External forces that create the relief.
External forces of the earth
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Rely on the relief until external forces arrive.




1. Consider the external forces that can cause the greatest influx on the mountain relief.

2. Using a map of new tectonic rivers, identify the reason for the different relief created by flowing waters in Western Siberia and the Central Siberian plateau.

  • 3. Level the boundaries of the ancient ice cover and widen the created relief. HELP BE LASKA!!! NO NEED TO LOWER GIANT TEXT!"Strumok".
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External forces to smooth out are created by the internal forces of the Earth.

Due to the protruding unevenness of the surface, the stench will be filled with sedimentary rocks of the depression.

Flowing waters not only create depressions on the surface, but also bury the rocks of the Georgian rocks, transport them and deposit them in depressions and wet valleys.

This is how flat plains are formed from river sediments that bind the river


In areas where easy-to-degrade rocks (vapnyak, gypsum, kreyda, Kamyana sil) lie close to the earth’s surface, amazing natural phenomena are on the lookout.

Rivers and streams, which break up the mountainous rocks, emerge from the surface and the straightness of the corners of the earth's superstructure.

The deposits are associated with broken rocks of the surface and are called karst.

It is time to reduce the formation of karst forms of relief: caves, holes, mines, drains, and sometimes filled with water.
The most beautiful stalactites (multi-meter-long sandstone "burulki") and stalagmites ("colonies" of limestone growths) create chimera sculptures near the caves.

Wind activity

In open, treeless expanses, the wind moves gigantic accumulations of food and clay particles, creating terrestrial shapes in relief (Eol God is the patron of the wind in ancient Greek mythology).

Most of the empty deserts in the world are covered with sand dunes and hillocks.

Sometimes the stench reaches a height of 100 meters.

From above, the dune looks like a sickle.

Landforms created by humans are called anthropogenic. Anthropogenic change in relief is required for assistance modern technology

and finish it at a fast pace. Water that collapses and the wind creates a great ruinous work called erosion (from the Latin word erosio rose). Land erosion is a natural process.

However, the result will be

sovereign activity

people: oranki shilіv, the destruction of forests, the excessive grazing of thinness, the construction of roads.

  • Only a third of all the cultivated lands of the world have known the remaining hundred years of erosion.

The greatest scale of these processes occurred in the great agricultural regions of Russia, China and the USA. Shaping the Earth's relief

Peculiarities of the Earth's topography

Tell me your fortune What kind of energy is behind the external forces that change the surface of the Earth?

    What happens to hard mountain rocks when heated and then cooled?

How to pour into the Georgian breeds the roots of trees and creatures that dig holes? How external forces flow into the relief. You already know that internal forces force the surface of the Earth into different heights.

External forces acted directly on the protégé.

The stench of the great reliefs rises, endures the tricks of the Girsky pores and the traps fall asleep with them. In this way, external forces smooth and smooth the surface.- temperature variation.

During the day the rocks heat up and expand, at night they cool and sound. Through these monolithic rocks crack and fall apart into pieces.

This is how razor, rubble and sand are created (Fig. 60). Physical vitrification is more typical for areas with great and sharp temperature changes and dry winds: desert, mountain peaks not covered with snow (Fig. 61).

Chemical vitrification

- this is the disintegration, decomposition of some minerals and the replacement of them with other minerals and mineral rocks.

It appears under the influx of sour wind, water and the destruction of its speech.

In wet and specious climates, chemical ventilation is more active than in cold and dry climates.

The main result of chemical vitrification is the hardening of clay from hard and mineral rocks: granites, basalts, gneisses, etc.

  1. Biological vitrification
  2. It arises from the influx of growing and created organisms.
  3. The roots of trees that grow on rocks, pink cracks appear on the base of the wedges.
  4. The ruins of breeds hide and creatures, especially the burrows of rodents.
  5. But the main purpose of living organisms lies elsewhere.

We have previously looked at internal relief-creating factors, such as ruins earth's crust, folding and others. These are the processes of understanding the internal energy of the Earth.

As a result, great relief forms are created, such as mountains and plains. During the lesson you will learn how the relief is formed and continues to be formed under the influx of current geological processes. Other forces are working on the ruins of the Georgian peoples - chemical


Seeping through the cracks, the water gradually disintegrates the Girsky rocks. (Div. Fig. 3).Rice. 3. Disruption of the Georgian breeds

The concentration of water increases with the presence of various gases.

This is how flat plains are formed from river sediments that bind the river Some rocks (granite, stone) are not disintegrated by water, while other rocks (granite, gypsum) are disintegrated even more intensively.

As water penetrates through the cracks of ordinary rocks, the cracks expand.

In these places, where water-bearing rocks are found close to the surface, there are numerous failures, leaks and pitfalls on them. Tse.

karst relief forms

(Div. Fig. 4). Rice. 4. Karst relief forms

- This is the process of disintegration of the Georgian breeds.

Karst relief forms are disturbed in the Similar European Plain, Pereduralli, Urals and the Caucasus. Georgian breeds can become damaged as a result of the existence of living organisms (plants of scrap stones, etc.). Tse biological vitrification

At the same time, with the processes of ruination, the transfer of ruination products occurs at the bottom of the plot, and the relief is smoothed out.

Let's take a look at how the quarter frost shaped the current relief of our region.

The frost appeared more than once.

It leaned into the territory of our plains with a number of wisps.

It is important to remember that there were approximately 3-4 frosty days, which changed between the Ice Ages. The remaining ice age period ended approximately 10 thousand years ago.

The most significant icing was on the Similar European Plain, where the frosty edge of the ice sheet reached 48º-50º N.

w. As of today, the amount of rainfall has changed, and in Western Siberia the freezing temperature reached only 60º C. sh., and on the way out of the Yenisei through a small amount of snow there was even less snow.

In the centers of glaciation, ancient ice fields collapsed, widening the activity of special relief forms - Ram's foreheads.

These are the appearance of the Georgian breeds from the rags and scars on the surface (the slopes, brutalized in front of the ice vine, are flat, and the prostrate ones are steep) (Div. Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Lamb forehead Under the rush of moist water, the ice sheets expanded far from the center of the molding.The stinks smoothed out the relief on the road of their straight path. The characteristic ice-covered relief is observed in Russia, the Kola Peninsula, the Timan Ridge, and the Republic of Karelia. The ice maker is collapsing, having scraped from the surface the soft fluff of the rock and large, hard pieces.

Clay and hard rock frozen into ice melted

moraine (Disclosures from the tricks of the Gorsky breeds, created by the icemen under their Rus and Tanenna).These breeds were deposited in the flooded areas, where the ice melted.. These are narrow ridges, up to 30 meters high and up to several tens of kilometers long, whose shape resembles sludge mounds.

The stench was formed as a result of the settling on the surface of fluffy sediments created by rivers that flowed over the surface of the ice dams.

(Div. Fig. 10). Rice. 10. Solace of calls

All the water that flows over land also forms a relief under the force of gravity.

Steady watercourses – rivers – create river valleys. The creation of ravages is connected with the hourly watercourses that are created after storms

(Div. Fig. 11).

Rice. 11. Yar As it grows, the yar turns into a beam.

The most exposed beam-tiered boundary is looming on the highlands (Srednyoruska, Privolzka, etc.).

Well-divided river valleys are characteristic of rivers that flow between the remaining ice fields.

Flows of water not only destroy mountain rocks, but also accumulate river sediments - pebbles, gravel, sand and mud.

(Div. Fig. 12).

Rice. 12. Accumulation of river sediments From them river floods are formed, which stretch through the smog along the river beds

(Div. Fig. 13).

Rice. 13. Budova River Valley Sometimes the latitude of the river varies from 1.5 to 60 km (for example, near the Volga) and lies within the size of the rivers (div. Fig. 14).

Rice. 14. Width of the Volga in different plots

Along the river valleys, traditional places of settlement are being developed and a special type of government activity is being formed - the creation of fish-bows.

The action of the wind also creates the shapes of the relief, which gives rise to the name more. Tall relief forms are created in open spaces.

In such minds, the wind can endure a great deal of sand and saw.

Most often, a small bush provides a sufficient membrane, the wind speed decreases, and the sand falls to the ground. This is how small beginnings are created, then great mountains - dunes and dunes.On the plan, the dune has the shape of a semi-period, and its convex side blows up to the wind.

When changing directly to the wind, the orientation of the oxamite changes.

Relief shapes associated with the wind, widened by the head on the Caspian lowland (dunes), on the Baltic coast (dunes) (Div. Fig. 17).

Rice. 17. Illumination of oxamite

There are a lot of different tricks and the sand blows from the bare mountain peaks. A lot of bees, which they fall into, again hit the rocks and destroy them.

You can watch out for the chimeric figures of vitrification.


  1. (Div. Fig. 18).
  2. Rice. 18. Remains – chimerical forms of relief
  3. The action of the wind is associated with the formation of special species - wood.

- tse fluff, porous, piluvate rock

  1. (Div. Fig. 19).
  2. Rice. 19. Forest
  3. Forests cover large areas near the wetland parts of the Western and Western Siberian Plains, as well as near the Olenya River basin, where there were no ancient ice fields
  4. (Div. Fig. 20).
  1. Rice. 20. Territories of Russia, covered by fate (shown in the same color)
  2. It is important to note that the shaping of fate is connected with strong winds and winds.
  3. The most fertile soils are formed on the forest, the protein is easily dissolved by water and the greatest fires appear in it.
  4. The relief is formed under the influence of both external and internal forces.
  5. Internal forces create great relief forms, and external forces destroy them, transforming them into smaller ones.

Under the influx of external forces, the work is both creative and creative.

  1. Is it a true statement: “Vivitry is the process of ruining mountain breeds under the flow of wind”?
  2. Under the influx of what forces (external and internal) did the peaks of the Caucasian mountains and Altai take on a mountainous form?

External forces- these are the forces that only act on the surface of the object, but do not penetrate into the middle of it.

All forces that are developed by a material object are brought to these forces. Inner forces

- these are the same forces that act directly on all the atoms of an object, which dry out regardless of whether they are located: on the surface or in the middle of the object. These forces rely on the forces of inertia and field forces: gravitational, electric, magnetic. And it turns out that the field and nose inertia of the physical vacuum freely penetrate the middle of any body. At the mechanics

by external forces of the given system

material points(These are the aggregates of material points in which the structure of the skin point lies and the roots of all other points) are called those forces that act on this system of other bodies (other systems of material points), not included by us in the warehouse of this system.

Internal forces are the forces of interaction between adjacent material points of the system. The development of forces on external and internal forces is entirely mental: when changing the given structure of the system, forces that were previously external can become internal and back. So, for example, in an hour I’ll look

PRIMER The collapse of the system that is formed from the earth and its satellite of the month, or the interactions between these bodies will be internal forces for this system, and the forces of the heavy sun, other planets, their satellites and all They will be external forces in relation to the designated system. If you can change the structure of the system and see the ruin of the sun and all planets as the ruin of one solar system, then the external ones.:

the strength will be deprived of the strength of the heaviness that one hopes for

As soon as the desired body is in constant contact, the internal forces follow the values ​​of the external forces and the opposite forces directly. .

The action of the analyzed element on the extended part is shown in small lines. .

The elementary work of internal forces that gradually increase and continue to develop, according to Clapeyron’s theorem, is determined by the formula:


In the case of pure destruction, the voltages are evenly distributed across all sections and are calculated using the following formula: .

The absolute value of the right cut of the element in relation to the left cut, according to Hooke’s law, is older: .

then When the cross-section is bent, the stress is distributed unevenly across the cross-section.

In this form of expression for the elementary work of internal forces that can be translated, there may be ideas in the view:

, de k - Coefficient that lies under the shape of the transverse section of the cutting. .

For example, for a straight-cut transverse cut. .


Rotate the right cut of the element in relation to the left cut, which is observed under the current conditions until the new moment, which is to rotate (), indications (div. Fig. 15.3, c) with dashed lines, previous:


The results of the internal moments of what to rotate (it’s not shown for the baby) at what turn are determined by the formula:

Let the element of the haircut now recognize the virgin. And don’t let the right transverse cut turn around the turn along the line to the left cut (div. Fig. 15.3, d)..

With one-hour stretching, twisting and straight transverse bending of the haircut (with the understanding that the work of the skin with internal forces on the displacements, which clicks with the mouth of the gussil, which is equal to zero), the offensive expression for elementary work of the internal current spring forces:
Integrating expression throughout the entire haircut, the remainder can be removed
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