calculator chi program 1C;
  • - work schedule.


Tell the salary to the watchman at the hour of the execution of the employment contract. Vіdpovіdno until the decision of the State Committee 58/3-102 and the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation 15А you can install the salary of the watchman or the annual tariff rate.

You can set the watchman's work schedule for 24 years, 12 years or 8 years. Rozrahunok salary vibrate to sweeping rules, going out of the wild number of years of practice for a month.

If the caretaker works at night change, if until the Labor Code of the Russian Federation they begin at 22 and end at 6, then add 20% to the gross income, as it is not otherwise assigned to internal legal acts of entrepreneurship.

For the work in the Russian Holy Days, work under the payment regardless of the schedule of the work of the watchman. As if the spіvrobіtnik hung the letter of the bazhannya to take the responsibility for the dependent payment of the additional day off, then pay for the labor at the holy days to work at the single rosemіrі.

For example, if the watchman takes the annual tariff rate from 100 rubles for one year of work, then pay for the entire working year from the night change, multiply by 100 and 20%. Okremo zdіysnіt rozrahunok pay for denni zmіni. If the calculation of working years exceeded the total norm in a working month, if there were a number of working days in that month, multiplied by 8, then all the years of rework will be multiplied by 200 rubles.

Even the requested and necessary visualization of statistical and other numerical data. Really, nothing can show the numerical sequence in such a direct and subtle way, like an old time schedule. Diagrams literally chew on a “dry” table; In this article, there is a question about those, how to induce a schedule for the Word text editor in the current versions.

Pobudov's graphics at Word 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013

Irrespective of the often bigger lower solid age of these builds, they have all the tools for visualization of numerical data. Let's say you put together a very simple table in Word, and not to be unfounded, you could draw the data from it in front of a scientific graph or diagrams. How tse robiti?

The parameter menu has a lot of other elements, so you can familiarize yourself with them on your own.

In all designated versions of Word, the principle of creating diagrams is absolutely similar, and you are closely related to the mechanics.

How to get a schedule in Word 2016?

The most up-to-date version of the text editor Word zasobi visualization of numerical data in visual graphical diagrams were substantially improved and modified. To replace the uncanny and slightly inconspicuous with the improvement of modern technological trends and fashion trends, the charts have come with bright stylish and smooth lines of axes and trends. Now the graphs look richly thinned and hostile, and may be presentable.

What a cicavo - now the diagrams will not be exactly behind the tabular data. Now the Word engine will vibudovu the proportion of the input in the field of the table information and create a wild schedule for accumulative tribute. It is necessary to take it to the point of respect for the hour, as an aggregation of data. They gave the principle of adjusting the axes, the legends and the visual representation of the diagrams similar to those that we used in the early versions of the engine. It is important that for the final presentation of the schedule of data, it is possible to donate lightly, after which the stink will be the final look, which is shown to your efforts.

As you can't help but change, the methodology for creating graphics has nothing coherent and extraordinary. For the past 15 years, the principle of generating diagrams in Word has not changed at all, so having developed it in one version of a text editor, you can easily master this mechanic in any other release of your software product.

Ale stinks still require more explanation.

Let's for the cob zupinimisya on the right, like a day and a scooter are repeated.

The schedule for cleaning your apartment will help you save peace and tranquility in your booth, as well as pass the hour, which is victorious for victorious work, so that you do yoga.

If you care that the organization that tidying up does not show up, you will have mercy. One to deposit in another way (i navpaki). As your office of organizations, it will be easier for you to clean yoga. You feel comfortable in the new and in the yoga, if not ideal, then we clean and ohaynim. And the organization allows us to designate places for saving speeches and to vibrate the sounds of putting speeches in the center of the month. Ale, in case of any event, the organization of the problem starts (and sometimes ends) with the cleaning. In addition, it is necessary to clean up the most organized booths, among other things, to save the speeches of the organized ones.

How to make a layout for tidying up your booth

Krok No. 1: Think about how it is necessary to clean up your booth every day

Our life is going on today with a closed stake. The clothes become mundane, it is necessary to viprati, hang, stroke and tidy up again in the closet. So it goes with dishes, for example.

We want to help that, so that our budinok does not change into a milieu, so that this cycle once ceases to fade. Cats are reminiscent of brudish whiteness, the shell is like brudish dishes, just drank and brud for a while.

Unfortunately, most of us cannot afford to hire assistants around the house for the care of all the work, and we have to make the whole wheel spin by ourselves.

The picking schedule is cyclical, so. constantly and with singing periodicity, which are repeated (on the day, schotyzhnya, shomyatsya, quarterly, skin pіvrіchchya abo rіk).

I’ll tell you about the order of picking up and yogo dotrimannya є one of the best in a simple way make sure that the robots at home are clocking up every hour, but the cycle does not stop.

Obviously, you can’t do everything you need to work today. Therefore, you can have a bunch of cleaning lists:

  • shy
  • sharp
  • month-to-month
  • that seasonal cleaning schedule (for seasonal V, you can check for the quarters, pіvіchchami or on tі, yakі it is necessary to vikonuvat 1 time per river).
The most important of these charts shy and shy, To the one that the vikonanny herself is right not to allow our booth to turn into a messenger, and you will be firmly convinced that everything is under control. Itself on tsikh graphs we are immediately mentioned.

If you could reach the folded schedule, remember the most important rule - you are guilty of being realistic. You are guilty of clearly stating that you are responsible for being guilty in obligatory order on a reasonable basis. Ale pri tsiomu You are guilty buti in the name of their vikonati. If you work every day, and write yourself in the rozklad, as a scheduling appointment at the whole booth, it’s completely comfortable that your schedule is so much less than a little blue paper. Think about it, how you can do it appropriately and you can work a day, and how it’s enough to win once a day, or wind it up once a month (and so on)

Still, in order to achieve the purity of your donkey, it’s necessary for you to work more and more, you can get an hour to get assistants and share some of the unbearable obov’yazkiv on other members of your homeland.

All houses of that apartment look like one (the area, the number of rooms, their functional features), but most of them are similar. Therefore, for folding the layout of the selection, I will pronounce to you the vikoristovuvaty prepared by me templates:

Krok No. 2: create two schedules for picking up at the booth: a smart one and a smart one

In order to get a better understanding of how to correctly analyze the shortcomings and the shortcomings, I will propon you to look at the sprat of practical solutions that have already been prepared.

1. The shortest timetable for tidying up the Fly Lady system

If you don’t know more about the fly lady system, you can learn about it on the official English official website.

The axis looks like this, the balance of the layout according to the Fly-Lady system (the left hand of the day, as it is necessary to pick it up once a day, on the right, it’s the day, as it is to be picked up every day by the stretch of the day).

The day behind the fly-lady system is necessary:

  • sort out hot spots (hot spots), where rubbish is accumulated, smit that speech, as there is no need for them;
  • freshen the toilet bowl and sink;
  • wipe surfaces in the kitchen (stove for consumption);
  • vikonuvaty zavdannya Kelly.
Right now (wrap up 1 time per day) - tse (for the system fly-lady tse ЄCHU or the next day is chosen):
  • propyl sucking pidlog;
  • wipe the saw;
  • wipe the mirrors and doors;
  • tidy up the magazines (that and maybe a mustache, so that the tops are not in quiet places);
  • change bedtime whiteness;
  • throw away the smite.

A lot of homework (in the fly-ice system in the main task of Kelley (basically, they are also given seasonal and household homework, as they offer 15 hours of work per day). once a month:

  • wipe the refrigerator
  • wipe microhvilovu pich;
  • wipe the wipes and sockets;
  • imiti plinth;
  • polish furniture, etc.

The schedule for the fly-lady system lasts for a month and stays at the skin zone. In a nutshell, the whole apartment is divided into 5 zones, depending on up to 4 last days of the month + a few days for the beginning of the month of the last day of the month (as it happens). Kozhen divide your houses or an apartment in the zone in your own way, but most of all everything is similar.

Zone 1: the first few days of the month until the coming week: entrance, front door, corridor

Zone 2: first day of the month: kitchen, far room, komora

Zone 3: other latest day of the month: baby, bath
Zone 4: third last day of the month: bedroom, toilet
Zone 5: rest of the day of the month on Monday until the 1st day -vіtalnya, balcony"

And first, below, to form your list of available, short, and sixty-fourth certificates in the skin zone, I recommend putting together a list of all possible certificates in your booth in the skin zone (or kіmnati). Speed ​​up the template: Arrangement of cleaning by rooms (zones) for the whole river. Yoga has instructions to help you. Take yoga as a basis and tell it, how can you do it every day, maybe more than once a month. Seasonal tidying up and do it, if you need to work 1 time per day (for example, replace the filter at the kitchen or wind it 1 time on the river (for example, deep cleaning of kilimiv or dry cleaning of upholstery of sofas).


I like the fly-lady system for its versatility. Її you can doopratsovuvati, pidlashtovuvati for yourself and completely.

Such an axis is an analogue of є, in my opinion, a variant of the layout of the chotizhnevy tidying up of Becki, the author of the blog, and I respect yogo naivdalishim. I take the vicarious yogo. Trochs lower I will bring the butt of kіlkoh, to that you can estimate the possibility of self-assessment.

The main view of this layout in the layout according to the fly system - it was subdivided into the list of the fly-by-hand list, which was repeated in the fly system. Behind the fly system, they stink on Mondays for a year of fast cleaning. I didn’t swear, but I’m not enough to do all the right things, but on Mondays I’ve been laid out tsim ЄCHU (cleaning up the next year) so that less mondays have already become not nice in principle. In my opinion, I can only think on Mondays that you are a housewife. I would have tried to clean up at the weekend, but (I know again) I need an idea that it’s still necessary for the weekend to spend an hour out of the house, take care of yourself and your hobbies. That's why I tried to search for alternatives, and she used it on the blog

Beka manages everything, as if behind the system of ensigns to roam on Mondays, evenly divided according to the whole day. At Mondays: clean the sinks and toilets (it’s necessary to work for the fly system every day), at the second we wipe miles, at the middle we pilosesimo, at four my pidlog, at Friday we’ll rozmichhuemosya, at Saturday, at least I stretched those towels.

Today, there are also such daily routines:

  • pranny
  • celebrating the life
  • all wet surfaces are wiped
  • clean pіdloga (pіdlogi pіdlіvіv іd thаt thаt саn fall on them, thаt іt іt іѕ thе thе аn thе thе thаt іt іѕ nοt guilty. Pіdlogs tο thе day pіlоsosity аnd mitі іѕ nοt nοbіbly.

If you have been honored with the Chotizhnevy arrangement for picking up Becky, you can arrange this arrangement for yourself:

Request a short order of picking up from pdf

Even more disgrace at my sight, the layout of the arrangement and merit for our respect. The most important differences are mainly based on the type of surface that is cleaned, at which time the routines are repeated and they are added as one supplement on the right: propylososity or mimiti sublogs. In case of skin on the right, there is only one zone (kitchen or bathroom, for example).

Request a short order of picking up from pdf

At the same place, make sure that they are beaten 1 time per day, rozpodіlenі in the fallow land in the vіdpovіdnoї zone (kіmnati) boudinka. It’s more convenient and, on the vіdmіnu vіd prapor system, you don’t happen to guess, in the yakіy zone you practice this type. At Mondays - the kitchen and the far room, at the second - the vіtalnya, at the middle of the father's bedroom that bath, four appointments for the children's baths, Friday for the children's room (and the guest). I added to the original layout of the child's room, tk. in our country, all the same, it’s better for children, lower guest rooms. Tobto, as in all the frontal layouts, we immediately saw each other in the whole apartment, in which layout it is necessary to be in the middle of the day at the specific zone of your house. Today, approximately the same routines are celebrated, which are in all other layouts.

Request a short order of picking up from pdf

Meni are given, at first, butt to give more rozuminnya, as a way of vodokremiti schodennі inspect the schotyzhnevyh (shomіsyachnyh chi shorіchnyh). To that, now you are ready to fold the fold of the wetted bag and the fold of the folded tidy. I will propagate you to zavantage for which offensive template:

Request a form for the layout of the quick cleaning in pdf

How much to fold list of accepted references:

Your short list of tidying up is a list of references that are repeated, as you are guilty of working every day (or 1 time per week), sufficient to keep cleanliness in the booth. Try robiti tsey perelіk as simple as possible.

Be realistic and after folding the list, look again at those, how long it will take your child to do it. Whose list is not guilty of being too late and take more than an hour, lower You can spend an hour on yogo vikonannya, even if you have a good time and a few other things.

You can also break your schedule and designate it, like the items on the list You will work a lie, like in the day (like you don’t work), and like in the evening.

Dekіlka p_kazok how to fold cleaning layout:

As I already told Vishche, you need to make a list of references, so you can only work once a day. I recommend dividing їхнє vykonannya evenly on the skin day of tyzhnya and stained glass on the vykonannya such a day. You can see if you are busy chi kіmnati (divine reporter more) or navіt єdna їх, as you will be better.

Today, as soon as you have completed your own routine, you can proceed to the end of the day alone, or sometimes you are right, they are repeated.

Only you can swear, how to share them, so that the stinks fit into your life schedule, that don't forget to get helpers in the process of tidying up, even if it is practical, more of our energy goes to tidying up our booth. Be realistic, do your best, as they repeat themselves.

Krok No. 3: Make a call to trim your layouts of the spared and the quick tidying up

Just as you have done, as you think, a garnier arrangement of tidying up at your booth, we will step on your crochet to call yourself to the new and strictly do it. I say zmusiti, more, sorry, it's true. Give yourself one month, if you want, and turn around, it will be easier, to the one who has the best schedule for you. Ale, it will be more important to you.

Yak zmusity, are you sleeping Vee? Otzhe, you put together your selection of choices. Unfriend yoga. Ale, do not place your home organizer by your side, but hang it as a reminder of yourself in the most visible place. Tse mozhe be your home command center, your working style, or else be it in a different place, on the way you will always take care of yourself. Guess yourself for the help of this layout, as if you were in charge of this day. Not less important are the heads of the vikonannya and the control of vikonannya.
To control it, put it on the table, or, more simply, just pin it to the tablet, which you can carry around with you around the house checklist.

If you are given something that is not necessary for you, you will have mercy. Take it upon yourself to try victorious yoga for a few months, you won’t get a call. Possibly nadali You just understand, it’s easy to do it. And how do you tick off the list after the vikonnannya chergovy zavdannya!

As soon as you arrange it, you organize your own houses, regularly, which arrangement will not be delivered to you even a lot of trouble. And yet, your house has not yet been organized and not cleansed, as a whole, it would be better to clean up more, I would like to. Therefore, do not check the result immediately, give yourself an hour , take care of regular smіttyam svogo booth and yogo organization and, believe me, it will become easier for you to deal with the problems of zі zbirannyam, nizh tse zadєtsya spochatku. Golovne dotrimuvatsya layout regularly , regularly take care of smіttyam that organіzatsiєyu booth.

But be realistic and look over your layout as needed, to see if it’s too much for you. It is not possible, for the maintenance of cleanliness at your house has turned for you into hard labor.

Remember that your layout is due to conform to your typical, primary order. Try, if possible, to work your schedule with the help of bellies, and try to work the greater part.

By the way, don’t be afraid to reshape your layout, as if by rapt it will appear that the wine does not meet your needs. Adjust to your schedule by stretching a few days, you can probably understand that you were suvorim and viable, and folding by you, the layout simply cannot fit into your hour and you were hit by bad luck. And maybe, you were just too modest and relaxed, and your schedule can’t provide that minimal cleanliness that you wanted to achieve. Don't fall for it, try to change the schedule so that the wine will be more suitable for your needs and timely exchanges and try again.

Do not forget that your schedule is not ideal, it’s only a tool, some creations to help you with cleaning, and not the basis of your slavery. As soon as you see that it is so, rework the layout again, so that you can meet your needs, smut, and possibilities.

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