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Metal structures Dahu. Do-it-yourself metal roofing installation

- Not a new solution in cladding. Fermi from metal is richly mіtsnіshi for derev'yanі, dovgovіchnіshі, nadіynіshі. Such designs are selected, if necessary, to increase the thickness of the dahu and the combination of crocked timber with a wooden beam of 10 meters. Wooden beam at the structure it is replaced by a tight channel bar, fastened at the welded coils with legs.

Possibility of factory and independent production of farms from metal. For vykonannya їх vikoristovuєtsya classic periodic profile, coupled kutochki and іn. The farm is made up of a tricoutnik of two frail shoulders.

When vikoristannі metal krokv z metal zazvichivayut and other covering elements:

  • drive away;
  • Mauerlat;
  • support and in.

Installation of any kind of metal structures is a whole science, for a reason you can live a life. The technology of installation of metal trusses transfers the installation in the design position of the truss and sub-truss truss.

Podkrokvyana farm sounds like a grower's mind. Tse element that spirals onto the colony and є support structure for krokvyanyh farms at the same time, if the krok of krokvyanyh farms is less, the lower krok of the supporting columns. Krokvyanі farms spiral on pіdkrokvyanі and є the basis for overlapping or covering budіvlі.

Podkrokvyana farm spires to install on makіvtsi colony elk. The fastening of the elbow pad of the big bolt with different high bolts, yak can show colossal vanity.

Such a technology for installation ensures the transfer of vanity from the cover to the crop farm, and further to the subcrowd. Navantazhennya vіd podkrokvyanyh farms rozpodіlyayutsya on colonies and farther to go to the foundation.

Before the preparation of metal structures, a re-roofing of the perimeters of the okremy elements, the number of rivets, the height of the welded seams is carried out. For z'ednanny vikoristovuetsya zvaryuvannya. Poednannya vuzlіv vykonuyutsya z vikoristannya metal kosinok.

The folding structure is composed of the following steps:

  • The upper belt is picked up from two uneven-sided tufts, like a taurine peretina. The stitching of the kutochkіv vykonuєtsya from the smaller sides.
  • For the preparation of the lower belts of vicorist, use even-sided tufts.
  • In case of vanity, which are blamed at the borders of the farm panels, the guys of the channels are vicorated.
  • Rozkos and st_yki vykonuyutsya with vikoristannyam equal-sided kutochkіv with cross-like or Taurus peretina.
  • Most of the zvaruvalnye designs win over the vikoristannya brands.

For otrimannya lightweight construction, lower with vikoristanni brands, a little bit of a channel, often vicorist krovyanі fermi s profile pipes . Installation of such structures is simple and can be done with less resources.

Nedolіki metalevy krokv

For all the gains, metal farms may suffer shortcomings:

  • great vaga, through which the installation of the elements is impossible without special equipment;
  • opir high temperatures even lower scho to bring up the sagging covering and її deboning already after 20-30 quills in the fire;
  • high vartyst have povnyannі z derev'yanimi counterparts.

Vrahovyuchi nayavnі nedolіki metal farms, especially zhnyu dorozhnechu, everywhere replacement of wooden krokvyanіh konstruktsіy metal nedotsіlna.

victoria sphere

Constructions of this type are most important for industrial workshops, hangars and other buildings, where it is necessary to block even high and large areas of the premises.

Metal trusses are widened in a modular building for the hour of building living houses metal frame. In this case, it is necessary to individually fix the Fermi for a specific framework. After being prepared in the factory's minds, the krokvyany fermi are delivered to the yard, de and vykonuetsya їx installation at once from the base.

What kind of covering material to choose for the booth, how do you want to achieve the same tightness of the house? Absolutely, metal cover. Metal tiles, corrugated board, rolls and sheets are included to the category. The metal tile and corrugated board are installed with a great number of reinforcements, which essentially increases the tightness of the cover. And the axis of the roll is not that of the sheet zalіzo to be secured behind the help of the folded seam, which includes the open opening at the material of the covering. And below you know about those, how to fight yes from metal with your own hands.

Against the backdrop of varto, it means that the cladding of the metal covering is filled with a lot of things: light weight, full fire safety, durability and aesthetics. And on a smooth surface, no water accumulates. The installation of such a cover will help to fix the special tool, and the professional cover teams will be able to destroy you on the object with their workbends, which is soon to be done. However, you can completely cover the metal cover yourself, but for this you need to rent some tools and get familiar with the lower technology.

Design features of the metal cover

Covering metal is laid on croc system with frequent slats (no more than 25 cm between the slats). Uhil shiliv dahu obov'yazkovo is guilty of buti vіd 16 to 30 °. Sheets of metal are laid on top of the grating, the edges of which are closed to the folded seams.

The word "falz" from the German "falz" means "groove" or "gutter". The edges of the leaf bay are covered with such a rank, so that one of them wraps around the other, after which the edges are strengthened. As a result, one of the last days comes out, like only vicorist at our hour. You still haven’t figured out what it’s like to fix, to reveal a canning plaque. Vaughn may be the same seal, like a seam cover - hermetic and mitzna.

Cards and pictures - the goal of the bay, like a z'ednani among themselves sigh. Moreover, the dozhina paintings are in vіdpovіdaє vіdzhіnі schila, pochinayuchi vіd kovzana i zakіnchuyuchi zvisom. For greater reliability and transparency, the cards larger than 10 m should not be shriveled. The pictures can be made up from the sheets of the sheet, or they can be full, vizanim under the necessary length of the rolled material. The rest option will be shorter. Nasampered, to that the quality of the picture is richer than victorious and strong. Until then, in such a rank, the tightness of the cover increases.

Preparing pictures - drawing the necessary rosemary and bending the edges for folding - it’s better to dig in the back, below, and raise the prepared material to the mountain, which is just to finish. For the preparation of cards, there is a special possession - a layout that bends the edges. So to finish the hill just plant one edge on the other and vikonati їhnє z'єdnannya.

Claymers for fixing coverings to brass are made from the same material as the paintings. So, you can work as much as possible for a long time, and the crepe elements don’t warp and don’t see it earlier. Kleimeri is a woman of metal, one edge of which closes up to brass, and the other winds up between the edges of metal leaves and bends at once from the edges of the paintings at the seam back.

False half-folds can be standing and recumbent, as well as subfolding and single. Recumbent folds zastosovuyt for zadnannya metal leaves near the picture parallel to the cornice. The shards of the folds lie and are kindly pressed to the surface of the dahu, the water flows down the cover without any problems. Ale yak bi was not there, in Rest of the Rocks the seam cover is made of work without horizontal ridges, so that it was perfectly smooth. Tse allows you to reach the roll cover, if the metal sheet is covered with the necessary material. Zavdyaki smooth smooth surface does not only dryly drain water, but does not freeze snow, and also minimizes corrosion resistance due to stagnation of water, or penetration into the middle of the rebate seam.

As soon as there are standing folded seams, then the stench will be stuck at the seams between the metal paintings, parallel to the crocks. The most important locks are a standing seam, which ensures maximum durability, stability and tightness.

Pokrіvlya is a special tool, intended for the throating of a folded seam. The set, which is made up of two frames, allows you to build a folding fold in 2 steps. For the help of manual frames, you can work with a leaf gap (0.5 - 0.8 mm). The width of the frame capture is 200 - 240 mm.

As a cover frame as a tool for manual work, then electric folding machines and automatic seaming machines increase productivity and minimize manual pipes. Їх zastosovuyut great objects.

Militia - wooden T-like components, like a back cover for installation, are nailed to the eaves and zastosovuyutsya for morning metal sheets on the dakha. Otherwise, apparently, the stench allows the cornices to fall down. For the lower, upper and side rails, metal coverings, additional elements are installed, such as pidzholobnі slats, wind slats, snow-tight trim and conic. The stench of the obov'yazkovo is due to the addition of the same material as the covering.

Yakі buvayut see metal coating

Varto signify that the seam cover can be made up of different metals, which are influenced by operational characteristics and power.

Galvanized steel is characterized by high anti-corrosion resistance and can act as a coating for at least 30 years. When working with such material, it is necessary to constantly stitch, so as not to damage the zinc coating, otherwise corrosion will be established. In order to continue the term of service of such material, a farba is victorious, which is covered once every 3-5 years (moreover, after 7-10 years).

Galvanized steel, which can be polymer-coated, is more resistant to negative atmospheric factors. For example, such a pokrittya, like a "pural", has already become a wild im'yam. Pural - all coated with polyamide and polyurethane is treated with advanced mechanical properties, as well as with high resistance to UV-changes. Usogo on the market is propelled for seventeen color solutions covers from the pural, in the middle of which they are sharpened and matte, which gives a soft cover. Cream pural, zinc coated with plastisol and polyester. With such a cover, it is necessary to protect it as much as possible, trying not to damage the cover for an hour of installation.

Aluminum costs a little more for galvanized steel, but it is zastosovuetsya for covering the dash, so as not to corrosion, even plastic and does not change the color. Zavdyaki plasticity їm znachivat slope be-like folding, the material is easy to bend at fractures of the profile. The term of exploitation of the cover becomes close to 100-150 years.

Mіd is an expensive and ancient material, which can be beaten to cover Dahu. After an hour, a patina appears on the surface as a result of oxidation of the metal. Vaughn protects the metal from the negative infusion dovkilla. Year by year the colors change. For this reason, from the middle of the shoulder, you can be fiery-chervonim, and in the future you will take off a matte greenish tint (and also dark malachite). For such an aesthetic power, media often win to cover significant disputes and reminders of architecture. The average level of exploitation of a medium-sized farm should be set from 100 to 200 years (700 years - the maximum fixation of the term of operation).

Titanium-zinc is a modern technology, which has recently been victorious for coating. Irrespective of those that zinc is good at resisting corrosion, the new one has one small flaw - crying. It does not allow galvanized steel to be broken in folding knots in forms that require plasticity. The material "titanium-zinc" includes zinc (99.95%), copper and aluminum (0.03%), titanium (0.02%), which gives the metal its minerality. The average term of exploitation of coverage is 50-70 years. However, under the hour of installation with this material, it is important to practice borderline respect: you can’t walk on it, knock or rattle. At the same time, vrahuyte, that titanium-zinc does not like the lands of certain types of wood and other metals.

For covering dahіv vikoristovuє metal zavtovshki 0.5 - 1.5 mm. It is easier to work with thin materials, the shards of them can be easily wrapped and bent without filling the gaps. If you choose to work with good-quality elements from this metal, then the thickness of the sheet, which is recommended, is to become 0.6 - 0.8 mm. More detailed information for different types of activities You can find out by reading SNiP II-26-76. Under the current norms, it is not obstructed to change the shape of the metal, for example, the work of figured elements and bending. And the axis of the trimmed form and metal robit is not recommended, but the shards can be brought to the destruction of the solidity of the zinc coating.

As it was appointed more, the seam cover is more importantly laid on the slope with a hood at a wide angle of 16 to 30 °, and even a flat cover with metal is turned off. Tse impose deyakі obmezhennya and deshcho zamіnyuє tekhnologiyu installation of material, oskіlki need obov'yazkovo obshtuvati gutter z usієї ploschі dahu. Vodnochas prid hour zagortannya seam z'єdnanny zastosovuєtsya sealant for metal pokrіvlі, schob secure z'єdnannya vіd tіkannya.

Do-it-yourself metal do-it-yourself: installation features

The seam cover is brought up to the appearance of cover, obshtuvannya, which is necessary to hand over to professionals. Moreover, not to the most famous protectors, but to these brigades, as they can practice with a folded metal cover. This is due to a lot of nuances, and it will also require a special installation, to make the installation process easier.

Today on the market you can find ready-made metal sheets with folded edges for rebate of a standard length of 2.5 m and more. After the purchase, you will be left with less money between yourself. However, this method is not the best.

The best is the purchase of rolled galvanized steel, for example, midi or pural. On the object, it is necessary to cut the sheets of the necessary dovzhina, so that it would be necessary to add 50-100 mm to the eaves to the eaves, so that they are needed for cladding the fold under the cornice sash and on the place of kovzan. Shvidko zagornuty the edges of the sheet can be on a special falcezginal layout, after which you can twist them for a distant z'єdnannya.

Oblashtuvannya reshetuvannya that krokv for dahu z metalu

The cladding of the krokvyanoy construction for the metal pokrіvl is not subject to traditional technology. There is often no sense to put a crucible, and it’s easy to finish the shards of the covering material. If it is necessary to grout, then it is necessary to cut 200-250 mm croc from a bar 50x100 mm or 50x50 mm. Such a frequency is necessary to turn off the deformation of the metal covered under the hour of operation, installed and repaired. The feet of the protector are guilty of stepping on the mass, where there is a lattice, and the metal does not deform and bend.

With a flat dahu, resolving is necessary to grow sucils. The conic is folded from two boards, so that the two edges converge at one point. And the cornice is more beautifully made of strong ones, from three or three beaten planks.

Features of waterproofing Dahu with metal

In order to minimize the accumulation of condensate on the soft side of the material, it is necessary to waterproof it. If it is insulated, then it is necessary to nail a grating on the crucible, and a special waterproofing super-diffusion membrane is attached to the animal, as it does not let water through the middle, but at one hour it releases steam in the middle. Vaughn can be fixed from the bottom uphill. The sticks are bound with an overlap of 100-150 mm and are glued behind the additional adhesive tape. The slab needs some creaking with slight sagging, so that in severe frosts it will not break through the strong sounding and stretching between the bracings. With this її it is possible to fix it with dowels with a wide cap and self-tapping screws.

At the top of the waterproofing membrane, a counter-lattice is fastened from the designated croc. In this way, two ventilation gaps are established: one is between waterproofing and insulation, and the other is between roofing material and waterproofing.

Fastening metal coating

The installation of a roof deck is always based on the installation of the police. Attach them to the cornice with a 70 cm crochet, the stench is used for the morning of the picture to the metal, otherwise the stench can fall under the hour of installation. Wooden militia can be replaced with a metal coil 50-60 mm (creeped along the eaves). The best way to wind it up is better, there are no shards, you need to watch the militia, so that the stench spreads evenly on one line.

The first picture rises uphill from the ready-made curved edges. Її are laid behind the front so that a sill of 40-50 mm is formed. It is necessary to bend the sheet in such a way that for the transition through the conic there was an edge of 30 mm (the edge on the protilazhny sheet is due to buti 60 mm).

On the other side, where another sheet of metal is applied, the kleimery is attached. The veneer is fastened up to the grating behind an additional self-tapping screw 4x50 mm there, de overlapped with a sheet of metal. As a result, it can be done like this: the edge is bent, but it is entrusted to the vertical edge of the kleimer (the stench is fixed with a crock of 500-600 mm).

Another picture is lifted, as the order is restored from the first. With this її bending edge can be put on the bending edge of the first picture. In that case, if the edges of the paintings will be equal, not self-locking, then the edges of the other and first paintings will be in the middle proximity (between them the klyamers are squeezed). Let's sweat for the help of the covering framework and the other professional tool to fight the fold. As a rule, it takes two passes with a hand tool, from both sides. Moreover, in the middle of the fold there is a fold and a kleimer, the result of the closing is as much as possible.

Respect! If the booths are operated near water or in humid climates, it is recommended to seal everything with a sealant for metal coating (for example, Tytan sealant). More richly, as you will apply yoga on the folded fabric, as a matima width, which will show the width of the folded edge, and glue the fold of the fold to the cream metal in front of the seam seam.

Kleimeri are also nailed from the other side of another picture, after which the third picture is lifted and all production is repeated.

The ventilated plank creaks at the junction of paintings up to the pediments, and the upper banister is creaked. Qi elements can be creaked like on a folded floor (finishing a laborious process), so with screws.

As soon as you put and close all the pictures on both sheets, the horses are drawn (ventilation or non-ventilation). Like the stink of being shy, you can bobachichi in the photo. In addition, savage respect, as if it were possible to win the ventilation of the kovzan.

At the final stage, cornices are built, and gutters are installed, which are designated for draining wood water. The edge of the picture rolls down, making it easy for water to drain.

Installation of snow-loaders on a dahu with metal

Installation of snow slickers and obmezhen on metal covers and shoes. Snіgozatrimuvachі need, schob not falling from the daha like an avalanche, gurkotyachi on nіy. Moreover, there is a high level of mobility, that a person, as you know below, can take away an injury. Snіgozatrimuvachіv elements are installed on standing folds behind additional screws or screws. Fencing is made from profiled pipes.

How to secure the bliskavkozakhist of the seam cover?

At the link with tim, sho dah z metal є strumoprovidnym and add a discharge of bliskavka, it is necessary to ground that podbati about oblashtuvannya bliskavkozakhistu. At the time of hitting a bliss in the cover, it’s not only the electric appliances that suffer in the booth, but the cover itself is fried, which will bring it to the fire (like a wooden lettuce, which you know under it, overheat).

In order to turn it off, a blissakkopriymach is installed on the most important point of the dash. You can use:

  • special bliskavkozahisna mesh;

  • a metal cable that stretches the dahu's horse;

  • metal pin.

It is recommended to vicorate a metal line with a 100 mm 2-way tie, 0.2-1.5 m high and 10 mm in diameter. Vіn is to blame for the mother's vertical rotting and folding from resistant to corrosive metal - duralumin, aluminium, midi. Yogo cannot be twisted by farboi.

For the introduction of the sparkle from the sparkle to the grounding, the strumov_dvide is installed. You can also use metal drіt with a diameter of 6 mm, which can be welded to a bliskavkopriymach and lowered down the walls. So varto hide the mission of the charge from the door and vknami and do not leave the drіt, which can lead to a charge. With special staples, strumov_dvedennya is nailed to the walls.

Grounding a dash from metal can be represented by a grounding loop made of steel pins driven into the ground by 1.5 - 2 m and grounded at the loop between them. Such grounding is required to be carried out on the vіdstanі 1 m vіd budіvlі and 5 m vіd gank, dorіzhok i іnshih mіsts, where people can be. The thickness of the wall of the pins may be not less than 3 mm. The stench can be made from midi or steel. The steel rods are rusty, then once in three years it is necessary to reconsider them and replace them for the need. Before speech, do not forget that in the watery soil there is a ground deposit (why is there more, if the ground is more). To that, in the sintered varto of the hose, shed the circuit that is grounded.

Oblashtuvannya metal pokrіvlі only zdаєєєєєє єєєєєєєє, but yakscho You are not vpevnіnі in their forces, entrust him to professionals, yakі znayomi z usima nuances. At the time of pardon, as if you had done the installation of self-harm, then after a certain hour, the covering material would be in harmony. Vrakhovuchi those who cost a lot of wines are not cheap, the costs will be significantly larger, the lower the number of workers and professionals.

What kind of covering material should be chosen, as if the basis was the complete hermeticity of the dahu? Well, I'll cover it with metal. To tsієї categorії one can see corrugated board, metal tile and sheet or rolled. The corrugated board and metal tiles are mounted with different walls to make up a large number of screed fasteners, which significantly reduces the tightness of the cover. And the axis of the sheet that roll is not closed behind the help of the seam z'ednannya, which I will turn on and open in the covering material. The same about the rest of the technology and timetsya at this article. The addition of metal coating can be low non-overlapping advantages: I will completely burn safety, light weight, aesthetics and durability. And on a smooth metal surface, wood water is not stingy. The installation of such a cover will require a special tool, and professional cover teams will come to the site with their own workbenches, which will significantly speed up the work. But you can cover the metal cover yourself, for whom it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the technology introduced below and take a tool for rent.

The metal cover is laid on the crockery structure with frequent grouting. Standing between the slats of the slats is not the fault of revisiting 25 cm. Metal sheets are laid on top of the grating, the edges of which are rolled up to the so-called folded seams.

Not a lot of terminology, as it turns out when working with a folded cover:

Word " rebate» migrated to us from German movie de "falz" means "gutter" or "groove". The edges of the leaf bay are curled up, the edge of one of them wraps the edge of the other, then it is strengthened. The result is one of the most important z'ednan, yakі іsnuyut contagion. Until then, if you still don’t know what a fold is, think of a plaque in a tin can. Z'єdnannya folded covers are the same, like the edges of a tin can, - mіtsnі and absolutely hermetic.

Pictures or karti- Tse leaves of the bay, z'ednani mizh with a vzdovzh. Dovzhina paintings are old dovzhina stingray from forged to the point. For the sake of clarity and greater reliability, the cards do not sag for 10 m. Pictures can be collected from sheets of sheet metal, or they can be full, sized for the need for a roll of rolled metal. The rest option is shorter. In a first step, to that the whole picture is more efficient to victorize and creak. And in a different way, so the tightness of the cover increases.

Preparing pictures - drawing the necessary rosemary and bending the edges for folding the rebate is better to work behind the back, below, and on the ground pick up the finished material, which has been left behind only to creak. For the preparation of cards, there is a special possession - versat, which folds the edges (versat for the preparation of folds, which are self-defending). So that the mountains only lose, plant one edge on the other and the west at once.

Kleimeri for fastening the metal covering to the grouting, they are prepared from the same material as the picture. Tse allows you to cover everything as long as possible, the fastening elements will not be out of tune before the cover is covered and will not corrode. Klyaymeri є female metal, one edge of which is sealed with a self-tapping screw to the edge, and the other winds up between the edges of the metal leaves and folds into a folded seam at once with the edges of the paintings.

Buvayut recumbent and standing, as well as single and subverted. Lying folds vicorist for joining metal leaves near the picture parallel to the cornice. Zavdyaki to the fact that the folds lie and are pressed as much as possible to the surface of the dahu, the water easily flows down the cover. Tim is not mensch, u Rest hour they try to make a seam cover without horizontal ridges, so that it is perfectly smooth. Tse allows the development of roll technology, if the metal sheet is rolled up at the right time. Zavdyaki smooth even surface is not only good water and does not zatrimuetsya snow, but also minimizes the very possibility of corrosion due to stagnation of water or exposure to the middle of the rebate garden.

Standing seams wink at the seams between the metal paintings, parallel to the crocks. A standing seam is important for the smallest seals, which ensure maximum durability, durability and tightness.

A special tool for gorging a folded seam. A set of two frames allows you to create a folding seam in two passes. For the help of manual frames, you can work with a leaf gap of 0.5 - 0.8 mm. The grip width of the skin frame is 200 - 240 mm.

Yakshcho pokrіvelnі frame - tse _instrument for manual work, then napіvavtomatichnі machines for zatuvannya and elektrichnі foldsezakatnі mashiny poklikani minimіzuvati rumanu pratsyu і zbіshiti productivity. Їх vykoristovuyut at great objects.

militia- wooden T-like elements, like on the cob of the installation of the covering material, are nailed to the cornice and beaten to finish the metal sheets on the dakha. Just stink to keep the pictures from falling down.

For white, upper and lower floors, metal coatings are vicorous additive elements, like for example, wind slats, pidzholobni slats, snow-tight trim and conic. The stench of the obov'yazkovo can be made but prepared from the same material as the covering itself.

See the metal cover

The seam cover can be made from different metals, which are subject to power and operational characteristics.

Galvanized steel May be worthy of high anti-corrosion resistance and good durability as a cover for at least 30 years (30 - 50 years). When working with this material, it is necessary to carefully follow it, so that the zinc coating does not harm the same time, otherwise corrosion does not disappear. For the continuation of the term of service, galvanized steel vikoristovuetsya farba for metal pokrіvlі, which pokrivaєtsya pokrivlya every 3 - 5 years (forward after 7 - 10 years).

Galvanized steel with polymer coating more protected from the influx of negative atmospheric factors. For example, such a pokrittya as "pural" has already become a naming name. Pural is a coating of polyurethane and polyamide and may increase the minerality, as well as resistance to ultraviolet changes. There are close to 17 color solutions for covering from the pural, middle ones and mats, which give a cover of a unique soft look. Krim pural galvanization is covered with polyester and plastisol. With such a cover, it is necessary to be as careful as possible and not be afraid to cover the installation process.

Aluminum Descho more expensive than galvanized steel, but vikoristovuetsya for pokrittya pokrіvlі through those that do not suffer from corrosion, do not change the color over time and are more plastic. Zavdyaki unique plasticity of aluminum is easy to bend the folded shape, the material is easy to bend in the fractures of the profile. The term of service of aluminum coating is close to 100 - 150 years.

Mid vvazhaetsya long-term and expensive material, which can be won to cover the Dahu. A patina appears on the surface of the midi - the result of oxidation of the metal, which protects the metal itself from the influx of the superfluous middle. The color of the patina changes from time to time. To this, the middling on the cob becomes fiery-chervonim, and in the summer it fills up with a matte green color and winds up dark malachite. For the sake of aesthetic power itself, the chameleon midi loves to wink to cover the memorials of architecture and significant disputes. The term of the service of coverage from midi can be from 100 to 200 years, and the maximum fixing of the term is 700 years.

titanium zinc- this is a recent development that has been victorious for cover recently. Regardless of those that zinc miraculously resists corrosion, the new one has a small amount - crying. It does not allow vicoristing galvanized steel in folding forms or knots, de needing plasticity. The material under the name "titanium-zinc" is composed of 99.95% zinc, 0.03% copper and aluminum, 0.02% titanium, which gives the metal its minerality. The term of service of titanium-zinc coating becomes approximately 70 - 100 years, in more aggressive minds, for example, near water objects - 50 - 70 years. But in the process of installation with titanium-zinc, it is necessary to protect it: you can’t walk on it, rag or knock. So vrahuyte, scho tsey material not to love the sus_dstva of other metals and other types of the countryside.

For covering dahіv, metal zavtovshki 0.5 - 1.5 mm are taken. It is easier to work with more thin materials, so that they can be easily bent and wrapped without filling the gaps. If it is planned to use the same metal work and additional elements, then the thickness of the sheet, which is recommended, is 0.6 - 0.8 mm. More detailed information for different types of withdrawals can be found in SNiP II-26-76. Until the speech, budіvelnі norms do not change the shape of the metal for covering, for example, virginity and robiti figured elements. And the axis of the change in the form of a galvanized sheet is not recommended, as the chips can destroy the solidity of the zinc coating.

As has already been written above, the seam cover is laid mainly on the slope with a kutom nahely from 16 to 30 °, but a flat metal cover is also possible. We impose a lot of fencing and change the technology of laying the material, so it is necessary to obov'yazkovo obshtuvat yakіsny trough with the use of the area of ​​​​dahu. Also, in the process of sealing the rebate seal, a sealant is used for metal coating, in order to maximize the sealing of the seal.

Installation of metal pokrivl

The seam cover is the kind of cover that needs to be entrusted to professionals. And not just to the guards, but to deprive them of the brigades, as if they could do the job themselves with a folded metal cover. This is due to the mass of nuances, as well as the need for a professional installation, which makes installation easier.

The current market can offer ready-made metal sheets with folded edges for a rebate of a standard length of 2.5 m and more. If you get rid of them, you will be left with less money between yourself. But this way is not the best.

It will be a better purchase rolled galvanized steel of the same pural, for example, or midi. It will be absolutely necessary to lay out the sheets of the necessary dozhina on the object, which will allow the dovzhiny of the conic to the eaves plus 50 - 100 mm, necessary for glazing folds on the floor of the conic and under the eaves. On a special false-textile layout, you can turn up the edges of the sheet for a distant close-up between yourself.

Cladding of the roof and grating for metal covering

The cladding of the crockery construction for the folded covering is not subject to standard technology. There is often no sense to put a crucible, and the shards of the covering material are even lighter. And the axis of the slatting needs to be cut with a croc of 200 - 250 mm from a bar 50x50 mm or 50x100 mm. This frequency is necessary in order to minimize the deformation of the metal coating during operation, installation and repair. So the feet of the protector will always step on those places, where under the metal there is a board, and the metal does not bend and deform.

If it is flat, then it is necessary to resolutely support it.

Konik vykonuetsya from two boards, yakі converge at one point with two edges. And the cornice needs to be made strong, from 3 - 4 beaten planks.

To minimize the appearance of accumulated condensate on the hard side of the covering material, it is necessary to hydrosolute. As soon as there are insulations, then grating is nailed to the crucible, and a waterproofing super-diffusion membrane is attached to the grating beast, as it does not let water through the middle, but let the steam out in the middle. The waterproofing begins to be fixed from the bottom uphill, the sticks are fixed with an overlap of 100 - 150 mm, and they are glued together with an adhesive tape. The slab of creakiness with a slight sag, so that in times of severe frost it would not break through those that sounded strongly and stretched between the crepes. Before speech, you can fix it with self-tapping screws and dowel-flowers with a wide droplet.

At the top of the waterproofing membrane, a counter-lattice is stuffed with a designated croque. So two ventilation gaps will be formed: one - between insulating and waterproofing, and the other - between waterproofing and covering metal.

Fastening metal coating

The installation of the roof deck starts from the installation of the militia. Nail them to the eaves with a crochet of 70 cm, stink to reduce the picture to the metal, so that you do not fall into the installation process. Wooden militia can be replaced with a steel coil 50-60 mm, which is fastened along the eaves. Such a way to wind up the troubles is more successful, for that there is no need to vibrate the police, so that the stench will evenly spread on one line.

Uphill climb persha picture from ready-made folded edges. Її lay the handrail from the pediment so that a hanging of 40 - 50 mm is established. The sheet is folded in such a way that a 30 mm edge was left for the transition through the conic (on the opposite sheet, the edge is 60 mm).

Kleimeri fasten from that side, where another sheet of metal is applied. The kleimer is fastened to the grating with a self-tapping screw 4x50 mm in order to overlap with a sheet of metal. As a result, it may appear that the bent edge of the metal is due to being in close proximity to the vertical edge of the kleimer. Mustache clamps are fastened with crochet 500 - 600 mm.

Rise friend picture and the order is restored with the first one so that the folded edge is dressed on the folded edge of the first picture (for folds, which are self-defending). If the edges of the paintings are equal, not self-locking, then the edges of the first and the other paintings are simply guilty of rotting in uninterrupted proximity, between them there can be a squeezed kleimer. Dali, for the help of a covering frame, or another professional tool, a fold is cut. Sound tse borrow two pass with a hand tool back and forth.

The middle of the fold is folded and the kleimer, so it’s time to go out even more mіtsnim.

Important! If the houses will be operated in a humid climate or near water bodies, all connections can be additionally sealed, vicorist sealant for metal roofing. Tse, for example, Tytan silicone sealant. It is best to apply yoga on the collar of the cloth, with a width that is equal to the width of the folded edge, and glue the collar to the edge of the metal in front of the seam seam.

On the other side of the other picture, glues are nailed, then the third picture is lifted and the procedure is repeated.

A special element is attached to the places where the paintings are connected to the gables. windshield on the side and then the upper plank. These elements can be fixed as if with screws, so for the help of folded seams (the rest is even more folding).

After that, all the pictures on both scales will be laid and fixed, fixed conic, which may be ventilated and not ventilated. How the stench vanishes, you can marvel at the photo. It’s the same way to give respect, as in a different way it was wrought with the ventilation of a kovzan.

Wrapping up in the black hanging cornicesі zholoby for draining wooden water. The edge of the folded picture rolls down, so that the water flows easily.

Installation of snow trap on metal roofing

The installation of a fence and snow caps on the seam covers of the obov'yazkove and is regulated by clause 8.11. BNiP 21-01-9. Snіgozatrimuvachі nebnіbnі in order to snіg not descending from the daha like an avalanche, grumbling in the daha. So great is the injury to the walker, which is found below. Snіgozatrimuvachіv elements are fastened on standing folds behind additional screws or screws. The fence is built from profile pipes.

At the link with it, that the metal covering is strum-providing and fastens a discharge of bliskavki to itself, it is necessary to ground and obshtuvat bliskavkozakhist. On the right, in the fact that when a sparkle hits a metal cover, not only will all the electrical appliances go out of tune, but the cover itself will fry, and under it the wood will overheat, which can cause it to burn immeasurably.

On the most important place, the dahi is fixed bliskavkopriymach. You can use:

  • metal bar;
  • Metal rope, stretching the dahu forged;
  • Special bliskavkozakhisna mesh.

It is best to vicorate a metal bar with a height of 0.2 - 1.5 m, a 100 mm2 span, and a diameter of 10 mm. The bar is installed vertically and can be made from resistant to corrosion metal - midi, aluminium, duralumin. Metal cannot be covered with lacofarb materials.

Strumovidvid vikoristovuєtsya for the introduction of brightening from brightening to the ground. You can also use a steel drill with a diameter of 6 mm, which can be welded to a shine and lowered down the walls. With this varto unikati, the task is charged with windows, that door is open and at the same time, do not close the door, you can bring it before the charge appears. To stіn strumovіdvedennya nailed with special staples.

grounding metal roofing can be a ground loop with metal pins driven into the ground at a depth of 1.5 - 2 m and connected with each other into the loop. Roztashovuvati such grounding is necessary at the station 1 m from the booth and 5 m from the road, gank and other places, where people walk. The stitching is due to the mother of the wall not less than 3 mm, but it is made from steel or midi. The steel rods are rusty, so once in 3 years it is necessary to change them and replace them if necessary. Before speech, don’t forget that more watery soil, it’s better for grounding, we won’t be watering the ground loop with a hose in hot, dry weather.

The cladding of the metal covering is less likely to be forgiven, it is better to entrust it to the professionals, as they know the subtleties. Aje in times pardon from your side, but still you dare to fix the installation on your own, even after a short hour, the covering material can go out of tune. Vrakhovuchi do not lower the cost of the covering metal, the cost will be greater, the lower cost of the work of fahivtsiv. Do not be stingy - turn to professionals.

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