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Know one more fruit egg. Bagatoplidna vagіtnіst - imovirnіst, causes, signs, diagnostics, aggravation, suggestions. Canopies with rich vaginess

In some cases, ultrasound shows that the fruiting egg may have a deformed shape.

Do not make such a diagnosis about an abnormal excess of vaginess and fetal development. Only at the same time with additional factors, it may be possible for an abortion to occur. In addition, everything should lie down bezperedno in view of the deformation.

The main reason for the development of the deformity of the fetal egg is due to the increased tone of the uterus. There are cases of shortness of the walls due to various causes: stress, the presence of infections in the ignition processes, hormonal imbalance, ailment of the internal organs of the skin.

For usunennya pathology zastosovuyutsya zasosovuyutsya, scho priyat razlablennyu m'yazіv uterus (magnesium, magnesia thinly). It’s also important to add a state of life, unique physical advantages and stressful situations. Patients are prescribed a napіvlіzhkovy regimen and a calm one. So come on in, you can save your vaginess for the mind, as if the heartbeat of the fetus is heard.

Abnormal development of the fruiting egg

Cream of deformation of the fruiting egg, a possible development of any anomalies. Bagato, one of them is building to provoke a weekend, or a confiding of the fetus. Most of the anomalies are presented below.

Also provoke the vindication of the pathology of the building infusion of toxic speeches or radiation. In order to establish the exact reason, both partners need to go through the air. Compilation of analyzes for the presence of IPSC, spermograms and the development of a karyotype and obov'yazykovymi records in this situation.

There are fluctuations, if similar vaginess develops in a healthy bet. Then the chances of blaming a healthy child in the onset of pregnancy rise sharply. However, before planning, it is important to interrupt (about six months) and give the body the opportunity to renew itself.

The skin woman dreams about the birth of her own children, to which it is not only the maternal instinct that is formed at the curtains, but the dream of self-realization. Children who were born in one (identical twins) are rarely seen. Behind the admissions of the students, to become close to one tenth of a hundred years. Identical twins are practically indistinguishable. This particularity is shaped by the fact that the molding of them resembles one of the cells (zygotes) with a path to the bottom at the early stages of pregnancy.

Spermatozoa, penetrating to the egg, zaplіdnyuyut її. Mutual interaction only occurs with one spermatozoon, which contributes a part of the human genotype to the woman’s genotype reproductive system.

To come out, that the twins are like copies of one of the other, not more than a name, but internally. Conducted investigations showed that ninety thousand of such twins could not wind fingertips.

Identical and different twins cannot be explained through those that the genotype of both germs is identical. The only feature of identical twins, as a mark can be buti - tse molding of mirror twins. In such a time, one of the children is right-handed, and the other is a shulga, and the fingertips on their hands are mirror-like one to one. Quite often internal organs roztashovuyutsya at protilezhnyh mistsyakh. Most of the time, twins develop ailments of the same type, even schilnist to pathologies in such organisms, however. This is the fact that the twins are not only similar in character, but to inspire relish and affection for objects that they will feel, they have the same.

How do you explain the peculiarities of the development of twins?

First, identical twins in the womb make one placenta, in another way, due to uneven blood flow, one of them often fails to develop. Sometimes such situations arise, if there is no evidence of saturation (sourness) of the blood on the floor high, that one of the fruits (that I am not drinking in eating) gin. In addition, sometimes the development of the Siamese twins is possible (the camp, if not, the new one yielded fruits and the stench appeared one to one). In the shortest period of time, their connections can be insignificant and need to be promptly developed, important movements are often carried out, if the children are grown with their heads, or to make one tulub. In such a time, prompt delivery is practically impossible. And successfully try such twins alone and well together.

For wealthy wives of identical twins, with a baggy method, proteforming them with a splash, be it medical or non-medical, it’s impossible. Podіl ovules, which, zreshtoyu, and bring to the formation of twins, spontaneously. After a low investigation, it was established that there is a genetic balance to the ability of the people of the twins. So for women, for relatives, for those who have such children, the ability of the people of twins, including identical ones, is significantly higher than the middle age.

In this rank, identical twins want to be married women, often - punishment. The folding of the hour is slow, the possibility of developing Siamese twins and causing the death of one of the fetuses leads to the formation of a great risk, both for children and for the mother's body.

In 12 tizhnіv on ultrasound, twins, monochorionic, 1st - ktr 64, in the 2nd ktr 69. Doctors swear by a possible development of SFFT (feto-fetal transfusion syndrome). What kind of retail trade between them, and what rightly brought both fruits to death?

In case of monochorionic subvenous risk, the development of feto-fetal transfusion syndrome is even greater. To this, as a rule, there is a difference in the indicators of fetometry of fruits, their become and adaptive abilities. Caution in case of vagity allows you to carry out your own assessment of becoming fruitful, without looking at the critical state.

One fetal egg was placed on ultrasound in the 3rd day. CHL showed 5-6 strokes. On ultrasound, 13 children said 100% female on the back wall, and 17 children said that one baby was a boy on the front wall. I have twin brothers who are monozygotic. How can you be like this, that two narrow-minded people quickly knew different little ones, but they didn’t joke about the other ?!

In terms of 13 and 17 years, the diagnosis of monoploid / multiplied vagility does not become difficult. The highly specialized ultrasound specialists of our center can provide you with the best advice on your needs.

Dі Dі dviynya 24 tyzhnі vagіtnostі. On ultrasound, one line of reconciliations for the term and rozmirami on the 24th day and 1 day, and the other on the 22nd day and 3 days. Is this the norm?

It is a pity for your inquiry it is impossible to tell without information about the birth of both fetuses at the term 11 - 14 years, given the screening of the first trimester and information about the placenta, umbilical cord, and kilkost rainy waters and the results of doplerometry of your little ones. Or send food again, indicating all the necessary data. Or sign up for an appointment with the phone of the Single Call Center: 8-495-636-29-46

18-19 years of pregnancy, robala ultrasound: monoamnotic, monochorionic, undissociated twins. I have different children, are they the same? How can you understand? What did you want and what can you threaten?

Monoamniotic monochorionic twins means that in babies there is not only one placenta for two, but one amniotic empty placenta for two. At tsimu vpadku become malyukov maє buti the same. Non-dissociated twins mean that the little ones did not separate, “grew up” one with one (the so-called “Siamese twins”). For this person, the prognosis for life and health may be unfavorable. For clarification of this serious diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound examination, after which you should consult a geneticist.

At the first ultrasound term of 7 days, the pregnancy is monochorionic bioamniotic, and in the canopy house at 11 days it is bichorial bioamniotic. At zv'yazku iz khvilyuvannyam doctor about changing the cervix, zrobil ultrasound in 15 days and again set monochorial vagity. With this likar, there were a lot of perekonaniya, scho twins. In 19 children, they said that the placentas were not visible at the same time. Yak z'yasuvati twins chi are twins after all? І chi is possible on the upcoming ultrasound? The little ones are of the same state, in the family they are not in me, nor in the person they are twins.

The most accurate chorionicity (placenta counts) is indicated in the first trimester, if it is possible to assess the quality of the amniotic septum and the presence of chorionic tissue between the shells of the amniotic voids. With the increase in the term vagity and signs, the signs lose their significance and the signification of chorionicity when both placentas are staggered on one side become twisted. However, it is possible to become an indirect indicator of monochorionic twins in both malyuki, the proteus variant is possible and in depression, as if there were two placentas. The rest of the food for the twins can be after a gentle slope.

We plan to vaccinate. An ovarian cyst was removed from a woman. After laparoscopy, the doctor acknowledged the liquor: 3 injections of Zoladex, 3 months drank Vizanne and Claira. According to the line of the person, the grandmother was twins, the person has twin sisters, according to my line, there are no twins. After taking overdose of drugs and improving the decline of a person, what is the chance for a high vaginess?

As for the moment of taking the drugs before conception, more than three months have passed, the effect of the increased risk of high-volume vagity has begun. In the case of recession - the dysmotility of the richness of the vagity is increased, but not significantly in line with the population.

The first day of the rest of menstruation is April 27, my monthly periods were always irregular, I was diagnosed with polycystosis. The conception could have taken place on 10, 11, 17 May, 2 and 13 worms. Vrakhovuchi the first day of the rest of the month, it was not enough to be on the 29th day of the 9th day of pregnancy, but the embryo was not visible. CHL - 22000 (on the 9th day of pregnancy), they said anembryonic vagity, they asked for cleansing or tablets. Chi є ymovіrnіst rich vagity? My father is a twin and I have twins in my family like a grandmother. Can it be just a small term, under which the embryo is not visible? And hCG is high, is there a rich vagility developing?

To clarify the situation, it is necessary to go through additional dynamics.

In 12 tyzhnіv vagity according to ultrasound: dichorial diamniotic doublet, in 21 tizhnі: monochorial diamіnіotic, in 24 tizhnі: monochorionic, become the same. At the consultation, they found out what the first ultrasound required. Yak buti?

For the purpose of choirality in case of subvariantly most informative ultrasound of early terms, it is better to focus on ultrasound in 12 types.

6-7 days of pregnancy by ultrasound, for the rest of the month - 9-10 days. Cycle 34-36 days, ovulation was late, 10 days by ultrasound: fetal egg 18 mm, 1 embryo: CTE 4.7, heart rate 93 beats/min. in the right ovary 15 mm. Can another embryo zap_znyuvatsya with a development? What does it mean that another embryo died? Why not a small heart rate in the first embryo?

The heart rate of the first fetus is interrupted at the borders of the norm. CTE of another fetus (3.4 mm) is valid for the term less than 5 tyzhniv. In this term, fetal heart failure can be used. Embryos can be grown even more in early terms of vagity, as much as possible, as another embryo still needs to be hydrated. To evaluate the rate of embryonic growth and the presence of heartbeat in both babies, it is necessary to repeat ultrasound after 2-3 days.

7 tyzhnіv vagіtnostі, pіd pіdnânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânânâv pozhatoplіdnu. 22 leaf fall was a mimic abortion, the term for menstruation was 8-9 days, according to ultrasound for a sprat of years before the week of the week, the fruiting egg was 4-5 years old. Perevannya, ale lіkar blocked, I want to save my vagіtnіst. Yaka imovіrnіst, scho not to be repeated zavmerla i mimovіlny abortion?

Causes of vagility are genetic, antiphospholipid syndrome, luteal phase deficiency, viral infections. It is necessary to follow up and take corrective measures in the fallowing of the results.

7 (obstetrical) types of vagility, according to ultrasound: two fetal eggs, and in one there is an embryo and heart beat is heard, and in the other it is empty. How can another egg zap_znyuvatis with the development of an embryo?

In one case, two fruiting eggs are laid, in one of which the embryo develops, and in the other fruiting egg, the embryo is not laid. At the term I screening at 11-14 September, we will be able to accurately determine the number of embryos and how the stench develops.

One plaid and two bulbs, are the twins twins? What is it?

In one case, two fruiting eggs are laid, in one of which the embryo develops, and in the other fruiting egg, the embryo is not laid. Judging from your data, you have the same pregnancy. Another "empty" fruit egg is not given to the fruit in the development.

Other vagіtnіst, 22 th of December, monochorionic diamniotic twin, first bula 5 years ago, naruzhuvala itself hourly, son - everything is fine. On the term of the 21st day, one plaid died. The gynecologist sent me for a resurrection, I thought, to that I can blame the other to a life term, at the moment the child is healthy, all indications support the term. What are our chances? What are risks for a living child for me? Meni 27 years.

With diamniotic subwine, there is a chance to bring a child to a friend. Ale need a relay guard in dynamics, including ultrasound and doppler. For you, the risks are similar to the double ones.

13 types of vagity, monochorionic diamniotic twins, omphalocele in one pathology of MVP and VVS. What does it look like in such moods? Can you vryatuvat a healthy child to a friend?

Theoretically, yes. Alternately, the birthmark of CM is intrauterine, or it can be negatively marked on the molding of another fetus, and it can be a second change in the new one, the milk is serious.

5-6 days of pregnancy, ultrasound showed one fetal egg with a size of GS-21.3 mm, and in another two fetal eggs 4.2 mm and 4.4 mm. What can you say about the twins?

Ultrasound is necessary for dynamics in 1-2 days, if it is possible to determine the number of embryos and heartbeat.

My first pregnancy came at the 19th birthday, twins, two girls. On the 17th of December, it became a fleeting weekend. Another pregnancy came in 1.5-2 months, one plaid, gave birth at 20 births, a lad. I didn’t have twins in my family, a man’s grandmother had twins, my mother and mother didn’t have twin sisters and brothers, children still don’t have sisters and brothers. What is the ability of that which will be twin in me?

Imovirnist has been promoted, but it’s impossible to say in numbers.

In 7 types of pregnancy by ultrasound: two embryos in one ovum, fetus KTR 9 mm, monochorionic bioamniotic twins. According to ultrasound, 9 patients had no other doctor. Fetal KTR pіd hour Ultrasound changed from 26 to 28 mm. Chi can another hovatisya for the first? Why did KTR change?

In the case of KTR vimіrі, a shift in the margins of 2 mm is acceptable, it is recommended to screening with ultrasound in the term of 11-12 tizhnіv to clarify the situation.

6 types of pregnancy. According to ultrasound: in the empty uterus there are two fetus eggs, in one of them there are embryos that develop from heartbeats, in the other - the embryo is not visualized. What is the possibility of filling two eggs with a difference in a few days? Why does the term development of another embryo look like the first one? Does tse mean the development of another egg?

Better for everything, go about a fruiting egg that does not develop. On winemaking, the baby, which is overwhelmed, the death of another fruit egg is not indicated.

The 4th day of pregnancy, the day before, two fetal eggs were born in a private clinic. I used ultrasound in another part, one fetal egg 7.7 mm, otherwise - do not pump. What can you do? Did it fade? Tse pardon of the doctor, what is the difference in the quality of possession? There were no sightings.

There are different situations, if one of the fruiting eggs in the gyna on an early term of vagity and rozmoktuetsya.

Vagity persha, 7 years. According to ultrasound at 4.4 tyzhnі: signs of dual uterine vaginess in one fruiting egg and anembrionism in the other. What now work with another egg, what has died? Is it necessary to see what is out of the "wiide" itself? What will be with a fertile egg now, what will it develop normally? Meni 27 years.

There is no drive to worry. The folded fruit egg will rise without shkodi for reshti. It is recommended that you repeat the ultrasound to clarify the situation.

I have twin vaginess. What informative biochemical screening?

The first day of the rest of menstruation is 2 breasts, the average cycle is 28 days. The first ultrasound on the 4th day: in the empty uterus, the fetal egg was 3 mm, the body was not detected. On the 5th day, the result of the analysis for HGL was 4471.0 mIU/ml. On the 11th day of the obstetric term, I recognized that I had twins. Chi can not be doubled for 4 tyzhnі obstetric term? Chi is possible to conceive two little ones at the same different terms?

On the arc of a small term (like to this particular type) as a whole you can drink another fruit egg. And if you talk about identical twins, then you can only treat them if the embryos are well visualized.

On the first ultrasound, the doctor did not test the fruiting egg, putting the term no more than two tizhniv, the result of CGL on the same day was two times higher. Two days later, she came to get up on the face to the next doctor, looked around the doctor without ultrasound, put the term 8 days. In 12 babies, they wrote at the screening that one fetal egg and one baby. Chi could not succumb to the ultrasound of another little one, chi tse is impossible?

12 days of pregnancy, on ultrasound they said that one embryo died at 9-10 days, and the other is developing well. What is the possibility of blaming a child? Chi will not be infected with a dead fetus?

Imovirnist vinosity child dosit is good. With a fetus that has died, on such a term, the vagity of the veins can be reconstituted without harm for another fetus.

Robila EKO. The rest of the menstruation is 10 April, the puncture is 28 April, the postponement is 30 April. The result of CHF on May 14 is 403. Which term can be used to show rich vagity? How long does an ultrasound scan work? The doctor recommending 11 roubles, and the doctor who conducted the EKZ - 25 rubles.

What is possible with rich vagity at the same time, the development of one fetus and the death of another? How will the pozamatkovy plaid develop, how will the visions freeze? wanting to become a vagit, and to make the uterus expand, was it clear that the baby had died?

It is possible to simultaneously cause uterine and post-uterine vagity. Pozamatkova vagіtnіst to develop right up to the growth of the fruits of the place. It is important not to allow, but to conduct a surgical treatment with minimal consequences for health.

On the 6th day, I was placed by identical twins. One is 5.7 mm, the other is 6.2 mm. The first heart beater has 154 beats / min, the other has 156 beats / min. May 11th at once. What time can one of them "get up"?

In some cases, in early terms, one of the twins can stop developing, which can lead to the first “emergence”.

For my motherfuckers, I have three days and three days of pregnancy. Menstruation was from 21 to 26 September. I know what happened on the 9th of July. Everything was planned. Vitamins s folic acid began to drink on the cob veresnya. On the 31st of the day she took the analysis of CGL - 19795. On the 31st day she did an ultrasound scan, as it showed 5 days and six days. What can the ultrasound doctor have mercy on, but not swear by the richness, but put a bigger term?

Ultrasound has been assigned an obstetric term of vaginess, from the first day rest of menstruation. You should take into account the conception of the right term. Vіn to no one, krіm you, I will not be in good fortune. Usі terms (decree, canopies too) are used in obstetrics. Details about the calculation of terms of vagity are written in the articles on our website.

My grandmother had twins on her tatted side, and a woman’s grandmother had twins on her mother’s side, I have two blues and at the moment I’m 4 digits pregnant, how can I have twins?

Due to the improvement of the ancestral line, the dynamism of the people in your country has been elevated according to the frequency of the population. Everything will be visible on the ultrasound.

I went for an ultrasound scan at 16 vagity levels, everything was fine. But if I came for an ultrasound at the 24th day, they told me that I had uterine fibroids, although I didn’t have any. Could uterine fibroids settle down in 2 months?

Naimovіrnіshe, uterine myoma bula, ale small rosemіrіv. Under the hour of vagity, the knots of myoma are rapidly increasing at the rosemaries.

Vipadki, if not one, but two or more little ones settle in the mother's stomach, they trap not so often - 1.5-2.5% of all vacancies. How to get out? Why is the richness of the vagity aroused? Can you plan to have twins? Our expert - Ganna Romanivna PASTUKHOVA, obstetrician-gynecologist of the Zdravitsya family medicine center, advises on all matters.

Yaka the ability to take care of the twins

For the cob - a troch of statistics. As we have already guessed, this wondrous phenomenon is seen in 1.5-2.5% of the guards of vaginess in the krains of Europe. It is important that the appearance of twins, triplets and twins is genetically smart - more often they stink in families, when one or the other, the offending fathers appeared in the world due to the richness of pregnancy. However, there are other reasons, among them .

  • The people of twins resemble the frequency of geometric progression, obstetricians have a special formula: for 87 gentle falls one double, for 87 twins - one triple, for 87 triplets - one quadruple and so on. However, today the formula will require correction - rich vacancies have become more frequent.
  • Identical or monozygotic twins grow closer: the average has 1 fall per 250 slopes.
  • The most abundant vacancies are found in Africa, the most - in the climes of Asia.

See rich vagity

Pochnemo іz zagalnovіdomogo fact. There are two types of twins: identical or monozygotic and different (they are also called dizygotic).

  • Monozygotic twins are born as a result of one oocyte being slaughtered by one spermatozoon. Tse stinks marvel at their marvelous imitation.
  • Diverse twins appear as a result of flooding of decile eggs with spermatozoa. The stench can be like one, so in different stats, they often quarrel in character and do not always have similar calls.

Expert comment

Bagatoplіdna vagіtnіst- tse vagіtnіst, if in the mother's organism not one plіd develops, but one sprat. In medicine, there are identical or different twins (triples and so on). Identical twins can always have the same blood type and the calls are even similar. Different ovarian twins have phenotypic differences (colour of eyes, pics), it is possible that they have the same blood type. Diverse twins can be diversified.

How identical twins go

Yakscho honestly - the manifestation is not possible! Reasons, through the replacement of a single baby with one egg and one spermatozoa, two (three, four) appear, they don’t see each other well - it’s a miracle, that one year. The mechanism of the appearance of monozygotic twins, proteas, descriptions should be reported. Everything starts like nothing happened: one egg, one spermatozoa, zustrich, zaplodnennya ... Then the zygote, which has settled down, begins to expand, grow and, at some point, under the influence of not a lot of mind-blowing factors, raptom splits into more the skin of that number begins to live a good life.

Expert comment

The development of identical twins is observed when one egg is flooded with one spermatozoon, in the process of a fruiting egg on two, three or three parts of the different stages of its development. In whom, the skin part develops like a human organism. It is assumed that such a podil may cause a delay in the implantation (attachment) of a fruiting egg through a sour deficiency. Also, the twins of identical twins are tied to the ovaries, which are small, two or more nuclei.

Chi do not respect one to one twins?

It is even more important, at the very moment, the splitting of the ovules occurs, the shards of which lie further intrauterine development of the twins.

Іsnuє 3 variants of development of monozygotic twins

  • He laid a fruit egg, becoming the first five days after the flood. In this way, the insults of the future babies begin to develop independently, the skin "recovers" the placenta . Until recently, it was important that such a development is characteristic only for zygoteous twins and identical twins in such twins were called dizygotic (maybe buti, did you become the Olsen sisters?)
  • The zygote was divided approximately on the 5-8th day after the flooding. At that hour, the sound of the fruit husk already began to form: zagalnoy in children; Just as babies make a placenta, then one child can strangle another - their competition begins from conception.
  • Posile on the 8th day and later (1% of all monozygotic twins). At this hour, the fruitful michur begins to form, so the embryos that have split will grow in the wild amnion and wild fruit waters. Such a situation is considered not the most favorable, it is a risk that children one one.

The life of different twins in the womb is organized with great comfort: the skin of them develops its own personal placenta (and smells grow like walls), which means that it is not necessary for little ones to seriously compete for the sun.

From the same time, as the embryos can be at the placenta, then, nayimovirnish, the stench of the different, and as the children “settled” from the placenta, then they are identically twins, like people are similar to ... twins.

Expert comment

The following types of rich vagity are distinguished:

  • Monochorionic monoamniotic twins, if there is a placenta and there is no septum between twins. Tse zavzhdi identical twins
  • Monochorionic diamniotic twins, if the placenta is congested and the septum is, then. skin plaid maє svіy amniotic mіkhur
  • Dihorial diamniotic twin, if the skin fetus has its own placenta and its own amniotic mihur.

How to go different twins

Non-identical twins develop from two or more ovaries. How do you feel? The most widespread reason for this is the so-called “multiple ovulations”, if from one or both ovaries a sprat of mature eggs comes out. The reasons for such a phenomenon can be different: genetic schilnist, piece stimulation ovaries, the first cycle after the introduction of hormonal contraceptives.

You know what....

  • The difference in the hour of conception of different twins can be from many years to many days.
  • In the case of lonely moods, it is already possible to increase the already obvious vaginess ... new. As a rule, after the implantation of the fetal egg, ovulation is immediately blocked. As a result of hormonal imbalance, this mechanism does not work out, a younger brother and sister are added to the older child internally.

Identical twins are formed in succession under one fruiting egg at different stages of development and become 1/3 of the twins. In the case of dizygotic twins, the frequency of breadth of monozygotic twins is a constant value, which is 3-5 per 1000 degrees.

How do identical twins look like?

Reasons for the appearance of identical twins

On the basis of the dizygotic variant, the breadth of monozygotic (identical) twins does not lie in terms of ethnicity, mother's age, pregnancy parity and gender.

  • It is assumed that the podіlіdnennoї ovum can be due to obstruction of implantation and deficiency of sour insufficiency. This theory makes it possible to explain the higher frequency of anomalies in the development of the middle of monozygotic twins against dizygotic twins. The process of fixing the implantation was confirmed in several animals.
  • It is possible that the cause of polyembryony can be a mechanical expansion of blastomeres (on early stages crushing), which is due to the result of cooling, damage to the acidity and ionic structure of the medium, the influx of toxic and other factors.
  • The vaginess of a woman with identical twins is also related to the ovary occlusion, which is small two or more nuclei. The skin nucleus merges with the nuclear speech of the spermatozoa, and as a result germinal rudiments are established. Descriptions of egg cells and trioma nuclei.

Identical twins - peculiarities of vaginess

At the development of the fruiting egg, the chorion is laid on the cob, then the amnion and, the vlasne, the germ. Therefore, the nature of placentation in the case of identical identical twins lies at the stage of the development of a fruiting egg, on which it was chosen.

  1. As soon as the fertilized egg is formed in the first 3 days after the flooding, then until the formation of the inner ball of cells - the embryoblast (at the stage of blastocyst) and the transformation of the outer ball of cells of the blastocyst into the trophoblast, then identical twins may have two ammoniums. In this way, identical twins will be diaminetic and dichorial. This variant of vagity is observed in 20-30% of all monozygotic twins.
  2. Якщо поділ плодового яйця відбувається між 4-8-м днем ​​​​після запліднення на стадії бластоцисти, коли закінчено формування внутрішнього шару клітин - ембріобласта, відбулася закладка хоріону із зовнішнього шару, але до закладки амніотичних клітин, сформуються два ембріони, кожен в окремому амніоті . Two amniotic bears will be sharpened with a choral chorial membrane. Such a monozygotic twin will be diamniotic and monochorionic. The majority of monozygotic twins (70-80%) are represented by the same type.
  3. As soon as the amnion was placed on the 9-10th day after filling, at the hour of completion of the amnion bookmark, then two embryos are formed from the amniotic sac. Such a monozygous twin will be monoamniotic and monochorionic. Among monozygotic twins, the most common type, which occurs in approximately 1% of all monozygotic twins, and the highest degree of risk from the point of vagity overshoot.
  4. When the oocyte was found at the last term on the 13-15th day after conception (after the formation of the embryonic disc), it would be incomprehensible, which led to an incomplete splitting (growth) of the twins. This type of increase is rare, approximately 1 per 1,500 identical vacancies, or 1:50,000-100,000 newborns.

Three trips, four trips, and a larger number of twins are born. So, triplets can be made up of three oocytes, two or one oocyte. The stench can be identical and different. Quadruples can also be monozygotic and different (mostly twins and triplets with one single fetus).

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