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Shkіlny day regimen for 7. The correct daily routine of a schoolboy, yogo obґruntuvannya and unskillful dotrimannya. What do you need to know

Viconal work: 8th grade student Sidelnikova Elizaveta Balandina Hanna Kerivnik: teacher of ІЗО, technology, highest qualification category, class ceramist Olena Evgenivna Kuznetsova

Sob buti forever healthy I pragne know the new ones, Sob stress, so take it Get to the regime of the day !!!

Waking up a schoolboy 7.00 Axis and early morning. Required to stretch together, laugh, pozihati. I am more courageous to get up. As soon as the child wakes up, we’ll be asleep, then in the new one we simply won’t be short of an hour, so that we’ll be able to rest, and we’ll go to sleep for a long time.

Charging 7.00-7.20 I'll turn on the alarm clock I'll go to bed For a warm-up: one or two! I want to sleep! Zvernimo respect for the word itself - charging. Navіt yоmіy name vzhe vzhe є sсho tsі vpravі vpravі in the mode of the day for the schoolboy to give you the opportunity to be charged with energy for the whole future day. Charging prepares the body for the upcoming days of a new day, it also makes it easier to switch from sleep to sleeplessness.

Washbasin! Naked torso! Towels lower pile! Hygiene procedures 7.20-7.30 Schoolchildren goiter and brush their teeth for the sake of their health. It has been shown that bacteria from the empty mouth can lead to infection of other organs.

After rank charging Snіdanok you need. Navіt yakscho duzhe easy Vіn you do not hurt? Snidanok 7.30-7.50 Fathers look after children of good grades. Ale, the hungry slut zavazha otrimati їh. The brain for work from the wound needs to be eaten, as if you take it with glucose after eating. Even the child needs to turn on the robot already at the first lesson and it is a great stress for her. With a snіdankom of wines, you will already be a badyor and ready to give advice on whether or not the teacher's food.

The way to school 7.50-8.05 And for a year Vzhik! - on the jacket a belt, I already to the native school Energy march-kidok! The melancholy of walking or why it is necessary to walk pishki Prevention of mental illness. The immune system is activated. Pollshuetsya ventilation leg. Heart beats. There are a lot of thoughts. Possibility to think.

The ear of school to take 8.15 For employment - Everywhere I can reach, To that I have a Suvoriy order of the day! It would be kinder, if a child comes to school at least 10 minutes before the cob to take. Tse help you get ready for the lesson, talk with your classmates.

Shkіlny snіdanok, Yak priєmno. Vіdvolіkaє vіd turbot. І with comrades in order Discuss a sandwich. Shkіlny snіdanok 11.10 – 11.30 For life we ​​need energy, as we take it all together. The skin product has a certain amount of calories, which we will take after the product has been implanted. To this very fact, mood rises in us, practice increases. Especially hot, freshly cooked hedgehog.

You sing decently. I can call you back for the lesson. You can learn a lot of new things and you can understand everything.

The trill of the dzvіnka sound so loudly The axis ended the lesson. Backpacks on the shoulders are called I break home. Anew dihaєmo and gulyaєmo Discuss everything right, Heaped up during the day Way home 13.15 -13.45 Yak and vranci, in the mode of the day for the schoolboy obov'yazkovo may have an hour for a daily walk. You can get the way home from there.

Having eaten sieve at home. You can also vodpochiti. You can and dream a little. You can read a book, you can just lie down and about the dream. Afternoon 13.30-14.00 Day break 14.00 -15.00 After lunch, it is recommended to take a break. A child of 5-6 years old was at work in a sitting position. At the next hour, you will be kinder, as if you were lying down (navit as if you don’t sleep), by the same time, at the same time, you’ll know the adventure from the ridge, as a matter of fact, it’s not only physically, but psychologically

Vіdpochiv, having slept a little. You can virushati on the road. On the busy posture of the school, De me already check there. Rolling games, sections, activities of interest 15.00-16.30 Daytime activity gives the child the opportunity to enjoy the time that suits him. Tse positive emotions, charge of energy. The organism after such a repair of the building will renew the folding of the robot like the completion of a home task.

17.00 -19.00 Budinki - style. homework, Because I have a Suvoriy daily routine! Prepare your lessons all at once. Under the hour of preparation of lessons, do not question. Prepare lessons for the singing mist. After 45-50 mins, take a break for repair for 10-15 mins. Begin the preparation of lessons as soon as possible from important subjects, then move on to subjects of medium complexity, and then finally to lighter subjects. After the meeting of the order, resolutely turn it over, or give advice on the supply before the order.

Supper 19.00 - 20.00 Axis was venerated together with our motherland at the table. We drank tea, talked About the soul, about the family, and good, and simple. Miraculous hour іz psihohіchnogo razvantazhennya look. The child all day long solved her problems on her own and that very hour, the nearest people can please, listen. The Family Supper is that form of intercourse, if the child feels stolen.

The whole world is talking about the greed of the obviousness of the regime. The correct order of the day allows you to competently spread the excitement and formulate biological rhythms. The best way to deposit psychological development ditini.

Rational rozpodіl hour s urakhuvannyam vіdpovchinku rob child more brіbrаnoy and disciplined. Such values ​​are more important in daily life. In addition, it is necessary to allow the transfer of nerves and nerves to disappear, as if they were even better children.

Shkіlne life to make significant changes to the sonorous rhythm. Children, yakі foresaw nursery garden, Easier to adapt. However, they will require the correct regimen. What the heck, setting up the ideal daily routine?

  1. School dismantling. Wherever the school was planted in the booth, it was necessary to get up earlier. The little one can have enough time to calmly pick up and sleep;
  2. Gymnastics Uncomfortable physical rights, for the vikonannya of these, 10 quills are needed, to help the child to improve in a working way and drive away drowsiness. Psychologists make it easier to exercise at once from a child. Badyora and cheerful music together with a well-ventilated room will help the young woman to come to the top form and recharge with energy for the whole day.
  3. Snidanok. The brown snidanok is needed like children, so we will grow up. However, don’t wart the little one, if you don’t want wine. Joke compromises and prepare those that your child is happy with.
  4. Rank walk. Try not to turn going to school into a run. Rank's walk for calm little ones to allow children to save garny mood. At this hour you can catch up with a child and die with fresh winds, that comes out of the house varto from an hour’s reserve until the beginning of lessons.
  5. Pіslyaobіdnіy vіdpochinok. Dosledzhennya to bring up that a lot of children after lessons are tired. Folding with adaptation to the school process is less powerful for this display. After the school varto give the child the opportunity to take care of the reception rights.
  6. Day dream. Miraculously vporatisya zі stuplennyam allow daytime sleep. Like a baby ready to sleep in the day, not varto youmu pereshkojati. A day's sleep with first-graders, on the thought of doctors, may be obov'yazkovoy procedure.
  7. Active games on open air. There is one more way to start following Rozum's work.
  8. A first grader is recommended to get used to eating through the skin. With all the stench one is to blame, sleep less than 10 years in the extraction. Navit an insignificant lack of sleep is negatively signified on the health of that self-confident baby. A child at the age of 6-7 may break to sleep no later than 9 o'clock in the evening.

What may be the order of the day for a schoolboy

Putting together the approximate schedule of the day of the schoolboy, varto vrakhovuvaty hour vіdpochinku, vykonannya zavdan, gri toshcho. For the skin age category, the regimen of the day may be special.

The correct daily routine of a young schoolboy

In the light of a rational hour, a young schoolboy has a lot to lie down. Doctors recommend focusing on the following:

  • 7:00 a.m. – 7:30 a.m. is the best time to wake up;
  • Charging and hygiene procedures - 7:30-7:45. Charging in addition to the malyukovі pіdbadioritsya and nalashtuvatsya on a working rhythm;
  • Snіdanok 7:45-8:00. Snіdanok helps to preserve the high practicality and health of the child. Damage to the timchasovyh intervals between the two is negatively signified on the robotic herbal system, as well as on the baby's appetite;
  • Chatting at the school 8:30 - 12:30. At this hour, the little one is guilty of concentrating on the initial process;
  • Walk on the fresh air 12:30 –13:00. After the school, the child is guilty of relieving Rozum's stress. For whom you want to play in the fresh air. An hour of walking can be scoring;
  • Obid 13:00–13:30;
  • Day nap 14:00–15:30. Recommendations for daily sleep to become a year-pіtori. Pediatricians in the whole world insist on the fact that sleep for a first-grader can be an obligatory point in the day regimen;
  • Games on open air 15:30-16:30. During the day, the child is guilty of spending three years on a fresh wind;
  • Noon 16:30-17:00;
  • Self-employment 17:00–18:00. If so, you can also go to the street with a little one and see the section, as you should;
  • Supper 19:00–19:30;
  • Home bindings 19:30–20:00. A first grader is already miraculously guilty of coping with his own bindings. You can tidy up the wine in the room, tidy up the toys and keep an eye on your home lover;
  • Evening walk 20:00–20:30. Before going to bed, it’s even better to take an evening walk at a calm rhythm;
  • Hygiene procedures 20:30-21:00;
  • Night departure from 21:00.

The ideal daily routine for a senior student

The senior schoolboy has his impersonal hoardings. With this yoma, you need not sleep a day. However, such a child will require renewal of strength after a difficult first day. For whom are recommended walks in the fresh air or in the air sports sections you can watch the wines at the evening hour, or you can take them back to school.

It is necessary to know the hour for preparing household chores. Best robiti lessons until 20:00. After the eighth year of the evening, the practice of people changes dramatically. Preparing for the upcoming school day at this hour is not just a marne, but a schooly busyness, memories and memories nervous system the child is already overwhelmed.

Varto designate that the students of graduation classes spend a lot of time on learning. Tse pov'yazano with vishchi's wishes initial mortgage that serious pretensions. To know the hour on the physical right is practically impossible. Tse main pardon. Vіdsutnіst trenuvan lead to serious health problems. That and the best reason is the change of duty, so try to secure your child, even if you want the least physical effort.

Change the mode of learning from a friend

Organize a literate regimen for a child at a friend's place, change significantly more. Prote dads can try to help their child correctly rozpodiliti hour. Somebody cares that a friend’s appointment will allow the child to sleep better, with whom the hour of night sleep is disturbed. Tse is not correct. The schoolboy is guilty of lying no later than 9 pm, and getting up no later than 7:30 am. Snidanok, that evening's resentment may be taken at the same hour, as at the first change. The main changes in the mode are an hour for preparation before lessons. The best of their robiti from the wound.

Let's introduce a clear daily routine:

  • Pidyom, hygienic procedures, charging, cleaning up the bed - 7:00 - 7:30;
  • Snіdanok 7:30-7:45;
  • Walk on open air 8:00-8:30;
  • Preparation before lessons 8:30 – 10:30;
  • Another snack - 10:45;
  • Vіlny hour and walk - 11:20 - 13:00;
  • Obid 13:00 – 13:30;
  • School lessons 14:00-18:20;
  • Street walk from 18:30-19:10;
  • Supper - 19:30;
  • Free hour - until 20:15;
  • Getting ready for bed and sleep - 20:00-20:30.

For kids on vacation

Holidays - the hour of love, be it a child, even now it’s not necessary to go to school. However, the whole hour of the schoolboy can be organized correctly. It is recommended to watch the hour of sleep for that child's sleeplessness. Plus, before everything else - it’s necessary to spend an hour as much as possible in the best possible way. What is the memory of the war, organizing the regime for the summer?

In the middle of nowhere, the child can sleep enough. Here it is not recommended to enter the main sentry cordons.

In a different way, eating children can be different and balanced. Under the hour of summer holidays, children can gain strength as much as possible. Tim is bigger, everything is for him: fresh vegetables, fruits, berries.

third, health improvement of children is a priority task for fathers. If there is no opportunity to go to the sea, then it would not be bad to spend more than an hour at a place in the fresh air.

Quarterly, Summer is not an hour to interrupt the busyness. There is no way to go about good luck in the whole world. The child can continue to read books, marvel at the light of the broadcasts.

Video: a glimpse of the daily routine of a schoolboy

This video will show you how to properly organize a child's day routine and how important it is for your harmonious growth and development. After revisiting, you will know how to make time for sleep, rest, sleep, eating, and walks, and you can also especially evaluate the order of the day, which is considered ideal for children in different age categories.

What is the exact image?

Respect for children, and so do it gracefully, and in the evening prepare! - Tetyana Sergiivna, teacher of mathematics, argues. - You’ll just get up to the doshka, write down the mind of the day, as if the stench already woke up: one at the window marveled, the other sighed.

Mom of the eightfold Aloshi in tears:
- I’m on the job, I’m constantly turbulent: like wine without me, having learned my lessons, not forgetting to close the door.

It is especially easy to learn the cob classes. They didn’t catch the stink of adapting to new minds, and here, like in a movie, “Bam - a friend of change!” Older boys have their own problems: you don’t want to go to bed early, but you don’t have to get up before seven, otherwise you won’t be able to do your homework. Good, sho SanPiN ( sanitary rules ta normi) to learn from a friend to change the first grades, learn five and graduating classes ...

And why can’t you be familiar with another change, for example, “rozdmukhati” class - to sit in tightness, but not in image? Bagato shkіl so shy. Ale SanPіN and here on guard: the class can be folded no more than nіzh іz 25 osіb.

At Rest of the Rocks She grew up a lot: there were more subjects, the programs became more complicated. Also, schools are being provided with innovative pedagogical technologies. But for learning from a friend, the change of annual innovations was not transferred - although it was brought to light that Rozum's activity in the anniversary year is significantly lower, lower in rankings. Can you help vcheni-physiologists, teachers, psychologists?

Let's get warm?

All the literature, written by them for the fates of the shortage of school jobs, tells the fathers and teachers - the most important. True, as your child is guilty, as more than one of the same kind, to pass the test of another snake, nothing else can be guessed here.

Under the pre-triman regime, mental reflections for a specific hour are vibrated: children fall asleep quickly, easily get up early and do not waste practice all day. More often than not, the fathers should be able to stock up on patience, so that they can teach the son and son to live according to his age: immediately lay down, wake up, do gymnastics at once, sit down, put him down for lessons.

It’s sing-song among your acquaintances, those who get it and practice, and go in for sports, give enough respect to the house, and є tі, who always swear for marriage at a free hour. Think about it: it’s 24 years old for everyone, but some themselves command the hour, and others support you. Talk to the child about it. And even better, chant to you taka gro: let's take a picture of your day, write it down to exactness. For example, walking 40 times, doing mathematics 25 times and so on. Let us help you to make an appointment, an hour has been spent, and to plan tomorrow.

From folding to simple

I didn’t change the holidays for students for a friend. Teachers may give instructions on how to optimize the school layout with the improvement of "physiological functions and practicality of studies". You won't be able to move the admissible ambition. On the cob of that end of the day, objects are not planned, which require intensive rozum work. Natomist in vvtorok і chetverki nebhіdno buti especially zіbranim, sob vyrіshuvat slozhnі zavdannya z physics and mathematics. The layout for the day will be based on the principle "from folding to less folding and more simple". For example, the first lessons are mathematics and physics, and the day ends with biology. The same principle needs to be victorious when victorious at home: start with writing subjects and finish sleeping.

Well, the child is quiet, whoever roams properly, better put it on the pack. The pace can be taken high buti. It is enough for us to teach the first class classes for the lessons of the second-two years for the day. For the fifth-shorth class, the hour is increased to two and a half years, for the fifth - to three. Students of the eighth-eleventh grade can study at home for up to four years for a day. The revisiting of these pokaznikіv shkіdly vіdbіvaієє on zdorov'ї and success. Children begin to suffer from weakness, headaches, and become nervous. Signs of nedosipannya are given, nedolіk fresh air that ruhi. Quite often the child is forced to sit up to the TV screen and marvel at everything. But really, the TV set and the computer after the lessons are less likely to help the distant increase in the volume. Doctors recommend watching TV not more than two or three times a day: young schoolchildren are close to a year old; in the middle and senior school years - close to the second two years.

Obid on the table!

Another change - do not switch to eating chips and hot dogs. As the body does not compensate for the energy losses, the growth and development of the child is under threat. You need to tell a story about those who, before the school, sing a hot dog. Povnotsіnny mode vymagaє sit at the table chotiri-five times a day with intervals of 3.5 - 4 years. The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet of a schoolboy to become rationally 1:1:4 or 1:1:5. In short, two thirds of carbohydrates will be presented in starch (potatoes, cereals, bread), and one third in zucru (including in the warehouse of drinks, fruits and yagid). Do not give children more than 70-75 g of malt per day. Let the basic principle of eating at the same time become diversity, but not supremacy!

As if the father didn’t want to, so that their child would take care of a friend’s change, the stench could turn up to the director of the school. Vin is guilty of helping to know the place in the other school, de training is carried out in one shift.

The optimal order of life for a student

Obviously, the fathers can use their way to try and pardon the optimal daily routine for their children. It is better to trust the competent councilors of the clergy and revise the regime from a scientifically primed table.

Type of borrow/repair Vik
8-9 years 10 years 11-12-13 pm 14-15-16-17 dates
Pidyom 07.00 07.00 07.00 07.00
Gymnastics, shower, tidy up 07.00 - 07.30 07.00 - 07.30 07.00 - 07.30 07.00 - 07.30
Snidanok 07.30 - 07.50 07.30 - 07.50 07.30 - 07.50 07.30 - 07.50
progulyanka 07.50 - 08.20 07.50 - 08.20 07.50 - 08.20 07.50 - 08.20
Cooking booth. manager 08.20 - 10.00 08.20 - 10.30 08.20 - 11.00 08.20 - 11.30
Other close to 11 years old
Free activities, reading, music, foreign language, help around the house 10.00 - 11.30 10.30 - 11.30 11.00 - 11.30 11.30 - 12.00
progulyanka 11.30 - 13.00 11.30 - 13.00 11.30 - 13.00 11.30 - 13.00
Obid 13.00 - 13.30 13.00 - 13.30 13.00 - 13.30 13.00 - 13.30
Road to school 13.30 - 14.00 13.30 - 14.00 13.30 - 14.00 13.30 - 14.00
Busy 14.00 - 18.00 14.00 - 19.00 14.00 - 19.30 14.00 - 20.00
Walking, sports games on the street 18.30 - 19.00 - - For children 13-15 pm 20.30 – 22.00
Supper that vіlnі busy 19.00 - 20.00 19.30 - 20.30 20.00 - 21.00 For children aged 16-17 20.30 – 22.00
Getting ready for bed, washing up 20.00 - 20.30 20.30 - 21.00 21.00 - 21.30 For children 13-15 pm 21.00 – 21.30
For children 15-17 pm 22.00 – 22.30
Dream 20.30 - 07.00 21.00 - 07.00 21.30 - 07.00 For children 13-15 pm 21.30 – 07.00
For children 15-17 pm 22.30 – 07.00

Raisa Genkina

Wimogi before laying out the lessons

With a properly arranged layout of lessons for high school students, the largest number of balls can fall on the second and (or) Wednesday, and for students of the young and middle age - on the second and fourth.

Subjects that have been assigned the most number of balls, in the layout of young schoolchildren can fall into another or third lesson, and for students of the middle and senior years - to another, third and fourth.

The layout is folded incorrectly, as the largest amount of points falls on the first i rest days tizhnya, otherwise the number of days is the same for all the first days.

Dad's notepad

At the request, the head of the press service to the Department of Light of Moscow A.V. Gavriliv.

-At the school, where my son is taught, the work of the funeral is not well organized. I will be able to pass without interruption if I want to regularly give pennies to pay for the services of a private security company. Regardless of the scargs of the fathers, the situation does not change. Moreover, the headmaster of the school is required to submit documents confirming that the private security company has the right to protect the school. What is broken? Where can we turn around for help?

What do fathers need to know? Firstly, at the school in the student's office of obov'yazkovo may hang a copy of the contract for the employment of the services of the private security company. In a different way, each private security company may be included in the list of recommendations by the Department of Light of Moscow. Thirdly, payment can be made only through a bank. If the fathers are not satisfied with the protection work, they don’t know the director’s mind, the stench can go to the district administration of the city’s inspection at the Department of Education.

Need telephones
Department of Lighting of the Moscow Metro 369-7332
District Office of Lighting
Skhidny head district 963-5535
Western Head District 249-0886
Zelenogradsky district 535-7521
Pivnichny head district 456-0732
Pivnichno-Skhidny head district 210-0706
Pivnichno-Zakhidny head district 947-8886
Central Headquarters 951-4167
Pivdenno-Skhidniy Head District 350-0722
Pivdenno-Zakhidny head district 120-3156
Pivdenny Head District 118-1535

Teaching the younger classes, especially the first graders, can easily adapt to the minds of their new school life. Stars and failure, and confrontation with classmates, and careless children go to school / work hard at home. І the main tasks of the fathers, to help the child to get in trouble with the difficulties that are not easy for her. Zіtknuvshis іz ієyu problem, kozhen z batkіv shukaє their way її virіshennya. Ale, when laying down a competent order of the day for teaching the young class from the first day of the school, it would help to solve most of these problems.

Newly needed daily routine for schoolchildren of junior classes

Not varto is put indifferently before the organization of the working day, especially for children, starting from high school years. Dotrimannya sing order to bring order to the fact that the forces of the child are not spent for nothing, they are dosed and divided into vistas for all kinds of activities. With this, the vitality of the body is increased, the strength is restored to a minimum of fatigue.

Folding the right regimen of the day to lie down individual features schoolboy: I will become healthy and the features of that chi in the next century. At the layout, the main elements can be included to the singing blackness:

In the world of that, like a child to reach a good schedule of the day, in a new one, the sound of the child will work all at the song hour, the body will turn on the internal annual and, with good fortune, will see it at the sound.

How to properly fold a schoolboy's daily routine

Rank gymnastics: boost the body, to help recharge the practice. The trivality of charging to lie in the sight of a healthy schoolboy, that chain needs to be broken in an individual order.

Water procedures: include taking the soul after gymnastics, sunbathing dousing with water of contrasting temperatures and early hygiene procedures - washing and brushing your teeth. Before the procedure for hart, it is necessary to discuss the food with the fakhivtsy, do not force it, so that you can get rid of colds.

Doing sports: view of playing sports sections, swimming pool, outdoor games.

Living: it is necessary to organize it in such a way that the child will have a warm and hot lunch, a full offense from hot straits and vitamin salads, a non-peace of supper. Priynyattya їzhi at the same time to ensure the uninterrupted work of the shlunkovo-intestinal tract.

Vikonanny of household chores: It is necessary to plan them, not to see the process for the evening, if the child is already tired, that efficiency will not work. After a small change, about a year after that walk, you can start the lessons with renewed vigor. When you need to work, interrupt for a break for a sprat of quills.

Vikonans at home give the right to take a walk, breathe fresh air. At the game near the yard, you can see less than two years. This is the optimal hour for giving brain repair, switching to another type of activity and inhaling freshly before going to bed. The sleepiness of a young schoolboy may be 9-10 years old. The hour of waking up and going to bed must be set at the same hour, so as to accustom the body to swoon and sleep.

The order of the day for a schoolboy

The order of the day, which includes the main regime moments:

Dії schoolboy Hour
Pidyom 06.30
Gymnastics, water procedures 06.30 — 07.00
Snidanok 07.00 — 07.30
Take that road to school 07.30 — 07.50
School lessons 08.00 -12.00
progulyanka 12.00 -12.30
Obid 12.30 -13.00
progulyanka 13.00 -14.00
Vidpochinok 14.00 -14.30
Vikonannya lessons 14.30 -16.00
progulyanka 16.00 -18.00
Supper that free hour 18.00 -21.00
Waking up to sleep 21.00

Table of the order of the day for a schoolboy of the younger classes

Naturally, the layout needs to be corrected to the point where the schoolchildren of the primary occupations of the Crimea (in the section, groups, and so on), but the obov'yazkovi points are to blame, but the obov'yazkovo is present.

The order of the day of the student at the weekend

If the regime of the day is set in this way, then the wine may be celebrated today, for him there can be no holidays and holy days. Naturally, on Saturday, that week of wine will be spent without arrahuvannya going to school and doing homework. But the main points of turning it off are not recommended. It is allowed to break the hour of the year for one year later, replace the school start-up period with a quick sleepy family visit, and you can replace the year’s day, introduction to the lessons, by going to the cinema with friends. But all other points may be left unchanged.

The order of the day for schoolchildren, as they learn from a friend, change

And the form of learning from a friend is not handy for everyone. However, there is an objective reason, since schools cannot yet act through entanglement. Apparently, the daily routine of schoolchildren, like learning from a friend, will be different. It’s just that all the things, like guessing in the order of the day after the insult, need to be transferred to the Persian half of the day, finishing their trivality: that’s about the 7th anniversary of the wound, gymnastics, showers, snacks, and then a walk, vikonanny of homework, lunch, busy evenings , evening walk that dream. Calling before such a late hour, the schoolboy does not feel the discomfort of the chiefs to take 2 shifts.

Introducing your child to the end of the singing order of the day, it would be better for the fathers to become a butt and take a part in this process. Todi and zvikannya passed shvidshe, and the rating of Batkiv's authority is signifi- cantly increased.

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