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The largest industries under the oil industry. Naftova and gas industry. Public joint-stock company "NK "Rosneft"

More and more often in the strategic plans for the development of our country, the order is blaming the need to unique the status of a “syrovin power”. With whom, the main rate is to fight for the development of the hairy processing of syrovin and the increase in production, and the great crafts of the center to attach greater respect to the deda.

proponed Top 10 largest industrial centers in Russia, warehouses for tribute to the Institute of Territorial Planning "Urbanika"

10. Novokuznetsk

The cost of industrial production is 264 billion rubles.

The city has operations of black and color metallurgy, coal industry. Among the supervisors of the leading industrial objects "Evraz Group", UMMC, Sibuglemet, Rusal.

9. Chelyabinsk

RUB 277.3 billion.

The place is recognized as the leader of Russia in the black metallurgy industry, on the high level of machine-building that food industry. In Chelyabinsk, there are enterprises of BAT "Mechel", "Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant", "Cheboksary Electromechanical Plant", Coca-Cola, Russian Technologies State Corporation.

8. Norilsk

312 billion rubles

The life of this polar region was inspired by the activity of the leader in the gallery of color metallurgy of MMC Norilsk Nickel.

7. Ufa

313.6 billion rubles

The status of a great industrial center was taken away by the development of oil and gas processing, machine production, food and pharmaceutical industries. The supervisors of the holding companies are BAT ANC "Bashnafta", State Corporation Rostekhnologii, Wimm-Bill-Dann, Pharmstandard.

6. Perm

331.3 billion rubles

The place can boast of significant successes in the processing of oil and gas, machine-building, food and chemical industries. The supervisors of the leading industrial facilities are VAT Lukoil, State Corporation Rostekhnologii and Roskosmos, Nestle, Henkel and others.

5. Omsk

348.4 billion rubles

The city has its own large enterprises, which are practiced in such galleys, like the processing of oil and gas, chemistry and grub industry, machine production. The main industries of the government are VAT Gazprom Nafta, Unilever, Wimm-Bill-Dann, State Corporation Rostekhnologii and Roskosmos.

4. Nizhnyovartivsk

481.6 billion rubles

This is one of the leading Russian centers for the production of bottles and processing of oil and gas. The city has industrial facilities such as TNK-BP, Gazprom Nafta, Rusnafta, Slavneft, SIBUR.

3. Surgut

800.3 billion rubles

The leader in the industry is the production of oil and gas processing, the place is also located in its own distribution of large enterprises, which are used in the energy industry, grub industry and NDDKR. The main industries of the objects are taken over by the authorities of the VAT "Surgutnaftogaz", OGK-2, OGK-4, SIBUR.

2. St. Petersburg

1282.7 billion rubles

Pivnіchna capital may have its own production of food and chemical industry, machine-building, black metallurgy, production of budmaterials, NDDKR. The local area suffers from fatigue Philip Morris International Inc., JTI, BAT, Kraft Foods, Procter&Gamble, United Shipbuilding Corporation, Russian Technologies, Toyota, Nissan, GM, HP, State Corporation Rosatom, Intel and many others.

1. Moscow

1895.2 billion rubles

The largest enterprises of the capital are located in such factories as machine-building, food and pharmaceutical industry, processing of oil and gas, NDDKR. The main industries of the objects are in the hands of Roskosmos, Rosatom, Rostekhnologii, Sukhoi Design Bureau, Renault, United Technologies, Volvo, Wimm-Bill-Dann, United Confectioners, Kraft Foods, Coca-Cola, Rushydro, GlaxoSmithKline.

Nafto industry is a bellwether of the economy, which pays for the production of bottles, processing, transportation, savings and sales of oil and oil products.

The process of oil production includes geological exploration, drilling of oil fields, as well as their repair, cleaning of oil production from water houses and various chemical rivers.

One of the galleys of the pale industry and gas industry. The main functions of the gas gallery are: the search for gas rods, the supply of natural gas, the gas supply and the extraction of piece gas for auxiliary coal and shale. The main task of the gas gallery is the transportation and appearance of gas.

A development of pale craftsmanship

(First oil lines)

Palivna promislovist was born in 1859. Just in Pennsylvania, the naphtha Sverdlovina was drilled in a vipadkovo, after which the development of the entire region began.

From Russia, naphtha was mined from the 8th century, vicorist wells of the Apsheron Pivostrov. Later, naphtha began to be produced on the river Ukhta, on the islands of Cheleken, in the Kuban. Naphtha on the cob was mined with vicorous cylindrical buckets. In 1865, the United States began to vicorate the mechanical method of vidobutka naphtha - with additional mud pumping operation.

(Nafta todi, true, was in full swing)

In 1901, pre-revolutionary Russia occupied the first place with naphtha vidobutka. In 1913, naphtha was obtained from great cities in the Baku region, Grozny and Maikop. They established oil monopolies, as if they were breaking up new oil deposits. However, the formation pressure led to a dry fall. Spivpratsya from overseas companies brought Russia's naphtha industry to the west. Also in 1918, V.I. Lenin signed a decree on the nationalization of the oil industry. From this moment, the process of resurrecting the tsієї lanka began. The impact drilling was replaced by the wrapping method for the production of copalin, and the period of recovery of the clay pumps and gaslift was opened.

Until 1929, the reconstruction was completed. Zavdyaks of innovations already until 1940, the fate of Russia was resurrected on the highest rіven from naphtha.

Irrespective of those that in the fates of the Great Witches War of 1941-1945, the fates of a rich oil industry were brought out of harmony, pre-revolutionary Russia continued to develop the natural resource from the great wealth. Prodovzhuvavsya search for new genera, which made it possible to secure the increase in the production of naphtha at the skin p'yatirichka - over 100 million tons.

(Vidkrittya naphtha origins near Siberia 1953)

The birth of Western Siberia in 1953 brought SRSR even more positive results. Here they saw it like naphtha, and gas. During this period, the mass vikoristovuvalos burinnya, yak allowed copalin to be seen in a longer short term.

І until 1980, the fate of the SRSR became a great oil power. The development of new industrial methods for the production of oil is initiated, and the automation of production is carried out.

The appearance of naphtha transport to bring to birth a number of main oil pipelines, so that oil refineries will be connected with each other.

In 1878, the first oil pipeline appeared on the Baku oil fields, and until 1917, the length of the Radyansky oil pipelines reached over 600 km.

(Oil lines in Texas, USA, XX century)

In the lands of Europe, the oil industry began to develop intensively in the 1950s. During this period, the richest oil lands were Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Ugorshchina, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia.

The capitalist lands are also small in oil reserves, most of them were Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Mexico. The USA, Venezuela, Libya, Iraq and Iran also have large oil reserves.

Galuzi palevnoi craftsmanship

Palivna industry is made up of three main galleys - naphtha, coal and gas.

Vugіlna promyslovіst

Vugіlna promyslovіst є dosit old that vyvchenoy galuzzi, especially for Russia. Even before the 19th century, people beat firewood, then during the hours of the Russian Empire, a stone vogull appeared. Vіn vikoristovuєtsya on transport for scorching living quarters. For the help of the vugill, electricity is generated, vicarious yogo in black metallurgy and chemical industry.

As soon as the stones are blown by that storm of the vugill, then it is necessary to indicate - in the stone vugill, the warmth of the fire will reach the temple and the quality will be significantly better. It is easy for yoga to be transported to faraway places. Bure vugillya vikoristovuєtsya on the territory of vidobutku.

Vidobotok vugіllya zdіysnyuєtsya in two ways - vіdkritim and close. Remaining way more effective, if the birthplace of the vugill is located deep under the earth's surface. Todi yoga is seen from the mines. V_dkritim way є kar'єrniy.

Naftova promislovist

Naft's industry is the basis of today's economy. The most important butt of the need for oil in to the current world- Tse gasoline. Without gasoline, there would be no cars, litaks, sea and river boats.

Naphtha is used for the help of the naphtha Sverdlovsk mines. And the Sverdlovinna Motherland itself is also rozpodіlyaєetsya for the way of turning on: fountain, gas lift and pump-compressor vidobotok.

Irrespective of those who are trying to reach the young gas industry, they are developing rapidly. The first generations of gas were revealed in the Great Hours Vytchiznyanoi war. Porovnyuyuchi gas and oil bottles, varto means that gas bottles cost the state much cheaper. With yoga spalling, less shkidlivih speeches are settled, lower spalling of naphtha chi vugillya. Natural gas can be vicorated like a chemical syrovine, and used for mineral additives.

Naftova and gas industry in Russia

Today, Russia is not the leader in oil reserves. The reason for this is the political situation, and the process of developing the oil industry of the various powers.

Today, in the Russian Federation, the expansion of oil territories in the rich regions of the country is also being carried out. Pastka Sibir is the largest subject for the production of naphtha resources, there are about 300 oil and gas deposits, the main ones being: Samotlor, Ust-Balitsk, Megionsk, Fedorivsk and Surgutsk. On the other side of the region, after the Siberian territories, the Volga-Ural basin is occupied. Here the naphtha is not as pure as it is in Siberia - there is close to 3% of sulfur in it, as it is neutralized during the sampling of syrovin. It is also possible to carry oil to the main regions: Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Udmurtia, Samarsk, Perm, Saratov and Volgograd regions. The Crimea of ​​the main oil regions can be called the Distant Skhid, the Pivnichny Caucasus, the Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories, for which there is also a large number of "black resources".

Today, there is an obvious downward trend in exports and an increase in imports of oil products. 95% of all naphthoproducts are transported through oil pipelines, which are shown on the maps of Russia's oil industry and geographic atlases.

The gas industry of Russia is one of the state's budget-satisfying fools. Vaughn vіdpovidaє for the vidobotok, relabeling, saving and rozpodіl gas resources їх vikoristannya. Greater Russian energy supply is rising in the gas industry.

The gas industry is practically 3 times cheaper for naphtha and 15 times cheaper for other gas industries, associated with carbohydrates.

On the territory of the Russian state, over a third of the light reserves of gas have been stashed and the stench is rebuked from Western Siberia.

Palivna promyslovіst kraїn svіtu

(Vidobottle oil on shale deposits near the USA)

The basis of the oil industry is the type of butt and processing of the oil - naphtha, gas and coal. Behind the cordon, oil production is controlled by TNCs of the USA and the country of Western Europe. And only in some countries the oil and gas production will be controlled by the state. The opponents of the US TNC system are the lands, which are engaged in export. The stench created the OPEC system, as the state's interests are at the cost of oil independence and independence.

Another world war caused changes in the oil positions of the camps. While the United States and Venezuela occupied the role before it, then the SRSR, the Close and Pivnichniy Skhid, entered the battle for the oil.

(Vidobutok oil from Saudi Arabia)

Naftova promyslovist and today is the leader for the show of light. And yet, as a country, it’s contagious, it’s not possible to say for sure. Following OPEC indicators in 2015, the rankings to the top five leaders were: Saudi Arabia, Russia, USA, China and Iraq.

Vidobutok natural gas is growing fast. Today, gas fuels were practically compared to oil genera. 1990 as a leader for the vidobotku of this resource bula Skhidna Europe that SRSR, in the future, the lands of Western Europe and Asia began to take up gas production. Today, Russia continues to be a leader in gas transportation and is the main light exporter of gas.

Vugіlna promyslovіst pritamanna wealthy camps of the world - 60. Ale seldom kіlka taborіv є the main types of shoes vugіll - China, USA, Russia, Nіmechchina, Poland, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. The exporters of the country are engaged in: USA, Australia and PAR. And import - Japan and Western Europe.

There are 9 great vertically integrated oil enterprises (VIOC) in Russia to produce oil (Fig. 1). And there are also close to 150 small and medium shoe companies. Nearly 90% of the total naphtha bottle falls before VINK. Approximately 2.5% of oil comes from Russia's largest natural gas company, Gazprom. І reshta vydobuvayut nezalezhnі vydobuvnі podpriєmstva.

Vertical integration in the oil business - tse association of different lines of the technological lancet for the conversion and processing of carbohydrates (“from the Sverdlovinsk to the gas station”):

· Exploration of oil reserves, drilling and obshtuvannya genera;

· Vidobutok naphtha and її transportation;

· Processing of oil and transportation of oil products;

Zbut (marketing) of naphthoproducts

Figure 1 – Types of crude oil by companies and the concentration of virobnitsa in the oil and footwear industry in Russia in 2010

Table 1 - Types of crude oil and gas condensate produced by the largest Russian oil companies, million tons


The leader of the Russian naphtha gallery. The capitalization of the company is close to 94 billion dollars. (Tuesday 2011). As of December 31, 2010, Rosnafta's reserves were brought to the market at 22.765 billion barrels. naphtha equivalent. With the production of oil, the company is not less than a leader in Russia, and after the results of this month-spring of 2011, having overtaken the American ExxonMobil, it became the world leader (88.6 million tons of oil were produced).

If you talk about the main indicators of the company's activity for 2011, then the following should be taken into account revisiting the business plan from the least important directives:

— 122.5 million tons of naphthite and gas condensate smelters (up 2.5% in 2010 rіk);

- The volume of refining at refineries increased by 14.7%, to 57.9 million tons;

- License package for rіk zbіlshivsya for 21 licenses;

- Zagalna sum of capital investments folded 420 billion rubles. At the nearest 2-3 levels, Rosneft can send a record 3-4 billion dollars to oil refining. on river;

- The net income of claves is close to 393.6 billion rubles. (+14.7% to 2010 year) too thin.

Experts name an increase in the production of naphtha (now, the new Vankor birthplace, just a year ago, the birthplace went to the target of a production run of 15 million tons) and oil refining, the promotion of the “black gold” vart, the gains in the withdrawal of licenses for strategic delivery looking for (like a sovereign company). In addition, the company works strongly with the Chinese, and at the end of the last summer it reached a position of strategic partnership with ExxonMobil on the Arctic shelf of Russia. It is planned that ExxonMobil at the first stage will take over the cost of geological exploration (2-4 billion dollars). Rosneft can join ExxonMobil projects, including those in Mexico and Texas, becoming the first Russian company to produce naphtha in the United States. First of all, Minekonomrozvitka was forced to privatize in 2012 an increase of up to 15% of Rosnafta.

If you are talking about the problematic aspects of the company in the past, the following should be noted:

- Significant arrears in the work of one Yugansknaftogaz, and in the production of the bottle of the largest genus - Priobsky (it gives close to ¼ of the total bottle of Rosneft);

- the key genera of the company have already entered the stage of vidobutka, which is falling;

- Serious problems with refinery modernization. Hocha "Rosneft" - the leader among companies for the amount of invested pennies;

- Lack of prospects for the shelf of the peninsular seas. On a per-shukovo-rozvіduvalnі basis, a region can have up to 7 years;

A long-time supernik of Rosneft. Rinkov's capitalization of the company to become mayzhe 58 billion dollars. (Tuesday 2011). Її part of the high-light oil reserves to become close to 1.1%, and the high-light oil reserves - close to 2.3%. LUKOIL's share is 18.6% of the Russian crude oil production and 18.9% of the Russian crude oil processing. As of September 1, 2011, LUKOIL became the 3rd private oil company in the world (given by the company itself) - 17.255 billion barrels. naphtha equivalent.

LUKOIL and the past fate, having continued to live for the formula - the amount of stock is decreasing, the stock is increasing:

— traded for 9 months of 2011 was equal to the same period of the last year by 29.9% and accounted for 99,101 million dollars;

- net income increased by 32.1% - up to 9012 million dollars;

- Net profitability was 9.1%.

The increase in financial displays of LUKOIL of the past fate is explained even more banally - the increase in light prices for naphtha.

Experts pay attention to the stagnation of test results in the company:

— crude oil production in sich - spring 2011 fell by 5.5% - to 68,290 ths. tons, investors are seriously wary of the fact that management does not dare to stabilize vidobutok;

- The volume of petroleum products decreased by 2.0% - to 46,960 ths. tons and in.

Decreased production of naphtha by the company to the needs of the company's Western Siberian relatives, at the same time more than half of LUKOIL's oil reserves fall on them. As far as the growth of the resource base, the problems of private companies (LUKOIL, among them) are connected with them, because promising genera are available to state companies. Today, LUKOIL's hopes are connected with projects in the Caspian Sea, as well as Trebs and Titov's relatives. The company's capital investments of the past year significantly outperformed the 2010 year - 8.5 billion dollars.

Rinkova capitalization of TNK-BP to become close to 50 billion dollars. According to the type of oil production, the company is included in up to ten of the largest private oil companies in the world, and is the main supplier in retail market Moscow is the leader in the market of Ukraine. As of December 31, 2010, TNK-BP's reserves reached 8.794 billion bar. n. e. The company has promised to invest 45 billion dollars by 2020. at the development of vidobutka naphtha.

In 2011, there was a positive dynamic behind all the directives and activities, which led to the most successful developments in the history of TNK-BP:

— naphtate and gas production without uranium recovery for 9 months of 2011 by 2.1% compared to the same period of 2010;

- Obsyag refining nafti clave 763 yew. bar./dobu, vin zrіs 7%;

- net income was $6.8 billion, which is 75% (!) higher for the same period in 2010;

- Viruchka grew by 38%, etc.

The fact that in 9 months of 2011 TNK-BP significantly increased its investment potential and reduced its financial performance is explained not only by the favorable market situation, but also by the increase in efficiency, as well as the way of life. Annyam important international favors:

- TNK-BP is already operating in Venezuela, and plans to invest 180 million dollars in Junin-6 over the next 3 years;

- Pridbala activates at V'etnam, taking part in the tender for oil and gas blocks on the V'etnam shelf. The company considers the country to be even a promising region for oil and gas production;

- TNK-BP, in order from Rosneft, may have a high chance of winning in auctions for 12 oil and gas deposits in Iraq. This share is already growing on the cob of 2012. All the same, let me say that TNK-BP has every opportunity to turn into one of the most efficient international oil and gas companies.

Surgut NG.

Surgutnaftogaz is the 4th oil company of Russia from the production of oil. Okrim other, this company is the leader in Burin. Її market capitalization to become 37.5 billion dollars. (Tuesday 2011). The section of Surgut NG in the Russian oil-produced ore for the rest of the years grew from 11% to 13%. The company's oil and gas reserves, which are found to be close to 2.5 billion toe. The main indicators of її activity:

— the forecast for oil production in 2011 will be 60.7 million tons, which will increase by 2%;

- The company's oil conversion coefficient is higher than 0.4, while the average Russian rіven becomes 0.3. Before speech, for Surgut NG, the maximum increase in oil production from genera, which is being developed, is a strategic course;

- Net income for the month of spring 2011 increased by 2.4 times - up to 197.537 billion rubles, frankly, a record income;

- Viruchka grew by 50.7% and folded 641.531 billion rubles;

- Gross savings of the company increased to 897 billion rubles.

And yet, as a company, it can be a big job, experts appoint:

- strong staleness in the domestic market due to the lack of tightness of the Kirishi refinery;

– due to the high compatibility of oil production in Surgut NG through significant vitrati on drilling robots.

Gazprom Nafta. The company borrows the 5th place from Russia for a bottle of oil. At the same time, the capitalization of "Gazprom nafta" is close to 20.2 billion dollars. But the head of the company, Oleksandr Dyukov, is aware that the company's shares are underestimated. On one thought, capitalization can be on the level of 30 billion dollars. The oil reserves of the company "Gazprom nafta" have been brought up to 4 billion barrels. Won supply to the Russian market mayzhe 25% of commercial products of high quality. "Gazprom Nafta" takes a leading position in the retail sales of fuel in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

"Gazprom Nafta" is rightly considered to be among the oil and gas companies of the country, which is rapidly growing. By the end of the year, the won has become the leader behind the ostentatious increase in the rating. Vzagali, 2011 became a record for her for all the main parameters:

— Gazprom Nafta's reserves of hydrocarbons may increase at least 50 million tons;

- Vidobutok zrіs more nіzh by 7% - up to 57.2 million tons of oil equivalent The company has set an ambitious target - until 2020, the deadline is to supply a bottle of naphtha;

— net income in September-February 2011 rose by 64% (up to 3.875 billion dollars), analysts, the truth, estimated more - 4 billion dollars;

- Viruchka for the same period moved up by 39% and folded 32.9 billion dollars. and etc.

The good financial results of the company were to eliminate the cost of increasing the production of oil, to increase the obligation for processing (for a short period of time, the company invested 2 billion dollars in processing), as well as pilgrimage for genera in Yamal. In addition, Gazprom is going to transfer oil licenses for 11 great genera to the balance of Gazprom Nafta, the first last station of ZAT Gazprom Nafti Orenburg, 61.8% of the statutory capital of such a purchaser of Gazprom Nafta.

Ale, how to designate analytics, for the long-term prospects of the company, you need:

- Dodatkova resource base. The company plans to engage in the development of new genera in the Orenburz region. Gazprom Nafta signed an agreement with the last fate to please Shell about the possibility of collaborative work on the birthplaces of Western Siberia, as well as the third countries;

- Implementation of technologies for the promotion of oil production;

- development of canals for the heating of naphthoproducts, the construction of a wet line of bunkering terminals and the expansion of a line of refueling complexes in the airports of the Russian Federation.


The company borrows 6 places from the country for a bottle of oil. Її capitalization of the warehouse 14 billion dollars. (Tuesday 2011).

The main performance indicators of Tatnaft for 9 months of 2011 look like this:

- vidobulo 19,393 yew. tons of oil, which is 0.2% more than in the same period of 2010;

- Net surplus of 47.8 bln.

Vidobutok oil from Russia

rub., which is 1.8 times more;

- Viruchka reached 229.46 billion rubles, having increased by 25.3%.

Ale, the company has enough problems, it seems that there are less than a few of them:

- її resource base - one of the largest in the gallery. Most of the company's genera are rebuying at the stage of falling. For example, the largest rodovishche Romashkinske was destroyed by 80%;

- the compatibility of oil is already high. This means that the price of naphtha will fall, then Tatnafta's profits will shrink faster, lower in other companies;

- Naphtha to Tatarstan is characterized by a high thickness and a great amount of sirka. Prices for oil products from such syrovin (fuel oil, bitumen) are not high. Tse will require additional vitrates for the purification of petroleum products. So, for the processing of important Tatnafta oil, there will be a large oil processing complex near Nizhnokamsk (TANECO project), it is predicted that the processing depth here is 96.9%;

- the robots urged in Syria through anti-Uriad protests. Aje could already take the first dividends from the Syrian project. In a similar situation, the company stumbled in Libya, where Tatnafta's investments were deposited 265 million rubles, 14 Sverdlovins were drilled. The company still manages to turn around in the first half of this fate;

— was chosen to sign a billion-dollar contract from Iran, with a glance of oil reserves, the country is even more promising for investors. Ale, I'm in trouble again. Apparently, the United States and the European Union are going to impose oil sanctions on the purchase of Iranian oil.


This company is borrowing the 7th place in the Russian Federation for the equal amount of naphtha. Її chastka in the hot oil trade, which is found in the country, becomes close to 3.6%. 98.95% of the shares of Slavnafta on parity ambushes are controlled by TNK-BP and Gazprom Nafta. As of December 31, 2010, the increase in surplus reserves of oil by the mill reached 216.8 million tons. For the three quarters of 2011:

- the company's subsidiaries produced 13.5 million tons of oil, which means that the oil production decreased by 1.8%;

- Processing into carbohydrate syrovin stored 18.3 million tons, having increased by 9.6%;

- net income decreased by 28.7%, to 122.052 million dollars;

- net vitiorg virus by 30%, up to 4.120 billion dollars.

The main tasks of the company today are the stabilization of naphthobutyl level, the increase in the volume of syrovin conversion and the modernization of the refining mill. Slavnafta has already been engaged in the technical re-engineering of its main oil refinery Slavnafta-Yaroslavnaftoorgsintez (YANOS) for over 10 years, as it has already invested over 1.5 billion dollars in the modernization of the plant, from 2011 to 2014 it is planned to invest. USD


This company was recognized as one of the largest oil companies in the world in the Platts rating for the dynamics of financial performance. Її capitalization in Chernivtsi in 2011 was 10.63 billion dollars. "Bashnafta" of the past rock has shown wicked results:

— vidobutok of naphtha for 9 months of the past year 11,257 ths. tons, which is 7.3% higher for the same period in 2010. In the beginning, the company is demonstrating a steady increase in the production of naphtha, announcing in 10-15 years more and more lower at 2 times;

— net income increased by 52.7% - up to 1309 billion dollars;

- Vitorg becoming 12.47 billion dollars. (+45.2% until 2010).

Such indications of the company are explained not only by the increase in oil production, but also by the increase in the production of oil, for the sake of increasing the efficiency of drilling on old plots, and also by the fact that these processing plants are one of the most modern in the country i. Nevipadkovo "Bashneft" is the leader in oil refining industry at its enterprises - 86.8%.

If there are weak areas of the company, then the experts point to:

- Lack of interest in її refineries;

- strong staleness in the supply of syrovin for other refineries from the side;

- Reimbursements of the company. Most of the genera near Bashkortostan, Tatarstan and Orenburz region are located at the phase of the falling species. Їх vysnazhenistvo become more 85%, and water cut and more - close to 90%. However, it cannot be said that Bashneft will do nothing. Navpaki. Vaughn seeks to increase the resource base for the development of new genera of the Nenets AT, the past year has taken away a license to develop the genera named after Trebs and Titov for 25 years. Their reserves, among others, can become 63.4 million tons and 78.9 million tons in total. The purchase of a license allowed the company to increase its reserves by 30%. The cost of distribution is estimated at approximately 8 billion rubles.

USD It is planned to carry naphtha at the dealership as early as 2014.

Following the financial status of business enterprises that are engaged in the production of oil and gas, the expansion of the myth about those that the role of the private sector in the management of the production company is effective. So, Gazprom and Rosneft didn’t waste their time in 2014 until the first five. Otze, the privatization of state structures oil and gas sector Russia is always sprying a large number of robotic organizations.

Oil and gas sector: the form of power depends on what

The headline idea of ​​an apologist for the market economy, which is based on the priority of private management of footwear, reshaping and transport enterprises, has failed. Tse switchable show analysis government activity leading organizations of the oil and gas sector of our country. Practically behind all the main showcases of Rusnafta, that Slavnafta, which belongs to private persons, opinated as a result of the past fate in the remaining months, which is not surprising. People who have little understanding of the specifics of the most important market for the country are hovering over the nominal stock holders for an hour.

Tatnafta, RITEK and NOVATEK are on the leading positions. With this, it is impossible not to notice a significant decrease in the average Galuze showings and an increase in the spread between the highest and the highest figures. Seemingly simpler, the leading enterprises of the oil and gas plant began to be more effective, and the outsiders increased their performance. The analysis of the activities of the organizations of the PEK allows, with the great frequency of innocence, to stverdzhuvaty, which is due to the increase in pressure. The indicators of the first April 2015 confirm the trend that has emerged.

Oil and gas sector and vertical integration

According to RAS Corresponding Member Academician Oleksandr Andreyev, the role of small enterprises in the structure of the sovereign economy is unacceptably downplayed. It's no secret that the top management vertical is located in a number of great concerns, which do not oppose the development of competition, even though Russia's position in the world market. In the minds of the rozvedenih clans - and there is simply no shortage of new treasures - there is no time for small businesses to spread the licorice pie.

Oleksandr Andrєєv, and many experts agree with him, vvazhє, that the hour has come to change the strategy, which panuє dosі, based on the concept of dosilinosti svydnogo introduction of great oil and gas genera. First of all, there aren't any. In another way, not great rental incomes are needed at once, for ten more years the powers will need it again, but the policy is directed, aimed at the reconstruction and modernization of all enterprises.

Oil and gas sector of Russia: in the focus of new technologies

The introduction of enterprises of the oil and gas sector beyond the level of technical equipment became especially memorable for the rest of the fates.

The stagnation of production organizations and processing plants with imported technologies has become simply obscene for the country with a syrovin economy. Nearly 70% of the productions are rebuying from that equal development, as and for the first time, modernization is right in the region, which negatively affects the molding price of the Kintsev production.

Where you can see what you get in Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region naphtha is transported to oil refinery backwaters to China? Navkolo rich oil refineries, but the stench is not in the air to get in the way of proponing obligations, or not to pull for the tightness of that necessary amount of syrovin.

Oil companies

The need for innovation, an influx of new personnel, building security for the production of oil and gas at the current level.

Necessary fastening and yakіsna modernization

Spodіvatis on the speed of the end of the economic blockade and the stabilization of the light market of oil and gas in the next hour is naїvno. In the opinion of more experts, the complicated geopolitical situation in Europe, the conflicts at the Close Convergence, the collapse of sovereignty in Ukraine will still be noticeable in the entire post-traditional space for a long time. The energy map of the world is gradually changing, and India and China are becoming the main contributors to oil and gas.

Russia has miraculous prospects to conquer the market, and even more so in the future. Ale, for the cost of huge investments for the modernization of the old possession and the purchase of new technologies. Without which it is impossible to increase the amount of oil that is being seen. Unfortunately, the downward trend in the coefficient of oil production is steadily decreasing, even as in the USA, Norway, France, the most important indicator of the efficiency of the oil and gas sector's operations is growing with skin cancer. There are a lot of checks on riches and swedes on the side of the state, because private investments are not enough.

Vidoboot of oil in Russia: the past day of the oil market


Short historical introduction

Since ancient times, people have been collecting naphtha from the surface of the earth (and water). At Tshomu, naphtha knew how to finish the zastosuvannya. Since the other half of the 19th century had found a safe gas lamp, the demand for oil increased sharply. The development of industrial oil production is starting from the sight of drilling in the Sverdlovina to oil-bearing formations. Due to the introduction of electricians and the rise of electric lighting, the need for extinguishing like a dzherel lighting began to decrease. At this hour of wine, the engine of the internal fire is found and the belligerent development of the automotive industry begins. In the United States, the founder of the mass production of automobiles, Henry Ford, in 1908, the release of an inexpensive model T began at reasonable prices. Cars, which were more accessible only for the rich, began to vibrate at the Daedalus of a larger number. While in 1900 the United States had about 8 thousand cars, then by 1920 there were already 8.1 million. Dosi more part of the naphtha vikoristovuetsya for the people's ability to move quickly (by land, by water, by air).

Svitovy naftovidobutok

V. N. Shchelkachov, analyzing in his book “Vitchiznyaniya i svitovy naftovidobutok” historical data on the production of naphtha, having propagated the development of the development of svitovy naftobutok into two stages:
The first stage - from the cob until 1979, if the first oil-bearing maximum was reached (3235 million tons).
Another stage - from 1979 to the present hour.

It was noted that from 1920 to 1970, light naphthic oil-buttons increased not only in the new dermal growth, but for decades, the appearance of naphtha-buttons grew practically in a geometric progression (increased 10 years). Since 1979, the rate of increase in the growth rate of light oil naphtha has been increasing. On the cob of the 80s, a short-time decrease in the amount of naphtha was introduced. Nadal rostannya obsyagiv vdobutku nafti vіdnovlyuєtsya, but not so fast paced, as in the first stage.

Dynamics of crude oil production in the world, million tons

Irrespective of the fall, the appearance of a bottle of oil on the cob of the 80s and crises, which periodically trap, on the whole, the light form of oil, is steadily growing. Average growth rate for the period from 1970 to 2012. folded close to 1.7%, moreover, this indicator is significantly lower for the average growth rate of light GDP.

And what do you know, you...

In world practice, the vidobutka of naphtha is kept at the barrels. And in Russia, as it happened historically, for the vidobutka, there will be mass loneliness. Until 1917, tse buli pud, and at once tons.

In Great Britain, like in Russia, for the appearance of a bottle of oil, tons of oil are crusted. And the axis near Canada and Norway on the vіdmіnu vіd reshti the kraїn naphtha is killed off m3.

Vidobutok oil from Russia

Oil production in Russia since the early 2000s has been growing steadily, although Rest hour the pace of growth has been reduced, and in 2008 there was a slight decrease. Starting from 2010, the production of oil in Russia has reached the level of 500 million tons per river, and it has been moving higher for the same river, steadily moving forward.

Oil production in Russia, million tons

Behind the BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2017

In 2016, a new record was set in 2016, not caring about the freezing of vidobutka. 547 million tons of oil and gas condensate were produced, which is 1.3% higher than in 2015.

Naftova galuz of Russia

Russia is one of the largest participants in the light energy market.

Protyag 2000-2015 years. The share of Russia in light crude oil increased from 8.9% to 12.4%. Today, there are only three countries that determine the dynamics of prices on the oil market (order from Saudi Arabia and the USA).

Russia is the key supplier of oil and petroleum products for European countries; increase the supply of oil to the territories of the Asia-Pacific region.

Vagoma part of Russia on the light naphtha market to work the country as one of the leading participants in the global energy security system

There are 8 great vertically integrated oil enterprises (VINK) in Russia to produce oil. And there are also close to 150 small and medium shoe companies. Nearly 90% of the total naphtha bottle falls before VINK. Approximately 2.5% of oil comes from Russia's largest natural gas company, Gazprom. І reshta vydobuvayut nezalezhnі vydobuvnі podpriєmstva.

  • exploration of oil reserves, drilling and obshtuvannya genera;
  • vidobutok naphtha and її transportation;
  • oil processing and transportation of oil products;
  • zbut (marketing) of naphthoproducts

Vertical integration allows you to reach the next competitive advantages:

  • security of guaranteed minds
  • reduction of risks associated with changes in the market conjuncture
  • reduction in costs for the release of a single product

Rosneft and Lukoil are the leaders in oil production in Russia for the production of oil.

Oil production by the largest companies in 2016 roci, million tons

The process of tying with a vidobottom of naphtha is foldable, which includes a worker preparing the work, which consists of a number of stages. Before preparatory stages to be carried out geological research, seismic survey, drilling of the Sverdlovina, sampling of the Sverdlovina and many others. In such a rank, in order to make things easier for the managers of oil and gas companies, they establish such a name as oil service companies. The essence of their activities lies in the fact that such companies are engaged in the work of various employees, connected with drilling robots, as well as the production of brown copalins.

The scope of the robot includes:

  • nadannya consultations;
  • seismic survey;
  • drilling robots;
  • conducting a geophysical survey of the Sverdlovin;
  • carrying out trial tests;
  • cementation of the Sverdlovin;
  • organization of mechanized vidobotku naphtha and rich other.

In this manner, the influx of naphthoservicing companies of foundations for servicing the exploration and production of the main syrovinnyh commodities, such as naphtha and natural gas. Such companies and their clients may be mutually supportive. Behind the words of Joseph Bennett (Tidewater company), whose business is directly following the drillers - if the companies that make the distribution of that type of bottle do not start drilling, then the oil service companies also do not begin their work. In such a rank, the skin krai is running a naphthoservice company. Thus, the United States has over a thousand companies, which can give more important services. But, no matter the price, only 91 shares of them are traded on the stock exchanges.

The worker of the naftoservisna promislovist proponuє impersonal raznomanіtnyh servitors, contributions to the provision of support of raznomanіtnykh. In this rank, the companies that work in this sphere give their services both on land and on the sea. As a rule, with the help of zdіysnyuєtsya exploration and vidobotok, as well as the completion of the drilling of Sverdlovsk, carried out geological analysis and a lot of other things. Krym tsgogo, the largest naphthoservice companies also provide services for the modeling of the genera, monitoring and seismic forecasting.

7 largest oil companies in Russia

The value of the company without intermediary lies in the number of services, as if they won't.

In this rank, on the light oil service market, the most famous companies are Schlumberger, Halliburton, McDermott and BJ Services. Schlumberger has established its leadership by delivering a wide range of services. Gravity of the middle level are such companies as Tidewater, Oceaneering International and Seacor Holdings. The main activity of the field is in the supply of large fleets of vessels for offshore drilling rigs and platforms. They are responsible for the delivery of various technological tools used for drilling in the Sverdlovin, transporting work teams, towing drilling rigs, installing and lifting anchors, as well as providing additional help for repair and maintenance. Nearly 45% of the surplus of the Galuzi is served by the security services. Another 35% of the income comes out of the drilling, and the reshta surplus - in the form of the settlement. Companies that provide oil industry services are guilty of expanding the way of expanding the product portfolio, as well as the way of expanding the geography of presence.

Naftoservice companies of Russia

Oil service companies in the Russian Federation were formed after non-core activities were established in the warehouse of oil and gas production enterprises. Until recently there was no oil service market in Russia. The service work of the oil industry, like an independent bounty, was formed only in the last ten years of the last century.

Until that moment, the naftoservisnyh naftoservisnyh services fell on the shoulders of the subsidiaries that were at the structure of the naphtha companies. Pіdrozdіl, scho are engaged in service, bіlіnіnі vіdіlіnі through pragnennya to raznizhennya vitrat on utrimannya obladnannya, and kozh conducted geologicheskih robіt. In this way, the study of third-party companies with the method of organizing the process, directed to the production of blue copalins, showed much greater efficiency, lower imitation of their own power services. This was the main reason, through which, one after another, various enterprises began to form, like giving services to oil and gas companies.

Let's just say that about ten years ago, the deaks of Russian graves traded their oilfield services assets in order to increase competition. Age competition is the main principle of the market. Service business as a part of the company is significantly less efficient and less efficient. Just like competition, independent service enterprises are forced to work without interruption, directing the increase in the quality of services. Krim tsgogo, competition is supported by such enterprises, the readiness to lower rates. At one time, oil companies are allowed to pay for the cost of contractions, and hopefully they can secure long-term contracts. Spiraling on the drilling market, in 2004 the LUKOIL company sold the LUKOIL drilling plant, as a result of which the Eurasia Drilling Company (EDC) appeared, which became the largest oil service business in Russia.

Two years ago, the American company Schlumberger had a small plan to join the Russian company, but for the sake of it, it didn’t get through freezing by the power of the Russian Federation. Once again, let's pay attention that the Schlumberger company at once with such light gravels as Halliburton, Baker Hughes, Weatherford, control the entire light market of oil service services. Moreover, skin care companies can have a lot of specialization.

"Gazprom nafta" was also called upon to introduce its own service block structure. It became tse in 2010, and the operation was completed in 2011. Bashnafta sold its oil service and other non-core assets during the 2012-2013 period.

Spivrobitnik company "Gazprom nafta" podіlyajlyayut tsyu w idea and do not choose to invest in the oil service business, for the blame of high-tech companies. In this hour, over 200 oil service companies operate on the territory of the Russian Federation, which are divided into three main categories:

  • affiliates with oil and gas companies;
  • great service business;
  • medium and small service enterprises.

The Russian market of oil service services is estimated by experts at 30 billion dollars.

oil service companies

The largest oil companies in Russia

There are 9 great vertically integrated oil enterprises (VINK) in Russia to produce oil. And there are also close to 150 small and medium shoe companies. Nearly 90% of the total naphtha bottle falls before VINK. Approximately 2.5% of oil comes from Russia's largest natural gas company, Gazprom. І reshta vydobuvayut nezalezhnі vydobuvnі podpriєmstva.

Vertical integration in the oil business - the integration of different lines of the technological lancet for the conversion and processing of carbohydrates ("from the Sverdlovinsk to the gas station"):

exploration of oil reserves, drilling and obshtuvannya genera;

vidobutok naphtha and її transportation;

oil processing and transportation of oil products;

zbut (marketing) of naphthoproducts

Vertical integration allows you to reach the next competitive advantages:

· Guaranteed supply of raw materials and products

reduction of risks associated with changes in the market conjuncture

· Decrease in costs for the release of a single product

Rosneft and Lukoil are the leaders in oil production in Russia for the production of oil.

Table No. 1.1.Oil and gas production by the largest Russian oil companies, million tons


Oil processing

At the exit from the Sverdloviny, syrah naphtha may be surrounded by the area of ​​stosuvannya. In fact, all syrah naphtha undergoes distillation, so that it can be used to produce such products as gasoline, aviation oil, fuel oil and crafts.

At the dawn of the naphtha gallery, the fermentation was vibrated by a primitive humus apparatus, in which the naphtha was brought to a boil, and, then, various products condensed, fallow at temperature.

TOP-20 oil and footwear companies in Russia

For whom it is necessary not more richly than vminnya, lower for the preparation of moonshine, for that in the naphtha galuz in the 19th century came whiskey whiskers. At the same time, oil refining is a large, collapsible, high-tech and expensive production complex.

Oil processing at refineries includes the following main stages:

· Oil preparation before refining;

· Primary processing of naphtha;

· Re-processing of oil;

· Purification of petroleum products.

Preparing oil before refining is used for additive additive water (up to 0.1% in water) and salt (in salt up to 3-4 mg/l) to reduce corrosion. technological possession and the increase in the quality of burning and other oil products.

Syrah naphtha- tse sum of different carbohydrates in different meals. The leather warehouse may have its own value, but when it comes out of the processing. To that, the first stage of oil refining was done in warehouses. Tse reaches the path of high-temperature distillation - in fact, heating. Different warehouses evaporate at different temperatures and then they can be condensed into separate clean streams. These products are already ready for sale. Others are offered further processing, in order to obtain more expensive products.

With a simple distillation, the process, as a rule, is reduced to the removal of third-party particles and the introduction of minor changes Chemical power. In the great pererobnyh complexes, there is more folding transformation on a molecular level path chemical reactions. This process is called cracking and conversion. The result is an increase in the output of low-cost products, such as gasoline, and a decrease in the output of such cheap products, like fuel oil and asphalt.

Sverdlovsk oil deposits and, as a whole, the oil-and-boot complex is located near the proximity of oil deposits, and, as a rule, directly above the oil deposit. Selecting a place for rotting a naphtho-refinery (refinery) will require a comprehensive approach. When refining refineries are located, proximity to the oil pipelines, main oil pipelines, potential savings, as well as the availability of energy and labor resources are guaranteed.

In Russia, the deployment of oil refineries developed until the end of the 70s, in the 80s there was only one refinery - Achinsk. In 2002, roci was introduced into the refinery of the TANECO company in Nizhnyokamsk. A plant to burn 7 million tons of oil to the river of promptings for the processing of important sulfuric oil from the genera of Tatarstan.

Today, Russia has 27 great oil refineries (refineries), which provide up to 98% of the primary processing of oil. At the mini-refinery, 2% of oil is processed.

Middle processing depth:

In Russia - 71.5%

USA - 95%

in Europe - 90%

The largest gas companies in the world

Regardless of the unstable situation in the market, most companies that specialize in the production of gas and oil continue to develop rapidly. Regularly-information agencies compile the ratings of the largest and surplus industrial enterprises. The leather gas company has its own history of development and specific activities.

It is advisable to get acquainted with the list of the largest gas companies in the world:

  1. Saudi Aramco. The company builds its activity from the 30s in Saudi Arabia. Great business is provided with the necessary technical facilities for the production of oil and gas, including the military service at airports.
  2. Gazprom. Russian business is one of the largest in the world. It was founded in 1989 and began to rapidly develop on the cob of the 90s. Most of the assets of the enterprise belong to the state. "Gazprom" is a great gas supplier to rich countries of the world.
  3. National Iranian Oil Company. The oil company was founded in Iran on the cob of the 20th century, but the rapid development was born in the 50s. Since 1979, the business was nationalized.
  4. ExxonMobil. The business enterprise was founded in 1911 as a result of the breakup of the Standard Oil Company corporation, by John Devison Rockefeller.

    Naftogaz's Galuz of Russia in facts and figures

    The great commitments of brown copalins, which are seen, have brought to a rotten reputation of the enterprise through its accountability to serious environmental disasters.

  5. petroChina. The Chinese company has been nationalized since 1999. There is a place for the production of brown copalins in Canada, Australia and Africa, and the industry is actively developing.
  6. Royal Dutch Shell. The Great Oil and Gas Company was founded in 1907 as a result of the anger of many small firms. Vaughn blatantly on the choice of automotive oils, but also diyalnist z vidobotku gas and oil are no less successful.
  7. Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex) Bula was nationalized in 1938 and brought great income to Mexico. The corporation may have a sovereign support for the successive new genera.
  8. Chevron. The corporation established its foundation in 1879 in California. She took off her own name with the same name company in 2001. Representative offices of the corporation are distributed in 180 countries of the world. The main direction of activity is the type of crude oil.
  9. Kuwait Petroleum Corp. The corporation was founded in 1934 in Kuwait, and in 1980 the nationalization took place. The company may have great pressures in its order, as they are constantly expanding. Tse secure the supply of gas and oil from the great obsyagas and the increase in supply.

Having become familiar with the listing of corporations, you can develop a pleasant experience, that gas and others with brown copalins are used in great obligations due to the congestion of daily virobnicheskie strains. Regardless of the great competition, great companies are actively developing and developing their business activity.

Naftogaz promislovіst is a special branch of the economy, which is engaged in vidobutka, processing, savings, as well as the sale of natural copalins (gas and oil). The basis of the tsієї galuzі is to become vertically integrated enterprise.

The type of bottle of oil and gas products is a complex and laborious process. Before entering: geological survey, drilling of the Sverdlovin, cleaning of the vidobutih copalin from the water, sirka and rich other houses.

Metoyu refining naphtha є otrimanna different types naphthoproducts (aviation, automobile, etc.), and navit syrovin. Necessary for further chemical processing. As a result, gasoline, diesel fuel, gas, technical oils come out.

Undertakings of the gas industry

This is the best growing and young galuz near the pale industries. A bottle of natural gas is cheaper than a bottle of natural gas, a bottle of oil is 10 times cheaper than a bottle of water. On the entire territory of the Russian Federation, there are close to one-third of the explored gas reserves. The stench is estimated at 160 trillion cubic meters. About 11 tons of goods are delivered from the whole to Europe, and 84% to the other market.

Nearly 90 vіdsotkіv of natural gas are found near Western Siberia. Here are the largest genera. Industries reserves in the region overwhelm half of all resources in Russia (about 60 tons). To other gas-producing regions lie the Urals - tse Orenburzka gas condensate genera. Є natural gas to the Lower Volga, Pivnіchny Kavkazі and Far Descent. Promising areas for gas production are the shelf waters of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Arctic.

For the transportation of Russian gas, there is a gas supply system, which includes: genera, gas pipelines, underground gatherings, compressor-type stations and other installations.

"Gazprom" is the main enterprise of the oil and gas industry, as a leader in this industry and the largest gas company in the whole world. The most important natural monopoly of Russia. "Gazprom" will provide nearly 94 tons of gas per day in the country.

Enterprises of the oil industry

At this gallery, they are engaged not only in the production of oil, but also in transportation. Crimea, zdijsnyuєtsya і vidobutok associated gas. On the territory of the Russian Federation, there were few already known reserves of oil. Tse allow Russia to take a seat at the light of this gallery.

The most learned and mastered natural resources near the Volga-Ural region. Here you can find the largest genera of naphtha. Ale, the main resources are located in the Zakhidno-Siberian Okrug. The Timano-Pechora naphtha-like bases do not swell.

Here, there is a kind of bottle of so-called important oil for the help of the mine method. The price is even higher than the value of syrovin, for which a low-temperature oil comes out, as it is necessary for work in a harsh climate.

The privatization of the facilities of the oil and gas complex (OGC) divided the system into a single system, cherished by the state. Private oil enterprises have been enriched by all kinds of industrial objects and the national wealth of Russia - genera and reserves of oil. NGK has 17 companies.

"Lukoil" is a great enterprise of the oil and gas industry, on the yak it falls close to 19 tons per bottle of oil. Krim tsієї kompanії є "TNK", "Rosneft", "Sibneft" and "Surgutneftegaz".

Through the settlements of naphthoproducts in similar regions, as well as in pivnochs, the problem of their transportation has arisen. The most effective solutions were pipelines. And the axis of the development of the network of oil pipelines has become possible for the proximity of oil refining to the point of cessation.

The distribution of oil and gas industry enterprises without intermediary commitments to the storage of oil products in various stores, the very technology of processing, the transportation of oil, as well as territorial support between the regions and the storage of resources.

Enterprises of oil and gas industry at exhibitions

At the exhibition "Naftogaz", as you pass by the handy and large-scale Expocentre Fairgrounds, you can learn more about all the current oil and gas deposits, as enterprises are engaged in their types of production, which checks for the oil and gas complex with a promising future one and sign contracts with enterprises of the oil and gas industry.

"Expocentre" is just a smart exhibition maidan, a kind of rafflement near the central district of Moscow. Tse, in your own hands, to guarantee you not only handily, but also the passage.

For the greatest professionalism of all exhibition services, clear logistics and prompt execution of the necessary documents are ensured. Organizers Exhibitions "Naftogaz" to help with expansion, installation, installation and connection.

A lot of conducting enterprises of the oil and gas industry take part in the Naftogaz showcase.

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