World environmental problems of today.
The role of ecology in the world
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The main environmental problems of humanity.



Glad to welcome you, dear readers! Today I want to stick with those who especially praise me and, unfortunately, do not praise the majority of people. I’m talking about the global problems of humanity and planet Earth as a whole, as people have raised in their activities.

However, for now let’s get out of this.

Friends, I wish you best wishes on Victory Day!

For you and me, for our future and the future of our children, our ancestors fought and brought us this victory from the Great

The Great Patriotic War


And in our hands lies the opportunity to make a future that will be bright and promising for all of us!

  1. I pray to the whole world that prosperity, let no ambitions and greed of other people stop us, the common people, from going to war against anyone.

Anyone who can read between the rows will understand me. May God grant us the development and achievement of our goals!, as they also burn gasoline.

And with all this “cocktail” of smoke we share with you.

Why is it worth it and what can you bring up?

Oh, there are a lot of points here, but the main ones: a) a simple congested leg - all the excess burnt fire and important substances that settle in the legs, which can lead to serious illness in the remaining ones; I would like to mean that the people themselves often help these speeches, “drinking” in the legend of soot from Tyutun’s dim;

b) viniknennya

crayfish fluff

— it is now important to identify the causes of cancer in people, using many doctors to confirm that the left part of the disease is caused by cancer in the radiation that is in the wind;

I’m guessing, it doesn’t matter if you guess, the stars are there;

c) mutations are the worst, as in my opinion, to what extent they can lead to the influx of the disease on a person’s body, and even in such a time the DNA of a person changes, which can lead to incredible changes in the body of not only the person himself, but everyone x її landings;

Just wait, no one wants to send their children to an inferior life after leaving their family.

  1. We can talk a lot about the effects of the influx of breast cancer on the human body.

The global environmental problem of humanity remains a serious one, so I want to say something.

I could write and write a lot about it, otherwise I’ll just throw out here a small forty-year documentary film, how I myself learned about this phenomenon.

Do not spoil the time and marvel at him, he is the master.

Well, did you marvel?

How do you like the film?

What do you think about El Nino?
Nothing unsafe that we can repeat from many past civilizations?

When I write my thoughts in the comments, I just can’t wait to listen to you and discuss everything with you!

Axis, friends, the main and, in my opinion, serious global environmental problems of humanity.

In addition to these data, there are even more threats and problems for the people of this planet, so I will leave this topic for further discussion in the comments.

Once again, Happy Victory Day!

Let success and success accompany you, if we want to create our own success, right?

With respect, . chemical elements When the atmosphere becomes cloudy, forest fires, volcanic eruptions, wind erosion (the development of soils and particles of rocks), the expansion of sawing, the evaporation of organic compounds and natural radiation can be seen.

Legacies of a cloudy atmosphere

atmospheric conditions It has a negative impact on healthy people, leading to the development of heart and lung diseases (congestion, bronchitis).

In addition, such polluting atmospheres as ozone, nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide destroy natural ecosystems, causing the decline of growth and causing the death of living things (zokrema, river fish).

  • The global environmental problem of a polluted atmosphere, according to the words of many government representatives, can be summed up in the following ways:
  • decrease in population growth;
  • shortening of oblique energy;
  • improved energy efficiency;
  • change in inputs;
  • transition to environmentally friendly, renewable energy sources;

cleaning the air in especially polluted areas.

Global environmental problem No. 2: Ozone depletion

The ozone ball is a thin layer of the stratosphere that protects all living things on Earth from the harmful ultraviolet radiation of the Sun.

Causes of environmental problems

Back in the 1970s rocks.

Ecologists have discovered that the ozone globe is collapsing under the influx of chlorofluorocarbons. These chemicals enter the warehouse of refrigeration units of refrigerators and air conditioners, as well as dispensers, aerosols/sprays and extinguishing agents. The least depletion of the ozone sphere is also due to other anthropogenic impacts: the launch of space rockets, the flow of jet aircraft in high spheres of the atmosphere, the testing of nuclear weapons, the destruction of the planet's forests.

There is also a theory that the thinning of the ozone layer reduces global warming.

Like the glassy walls of a greenhouse, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxide and water vapor allow the sun to heat our planet and at the same time pass into space the infrared vibration that rises from the surface of the earth.

All these gases are suitable for maintaining temperatures that are pleasant for living on earth.

However, the increased concentration of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxide and water vapor in the atmosphere is a major environmental problem, which is called global warming (or the greenhouse effect). Causes of global warming Throughout the 20th century, the average temperature of the earth increased by 0.5 – 1 °C. The main reason for global warming is the increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere due to the increase in the amount of firewood burned by people (wugilla, naphtha and the like). Prote for the application Oleksia Kokorina , climate program directory.

Light Fund


(WWF) Russia,

  • “The largest amount of greenhouse gases are released as a result of the operation of power plants and methane emissions during the production and delivery of energy resources, while road transport and the release of associated naphtha gas from tar mines produce relatively little damage in an excessively middle way" Other causes of global warming include overpopulation of the planet, shrinkage of forest areas, depletion of the ozone layer and depletion. However, all ecologists attribute the shift in average temperatures entirely to anthropogenic activity.
  • They note that global warming is associated with a natural increase in the number of oceanic plankton, which leads to an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
  • Legacies of the greenhouse effect

Will the temperature increase by another 1 during the 21st century? C - 3.5? As predicted in the future, the results will be even greater:

the light ocean will rise (as a result of the shadow

  • polar ice caps
  • ), the number of dry lands will increase and the process of land desertion will intensify,
  • to discover many types of plants and animals, cured until drying in a narrow range of temperatures and humidity,
  • Hurricanes become more frequent.
  • minimization of methane consumption under the hour of production, transportation by pipelines, distribution in towns and villages and storage at heating stations and power plants,
  • introduction of technology for claying and carbon dioxide bonding,
  • tree planting,
  • change in family sizes,
  • environmental lighting,
  • stagnation of phytomelioration in rural dominion.

Global environmental problem No. 4: Acid boards

Acid boards, which remove the products of saliva burning, also become dangerous for life, human health and for the integrity of architectural monuments.

Legacies of acid tablets

The effects of sirchan and nitric acids, which are present in fermented litter and fog, with aluminum and cobalt ferment soil and water, are harmful to the vegetation, the dry tops of leafy trees and oppressive conifers.

Will the temperature increase by another 1 during the 21st century? C - 3.5? As predicted in the future, the results will be even greater:

Through acidity, the productivity of rural cultures decreases, people drink water rich in toxic metals (mercury, cadmium, lead), Marmur architectural monuments are converted into gypsum and are eroded.

Due to the nature and architecture of acidic rocks, it is necessary to minimize the release of acid oxides and nitrogen into the atmosphere.

Global environmental problem No. 5: Contaminated soil People will soon become pregnant with up to 85 billion tons of waste. Among them are solid and rare exits

industrial enterprises

and transport, agricultural inputs (including organic chemicals), household waste and atmospheric emissions.

The main role in soil contamination is played by such components of technogenic waste as important metals (lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, thalium, bismuth, tin, vanadium, antimony), pesticides and naphtha products.

The ozone ball is a thin layer of the stratosphere that protects all living things on Earth from the harmful ultraviolet radiation of the Sun.

From the ground the stench penetrates the bushes and water, infuses the dzherelna.

In addition to anthropogenic naphtha products, industrial and domestic objects pollute the hydrosphere with important metals and organic compounds.

The leaders from the release of the waters of the light ocean by mineral streams and biogenic elements are recognized as the rural dominion and food industry.

Such a global environmental problem as radioactive contamination does not ignore the hydrosphere. The reason for this formation was the accumulation of radioactive waste in the waters of the light ocean.

Many powers that may be guilty of the nuclear industry and the nuclear fleet, from the 49th to the 70th years of the 20th century, directly deposited wasteful radioactive substances into the seas and oceans.

In places where radioactive containers are buried, the level of cesium is often off the charts. But “underwater testing grounds” are not the only radioactive source of hydrosphere contamination. The waters of the seas and oceans are enriched with radiation from underwater and surface nuclear explosions. Environmental problem- One of the global problems of today.

  • This is closely related to nutritional resource shortages.
  • environmental safety and environmental crisis.
  • One of the ways of the growing environmental problem is that of “sustainable development”, which is proposed as the main alternative to the development of human civilization.
  • Global environmental problems Scientific and technological progress has placed humanity at a low level, even more folding problems
  • , They haven’t encountered anything like this before, because the problems weren’t that large-scale.
  • Among them there are special places between people and other people.

In the 20th century, nature came under pressure, resulting in a 4-fold increase in the population and an 18-fold increase in the burden of light production.

2030 is shown in the table.

1. UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan at the meeting of the heads of powers and orders of the UN member states (spring 2000) presenting the speech “We, the people: the role of the United Nations in the 21st century.”

The author looks at the priority strategic concerns that humanity will face in the new millennium, and agrees that “the task of ensuring for the coming generations that environmental sustainability will become one of the most none."

Table 1. Changes in the last year and renewed trends until 2030.


Trend 1970-1990 rocks.

Scenario 2030

The shortening of natural ecosystems

The short-term exchange rate for the Swiss economy is 0.5-1.0% for the river on land;

until the beginning of the 1990s.

Almost 40% was saved

Maintaining trends towards complete liquidation of land masses

Aggregation of primary biological products

Growth rate: 40% on land, 25% globally (est. 1985)

Growth rate: 80-85% on land, 50-60% globally

Changes in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere

The increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases from the tenth hundredths to the first hundredths is now

Increasing concentration, accelerated increase in concentration of CO and CH 4 for the rapid growth of biota

The rise of the ozone sphere, the growth of the ozone hole over Antarctica

Decreasing by 1-2% on the river of the ozone sphere, increasing the area of ​​the ozone holes

Preservation of the trend will be observed at the time of introduction of CFC fertilizers up to 2000 rubles.

Shortening of forest cover, especially tropical ones

Shortening the speed from 117 (1980) to 180 ± 20 thousand. km 2 (1989) on the river;

Forest renewal is carried out until the forest is released at 1:10

Saving trends, reduction of forest area in the tropics from 18 (1990) to 9-11 million km 2, reduction of forest area in the world zone

Empty bathroom

Expansion of the desert area (60 thousand km2 on the river), growth of technogenic desertion.

toxic kestel

Continuing trends, possibly increasing rates of change in moisture turnover on land and accumulation of pollutants in soils

Land degradation

Growing erosion (24 billion tons in recent years), decreased productivity, accumulation of pollutants, acidification, salinization

Saving trends, growing erosion and congestion, reduction of rural lands into land of population

Advancement equal to the ocean

Swede's knowledge of biological species

Increasing trends towards the destruction of the biosphere

As if the waters of the land are dry

The growth of wastewater, point and dam reservoirs of obstruction, the number of pollutants and their concentrations

Saving and increasing trends

Accumulation of pollutants in media and organisms, migration in trophic lances

An increase in the mass and number of pollutants accumulated in media and organisms, an increase in the radioactivity of media, “chemical bombs”

Maintaining trends and strengthening them as much as possible

A decrease in the quality of life, an increase in illness associated with problems in the middle diet (including genetic ones), and the emergence of new ailments

Rising poverty, waste of food, high child mortality, high rhubarb illness, lack of clean drinking water in developing countries;

an increase in genetic illnesses, a high accident rate, an increase in the number of young people, an increase in allergic illnesses in developed countries;

AIDS pandemic in the world, decreased immune status

Continuing trends, increasing food shortages, increasing illnesses associated with environmental damage (including genetic ones), expanding the territory of infectious illnesses, emergence of new illnesses Dovkill problem With too much middle ground (with too much natural middle ground, natural middle ground).

is called that part of nature in which human marriage directly interacts with its life

sovereign activity

As a result of the degradation of the excessive natural environment as a result of irrational environmental management, deforestation and depletion of land resources can occur.

The process of deforestation is evident in the shortened area under the natural vegetation, and just before the forest.

According to current estimates, under the eradication of agriculture and livestock, 62 million km2 of land was covered with forests, and with the restoration of tea leaves and coppice - 75 million km2 or 56% of the entire surface.

As a result of the survey of forests, it is already 10 thousand. rocks, their area decreased to 40 million km 2, and the average forest cover - up to 30%.

Nowadays, forest growth is growing at an accelerated pace: close to 100 thousand are rapidly declining.

In the structure of solid outputs, industrial and industrial outputs are important.

The stench of the entire population is especially strong in Russia and the USA. Japan. In the per capita indicator of solid household waste, the leadership belongs to the United States, where 800 kg of smitten falls per capita (one resident of Moscow - 400 kg). The hydrosphere ahead of us becomes cluttered with rare outlets, and the main clutterers here are sewage water and naphtha. Zagalny wastewater treatment

cob XXI

V. becoming close to 1860 km 3.

To dilute one unit of contaminated wastewater to a suitable level, an average of 10 to 100 units and 200 units of clean water are required.

One of the aspects of the problem of too much homogeneity is a change in biological diversity.

The biological diversity of the Earth is estimated at 10-20 million species, including 10-12% of the total number of species on the territory of the Soviet Socialist Republic.

The expenditure in this area is already significant.

This is achieved through the destruction of many plants and creatures, the excessive exploitation of agricultural resources, and the impoverishment of too much of the environment. Under the guidance of American scientists, over the course of the remaining 200 rocks of the Earth, nearly 900 thousand have appeared. I saw the growth and the creatures. In the other half of the XX century.

The process of depletion of the gene pool has accelerated sharply, and by maintaining current trends, 1/5 of all species that inhabit our planet may be extinct over the last quarter of a century.

The environmental situation in Russia at the beginning of the 21st century.

In this manner, although in Russia the 90s.

Due to the economic crisis, there was a sharp decrease in the output of all types of outputs, and further economic growth would lead to an increase in output, which would make the economy difficult. Ecological resources include various components of the natural environment, which create harmony in nature. They can hear: the earth, the people, the wind, the tall and

creaturely light , geological information and much more. By the way, it can be confirmed that environmental resources are divided into 3 great groups: organisms, speech and the energy that connects them.


to the current world

There is no balance between environmental components, which leads to man-made disasters, natural disasters, and health problems among the planet's population.

What will threaten the Earth the most?

Congestion in the wind

The wind is the basis of the life of any person: it contains the muslin necessary for breathing, and it consumes carbon dioxide from the lungs, which is processed by plants.

It’s a pity that in today’s world there are more ways out from the work of factories, machines, and household appliances. Atmospheric pollution is a problem of environmental resources on a planetary scale. As a result of the fact that there is an uncharacteristic speech in the air, the ozone sphere collapses in the upper spheres of the atmosphere.

This leads to strong ultraviolet radiation, which leads to an increase in the temperature of the planet.

In addition, excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases the greenhouse effect, which also leads to increased temperatures, the melting of ice dams, and drying out of soils.

It has been proven by many that constant noise infuses a person’s psychological state, the organs of hearing damage the heart, sleep is disrupted, and depression occurs.

Children and pensioners are especially vulnerable to the influx.

  • Reducing the level of noise is very difficult, since it is not possible to block all roads and close the creeks, but it is possible to reduce the amount of noise per person, for which purpose:
  • Features of individual protection of practitioners of unsafe infections.
  • The green planting made a lot of noise.

Trees absorb noise and vibrations on themselves, thereby saving the bags of too many budins.

It is wise to forget the place in order to prevent the passage of living avenues next to the living booths.

The bedrooms may overlook the opposite side of the road.

Svitlov obstruction

Most people wouldn’t guess that it’s light, but there’s confusion, due to the fact that it’s an anthropogenic activity.

In places there are thousands of lightening devices installed to make it easier to dry at night, pro-medicines have long been on the alert, and even through those in populated areas it is practically light and healthy “I am people, the created world suffers.

It has long been known that people live behind biological rhythms.

The change of day and night is the most important thing to control the internal year, but through gradual brightening the body begins to wander, when you lie down, when you get up.

The regime is finally breaking down, illness is increasing, and nerves are fraying.

What can we say about the creatures that, oriented toward the world, scramble, perish, scatter about everyday life? Light obstruction to enter into the world's environmental problems, and their paths in different places may be different: the introduction of a curfew without a light, the rise of street lighters with hoops, which allow do not turn on the light, use the light saving mode in wake-up calls and simply turn on the lighting where It's just for the sake of beauty. And the people themselves may be deprived of life if atomic bombs are not used and tested, and radiation products from nuclear weapons are disposed of in an even safer manner.

Global warming

Climate change has long been seen as an independent environmental problem.

People are simply yearning for the legacy of activity: the ice fields are melting, the oceans are warming, and the water in them is rising, new illnesses are appearing, creatures are moving to other latitudes, desolation is emerging and people are being born. and the earth.

The reason for this effect is the active activity of people, as a result of which weeds appear, foxes are killed, water becomes cloudy, and flat places grow.

  1. Solving the problem:
  2. Development of new technologies that save environmental resources.
  3. Increased area of ​​green plantings.

Search for non-standard solutions to remove awkward speeches from the wind, soil and water.

So, for example, technology for capturing and storing carbon dioxide under the ground is being developed.

TPV tombs As people continue to develop, more and more vikorist goods will be created. Tones of labels, packaging, boxes, and other equipment are daily exported from


, and the number of exits increases every day.

The plots are simply catastrophically large.

Dekhto can be seen from space. Nowadays there is a sudden outbreak: the congested soil, the wind, the soil in the places where waste is saved is already heavily pouring into the overflowing middle ground, all components of nature, including humans, are suffering. This can only be achieved through improved technologies for the recycling of waste materials everywhere, as well as by ensuring the transition to packaging material that easily unfolds.

In order for future generations to live in a safe world, it is necessary to think about the environmental problems that are serious for all and their future directions.

The “greenhouse effect” is a natural phenomenon that is associated with anthropogenic activity and which is the basis of the planet due to the presence of the atmosphere.

Above all, there is a necessary mental basis for a protein-rich form of life.

“Greenhouse” gases are naturally occurring.

They include: water vapor, carbon oxides, sulfur, nitrogen, and other inorganic and organic substances (syrup, ammonia, methane, etc.).

However, human activity leads to an increase in the emissions of these gases, which, in turn, can lead to an increase in the “greenhouse effect” and, as a result, climate change.

creaturely light In the natural biosphere, instead of carbon dioxide, the atmosphere is regulated according to its needs. Nina people are destroying this jealousy.

As a result of the burning of the atmosphere, additional portions of carbon dioxide and other “greenhouse” gases are released.

This process itself is perceived as a trend that can lead to global warming of the climate.

Ruining the ozone ball.

In addition to visible light, Sun is also characterized by non-ultraviolet exposure.

Particularly dangerous for protein organisms is the short-haired part - harsh ultraviolet exposure.

Over 99% of it is buried in the ozone ball in the stratosphere.

Ozone ball - a ball of atmosphere (stratosphere) with displacement of ozone (3), rising at an altitude of 20-45 km.

Instead of ozone, it is approximately 10 times higher than the Earth's atmosphere.

Ozone is established during the course of ultraviolet oxidation and the absorption of oxygen molecules.

The acid atoms spit out these molecules and, when combined with the acid molecules, are united from it.

This destruction of molecules destroys ozone.

The created ozone is affected by electrical discharges and the presence of nitrogen oxides and carbohydrates in the atmosphere.

During the process of ozone formation and destruction, ultraviolet radiation is removed.

Three main mechanisms of atmospheric ozone destruction are described – the water cycle, the nitrogen cycle and the chlorine cycle.

Light gases, water and methane, which were seen above the earth's surface, quickly rise to stratospheric heights and actively react with ozone.

The water that results from this reaction freezes at stratospheric altitudes due to stratospheric clouds.

The presence of flows of water, methane, and also a lot of other gases coming from underground has long been confirmed by a lot of instrumental data. At the 80th anniversary of the last century O.O.

Marakusheva formulated a hypothesis that the main reservoir of the planetary water supply is the rare core of the Earth.

The process of crystallization of the solid inner core is carried out until water is driven from the outer zone of the rare core, between the mantle.

In the current biosphere, in the anthropogenic channel, creations by people and their own creatures, behind various developments there is approximately 25% of all primary production of plants.

Naturally, the 25-fold increase in harvested products is not achieved solely with the energy of the Sun, but is important with the help of additional energy sources.

In order to ensure the closure of the biotic cycle in natural systems, in support of daily anthropogenic life, people need to construct an analogue of natural ecosystems with a pressure of approximately 10-15 W.

Additional energy supply on such a scale, due to the evidence of non-exchangeable energy reserves, can disrupt the stability of the Earth's climate.

The energy crisis is closely related to the depletion of the planet's sour reserves.

A series of increasing aggressiveness burns sourness looks like this: vugilla, naphtha, gas, water. When 1 part of natural gas is burned, 4 parts of acid are reduced (for naphtha – 3.4, for vugille – 2.7).

The truth is that this jelly can often turn through carbonic acid and photosynthesis. With water energy, there is 8 kg of acid per 1 kg of water and irrevocably, the water is dissolved. In addition, the increase in water will lead to depletion of the ozone layer. Therefore, the most promising in this regard are the renewed energy and burning energy, which does not bind sourness to the water..

If all the population of the Earth were “compressed” to the size of a village with a population of 100 people, and all the vital relationships of current humanity were lost, then it would turn out like this: there would be 57 Asians living with him, 21 European, 14 representatives of Europe, Central and Western America, 8 Africans;

70 out of 10 would not have been white; 50% of all wealth would end up in the hands of 6 people and all of it would be the citizens of the United States; 70 people wouldn’t mind reading; 50 would suffer from food shortages;

80 people would live in dwellings that were not used for living; Only 1 people are small and I see light. Although the fact of the change in nationality in the guilty countries is positive on a global scale, however, the future will have a negative impact on marriage.

The role of social institutions of aging marriages is becoming increasingly important. KRIM TO, in the half -tic planay old, Bilsh conservative is the suspension of the problems of the problems of the problems of the newly, in the Kintsevo PIDSUMKU Viklich Progrash of the Supreme Polar, the Bilsh mobil systems of the Krai, ROZIVEVAS.

Chemical analysis shows that the creation of acid residues is most often associated with the release into the atmosphere of oxides of carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, which react with water vapor to create acids.

These words appear to be both natural and anthropogenic.

Anthropogenic chemistry is generated as a result of the burning of coal during operation of coal power plants, industrial enterprises, motor transport, etc.

The pH value is important from an ecological point of view, because it is obvious that the activity of all enzymes and hormones in the body that regulate the metabolism of speech, growth and development occurs.

Hydrobionts (aquatic living organisms) are especially sensitive to changes in pH.

However, at the same time, beating does not prevent the death of aquatic organisms.

Plenty of grub lantsugs, which eat almost all wild creatures, are found near the waterways. Acid litter causes forest degradation.

By destroying the dry waxy coating, stinking leaves and pine needles, the plants are more harmful to comas, microorganisms and other pathogenic organisms.

The remaining times of particular concern for the obstruction of the Light Ocean are man-made accidents, for example, the accident in the Mexican Sea and the recovery of radioactive waste during the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant.

Richly from the land that reaches out to the sea, the marine deposits of loose materials and rivers, soil, dredged by dredging robots, drilling slag, industrial outputs, waste oil, solid outputs in, vibukhov and chemical substances, radioactive wastes.

The obscenity became close to 10% of the mass of polluted rivers near the Light Ocean.

The basis for dumping in the sea is the ability of the marine medium to process a large number of organic and inorganic substances without any particular harm to the water.

However, this existence is not endless. Therefore, dumping is seen as a misfortune, a temporary tribute to the inadequacy of technology.

Thermal pollution of surface water and coastal marine waters results from the discharge of heated wastewater by power plants and other industrial plants.

Weak and strong “induced” earthquakes can cause great water leaks.

The accumulation of a large mass of water leads to a change in the hydrostatic pressure in the rocks, reducing the rubbing forces on the contacts of the earth's blocks.

The severity of induced seismicity increases with increasing rowing height.

Increased activity of weak earthquakes was observed at the moment of filling of water reservoirs of Nurek, Toktogul, Chervak ​​hydroelectric power stations.

There was a viklikan on the surface of the reservoir.
The village of Koina-Nagar, which had been destroyed, was destroyed by great mischief.
With the unknown technogenic factor, the individuals of the natural deformat process of the vinikennet of the technogenic earthquakes, and such a meaning of the zsuvyz, build up to the Avar -based disaster situations.
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