Darkness in life - what does it mean for people.
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Black smuga in life.



Everything goes wrong, nothing comes of it, they desperately don’t waste the chance to ask for you in the least possible way.

You are in constant trouble and there is nothing to calm you down in your life.

And when you are completely unsure, a ray of light will appear again and carry you to a happy white light.

And, I guess, the third option is a person who is completely responsible for her life and for all the events that occur in it.

Such a person has no one, no one, and no one to blame for anything.

Be positive and believe in your success.

If you are careful, you can sometimes see an old woman on the street who is smiling and satisfied with life.

Yaka, regardless of his late retirement, manages to dress decently without splurging on anything, and still manages to help his children and grandchildren.

So, it seems like we've already separated.

The more positive and rewarding you are in life and in the lives that are around you, the more accepting gifts life will give you.

But in reality, not everything is as simple as it was described above.

And a few more laws that ensure the continuation of our life.

If you have to spend a difficult time working on yourself, you can learn to transfer the steps in the future.

This time, as many people sense that troubles are approaching, they begin to work hard to improve the current situation.

And it simply rearranges the black smudges, constantly resting on the crest of the pine tree.

We call such people lucky in life.

But in truth, there is nothing more than a skill that can burn a person’s skin.

Although the lucky ones themselves most often behave correctly and obviously do not know why in their lives everything works out in the best way for them.

Start caring for your lives today.

Feel the signs that are approaching.

Focus on the positive and don’t feel too bad about your life.

And then you will henceforth be able to live the way you want and will henceforth be responsible for everything that happens in your life.

I love you, my dear readers!

Have you ever had this happen when you just give up? You finally sorted out one problem, and saw little things.».

But they didn’t manage to get past the first inconvenience, as another one appears, and after it comes.

You go home feeling embarrassed and curse this crazy sustrich: having said that everything went wrong through her.

Watch yourself in front of the TV and immediately express your respect for learning new things.

It says that your boss is screwed, and the company is cool - it’s just a one-time company.

I especially don’t believe in share, but still, sometimes it happens unwisely and there is no way to lead to even greater harm.

I think everyone has a story like this, when a misfortune that happened in the past, a dozen hours later became the cause of a distant death.

If you can’t get along smoothly, you want to pursue any plans or “do not allow”, then it’s better to get confused than to try to stop them.

Perhaps, if you cross the road, the signs will light up, warning us of trouble.

And if you are, then you will always be ahead of the curve, never mind failure.

I would hate to see a change in the situation.

If you can, you can spend an hour in nature.

This will help you move on, so that you can marvel at the problems in a new way.

It’s important that you don’t over-emphasize that once you recognize a problem situation, you can find a way out of it.

It is good, since it is possible to turn towards close friends and relatives.

Just in case the stench of the building instills in you a sense of calm and serenity.

And the axis about the Skigliev company will definitely be a good idea for this period!

Find out if it’s dark and dark – it’s time to encourage yourself.

According to the world of possibilities - you need to guess what to play today, raise your spirits right away.

Let it be chocolate or shopping, reading your favorite book or more expensive. Golovne - recharge yourself with positivity. Ritual for help

Try to master the magic and think about it, let’s talk about the transfer of responsibility for further development of the mystical force.

The most effective thing would be to independently know the way out of the situation. Believing people benefit from a visit to church. And I recommend it. Sometimes we force ourselves into limits, we cannot get to the point through untrusted power or coercion. And while the first of them may be the answer to the decisions of the past, and the share gives a chance to gain some satisfaction through testing for drastic changes in the future, then on the other, no one knows a clear type of nutrition.

With the dark smog in life, problems are attracted, mutely by a magnet, one after another, gradually transforming into a great “snow bag”.

Pessimism, such as depression, comes after them, ruins the people, their life.

Smartly coping with difficulties is not given to everyone, but it is still possible to develop self-control, self-control at important times and not get ruined.

« How can I stand up to the bad guys? Unfortunately, as things become hopeless, you can’t give up, you need to look at all sides in detail and you’ll definitely find a loophole that will open the way to the end of the dark misfortunes, add spiritual strength and instill faith in your soul. It's coming soon. A better change is just around the corner. Everything flows, everything changes

", - once said one ancient Greek philosopher, and the phrase "

Everything will pass, everything will pass
“And this truth is confirmed by life. Behind the black tawny, the white will appear, demanding only to push someone down, and not to take a vigilant position. Trials that bear fruit are given for good reason, so the person on whose part the stench falls must go through them and, having a quick chance, get back from them, knowing a good life has been prepared, a great internal haircut, radically changing with view and moral warehouse.

Life is always a struggle and motivation is required for it to be effective.

Thinking ahead about our family, people rush forward, paving the way to prosperity.
Everything in life changes, so you need to take into account people’s problems and be responsible, show respect no less for your problems.

Having previously been with reliable, trusted friends, the fear of today and the future is reduced to a minimum, should any dangers appear within the power and pass them with a proudly raised head and tomorrow. And this is how Volodymyr Dovgan

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If you know this person, you may have sensed how many ups and downs there were in her.

So who else can tell you I’ll be glad to get out of the crisis? Oleksiy Pruslin specially for the site With the vikoristan material, the obov'yazkovo is more active in sending it to the dzherelo.

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It doesn’t happen so that life will be happy forever.

Blacks are worn out by everyone.

The main thing in such a situation is not to give up.

Black Smuga - the price of low failure, health problems, separation, financial losses.

All problems tend to converge at one point.

For some, dark skin will be more important to getting sick, and for others, it will be a low priority for work. It is important that you accept failures, and there is a long list of factors that could be used to judge the beginning of an unpleasant period in life.

Some people impose negative thoughts on themselves through other misfortunes, but some people don’t respect the dark shadow of separation from their fellow human beings. Everything is in your head - no more, no less.

Bioenergy scientists have identified the broadest causes of problems Vapidity.

To be honest, everything can be a mess. Most successful people can agree on one problem, and then another, and another.

Cause people to become errant because of God's punishment or karma, but don't do it like that again.

If your soul is pure, then you should accept problems in life as a disorder, as there is no other explanation for it.

Karma. Karmic problems affect all people.

The stench can be haunting, something you cannot know, melodiously, what was calling you in past lives. The stinks have already disappeared, the stinks are already with you, so concentrate on eliminating them as clearly as possible.

You don’t have much time to think about the reasons - you need to expend energy on the right speech. You'll figure out the reasons later when everything comes together.

Don't think that you are like that.

There are times when everyone suffers, and everyone experiences bad periods in life.


Today we have a wealth of spiritual practices, even though the most important situations are given to us for a reason.

From the very beginning there will be a small signal - a sign to someone who needs to increase their respect in this area of ​​life.

If we ignored the advances and did not change the situation, a strong signal follows, then an even stronger one, then another, and then a disaster.

It’s like that little stone that, if it gets stuck in the fire, could cause a terrible collapse.

If things aren’t going well, don’t rush to get angry, think about what signal life is giving you to change everything better.

Since you still can’t find a job, perhaps you need to get into business or realize your talents? Our thoughts attract everything that resonates with them.

For example, the selection was wrong.

It's bad if you rush to work.

It’s really bad if you rush to work, when the boss checks on you at the same time as even important clients.

It’s pathetic, because before everything else, your tights tore, and just today you forgot your hamman, and you can’t buy new tights - just like shoes.

At that moment, when the selection fails, you begin to think about the legacy that you can leave behind this idea. And you set yourself up for negativity in advance, and as a result, you look bad at the meeting, behave unduly, the contract is lost, the boss of dissatisfaction.

Then all those things that you were afraid of in your terrible fantasies come to light, because you yourself picked up an insignificant effect from the black color, concentrated on something new, and thereby, in the dark, fed your negative energy.

In this manner, you yourself make your choice and move into black and white.

Once you learn to block negative thoughts, and even better, to translate them into a positive direction, then you will become much less likely to waste yourself to the point of darkness.

Therefore, the best way out of the dark dark lies in immediately switching to white.

When you feel that you are starting to get stuck in a quagmire, tell yourself: “I am transported to a parallel world, where there are more positive aspects in my life (you can overthink them and recognize them).”

Practice affirmations more often and become familiar with their repetition.

Guess these positive phrases for different life situations.

This method gives us the opportunity to put negative thoughts into our minds and allows us to be on the bright side of life. Physical activity.

If a person has already lost their moral and physical strength in the dark darkness, it is important to analyze it.

The best way to deal with this situation is to force yourself to work in a way that is physically simpler, or something that doesn’t require a lot of thought.

You can do everything you want in advance.

For starters, perhaps, just tidying up the apartment and clearing out all the rubble that has been left behind. Before speaking, this action will help clear your home of negative energy.

You can also engage in sports.

The real problem lies in the fact that the “happiness hormone” is vibrating, which helps us think positively, which will greatly help overcome discomfort, and good physical form leads to improved mental health.

From this point of view, it is very useful to engage in dancing, which allows you to clear your mind of negative thoughts.

Enthusiasm will appear in an hour, and from the very beginning you will have to hustle for yourself in order to work, thereby dragging yourself through the quagmire of inconveniences. Creativity.

Creativity comes from negative thoughts and situations.

Not obov'yazkovo timidity in reality.

Good, I hope you do this work out of forgiveness from your soul.

You may find that give the crook a symbolic gift and thank him for teaching you to be a generous person. It is possible that the forgiveness procedure will have to be completed many times over the course of many days, so that you can properly notice that your soul has become angry due to negative influence.

As it happens, your life will have a place for happy spells and bright darks.


The method lies in the fact that, as soon as you notice any tension in the inadequacy, you immediately begin to behave in such a way that everything will go miraculously, and pay the same share for the price.

For example, you fell ill. Cream of the main treat, direct all your thoughts to clothing.

Repeat the words of the Lord for those who are healthy.

For example: “I thank you for the fact that I feel miraculously alive and well.” The position of your spirit in the role of a overcomer, the ruler of your life will inspire you to create miracles.

They start to notice you differently, they start to mark you, and just luck itself starts to take its toll on you. Having known you from the people you need, your energy will vibrate in another bitterness, scattering failures like the gloomy wind.

We deal with failure joyfully. This lotion is so good.

The sense is in the fact that the idea evokes negative emotions in you - sustrity (convert yourself, play with yourself) with a positive emotion, joy. I know that at first it’s important, unimportant and illogical, but it’s worth the skin in the game.

Just as you can handle misfortunes happily and with a smile, then any inconveniences will flow out of you with horror.

Fuck it all...

Who has noticed such a thing: you worry, you worry, you don’t sleep at night - nothing gets better all the time, but in your heart you just come to terms with it, spit on everything and send it to where you went and that’s it - it turns out on its own in the worst way di.

Spit on everything and work as required

  • Bad luck is contagious, just like luck.

This has been achieved for a long time, so try to avoid the odds and turn around at the stakes of the lucky ones.

  • Be especially careful in selecting your sleep buds at the hour of the night - this will result in greater energy exchange one at a time.

We will not be surprised by the channels and programs that often show garni and rich everyday life, happy families and about happy people.

  • Improve yourself, make friends and be friends with people whom we call lucky and you will definitely become the same lucky person as you are.

Kohannya is not an egoistic thirst for Volodin, especially not.

  • Kohannya is the treasure of vibrational energy.

Love is not a joke or a desire, it is full of value and self-sufficiency, it can turn hell into a blossoming paradise.

  • Love is the God who loves, regardless of anything.

God forgives us not through our faults, but because God forgives us (of love).

  • The closest thing to energy to a true farm is the mother's farm.

The more love you have in your life, the brighter, more beautiful and more equal your life is.

  • Like attracts like.
  • Negative thoughts and emotions attract negative situations, which, in turn, give rise to new negative emotions - this is similar to a closed loop and cannot be interrupted - this is how life can continue.

And as a result, happy emotions bring in good spirits.

  • The vysnovok will ask itself.

Our changing thoughts, emotions and transformations change over the course of our lives

Filter your skin emotions and thoughts, choose only positive and correct ones from them, cultivate them in yourself.

Almost a crime triggers the mechanism of punishment.

Why is it so important to confess? Take your blessings as important life lessons, as any lesson you need to learn and understand the sense of what you have experienced.

  1. As soon as you have satisfied your mercy, you have turned the situation around, you have learned your lesson, and after that, you can develop the strength for yourself and others.
  2. Aggression to the point of alienation.
  3. Everyone on the stream is disappointed with their emotions.
  4. One accumulates negative energy, which spills over onto others (attacks, insults, etc.), and others simply turn away from such an attitude.
  5. As a result, all the negativity turns back to the damaged individual.
  6. An image for the whole world.

People with chronic bad luck call themselves tired, and it’s even easier to console themselves, call outsiders and settle for bad luck.

Unknownness is beautiful to mark.

The lucky ones will drink for the sake of skin friction.

The stench is placed until success, as before the acquisition of life's blessings (pennies, an apartment, etc.). People try to live in harmony with themselves and at ease, to appreciate the nice weather, a friendly conversation, a cup of cava. Yangola complex.

Failure is the result of chronic sarcasm and carelessness.

If a person is afraid to put power in this area, he will automatically give himself the right to vote in making any decision. Living by the principle of “chernetka” (as a carbon copy).

  • Trying to copy other people's lives won't help me find a source of food if the blackness in my life ends.
  • There are often people who copy the behavior of the stars.

After this, there is a trace of the situation in the center of the room with flattened eyes. You can feel how the skin of the body relaxes. Find out that there are different color flights from 8 directions to you


For example, from the evening - a blue hole of luck, from today - a red hole of luck. bud. Everything will be exchanged where people stand.

You need to enjoy such a moment.

The described visualization needs to be carried out several times a month so that luck is lost from the person. In order to get rid of the black smog from life and get rid of the unacceptability, you can turn to the priest.

  • We recommend completing fasting and reading prayers in the evening for 7 days.
  • After this, it is necessary to come to the temple for the evening service and give alms to the needy.

At the hour of the service, make your confession and take the blessing for communion.

As soon as possible, go to the wound service and take communion.
Mindset for positive changes:
Trying and failing to achieve a special development, robbing people with strength and vitriol.
It is important to remember that self-confidence and strength, kindness and optimism are important “recipes” for changing life for the better.