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Larger area of ​​the pustle at the surface balls of the ground. The onset of the desert - the planet transforms into a tsukra? Larger area of ​​empty land

Desertification of the planet today is one of the most serious environmental problems. Millions of square kilometers, when the native lands are transformed into wastelands that are unsuitable for life. The main reason for the onset of the pustle is the strong spirit of the people.

The land of ruined landscapes

If you cross the Pyrenean Pivostrіv from going down and flying over the Mediterranean lands, then suddenly - on the islands in the middle of the sea, on the land of Italy, in the mountains and on the archipelagos of Greece - you can after the processes of erosion) of the lands, similar to the deep wounds of the Earth . For a long time the great expanses of Portugal and Spain have become empty, dead land - people's floors are roaring dovkil.

Particularly strong hostilities are lost in view of the desert gir with majestic scours on the reddish-brown earth, which appeared as a result of erosive processes. This is the land of ruined landscapes with dry riverbeds and barren stony deserts, with lichen-covered stones in the area of ​​large rivers. Such a sumptuous picture is presented to us in Italy and Greece. The surrounding green oases here are the result of people's hard work in the struggle for the conservation of natural landscapes.

According to the UN University, on 33 meters of the surface of the Earth, there is an active attack of the pustel. Already after 10 years, more than a third of the planet's population is aware of their own breath. Economists estimate the cost of waste in the process of desertification at 65 billion US dollars.

Erosion of the ground cover

The process of ruining the native lands rose rich hundreds of years ago. More Fіnіkіytsі, Carthaginians and Romans mercilessly and irrationally exploited natural resources, ransacked the foxes and ruined the relatives of the grunts. After that, like a peasant plow, having lifted its height, the earth became overwhelmed with winds and winter storms.

Near the surface of the soil under the soil of microorganism, repeating and step by step, a spherical ball is formed, which is called a humus-accumulative horizon. There are only millions of brown micro-organisms in one birthplace of the native land. One centimeter of nature is needed less than 100 years to make the birth of a zavtovshka ball, and you can spend it literally by stretching rock.

At the process of the earth's oranges, more and more particles of the earth are born into the soil. The number of particles rises, wine flows in streams of water and settles in other places near the majestic kilkos. Significantly, the process of ruining the upper birthing ball of the soil under the wind and water is growing stronger. On the right, in the fact that in the natural environment vivitruvannu that water erosion actively pereskodzha grass cover, which is undermined by the hour of the field. Therefore, if the field is not periodically injected with “steam”, then it is not sown with grass and it is not left to grow for 1-2 rocks, then the process of erosion of the bagatorase will be strengthened. For a long time, the active cultivation of the earth in rich regions, the greater part of the upper soil ball appeared as a snake. It was detrimental to the development of a strong state.

At Rest hour The erosion of soil has become a global problem. In the United States, 44% of the orchards suffer from the process of cultivation. In Russia, chernozems have already appeared more and more, to take back 14-16% of humus from the upper soil. The area of ​​black earth with 11-13% humus in it shrunk to a crawl.

With no less problems, China has stumbled. The river Huanghe will carry about 2 billion tons of soil near the Ocean of Light. Tse to produce not only to a decrease in birth rate and germination; in the wake of soil erosion, piece water channels and reservoirs are stuccoed, and the possibility of growing agricultural soils is reduced. If the parent rock collapses behind the birthing ball, irrevocable changes begin and the anthropogenic pustle is established.

Do not do it better in India on the Shillong Plateau in the Cherrapunji region. Tse naivological place in the world, stretching rock here falls over 12 m of fall. But if the season of wood passes, the mist turns into empty space. For the old rocks of the thoughtless victoriousness, the soil of the ridges of the plateau has become overwhelmed, exposing the barren sands.

Desertification is a global process, which is most developed in the given hour. Vіn lead up to total reduction terrestrial ecosystems. The problem is especially acute in arid subtropical regions, where erosion becomes irrevocable. At the given hour, the desertification of the world has reached 5-7 million hectares per river. Even more than 20 million hectares are consuming productivity through the desert, which is relentless. Shchokhvilin 40 hectares of native land under the onslaught of peeps.

greenhouse effect

No less problems are caused by the increase in temperature due to the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. At the closest possible future, you can bring to the tannennya polar ice that flooding of the great coastal zones. Particularly strong global warming will be seen in the process of coming empty.

Today, irrevocable changes in the climate of our planet have already been announced. 1997 became, for the tribute of the Meteorological Office of Great Britain, the warmest rock in the history of mankind since 1860, as in 1860 they began to conduct global weather alerts. The temperature of the next rock by 0.4 °C exceeded the average temperature of the planet for a few remaining decades.

In the past, there have already been depressions, if through a sharp change in climate in significant territories the high-level civilizations and great powers were undermined. For example, the kingdom of Sabeysk, which arose on the native soils of the early sunset of Arabia for over 1000 years (BC), perished under the squeaks through the empty desert. Yaks were rebuked in the center of the lower Sahara for 6000 years BC. e. The great shepherds became emptier, after that, as the number of falloffs changed from 400 mm to rіk up to 5 mm. On one territory of Russia in the X century, 360 droughts were recorded.

Vikoristannya natural resources

Hocha same silsk stateє the main reason for the devastation, is the reason for the uncontrolled depletion of natural resources, which leads to an increase in the area of ​​the desert. Tse zabrudnennya dovkilla, Changes in the gas warehouse of the atmosphere for the fluctuations of industrial wikis, acid deposits, the resolution of photochemical fogs (smog), damage to the ozone ball, environmental disasters after great accidents, the destruction of the species warehouse of biocenoses and others.

Unfortunately, natural biocoenoses tend to tend and quickly fall into ruinous processes, and the axis of their renewal processes can be delayed by long-term fates. In addition, in order to restore or replace the elements of the biosphere, which are vibuli, one needs to stain a part of the reserves of ecosystems, adjacent to the poshkodzhenimi areas. Tim himself, with a poshkodzhenoyu or ruminated ecosystem, negatively injects into the ecosystem of the suddnіh dіlyanok. One of the yaskravih butts of such an infusion is the current empty place. However, the most unfriendly influx of hope on nature and the most uninterrupted influx of people on the flora and fauna under the hour of their master's activity.

For example, the barbarian exploitation of the Amazon river valley has led to the fact that already 20% of the trees there are cut down. Aje same tsi lіsi play a great role in the development of sourness, yakim mi dihaemo. The short space of the green jungle has brought to this day a desert near this region, and even more falls near the Amazon valley fell to the very forests. As a result, the short-lived areas of the jungle sleepy radiation is stronger in the bare surface of the earth, which will lead to a direct change in the circulation of repeated flows and weather patterns. Zreshtoy, tse accept the dry climate.

In such a rank, be it anthropogenic, the people on nature turn into majestic negative consequences. It became clear that in the future it would be necessary to strictly define the scale of this influx, and there, where it is necessary to actively conduct visits, directing to the restoration of ruined ecosystems. The great African desert Sahara to serve us as a dream about those on which you can transform, be it a kindred earth. In times of uncontrolled continuation of the process, we are charged with great economic spending, short-term wages of the strong population, as well as the increase in prices, famine and increased mortality.

Deserts and deserts occupy at least 22-23% of the land area, that is. at least 31.5 million sq. km. Zgіdno with deakim estimates, the area of ​​the desert and napіvpustel overwhelm a third of the earth's surface. As a result of the environmentally illiterate state of the area, the empty space on the planet is steadily increasing, hoarding in the average 50-70 yew. sq. km of productive land (UN Conference on Desertification..., 1978). Only in the last quarter of the XX century. z'appeared over 9 million square meters. km of desert and another 30 million sq. km is under the threat of desertification (over 15% of the planet's population lives on these territories).

In general the territory appears as aridna (zasuїііоaya) in that fall, as if the vaporization of the waters from it outweighs the number of fallouts, which fall (deposition).Іsnuyut different options arid biot - tropical and post-tropical deserts, deserted steppes, dry savannahs. The skin of them is characterized by a specific number of falloffs, spiving of dry and wet seasons, and a thin biomass.

Of the main climatic and environmental factors that affect people in the arid zone of tropical latitudes, we should first name High temperatures. In the deserts, the average summer temperature in the shade exceeds 25 °C. Through a small darkness and a high place, the visibility is even more great insolation: the total amount of sony radiation in the deserts of Pivnichnaya Africa reaches 200-220 kcal/sq. div, which is 2.5 times higher, lower in the middle smooth.

In a physiological condition, the problem of adaptation to an arid climate is aggravated by the heme, which at temperatures more than +33 ° C, the heat transfer through the skin (convection) is sharply reduced and is practically safe only for the heat of steaming. The life of a human body under an hour when the body temperature rises above 44 ° C is impossible (the upper legal temperature).

Morphological adaptation to reduced heat output in representatives of desert and desert populations is ensured either for the rahunok of the global gracilization (change in body growth, as in the Bushmen of the Kalahari), or for the rahunok of the day high growth and small vaga (Tuareg Sahari, gurkan and pivdnya Skhidno-African dry savannah). Obidva options lead to an increase in the area of ​​the body (thermal output) to m'yazovoi masi(heat production), tobto. allow to reduce the risk of overheating.

Additional temperature differences the deserts have more sutti. Although the average temperature in the tropical desert is less than 8 °C higher, lower in the tropical forest, the difference between day and night temperatures in the desert is higher, lower in the forest forest. In the region of Gurkana (Keniya, napivpustelna savana), the average pre-ranking temperature is +24 °С for the average daytime +37 °С. At the pre-wedding hour, the temperature again in the Middle Asian deserts drops to 18-23 ° C, and in the Kalahari and deserts of Australia, the temperatures are even lower.

Seasonal temperature differences insignificant in tropical deserts, but even greater in foreign ones (Karakumi, Kizilkumi, Gobi). Winter in the Gobi lasts for about six months, without weather, with frosts down to -40 °C. The absolute maximums of the summer daytime temperature reach +50 ° С in the shade. For the steppes of the world's climate, it is also typical for the dry season of the summer and the cold winter. In this rank, up to the splash of factors arid zone in foreign regions, the ecological pressure of factors of the continental climate is added.

Characteristic for pustles dryness later lead to a swedish znevodnennya to the body. The average water content in the deserts becomes close to 30% (in the tropical wood fox it is 80-100%). Having poured into the body of a dry wind, it is strengthened by the constant winds. With this desert wind often rises with significant temperature rises again, and this leads to not only to supplementary waste of water, but also to overheating of the body (vidomy viraz - “wind near the desert does not bring coolness”).

Environmental facts

I know only those who know nothing.

Energy, as it is stained on two, try searching for information on Google, enough to boil water in a kettle.

– In this hour, one single innocent poll from Google costs our planet 0.2 grams of carbon dioxide, which is found in the atmosphere. Few? And how do you lie, why are the servants of Google's search system scammed over a pivmillard of people?

12% of the surface of the Earth has the status of a reserve.

For a leather new car, it is necessary to see 0.07 hectares of land for road and parking.

- At the forefront of the fishing fleet, which makes less than 1% of the light fishing fleet of the world, 50% of the light fishing fleet falls.

For the remaining 30 years, the growth of ribeye in China grew six times.

63% of all agricultural lands of the planet are shillnі to erozії.

Shoroku Zagalna area Kestel expands to 27 million hectares. Through the whole, we spend 25 billion tons of native soil on a large scale. The area of ​​​​land, as it becomes largely unsuitable for agricultural production, dominating all the wheat fields of Australia, we will take at once.

Mostly people save the products of the biosphere of the Earth on the equivalent sum of 33 trillion dollars (for the exchange rate of 1997). This figure exceeded the gross domestic product of 1997 by 1.8 times.

Approximately 28 years of methane emissions associated with human activity are seen by bacteria that metabolize methane duct-intestinal tract great horned thinness, sheep, kіz and other thinness.

At 1800 r. only 3% of the world's population lived near the city. In 2008, the proportion of the population of the city's inhabitants was 50% of the total population. By 2030, 60% of all people on Earth will live near places.

Ninі the population of the Earth to become 6.8 billion. Today the number of earthlings grows by 218,030 people. According to the predictions made until 2040, 9 billion people already live on the Earth. The most populous countries are China (1.33 million people), India (1.16 million people), USA (306 million people), Indonesia (230 million people), Brazil (191 million people). ib).

Only 10% of the earth's surface is more low for 48 years, the way to the nearest great place. The most distant piece of the Earth is Tibet.

33 million kilowatts/year of electricity is used to overcome spam, which is accompanied by the release of about 17 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere (like three million cars). Such an amount of electricity that is being used is sufficient for electricity supply of 2.4 million houses.

In this day and age, information technology is already causing 2% CO2 to reach the Earth's atmosphere, having outweighed the carbon dioxide in all aircraft galleys. Be aware that by 2020 we will have 20% of CO2 emissions on the Internet.

In the middle 9% of the population of the fresh water, the people have lost their minds. Tsya figure is changing in different corners of our planet. So, in Pivnіchnіchniy Ameritsі z water objects 8.4% of fresh water, in Asia - 18.5%, Europe - 6.4%, Latin America- 2%, Africans - 5.6%.

1664 cubic meters of fresh water on the stained glass river average resident Pivnіchnoy America. In another place, Asia follows Asia for water supply, here the average bag on the stained-glass river is 644 cubic meters of fresh water. The average light supply of water supply is 626 cubic meters of fresh water per person on the river.

1000 liters of water are required to grow a kilogram of wheat.

15,000 liters of water are required to take one kilogram of yalovichi. The average resident of the United States and Europe for the help of living in stained glass meat is 5,000 liters of water per day. At that hour, for drinking and hygienic needs, stained glass "less" 100 - 250 liters of water per day.

2400 liters of water go to the production of one single hamburger. The main stats of vitrati water when preparing a hamburger are the cultivation of wheat and the number of great horned thinness.

70-80% of everything that is saved by people in the fresh water is spent in a strong state. Extremely ineffective victorious drive in the countryside garden of the taman to all the lands of the world. 30% of the water that wins in the rural state can be saved by painting only one irrigation system.

The energy saving of the global Internet network grows by 10% per river.

Behind the words of the famous Harvard biologist Wilson, a scout from the Earth knows about 30,000 species of living organisms. Before the end of this century, the Earth will spend close to half of its present bioresource.

The human race is less than 200,000 years old, but in the course of an hour we were able to change the image of the planet. Regardless of our strife, we have penetrated all spheres of the basis of living organisms and captured the majestic territories.

For the remaining 60 years, the population of the Earth has increased, and more than two billion people have moved to the city. More than a million people populate the population of places in the whole world.

The skin of a human being in the world is alive with those who are not safe and who are unfriendly to healthy minds.

For the production of 1 kg of potatoes, the consumption of 100 liters of water, 1 kg of rice - 4000 liters of water, 1 kg of yalovichi - 13000 liters of water.

Today, the strong state of the state is growing more and more products, less people need. More than 50% of the grain, which is sold in the whole world, is used as fodder for thinness, or it is harvested for the production of biological fuel.

80% of all natural wealth, which are found, is sustained by 20% of the planet's population. Moreover, most of the resources are found in the lands, while even less, exactly half of the impossible ones in the whole world live in the resource-rich lands of the world.

Even before the end of this century, the irrational development of genera will be brought to the point where practically all the reserves of brown copalins of the planet will be exhausted.

Since 1950, international trade has increased 20 times. 90% of the trade turnover is generated by the sea route. Nearly 500 million containers are transported by sea.

Our way of development is not without securing the reach of the delivered goal. For 50 years, the prirva between the wealthy and the bіdnimi grew more, if only. Today, half of the planet's wealth is in the hands of 2% of the population. 1 billion people in the world are suffering from hunger.

Since the middle of the last century, fish catches have increased five times from 18 to 100 million metric tons of ribey per river. Thousands of fishing trawlers empty the oceans. 3/4 (75%) of the financial resources are used up under the threat of an accident. Most of the great ribs arose forever, the shards of regular forks did not deprive them of the chances of having offspring. For the current pace of change of minds of life, all populations of fish are changing under the threat of an outbreak. Tim is not less, fish, like before, to enter the main diet of the fifth human on the planet.

500 million people live near deserts, more for all the population of European lands at once. 5,000 people are dying today through the infiltration of fermented drinking water. 1 billion people cannot access drink water, safe for sanitary standards

Through the parkan of river waters for the purpose of irrigating all over the planet, ten large rivers no longer fall into the sea, stretching for many months on the river.

The riven water in the Dead Sea, to the diluted flow of the Jordan River, which climbs for more irrigation, falls 1 meter wide.

Until 2025, the fate of bad luck can suffer close to two billion people.

Wetlands make up 6% of the surface of the planet. The stench is the natural filter of the planet. For the rest of the century, half of the pain of the planet was drained.

Primary foxes are the habitat of 3/4 biological species of the planet. For 40 years, the area of ​​tropical Amazonian forests decreased by 20%.

A short distance from the Earth knows 13 million hectares of forest.

The skin is the fourth species of savtsiv, the skin is the eighth species of birds, and the skin is the third species of amphibians under threat of infestation. In this hour, you see living organisms die 1000 times faster for natural tempi.

The tovshchina of the polar cap has changed by 40% in 40 years. For the most optimistic roses until the summer of 2030, the hat may appear again. Behind the most pessimistic roses, you'll see for the sprat of rock.

The average temperature for the remaining 15 years has reached its highest point.

The concentration of carbon dioxide for the remaining hundreds of thousands of years has not been as high as it is now.

Until 2050, a quarter of all species of living organisms will be under the threat of life.

Lord of Greenland avenge 20% of the planet's fresh water. As soon as the stink is broken, then the sea rhubarb will increase by about 7 meters.

Due to global warming, the light ocean in the XX century has risen by 20 centimeters.

70% of the planet's population lives on the coastal plains. 11 of the 15 largest places in the world are not on the coastline, but in the deltas of the rivers.

30% of the planet's coral reefs have died.

80% of ice floes in the African mountains of Kilimanjaro have emerged. The same share of checks in the Himalayas. From the Himalayas take the cob of all the largest rivers of Asia, on the banks of which hundreds of millions of people linger.

Until 2050, the number of climate change workers may reach 200 million.

The amount of carbon dioxide "frozen" in the ice floes becomes 1.5 billion, which is twice as much for the amount of carbon dioxide that escapes in the Earth's atmosphere.

Arctic ice has become thinner by 70 centimeters in 5 years.

In 2002, the total amount of carbon dioxide emitted by the robot of all data centers on the planet was estimated at 76 million tons. Be aware that by 2020 the rock will have a lot of money.

5 tons of cosmetic products (creams of zasmagi, for skins, lipstick, shadows) are widely seen near the ocean of light. female organism take 2.5 kg of cosmetics per river.

Nearly 125 million practical telephones are found around the world on the site, as they simply slandered their masters.

Over 90% of the total river water intake of the region is used for the purpose of agricultural fields in Central Asia.

Until 2050, river flow in the Amu Dar'ya will decrease by 10-15%, and in the Sirdar'i by 6-10%.

Over the 20th century, the area of ​​ice floes in Tajikistan decreased by 20-30%, and in Afghanistan - by 50-70%.

The frequency of natural disasters on the planet in the period from 2000 to 2006 increased by 187% in line with the previous decades.

For the remaining 5 years, the temperature again near Tibet rose by 1.5 degrees. For the rest of 20 years, the mass of ice workers in Tibet has changed by 8%.

Until 2030, the number of population in the world will increase by one third and become 8 billion people. The increase in the number of population has led to an increase in food consumption by 50%, water by 30%, and energy by 50%.

The area of ​​the Earth is 148,940,000 km 2 , x 18,617,500 km 2 (12.5%) is inhabited by people.

For the remaining 110 years, Russia had 11 winters, if the average temperature exceeded 2 degrees, and 9 of them - for the remaining 30 years.

Bacteria grow into 2 to 5 kg of your body!

Undertaking, de firing a thousand people, spending close to 500 thousand euros on the river.

Handicraft type of gold bottle with 30% light mercury fermentation.

Zabrudnennya underground waters carry a potential threat of contamination of 97% of the available reserves fresh waters planets.

As a result of wandering around in the host (various allergens, bacteria, drank, toxic exposure to plastics, smoked cigarettes thinly), close to a billion people are constantly suffering in the world.

Virobnitstvo metal є dzherelom 6% usієї emіsії carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of our planet.

Radioactive exits and a species of uranium є zherelom nadhodzhennya in dovkіll millionion liters of highly unsafe exits.

Uncleaned Stichni vodi give a strong boost to the health of 2600000000 people.

The zabrudnennya in the midst of the middle of the Earth's place is the cause of the death of 865,000 people on the river.

85% of 8 million tons of lead are heavily reliant on natural environment, thrived in accumulators and batteries, which served their century.

Inhaling the zabrudnenogo povitrya Kahir during the day is equal to smoking 20 cigarettes a day.

Contaminated water is the cause of the death of the Earth 14,000 people a day.

60% of hospitable respiratory diseases are associated with unfriendly environmental officials of Dovkil. The stench is the cause of the death of two million children on the river.

In the course of the rest of the investigation, it was established that 40% of deaths in the whole world are due to stray wind, drive that soil.

Today, two million tons of human inputs perebuvayut at natural water objects.

Virobnitstvo plastics shoroku zrostaє by 9%.

For a short time 260 million tons of plastic bins will end their century at the Light Ocean. All the plastic smіttya wines in the oceans with rivers, strings and sea whistles from the land.

Snows on Kilimanjaro will appear until 2033.

Behind the tribute of Rosspozhivnaglyadu, 28% of the population of Russia vikoristovu s drinking method "zhorstku" water.

Blakitny tuna until 2012, the rock can be pinned as a look.

As a result, the permafrost of the Russian area is rapidly shrinking by 30 square kilometers.

Zgіdno zdopovіddu UN at the conference zі zmіni climate change in Copenhagen until 2050 the acidity of the waters of the Holy Ocean will increase by 150%, which will cause irreversible changes in marine ecosystems.

Can you show that the Sahara Desert in Pivnichniy Africa occupies 9.4 million square kilometers? The same way, even the Sahara is the most empty place in the world.

Why is Sahara Kestel better?

  • Sahara occupies 30% of the entire African continent;
  • Sahara is the most special and hot place in the world with summer temperatures, which often exceed 57 ° C;
  • At the Sahara, there is a wide range of evil and darker squealing storms that lift the sand for 1 kilometer at the height and move the dunes. In the same turn;
  • The Sahara has a completely flat plateau called Tassilig-Adjer. Axis about something new to go to the book AllatRa by Anastasia Novikh:

    « So, such kind of “stone books” are applied on rocky rocks, on the skin of a football field, everyone knows and today. For example, rock paintings (petroglyphs) on the White Sea (metro Zalavruga, Republic of Karelia, Russia), or the Swedish Nemforsen (near the province of Ongermanland) and Tanuma (near Bohuslen), or in front of the mountains of the central Alps of the Val Camonica valley (Italy), or write African Bushmen near the Dragon Mountains, or the little ones of the Tassilin-Adjer plateau near the Sahara are too thin.

In the rest of the hour, the Sahari roamed, who were changing. Aje sche in on the cob XXI the centenary of the area became troch more than 7 million square kilometers. Fahіvtsі vivchali and analyzed historical records, selected for all Africa, as well as climate models for the rest of 100 years. Zavdyaki tsim іstorichnym danim, doslidniki dіyshlі vysnovka, scho for the period from 1920 to 2013, the soda of the Sahara area increased by at least 10%. Why did the Sahara get so big? Students from the University of Maryland admitted that one of the factors could be related to the changing climate. Vchenim was far away to prostrate the links between the short-lived and falling bridles of the Sahara cordon and the deserted ecosystem of pastures near Nigeria, Chad and Sudan. The result is further demonstrating that the number of falls near the Sahara has changed to a third. It gave rise to the fact that the change in fall provoked the growth of the square empty. Also, during the analysis of seasonal fallouts, it was revealed that the number of summer boards was sharply shortened, at a glance during the fallouts at the first hour of the other seasons. Vrahovyuchi, that the near-cordon areas are empty of timchas, expanding, emerging from seasonal fallouts, at the summer hour, the cordon is empty of the Sahara by 16 hundred more. We are in front of the improved area of ​​the Sahara suffering. Chad is facing a climate crisis that is going through.

Vcheni mean that, if you don’t live through the annual visits, the Sahara deserted area continues to grow. Adje growth of the Sahari building is radically pushed into wildlife and people who live in її cordons. The moons, the hedgehogs grow, become all dry, and the dryness can lead to the new death of the famine.

"It is only the preparation and the day of the people of the world in front of the natural environment, which threatens, gives people great chances to survive and sleep in difficult times in the era, due to the global change of the planet's climate", - .

Why are climate changes expected? How can you prepare for them?

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