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The main principles of the structure of the ba duan jing complex. Vіsіm vіdrіzіv brocade - ba duan jing

The complex is made up of eight rights, and the number of such loans is about 15-20 hvilin. It is right to recommend vikonuvat as a warm-up warm-up, so in the evening, not long before bedtime. The peculiarity of the ba duan jing is soft, smooth ruhi, which vibrates with the victories of the “inner strength”. In the opinion of the experts, the energy of the body and the mind of the mind will reduce the softness and firmness of oneself. Mustaches are right to the complex vykonuyutsya at the exit station standing, tobto. carry the vagage vanity. Under the hour of vikonannya, the emphasis is right to fight for the expansion of m'yaziv, positively pouring into the camp not only m'yazovoy, but also the cystic system.

Meta is right - to take a path of physical and spiritual to speed up the circulation of internal energy, which will lead to the improvement of the health of that physical form of a person. Invisible part of the right є deep, natural dihannya.

"Vіsіm shmatkіv brocade" - tse vіsіm simple and accessible to the skin physical rights. All the waves are beaten softly, without tension, smoothly and correctly, with an emphasis on the stretching of the tongue and the tongue, as well as on the breath. It is right to recommend repeating the application 3 to 7 times on the skin (if possible - daily).

The ba duan jing is widely celebrated as an inspirational complex among sportsmen and women, as well as among various groups of people, including those whose practice is associated with great mental, intellectual and physical adventures.

When conducting scientific studies on the effectiveness of the ba duan jing, it was shown that patients do not have difficulties with the complex, but the intensity of the effort is not high. Ba duan jing is one of the most common systems for occupying such a small area, neither for a century, nor for a century physical state, prote for the manifestation of manifested somatic pathology in the summer and the elderly, it is recommended to take a doctor's consultation before the cob. Tsya system is good as well, because it allows you to keep busy at any time.

The simplicity of proponing rights from the ba duan jing system is due to the fact that on the other systems of qigong the smell is superbly accessible for their own hands, it means a small maidanchik to occupy and, which is more heady, at the first stages it does not require the development of folding methods of concentration. It should be noted that the position is correct, the calmness and relaxation of the body, by itself, will ensure the correct circulation of qi and the healthy effect.

The main difference in the system of ba duan jing is physical and dychal right in the future with the concentration of respect. The health-improving infusion is rightly based on the unity of the physical and mental functions of the human body, on the link between the will and the functioning of the mental system and the internal organs. The rate of vikonannya is right - more and smooth, the amplitude of the change varies depending on the individual abilities of the one who is involved, which allows people of a different age to work with the system, including those with a low level of physical training.

As if it were another complex of the qigong system, the ba duan ching is less effective with the basic principles, without any faults it transforms into an awkward gymnastic right, as it does not give a reliable result:

1. Naturally that comfortable position of the body.

2. Vіdsutnіst narugi yak tіlі, і u svіdomostі.

3. Relaxation of that tension.

4. Calm and calm.

5. Regularity to take.

For the first time, right the ba duan jing the best way to win the day after awakening. Vranci is better than their work and less than two: the first time of appointments for awakening the body and for a small warm-up of m'yaziv. Repeat the right to follow the previous rules 3-4 times a day, which stimulates the circulation of qi in the body after waking up. Another time, let the complex sing in the evening, without a break before going to bed and obov'yazkovo after sunset, with a method to cleanse the mind and body from the day's turbos and take out what has accumulated. During the day, you can, if possible, repeat the occupation with the ba duan jing complex to stimulate the activity of the brain and relaxation of the body.

Linear side: 1 (the book has 4 sides in total)

Health Qigong Ba Duan Jing
(vіsіm vіdrіzіv brocade)

Contributed by the All-China Association of Healthy Qigong


The history of the Ba Duan Jing complex (the literal translation is the highest version of brocade) tells about the hours of the Song dynasty (960–1279). This complex is rightly respected by the pearl of the Healthy Qigong, the shards of wine are not only simple, but also incredibly effective.

Aerobic right Ba Duan Jing developed on the basis of the theory of kinetics and physiology. Up to eight traditional ones, two more have been added to the right: I’ll wrap it up and close it. The stinks give the complex a finished, unified look.

It has been scientifically proven that the right to the Ba Duan Jing complex will improve the state of the dichal system, the looseness of the loam, the legs and arms, nerves, and also inspire energy balance organism. Among other positive effects, there is a reduction in the cardiovascular system, treatment of osteoporosis and coronary atherosclerosis, immune system, upovіlnennya process oldіnnya, poshchennya psihіchnogo become.

As studies have shown, people are not to blame for difficulties with the Ba Duan Jing complex, the shards of interest and the intensity are not high. Moreover, everyone who is involved confirms the fact of health improvement.

Chapter 1
Pohodzhennya that development

Gao Lian, a scholar who is alive during the reign of the Ming dynasty (1368–1644), at his book “ Vіsіm Aspectіv Turboti pro Zdorov'ya" writing: “By conjuring the Ba Duan Jing complex between the periods of mid-rank and obid, one can know the harmony with the All-world.” The hieroglyph Jing means “beautiful”, “glittering” (for example, brocade). Also, yoga can be deciphered as a set of health rights, its thoroughness similar to the seam.

Previously, the term Ba Duan Jing appeared at the book “ Notes of the Listener - Selected Histories about Supernatural Values", written by Hong Maєm, which is alive during the reign of the Pivdenny Song Dynasty (1127–1279). “Lee Xijiu was appointed to a high quarter at the court of the emperor… Having begun to wander around and win special rights under the name of Ba Duan Ching, they included deep breathing and self-massage.” In this rank, the whole complex is right to be popular with that distant hour.

Ba Duan Jing is victorious in two positions - sitting and standing. We took the law as the basis for this book, yak vykonuyutsya in standing position through their popularity.

Under the reign of the Ming and Qing dynasties (1644–1911), the visit to the Ba Duan Jing complex at the standing camp became more popular. Under the hour of the reign of the Qing dynasty, a book was seen under the name " New Illustrations of Health Rights - Ba Duan Ching». In the first place, it was illustrated that the right Ba Duan Jing was right in the standing position. The axis yak u nіy was described in the right: “For the normalization of the work of the internal organs - zvedennia to the sky; shooter with right and left hands in the position of an archer; for normalization of the robotic duct and spleen - one hand at the front; for zabіgannya ailments and tension - a look back; for the sake of stress - the kidnapping of the head of that fringed coat; for sharpening nirok - forging hands on the back and legs and torso of the feet; for the promotion of strength - a sawy look and a punch; for likuvannya ailment - pidyom and lowering on the heels. As you can see from the first step, even now the right Ba Duan Jing has formed a complete wellness complex.

A lot of shkіl appeared, how to practice Ba Duan Ching. You can see two main ones: Pivnichnu and Pivdenna. The followers of the Pivnichnoy school are right to sing zhorstko, in a sitting position, Pivdenniy - softer, in a standing position. However, if you judge by their ruins, then you can make wisps, which they alone have suffered. In the course of an hour of its foundation, the two schools have become more similar to each other.

Dosі tochatsya superechki about those who and if the wines of Ba Duan Ching. One thing is clear - in an hour, after passing the moment of vindication, you will be repeatedly supplemented by fahivtsy those who are involved.

In the 1970s, near the city of Changsha, the grave of a high-ranking planting individual hours of the reign of the Han dynasty (206 p. e. - 220 p. n. e.). A shmat of brocade with a little one under the name " Illustration of Transferring Qi». The new image clearly depicts 4 ruhi, which are even more similar to the ruhi of the daily Ba Duan Ching complex: “Shooting with the right and left hands at the position of the archer”; “For the normalization of the work of the abdomen and spleen - one hand at the front”; “For the sake of brunok - forging of hands on the back and legs and torso of the feet”; "For the rejoicing in the presence of ailments - pidyom and lowering on the heels." Similar illustrations are present in the book of To Hong Jin, who is alive during the reign of the Pivdenny and Pivnichny dynasties (420–589) - “ Turbo about Health Rozumu and Life Promotion».

Partition 2
Characteristics of rice

Smooth, full flow

Ruhi can be smooth, calm and wide. The largest of the rukhіv of the complex is circular. The stench stimulates the work of the ridge. Have the right to coordinate the work of the hands and nig, to that, vikonuyuchi їh, you do not notice the tension.

Tsі ruhi directing to the relaxation of the body and calming the mind, to that, vykonuyuchi їх, I will show myself flowing water or gloomy, sho spit. Ruhi at any time cannot be interrupted, shards of stench lead to equal circulation of internal energy.

Rhythmic combination of relaxation and tension, dynamism and inertness

For a total relaxation, it is necessary to relax the m'yazi, the links and calm the central nervous system. The breath can be equal, the heart can beat calmly. Correct posture and position of the body play an even more important role in relaxation. The very relaxation can come out in the middle, so you are guilty of calming your mind, and then the body.

Report zusil next less for crossing from one turn to the next. For example: in the right “For the normalization of the work of the internal organs - a link to the sky” zusilla is given for an hour of hands; "Shooting with the right and left hands in the position of an archer" - when moving at the archer's stance; “For the normalization of the work of the abdomen and the spleen - one hand at the window” - for an hour to take the hand; “To zabіgannya ailments and tension - look back” - under the hour of the hands and head; "For the relief of stress - the stealing of the head and the fringe of the coat" - when moving into the horse's steed; “For the purpose of marking nirok - forging hands on the back and legs and toeing of the feet” - for an hour of the hand; “For the promotion of strength - a sharp look and a blow with a fist” - when struck with a fist; "For the rejoicing in the presence of ailments - pidyom and lowering on the heels" - with a Russian head and pressure of the fingers of the nig and the seat.

Strength is needed only to change the hands. In other situations, you are guilty of being relaxed.

The increase in tension and relaxation, dynamism and inertness promote the balance between Yin and Yang (in traditional Chinese medicine - two cobs). It also improves the circulation of Qi in the energy channels, blood flow and the fluffiness of the loam. It is obvious that everything is leading up to the improvement of the body and the improvement of health.

Dynamism and inertness - causality show the body's ruins. Dynamic movements are due to vikonuvatysya energetically, smoothly and naturally.

Under the hour of zastosuvannya forces during the transition from one turn to the next you are absolutely calm, especially with the full vikonannі vyshchezgadannyh ruhіv. A good pause does not interrupt the internal circulation, at the same time the dirt becomes stretched. Stimulation of the targeted parts of the body is reached by a rational addition of strength to the singing interval of the hour.

The sound of the body and the mind for the appeasement of life energy

Under the mind in Qigong, the psychic state and the mind rise, as well as the body’s collapse, controlled by the mind and the mind. The connection between the body and the mind and the mutual work, as it is characterized by harmony and symmetry, which is common in all movements. The peculiarity of Ba Duan Jing is soft, smooth strokes and ruhi, which vibrate with victories of inner strength. Energіyne tіlo і zoseredzheny rozum poєdnuyut m'yakіst and firmness.

Meta is right - with a path of physical and spiritual rights to speed up the circulation of internal energy, which will lead to the improvement of the health of that physical form of a person. Invisible part of the right є deep, natural dihannya.

Be calm, relaxed, natural

Calm mind is easier to endure psychological and physiological stresses. If the body is relaxed, then the right for the improvement of the m'yaziv, the connection and the internal organs will bring a greater effect. Such a two-sided relaxation is a miraculous way to strengthen the body, breath and mind in the form of tension. A calm mind and a neutral mood help to concentrate more on the right. Calm and relaxed are not the same one in the same.

Naturalness lies in the fact that your body, spirit and mind live without primus. It doesn’t mean that the vikonannya can be fired on self-fueling - it’s the right to be blamed for meeting the standards, the dihannya can be unseen, and the thoughts are not guilty of voicing on third-party objects. Such a camp can only be reached by the process of post-training.

Wick the ruhi for sure, ale gnuchko

The accuracy of the Vikonan is right, it is right up to the highest standards. Heading for newcomers - learn how to take the right steps. Another task is to learn how to win the ruhi. I, nareshti, third task - relatively vichity, as if the strength of the rights is stagnant.

Under vikonannі you have the right to be guilty of guarding your life and physical camp. We recommend that you independently choose the intensity and the level of interest.

Training and post-training camp

Training is the whole process, a kind of body fluctuations in one's body, breathing and rozum's regulation. The post-training camp is the most comfortable and natural camp for the mind and the body after the training. You are guilty of self-sufficiency to increase the level of urgency and intensity to take it appropriately to your physical state. It is necessary for the correct vikonannya right. Those same stosuєtsya and dihannya.

Training and post-training camp mutually. It is your fault to independently determine the trivality to occupy, the amount of repetition and the intensity of the vikonnanny ruhіv, so that after training your mind, the body and circulation of Qi (internal energy) have become equal. However, it is worth remembering and up to everyday life. Improvement of the daily regimen improves the health and improves the effect of the improvement in the rights of the Ba Duan Jing complex.

Incremental progress

Starting at the beginning of the complex, beginners can see more in the m'yazah and the swamps. Progressively get out.

Tim, who has only just begun to vikonuvat the whole complex, mi radimo dihati naturally. If the song hour is over and you have a chance to coordinate the disruption of that turmoil, you can move on to deep turmoil.

The effectiveness of this complex depends on the characteristics of the skin person. Ale, with the constant correct vikonannі to the right of this complex, the skin of a person can see on his own health effect. Naygolovnіshe - tse steel.

Rozdil 4
Pokrokovy description of ruins

Partition 1
The position of the hands that nig
Basic hand positions

The fingers are bent, the great finger touches the base of the ring finger (Fig. 1).

Rice. one


The first form of the valley: the fingers are slightly bent and ruffled (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2

Another shape of the valley(“empty hoarding”): straighten the great and expressive fingers. Zіgnіt the first and other drifts of the fingers (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3


Fingers at once, the brush is straightened. The first knuckle of the thumb, the first and the other knuckle of the fingers are bent (Fig. 4).

Rice. four

Basic stand
Steady horse

Feet on the width of two or three feet. Adopt a position on the top of the hill, with the help of which you should be on a level three times higher than the level of the horizon (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5

Partition 2

1. Stand straight. Legs together, hands loosely ruffled in the top of the coat. Straight look straight (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6

2. Transfer the body arm to the right leg, that leg is relaxed. Kill the croc with the left foot. Fingers straight forward. Legs at shoulder width. Straight look straight (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7

3. Fire your hands in the middle. Raise them to the level of the stegon, straighten the arms back. Straight look straight (Fig. 8).

Rice. eight

4. (Prodovzhennya.) It is easy to sing the knee. Open the hands of the name, at the form of pіvkola put them on the rib of the navel. The palms are straightened at the side of the abdomen with 10 divs in front of each other (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9

Key moments

□ Pull up your neck, squeeze your lips. Mova stop the sky. Shoulders and lungs are lowered down. Straighten the chest, loosen up, live, the quilts and the seats do not lift, the upper part of the toe-bag is straightened.

□ Breathe normally, bringing the breath to the Dan Tien point (5 cm below the navel). Collect 6-9 breaths and videos.

Typical pardons

□ When the hands are ripped in the form of a pivkola on the navel, the great finger is straightened up, and the reshta of the fingers is down.

□ Vip'yatiy is alive. The knees are strongly bent. Stop over it in the distance, one in the same.

Correction of pardons

□ Shoulders and shoulders are lowered, fingers are straightened one to one, thumbs are on the same level.

□ Lift the seats, the Minmen point (across) is relaxed, the knees are bent, but do not go behind the fingers. Stop narіzno, in parallel one to one.

Significant effect

□ Tsya to the right calm the mind, regulate the breath and relax internal organs. The body straightens up, rests at the readiness position.

Zvennya dolon to the sky - normalizes the work of internal organs
Right 1

1. (Continue from the rest of the front to the right.) Lower your hands down. Weave fingers in front of the stomach, arms straight up on the mountain. Straight look straight (Fig. 10).

Rice. ten

2. Fully straighten the column. Raise your hands on the ribs of your breasts, straighten your arms to the top. Raise the valleys and lift them up to the sky. Now the valleys are straight up on the mountain. Raise your head and fix your gaze on the valleys (Fig. 11).

Rice. eleven

3. Straighten the tongue, so that the rest of the hand is straightened. Retract the pіdboriddya, looking straight ahead (Fig. 12).

Rice. 12

4. Lightly bend the knee, move the weight of the body forward. Open your fingers, put your hands on the navel. On this level, trim your hands with a pivkol, straighten your arms on the mountain. Look - straight (Fig. 13).

Rice. 13

Qiu has the right to follow the vikonati six times.

Key moments

□ Raise your arms, expand your chest. Let's take a little pause.

□ Lowering your hands, those sittings live loosely. Shoulders and lungs drooped. Relax the wrists and fingers, the trunk of straightening.

Typical pardons

□ Raising hands, head not enough raised uphill. In the middle of the vikonannya, they pinch the rush, which interrupts the flow of strength.

Correction of pardons

□ The lifting of hands and the expansion of the breasts are consigned to zusilly. Raise the back of the hand to climb, to lift the ruh, then to draw in yoga, to help the hands rise uphill. The strength of my buti is concentrated at the lower part of the palms.

Significant effect

□ Meta is right - activate Sanjiao (three empty bodies, in some cases, internal organs are stuffed). Lifting the hands uphill and lowering them down ensures the blood flow and circulation of energy Qi in the middle of the organs.

□ Stretchy m'yazi and zv'yazki navko suglobіv and soft fabrics of the coat, we promote their fragility and fragility. Tse zabіgaє problems navkolo areas of the shoulders and shiї.

Shooter with right and left hands in the position of an archer
Right 2

1. (Continue with the rest of the front to the right.) Move your body to the right and work your way with your left foot. Straighten your knee, stand straight. Raise your hands in front of your chest, call your left hand, straighten your arms in the middle. Look - straight (Fig. 14).

Rice. fourteen

2. It is enough to bend the knee, so that you can take the steed of the horse. Forming the paw with the right hand, put the right hand in a position in front of the right shoulder. Separate the great and expressive fingers of the left hand, lightly bend the first and other swamps of the fingers. Turn the left hand in the middle and move the left hand at the position in front of the shoulder. To bend the left hand, the palm is straightened to the left. Your stance is responsible for telling the shooter that you are getting ready to shoot. Fix the position, looking at the direction of the right hand (Fig. 15).

Rice. fifteen

Rice. 21

Vikonuyuchi the rest of the ruh in the third, move the body of the body to the left. Legs shoulder-width apart, knees bent. Put your hands down on the rib of your stomach, show yourself that you hold a sack in your hands. The palms are straight up on the mountain, the fingers are one on one, the look is straight (Fig. 22).

Rice. 22

Key moments

□ Rebooting in the position of an archer, ready to shoot, squeeze the fingers of the hand, pulling the pull, and trim your hand on the shoulder.

□ The shoulder and elbow of the left hand are lowered, the left hand is bent, the great and pointed fingers are straight uphill, the palm is in the position of “empty buried”.

□ People of a frail age, or it is physically difficult, are guilty of protecting their camp and vikonuvat rightly to their own feelings.

Typical pardons

□ The shoulders are lifted, the back is stooped, the feet are widened far from one to the other.

Correction of pardons

□ Trim your shoulders and elbows down, toelub straight, feet parallel one to one. Tse easier vikonannya ruhіv іz zusillyam.

Significant effect

□ The imitation of the position of an archer stimulates the meridian, for example, the meridian Think (the emperor's vessel), as well as a number of points, such as Shu-xue (to pass the ridge bridle). Vikonanny tsієї have the right to normalize the flow of energy in the air of the legend channel of the hand of Thaiin.

□ So I have the right to change the m'yazi nіg and feel a little jealous. The m'yazi of the front of the hands and hands is zmіtsnyuyuyutsya, zbіshuєtsya ruhlivіst that knuchkіst suglobіv of fingers and brushes.

□ Correcting the wrong posture on the right and avoiding problems in the shoulder area.

One hand in front - normalizes the work of the spleen and spleen
Right 3

1. (Continue with the rest of the right hand in front.) Straighten your knees correctly, your legs are wide. It’s time to raise the lion’s hand in front of the faces, unfolding it in the middle, at the position above the head, angry, the elbow of the troch is bent. Fingers straightened right-handed. Concentrate your strength at the lower part of the uplifted palm. At once, lightly raise the right hand, and then move it to the position of entrusting it with a quilt, the elbow is slightly bent, the fingers are straightened forward. Concentrate the strength of the beat of the right hand. Straight lines look straight. Fix the positions (Fig. 23).

Rice. 23

2. Slowly move the arm of the body down, lightly bend the knee. Lives relaxation, the quilts are lowered. At once, bend the elbow of the left hand and move the left hand down to the abdomen. The valley is straight uphill. With the help of the lion, the hand will pass through the rebuke. Move the right hand to the rib of the left hand, palms and fingers are straightened one on one at a distance of 10 cm. Look straightened (Fig. 24).

Rice. 24

Rukhs 3–4 tі samі, scho y 1–2, aleviate on the proliferating bіk (Fig. 25–26).

Rice. 25

Rice. 26

Whack the ruhi trichi on the right and three times on the left of the hand.

At the end of the hour of the last repetition, lightly bend the knee, move the right hand to the position of the order from the right batten, the palm is straightened down, fingers straight, looking straight (Fig. 27).

Rice. 27

Key moments

□ Straighten the breasts, loosen up the torso. Shoulders drooped and relaxed. Lowering and lifting the arms, concentrate the force in the lower part.

Typical pardons

□ Fingers straightened in the wrong direction, fingers not bent, torso not straightened.

Correction of pardons

□ Move over, that the arms are horizontal, concentrate the strength of the base of the arms, lightly bend the lips.

Significant effect

□ Lifting that lowering of the hands at the proliferative one directly gives a stretching effect on the empty stomach and at the same time massages the internal organs, for example, the spleen and the sac. Moreover, vikonannya rightly stimulates the work of the channels near the abdomen and ribs and the Shusyue point on the ridge, normalizing the circulation of the energy of the air channels near the internal organs.

□ Tsya is right to aggravate drіbnі sglobi and mіzіzi vzdovzh of the ridge, as well as to promote yоgo gnuchіkіє that mіtsnіst, thim themselves zapobigayu problems in the area of ​​shoulders and shiї.

I was asked. Wrote all the information in one place here all from the Internet. no copyright content

I used to work in the heat of the day. Narazі I turn to the complex.

What is Ba Duan Jing?

The term "Ba" in the Ba Duan Jing literally means "great", that is, that the wines are made up of eight hands of the body. “Duan” means that a positive influx can be reached through the path of uninterrupted practice of skin damage. “Jing” means a shovk, and if the whole complex is right, the yogo ruhi is similar to a vishukan shovka. In ancient times, if the complex was only begun to be practiced, once again becoming one of the lovers, for those who practice it, the new one has a simple alle elegant character, and the visim ruhіv vitoncheni and protіkayut, like shovk.

Ba Duan Jing – Big Pieces of Brocade

Health qigong

Ba duan jin (ba duan jin) or 8 pieces of brocade - One of the most popular in China methods of traditional qigong psychophysical gymnastics, which is widely practiced by the masses. The complex of rights is widely expanded in Taoist, Buddhist and secular schools in China. Trivale that effective reason has led to the fact that yoga is practically practiced by all levels of the population (young, old, healthy, ill, masters of combat mystosto). Ba duan jing has more than a thousand years of history. Behind the legend, the creations of the famous and great commander of old Yue Feym for the completion of the deep physical training of soldiers. At the same time, wines are zastosovuєtsya for support and improvement of health, as well as for the continuation of life.

I have a lot of options right, and they are presented on this site.

The method is recommended by those who:
I want to live long and active life without ailments.
Maє, but if you want to get sick of chronic illnesses.
Pragnuti zmіtsniti mental health, patience, physical strength, gain gnuchkost.
Balance Yin and Yang with your style and with your witness.

Zagalom wines are simple in mastering, safe, there are no counter-indications (crime of the descriptions below), there are no centuries-old encumbrances, wash the minimum for practice. For the sake of efficiency, it’s occupied by that mindfulness of the mind on cherishing with inner strength better than wiping out the lies (not obov'yazkovo, I for example like to wiggle just before going to bed, and remembering that I’m sleeping like I’m not thinking), at a calm place, with a clean swipe before you, without wiping the room stretched in ideally on open air.

The whole complex does not help to make a difference whether there are any fringe and important minds, but it is still recommended:

Pomіrnіst u seksi (vіrnіst іnіnіvіd sex not varto);

Do not engage in energetic and mental disorders (temperature, acute chronic illness, at the station of sleep or after high psychological stress);

Women under the hour of menstruation cannot deal with this complex;

Bagato who can ask:

Then what kind of vibrati? Aja always wants to once again from the best.

I am especially interested in the version from Van Ling's book, it's just that I bought it five years ago. Having pleased you simply to trust your intuition, I can only say that a sedentary set of appointments for ailments and weakened people. Golovna, that I understand not only from the system, but from life:

“It’s necessary to work the first rock and choose a straight path and bring you wine yourself in those places, having started to drink in a yak. Otherwise, I didn’t speak.”

Right 1. "Heavenly crypt - support and regulation of three internal empty bodies" Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. The legs in the knees are slightly bent, the elbows and shoulders are relaxed, the arms naturally hang from both sides. The thorax is retracted, the hips are shortened, the ridge is relaxed across. Trim your head straight, looking straight ahead. Svіdomіst can be calm, the rhythm is slow. Breathe in through the nose, see through the mouth. We lower qi in Dantian, language is guilty easily and lower the sky. Tse buli pіdgotovchi ruhi.
We gave it enough and relaxed to lift the offending hands in the lower part of the abdomen uphill and put the brushes on the level of the face, the palms may be turned to the body, and the fingers straight up the hill. Expand your arms up to the sky and lift your hands above your head. The dolons may be turned uphill, looking at the sights on the left side of the hands. After a certain hour, we open up the hands again, turning the palms to the face and properly lowering the hands down, ending in a rut in front of the lower part of the abdomen. The next cycle of ruhіv is considered One lift and lowering of the hands (Fig. 23-1,2,3,4).

Right 2. "Polyuvannya on the vultures - Strilyanin at the side of the wound." The stand is the same as in the forward position. The left foot moves parallel to the right one, the position of the vertex at the upper leg: the knees are turned in the middle, the legs stand on the ground like a foot, and the stegna is parallel. Arms crossed in front of the breasts, the right hand is spread out in the middle, the left hand is called, the palms marvel at the shoulders. The forged and closed fingers repeat the shape of the sword. Then we need to turn our hands back, and the "tiger's pasture" (a brush pit between the thumbs and thumbs) marveled uphill. The left hand is drawn in such a rank, you are ready to strike from the cibulus, with which you turn your head to the left and marvel at the fingers of your left hand. At this hour of the right, the hand takes the position, nіbi vydtyaguє pravoruchu tyativu tsibuli. It’s necessary to spend an hour in this position, then I’ll cross my hands again in front of my chest, placing my left hand in the middle, and calling my right hand. The whole pose. The right posture is symmetrical: the same hand, only with a change of hands, right-handed. Completion of the cycle - ruh right-handed and ruh levoruch at once. Right tick 6 times. Then, lower your hands from your sides, waving inward when you turn your head to the left, and see when you turn your head to the right (Mal. 24-1,2,3).

Right 3. We borrow a stance similar to the front right. Rotate the left hand freely, turning the palm to the face, after which raise the hand to the level of the head and turn the hand to the angle, synchronously the head and fingers of the hand turn right-handed at the horizontal plane. With whom, raise the ruh with your right hand down, having flared up your palm down with your fingers straight in front of you. Whack with the same force of lifting one hand and the onslaught of another. Tse ruh levoruch. The right-handed hand is wound symmetrically - by lifting the right hand uphill and pushing the left hand down, with which hand the hand is stretched to the left. The hands of both hands are open. Rukh right-handed and left-handed at the same time vvazhetsya cycle. The right to win six times. Then let's open up the palm of the raised right hand and do not hasten to lower it down. When hands are raised, work in the breath, when lowered, see (Mal. 25-1, 2, 3).

Right 4. "People look back, five sickly ailments and this sickness." Pochatkovo camp, like in the front right. Put your hands to Dan Tian, men left hand in the middle, and call the right, and women - on the other hand. Inside point Laogong one hand can curl up like a perfect point Laogongіnshіy. Turn your head to the back of your left shoulder, looking directly at the heel of your right foot. Trochy huffing, you need to turn your head back, looking trimati in front of you. Tse ruh levoruch. Follow the sequence of the right-handed hand opposite to the left-handed one. The movement of vikonans is left-handed and right-handed is entered in one cycle. Wrap six cycles right. Then let's put our hands down at the exit position. It is necessary to work in the air when turning the head to the left, and to see it when turning the head to the right. (Mal. 26-1,2).

Right 5. "Kick the fire out of the heart - steal the head and wag the tail." Outside the camp, as if in front of the right. The legs are bent at the knees, the steward's stand. The penzles of the hands are on the quilts, the fingers of the palms are straightened nazustrich one to one. Heal the upper part of the tunic forward and work the wraparound ruhi along the zipper to the right. Tse ruh levoruch. The right-handed movement is created directly at the right side. The movement of vikonans is left-handed and right-handed is entered in one cycle. Vikonati six cycles right. Let's put our hands down at the exit position. To grope inwardly when turning to the right, and to see when turning right-handed to the left (Mal. 27-1, 2, 3).

Right 6. "Zmіtsnennya across that nirok - choked with hands." The posture is the same as the one in front is right. The hands are on the sides, the thumb is in front, the reshta is across the back. With the upper part of the tulub, the trochs are pulled back, then we bend forward and down. At the same time, both hands push down from the susillam from the belt of the airways of the canals panguan, And after burying them, they p'yat both with their hands. Then it is necessary to bump with the hands of the fingers of the feet, moving them uphill along the front parts of the legs, after moving the palms from the sides across and turn around at the exit position. If the onslaught of the hands is downward, it is necessary to work in the breath, and if the forging is uphill, it is visible. Move down and uphill to complete the cycle. Work six cycles to the right (Fig. 28-1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

Right 7. "Increased strength clasping hands - wide squash your eyes." Outside the camp, as if in front of the right. The left leg is extended to the left horizontally for one step, the legs are clasped together in the knees, like at the position of the top. Offended hands are clenched into a fist and lifted up to a level across, fists are trimmed on one level uphill. Squeeze your left hand and throw it to the right-forward and at once turn your head to the right, straightening your gaze at the left valley in the distance. Make a little pause, then turn the left flank and squeeze the flank uphill, pull the flank back to the left side across and relax the fist a little. Tse ruh levoruch. The right-hander is right-handed at the turning point straight ahead. The movement of vikonans is left-handed and right-handed is entered in one cycle. Vikonati six cycles have the right to sleep, then it is necessary to turn around at the stand, where offending hands hang freely from the sides. When pulling forward the left hand of the right hand - in and out while pulling the hand back (Fig. 29-1, 2, 3).

Right 8. "Sevenfold strushuvannya back Lіkuє vіd usіh ailments" The pose is the same, like in the front right. The legs are straightened in the knees, the feet are together, the trochs of the hands are straightened and the names are raised, the body can be completely relaxed. Rise on the scarpets both nig and shake the body with a small post uphill - down. The completion of the cycle is vvazhaetsya rush uphill - down, the whole cycle needs to be vikonated 7 times before. When moving uphill, robably short inhale and when moving down, short sight, we try to trim the rhythm to the right (Fig. 30).

Before victorious, I ask you to familiarize yourself with the important moments of the victorious complex.

Outside position: sit straight with crossed legs or squat in a natural position on a bed or on a chair. Fold your hands on your stomach, put your tongue up to the sky, relax across and shoulders, concentrate to Dan Tian and to establish the natural rhythm of breathing (Fig. 31).

1) To the right, "Trimayuchi in the hands of Mount Kunlun." Intertwine your fingers and lay them behind your head, hoisting the tiling. Pull your head back, resting your hands on it and looking straight in front of you, and then let your hands shake your head forward, while looking down. Sweep your head up and back for an hour. Shaking his head down under the grip of his hands, he could see. It is necessary to stitch, so that the susilla of the onslaught of hands and the heads of their heads are the same. Repeat the ruhi a lot of times later (Mal. 32-1).

Turning your head to the right, repairing the opir tsiomu rush hands to the left, while looking straight to the right. Then turn your head to the left, when you straighten your hands, those eyes change to the protrusions. Robіh inhaling when looking left-handed and seeing when looking right-handed. Repeat the ruhi a lot of times later (Mal. 32-2).

It’s right, who are victorious in this variant of the complex, to spriyat mainly zmіtsnennyu m'yazіv shiї and quicker blood circulation at the upper part of the head. However, if we are ill with hypertension, it is recommended to win the right to the right to your individual state.

2) Right "Easy chipping of the ridges". Povnistyu rozslabte m'yazi vsogo tіla. Taking care of the rigidity of the shoulders and arms, it is easy to turn across that stomach, with which the head of that neck also turns, passively following the movement (Fig. 33-1, 2, 3).

To break the bagatorov's back, turn to the right after the year's arrow, and then turn the right hands to the left against the year's arrow. Alternately inflate and quickly live at the same rhythm with the turns of the shi.

At this stage, right the head ruh of the guards across, then turn the head and shi chik passively. At the same time, the peristalsis of the internal organs is strengthened from the fluff of m'yaziv at the upper part of the body. It helps to improve blood flow and functions of internal organs.

3) Right "Pidtrimka pіdnebіnnya i naskannya nadіkіvka". Raise offending hands, put them on the top and interlace your fingers. Let's sweat the hills uphill and stretch our arms out of the hills uphill, at their own lungs they straighten up. Stretch the body with one-hour hands, squeeze the sphincter and inhale (Mal. 34-1).

I will loosen my body again, bend offended hands, do not open my arms, lightly press on the top of my head and see (Mal. 34-2). Repeat the ruhi with your hands uphill and down a lot once more. At the end, lower your hands from both sides of the coat, turning at the outer position.

Right in this variant of the complex, it is used to spread the m'yaziv of the tuba and hands, as well as the m'l'yaziv of the sphincter, and to that it is important to take into account the prevention of hemorrhoids and the rectum.

4) Right "Shvidka hoarding pіdoshvi". Sitting straight and pulling the offending legs forward, heal the upper part of the toelub down yakomog lower, raise the offending hands and pull them horizontally forward, and then catch both legs by the feet (Mal. 35-1). At once, let the upper part of the body quickly hit up and down like a spring (Fig. 35-2).

Pochatkіvtsy slid to stretch their arms closer to the feet of the yakomog, and cholom - to the knees. Vikonannya is right for this variant of the complex to spray the stretching of the m'yaziv across that back, the slit of the neck and across.

Tsya is right, with the head rank, expanding the shoulders and arms, adhering to the prevention and exhilaration of illness, which are localized in the area of ​​​​the shoulders.

6) Right "Strelyanina with bow alternately at different sides." Place your hands on your back in front of your chest, then raise your left hand to the left and pull your right hand to the right with a sharp hand so that you pull the bow and shoot the arrow. At once energetically turn the right elbow with a synchronous right-handed hand. Having finished the ruhi, put your hands on your stomach.

I will again lift my hands on the ribs of my breasts, lift my right hand with a right hand and energetically pull my left hand with my left hand (Mal. 37). Sweep the whole sequence of ruins in a rich way, changing the direct "shooting".

In this variant, it is right to relieve the zmіtsnenny m'yaziv thorax and back, the strengthening of the functions of the respiratory system and the growth of life forces.

7) To the right "Boxing with both hands." Squeeze offending hands into a fist and energetically box both fists in front of you, the squirrels vipadi richly slept (Mal. 38).

Let's keep boxing alternately right-handed and left-handed.

Boxing with crossed hands: direct the blow of the left fist forward-right, and the right fist - forward-left. Wick the ruhi a lot of times in the past.

8. Right "Tapping the entire body." Squeeze the hands lightly into fists and tap them all over the body, starting across and back, then moving on to the chest, life, shoulders, neck, arms, legs and other parts of the body.

It’s right, it’s chosen for this variant of the complex, recognized for relaxation and strengthening of the body.

In translation from the Chinese movie 八段锦 "Ba Duan Ching" means "Highest brocades". Tse zagalne name other options it is right to take the “anniversary of life”, then “Ba Duan Ching” was created not only to improve and improve health, but to continue life. The first descriptions of the complex of historians are submitted until the time of the reign of the Song dynasty (960 - 1279), but it is important that this windings squash the roots of the earth.

The name itself is "Ba Duan Ching", which can be interpreted in two ways. Behind one of them, brocade is a high-quality, richly colored fabric, which symbolizes the rich-faceted and complex impact of the right to the entire body of a person. Zgіdno with a different version, it was written down on the brocades of the brocade itself, and it was painted in the right complex, and in this order they were passed down from generation to generation, having survived to this day. The hieroglyph Jing means “beautiful”, “glittering” (for example, brocade). Also, yoga can be deciphered as a set of health rights, its thoroughness similar to the seam.

History of creation of Ba Duan Ching

The creation of "Ba Duan Ching" is attributed to the rich. For one version of wine originated in the Taoist middle, it is also called "Taoist energy rights" or "8 gates of the work of the single energy of the great sky and earth." Taoists practiced right to cleanse the internal channels of their body, to open the channels for the free circulation of spiritual energy. Behind the orders, the “Twelve winds of brocade” came to mind, and then, as the stench of more than eight hundred years was passed from generation to generation, their number was shortened to eight, and at once the deyak Taoists practice the form of 12 pieces of brocade.

For the official version, it is important that he created one of the most famous and dosi heroes of Chinese history, Marshal Yue Fei (1103-1141). Vіn zavzhdi be an insatiable reader and never stop reading and learning about the new. Yogo favorite books were books from the history and theories of military action. The great influx on the formation of Yue Fei, like a marshal, having plunged into the Viysk treatise of the author Sun Ji "The Art of War", popular in our days and translated by all the world. Bagato hour provіv probіv marshal, vvchayuchi combat art under the signature of the venerable master of combat arts Zhou Tung. The whole system was designed, which included hand-to-hand combat, combat with armor, archery and horseback riding, as well as the tactics of combat fighting. Zavdyaki uninterrupted training Yue Fei, having mastered the mustache, which was taught by yoga master of combat mysteries Zhou Dong.

In 1122, when Yue had 19 lives, the country was in the stage of warfare, fighting against the tribes of nomads-tsiniv, who invaded from the pivnocchi. During this period, Yue Fei wants to enter military service in the imperial army in order to help his country. By stretching rich fates, the Chinese empire was weakened by the war, and it was embarrassed to pay tribute to the nomads, in order to save their farther heap on a pivden. Showing himself as a non-abyak soldier, for six years he became a general, and then a marshal of the imperial army.

At this hour, all the accumulations of knowledge and knowledge of the fighting arts, taken away in youth, are manifested. Having taken command of the army, he organized the systematic training of soldiers in combat skills. I wanted Bagato Elementiv entered the I wounded at the Nacchanny Vіskovoy Misseztva, Yue Faeh Voviv Voviv Vukvamovykhov Wushu, the recruits of the ie, for his own vani -tsu, the sulfur was a boss in front of the trigger. spirit, which helps to fight against stress, survive, protect the body from the intrusion of "cold" Qi.

Nezabar Yue Fey's warriors became unbearable in combat essences, they were called
not otherwise like "Armіya sіm'ї Yue". About the new one, the enemies said that it was easier to move
Throw a mountain, which will stir up Yue’s step. Not afraid to put up with the squalor of his country, embarrassed to pay tribute to the barbarians, Marshal Yue, destroying his military pivnich, having gained victory after victory. Virishal battle, in the yakіy vin of the warlord of the barbarians, on the rahunka of which there was no such shock, live in the legends and historical chronicles of China Donin.

Three reasons explained the successful conduct by the soldiers of Yue Fey of the fighting days: suvor discipline during the training of soldiers, as they studied their mastery to the point of perfection, and the training went to a high-professional level; in a different way, Marshal Yue, having created military orders for the above and effective administrations; And thirdly, by building for your army special systems of rights to improve your health and support your fighting spirit.

Previously, the term Ba Duan Jing appeared at the book “Notes of a Listener - Selected History about Supernatural Values”, written by Hong Maєm, who is alive during the reign of the Pivdenny Song Dynasty (1127–1279). “Lee Xijiu was appointed to a high quarter at the court of the emperor… Having begun to wander around and win special rights under the name of Ba Duan Ching, they included deep breathing and self-massage.” In this rank, the whole complex is right to be popular with that distant hour. You can read about this complex from Gao Lian, who is alive during the reign of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644), in his book “Visim Aspects of Turboti about Health” writing: offended, one can know harmony with the All-world”.

Under the reign of the Ming and Qing dynasties (1644–1911), the visit to the Ba Duan Jing complex at the standing camp became more popular. During the reign of the Qing Dynasty, a book was seen under the title "New Illustrations of Health Rights - Ba Duan Ching." In the first place, it was illustrated that the right Ba Duan Jing was right in the standing position. The axis of the yak y was described in the right: “For the normalization of the work of the internal organs - the distance to the sky; shooter with right and left hands in the position of an archer; for normalization of the work of the spleen and spleen - one hand in the field; for zabіgannya ailments and tension - a look back; for the sake of stress - the kidnapping of the head of that fringed coat; for sharpening nirok - forging hands on the back and legs and torso of the feet; for the advancement of strength - a pilny glance and a punch; for likuvannya ailments - pidyom and lowering on the heels. As you can see from the first step, even now the right Ba Duan Jing has formed a complete wellness complex. A lot of shkіl appeared, how to practice Ba Duan Ching. You can see two main ones: Pivnichnu and Pivdenna. The followers of the Pivnichnoy school are rightly zhorstko, in a sitting position, Pivdenniy - softer, in a standing position. However, if you judge by their ruins, then you can make wisps, which they alone have suffered. In the course of an hour of its foundation, the two schools have become more similar to each other. Dosі tochatsya superechki about those who and if the wines of Ba Duan Ching. One thing dawned on me - in an hour, after passing the moment of vindication, I was repeatedly added to the fahivtsy by those who are involved.

In the 1970s, near the city of Changsha, a tomb of a high planted clock of the ruling Han dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD) was found. She had a shmat of brocade with a little one under the name "Illustration of the Transference of Qi". On the new clearly depicted chaotiri ruhi, they are even more similar to the rukh of the daily Ba Duan Jing complex. Similar illustrations are present in the book of To Hong Jing, which is alive during the reign of the Pivdenny and Pivnichny dynasties (420–589) - “Turbo about Healthy Rose and Promotion of Life”.

Video - The history of the creation of the Ba Duan Jing complex

For example, in the 50s of the 20th century, Chinese Sports Vidavnitstvo released a series of books from Ba Duan Ching, written by Ma Feng Geta Ying. After that, a working group was created to adapt the traditional Ba Duan Jing on the basis of current achievements in the field of physiology and medicine, the very variant will be described in this article. From the beginning of the 70s - the cob of the 80s. The Ba Duan Jing was run over at the beginning of the program of sports universities and colleges.

Behind its accessibility and simplicity, as well as its vintaceous health effect, the Healthy Qigong Ba Duan Jing complex has taken away its great popularity both in China and throughout the world.

Complex "Visim shmatkiv brocade - Ba Duan Ching"

Simplicity and efficiency

The simplicity of proposing rights from the system “Visim Shmatkіv brocade” is related to the fact that, on the basis of other qigong systems, the stench is superbly accessible for their own hands, it means that a small maidanchik can be occupied The first stages do not require the development of folding methods in the concentration of respect.

The complex saves an hour, you win 10 minutes. Yogo is enough to spend the holidays in the evening. The complex is folded from the right 8 right, which is easy for the volodin. After doing this, you can pick up the whole complex for the bazhnyam, or you can pick up one of the 8 right. You can vikonati kіlka right to vibіr.

The regular practice of "Visim shmatkiv brocade" gradually raises the tone of the body, knowing that, changing the need for more sleep. The "Ba Duan Jing" occupation is to regulate the exchange of speech in the body, the worse can gain weight and make the body stronger. And other people can lose weight as hell. In addition, all m'yazi and driftwood are on the cob and until the end of all ruhiv, they will take training. Ba Duan Jing is widely celebrated as an outstanding complex for sportsmen and women, as well as people whose work is associated with high mental, intellectual and physical interests.

In the psychic plan, "Visim Shmatkiv brocade" allows the wondrous purity and calmness to vibrate - after all, it is necessary both for self-development, and in everyday life.

Health effect

The health effect is the main reason for the high evaluation by people of the system “Visim shmatkiv brocade” and the importance of vivchati. The main principle of "Ba Duan Jing" is "a calm, unturbulent heart plus an alert mind", which gives the nervous system the ability to repair and, as a result, the coordination of the functions of various organs of the body improves. Relaxation of the whole body, deep and natural breathing, smooth fluctuations, like a thought - everything is brought to the harmony of the "external" and "internal", cleansing the channels, with which the qi energy collapses, blood-bearing and lymphatic judges, painting the body of the cystic-mother tongue herbal systems.

With systematic occupations, a significant decrease in the deformation of the vertebral column, improvement of the friability, improvement of the ligaments, brushes, an increase in the strength of the m'yaziv, the amplitude of the rukhіv in the marshes, є garnimu zasobom Prevention of osteochondrosis, sciatica, arthritis Studies by Chinese scientists have shown that in those who are involved, there is increased cardiac activity for ECG, arterial pressure is stabilized, vitrality increases to physical interests the latter are more likely to follow the process after them.

Experimental studies have shown that with regular exercises, the amplitude of the thoracic cavity increases, the elasticity of the leg tissue, the functional state of the diaphragm, and, as a result, the life of the leg, the leg of the blood, the improvement of the leg of the exchange. Right to positively inject into metabolism. When busy, the level of cholesterol decreases in the blood, which ensures the prevention of atherosclerosis. Rhythmic drawing of tension and relaxation of skeletal masses and diaphragms improve blood flow in the empty stomach, normalize intestinal peristalsis, and eliminate stasis in the liver.

The only peculiarity of this system is the right - harmonious training of all systems of the body, including the central nervous system. Won sprya concentration of respect, development of memory, cherubate your physical and mental state, which allows you to bring Ba Duan Jing to one of the optimal options for rukhovo psychoregulation.

At the end, the effect of seeing the complex is great and shvidky. If the circulation is correct, then, as during the session of holcotherapy, the energy channels are cleared, the Qi appears, and the health effect is immediately manifested. The whole health-improving complex, which takes care of the city of the middle of that ring.

For whom it is recognized "Visim shmatkiv brocade"

"Visim shmatkiv brocade" is one of the most common systems for occupying such a small area, neither for a century, nor for a physical camp. Understandably, there are no universal recipes in life, so in times of persistent illness, in a frail age it is necessary to consult a doctor in advance. For whatever it is, the whole complex should be entered into good deal life, to allow a healthy body and vigor to the spirit to deep old age.

A characteristic feature of "Ba Duan Ching" is those who, having started practicing yoga in young vice and stained for a day for 10–20 quills, you can save the fragility of loam, the goodness of the body and a calm spirit until deep old age. Tsya system is good as well, because it allows you to start busy at any time in the city, zocrema, vіdomі vipadki, if you have effectively started on your sixth ten years.

Video - Demonstration of 8 pieces of brocade Ba Duan Ching

How to practice "Visim shmatkiv brocade"

Іsnuє kіlka ways of practice "Vіsіm shmatkіv brocade":

1. Yak okremium complex.
For the first time, it’s better to “Visim shmatkiv brocade” to win the day after waking up, getting up from the bed. Vranci їх is better than robiti schonaimshe dvichi: the first time of appointments for awakening the body and for a small warm-up of m'yazіv. Another time, you have the right to follow the old rules, if the knowledge has already slipped - it stimulates the circulation of qi in the body.
Another time, you have the right to hang out in the evening, without a break before going to bed and obov'azkovo after sunset, with a method to clear the memory after the day's turbos, take in what has accumulated.
In the middle of the day, about 15-16 or 18-19 years old, once again the right Ba Duan Jing is right to stimulate the activity of the brain and relaxation of the whole organism.

2. At the warehouse, training at the fighting arts for any kind of sport.
The right "Vіsіm shmatkіv brocade" can be a part of training in combat arts, or be it some kind of sport. In this way, Ba Duan Jing is right to be integrated in the right training. With a stretch of training, the stench is beaten up by a sprat of times. On the very cob, after traditional sweating (for concentration of respect and inspirational thoughts), and in the end of training (for inspiration to the body). Right "Vіsіm shmatkіv brocade" next vikonuvaty after the right of great intensity: fights, folding complexes and so on.

Video - How to practice Ba Duan Ching

Standing complex "Visim Kuskov Parchi"

The standing complex "Visim shmatkiv brocade" is even more popular in China, so in historical documents it is said to be rich. You don’t need to worry about those, how better or more accurate they are, the fragments of their basic principles are the same. It's more important that you really understood the root of the practice and trained patiently and nonchalantly. Kozhen from "Kuskov" may have been made up, which explains rightly that її zmist. Set up, which are passed down from generation to generation, to establish the root and basis of the skin "Piece", so you need to try to understand them.

The minimum number of repetitions of the skin in the right complex is 2 times. In the world of growing your mastery and renewal of health, it is necessary to increase the number of repetitions of the skin up to 6 or 8 times, and for those who are engaged in combat skills up to 16 hours 24 times.

If you don’t give up on the technique of vikonnannya, you can not give respect to the wildness, and go wild naturally. If the rukhs become more precise and more precise, you can add more correct dihannya.


Wiping technique: stand straight. Legs together, hands loosely ruffled in the top of the coat. Move the body of the body to the right leg, that leg is relaxed. Kill the croc with the left foot. Fingers straight forward. Legs at shoulder width. Open your hands in the middle. Raise them to the level of the stegon, straighten the arms back. Straight lines look straight. It’s easy to sing the knee. Open the hands of the name, at the form of pіvkola put them on the rib of the navel. The palms are straightened at the belly with a wind of 10 divas in front of each other. Breathe freely, directing the breath to the dan tian (abdominal area 5 cm below the navel). Collect 6-9 breaths and videos.

Wimogi to cob stalk: In order to correctly adopt the position, you should be guided by 18 basic principles, which characterize the cob until the cob position.

1. "Accept natural style." Feet parallel, flattened to the surface, stand between them - the width of the shoulders. The vaga of the body is evenly rozpodіleno on the hurt legs. Such a stance sprays a relaxed area across the pelvis.

2. "Legs are slightly bent at the knees." Sounds like you’re on the verge of the wind and the natural position of the nig, the weakening of the area of ​​​​the knees - with this, the damage develops, that the legs of the troch will be bent in the knees. But for some reason, the projection of the knees is not guilty of going beyond the line of the front part of the feet. The position of the nig will ensure the advancement of the offensive, and it will facilitate the circulation of Qi by the channels of the nig.

3. "The crotch is rounded." It’s easy to spread the column to the sides, then lightly move them back - give it to the middle, at once thoughts like a bi "giving" the column of driftwood uphill. Rounded crotch help facilitate Qi circulation.

4. "Anus retraction" - for light physical susillas to push the m'yazi zamikannya anus, sprat pushing the seats (but not the pelvis) forward. Tim yourself will secure the closing of the “Hui-in” points near the lower dan tian area.

5. "Lives lightly retracted." It is necessary to lightly draw in the lower part of the abdomen, so that the viconan has the right to lose the tension of the upper abdomen.

6. "Across is relaxed." Sob relax across, lift your shoulders, freely “let them in” and let them out of sight, relax “osiv” with your body. Fix the final position of the toelub. It is necessary to ensure that Qi energy descends into the lower Dan Tian, ​​to relax the pelvic region and the knee. As a result of 3rd practice, we accept an increase in the fragility of the krizhovy cyst and in this way help to increase the supply of the lower Dantian region.

7. "The pelvic region is relaxed." Loosen the area of ​​kulshovy suglobіv i s_dnits, scho to ensure the growth of ruhіv near the lower part of the tulub. The pelvic area can be relaxed in the same way as the ruches when relaxed across.

8. "Breasts relaxed." Relax the mucus of the breasts and the thoracic cell, without tension “pulling in” the upper part of the breasts and trochs, rounding the thoracic cavity in the lower її part, ce allow to increase її volume.

9. "M'yazi back relaxed." It is free to straighten your back so that the ridge is turned vertically. "Let your shoulders in", forcibly stretching my back. Relaxation of the chest and m'yazіv of the back to relieve the diyalnіst of the heart and leg, anterior-middle and posterior-middle meridians.

10. Shoulders down. Relax the shoulder pads, freely “letting them in” vertically down, and at the same time loosen the mud of the shoulder girdle that shi.

11. "The elbows are slightly bent." It is easy to bend your hands in your elbows, to notice that there are weights on their tips, like they are pulling them down. If you don’t “lower your shoulders” in front of the creations of figuratively (we wrote about it in the front paragraph), then in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsuglobivs they can blame the incomprehensible remarks.

12. "Pahvovі trap desolation". Lіktі zljagі razdelіt ubіk lіk zusilly, unikayuyu ruhu shouldered forward chi uphill. The areas of inguinal depressions are rounded, and you can see that they are “empty”. "The emptiness of the inguinal depressions" imparts energy to the uninterrupted circulation of energy at the upper end and in the direction of the return.

13. "Relaxed wrists". Relax your hands in the area of ​​the promeneo-zastkovyh globules, relax your hands (with which palms they are freely rounded), bring your fingers closer together. Tse rozslablennya spriya vіlnіy tsіlnіy ії ії і ї ії ї channels, raztashovanim і іy galuzі.

14. "Kіnchik move on the alveoli". Zmikannya kіnchika tongue with upper alveoli (humps above the upper teeth) closes into one lance of the anterior middle and posterior middle meridians, ensuring the closing of the canal system from the penetration of pathogenic species of outer Qi. In addition, in such a rite, slewing is activated (the slew needs to be shoveled), which sprays the body cleansing, enzymes, which is removed in the sleen, and stimulates the herbal function. In Chinese medicine, sleen is valued not only as a “cleansing”, but as a “life-giving” substance. Mova stosuetsya alveoli even easily, without a vice.

15. "Ochі trohi skritі". The folds are lowered, but not closed, the glance is focused through the folds on an object not far away, but simply straight ahead. "Close your eyes" spray the concentration of information.

16. “Trimati’s head straight” or “The head is lifted for the dome.” Trim your head straight, evenly, with the Bai-hui point on the top of the hill. In the Chinese practice of qigong, it is important that it is safe to close the Bai Hui point and, obviously, the back-middle meridian with the “heavenly Qi”. The straight position of the head will ensure the straightening of your coat. Krapka Bai-Hui is roztashovuetsya in such a rank on one straight line with the point Hue-yin in the middle, which ensures the circulation of Qi between the upper and lower areas of the dan tian.

17. "Shchiki pіdіbranі". Tse transmitting one hour lightly pіdtiskannya pіdborіddy (such a rank is the Bai-hui point on the makіvtsі straight vertically uphill), relaxing the m'yaziv guise and "lifting the kutochkі v rota -" sing a laugh ", which calls out the necessary psychological state: appeasement, pacification.

18. Vimoga camp of the psyche and nervous system - "the spirit is calm, the heart is unturbulent."

Consequence of the overriding of principles may be significant. Control over the positions of the heads, the coat and the head from the bottom uphill will not only help you reach the correct position in front of the victors in the right, but rather get angry, relax, and get outside thoughts. Uniquely zayvih m'yazovykh strains, the stіyka can be as comfortable as possible for you.

Possible pardons: in such a way, as “pіdvіshuvannya khіntsіvku”, “desertion of inguinal depressions”, “relaxation of the area across”, “rounded crotch”, and also vimoga “roundness” of one hundred percent of the position of kіntsіvok, nasampere of hands, can often zastosovuvatsya when vikonnі not only the outward position , and y is right. At the outward position, put on a unique note on the part of the body. Dihannya in the same position, calmly, through nіs. An hour of rebuking at the outward position to lie down, in order that you can easily reach a relaxed and calm state. Ring out all the sprats of khvilin, sometimes more. People who are easily excitable, as if they suffer from nerve discord, can, for example, give thought to control the correctness of the head position, the coat and the strokes and become angry with the formula: “The spirit of a calm heart is unturbulent.”

Assigned result: pochatkovo camp at sensi is universal for various complexes of rights Chinese gymnastics qigong, which is celebrated at the standing position. From a new beginning, a lot is rightly given to this complex. The main meta of the cob camp is to prepare our body to the right regulation.

The main task is the maximum m'yazove relaxation, safe circulation of energy and blood, to help the healthy mind in the form of external stimuli and internal experiences.

Zavdyaki tsomu efekt vіd vykonanny complex bude silnіshim. In front of the skin veco, it is right to take a cob stalk. If there are problems with the young woman in the right complex 8 in the brocade, you can just stand on the cob in the cob. Vaughn shows “standing as a stand” at qigong. We must first practice the correct technique of the body while standing, relaxing the whole body and the transition of Qi to the lower dan tian. Tilo to come at the camp of readiness. It was already easier and more effective to improve the complex.

Video - Pochatkove position

First shmatok

"With two hands lift the sky and regulate the loss of fire"
Offended hands lift the Sky for the regulation of Sanjiao (Potriyny heating); Sanjiao passes Qi freely and smoothly, ailments are known. Turn the palms up to Heaven and lift offended hands. Straighten your chest, straighten across. Stand up straight and freeze. Get busy for a long time, the body will become strong, and you will be happy.

Wiping technique: priymaєmo cob stack. In the first phase, the right fingers are intertwined, the ribs of the palms are flared opposite the Qi-hai point, on the level of the lower dan tian.

Let's sweat on the breath along the middle line of the toe-bag, the offending hands are lifted (nebi lift the vantage) to the breasts. If the valleys reach the level of the middle Dan Tian (Tian-Zhong point), the valleys turn around. Let's sweat our hands up straight up the hill. A look follows the valleys uphill. If the arms are straightened above the head, look forward. It is important that at the same time the chest and shoulders do not rise up the hill with their hands. The centers of the dolons can be balanced (the dolons are turned horizontally). Hands push into the sky (need to lift the sky and go to a lot of meters uphill), and legs strongly push into the ground (nebi to root a lot of meters down). The ridge can be stretched, but not stressed. At this position, there is a three-way hiccup for 1 - 3 seconds.

Then, in the sight, the fingers spread, the arms fall down, clasped with hands. Trohi zginaemo Kolіna. Rotate the palms to the outward position of the lower dan tian.Let's sweat the hands again intertwine and continue to win the right.

Possible pardons: in At the end of the hour, the central phase is the most important, if the hands are pulled over the head. Therefore, it is necessary to control the position of the body in this phase. The stems were straightened uphill so that their centrifuges were projected to the top. The ridge can be straightened, but not stressed. Forgiveness є nahil Tuluba forward or a strong bend back іz vipinannyam belly. The position of your body can be absolutely equal, the seats are slightly tense, the head and hands of the sky are attracted to the sky, the legs are attracted to the earth. For the rahunok of whom the world is stretched, and you are guilty of stretching through the ridge.

Another rude pardon in this phase of the ruhu, the arms are twisted uphill and strained, and the legs are also straightened to the end in the knee-high swamps. If you straighten up to the end and strain your hands, you will get stuck in the channels to this particular type in the lungs and knees), and the energy of Qi cannot circulate freely. One more pardon - the stronger the lower part of the abdomen is lifted forward. In order not to see anything, it is necessary to give back the old part of the stegon, and not to try to draw in the life.

Assigned result: in the first right hand complex, the lower arm is regulated by “loss of heat”. The meridian of the "potryy obigrivach" is subdivided into the upper, middle and lower. Upper obіgrivach zadnuє heart of that legend. Middle heating of the spleen and duct. The lower one burns the liver and the nirk. Three Obіrіvachі vіdpovіdat vіdpovіdno fіdpovіdno dіhannya, kharchuvannya vіdіlennya. Therefore, the potryny obіgrivach is ce meridian, which regulates all internal organs. Mi yogo may be in the first place, at the same time, vikouyuchi health complex, we are slowly regulating the whole organism by fire. If the hands are stuck uphill in the kіntsі of the “potryyy obіgrіvacha” — the little finger and the ring finger show a little bit of the same extension. That is why the same effect is manifested here, like in the case of holcotherapy. If you correctly master the shape of the ruhu, breathe correctly, and the Qi energy will appear even more clearly. As soon as you see Qi, once there is a healing effect.

In addition, soaring up to the sky and spiraling with their feet on the ground, a person nibi conquers the Sky and the Earth, becoming one with them. Move the leg to the right. Activates blood circulation and energy circulation in internal organs. Pіdvischuє rukhlіvіє t hnuchkіst m'yazіv y zv'yazok. Ahead of illness in the area of ​​shoulders and shoulders. Balance Yin and Yang in the organism for the sake of the fact that under the hour of the victorious valleys turn either uphill or down, replacing Yin and Yang.

Video - Ba Duan Ching First Piece

Another piece

"Pull the cibula to the left and to the right, so you shoot at the golden eagle"
Livoruch and right-handed pull the cibula, then shoot at the golden eagle. Offend the hands of the strongest that mіtsnі, zmіtsnyuy nirki that across. Bend your elbow on your shoulders, your mind tried to pull. The arrow-hand of the hand is straightened into the target, marvel at the eyes. Sit down and sit down for the advancement of strength.

Wiping technique: move the body of the body to the right and work the crotch at the side with the left foot, bend the knee and lower yourself into the “pose of the leader” (Mabu). Let's take a look at the report of the position of the body at this station. It is necessary that the feet were parallel, and the distance between them became two shoulder widths. Stegna is guilty of giving back, like a leader who sits on a horse. It is necessary to unfold the names of the columns, but in such a way that with the front parts of the foot the stench becomes one straight line. The pelvis is trochic, the lower knee, the knee is not to go beyond the toe, the pelvis is lifted. Please note that the seats are lifted, and the back is absolutely straight. Tse vplyvayut on the lot of nirok and strengthen the circulation of Qi in these organs of our body, and also zmіtsnyuє across the lot. Ideally, the quilting should be parallel to the surface, but at the cob stage, do not try to lower yourself into a stance, but if you have the right position, it’s important to keep your back straight. On the inhale, raise the hands to the level of the breasts, the left hand in the middle reaches the breasts, the right hand calls the palms to the breasts. Doloni do not stick. Straight lines look straight.

Another important point is those that, if any ruh has the right to Ba Duan Jing, it is necessary to start working across, so that in order to achieve a hard ruh, it is necessary to strike like a center across, the shards will serve as a central veil for a horizontal-overwrap rush to the right and to the left. In other words, the movement of the hands can be accompanied by a slight turn of the body across, but with the inevitable position of the stegon and the seat.

The right hand is squeezed into the paw of a leopard. On the left hand of the middle, ring finger and the little finger is clenched, and the great finger is open. On the video, the left hand goes left hand, the left hand is straightened, that is lifted on the shoulder, right behind the back. If you swing your hand to the left, it is necessary to concentrate on the center of the left valley - the point of Laogong, then - on the pointed finger that is curled uphill. The right hand is bent at the elbow, the shoulder is weak, the elbow is going back. With the force of stretching the chest, on the back, the shoulder blades approach one to one. A glance of straightening at the nail of the eye-catching finger of the left hand. The spine is straight.

At the end phase of the “stretching of the cybuli” (the left hand has the bow itself, and the right hand has the drawstring), the hands are folded along one horizontal line, less on the shoulders. If you lift the elbow of your right hand for the necessary rib, you will increase the tension at the upper part of the toulub, if you lower the elbow down, the tension will be right. Therefore, your hands are to blame for being on one straight line and being tensed to stabilize the tightness of the cibula.

The movement of both hands is guilty of vikonuvatisya one hour, like for pulling a right bow. It is necessary to imagine thoughts (or rather, to show) zusilla in cibules and tatives. Tsya seredzhenist і intellect and є dzherelom circulation ї energії.

Move the body of the body right-handed, opening the offending hands. On the inhale, raise the right hand with an arc on the rib of the right shoulder, the fingers are straight uphill, the lap is healed forward. Roschepiriti fingers of the left hand, the palm is heeled back. A look at the straight lines on the right side. Move the body of the body right-handed. To see, put your feet together. Put your hands on the belly, palms straight up on the mountain, fingers - one on one. Straight lines look straight.

Possible pardons: too much to lower the elbow of the bent arm down, the line of stretching your hands can be on one straight line.

If you pull your hand too hard in the bic, or if you strain it, then the circulation of Qi will end at a point of tension, then in the lungs, the oscillators of the circulation of the Qi energy will be free. Vidpovidno, not guilty of any kind of supra-mundane tension. Crim the described two pardons, maybe one and the third - yakscho wi, putting on the system in a low position, too much heal the body or the shoulders forward, then the circulation of the energy of the air of the ridge will collapse. Therefore, your body can be like a cross, a vertical line of some sort of a ridge, horizontal - evenly through stretched arms on one equal hand. The whole camp will be the frame of the right sphere.

Another important moment is a glance. You are guilty of marveling not at the wrought hand, but at the nail of the pointed finger of the wrought hand.

Assigned result: if the hand collapses forward, the pointed finger of straightening uphill, and the great finger of straightening uphill. If the shape of the ruhіv vykonuєtsya correctly, then tsikh fingers z'yavlyaєєєєtya nom_innya i razshirennya. Tsі two fingers protrude to the meridian of the legeni and the intestines. Qi two meridians complement one of one. If we train the meridian legen, we train the Qi energy. That friend is rightly directed to the training of Qi. Even if the energy of Qi is not enough, then you can’t go about it any other way. That is why in Chinese medicine it is said that Qi and blood can be enough. And Qi is the blood purifier. To that, having regulated the loss of heat, we should then train Qi (life energy). Tse and є function tsієї right.

The heart of that legend rejoices for the rahunok of that which is given cleansing by pouring on the meridian of the legend of that heart. I will paint a little bit of jealousy. Correct postavu and avoid problems in the shoulder area. Zmіtsnyuє m'yazi peredplіch, hands and nіg. Greater friability and bending of the knuckles of the fingers and brushes.

Video - Another piece of Ba Duan Ching

Third piece

“Raise your hand, adjusting the sac and spleen”
For regulation of the spleen, that hose is lifted once; the spleen and the slug know peace and harmony, the ailment forks itself. Raise your hand and stretch your arms. Vityaguy and develop the tendon and m'yazi, the spleen and the slug are felt with ease. The right arm is raised high, the lion is lowered down, to the left it actively pulls the tendon and canals to the right.

Wiping technique: at the outward position, the hands are less likely to open on the lower dan tian. Offended by the valleys, the inner side is turned uphill. It is necessary to imagine an inextricable link between the palms.

In the air, the left hand, turned by the edge of the palm to itself, begins to lift the air of the anterior middle meridian uphill. The right hand is still in a huge position. Having passed through the middle dan tian, the lion of the valley unfolds and victorious posts uphill. At once, the right valley moves from the lower dan tian to the right steg and pushes down. The palm of the inner side is straightened down, the fingers are straightened forward. The knee is broken, for example, the legs are straight. Under the hour of the post and the onslaught, there is a concentration of respect on the palms. The breasts bulge and the trochs move forward. Krapka Bai-Hui pragne uphill. At the end of the lull, breathe in for 1-3 seconds, and so you see that the right hand sticks into the ground and wants to blow it, and the left hand sticks into the sky and blows into the sky.

As soon as the post was sent to the mountains, that onslaught below, at once loosen your hands. Let’s flare the palm of the left hand with the inner side uphill and transfer it to the position on the lower part of the abdomen, flare the palm of the right hand with the inner side down and immediately begin to bring the hands closer to the level of the breasts. Kolіna trohi zginaemo. If your hands reach the given level, remember their positions and hit the posts in the mountains with your left hand and push with your right hand below. To turn around at the outward position, move your hands down to the rib of the lower part of the abdomen.

For example, the knees of the troch are bent, the valleys of the dan tians marvel at the mountain, look straight ahead.

Possible pardons: for mercy є overworld stress of hands under an hour of rush uphill and down, hands are not guilty of thirds in the overworld stress of m'yaziv. In order to understand, it is necessary to spread your hands, to create such a figurative manifestation: your hands are inconspicuously tied around yourself with a gymnastic tourniquet and tension, for which you spread your arms, it is to blame for the extension of the tourniquet, but no more.

Assigned result: smut - ce regulation of the spleen and sluice. According to Chinese medicine, the spleen and the tube are called the dzherel of the heavenly Qi (the energy that enters the body after the people). So that the functioning of the spleen and the slug we take food and physical strength. That is the third step after the regulation of the loss of heat and the training of Qi will be the regulation of the spleen and duct. Tsey Rukh is more simple. One hand goes uphill, and the other hand goes down the bridle of the meridian of the Zu Yang Ming Wei Ching. That sensational movement is poised in the fact that we are guided by the energy of the hands of the energetic channel.

The ridge is squeezing and expanding, the friability is getting better. The work of the duct and the duct-intestinal tract as a whole is polypshuetsya. Massage of the chest is performed.

Video - The third piece of Ba Duan Ching

Quarter piece

“Looking back for a hundred and five ailments, that’s why it’s bad”
Five weaknesses that same ear: pokay - i pobachish, like the stench rises; train for a long time, straighten for a long time, the tendon and brushes are strong. Weaknesses of ushkodzhennya (in the form of overvoltage) - all that is weak internal organs. Vip'yati (straight up) chest and turn the neck, sob good bachiti zzzadu. Trim across, lift your chest, straighten your body. Especially dієvy at lіkuvannі vnutrіshnіh ushkodzhen.

Wiping technique: from the outward position on the inhale, the knees are smoothly straightened, we lower the arms and at once the arms are extended to the sides, spreading their palms to the sides, the arms along the way to marvel at the knots, in the end position the arms are turned to the sides, the fingers are open, respect to middle finger skin hands, the hands turn like bi around the middle fingers.

At once, the body is uphill, not lifting on toes, the head is turned back and to the left. You are to blame, to pull you by the dome uphill and at the same time turn your head back. Ale, at this moment it is necessary to concentrate not on the top, but on the central point of the foot - Yun-quan.

Breathing 3 sec. It is your fault to “dissipate” the physical energy Qi from the lower dan tian in the feet. In this phase, if the arms are straightened out, you will notice that a single energy flow from the ridge will pass near the skin of your feet. You are guilty of concentrating on this moment only in the final phase of the turn.

On the video, we smoothly turn our head forward. Hands turn back to the position with the palms uphill at the dan tian, the palms are not close one to one. Kolina trochs are dying. The turn of the head and hands will end overnight.

From the outward position, it is repeated in the right side of the right side.

Under the hour of vikonannya tsієї right, it is necessary to clearly separate the moment of tension and that moment of relaxation. If you move your hands and turn your head, you throw off the tension. It is not necessary to swipe quickly and sharply. If there is a drop in the voltage, you will not “suspend”, bending in the “stretched” position of your body. Relaxation can be felt not only in the region of the tunic, but in the lower part, as if they were stretched, it is due to relax and squeeze slightly.

Possible pardons: the main pardon is the turn of the corps at the bik rush. You are guilty of turning your head back, the body and shoulders are left on the floor. Another pardon is the position of the bottom under the hour of the turn. You can’t lift your hands wider across, the shards are taken into account that the energy of the heart is not guilty of going to your feet. Mi "proganyaєmo" energy at the feet of the lower danini; lift the valleys above for the whole region - a rude pardon.

It is necessary to protect one more important moment - it is impossible to pull the coat uphill too much. So that you don’t blame the everyday unacceptable impressions, beat the ruhi smoothly.

Assigned result: as the meridians are being cleansed, think, then the ailments do not blame. 5 weaknesses and 7 poshkodzhen tse zagalna name for the greatest ailments. Vono does not point out bezperedno on yakus ailment. Tsya is right to give up even more idle time. Ale, if you correctly shape the shape of this rush, behind your breath, the meridian of the zhenmai will be cleared and think. Meridian zhenmay roztashovuetsya in front of the coat exactly in the middle, and the meridian think to pass the animal down the center of the back. As the meridian of the zhenmai is being cleaned, and think, the day of the “small heavenly stake” is automatically released. They used to say for a long time: "When the "small heavenly ear" rises, then the ailments do not appear." To that, it’s good to beat me with the right, all the most obvious ailments will be victorious. Tse and є function tsієї right.

The right to regulate the work of the heart, spleen, liver, nirok, legends. It relieves stress, screaming anger, praise, confusion, fear. Improving the circulation of blood in the brain, expanding the nervous system. "Breast opening" to bring from the ruh organs of the chest empty stomach. At the same time, with the turn of the head, the m'yazi m'yazi and the shoulders. Translation I look from the side to the side, knowing the tiredness of the eyes.

Video - The fourth piece of Ba Duan Ching

Fifth piece

"Wrap your head, wag your tail, sucking the heat from your heart"
Shake your head and wag your tail, so that you will feel the Fire in your heart; if there is a strong fire in the heart, support it with your lungs. The brushes press on the knee cups, shake that machine. The blood flows smoothly, richly crusty. Like m'yazi, that tendon was ringing, legs hurt, but the body was numb, still pull it out with force, do not miss the hour.

Wiping technique: from the outward position with the left foot, it turns to the left, the knees are bent. On the inhale, the hands slowly describe the pіvkolo through the sides: they rise above the head with a crimson face with the fingers down.

On the vidikha, sit in the “position of the leader” Ma-boo: legs on the width of two shoulders, the pelvis of the troch is hanging over the knee, the knee does not go beyond the toe, the pelvis is pulled forward. For example, the fingers rest against the front surface of the legs above the knees. The ridge is straight, marveling straight. The baihui patch is uphill, the lower dan tian down, across is relaxed.

In the air, we lift a little. To move the vag of the body to the left and to heal the toulub to the left and forward, with the force resting against the bottom at the left knee. If you “press with force” on the knee, you squeeze the leg from the other side, relaxing and opening the leg from the other side, with the other leg, you work like a smith’s farm. A look of straightening on the left foot. Apparently, how the right beak is stretching. Breathing 1-3 seconds.

On the vidikha, the head starts to work first, the krizh is left straight. With a straight ridge we slash forward, the body through the center describes the pivkolo. The movement is smooth, visibly, as the ridge stretches, the krizh pracyuє after turning through the center. It is important that krizh and shiya were practiced at once. Even more importantly, that the head, that ridge, were on the same straight line.

Throw the arm of the body to the left, straightening the toulub and accepting the stalk of Ma-Bu. Look straight ahead. They gave everything straight away from the opposite. For example, turn around at the exit position.

Possible pardons: under the hour of vikonannya turning in the body with a pardon є less isolated lowering the shoulders down. Rukh can start from the Rukh across. You are guilty to reveal, as if you are smirking in the face of someone else. Under the hour of vikonannya tsієї have the right to do more important є clear control over the tension and relaxation of the body. If you push your back strongly in the end phase of the turn, then pinch the posterior-middle meridian in the region of the ridge, and your Chi energy will cease to circulate freely, moreover, go to the ridge. In order not to happen, it is necessary to bring down that shoulder blade, without straining the spine, and straighten the elbow to the name. You are guilty of stretching diagonally - behind the shoulder, on the mountain, and the opposite leg below (for example: on the right shoulder - the left leg).

Assigned result: zmіtsnenny brunok. Tsya is rightly folding that worker. If Qi is not enough in dantian, then yoga is not vikonati. Vymogi to the technique of vykonanny tsієї right high. But if you want to learn the complex in order, then it’s difficult not to win. A complex of 8 vіdrіzkіv brocade folds according to the principle of simple to folding. If you have mastered the front right, then you will not be able to fold the vikonati and the right. When vikonannі poperednіh 4 right zvichaynі ailments next viknіstyu vilіkuvati. And the steps 4 are right for the complex to be straightened by the main rank of the body. Vikonuyuchi rightly “Twist your head, wag your tail, sticking the fire at your heart”, we will surround a low landing in the position, and still be able to marvel at the toe of the protractile leg. In fact, it means concentration on the points of Yongquan. Concentration on the points Yong-quan and meridian of the sieve mihur helps to mark the nirk. Nirks are visible to the water. If you drive enough, then the fire will be extinguished. To that, those who are called to use the fire at the heart, tse mean the mark of the nirok.

Dopomogaє pozbutisya zayvogo fire at the heart. There is massage of the ridge, across, stegon. M'yazi shi, across that stegon gain strength and at once take away lightness. It is right to viroblya vminnya razslablyatsya, pokraschu ruh blood and qi, spryaє їkh novlennu.

Video - Fifth piece of clothing Ba Duan Ching


"Two hands hug the legs, zmіtsnyuchi nirs that across"
Offend your hands to trim your feet for a change of nirok that across; if the nirks are strong across, the whole body is strong. Bend across and trim your feet. Tse - the most effective way to improve the m'yazi-tendon and brushes. Once down, once up, life force signifi- cantly move. Tse is the best way to get rid of a cold.

Wiping technique: from the outward position on the breath, raise your hands folded in front of you, sweat over your head. Fingers straight ahead, then uphill. Lіkti straightened, looking straight ahead.

We lower our hands behind our heads, over our shoulders and pakhvi, our hands go behind our backs. Run your hands along the ridge, then along the quilts, slapping at the top of the coat in front. Hands go down, pass along the back part of the stegon and ridge on the feet. The head is raised, the straightening looks straight down. It is necessary to fix the position and hold the breath for 1 - 3 seconds.

On the breath of the tulub and hands are lifted to the top. Lіkti straight, dolony straight ahead, look - straight. As soon as you see the right knee, your knees will bend slightly, your hands will open up in front of your stomach, and that band will be relaxed. Palms straight down, fingers straight, look straight ahead.

Possible pardons: nagolovnіshe at vykonannі tsієї right unikati zayvoї naprugi. If you properly loosen your body, then easily beat forward. Pardon є zginannya kolіn pіd hour nahely corps forward, it is also unbearable to pull yourself down by force. It is rightly necessary to win smoothly and loosely.

Assigned result: zmіtsnenny brunok. Through the ruh of the body forward and backward, the hands reach the Yun-men point across, the area is ruffled directly opposite the skin line). Tsya is right to change, heal the nirks. We have already talked about the spleen swelling and the slug. The spleen and the slut are the neck of the heavenly Qi, and the nirs are the neck of the front heavenly Qi (the energy that comes from the fathers). If you are already healthy, then you will practically not be sick. And if the Qi nirok of the front heavenly Qi is filled, then you become strong and mіtsnim. The peculiarity of qiєї is right in that if it collapses forward or backward, it is not necessary to bend the toulub, the body is guilty of being straight, then you can guarantee that Qi will be rebuked in dantian. When vikonannі right hand at the point Min-Men collapse down itself along the meridian of the sich mіkhur. Let's turn our hands to the dantian. At the sight of the dan-tians, the hands collapse from the meridian daima to the points Ming-men on the back. Tsya is right to mitigate the body.

Zmіtsnyuє nirks. Vidkrivaє meridian nirok. A good day is seen on the m'yazi near the ridge. Zapobіgaє ta vilikuє khronіchnі zahvoryuvannya sekhostatevoї system.

Video - Single piece Ba Duan Ching

Somy shmatok

“Beat with your fists, marvel with anger, to expand your Qi and strength”
Twist your fist with a fierce look to strengthen Qi and Li; the body and the mind are healthy, the spirit of life is handy. Osidlai kіn and sit down, zmіtsnyuyuchi chest. Trim your fist or strike it with more force. Livoruch and right-handed, two hands grab at will. Grab, trim, fierce eyes, vicarist Li ta Qi.

Wiping technique: from the exit station to the breath, the body of the body is transferred to the right leg. Lіva leg rob krok ubіk, appeasing Ma-Bu's stamina. Clench your fists to lie on your waist. "Eye of the fist" to marvel at the mountain. The look is straight. Let's take a look at it, let's look at those points of space, where we hit.

On the vidikha, pull your left hand forward, so that your fist rests on the shoulder. "The eye of the fist", like before, marvel at the mountain. A look of straightenings at the left fist. Strike with your fist to strike the energy from the earth, as the sickness rises on the legs and is redirected across into a blow.

On the breath of the lion, the left hand turns on the stake, the thumb of the hand appears on the mountains. The dolonya gathers into a fist: the thumb is squeezed first, then the others are picked up, the thumb is in the middle. Clench the fist hard. The teeth are clenched, the eyes are wide-eyed and on the fork, the fingers are strongly groaning on the ground. The work is stimulated by three yin and three yang meridian hands and nig. The fist also turns inward to the point of Zhang-men (near the left rib). Look straight ahead.

Possible pardons: typical pardon when vikonanni is right, the trajectory of the fault of the fist on the blow is incorrect. All blows are to blame, only to get forward, and not to kill. It is also important to take the correct position of the body in the Ma-Bu position.

When you are right on the back, concentrate on the baked look, and not on the blow, hit the blow only once, if you see the movement of Qi from the ground on the legs to the cross. In a different turn, you just have to hit your fist in the meantime.

Assigned result: training of internal energy Qi. The name tsієї right came from a long time ago, and we її do not change. Under the so-called angry look, there is no way to frown your eyebrows and turn your eyes. And toil on the street to concentrate your energy, lift your spirit. We clench our fists and do not victoriously open the heart, to that which is good to exercise in its right, in the body there will be enough internal energy Qi and if you stop the strength of the heart, the internal energy will be easily destroyed. To that vikoristovuemo fist. Your energy will increase, and with whom the calls will not be released. Therefore, I have the right to really train your inner energy. If you know that you are right, you will give the so-called vigilance of strength in the internal schools of wushu. So it can be victorious with a jubilant method for viking the energy of the call. We put it as a mark of the mind of the body, it trains the internal energy of Qi and is not allowed to go.

The liver is tied with eyes. Therefore, a glance stimulates the energy channels of the liver, which improves blood circulation in them, and that spritzes the sanctified life energy. An angry look allows you to “recognize the outer Yang and remember the inner Yin”. It is right to relax the liver, as if it is the “ruler” of the tendon and m'yazіv, to that її revitalization will help to improve the m'yazіv and increase strength.

Video - Somy shmatok Ba Duan Ching

Eight piece

“Rise this time on scarpets, having sunk 100 ailments”
This destruction and hundreds of ailments sprout and fall behind; hundreds of ailments caused weakness of the body. Stop pіdnimaєsh - the reach cannot be described in words. Head uphill, push down to reach your fingers. Trim across, trim your chest, move up and down. It is useful for the relief of the disease and the healing of the disease.

Exit position: legs are slightly bent at the knees, feet are parallel, stand between them, showing the size of your fist. The shoulders are lowered, the chest and back are relaxed, the lower abdomen is pulled up. Hands are freely ruffled with a stegon. Trimati's head straight, looking straight ahead.

Wiping technique: on the breath, I rise on the scarpets, with which the brush sway easily pushing down. If you climb uphill, you need to rest your baihui point uphill. The mountains are not suddenly sounding. Looks like a balance. If you transfer the vaga of the body to the scarves, create such a figurative manifestation: the beast needs to properly lift you up by the top, tying you to the sky, and at once from below the bottom of the sun rises smoothly. You are to blame, as the bridle of the vertebral column circulates energy, as it irritates you straighten up.

On sight, the fives sharply fall down, the nibs fall, they easily hit the ground. Hands are relaxed. Under the hour of vikonannya tskogo ruhu you are guilty of raising your mind on the heels. The body feels relaxed. This method works 7 times. Ruhi robimo povilno. With one breath and see Qi, to rob the new great wrap around the body with a great heavenly stake. With the first hand, you stimulate Qi and shtovhaєte energy from the bottom uphill. With the other hand, if you are energetically, with force it falls to five, you burn energy down to the bottom.

Possible pardons: Loss of balance, shoulder lift.

Assigned result: cleansing the canals and vessels, filling with energy and blood.
100 ailment is a common name for all ailments, which means that even if we exercise our right, we are practically not sick. We already got 7 right. Tsya ostannya to the right of the complex zdaetsya even idle time. P'yati rise uphill. But if five rise up the hill, scarves are pulled up. The baihui dot on the top of the head is straight uphill. With this mova from the cob stalk, the trochs dig into the upper alveoli. Sweat the body sinks to the bottom, all the body is relaxed at the same time. Qi following qim goes down. Let's sweat anew if we rise uphill, Qi from the bottom again rise uphill. In this rank, the “great heavenly ear” will rise. When moved by the great celestial stake, the Qi energy is obliged to pass through all 4 endings. To that, when vikonann, right behind the back of the offended hands, if the stench pushes down, as well as the scarves and five. If we rise uphill, the hands push down, then we relax, dropping down, then the backs of the fingers. Kindly occupying yourself with the right, Qi stretching and you can step by step go through the great heavenly ring. One heavenly ring means that for one breath and one sight Qi to pass through all the internal channels of the body. Having reached such a result, all the channels of that artery will be passable, the body will be filled with energy and blood. And then there will be great resistance to the body to sickness. Here, a blatant effect is manifested in the whole complex of the great vіsіm vіrіzkіv brocade.

Video - The Eight Piece of Ba Duan Ching

Closing form

"Choose energy"

Wiping technique: From the outward position, bend the lungs slightly, place the palms on the lower dan tian (approximately 5 cm below the navel). In people of right, the hand bends to the lion. For women - navpak. Straight lines look straight. It is necessary to calm down and turn your mind around the lower dan tian. Following the thought, Qi will come there. At the end of the hand, the air of the body falls freely, the arms of the trochs stick out on the outer surface of the stegon. Straight lines look straight. Dihannya is natural, the body is relaxed. Reappearing that energy is direct to the dantian.

Possible pardons: Hurry completion right. Walking immediately after completion is right.

Assigned result: This shmatok allows you to successfully complete the process of vikonnanny, picking up energy, directed in the process of vikonannya. To the right, relax the body, pick up Qi in the dan tian, and fix the results of vikonnannya complex. Svіdomіst calm down and turn around the great camp.

Video - Final form of Ba Duan Ching


The Chinese qigong has a lot of different styles, or shkіl, which looks like from different necks. Some styles, created by ancient traditions and none of them are widely spread among the people, are recognized for health purposes. Other styles, developed by Chinese healers, are liqual. Third bannym Buddhist and Taoist religious schools and owe help to help their adepts reach immortality. Style Ba Duan Ching, which is the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe stats, the creations in order not only to improve and improve health, but also to continue life. Having become acquainted with the “Visimyu Shmatki Brocade”, you will reveal that it is even simpler, ale efficient way health improvement. You can also remember that, on the authority of the complexes, broken up by doctors and chants, the coordination of the rukhivs with the minds is not important for the most part. "Visim Kuskov" was inspired by a number of simple principles, against the stench, they allow the stubborn one who is engaged in correctly understanding the nature of Qi and improving his health. Tsei clumsy qigong complex will help you improve your health and achieve inner harmony.

Ba duan ching- in China, and in Europe, a type of Chinese art. Qiu sequence out of 8 rights is also called “8 elegant rights”, “8 pieces of brocade or “8 koshtovnost”. Regularly exercising such rights will help improve physical, emotional and mental health.

There are two ways to win the right Ba Duan Ching: sitting and standing. The first method is to call vicorists for people with limited physical abilities, who are actively stagnating in rich liquors in China. Obviously, it’s right to stop not only for health improvement, the stench will take away that vibrancy. The complex "8 pieces of brocade" cannot be installed overhead in windy and even colder weather, shards can lead to energy channels. In China, I have the right to practice in offices and lighting mortgages, which are beneficially signified on practicality.

Right Ba daun jing

At first right offending hands lift the sky, which will improve the circulation of energy in the heating system. Hand movements harmonize the qi flows in three energy centers. Tsya has the right to overcome lordosis, kyphosis and scoliosis, tighten the back and across the skin, and help to overcome the arrogance to the cold.

Druga right"Tightening the cibulis to the right and to the left" helps to improve the energy channels of the lungs of the colon, as well as the heart and small intestine. It also saves depression and improves mood. It is right especially in case of laryngitis, sinusitis, pneumonia, allergic rhinitis, colitis, diarrhea, constipation, acne and eczema.

third right positively pours into the spleen, duct and duct. It also develops spontaneity, spontaneity and patience. Right miraculously develops coordination of movements.

Fourth right arbitrarily regulated bloody vice. Pleasantly vplivaє on the nervous system and the ridge. It helps to calm down, to turn into nervousness and to improve your character. Turn your head to prevent the stagnation at the shiny dilyantsi.

Take away the stress that you have accumulated, help p'yata right. Harmonize the energy of the heart and relieve sleeplessness. It’s even better to win over people who are suffering from mood swings. Rivnovazhu zhuttya and allow for too much "fire" in the shell. Prevents endocarditis, myocarditis, pericarditis and tachycardia. It is also right to the right in case of varicose veins and migraines.

Shosta right zabegaє nephritis, nephrosis and cystitis. Developing security and confidence in the powers that be. Sprinkle the medicine, fears and phobias. It is recommended to treat pain in the glomeruli, arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Revitalize the energy of the liver and chewing michur to help soma right. Ease anger and forgive a little guilt. Zmіtsnyuє brushes and tendons. It rightly reduces the numbness of the eyes and beneficially pours into the mind, especially for people who have been working at the computer for a long time.

Eight to the right- podnimannya that omission p'yat for likuvannya in ailments. Sprinkle energy balance in all organs. Developing building concentration, improving respect and memory. The right is also a sign of willpower.

How to win right?

Just marvel at the video in which the teacher shows you in front of you, how it is necessary to win the right Ba duan jin.

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