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Razrahuvati planned date pologіv. How to clear the date for the rest of the month and in other ways? For the rest of the menstruation

Vagity is one of the most debilitating and watery periods in the life of the skin woman, and it is not surprising that the skin of us wants to know about the date of the month as soon as possible. However, the food chain often calls out the numerical diversity and the superchicks. Future mothers are "magic" with their medicines, even if you want to get ready for important support However, you can only throw up your hands, the shards are not in sight with high accuracy to designate the term for the appearance of a well-trained baby in the world.
In order to unravel the date of the fall, press the button "Recognize the date of the fall".

Today: 04.03.2020
Date of the first day of the rest of the month:
Start a quick start for everything (+-2 days):

Translation of the terms of the slopes:
Until the slopes are gone:

Rozrahunok peredbachuvanoy date pologіv (PDR) variate in many ways, skin from any of them є orientovnim. That way, for the little ones, the little ones can be born on the 1st day, it’s not a fact that it will become a hundred hundred accuracy of the very day. Even more often there are notes of resignation in the case of the given date in the next book. I curtains can be opened either 2 days earlier, or later. I propagate your respect to achieve a simple, but even more effective way of recognizing the immovable term of the people of the child, which has already been successfully achieved by doctors in clinics for a long time.

Rozrahunok for the rest of the day of menstruation

Otzhe, sob independently expand the term of vaginess If you want to designate a new day, it is necessary to guess the date of the beginning of the remaining months. On the same basis, all charges are added up. From the end of the date, it is necessary to take 3 months and add to the result 7 days. The number that came up will be the transfer term for the people of your newly-finished baby.
For example, date rest of menstruation- 22 April. Otzhe, depending on the date, it is necessary to see 3 months. We take it away - 22 September. Before this figure, we will add another 7 days, but we will take it on September 29 - the whole day and will be before the date of the people.
Varto indicate that this method of calculation is best suited for women with a regular menstrual cycle, which lasts 28 days.

4 alternative ways to describe the term flat

  • 1. You can recognize the terms of the slopes, with high accuracy, by seeing the office of a gynecologist. The drug is not suitable for any daily analyses, wines just die uterine growth, so that it will be grown at the rosemaries in a viable way to the vіku of the fetus. However, such a method of rozrahunka date appearing in the world of a baby is effective only in the first trimester of pregnancy. On the lower rows (in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters) in the skin of a woman, the increase in the growth of the uterus is observed with a different intensity, fallow in the form of individual features of the body.
  • 2. It is possible to set the date for ovulation after ovulation, which is the very most pleasant period, in whichever you find yourself conceived. In such days, a woman, ring out, watch the advancement of sexual desire. In addition, the eyes (cervical motherland) become more sticky and thicker, the basal body temperature rises by ten degrees, the cervix rises, and the milk follicles become more painful.
Otzhe, schob z'yasuvati, if your baby is born, by ovulation, it is necessary to add 280 days to this day (trivality of pregnancy). The term, which is viishov, will be the date of the people. If the period in which ovulation has occurred is non-dominant, then ignore the middle of the rest of the menstrual cycle, and then add to it later.
So it is possible to count yourself vikonati after the date of conception. However, the next thing to know is that this term does not zavzhda zbіgaєtsya day, if it becomes a statutory act. The oviposition of the eggs, as a rule, is less than on the third day.
  • 3. Apparatus charges for the help of ultrasonic waves can also be carried to the most effective methods yakі allow vyznachiti terms pologіv s tochnostyu up to 1-3 days. The most common cases of rozrahunki will be, as ultrasound robitime in the period of 11-14 years of pregnancy.
  • 4. Investigate secrets to give the birth of your child to help you before the thief, as it sounds on the 20th (in the first relatives) and on the 18th - with a different kind of offensive pregnancy. For a long time, if there was no ultrasound, such a method of calculating a line of polog_v buv, chi is not the only one.
Just as soon as the mother sees the first delivery of her little one at the stomach, then from that moment the next 20 days were delivered. The date that has come will be an important day when a child appears in the world. As if the curtains are not the first, the thieves sound earlier - on the 18th of December, to add to this term not the 20th, but the 22nd of the month.

Efficiency of hardware methods for the development of the term slopes

Follow-up of the fetus in the third trimester on an ultrasound machine allows, with high accuracy, to determine the date of pregnancy, and also, the transfer of the term pologiv. On the right, in that only for the help of ultrasound diagnostics, the doctor can determine the placenta, the position of the baby's head at the entrance to the small pelvis, the ribcage. cervix, signs of fetal maturity, as well as impersonal other important factors.

Amendment to the established term - is it the norm?

As it happened earlier, all the calculations of fortune-telling are given by a gentle guideline, which is not a big deal. According to the statistics at appointments, only 17% of women spend the day, while 83% - either earlier or later. In this manner, it is possible to create visnovoks about those who transfer with high accuracy the date of the cob of ancestral activity not a building worker, as a bi-rational and qualified wine not buv.
In normal conditions, the canopies can come at the interval from 38 to 42 tyzhniv. vagity. The appearance of a child in the world will not be either early or late, but normal and physiological. Some of the singing causes of childbirth can be broken up before the hour. Such traplyatsya through the development of the fetus, stressful situations, various pathological processes that occur in the mother's organism, and also downturn factors.
It is not uncommon to experience and transfer of vaginess through those who were aggravated in the first trimester. In addition, the next thing is to protect the recession on the maternal line. If your mother and grandmother made a lot of noise for the introduction of the term, then, more for everything, they check you. Therefore, it is important to note that the term pologіv rozrokhunok - nutrition is even more foldable, mentally and individually for the skin of the future mothers.

How to add on the date of the sloping features of the menstrual cycle?

The term “pologіv” also includes the trivality of the woman's menstrual cycle. For example, as if I were going over the standard twenty eight days, then, better for everything, I should take over forty days, and navpaki. However, to this particular type the sound of the next beep should not be more than 5 deb. Varto indicates that pardons are often allowed in such roses, the shards often take a lot of bleeding in a month, which was observed after the ovary occlusion.

The skilki zhіnki narodzhuyut, stіlki hour not to pass the superechka of the midst of future mothers about those, how to designate the term narodzhennya child. Residually beats the difference between the fluffy pranksters, the ultrasound scans and the doctor's records. How to define the term "pologiv"? Namagatimemosya razіbratisya, even in old books about obstetrics є schemes of rozrahunkіv, and modern medicine is more familiar to them.

How to unravel the term flat - what is the exact way

Modern technologies give breeders the ability to correctly determine the moment of birth of a baby dekilkom in the following ways:

  • Obstetrician, which is rozrakhovuetsya for the rest of menstruation.
  • Behind the first stroke of the fetus.
  • After seeing the doctor-gynecologist, who sets the date, out of sight.
  • Embryonic, which depends on the date of ovulation.
  • Behind the traces of ultrasonic obstezhennya.

Crimium of resurrected more methods, breeders determine the need for terms with a special on-line calculator. For such a number of different ways of determining the vacancies of the doctors, the exact day of the birth of the baby is paid for the statistics in less than 4 years of 100, even if the wine-making experience is added to the richness of the birth factors, and the recession is nasampered.

The fullness of obstetricians is not less than 40 years old, and 38 years old, so the terms are always changed to a couple of days on both sides. An additional gynecologist sometimes determines the day of the gentle form of the abdomen of the possible mothers, the proteus method of deviating is no longer directly in front of the curtains. Let's look at the leather variant of the designation of the term polog_v okremo.

Assigned row of monthly increments

This is the old method of rozrahunka, but it is suitable only for women, as a regular cycle. If the months of the month sometimes come from the zatrimkoy earlier, then the roses will have great diversity. It’s simpler to say, how many hours have passed since conception. Guess how many days have passed since the first day of the month? Zagalna kіlkіst pіdrahovanyh days vkazuvatime on the lines of the fetus.

More precisely, the term is assigned to the Keller formula. If you add 280 days to the first day of the rest of your menstruation, then it will be approximately the day of the birth of the baby. Did you get the number 280? The average amount of life expectancy for the fetus is taken into account during the period that takes place before ovulation. The average number includes the following indications:

  • the period from the conception of a child to the birth (266 days);
  • middle menstrual cycle(28 days);
  • the term ovulation (day 14 of the menstrual cycle).

The obstetric term corresponds to the average period of the menstrual cycle, so during the resurrection, gynecologists are guided by indications of the obstetric calendar and for 280 days. The life term of a spermatozoid is to become a sprat of dib, which is to induce the hour of a state act, then it is impossible to signify if ovulation has occurred. The child is considered to be full-term, as if she was born in the period from 38 to 42 years, which is a mistake for this method to become two days. For the help of a special table, which is shown in the photo below, the obstetric term of vagity is indicated.

Razrahunok terminu pologiv for the date of conception

Designate the moment of ovulation after the day of ovulation, or the date of conception is even simpler. The organism of a healthy woman is less likely to conceive a child on the same day of ovulation, if the ovum has matured and has left the ovary. If the menstrual cycle is three times 28 days, then ovulation occurs exactly at the middle of the cycle. It seems rich to a woman that she recognizes the moment of ovulation, it’s easy to transfer the date to it: at this moment, bloody visions of the piss begin, the state of the pulls is strengthened and the heaviness in the lower abdomen is felt.

How to determine the exact term of the slope, how to know the day of ovulation? For whom, until the middle of the menstrual cycle, add 280 days. In such a way, the term “pologiv” is defined according to the day of the statutory act, as if you were alone. But here there is a large number of inaccuracies, so that spermatozoa live for a few days. So, as a rule, the act was on the 14th day of the cycle, conceived on the 16th or 17th day.

Appointment of the term “pologiv” for the first break of the fetus

Whatever way you can make a lot of money, but you don’t care about it, but we demand it. And if there was no more than a few modern breeds, the term “pologs” in such a way is used, then if there was no diagnostic possession, all women were referred to it. Before the fetal thief, sound exactly the middle of the vagity, to that, according to the date, the term sloping is considered. However, obstetricians are doubtful about the accuracy of this method, and there are a few reasons for the stench:

  1. Bad girl, leading low-rise image life is about to destroy the fetus richly earlier than the planned term.
  2. Primiparous women ring out the first mails of the sprats of the tyzhnіshe quiet, who people again.
  3. Indeed, a child in the womb begins to break already on the 12th pregnancy, but they still don’t recognize him.

For these reasons, the method of scheduling a child's birthday at first hand cannot be called accurate. The death is especially great, because the baby is ripening 41 hours 42 days, which is considered normal. So that the doctor and the mother did not take the wrong decision on the delivery to the fetus, find out the exact methods for determining the term of pregnancy, for example, ultrasonic obstezhennya.

How to determine the date of the fall for additional ultrasound

The future mother 100% will not tell the exact date of the birth of the child. The term “pologіv” is used in different times exactly up to a few days, even if it is more important to lie in the same parentage: її I will become emotional stretching all the vagity physical health. As the statistics show, the method of ultrasonic cooling today can be especially popular. Great accuracy is achieved by the term from 6 to 12 years.

In other terms, it is not possible to determine the exact day of birth of a child for help. Aje, everything is individual: the deacons are not allowed to come to the world with a weight of 5 kg, and in the case of people, they should take more than 2 kg. Also, studies in obstetrics and gynecology show that little women often give birth to great children and, on the contrary, children up to 2 kg in great breeds are born.

The birth of the fetus fahivets is appointed for the expansion of the yogo head and the termination, and the departures empty stomach mother, the exact rozmіru of the embryo, I will become that rozmіru of the uterus, the likar of the rozrakhovu, the approximate moment of pologіv on whether or not the month of pregnancy. At any time, the results of ultrasound examination and doctors, and future mothers, believe us ahead.

Table of definitions for the term slopes

There is one more way to determine the approximate date of the fall - for an addition to the vag. For the entire period of pregnancy, the mother gains an average weight of 9 kg to 14. As soon as the twins are seen, the weight is 21 kg. The first trimester of weight practically does not change, while the other one gains close to 1 kg per month, and in the third trimester a woman gains weight quickly - up to 500 g per day.

Using a special table of designation of the terms of the slopes, you can call for a bunch of showing the numbers for the hour of the call. Obstetricians fix the table from the 7th month of pregnancy, if the mother is actively gaining weight. According to the information given on the scale, the woman is obliged to gain close to 20 g per day per 10 cm per day. Vykhodyachi z іndex zagalnoї masi tіla, zhіnochі figuri pod_lyayutsya in the table for the following types:

  • Khudorlyavi - up to 19.8 (1 group)
  • Average status - 19.8 to 26 (group 2)
  • Gladki — type 26 (group 3)

If the girls find out about those who stink of the mother, we will try to figure out the exact date of conception. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya shorazu, if there is a planned or unplanned vagіtnіst, for the manifestation of a regular state life. I realized that everyone wants to know, if it has become flooded. Particularly strong is the interest, if the emotional zabarvlennya dovogoochіkuvannoy new things begin to spend their intensity and brilliance.

As in the first days of the future, mother and tato fly on the wings of happiness, then later, if the stench turns to the natural camp, they show the hope of recognition, in some term, to appear in the world for a little or a little. Podіbne bazhannya is quite normal. It is maddened by banal human dope and low practical purposes. Someday moms are trying to figure out the date of the month after the date of conception on the calculator, the shards are too small for them:

  • if you have conceived (as a whole it’s good, what does it pour into the appointed father of the child);
  • in some month checks for the appearance of a baby;
  • if you start to make speeches, clothes for the future member of this family;
  • like im'ya better pіdіbrati, zgіdno z church calendar or astrological laws;
  • where and if varto plan to have a family admission until the birth of a child

Skіlki zhittєvih situatsіy, stіlki and vіlyakіh іnteresіv up to vagіtnostі. Regardless of different reasons, information about the future canopies of praise for all mothers without a blame. First of all, what the stinks try to guess is the very moment of conception. Let's add 9 months later. Knowing about those who need 9 months for the wine-making of a child here is insufficient. And few people know how to say “approximately nine months”:

  • What day should you remember - the day when the state act was signed, when ovulation occurred, the rest of menstruation?
  • Take the months of the calendar, which are called smart (thirty days each)?

The maiden's wart is closed in the first place with vagity, as the period of 9 months is going to be neimovirno long and zovsim unimminent. Understanding, I want to be as specific as possible about the date of the future slopes. And it is necessary not so for the accomplishment of some practical family tasks, as for the timely control over the development of the fetus.

How to designate fakhіvtsі, guessing the day, if there was a statutory act, knowing the songs individual features, characteristic for the body, it is possible to designate the day of conception .

Why work with these girls, if they can’t guess the date of conception, if they stray in days, don’t remember partners and don’t remember, if a “share” statutory act was made? You can’t exactly name the day, if it’s possible, zaplіdnennya, it will be problematic to make the day when the baby appears. Prote є kіlka ways that allow the recognition of the PDR (I have passed the date of the end).

Іsnuyut different possibilities, which allow to rozrohuvat accurately (or if I want to approximate) the date of pologіv:

  • vlasnі pіdrakhunki;
  • online calculator;
  • obstezhennia at the doctor-gynecologist;

It's amazing that you didn't choose which option you chose, the principles and algorithms are similar in skin care. To this, you can boldly start from your “addition”, then win the virtual calculator and then confirm your guess with a competent doctor’s thought.

Appointment of the term vagity for the date of conception and ovulation

A lot of girls win personal calendars of conception, for the help of which it is possible to develop an approximate term of birth for the date of conception. Deyakі bet, like virish to have a child, try not to miss the most pleasant days for filling. That's why the stench is stalking for ovulation, trying to have sex on important days. I'm sure. If it is clear that how conceived is, the ability to appear a little light will increase. It is important to show in detail how the process of childbirth proceeds in the female organism:

  • after menstruation, bulbs are formed in the ovary, in one of them there is a woman's egg;
  • it reaches the peak of its development and grows, raising the follicles;
  • right up to the uterus, the clitina can be flooded with spermatozoa, as for which there will be friendly minds (knowing the day of flooding, it doesn’t matter to figure out the date of the fall by conception);
  • in a week (7 days) the ovum is implanted in the uterus;
  • in the middle of the uterus begins to grow and develop a baby - the future of a child;
  • further changes occur in the body of the woman: the milk follicles swell under the influence of progesterone.

Just as soon as my mother is wise, that she is in the right position, she, as a rule, sits down the date of the month, folds the pregnancy calendar, breaks down to the clinic to give an analysis and to diagnose about the cause of the doctor. It is possible to calculate the date of the fall after the date of conception for a sprat of hvilin, as you know, if ovulation has occurred, as you remember, if a state act has been made.

Skladnoshchi can win in quiet vipadki, if partners enter into intimate stosunki today. Here you can guess what the flood can be turned off at the moment of the sound of the cloves of the follicle, if it has passed by the way. This process is not trivial, so there are serious losses in case of raising the term of the slopes after the date of ovulation is turned off.

Appointment of the term of pregnancy for the rest of the month

It is possible to loosen the day of the fall even for the rest of the menstruation. This method is relevant in times, if the future mother does not know the exact day of ovulation. It is necessary to take an indication of your cycle for a rosary. Take a look at the special women's calendar and open the date of the upcoming canopy, vicorist such data, like:

  • Trivality of the cycle. Girls need to worry about the exact number of days between cycles. Bazhano analyze 5-7 remaining months. The norm is the woman's cycle of trivality of 28 days. Ale, in an individual order, the cycle can be changed from 21 to 33 days.
  • Regularity of menstruation. Showing each other the numbers are taken away, you can tell that the cycles are approximately equal. Removals are allowed for 1-2 days. One-time damage, which are counted as tizhny, є vіdhilennyam vіd norma. Similar hazards are possible on aphids, stress, sickness, climate change. As an option, stinks can be caused by congestion of hormonal drugs. There are no reasons for praise buti, such a trapleyaetsya among wealthy women. If you are afraid of regular disruption for 5 or more days, look for an irregular rhythm. And here it’s time to turn to a gynecologist for a consultation. Only a better doctor can help you find the cause of the problems.
  • Monthly trivality and yogo characteristics. The norm is respected by visions of the same type for clearness, trivality and structure. Doctors seem that the trivality of the menstrual cycle is embodied in the term “slope”. Assume that if the stay is more than 28 standard days, then the duration will be more than 40 days. If the remission in that hour becomes more than 5 deb, pardons are allowed at the roses.

At the time of the manifestation of singing zboїv and vidhilen vіd norma robiti rozrahunok to give slopes for months, it will be conceivable. If we talk about a regular woman's cycle, trivality, let's say, 28 days, then you can designate the middle of the cycle: 28 divided by 2. On the 14th day, ovulation falls on the ear of the month, and the moment of conception (yoy date). Like a bachite, create a calendar of slopes and arrange for the date of conceive the day of the future slopes independently known awkwardly. If you want to accurately determine the EDD by monthly, it is necessary to determine the specific moment of the release of the egg that has matured. For which there are 4 ways:

  • Ovulation test. In the chemist's shop, samples are sold at exactly the specified exit of the cell. Zgіdno zіnstruktsiєyu, smuzhku zanurit in the section for a couple of seconds and vivacity, like changing the color of the reagent, which shows the concentration of the peptide (luteinizing) hormone, which helps to open the follicle.
  • microscope. Go about the attachment of the bagatorasis whisker, for the help of which you can look at the little salts, which are near the sleigh. Until the moment when the babies appear, they become similar to a fern.
  • Seen from pikhvi. If the follicles develop, the vaginal mucus of the name does not appear, the shards can reach a thick structure. At the moment of birth, the eggs will rise and be seen at the great number (colour - egg white). Similar sightings can be doti, if the client is dead.
  • Bolovі vіdchutya. In the area of ​​​​the ovary, it is possible to be unacceptable, to that the rupture of the follicles is a great wound, a healthy disease. A woman, as if she miraculously knows her body and follows the advice, do not miss the day when the pain appears. And relying on knowledge, you can unravel the date of the fall from conception.

Yak bachite, another way of tying from the first. Singing peace, stink one by one.

Appointment of the term vagity by the doctor for the results of a gynecological examination

At the appointment with the doctor, be ready to feel the nutrition, deal with the remaining menstruation, their trivality, characteristics, and so on. The gynecologist, who confirmed the presence of vagity, is guilty of pozikavitis, the rest of the month passed on the same date, if the stench began, it seemed like a long time.

In the last days, doctors-gynecologists determine the date of conception from the lull of the month. To that skin girl, which you honor yourself, the woman is guilty in the obligatory order to keep a calendar of cycles, not forgetting to say on the new cob and the end of women's days. Respect for yourself, your health, you can help with the installation of more accurate traffic rules. Deyakі future matusі chomus perekonі, scho signify, singsongly, the exact date of birth can include a fahivets-gynecologist, who is a future mother. But in fact, fahivets are observed in their rozrahunka on the same data, which were named in the previous methods of rozrahunka SDA. Learn how to change your doctor, a new gynecologist asks you:

  • when the months broke up;
  • what was the trivality of the menstrual cycle;
  • naskіlki systematic bіsyachnі, chi was not in them zboїv that be-yakikh vidhilen.

These criteria are the basis for the follow-up of the last day of the fall. In rich vipadkah all day zbіgaєtsya s PDR, yak razahovana for the date of conception online. Sometimes there is an insignificant abduction in one or two days, the reason for which is the lack of momentum, the “human” factor. After a gynecological examination, the doctor can be called traffic rules. An additional gynecologist determined the vagity for dotik. Vіn vvchaє the shape of the uterus and її rosemіr (in all girls they have a pear-like form, and in future mothers the uterus is larger, it is presented in the form of kuli). Tsikh pokaznikіv sіlkom enough vyznachennya traffic rules. Knowing fakhivets, who works with vaginal women today, even in the Duma, you can quickly open up the day of X. As practice shows, from the third hour of the fourth day you can correctly name it, on which terms you can call it. Since your pregnancy is more than 3 months, it is impossible to recognize a reliable term, because all children develop according to an individual scenario.

Appointment of the term vagity for additional ultrasound

The calculator's rosaries are most often used to rozrachunks to give the future birth of an ultrasound scan. Ultrasound investigation allows to recognize about the growth of the embryo, and the doctor, stating the results with the standards, reveals about those, how the pregnancy is leaking. Chi can here buti pardon? Perfectly. As it was planned earlier, all organisms develop in a different way, so on the same term in different girls there can be germs of different kinds. And yet, the appointment of the PDR for the help of ultrasound is carried out in the most reliable way.

The girls, who have passed the ultrasound examination up to 12 years of age, are aware of the date of conception and birth with high maturity (up to one or two days). Vykoristovuyuchi ultrasonic follow-up, doctors use the term vagity and in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, but do not take visnovki as a basis. The complexity of the appointment of the date of the current labor activity is due to this, which is necessary to protect the individual features of the development of the fetus, the complexion of the future mothers and a lot of other factors. To that, if you want to know, singly, on what day it was flooded, if you yourself make your little one happy, come for a consultation to the gynecologist earlier. Vіn nazve, on which term vagіtna is additionally designated by the date of conception. It is not included, what will help you to take care of the questions that they praise.

Which of the resurrected methods is the most effective?

The most accurate method, for the help of some possible traffic rules, is the use of ultrasound. This method is the most reliable, the shards show high accuracy. Let's follow the popularity, the accuracy can be called the method according to the day X of the day of the rest of the month. As the results of this method are better than the results of ultrasound follow-up, the chances of a child appearing on the transfer day are greater.

What work, how to give an ultrasound scan and the rest of the month did not fail? Nasamperedu already not varto zamuchuvatisya. Golovna - look after your health, regularly see a gynecologist and go through all the obstezhennia, as if you were guilty. You did not take any bi-variant of the birth date, the result will not be 100% accurate. It is impossible to designate the last day to appear in the world of silence. Alone mothers independently with the help of a doctor will set the correct date of the fall.

It's important! Women wear under the heart of their children not nine calendar months, as a lot of people care, but 40 days or 280 days, ten monthly months. That is not varto to add nine months to the date of conception. Deyakі zhіnki narodzhuyut 38 tizhnі, deyakі three earlier. І tse norm. Future mothers twins, triples people before the appointed date. So, in this respect, it’s important to understand that you didn’t ignore the date, or if the gynecologist didn’t name the date, you can give birth to a child 1-2 days earlier than later. Do not care about repentance.

Trivality of wine-making a child to lie down in rich chinniks: I will become healthy that time, stressful situations, ailments, all kinds of complications, rich water, the presence of a high grip of bloody diabetes in a vaginal woman, how many bones of the frontal vag too few details. At Rest hour Especially often there is an increase in non-prematurity of pregnancy or post-maturity. To theoretically know a reliable date, if a child is born, it is impossible. This confirms the statistics: approximately 17% of women make appointments a day, while 83% make three or three years earlier.

Zhoden dosvіdcheny fahivets can transfer more precisely the cob of tribal activity. In such a rank, to recognize, it is simply impossible to make the day of the future slopes of 100% imovirnistyu. But you can find out about traffic rules. I will help you in ways, inducing more. With your help, you chant if it was conceived (the date of the flood is approaching), if the baby appears. For bazhannya, be it whiliny, you can speed up with a virtual calculator the traffic rules.

You need no more than two or three quills to quickly sort out the date of the fall after the date of conception for the help of such a service. I want to tell you the date of conception, and later, having indicated the date of conception in the service, they learn about traffic rules. Ale better, well, more ultrasound. Please give this recommendation for those who respect the DA independently:

  1. There is no sense to get hung up on the rozrahunka date, the chance of a 100% hit is small.
  2. The future mother needs to be mentally prepared for the fact that the canopies may not come in term.
  3. Since your female cycle is standard (28-30 days), then the date of the fall, as the doctor-gynecologist has told you, will be close to the truth.
  4. Women who are afraid of menstrual cycle problems should see their gynecologist. The canopies can be opened later or earlier than the designated term (retail stock style days, for how many days your cycle has reached or is shorter than the standard twenty-eight-day period).
  5. Even though you gave birth in the past, it’s like at once, but it doesn’t mean that everything will be the same with other canopies.
  6. It is important to remember that understanding: information from the PDR is necessary for us in front of medical practitioners for the establishment of possible signs of fetal development, assessment of the maturity of the placenta, caution of important indications for the method of surgical hospitalization of mothers and stimulation of birth wife.

If your pregnancy is not planned, first, if you are to blame, do not panic. It will be difficult for you to carry out the right and exact examination. Hurry up, be like one of the proponing methods and choose the date of conception. Mayuchi notice about the trivality of ochіkuvannya the appearance of a baby, it’s easier to calmly get ready for the slopes. And the calm itself is the pledge of successful winemaking to the fetus. Live in faith: if your child is fully ready to live beyond the borders of the mother's belly, then you won't dare to come to the world. So, just as your pregnancy test will show two wives, please: soon you will become a mother. Tse right happiness for be-like a woman, save yoga.

Before the date of the fall(SDA) the day is respected if the term of vacancy becomes equal to 40 days. If you want full-term vacancy to be considered already after reaching the latest 37 digits, and in some cases of health, the child’s gestation can be born at 42 tizhnі vagity, nevertheless, it is customary to focus on 40 tizhniv, oskolki more pochinaєtsya at tsommu termіnі.

Importance of billing forwarded date the people of the little one do not call sumnіvіv, and on the right, it’s not enough for the bajan’s fathers to get ready until the appearance of a new member of the family. Important є i medical bіk inquire. Pererakhuyemo reasons, through like a doctor, who knows the vagity, it is necessary to know the date of the fall.

Growth and development of the fetus. To the doctor, who guards the protyag of vagity, it is important to know, how many little ones that are developing, according to their own measurements, they give the term vagity (which is rozrakhovuetsya from the transfer of dates is pologiv), so at the same time diagnose such a serious complication, like a stutter of intrauterine fetal development (IUGR), which after placental insufficiency (pathology, in case of placenta incompetently failing to function because of the safety of the fetus with everything necessary for growth and development). Diagnosis is adequate in due time, and also, and the exuberance of this complication may be of great importance for the further development of the little one.

Prevention of aggravated vaginess. At the process of caution, the obstetrician remembers that at various stages of vagity, the development of quiet and other complications is possible, at the link for which the terms are assigned, in which it is necessary to conduct diagnostic visits to identify complications, іlaktiki and likuvannya (for example, prenatal screening- Diagnosis of congenital vascular development of the fetus - may be carried out with a clearly established term of vagity, and for underestimation of these terms, diagnostic value is sharply reduced). With such illnesses, like, for example, bloody diabetes and hypertonic ailment - as if the illness is broken down, or the bliss does not give a positive effect - you can blame the need for the birth of an independent cob. It is necessary for doctors to know that in this clinical situation, to ensure the maximum possible stage of fetal maturity.

If you go to the canopy booth

As a reminder for an early hospitalization in front of the canopy, it is important to correctly name the terms, in which you are guilty go to the canopy booth. Adzhe with too late hospitalization (for example, ahead of a planned caesarean roset) є risik not be able to carry out the necessary obstetrics and preparation before birth, and early hospitalization is not docile ionars can bring up anxiety and stress to the heightened level. gently sloping Terms of additional hospitalization in case of different complications of prolonged vacancies can be different. For example, when circulatory diabetes it is necessary to hospitalize a woman after 36 days. With a transverse position of the fetus and placenta previa, the mother is guilty of being in the minds of a hospital for no more than 37 days (shards in this period begin the process of preparing the body to a degree, to become a great need through an additional winding rainy waters in the case of the transverse position of the fetus and the development of bleeding with placenta previa). Women with pelvic predisposition and anatomically narrow pelvis should be sent to pre-hospitalization at 38–39 gestational age, in order to achieve external obstezhennia, choosing the method of delivery, to prevent postponing vaccinia.

How to unravel the date of the fall

For appointment transferred dates vikoristovuєtsya sprat methods.

obstetric term(For the date of the last menstruation). It is customary to take into account the date of the menstrual cycle, the date of the first day of the remaining menstruation, so that the next menstrual cycle is considered as an interval from the first day of menstruation to the first day of the onset of menstruation.

For rozrahunku transferred dates for the date of the month there are two ways:

Until the date of the first day of the rest of the menstruation, 280 days are given (such a trivality in the middle may be vagity, fluctuating with the dates of the month).

Negeli's formula: from the first day of the remaining menstruation, it is taken 3 months and lasted 7 days. For example, the rest of the menstruation was on 10 May - after 3 months, we will take 10 February, and add 7 days, we will take 17 February - if it will be before the date of the month after the date of the menstruation (please note that 17 ferocious terms of pregnancy become new 40 tyzhniv, and later , approximately at this term canopy canopies).

Embryonic term(For the date of conception or for ovulation). Imovirnist nastannya vagity is maximum on the day when ovulation occurs - the process of the release of the egg, which matured from the ovary. It starts in the middle of the menstrual cycle (for example, if the menstrual cycle becomes 28 days, then ovulation occurs on the 14th day, and if the cycle is 32 days, then on the 16th day).

Vrahovyuchi, scho ovum build up to zadatnya protyag 24 years after ovulation, and the life expectancy of spermatozoa in the middle to become 72 years (in some cases it can reach 4-5 deb), then it does not become 1 dobu, and richly earlier - starting from 9 - 10th day of the menstrual cycle (with a 28-day cycle). This situation significantly complicates the introduction of the transferred term “pologiv” for the date of conception. It is possible to establish the term “slope” by conception in these episodes, if the woman knows exactly the date of ovulation (for example, she kept watch over the basal temperature, or medical indications ultrasonic monitoring of folculogenesis, the process of egg ripening, was carried out). To determine the traffic rules, before the date of conception, add 266 days (scales for the price and є of the correct pregnancy rate) or 38 days.

With a regular menstrual cycle (trivality of 28 days), there are no calculations for the date of the remaining menstruation and the date of conception, so it is most convenient and informative to assign the date of the month.

Behind the date of the first appearance in I'll have a consultation. The Danish way of assigning the term of vacancy and flatness will be as informative as possible, as soon as the mother turns to the doctor at the term of up to 12 tyzhniv of vacancy. When setting on the appearance, to change the appearance of vagity and insert the її term, the doctor should look at the gynecological chair to determine the size of the uterus. It starts to increase from 5-6 tyzhnіv vagіtnostі, nabuvaє kulyastoї form. In addition, under the hour of vagity, the uterus becomes soft (the position of the vagity of the uterus is pear-like in shape and thin in consistency).

Significant uterine resuscitation at the hour of the gynecological examination of the doctor term vagity indicative of uterine enlargement. For example, in 5-6 years the uterus becomes the size of a chicken egg, in 7-8 years - s goose egg Up to 12 days, the head of the newborn can be expanded and the fundus (as the upper part of the uterus is called) can still be palpated (smeared) through the anterior vertebral wall, without going into the pharynx. Starting from another trimester, according to the height of the standing of the bottom of the uterus, you can approximately designate the term vagity: up to 16 days, the bottom of the uterus is located in the middle between the bosom and the navel, up to 24 days - on the level of the navel.

It is important to remember that there is a greater term for vagity, moreover, there may be a death in case of this parameter, the height of the standing fundus of the uterus should lie down in the absence of individual features: the number of slopes in the anamnesis, the size of the fetus, the gynecologist ichnih zahvoryuvan (for example, with uterine myoma rozmіry organ will be more than the norm for this term), anatomical features of the organism of the future mami and so on. can you insert the term of vagity for the measurements uterus.

For ultrasound data. The definition of the term vagity transferred dates You can definitely finish it, because ultrasound was performed in the first trimester of pregnancy (in terms of up to 12 days). During the ultrasound follow-up on early terms (and it is possible to feed a fruiting egg by ultrasound from 3-5 tyzhniv vagnosti, the embryo begins to clearly visualize trochs later - from 5-6 tyzhniv vagnosti) single inner diameter fruiting egg that coccyx-thym'yany rosemіr KTR of a possible child. For the skin term of vagity and penny KTR standards, which are measured in millimeters, similarly to the omission of data, you can accurately set the transfer date of the half term.

Have another ta third trimesters term vagity be installed on the support of the fetal growths: such as biparietal growths (stand between the thymus tubercles, or the great transverse expansion of the fetal head), the head, the abdomen, the diameter of the thorax and the abdomen of the fetus, the dozhina of the stehnova cyst. Otrimanі data also allow to judge about the term of vaginess, but it is also necessary to remember, what is the greater wine, the greater the degree of death. We appreciate that with the development of the fetus, it is fallow due to the peculiarities of the overflow of vaginess, the obviousness of the mother’s illness, the recessionary chinnikov, the fetal growth, as judged by the term of vaginess, it is exactly rejuvenated. In one mother, a child is born with a vag of 2600 g and a height of 48 cm, and in another - 4500 g and a height of 57 cm, which is absolutely normal, because all people may have individual anthropometric features. In this way, it is possible to assign the term vagity according to ultrasound data as accurately as possible in I trimester of pregnancy otherwise, the term has close to 20 days, if it is the most viable between the dimensions of the fetus and the term of vaccinity.

For the date of the first thief fetus. PDR can be assigned to such a parameter as the date of the first fetal fetus. In this situation, it’s more correct to talk about the date, if the woman was pregnant beforehand, the child begins to actively collapse in the mother of 8 years of pregnancy, just the mother does not see the child through too little growth. It is important that first-born women first have fetal rupture on average starting at 20 gestations, and multiparous women - at 18 gestations, so for the purpose of assigning the transferred term, it is lower for this parameter until the date of the first fetal rupture in the first they are given 20 tizhnіv, for repeat children - 22 tizhnіv.

Next, indicate which method appointment of the DA vvazhaetsya dodatkovim, chi dopomіzhnym, shards of the fruit of the fetus - seem to be more subjective, before that, what kind of future mothers first recognize them in the vyschevkazanі termіnі. For example, first-rate women can first see the fetus in the future in terms of vaginess - it’s still unknown to me, and the smell of stench can be confused with intestinal motility, or simply don’t remember. Women with a pronounced ball of subcutaneous fat cells can first see a fetal rupture at 1-2 pm. Multiparous women, navpaki, can mean the first time in more early terms (16-17 years), the old ones already know how to buy. Qi conditions can reduce the accuracy of assigning the transferred term to the date of the first fruit break.

New grant the DA for dekilkom parameters?

Necessity of virahovuvati forwarded the date of the month for dekіlkom methods instantly zoomed in on offensive factors. In a first way, without regard for innocence the most recent methods assessment of the term of vaginess, transferring, if a woman’s curtains (exactly up to the day) are practically impossible. In another way, deakі danі, as it is accepted to carry out the calculation of the transferred date of pologіv, for various reasons may be uninformative. For example, in case of an irregular menstrual cycle, the occurrence of PDR for the date of the last menstruation will not be accurate, and in case of a late first visit to the woman’s consultation, the presence of gynecological diseases (uterine fibroids) or superimposed vase will be difficult it is not necessary to assign the term of vaginess to the size of the uterus. The vrakhovuyuchi data of the environment, the doctor will set the transfer of the terms of the curtains for the maximum amount of data for the clarification of the hour, at the maximum degree of fluency the curtains will open. As a result transferring terms in most cases, it does not appear as one specific number (for example, 15 September), but as a time interval (for example, from 12 to 17 September).

Tim is not less, to learn from the correct coverage for all the fortune-telling terms, the canopies are far from all vagitis, the shards of vagity in the skin fall lie in the presence of rich factors. To this very date, the date is sloping and is called before the bachelor.

Trivality of vagity, and also, i term, if regular patrimonial activity is established, it is individual, before that, it is counted the occurrences of the fact that the canopies start after reaching the last 40 days, but the birth rate is considered full-term after 37 days , the canopies can be opened for 2-3 days to the guessing term pologiv. A variant of the norm is the development of patrimonial activity in the 41st day of pregnancy.

In such a way, on trivality of vaginess and the term current slopes include impersonal factors, among which an important role is played by the specifics of the anamnesis - in the future, the number of frontal slopes, the presence of vicidnia, the frontal slopes and / or abortions in the past, the presence of chronic diseases sickness. Crimea of ​​features, term nastannya sloping to add and especially to the increase in the number of vaginess. For example, when rich in vagity canopies are often repaired earlier, lower with one-term, moreover, the term of winemaking is wrapped in proportion to the number of fruits (which is more fruit, the term is less), which is wised by the overgrowth of the uterus. With the development of placental insufficiency (pathology of the excess of vaginess, with which one or more functions of the placenta are disrupted, leading to insufficient security of the fetus with everything necessary for growth and development), it is possible early development ancestral viability, and an increase in vagality for 1-2 days.

Absolutely irrespective of impossibility exact designation it is still necessary to give a half-way, to correctly cover the traffic rules. Focusing on the definition of the term “slope”, the stage of biological readiness of the body is likely to be low (it is designated as a doctor for a low sign, one of the main stages of the maturity of the cervix - the presence of biological readiness to a low level) zaporukoy physiological change pologіv and sympathetic result for the mother of the fetus) and of the fetus, the doctor can at the same time take care of the nutrition according to the need for pre-treatment, pre-hospital hospitalization, medicinal treatment etc.

Possibly, you will have stats

Researchers from the Oregon Center for Genetics and Perinatal Medicine (USA) analyzed a few thousand histories of the fall and the day of the turn, which in the most important majority of cases (95%), the date of the fall does not change and ahead

How to set the date of the fall? Some people know for sure, if the little ones come to the world, they just want to see the crows, and some people want to have some practical mirkuvan: sovereignty sleep in the institute, move to new apartment, that little more. In a word, may all mothers want to know more precisely, if the little one comes to this world. However, it is impossible to fix the date exactly, right up to the day. I axis why.

Let's say that mother knows for sure, if there was a long-term contact, which gave a baby, a protest contact and the date of the fall are far from the same. Even though the spermatozoa, yak drank in the women's paths, save the building of the eggs from many years to many years.

If the cob of vagity should be attributed to the term ovulation, then everything is not so simple here, even ovulation can occur between eight and sixteen days of the cycle. And tse to lie down and in the wake of the trivality of the cycle, and in the face of rich ovnishnіh reasons, such as, for example, experience, cold.

Vrakhovuєmo, that pregnancy can come and a couple of days after ovulation, if the egg and spermatozoa are still alive and ready before conception, then right up to the 18th day of the menstrual cycle, and that’s how to save life stability of about 100 spermatozoa, which you ate at the woman's stateway, you can boldly add a couple more days. In this order, it appears that full-time pregnancy can actually occur before the twentieth, or else the twenty-first day of the cycle.

And as the menstrual cycle is short, everything gets confused even more. Let's assume that the menstrual cycle is 21 days, but the last months - last a day.

Then ovulation is practically on the day of menstruation, and navit as a non-destruction of the state of the act of becoming the first hour of menstruation, then, vrakhovuychi zdatnistst of spermatozoa until zaplіdnenya stretching for a few days, vagіtnіst tsіlkom imovirna navit after such a statutory act. A short cycle, ovulation on the eighth-ninth day, spermatozoa vitality - the axis and vagity are observed at the state act at the time of menstruation.

So that the date of the official contact can be remembered absolutely exactly, but it’s not a fact that the date came just the same, and not later.

What can you add to the date of the fall, and at the same time make it easier to spread? Traditionally, it is important that the normal volume is three 40 days. Ale, don’t start it yourself like that - on the right, in the fact that the pregnancy is considered full-term until the 38th day, that and the normal canopies can be recognizable, whether it’s a mitigation of the last term.

One more moment: as the twins are born, so that the vagility is considered rich, then in the most important vipadkiv, the canopies begin a day or two earlier.

Don’t forget about the young mother: for example, mother’s hypertension can use the term “polog” just like bloody diabetes. Whether it be chronic and become healthy, emotionally decayed, then - in terms of gentleness, absolutely everything can get in.

Reasons, yakі zdatnі vplinut on the term sloping, even rich, dodamo sudi and practical impossibility to accurately determine the date of conception - from і to go, that the date of sloping can be guessed or not guessed, and the axis to calculate її even the least bit is reliably practically unrealistic.

Golovnya, to be brought to this mind - the little one will come to this world for a little while, if you will be ready to be merry with the sweaters and the sunsets of the sun, with the snow and the rain, with the sun and with the fun.

However, as it didn’t happen there, it’s possible to deduce a clear date (although it’s more than a little!). It is necessary to say that the doctors-gynecologists should not determine the exact date of the fall, but the shards are still problematic, but the day, if the fall may be.

Ask from M_syatsya

Even more popular is the variant of prorachunkiv, if ten monthly months (280 calendar days) are added to the ear of the last menstruation - this is the rite of passing the last day. There is another option: on the cob of the remaining monthly windings, spend three months and add seven days (Negel's method) and take off the approximate term.

Why are these methods inaccurate? The fact that the menstrual cycle is far from being 28 days old, it can be remarkably short, and decently long, moreover, the menstrual cycle is far from being considered regular - and the axis of the same date of ovulation is unrealistic.

And yet, as a matusya, she absolutely knows her cycle, which, cream of the earth, is permanently stable, even the date of the transfer of the curtains can be developed in one way.

Next designate the day of conception, for which the first day of menstruation, which did not come, choose 14-16 days. As well as the day of conception of pregnancy, then, if you are out of trivality of 10 months of pregnancy, you can designate a sloping day. Ale, everything, after all, is more or less approximate.

Let's break!

You can try it out, if the baby is born, remembering, if the wines are firmly planted in the mother's tummy. The day of the first thief of the fetus is the date shown.

If a young woman chooses to become a mother in the first place, then until the day when the little one turns upside down, she should give twenty days, and if a mother is chosen to be a child, then add another twenty-two years.

On the right, in the fact that the thieving children accept even more subjectively: women, who have already grown up, can see the baby richly earlier, bring up to the eighteenth day of pregnancy, and mother, who didn’t grow up, can confuse the thieves nya child navit with intestinal motility - everything is right individually. The very same is the inaccuracy of the definition of the term “pologiv”.

Consult a consultant

"For the first appearance at the night of the consultation" - this is the name of the offensive method of appointing an hour. The sooner a woman turns to a woman’s consultation with the drive of vaginess, the more precisely will be the introduction of the term vaginost, vidpovidno, the term pologiv. It is important to note that the most accurate forecast can be taken, as the woman turned to the doctor up to twelve years of pregnancy.

In addition, the doctor can determine the terms of vagity, vіdpovіdno, and the date of the slope, depending on some absolutely objective indications: the size of the uterus, the volume of the abdomen, the height of the fundus of the uterus, the length of the fetus and the volume of the head. In chotiri of tyzhnі vagіtnostі the size of the uterus is about the size chicken egg At the top of the month, a goose egg is within reach, and in the 12th month of pregnancy, the uterus is approximately older than the head of the newly born one.

He lives in memory (as the name of the vipinannia of the heart wall) for example, the twentieth day of pregnancy (the end of the fifth obstetric month).

Then the term vagity can be used as a way to expand the upper edge of the uterus.

Ultrasound and terms

Ultrasound follow-up is one of the most important and most important ways to determine if a child is born.

Tsіkavo, or more precisely, the terms of possible slopes can be used for the data of ultrasound follow-up (USD), as it is possible to take up to three obstetric months (12 days). In this term, the development of all develops approximately the same, and the term vagity can be defined after the appearance of a fruiting egg of that yogo internal diameter.

Later, in the second and third trimesters, the exact term of vagity is determined by the data of ultrasound about the head of the fetus, about the diameter of the chest and abdomen of the child. And most of all, trust the voices to cry out, take away after the death of the stake of the head of the cry.

It would have been better if it was closer to one o'clock, then you could more accurately define the term slope. Ale don't know! It is important that in terms of vagity it is easier to have mercy on ultrasound, it is not surprising, even if the skin child develops in its own way, and up to the end of vagity the child is absolutely different: a healthy child can be born and s vago 2.5 kg 4 5 kg. So, it’s not a gift to give an ultrasound of the diagnosis on the cob of vagity, if the clitina has only begun to spread, and the individual characteristics of the little one are not yet pronounced especially clearly.

There is no other method

But still, the young mother didn’t try to figure out the best way to know the best method, with the best we can say only one thing - I don’t know the best way to find the best time.

You can’t say for sure about the terms sloping, but only once, if you’ve got it, you’ve taken it out of the best methods, you don’t supersede one to one, but rather supplement. Although the terms were not predicted exactly, exactly, the curtains all the same will start only once, if the little ones are violating, then it’s more respectful for you to look around for a long time. The 42nd day of pregnancy, and the exact day of the month, you can guess only slightly, and the names of the doctors of the day - the term is very close.

It dawned on me that the young mother is already boasting, and even if the “violations” don’t fix things for an hour, it can cause severe stress.

Ale Kozhna Vagita Zhіnka is guilty of good rosumi, he is definitely a vanity for a seniorly hour, if it was a likar for the results of the be-doslijen, you can call the dates the date of the dates, I RIZNITSY ZAGASTY TIZHNIV (I in one one , i in the other direction). So that a young mother is to believe in herself, to her children, to listen to the child in the middle of herself - she knows for sure if she needs to be born.

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