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Vitalnya 25 squares design. We decorate horizontal and vertical surfaces. We create a furniture composition near the open air

It is possible to spruce up the original kitchen-vital with the help of impersonal methods. You can add a little bit of decor and lighting, add some name elements of different styles and visualization of thematic interior to life. All the same, with correct quotation, to allow the space to expand the kitchen, unique and calm.

The kitchen-vitalnya is often created for the help of replanning the room. For the wealthy, such a transformation is more difficult, and for others - the only acceptable option. The kitchen is a studio, shared with vitality, having its own peculiarities, shortcomings and advances, and everything is necessary to secure, preparing the design project. Zavdyaki as a well-worn design, you can add a small amount of kitchen-vital, a high shape, or insufficient lighting. The design of the kitchen of the living room is 30 sq. m. At the heart of the beautiful and aesthetic design lies the bedrock on the sprat zones. In addition, when designing such a kitchen, the following points should be protected:
  • expansion of the area, introduced into the skin zone;
  • yakі will vikoristovuvatsya zasobi for podіlu kіmnati on the zone;
  • the need for additional supervision;
  • the need for furniture of non-standard size.

Features of the great kitchen

Living room kitchen 20 sq. m design and studio kitchen 30 sq. m. Basically, the kitchen is 40 sq. m. You can create vitality practically with any kind of planning. It is more efficient to work the studio, as if to create an asymmetric shape, however, with a square and rectangular shape, it is also possible to create a vital.

The main advantage of such a kitchen is a large area, for which you can place everything you need on it.
All appliances, as they do not sound like they fit into a standard kitchen, can be placed in the studio, not working with any effect of the contaminated room. The peculiarity of the great kitchen-vital room is space, which is a trace of victoriousness with the mind and correctly place the accents of that zone in the room.

Zonuvanya kitchen - vіtalnі

Living room kitchen 20 sq m design photo, as well as living room kitchen with an area of ​​25-30-40 square meters. meters are oblashtovuєtsya for help, along with a stone on a sprat of zones. It's necessary to work, shards given room it’s not just a kitchen anymore, it’s like a distant vital, that doesn’t care about the sum of planning, it’s necessary to see the skin zone in a proper order. For zoning, you can vicorate the following:

  • it is possible to vikoristovuvaty drops of pіdloga and steli. As if laying in an apartment or a house of a temple, then you can see the vital zone behind the help of the podium, in which you can also have small screens for saving homemade rubbish;
  • light accents. Often the zoning of the room is carried out by itself for the help of a warm light. For example, the vital zone can be called brightly illuminated;
  • laying of various materials for the repair of kitchen utensils in the parts that were left out. The most common way to cover the underlays in the kitchen is to use vicorous tiles, and for the sleeping room carpet, to cover the underlays in the living room, often vicorous parquet or laminate. Such a choice is not binding. For bazhannya, you can choose more original material;
  • Rydіliti zony Apartments-studiya, you can for the additional furniture of the ABS AKSEUKIV - Vіdkritih Yezhok, Worky Breakfast Aquarium, Colonie І t. D. Tychniyst Quesch Elentiv in Kimnati Absolutely not to designate "Troykostі" Your KIMNATI, and Navitsy Dodades Ch_tkostі Ta Structural ;
  • zastosuvannya original decoration with different textures, as well as different or color materials. For a skin coma, it is characteristic of its mother's own color din, zavdyaki bude will be seen between. When dobirtsі koloru, it’s important not to have mercy, and pick up the colors, it’s good to eat among yourself;
  • the design of the kitchen is vital in one color, in order, that the skin zone in the room may have a different color, which smoothly flows into another.

Features of design in the great kitchen of life

The design of the kitchen is 25 sq. m. For such a room, as a kitchen and a living room, it is necessary to choose furniture, vikonan in the same style and color. You can find such furniture in any specialized furniture store, which already for a long time produces special sets for the kitchen-studio. Such a set of furniture can create even quieter and more comfortable interior and design near the great room.

Crimean furniture, kitchen living room 25 sq. m. design photo to lay also in textiles, which will be found in the application. When decorating a kitchen of 25-30-40 sq. meters, it is best to wicker curtains and tablecloths different colors that style of decoration. It is not necessary to make the room look like a beautiful one and not to let the decor elements change in the situation.

Okrem respect it is necessary to add technical. For example, a drawstring for the kitchen should be picked up especially relatively. It’s the mother’s fault for good fatigue, so that during the process of preparing the dish, it was left clean at the skin zone of the room.
An important point: the TV at such a room is best installed at the center of the place, so that you can marvel at it from any point of the room. Kitchen studio 20 sq. m. It is important to arrange її in a given style, otherwise such a large room will be quiet and uncomfortable.

Top items that are required to be present in the kitchen studio

Spacious dimensions, like a kitchen-vіtalnya, allow you to place everything in it necessary possession that furniture. Obviously, when choosing these objects, it is necessary to go in the first line, coming out of the exact area of ​​the room. Furniture is categorically not recommended to be installed outside the perimeter of the room. The most optimal option is to expand the furniture in the distance from the walls near the center of the room.

Irrespective of those that the area of ​​the kitchen-studio is large, all the same, do not varto її strongly harass. Therefore, among the most common objects, which can be used in the kitchen-vital, the most necessary ones are:

  1. strong pull. Good in the studio is simply necessary, so like smells from the kitchen, at the hour of cooking, they will be spread throughout the room, climbing like furniture, so textiles. A little sweaty sweatshirt can sprout with cleansings again on such an area and support the receiving atmosphere at the reception;
  2. refrigerator, dishwasher, cooking oven top. Without this technology, the preparation of that saving is absolutely impossible. Bazhano roztashovuvat all the equipment in the distant parts of the kitchen-vital, so how to sound out loud, which is highly respected by everyone who is in other areas near the kіmnati;
  3. tv or panel. Without this unit, the life of the house and the life of the living room are not enough; the same is the fault of the clothes in the kitchen. Mayte, in your order, in the zone of repair, without a break, not far from the armchairs or the sofa.

Lighting in the kitchen

Garne lighting - a guarantee of the aesthetics of the room, calm and comfort. Yogo nedolіk can make the room gray and gloomy, which is irrelevant for the kitchen. In order to use a lack of light, you can win over the installed French window, as it is possible.

If the room itself turned dark on its own and the change of light practically does not penetrate into it, then it’s not necessary to bathe dark curtains. The modern type has more lungs and light. In case of piece lighting, it is necessary to attach the skin from the zones near the room, after lighting for the skin. They can use standard light cords, which are mounted under the bed and under the wardrobe in the kitchen. It is important, do not forget about those who play a great role in the place of lighting the lamps. The stench is not to blame, but it is chaotically spread among the great number of people in one place.

Video design kitchen studio

  • Corresponding recommendations on interior design
    • What is required to cover the hour of registration

Inter'єr vіtalnі, yak for rozmіrom become 25 sq.m, can be decorated in different ways. In such a place, everything you need can be accommodated, and you can also add a place of vitality to the zone. Inter'єr vital can be built in such a way that there will be a common area for the great family, there will also be a zone for repair, a sofa, a TV set and everything else that is necessary for a full repair can be placed in the distance. Vitalnya can be decorated easily.

If you choose such a vital design, you can not be afraid of bold solutions, you can choose any style, pidide classic, pop art or art deco.

The central zone of the interior with a vital area of ​​25 square meters you can zrobiti rounded shape. On the right, in the fact that the rounded bells outline the virgins of the stele, as they are hung from plasterboard leaves, the basement can be decorated with little rounded shapes, in this way the furniture can be more beautifully shaped like a hvilepodibnu. this type looks even more pleasant, stylish and original.

When decorating an interior, you can place your respect not on a single idea of ​​design, but on other decorative elements. For whom is the most victorious geometric form (the stink of guilt is simple). Everything is the best pidide in order to see the pidlog and the stele.

If you choose the colors of the din of the interior of the room, there are no daily borders for the most daring experiments. It is possible to vicorate bright tones, so as to make the space more beautiful, to vikoristove bright and dark tones, then you can add a touch of style to that individuality.

Light-coloured furniture has the effect of lightness and lightness.

In order to improve the design in the best possible way, the following recommendations should be taken to respect:

  1. When choosing furniture, it is more likely to fit on small spaces, which allows you to accommodate a sufficient amount of furniture. In such a rite, one saves a little free space, so that one can create a spacious room.
  2. In the case of bulky walls, it is recommended to move.
  3. When choosing furniture, it is recommended to use light colors and light design. On the right, in the fact that furniture of this type may have the effect of lightness and lightness, the application will not be overwhelmed.
  4. Vіdmіnno pіdіyde to embellish the interior kutovy sofa and zruchny coffee table.
  5. Do not varto vikoristovuvati furniture, dodatkovі ob'emnі parts, yakі need only for the effect.
  6. It’s rich in richness, that the interior is vital, chanting in bright colors, it’s boring. And here, as a whole, you can beat the versatility like a bright element. For example, miraculously come different accessories of apple-green, stable-rye, orange and coral colors. You can miraculously decorate the interior for additional rugs, kilimkiv, sofa cushions, great ashlar vases. All the same, you will bring in the singing of brilliance.
  7. The main palette of colors, like victorious in the interior, is not guilty of being overly stringy, not varto vikoristovuvaty more than 3-4 colors.
  8. Do not varto embellish the interior of the great number of objects of decor, it is necessary to protect that all the accessories are good to go one by one.

Before the interior closes 25 sq.m. happen to pіdіti as much as possible vіdpovіdalno. In fact, it’s not so easy, as it seems at first glance, to decorate a spacious room, so that it doesn’t give up empty, or, on the contrary, charred. If we had previously expanded the design of the interior, with all the furniture being refurbished, the walls were empty and the middle of the room was empty, then today it is considered a relic of the past. For a successful contemporary designer, such a room can be quiet, and it can be reached in two main ways: visual zoning of space and competent placement of furniture.
You can zone a room to a zone of repair and a distant or a working office. For interior design 25 sq.m. the characteristically functional part of the space was filled with so-called “reasonable partitions”, as if to often attach the room’s curtain, or to signify the zoning of the arrangement of furniture. Fallow in the planning of the room, soft furniture in it, place it like a white wall, so in the middle, and behind the sofa, place a functional zone for another.
Design Vital has 25 sq. it is possible to implement practically any style. Find the most comfortable, something like a loft or a Victorian one, to successfully fit into such a room. Nemaє nemaє nemazhen schodo vykoristannya palіtri kolorіv pri renovі vіtalnі 25 sq.m. As in small rooms it is not recommended to use dark tones, then the stench lingers.
And the axis is well illuminated, then there are its own nuances. First, ensure good natural lighting, the rocks of the room are large and richly light. In another way, it is wise to go to the creation of piece lighting. Have a vipadku, dzherel light maє buti kіlka, sobіtlyuvaty different functional areas, as well as creating different effects at different times achieved for different purposes (sveta illumination for the saint, muffled for the evening evening).

We recommend to your respect the photo design of the living room 25 sq.m. Design a cistern for your own interiors and for those who are planning to renovate their apartment without a hitch.

Reasonable partition near the design of the living room 25 sq.m., photo 1

Obidnya zone behind a reasonable partition, photo 2

Naskrіna partition at the design of the interior of the vital, photo 3

Functional zoning of space, photo 4

Placement of soft furnishings near the center of the room, photo 5

Classic interior of the living room, photo 6

Open space in modern style, photo 7

Current trends in interior design, photo 8

Design in mixed colors - from white to black, photo 9

The role of curtains in a quiet interior, photo 10

Chic interior in brown tones, photo 11

Vitalnya, divided into zones, photo 12

If you live in the open space of a 25-meter windmill, then we won’t think about internal improvements. Organize an interior 25 sq. m. you can do it differently, but you will be bolder those who, for such a square, see everything with great ease.

Also, the accommodation can be zoned, for example, to create a zone for the evening with a great table, which can be even more important in case of obvious inconsistency in the size of the kitchen and the number of members of the family.

In addition, in the kitchen during the cooking hour, the temperature and moisture content are often blamed, which clearly reduces comfort during cooking.

Order from the zone for the evening, do not start up the zone for roses with soft furniture, a bookcase and a TV set, although, in principle, for the least amount of TV programs, you can replace it with a radio receiver without shkodi.

In general, the independent design of such an accommodation does not become a task of particular complexity.

When choosing a design, a vital room is 25 sq. m. not varto to confine yourself to the framework of everyday life with sideboards, which are not needed by anyone, and hastily nailed with flowers to the walls with kilims-sawmills.

It is possible and necessary to experiment, but with one caution, which stands out from the meaning of the word design: it is necessary to choose the golden middle between functionality and aesthetics.

Lovers of curvature and oval outlines fall in love with curly bagataria. plasterboard stele with a vіdpovidny yoma form of the central zone. Complete the look of rounded furniture. Such an application is literally reminiscent of thinness and lightness, which comes against the backdrop of an obtrusive, apparently cyclical butt, which is in the air.

As much as more advantage is hoped for by functionality, then varto is more important for rectilinear contours. Having converted the ventilator to a variation of the Lego constructor, you take the maximum of comfort in terms of one stained-glass area, not for nothing that such a design is even more popular in Japan, de є the problem of an overworldly high population density is expressed.

Characteristics of colors can be sufficient, without borders. The rise of light tones creates an illusion of relaxation, and greens and brown colors create a calm atmosphere. If you want to demonstrate to the guests your vitrified spryyattya to the world, then the dark and bright colors will be an irreproachable choice.

Why install gigantic wardrobes with thousands of policemen, rather sell all the money on the site without any noises and increase the cost of compact wardrobes, reducing the size of the housing. When you save clothes, you can squeeze for the help of a vacuum pump and special bags. On the other side, when buying sofas, it is necessary to reconsider, so you will be placed on the new one in the recumbent position. Otherwise, at the time of the dreamed night at the vital, you can’t talk about comfort.

For gatherings, especially comfortable couches.

As if you bought a coffee table, you begin to understand, as if you lived life without it for nothing. Like a lot of receivers, they know their own backyard there.

Rather, it is better to look at the type of furniture, which will be ineffective, even at the stage of purchase. It is necessary to understand, that at some time the furniture will be richly folded, not far away, and at the same time come.

Lighten up the fresh color scheme, based on light colors, it is easy to finish it, as well as to add furniture with various accessories, pillows or vases. Perevagu varto vіddavati to the lower vіdtinki, unikayuchi otruyno-yaskravih colors.

When decorating, it is not necessary to splurge on the diversity of colors. Aje tse is still a vіtalnya, and not an aviary for parrots. Those same are brought to the supra-world number of various accessories. The stench is guilty of harmonizing one with one and you can’t buy them thoughtlessly, unsystematically, so you obviously don’t choose to sell them for a quarter of the price on the Internet.

What else is needed for a mother on uvazі with obshtuvannі vіtalnі 25 m²

It is necessary to decide on the design of the windows, what is more important for you: practicality or old look. As for practicality in the foreground, then varto vіddat vyddat the blinds, especially horizontal ones, which allow you to place apartments on the windowsills, that and vzagali actively vikoristovuvat. In addition, the blinds are safe to light. As well as the emphasis on aesthetics, look at the option with curtains. Move them out of the river with curtains.

It’s better to make a lighter coat with Italian kahel tile. Vaughn dovgovіchnіsha, lower laminate and do not be afraid of chemical agents for mittya pіdlogi. If you want to decorate the vіtalnya in an industrial style, then replace the kahl with stainless steel sheets.

Yak accessories, in such a mood, you can choose a birthday for gas discharge indicators type "in", neon lamps with a cold cathode, an analog spring thermometer, which is a good guess, and an aneroid barometer.

Like Bachimo, there are no special problems with an independent design of a 25-meter-high interior, it’s no more heavy, but it takes the torment of a creative choice that is less than your budget and fantasy.

Photo design Vitalni 25 sq. m.

The skinner of the apartment, a spacious house or a small house, you want to create the most pleasant mind for yourself. And even though earlier the apartment was decorated with maximum practicality, today more respect is given to style and efficiency. For example, a fashionable trend in the kitchen and vitality, which came to us from Sunset, propagates the office of two small insulated rooms and a light and spacious space with an area of ​​​​close to 25 sq.m. Such an interior looks stylish in the photo, and the design of such a kitchen-vital is selected, as a rule, in line with current trends in terms of functionality and aesthetics.

If you want, your fuss about the kitchen would look like a photo from a fashion magazine, it’s enough to report a little bit of knowledge and speed up the recommendations of the informed fahivtsiv. Obviously, the creations of an individual kitchen-vital design is the best option. However, navit not lounging in the chambers of an experienced maestro, you can create privileges and a functional interior.

PORADA! Schob design of kitchen-vital area of ​​25 sq.m. not just stylish, but also comfortable and quiet for the skin member of this family, when combined with a whole image, it is important to heal the skin, and also consume it.

The design of the kitchen-vital in the photo in the magazine and the real interior, which is operated by the same day, can be used even if not diametrically opposite, then it’s rich in speeches, which diverge. beautiful picture it takes a couple of years, maybe, days, and the axis of the stability of that other decision is joyful shokhvilin.

Oscilki itself such a kitchen-vitalnya often becomes the central part of the apartment or a booth, and more members of this will spend an hour themselves in the midst of this quiet place, the head of the specialist who creates the interior, falls into the guise of all powers. For example, zoning two parts of a stone can be borderline delicate, but meaningful. A boundary has been drawn not only to allow us to feel plundered in the boundaries of one zone of the kimnati, but also to see the peace with them, who have grown up in the protilazhny district of the vital.

Style straightening of kitchen-vital

In the photo, the practical leather style is pleasantly looking, which means it is more comfortable to choose wild decision for the room. Most of all, the design of the kitchen-vital room seems to be irrelevant, effective only to the fact that the housekeepers of the apartment or the booth did not "live" in this picture interior of a small life.

Area 25 sq. vvazhaetsya enough for obshtuvannya kuhnі-vitalnі be-something stylistic directly: from severe classicism to contemporary techno. There is a lot of space for arranging two functional zones, and the design of them, whether it be bazhany directly, gives the deak freedom to not only a potential designer, but also to the Vlasniks.

  • Historical styles(Empire, Classicism and Modern) easily fit into the interior of the kitchen-vital, the fragments of the unity of details and the decor allow you to combine two parts of the room into one. Suvorіst abo, navpaki, chimericality of a few details of such an image will be the main feature of the entire interior. Such a design is most striking in light windows, as it enhances visibility directly and visually expands the space.
  • Ethnic lines (Scandinavian and Mediterranean) are getting more and more popular among spivvitchizniks. The ease and practicality of such styles to create the most functional all solutions for accommodation, leaving room for fantasy and design vision. In addition, in the photo such an interior looks superbly bright and fresh, which, without a doubt, is worth appreciating.

PORADA! Ethnicity in the creation of a stylish interior kitchen-vital is most actively manifested in details: paintings, figurines, textiles, themed lamps, kilims and more.

Modern lines (from laconic minimalism to chimeric fusion and kitsch) are also more advanced for decorating a similar double space. The main methods, which are victorious in these styles, fight for rationality and practicality, which are between asceticism. Such a concept is supervising the solution of the problem of visual accommodation of two zones of different functional directivity within the framework of one accommodation.

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