Greenland polar shark or Atlantic polar shark (lat. Somniosus microcephalus) (English Greenland Shark) Greenland shark attacks people
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The polar shark is a mystery to everyone.


The polar shark is included in the category of low-growth cartilaginous fish.

Knowing about her is useless.

This is due to the fact that the fish languish in dry cold waters, but also want to spend most of their lives in the deep.

It's a hut.

It can be found near the White Sea, near the pristine areas of the Barents Sea and near the waters of the Pechora Sea.

Sometimes the fish migrate far away and sink to the Kara Sea.

She is the most frequent guest on the shores of Greenland, constantly hangs around the coastal waters of Norway and loves the waters of Iceland. They also often meet near the Baffin Sea and the Hudson River. The polar shark appreciates the best experience in the great depths.

The total water value is 500 to 1000 meters above the surface.

Here she eats fish and those without spines.

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I want to eat the same way.

The corpses of seals, walruses, and whales are a permanent diet.

It was not marked that she would attack the great living savants.

The fish is too fearful, careful and willing to allow itself to enter into battle with a strong and friendly creature.

History also does not know the attacks of polar sharks on people.

These hard-living huts live near the cold waters of the Pivnichny Ice Ocean and near the pivnichny part of the Atlantic.

The stench of the “gentle woman” reaches state maturity for 150 years. The longevity of this species of shark has been attributed to the slow exchange of speech, as well as to the low temperature dovkilla


Recent studies have shown that cold media can help strengthen the body, and rich sharks, incredibly, confirm this.

Attack people that are attributed to Greenland polar sharks, even rare.

It stinks to live near cold waters, where it is practically impossible to get along with people. A fatality was recorded when a Greenland shark went after the ship near the St. Lawrence Sea. Another shark was retracing the group of divers and forced them to rise to the surface of the water.

Fishing people know that Greenland polar sharks use fishing gear and eat fish, and regard them as bad guys.

Then, when the stink is gone, they cut off the sharks’ tail swimmers and throw them overboard.

Once captured, the Greenland polar sharks practically did not repair the support.

However, the little hut is not to be stingy.

Like most species, she has found her powerful way of watering.

The Greenland shark looks like sleeping seals, which are in this manner hovering around, forgetting that even under the water there is a sense of danger on them.

In addition, in her boat you can sometimes find surpluses of the white bears themselves, and even wild deer, which indicates her addiction to death.

Polar sharks are characterized by vertical seasonal migrations: during the winter they swim near the surface, and in the warmer months they go to depths of 150 to 500 meters.

What’s important is that these sharks have no flesh, no flesh, and all the meat is excreted through the skin at once, which makes their meat unpalatable for the hedgehog.

If you think that it was possible for the Atlantic polar shark to end up on restaurant menus, you will be deeply sorry.

The ancient Vikings came up with an original way to prepare shark meat: after fertilizing it with water, they buried the pieces in the ground, allowing them to lie for 5-6 years.

According to their estimates, the oldest polar shark was estimated at 392 years, plus or minus 120 years.

In this way, the long-lived hut could see both the Scandinavian settlements near Greenland, which remained uninhabited until the end of the 15th century, and their re-colonization by the Danes two and a half centuries later.

The shark's companion was entirely Christopher Columbus (1451–1506).

Naturalists have long known that Greenland sharks live for hundreds of years, increasing in size by only 0.5-1 cm per river, and can exceed 5 m of water.

However, there was no exact way to determine the current age.

In contrast to many other creatures, cartilaginous fish (sharks and squids) do not have calcium deposits in their internal fluid, which, like the river rings of trees, can be highly the exactness of their river people. However, professors at the University of Copenhagen and Arukh, Jon Steffensen and Jan Heine Meyer, came up with the idea of ​​radiocarbon analysis of the shark eye crystals, the proteins in which are formed at the fetal stage and become permanent m usyogo life ribi. The possibility of seeing words and trying out creative ways was presented to doctoral student Steffensen Julius Nielsen, who whipped 28 sharks.

“The Greenland shark is one of the largest living sharks on Earth, but it is practically possible to completely ignore it without losing its predatory appearance or its role in the ecosystem of the Mid-Atlantic.

We know nothing at all about the biology of these sharks.

Neither how the stinks howl, nor how the young grow, nor how far the stinks float, nor how long they live, nor how numerous they are.

The reason is that this fish is not caught commercially,” Nielsen said.

So, since Greenland polar sharks, from which they previously sank fat for technical needs, are now consumed at least as they have little respect for the main catch, the pre-students have very few opportunities for training.

Greenland shark meat is highly saturated with ammonia, and the people of Iceland use it to make the national delicacy haukarl.

The habitat of Greenland polar sharks is located in the deep Atlantic Ocean.

The polar shark is included in the category of low-growth cartilaginous fish.

The average weight of the body is 4-5 meters, the weight is up to 400 kg.

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The Greenland polar shark is the largest representative of the catranoids that belong to the genus Somniosidae.

The Greenland shark has a large fatty liver, which accounts for 20% of the body weight.

This organ performs the function of an accessory swimmer. Shark tissue is heavily impregnated with ammonia and trimethylamine oxide. These types of substances overcome frozen blood, promote the efficiency of proteins and the normal flow of biological processes in the mind at night.

Offended speech contains toxins, so not only does it have a pleasant relish, but it is best to bring it to the end - under the influence

schnook juice

Trimethylamine oxide is converted to trimethylamine, which produces an alcoholic effect. The shark has a thick fur, so the products of life are excreted through the skin. These creatures vary in size and size.

The fluidity of the transfer is quite small - no more than one kilometer per year.

This means that, while lingering in cold waters, most of the energy of the selachium is wasted on heating the wet body.

The Greenland polar shark is a long-liver among representatives of the animal world.

A polar (or Greenland) shark can reach the cape.

No one falls for her, the only enemy is people. These sharks are processed through the liver to remove technical fat, rich in vitamins. The Greenland polar shark has been given the status “Close to overflow.”

This species remains under the respectful supervision of environmental organizations, and the fragments of the population of sharks with skin disease change frequently through extensive reproduction.

As I already guessed, the meat of the selakhia is already very high instead of sechoviny and TMAO.

And the aborigines recently began to process it for the survival of domestic animals - soaking and boiling water helps neutralize toxins.

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