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How the gut and intestines rejoice. Treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract) in households. Features of traditional medicine for diseases of the scutum and intestines

Viraca schluca and duodenum

Zvichaina cherry. 2 teaspoons of cherry roots per bottle of water, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes, leave for 1 year, strain. Take 1/3 bottle 20-30 times before meals 3-4 times a day.

Contraindications: fresh cherry fruits and their derivatives are contraindicated in case of infection of the scutum and duodenum, aggravated by erosive gastritis.

Virazka shlunku

Banana. Take 1 banana every day.

Contraindications: It’s safe to eat a banana, then drink more water. Contraindications for diabetics.

Eggs. Beat 1 chicken egg white from 1 tbsp until smooth. l. sugar powder that 1 tbsp. l. olive oil. Drink 1 tbsp. l. to the hedgehog. The amount lasts for 4 days, so save the excess in the refrigerator. It almost feels like it’s getting better after just two servings. You can drink 1 white protein 2:00 before consumption.

When the hour comes, the pain will attack You can help yourself in this popular way using the shlunka expression:

Grind the butter, cocoa, honey and top butter into smooth parts, then take 1 tbsp. l. skin 3 years, 0.5 – 1 year before eating.

Recipes can be successfully completed in case of inversion of the shluk based on cabbage juice. You can drink it on your own or in courses with potato juice.

Kefir and oliya rejoice in the herb. A bottle of fresh kefir needs to be filled with 1 tbsp. l. olii. Drink 3 times a day for three months.

in the evening pour 3-4 tbsp. l. raw buckwheat with dill (10 tbsp.) in a thermos, and save it for snack. The treatment course depends on the severity of the process and lasts for 7 to 40 days.

Superficial gastritis

Cabbage juice It is a wonderful way to treat antral superficial gastritis, which is characterized by decreased secretion of the scutum. Next, take a bottle of juice from the cabbage leaves and then warm it up. Place half a bottle in front of the hedgehog for 2 days a day. Take it as soon as possible for your hedgehog, so that it starts to rise.

Overcome the problem middle superficial gastritis,You can drink fresh potato juice. You just drink it a few times a day, twenty minutes before the end of the bottle. In this way, you will not only suffer from gastritis, but also indulge in the stove. However, for the treatment of antral superficial gastritis, such liquids are not suitable for use, as the smell reduces acidity.

To carry out superficial gastritis treatment Now take one teaspoon of dried burdock and add 500 ml of water. The water is boiling, but not very hot. The victim is obliged to serve for 12 years, after which he will be processed and drunk today. Bazhano Priimati Tse medicinal zasib according to pivsklyanka immediately after izhi, then 3-4 times a day. Of course, the meal is not relishable, but it can be tolerated.

Chronic gastritis

Peppermint leaves – 40g, St. John's wort herb – 30g, motherwort herb – 20g, valerian herb – 20g, herb leaves – 10g. Pour 1 l. sprinkling, sipping the sumish, pouring it like tea. Take care when sick scilicointestinal tract, today three times one bottle after going.

parts ozhiny sizoyu (korinya), 2 parts linden (kvitki), 3 parts kulbaba medicinal (root), 3 parts great plantain (leaves), 2 parts hops (cones). Pour 1 liter of dill, three spoons (distant) of the mixture. Lie down like tea. Take this place with the rest of the day. For gastritis low acidity at shlunku, viconati 6 receptions.

Gastritis due to increased acidity

Volosky peas. Pick up today at 7-10 volosk gorikhiv.

Gastritis due to low acidity

Black currant. Drink a third bottle of juice 5 times a day 20-25 minutes before meals. May I have a relaxing day

Contraindications: not possible for hepatitis, hyperacid gastritis, infection of the scutum and duodenum with high acidity, thrombophlebitis.

Atrophic gastritis

It is necessary to take 4 parts of chamomile and black elderberry extracts, 3 parts of herb each pepper mint and lemongrass, and 2 parts each of fennel fruit and linden blossom. Give all the details and pour 0.2 liter of sprinkling into a tablespoon of sumisha. It is necessary to boil for 10 minutes under a closed lid on the lowest heat. After this, it is necessary for the mixture to sit for another two years, and then strain. It is necessary to consume 1/3 of a bottle per year after three per day.

Atrophic gastritis (moving acids) Atrophic gastritis (low acidity)
Nasinna flax. When Varina Holy shit mucus is created, which is a miraculous way to inflame the mucous membrane of the scutum and protects it from the action of scutum acid, which simply burns. You need to boil a tablespoon of it today for five minutes, and then let it sit for two years. Processed mucus should be taken a tablespoon in front of the hedgehog 3-4 times a day.

It is necessary to take 0.5 bottles
potato juice
in front of the hedgehog. It also miraculously relieves pain when the secretory function of the scutum is increased.

Have cabbage juice Add vitamin U, which will lubricate the congested mucous membrane of the mucous membrane. You should take a glass of cabbage juice about 60 minutes before eating. This recipe is not suitable for acute gastritis or acute chronic gastritis.

Parsley. You need to take parsley root and chop it up. In a glass of dill, you need to soak three tablespoons of the root overnight. Take a tablespoon of this in front of the hedgehog for about thirty minutes.

Reduced acidity

Gorobina zvichaina. Autumn bathing - for heather, take 1 teaspoon of berry juice 3 times a day, 20-30 minutes before eating.

Pain in the shlunku

Chamomile is pharmaceutical. Fill the jar with fresh flowers, pour Oliya, leave for 40 days in the sun in a tightly sealed container, then leave in a boiling water bath for 1 year, drain. Take 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day.

Contraindications: for schizophrenia, mental disorders, poor menstruation, gestation.

Cramping pain in the abdomen

Kulbaba likarska. Pour 1 tablespoon of dried root and leaves into 2 flasks (400 ml) of cold boiled water, leave for 10-12 years (preferably cooked overnight). Drink 50 ml (¼ bottle) 4-6 times before eating. This is very bad for a sick liver, for allergies, and can also cause weakness and diarrhea.

For manifestations of hypotonic dyskinesia, allergic dermatitis.

Colonic polypi

(Good creations that appear on the walls of organs and grow from them.)

Meadowsweet Pour 1 tablespoon of the herb into 0.5 liters of dill, let it simmer for 2-3 minutes, leave for 2 years, strain. Take a glass of sweat 4-5 times a day before going and between your skin. Course – 2 months.

Contraindications: you cannot use it for a long time if you have hypotension. Contraindications for colitis due to severe constipation.

Spasm for the walker

Scarlet tree like. Mix 100g each of lard, top butter|mastila|, honey and cocoa powder, add|add| 15 ml aloe juice. It's all good to laugh. Take 1 tablespoon of sumisha 2 times a day, mixed in a glass of hot milk, after going to bed at night (even in bed) for 1-1.5 months. You should save it in the refrigerator.

Contraindicated: for gostrich ignition sicknesses CT, pelvic organs, with uterine bleeding, light menstruation, with severe cardiac-vascular illnesses.

Inflammation of the large intestine

Kavun. Trim the dried cavona peels, pour 5 tablespoons into 2 bottles of dill, cover with a lid and leave until cool, strain, take 0.5 bottles 4 times a day.

Contraindications: overdosing with additives and pesticides for smooth ripening and dry preservation, which is even more dangerous. Contraindications for ringing and carrying.

Kishkov rings

Angelica medicinal. Powder the root and take 0.5 g 3 times a day before eating, with water.

For thrombosis, after a heart attack.

Pancreatitis (pidgostritis)

Cyprus vuzkolisty (Ivan-tea). Pour 3 tablespoons of dry chopped leaves into 300 ml of dill, infuse for 10 minutes and take 50 ml of warm infusion before and after.

Oats. Add 1 bottle of beef with minced meat, pour 5 bottles of water, cook after boiling 10 khvilins, leave for 1:00. Drink 1/4 bottle per day to 3-4 times a day. Before the hour of bathing, it is absolutely necessary to ensure the smoothness in the hedgehogs, turn off all alcoholic beverages and kava.


Peppermint. Mix 3 teaspoons of mash and 1 teaspoon of chopped kulbab root, pour a bottle of water and boil over low heat for 5-7 quilins, infuse for 30 quilins, strain. Drink half a bottle 3-4 times until you reach at least 5 drinks. Take 10 days and wash for 2 more days.

With a decrease in the secretion of shlank juice, a low pressure.

Cracks in the anus

Quince dovgasta. Use poultices with ivy pulp or juice more often and more often - this is one of the most effective ways to give your baby clothes.

Burkun Likarsky. Pour 1 tablespoon of herbs into 300 ml of dill, leave for 2:00. Drink a warm glass of water 3 times a day.


add two parts of wood, St. John's wort, chamomile flowers and a part of celandine. Use a meat grinder or a cauliflower grinder to extract the herbal mixture. Then take one spoonful of the ground butter and pour it into a thermos. Pour in half a glass of hot water. Removal of the infusion must be continued throughout the night. Drink a third - a quarter before eating. The treatment course may run until the second month.

Mix two parts of golden centaury, chicory with part of torment leaf, and St. John's wort. Having added at this time to the extracted sumisha four parts of the dimyanka. Complete everything with one part of the popsicle fruit. Then take it out, grind it well into meat grinder or cavomilk. From the separated mass, take two spoons (distant) and pour into a thermos and pour 1/2 liter of hot water. The date of this war will last all night. Drink a third or a quarter of the bottle before eating. The feast may last until the second month.


Regular practice oat jelly will help normalize bowel movements, intestinal tone, change flatulence, and relieve abdominal pain. You need 2.5 liters of boiled water, cooled to a temperature of 40-50 degrees, pour into three liter jar, add 150 ml of kefir and 500 gr. oat plastic, cover with a cloth or a lid, leave in a warm place for 2 days. It is necessary to wait for the appearance of bulbs and rozsharuvannya sumisha (signs of wandering). Sumish strain through a colander. Any sediment that accumulates in the dustbin should be washed with running water. The volume of water should be no more than 1.5 liters. Remove the liquid and let it sit for 20 years, after which it can be divided into 2 balls. The bottom ball that we wanted to remove must be poured into a clean jar and placed in the refrigerator. From the extracted concentrate we prepare oat jelly: 10 tablespoons of oat jelly, 2 bottles of cold water. Bring to a boil, cook to desired volume and consistency. After which you can add salt, vershkova, olive, linseed or Greek oil. And lies with bread.

Regular, dosed doses result in an increased flow of blood to the intestines, an increase in its tone, which is a miraculous prevention of this illness and promotes further progress. The most important in this regard are foot running (40 steps per day), race walking (60 steps per day).


Treating the diarrhea in case of acute enterocolitis with St. John's wort or rhizomes of snakeweed or perstache. Add up to 800 ml of a mixture of these herbs (dispensing 5 g of water per bottle of water) and sip with a stretch of water. As soon as through repetitions or two, the fruits of the tree are grown, which clearly show their antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory power - the fruits of the weed and the root of the burnet. If Kali is wary of a crooked house, then they add blood-spinning plants - dithorn, trees, and mushrooms.

Dissolve one hundred grams of honey into a liter of apple juice (freshly prepared). Take 200 ml three times a day before meals for a month and a half. This course is recommended to be carried out several times over time (every 2-3 months).

carrot juice
It is good for the intestines, helps with transit, drink it directly in a third bottle (for children - in a tablespoon) in the morning and in the evenings.


Treat the colitis with a brew of pomegranate picks. To prepare the broth, you need to take a tablespoon of dry or two tablespoons of fresh pomegranate peels, pour one bottle of dill and boil on a low flame for 30 minutes. Cool the liquid, strain and take 2 tablespoons two times a day. The drug is particularly effective for the treatment of allergic colitis.

Take a tablespoon of dry fruits wild cherry, brew dill in a bottle and cook on a small fire for 5 minutes. Let the brew sit in a warm place for 2 years, then strain and take 1/4 bottle 3-4 times a day for diarrhea, gastritis, colitis or dysentery.

Intestinal obstruction

Nasinna Lyon, with which the stench is not to blame for being old, it hurts no more than fate. It is necessary to take two tablespoons of this mixture, then tan it with gauze or other similar fabric. Then you need to boil one liter of water and put a small bag of linseed oil in it. Therefore, it is necessary to cool the room to room temperature and spread it evenly on the sick place, and there they must lie all night. In case of intestinal obstruction, treatment should be done daily, at least two days a week, otherwise the result will be insignificant.

It is necessary to take a kilogram Buryakiv peel them from the skins. Then boil five liters of water in a large saucepan and throw in the beetroot. Let’s pour out the 45 hvilins, and then fill in the її, so that it stays for three years. Then, when the water is cold, strain it and add 150 g of zucchini and a teaspoon of yeast. Pour off the sumish for more. Nastiy, which, having settled down, can be taken on the beetroots without restriction - drink as much as you can.


Kvasolya(these are dried pods) with an effective sechoginic method, which practically does not cause any side effects on the body. To prepare the broth, you can take 2 tablespoons of dried pods, place them in a saucepan, pour in 2000 ml of dill and place on water bath. Boil for 20 minutes, cool and strain. Take half a bottle (100 ml) 3 days a day. To enhance the effect, you can prepare sumisha from an equal amount of dried pods of kvass and corn kernels, which need to be boiled and taken just like that.

Korisny with ascites may experience congestion watermelon, How to cook porridge or bake it in the oven with a small amount of zucchini and cinnamon


Underground part kulbabi Cut finely and pour 2 tsp into a bottle. Fill the bottle with water and leave overnight. Process the infusion and consume 50 ml. skin 6 years

tbsp daisies brew 1 tbsp. The sprinkling is placed on a small fire for 5 khvilins. Allow to cool and steep for 4 years, then process. Take 2 tbsp. skin 6 years

Another remedy for flatulence is tsukor. For a little bit refined tsukru Apply a sprinkling of anise or crop oil, and dissolve the zuccor in the mouth.

Lock it up

Aloe It has miraculous cleansing powers and removes harmful bacteria from the intestines without interfering with bark flora. Honey
– This finest natural antibacterial product helps relieve many illnesses. This can especially relieve constipation due to vaginosis.

To treat constipation, take 150 g of the fleshy part of the aloe leaf without thorns, pour in 300 g of heated honey, add to the mixture. Rozіvіv on the floor, process and take 1 tablespoon of the infusion, one year before consumption.

Buryak This is a miraculous effect of cleansing the intestines, and in folk medicine it prevents constipation forever. Don’t harm anyone and don’t get lazy - turn them on more often before you eat. When you treat constipation with vomiting with an enema, it not only treats the intestines, but also increases the level of hemoglobin and improves the blood supply. Organic acids, which are located in beets, cleanse the gut and intestines, meat and liquid.

To cleanse the intestines, take 50 ml of beet juice 3 times a day. Cleansing course – 3 years.

At folk remedy for constipation prunes Vikorist is described as a miraculous cleansing and transporting product. Regular living eliminates excess poisoning and regulates the exchange of speech. Prunes can be eaten in urchin just like that, or cooked from it in broth, compote, jam - in any case, they will reveal bark and will gradually improve the functioning of the intestines.


You need two tablespoons of the herb under the name St. John's wort fill one bottle with dill. Then cover with a lid and heat in a water bath for 30 minutes. After the 15th century, let stand and process. Drink in the third part of the bottle 3 days a day 30 minutes before drinking. It helps a lot because this is how superficial duodenitis is treated.

You need to take three tablespoons of plantain juice and mix with one teaspoon of honey. If you have erosive duodenitis, take one tablespoon three times a day.


kviti kulbabi
a quantity that will fit in a three-liter jar, as well as 1.5 kg of cucumber. Kulbabi with cucrum are placed in balls in a jar, after which it is necessary to cook until the sweet syrup is reduced. It must be taken in one teaspoon, first diluting half the bottle with water at room temperature. You can receive it every day with a stretch of three hours, and finish it at once with a stretch of dobi.


Relieve paraproctitis and sickness symptoms and get help bath with shower.
A sitz bath will allow the pus to drain and the heat to escape. Pour five liters of boiled water into a basin. Dissolve one tablespoon of sea or kitchen salt in a glass of warm water. Add one tablespoon of soda. Strain the mixture thoroughly through a ball of gauze and pour into a bowl of water. Take a bath at a sedentary position around ten o'clock every day. One course consists of 15 procedures.

After the bath, you can insert a candle or freeze the ointment prescribed by the doctor.

Microclyster with calendula. Dip fresh calendula flowers with dill into 50 g of calendula in ½ bottle of water. Repeat for two years. Inject the infusion into the rectum overnight. This microclyster is effective in the acute stage of paraproctitis.

An important point in the treatment of proctological illnesses is the prevention of constipation. In case of paraproctitis, it is necessary to normalize the stylus so that postoperative wounds and complications can be eliminated without delay.


One of the popular ways of cleaning a stove involves pouring some baking soda into a bottle of warm water. Danish punishments must be drunk at the moment when the baking after the hedgehog has begun.

Another popular way of cleaning the stove is sіk kartopli, which should be drunk at least once a day in half a bottle.

At strong oven How can you brew a drink made from wine (1 bottle), burner (1 bottle) and buckwheat root (1 teaspoon).


Vivannya juice sauerkraut 3-4 here a day.

Another simple recipe treatment for cholecystitis foundations on chamomile flowers: 15 grams of water is poured into a bottle of dill, and vikorist infusion is used for enemas, which need to be performed 2-3 times a day.

Brew 4-5 tablespoons of young hairy peas with dill (one bottle), add some salt. Drink it thoroughly, strain. Vipity, churyuchi with the windy stretch of the day.

We heat it with milk and take 10 chaskas for an hour, after 2 years the vipity will pass.

Finely chop the cibul, fill the bowl halfway, pour over the top. 10 d_b apply. Adults take one to two spoons 2 times before meals. For children: add cibulin, leave dill in a glass for 12 years, then strain. Drink 70 g for 3 days.


A herbal medicinal mixture that has anti-inflammatory and cleansing power, will help reduce dysbacteriosis in a short period of time.

Ingredients: corn lotions - 2 tablespoons, plantain - 1 tablespoon, calendula - half a tablespoon. Having mixed the sprouts, boil them with a sprinkling of dill and simmer for two years under a closed lid. Take the collected traces of liquid throughout the day 20 minutes before skin treatment.

Hangings are like cellulose in their purest form. It is important to note about the miraculous power of cellulose, which acts on the intestines, like a broom, sweeping waste from its walls, deposits that have accumulated. Therefore, the incorporation of cellulose into the urchin greatly improves the functioning of the intestines.

By taking 1 tablespoon at a time, you will naturally, systematically cleanse the intestines.

If you have symptoms of dysbacteriosis, you can prepare an offensive mixture at home by mixing 0.5 liters of water with 1 tbsp. cucumber 1 tbsp. honey, add two grams of yeast. Welcome to the warm place of the New Year. At this time, during the fermentation process, bacteria are created that are important for the intestinal microflora. By drinking a year before the morning, you can populate the intestines with bark bacteria and, thus, cause dysbacteriosis.


Duje garni recipe At times the symptoms of appendicitis are due. Kvitucha white stable must be filled with 1/4 liter of dill. Make 15 hvilins. At this present time in the stables of the old man, you need to drink 3 bottles this day. The infusion will always be fresh.

This is the recipe traditional medicine Zdatny change bile, scho vinik for appendicitis. Mix raspberry leaves, sunflower leaves and tree grass in equal proportions. 4 tablespoons of this mixture must be poured into 3 bottles (0.75 liters) of dill and boiled for about 5 minutes. You need to drink this infusion by the spoonful throughout the day.

Treatment of appendicitis with cold. If there is severe pain in the abdomen, in the right lower part, and there is suspicion of appendicitis, it is necessary to place the patient on a bed or bed. Fill a heating pad with cold water or ice and place it at the location of the person’s pain. Cold will help reduce the severity of the pain until a specialist arrives.

These recommendations and recipes will help relieve pain associated with appendicitis. It is also necessary to remember that going to the doctor is simply necessary, since there are apparently clinical complications when one is sick.

Kharchove otruєnya

The clay was white as an antidote. Next, stir a teaspoon of clay in a bottle of water and let the sick person drink it. This tissue envelops the walls of the vulva and the process of expansion is carried out in the body. Also suitable for treating depression in children.

Washing the mucus is carried out at home through drinking water and vomiting. This method feasting on grub carried out whenever people are at Svidomosti. Next, rinse the tired person with lightly salted water - adding two tablespoons per five liters of water. The sick person is forced to drink a year of sickness, after which he will vomit. It is more likely to cut off the mucus, not allowing it to be absorbed into the intestines. At the same time, wash the intestines with an enema and warm boiled water.

Kharchove otruєnya mushrooms. Tannin
Vikorist is known as an astringent substance that enhances absorption into the body. Brew yogurt in the proportion of 2 tsp. for 1 tbsp. drive Take a dose of 15 drops of antidote to the skin.

Moreover, astringent substances are also used for the intestines. And he has been afraid of using enemas and irritation for 1 year. tannin per 250 ml of water.

Ingredients: 5 tbsp. grass horsetail, horsetail grass, meadow leaves and kvitiv. Oak bark - 2 tbsp. Brew dill in 1 liter add 3 tbsp. collection Reception - according to the squeak, up to seven times per serving.

Hanging in the medicine cabinet chicory, you can vikorystuvati yogo as an antitoxin. The only drawback is that preparation with the infusion takes many years, which can play a great role in withdrawal. Therefore, it is better to use chicory if important help has already been given and illnesses feel better. In case of grub sickness in children, chicory bathing is indicated in school.

Cooking chicory when peeled. Brew 1 tbsp. chicory powder in 1 bottle of dill. Let this sit in a thermos for a few years. After this infusion is divided into 4 parts and the skin of each part is absorbed a day before eating.

For Zupinka vomiting

Lemon should be given, because when the stomach is empty, people who are sick still feel vomiting. This happens when you are deprived of alcohol. Lemon bathing can be done in a variety of ways - you can brew meatballs kava and add lemon to it, or give a sick person a slice of lemon. There is no need to eat lemon - it is enough for the lemon juice to be absorbed into the body. Since there is no lemon and no citric acid, this may be an alternative.

Our current statistics:

Effective treatment SHKT

In truth, as Michel de Montaigne wrote, "z Expensiveness is a cost, and even more so, for the sake of what is effective, not only not to waste time, strength, money and all sorts of benefits, but to sacrifice for the sake of a new part of life itself, the remains of life without anything become unbearable and dejected.» .

Of course, it hurts, the shards of health are like wind, you don’t notice it, but it’s impossible to live without it.
It's a pity, The rest of the time In our country, and in the rest of the world, there is a tendency to become ill as the incidence of illness increases. How to respect in the past, the reasons for which are improper nutrition, constant stress, visibility environmental problems and high instead of skimpy speeches in the middle of nowhere.
The herbal system performs very important functions in our body. Without it, life would be impossible, and even during the process of processing and restoring other people, energy is consumed, both for work and for work. And the gut and intestines are the main organs of etching, the fragments themselves from their activity are associated with the cob and end stages of the processing of hedgehogs, so it is important that the gut-intestinal tract is healthy and does not let us down in the best way NOW moment.

Effective ways to treat diseases of the scolio-intestinal tract.

This article is devoted to a description of the most widespread diseases of the vulva and intestines. You learn about the signs of trouble in the herbal tract, as well as about the ways of healing that are used in home minds. It is extremely difficult to do without medications, or herbal infusions, medicinal plants, clay, honey and gymnastics serve as effective additions to the therapy prescribed by the doctor. This article also provides recommendations for dietary nutrition, which is necessary not only for the treatment of bowel diseases, but also for their prevention.

The herbal system is very sensitive: it reacts to various changes in the external world and the internal environment of the body. Regardless of the fact that the book is given to popular science, a lot of respect in it is given to practical recommendations aimed at updating and improving the bowel and intestines.
Ailments of the bowel, duodenum and intestines
V By the remaining rocks the number of cases of illness of the pouch and duodenum has grown up not only in Russia, but throughout the world). Nowadays, it’s difficult to know just one person who would avoid problems with the herbal tract. It’s not surprising when you look at the regime of the average city dweller. In order not to be late for work, you need to get up earlier, but most of us need to lie down for a few more curls in a quiet bed, instead of getting up and preparing a normal snack. As a result, we snack on a sandwich on the go, or in the afternoon we share a cup of cava. However, it has long been known that the wounding method of hedgehogs is the main one for poisoning during the day. You can’t miss that one thing.
It’s good, when during the day at work you find yourself wanting the opportunity to have a snack. Call about a full-time meal, but you can’t but move it. Midday is also usually skipped, although doctors and nutritionists believe that it is important not only for small children, but also for adults. Naturally, in the evening, when we get home, we immediately rush to the refrigerator and eat, although we know that it’s too cheap to eat. Even the body must go to bed not in the wake of the evening meal, but on an empty boat. At the end of dinner you need at least 2 years before bedtime. It is not important for the hedgehog to eat anything, it is best to eat an apple, low-fat yogurt, kefir or vegetable salad on olive oil.
In addition, Swedish food establishments were still widespread everywhere. You can eat inexpensively and quickly. Of course, such a hedgehog cannot be called a full-fledged hedgehog. All these hamburgers, buns, greased pies, lokshina ta soupi Swedish preparation the greatest harm to our body (our gut and intestines). Anyone who has spent a long time “sitting” on such a food, immediately notes that they have problems with poisoning, pain in the abdomen, swelling, heaviness in the hypochondria, swelling, constipation, and swelling. I'm flattered. Then the introduction of doctors, low-cost procedures and unfamiliar diagnoses begins.
That's why proper food This guarantees my health and longevity. The daily diet of a person has a lot of components needed by it. Our food industry has begun to enrich its products with essential ingredients: microelements and vitamins. But there is still one thing missing in them - cellulose. Today's inhabitants live on few fresh vegetables, berries and fruits, which are rich in cellulose, so necessary for the body. On the surface of the growing fibers, loose particles settle, which come from unnecessary products and are dissolved in the body during the metabolic process. Cellulose contributes to the normal digestion and functioning of the intestines, and therefore activates peristalsis.
Stress also inevitably flows into the etching system. We are always in a hurry, getting nervous and fighting. As a result, chronic stress develops, which many current scientists believe is responsible for such illnesses as headaches, migraines and arterial tension. It has been proven that people who carry minimal productivity at work suffer from persistent or intermittent stressful situations. This picture gradually flows around the sickly body.
The activity of the herbal system, like a mirror, reflects our current situation. Because people are happy with their lives, they have a lot of problems, and the poisoning system works like a god, unfailingly for the whole organism. If the situation develops into a negative situation, then malfunctions in the bowel and intestines occur. As a stressful situation does not pass, the discord from short-term transitions to permanent damage, which will require extreme respect and painful bathing.
The main symptoms of scholus disease
U medical practice The most common problem is that of patients who suffer from diseases of the bowel and intestines, and abdominal pain. It is important to know that it is not only due to diseases of the herbal system. This is a universal reaction to the body of destruction in the new. It appears that pain in the abdomen intensifies with various illnesses. In connection with this, it is necessary to know exactly the nature of the different types of pain in order to correctly make a diagnosis. It’s amazing that if this kind of feeling in the stomach can be avoided in case of severe brain damage or heart attack.
In case of illness, the schluka vomits even more often. Most discomfort is observed in the upper parts of the abdomen and in the epigastric region. Doctors call the place of localization of shunt pain on the epigastrium, this term has long been used in medicine. When the vulva is sick, its character can be varied, the smell can be very intense or even weak. Slightly painful symptoms may cause patients to suffer due to decreased secretion of schistobacillary fluid. Sometimes the smell does not resemble pain, but rather manifests itself as a feeling of discomfort and heaviness below the sternum. The stench begins to linger in an unidentified localization, people cannot pinpoint where it hurts. The stench can arise at any time and is not at all related to it. Often the pain is accompanied by a decrease or a permanent loss of appetite, causing the place to become rotten and dry.

If the destruction of the scutum juice is even more active (in case of scutum infection or gastritis with increased secretory activity), a completely different picture emerges. The pain in the underside is so intense that a person spends an hour lying down or applying a heating pad to his stomach. It is important to know that when the vulva is swollen, you may experience pain and pain (this is a symptom of a “pointing finger”), which never happens with severe gastritis. Call the patient and you can clearly explain the pain immediately. It has been noted that the boat begins to get sick most often within an hour of every hour after it. In addition, so-called hunger pains may occur, which most often occur at night when the boat is empty. When the patient throws up and goes to the kitchen to sit down or drink warm milk, this will help to absorb the pain.
With diseases of the small intestine, pain in the abdomen is also a common sign. As a rule, it is localized around the navel and the middle sections of the abdomen. The pain does not seem to be sharp, cutting or prickly. The stench always bursts forth or is dull and is associated with the accumulation of intestinal gases. Such pain is most often provoked by the use of any kind of food, which the patient cannot tolerate and as a result, the patient develops complete disorder. The stench disappears 2-3 years after the hedgehog, once it has already entered the intestines and has begun to be poisoned. Such pain is often accompanied by bloating, flatulence and transfusions in the lower abdomen.
If your colon is inflamed, for example, with chronic colitis, you may also suffer from illness. The pain is localized in the lower abdomen or lower abdomen (most often in the stomach). If inflammation develops in the transverse colon, unpleasant symptoms may occur in the area and in the upper sections. This is due to difficulty with mobility due to pain due to congestion of the small intestine and scutum.

In case of chronic colitis, the pain is spasmodic, also called intestinal colic. The person immediately feels a tight knot in her stomach, which sometimes twists (leading to intense pain), and sometimes relaxes. Such an attack can be accompanied by boredom, or even vomiting. Colic can be provoked by eating hedgehogs, which activate gas production: beans, cabbage, milk and black bread. Patients who suffer from chronic colitis are well aware of the effects of these products and are advised not to take them. The condition of a patient with an intestinal ring will be relieved by passing gases or emptying, taking antispasmodic medicines that relax the intestinal wall, or stopping the warm stove. Tenesmus, which is accompanied by pain, is associated with defecation, which may or may not result in the passage of feces, also similar to intestinal colic. Cause pain to occur in the lower abdominal and perineal areas. This area becomes narrower in case of varicose colon syndrome and intestinal infections.
With hemorrhoids, the patient may also experience turbulent pain
Apparently, although the stench is the main sign. The stench is associated with the main symptoms of illness with the development of inflammation of the rectum, the appearance of cracks or thrombosis of hemorrhoids. In this case, it is precisely related to the act of defecation, it begins within an hour and lasts for several hours. With a fissure in the anus, the pain is so strong, baking and cutting that sometimes the patient is uncomfortable after leaving the bed. For these reasons of illness, it is necessary to forcibly remove stool, which leads to permanent constipation, and this only worsens the situation. The pain spreads deeper - in the rectum, in the back and in the area.

The stove is the liver behind the sternum along the path.
For example, when people supply power to something that was in the oven, and then to cluck, why not, they can happily work on something that was never in it. Remnants like this are unacceptable, almost impossible to forget, having tried it at least once.
So, just like vitriol, baking occurs with the weakness of the succulent pulp, but it does not manifest itself on the aphid due to even high scutaneous secretion. Sulfuric acid instead can be poured into the stove at different heights, so the ovens can be treated differently. Often the liver is located behind the sternum, and sometimes the sour liquid is thrown into the mouth. People who suffer from liver disease are immediately tempted to stop this condition. This is what happens with virulent pancreatic disease or gastritis.
The vidrizhka has an even wider sign
Infection of the scolio-intestinal tract can also occur in healthy people, for example, after drinking carbonated drinks, radishes or radishes. The wind can be blamed for the so-called aerophagia, if people constantly shackle a large number of hedgehogs. This is a powerful state for people with a fine nervous system, neurotic and sensitive, who want to suffer for an hour just because they like to talk over dinner, but most often the reasons are the most neurogenic.
A sick person may have a sore throat or a sour taste. It is similar to the problem of insufficient function of the stravohodny pulp, which strengthens the stravohod from the shunt. Such a plant can be independent, but most often it will suffer from chronic ailments of the shank. Vidryzhka sour, start talking about the supra-world secretion of shlank juice.

Make sure that the liquid is in contact with the mouthpiece and then with the mouthpiece. It also often occurs when there are illnesses of large herbaceous vines, such as the sublingual bud and liver, causing cholecystitis. The fragments may soon be consumed, which means it can also be considered a symptom of a swollen sac.
Nudota and vomiting
Stinks are constant companions of bowel-intestinal illnesses. In this way, the body signals about problems and tries to get rid of unpleasant sensations. Most often, we begin to blame ourselves for illnesses of the shank.
With gastritis with reduced scutaneous secretion, patients most often experience a feeling of discomfort and vomiting. Such a condition will be painful, it will depend on the nature of the hedgehog, but will become stronger after its adoption. If you get sick, you will have to eat as little as possible to lose a lot of weight. Boredom is especially common in these patients who, in addition to gastritis, may also be ill grass tract(Cholecystitis or chronic pancreatitis).
Vomiting occurs more often in those patients who have increased secretion of the scutum juice or varicose veins. This problem is often due to the fact that excess acid irritates the mucous membrane, and the mucous membrane, in its turn, is supposed to be relieved instead of natural waste - for additional vomiting.
With a viral illness, there is a vomiting of urchin with a sour smell, especially often at the height of pain. Often patients specifically call out to her. The fragments in which the acidic hole comes out, and the attack is stopped, the patient feels better. Slide vrahovuvat, scho tedium and vomiting can

mother's place for intestinal diseases. However, there are not enough signs. The stench indicates a long-term illness or an unpleasant flow. So, there is no need for vomiting when there is virulence, but vomiting is always possible.
Shlunkova dyspepsia
Scholastic dyspepsia is characterized by heaviness in the stomach (especially after eating), an unpleasant taste in the mouth, decreased appetite, boredom and nausea (most often in the stomach), grumbling and transfusions in the abdomen. This syndrome is quite rich. The main feature of the vein appears in the unbearable pain of heaviness in the shunt. The patient is aware of constant discomfort, which sometimes manifests itself as pain. Patients should not be disturbed by the wind. France can be careful about the tediousness and vomiting. Abdominal bloating, especially in the upper part, accompanied by increased gas formation, is often present.
Indigestion tends to flare up after the ingestion of certain food products, which activate all the overdone and unacceptable effects. All this leads to the deteriorating psychological state of the sick person, which provokes the appearance of pain syndrome. In addition, there are often unpleasant smell Z rota and low appetite. Patients often suffer from insomnia due to discomfort in the mouth, and sometimes they cannot clearly explain what is turbulating them.
Damage to appetite
Apparently, when a person is ill, she has no appetite. And with heat, boredom and vomiting, taking it will only make your body worse. In connection with this, it is easy to understand that the loss of appetite in case of intestinal diseases and the bowel tends to drain often.

Take hedgehogs for acute viral illness.
provokes a painful attack. The sick are afraid to eat, and if they eat, then even lightly, for example, rare porridge, milk and jelly. The appetite of such patients significantly decreases, and during the period of remission, due to the acute process of illness, they like to eat. This occurs through the fact that the hedgehog binds acid to the plug.
Decreased appetite is also characterized by gastritis due to low acidity, little acid fragments are vibrating, the food is not over-poisoned and the patient does not want to eat at all. A constant decrease in appetite and decrease often signal a swelling of the stomach.
With intestinal diseases during the period of ingestion, the appetite decreases even more strongly - to the point of being completely absent. This means that the hedgehog provokes painful attacks. The fragments of the intestines are activated after the process, they flow faster, and as a result more juices are released. In case of acute inflammation of the body, this is not necessary, and it can help by reducing the person’s appetite.
If there is a syndrome of intestinal tract, the appetite weakens for psychological reasons. Patients respect that if they are unpleasant, then the stench is disgusting.
Other problems
Most patients, especially during the period of sickness, are encouraged to eat, as this provokes pain, boredom, vomiting and other unpleasant conditions. Body mass decreases so much that people simply cannot get up from lying down.
Through the disruption of normal nutrition, trophic disorders develop, associated with the lack of access to the body of all necessary living materials. The skin becomes dry and flaky, and the hair may become brittle. Nobody is fumbling and fussing. Hair falls out, becomes matted and dark. All this is achieved through insufficient supply of microelements and vitamins. But all these signs appear not immediately and not all the time, but mainly during a difficult or unpleasant illness.
Patients often suffer from anemia, which may be detected in laboratory blood tests. Anemia is manifested by weakness, pale skin, decreased productivity and increased fatigue. Patients become more relaxed, and it is important to cope with their daily work. These signs indicate shortages of food. It is noted that it is often a sign of damage to the scolio-intestinal tract and changes in the psyche. This is accompanied by the development of hypochondriacal moods, the emergence of expressions that overshadow the clinical picture of the main illness. Patients are in a bad mood, depressed and afraid of pain, worsening and other serious symptoms. Sick people spend a lot of time with doctors, consult with them knowledgeable people, constant fastening is required. They suffer from insomnia, and their daily activity is disrupted.
Children and young children often experience symptoms of illness. This is especially true for those who stay in hospitals for a long time and often due to chronic illnesses. Such a child begs not to say that there is pain in her, for she is afraid of being taken to the medicine again. When looking at him, he is restless, he believes and weeps, but he lives through fear.
May all illnesses that suffer from the disease of the pouch or intestines, suffer from the disorder of the stomach. In this case, the damage may become severe and debilitating for patients. It appears that this may occur not only in case of intestinal ailments, but also in case of problems with the subduct, sclera, and liver. The nature of the damage depends on the intensity of the secretion of herbal juices that excrete the skin. If the bottle vibrates too much grass juice, patients most often suffer from constipation. This happens with gastritis with increased secretory activity and viral illness, which often occurs with the supra-surface aggregation of hydrochloric acid. With this, the destruction and emptying of the turn is not very bright. Yogo can last for a maximum of 3-4 days. However, at the time of significant acute illness, the lack of defecation can become one of the headaches along with painful symptoms. Some patients experience increased workload over the course of their lives. When you have a severe bowel disease, constipation is often accompanied by pain in the colon (especially in the lower part). This occurs through those that are sour instead of the gut, sinking into the intestines, tearing its walls, and as a result spasms result. The cream is emptied, it is possible and there is a sharp change in your strength.
In case of ailments of the mucus due to decreased vibrating of the mucus juice, for example, with sore gastritis and swollen mucous membranes, everything happens by chance, when the stele becomes partial, and a passage appears. This is due to the fact that the hedgehog produces little juices and consumes most of the cob in its intestines. When it comes to defecation, we must first defecate frequently - up to 3 times per day, which is not the norm. There are no living houses in the feces, and their number does not increase. Patients with diseases of the vulva often suffer from unstable ulcers. And here the turns alternate with the passes. It is produced through the unstable secretion of sclera juice. All disorders and emptying are more typical for intestinal diseases. This very same herbal tract is responsible for both the pickling and moistening of hedgehogs and the formation of feces.
Symptoms of bowel disease

Intestinal illnesses are characterized by various types of damage. In case of chronic enteritis, the stylec should be accelerated. For patients, severe diarrhea is most important, sometimes 2-3 times a day, sometimes more often. Positive defecation disappears almost immediately after eating (after 20-25 weeks), and they can also disappear within an hour. All this is accompanied by intense gurgling and transfusions in the abdomen, which is associated with a sharp increase in the work of the small intestine. It appears that enteritis often indicates long-term damage to the stomach due to the intake of certain products. So, some patients cannot drink cow's milk, and after drinking it they suffer from diarrhea. Loss of emptiness and enteritis can also be caused by alcohol, carbonated drinks, and oily water. During the period of remission, the swelling may be completely normal. In case of functional disorders in the small intestine and the syndrome of subdivision of the small intestine, the intestine is damaged and there is constipation. It should be noted that at this time a lot of people are suffering from increased stress. In this case, the cause can often be psychogenic in nature.
Destruction of the street
Most diseases of the scolio-intestinal tract
accompanying the destruction and emptying. This appears to be due to a change in the mode of defecation and the nature of feces. Patients may suffer from diarrhea, constipation, and mixed bowel movements. In case of certain ailments of the intestines or gut, all damage can be revealed through. Warto note that similar problems can occur in the mother’s body and in case of illness of the liver, epithelium, as well as hormonal disorders. Even often, based on the nature of the damage and emptying, the doctor can make a correct diagnosis for the patient, which means immediately starting treatment and preventing the development of complications.

Constipation is commonly called a chronic obstruction of the intestinal tract for at least 48 years, which is accompanied by difficulty in defecation. unconstructed From seeing a small amount of stool, which can be thickened. The frequency of bowel movements in healthy people depends on the nature of the meal, and also the way of life. The causes of constipation can be varied, depending on the lack of coordinated motility of the colon, weakness in defecation, low intake of cellulose, rectal adhesions and congestion of the vascular organs, How can I cross the Ruhu Kala? Similar damage to the empty stomach can occur with lead, mercury, thalium or atropine, as well as with overdrinking tea and kava. Excessive use of medications such as barium sulfate, hypothiazide, furosemide and cholestyramine can also cause constipation. In children and those who are mentally ill, the defecation reflex may be impaired.
Patients need to stop defecating, in which case the interval from one bowel movement to the next ranges from 2-4 days to 1 week, placing them on the bed can be daily. Feces during defecation are dry, coarse, fragmented. When the weather is severe, the stench may develop a thin consistency. From time to time the disease is characterized by pain in the colon. When you look at it, the tongue is dry and furred, but it is swollen. You can palpate the new kalu.
The main function of the colon is to dissolve rare intestines in solid stool before the stench is absorbed from the rectum and eliminated. The normal activity of the colon is ensured by a number of important physiological processes - the absorption of electrolytes and nutrients, peristaltic movements, which are ensured by the “squeezing” of doctors, mixing and drying stool to the rectum, and ends with the act of defecation.
The reflex during defecation is disrupted by severe stretching of the rectal ampulla. Relaxation of the external and internal anal sphincters allows for the removal of stool. Increased drainage of the intestine instead of the colon appears more rare, lower healthy people, and irregular bowel movements, usually of minor obscurity. The stool becomes thicker and appears only after significant strain. And here, after defecation, the sensation of irregular obstruction of the rectum is often lost.
People who suffer from constipation often experience decreased appetite, increased fatigue, boredom and an unpleasant taste in the mouth. Patients with chronic constipation often watch out for a yellow skin color with a brown tint. In addition, there may be symptoms of vitamin deficiency and anemia is less pronounced. Their appearance is associated with pathologies of the soaking of grub in the presence of transportable substances, which should be taken in such cases.
Constipation is divided into three types: chronic and acute, as well as neurogenic, reflex, nutritional, medicinal, inflammatory, hypodynamic, proctogenic, toxic, mechanical aliy development of the colon) and endocrine (develop).
Everyone knows what Suchasna Lyudina It is mainly consumed with refined products, which are even more tender and contain a minimal amount of waste. The risk of constipation is great in people of frail and senile age, fragments of the stench through the rotten camp of the teeth are absorbed by the flesh of a soft consistency, without cellulose. This damage can develop through insufficient treatment. A low-impact image Life and lack of physical activity contribute to the development of colonostasis.
The most common problem is simple constipation. They can fail when living with hedgehogs, where there are few vitamins, calcium salts, cellulose, as well as due to improper feeding regime. Either way, the hedgehog triggers a herbal reflex that eliminates the dryness of chyme and feces, interrupting the period of time and inevitably disrupts the rhythm of intestinal motility. Speeds up motor skills and ensures the necessary digestion of stool, food rich in cellulose: vegetables, greens, sour and black bread. And potatoes, rice, milk, mitsa tea, cocoa, white bread and the hedgehog with a small amount of ruddy (to dry it) will cross it. It has been found that nutritional constipation occurs in people with defects of the chewing apparatus and diseases of the organs, as well as in people who are nursing children for an extended period of time. If bowel movements occur once every 2-3 days, we can already talk about inveterate constipation, such a state of speech can be followed by a long line of fates. Feces, as a rule, have a thick consistency and extremely large diameter. Within an hour after constipation begins, people begin to experience abdominal pain that is painful. The stench disappears or becomes weaker after defecation. Through the process of being in the rectum, the feces in people who suffer from constipation become even thicker. Seeing a significant amount of hard stool becomes impossible only after severe exertion. This can cause the appearance of cracks in the anus and hemorrhoids. Defecation becomes painful, and the emptying of the intestines remains constant.

Constipation in congenital pathologies of colon development appears in people with loose caecum and sigmoid colon, megacolon (large colon, smaller than normal diameter), idiopathic megacolon. The enlargement of the large intestine, so to speak, goes hand in hand with its subordination. Most often, megacolon is one of the signs of any illness and is therefore called a secondary one. A person is called idiopathic if all the reasons for his appearance turn out to be false. Congenital aganglionosis, or Hirschsprung's disease, may often appear in people who suffer from constipation due to childhood. It is characterized by the absence of nerve ganglia in the rectum and anal sphincter. The area of ​​the intestine that is spared plays the role of functional stenosis, which is mainly due to the accumulation of feces. The main signs of this illness are inveterate, permanent constipation with child's age and the patient also has an anorectal reflex. The severity of symptoms is directly proportional to the length of the rectal lesion. If the affected part is small and localized in the distal region, signs of illness may appear in older adults, which may indicate Hirschsprung's disease in adults.
Mechanical constipation is particularly due to the appearance of intestinal passages, adhesions or bags of lymph nodes or any intestinal obstruction. Obviously, the overload may be small and may not completely close the lumen of the intestine, but will result in a reflex spasm, which immediately closes the lumen. Such obvious obstruction can worsen and resurface under the influx of significant peristaltic short-term stimulation (for example, after severe stress or taking fast-acting drugs). Inflammatory constipation often develops in the area of ​​inflammation of the small intestines. It occurs in the skin of people with chronic enteritis and in others who suffer from colitis. Along with constipation in a patient, during the act of defecation, the stool contains a mixture of blood, mucus, pus, and also the appearance of gas rings and sickness of the intestinal loops. In elderly people who have been on bed rest for a long time, and few dry-haired people, hypodynamic constipation increases. This may occur especially due to decreased intestinal motility. Impaired defecation is caused by insufficient physical activity and slackness of somatic muscles.
Reflexology can occur with such illnesses of the organs and the sechostatic system, such as appendicitis, viral disease, pyelonephritis and chronic colitis. Characteristic of the reflex mechanism is constipation, which is increased during the acute phase of congestion and normalization of bowel movements during the remission phase.
Proctogenic constipation can occur in the mother, especially with pathology of the anorectal area, for example, with hemorrhoids, proctitis, sphincteritis, paraproctitis, adnexitis, fissures in the anus, etc. It may be caused by a reflex spasm of the sphincter Inkteriv or inflammation of the rectum and anus. Illnesses can result from a broken bowel movement, the act of defecation is often accompanied by pain in the anus and prolapse of hemorrhoids, as well as the sight of blood and mucus.
There is also toxic constipation, which can develop when consumed with nicotine, mercury or lead, consumed with products containing a lot of tannins - such as cocoa or tea. Constipation due to lead discharge may result in a high level of this metal in the blood or increased discharge from the bloodstream. People who suffer from toxic constipation experience abdominal pain and occasional vomiting.

Constipation is often enough with common endocrine illnesses. Colonostasis often occurs in patients with diabetes mellitus, complicated by neuropathy, causing constipation to be of a mild nature, otherwise it can develop into chronic diseases, a constant conductive syndrome of the disease, and is accompanied by enlargement of the stomach. intestines. Constipation can also occur in case of insufficiency of the arteries, Addison's disease, hyperparathyroidism, pituitary disorders, menopause and diencephalitis. Vaginal women may also suffer from constipation. It is important that the main role of this development in this phase is played by the metabolites of progesterone, the secretion of which sharply increases with the onset of vaginosis. In later life, constipation can result from insufficient activity of the sigmoid colon and an enlarged uterus. that bad luck
Drug-induced constipation tends to develop when people regularly take medications such as atropine and its analogues, antihypertensives and sedatives, as well as tranquilizers. Mild constipation often occurs in patients who chronically take sedatives or antacids. Constipation after taking medications, you know what you need to know.
Neurogenic constipation may result from impaired nerve regulation mechanisms. This can happen through the suppression of the physiological urge in the wake of any minds, for example, the marriage of hygiene habits, haste, the inability to time defecation before the great anniversary of the day, conflict situations, mental stress, dyskinetic disorders, as well as the presence of functional and organic ailments. nervous system(Autonomic neuroses, progressive paralysis, encephalitis, parkinsonism, arachnoiditis, tabes dorsalis, neuritis, myelitis and psychoneurosis). Constipation as a result of disruption of water-electrolyte metabolism results as a result of loss of fluid in the body, withpotassium deficiency, ascites, cardiac failure, cholestasis. Sometimes veins develop in the middle age, sometimes in childhood. Constipation often occurs in schizophrenia, depression and anorexia nervosa. Most often, such patients ignore defecation. Meanwhile, under the influx of illness, the rest are significantly dulled. Colonostasis is gradually progressing, and the stem becomes increasingly rare. Spontaneous defecation can often occur throughout the day in such patients, lasting 1-2 days. The first thing that causes such illnesses to reach the doctor is the scarga itself, which is constipated. In addition, patients suffer from loss of appetite, impaired sleep, decreased esteem, sweating and increased fatigue. If the treatment of the main illness is carried out calmly, constipation is also common.

This means a change in consistency and frequency and emptying,
characterized by even partial, rare or sparse feces. Similar damage can develop through infection. The reasons for this could be non-infectious illness and medicinal drugs. In addition, diarrhea may be of a functional nature due to intestinal dysbiosis.
Acute transmission lasts for 4-5 days and usually goes away without the need for medicinal treatment. It is often caused by bacterial or viral infection, stale food, alcohol, drugs (antihypertensive drugs, antibiotics, Maalox or grub additives with magnesium).
Children and elderly people often suffer from the risk of weight loss due to stress and loss of potassium chloride and sodium. This all leads to persistent sprague, dry mucous membranes, confusion and lack of reaction to external stimuli, as well as disorientation in space and time. For the celebration of people,
suffer from fever, prescribe orally
rehydration drugs, which may be avoided
lethal legacy.
To avoid the development of diarrhea (as it tends to develop during the rehabilitation period), do not take medications without a doctor’s approval, drink milk and dairy products, kava, spices, salts, fresh fruits, carbonated drink juices with high amount of turmeric instead. To replenish the lost fluid, drink more water: 3-4 bottles every 8 years until diarrhea stops.
It is necessary to immediately contact a doctor if diarrhea occurs in a child up to 1 year old, a year old person, if there is severe abdominal pain, there are all signs of anemia, the body temperature is more than 38.3 °C, and in the stool This is a house of blood.
Mixed style
This is a disruption of the emptying of the intestines, if constipation is associated with diarrhea. Mixed milk can be the mother of ailments of the vulva, intestines and other organs. Such damage is often corrected due to unstable secretion of shlank juice. Moreover, this illness may be caused by psychogenic disorders.
People with an unstable psyche, restless, prone to depression and hysteria are often wary of confusion.

Most intestinal illness is accompanied by pain syndrome. As was previously the case, this is a universal reaction to a damaged body in a new person. Because people often suffer from illnesses, they are increasingly concerned about problems with the herbal system.
Abdominal pain can be variable, dull or sharp, prickly, cutting, bursting. For example, in cases of illness of the small intestine, if there is an accumulation of gases in the intestines, the pain is generally of a bursting, dull nature. In cases of colonic disease, the stench is localized in the lower abdomen or abdominal organs and has a dull character. In case of colitis, it may be gostrim, prickly or penetrating.
Often, pain syndrome can be triggered by food (with intestinal illnesses), accumulation of gases in the intestines or defecation. With intestinal illnesses, the area across, between and along the edges often widens. If there is pain in the abdomen or other parts of the body, be sure to tighten the area and tighten it.
Intestinal dyspepsia
Intestinal dyspepsia is a disorder that results from insufficiency of the secretory activity of the scutum, the exocrine function of the subgut and urinary tract. The cause of illness can be due to the following factors: intestinal infections, supernatural food intake, taking a significant amount of fermented drinks, dysbacteriosis, especially a protein or carbohydrate diet.
Dyspepsia may be functional, but it is important that the organs of the vulva or intestines become ill. It manifests itself in incomplete breakdown of grub components, active reproduction of bacteria in the intestines with their distribution in the small intestine, emerging dysbacteriosis and the participation of microorganisms in the enzymatic breakdown of grub in berries. a number of toxic products, such as intestinal mucous membranes, as well as activation. to the body.
This illness can occur due to chronic inflammation of the small intestine and insufficiency of the exocrine function of the subglottic gland. It is characterized by rumblings and transfusions in the intestines, bloating, flatulence, diarrhea, and sometimes constipation.
The place often swells due to discomfort in the abdomen and in the middle part of the epigastric region. Pain mainly appears after eating, and also avoid fatigue, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, early satiety and intolerance to fatty foods. Patients often suffer from depression, hypochondria, anxiety and somatovegetative disorders. In women, dyspepsia occurs twice as often as in men, and the age of patients varies from 35-45 years.
When taking a bath, it is recommended to eat a dietetic meal of a sparing, granular nature. You can also improve your healthy lifestyle by staying away from alcohol and smoking. In addition, depending on the nature of the illness, drug therapy is prescribed.
See the sickness of the pouch and the twelve-fingered intestine.

This is a disease that is characterized by an increase in the mucous membrane of the mucous membrane. There are acute and chronic gastritis. Based on the etiology of illness, it is customary to divide it into exogenous and endogenous types. Before the development of the first ones, it is necessary to eat irregularly, quickly eat urchins, chew them, eat rough food, eat too much, overly hot or hot urchins (for example, hot seasonings: pepper, mustard, hot ін), which drains the mucous membrane of the scutum and increases the formation of hydrochloric acid acid. In addition, alcohol, nicotine and chemical substances can cause irritation. What can happen with the use of medications: sulfonamides, salicylates, prednisolone, anti-tuberculosis agents, certain antibiotics, etc. Endogenous gastritis is associated with these and other ailments internal organs cerebral emptying and susceptibility to the scolio-intestinal tract to various influxes of the external midsection. The main pathogenetic mechanisms of gastritis are the pathology of the mucous membrane and impaired regeneration and trophism of the mucous membrane of the scutum.
Today, the classification of S. M. Rees (born 1999) is the most widely used and reported.
1. For etiological sign:
exogenous gastritis;
endogenous gastritis.
2. For the morphological sign:
superficial gastritis;
gastritis from severe inflammation without atrophy of the epithelium;

Atrophic gastritis;
hypertrophic gastritis;
antral gastritis;
erosive gastritis.
H. Behind the functional sign:
gastritis due to normal secretory function;
gastritis due to mildly expressed secretory deficiency;
gastritis due to pronounced secretory deficiency.
4. After the clinical run:
compensation for gastritis (in the remission phase);
decompensated gastritis (in the gastric phase)
5. Special forms of chronic gastritis:
rigid gastritis.
giant hypertrophic gastritis.
polypous gastritis.
b. Chronic gastritis, which accompanies other illnesses:

Chronic gastritis with Addison–Birmer anemia.
chronic gastritis due to varicose veins.
chronic gastritis with malignant neoplasms
Hostria gastritis
Symptoms of acute gastritis manifest themselves rapidly. You may be provoked by the transfer or destruction of an unscrupulous hedgehog infected with harmful bacteria.
Functional and morphological changes in the scalp are often observed in influenza, scarlet fever, viral hepatitis, measles, diphtheria, pneumonia and typhus.
In addition, acute gastritis may manifest itself
Allergic reactions to certain food products, such as eggs, half-fruit, chocolate, etc. bud. Often, a fire can go out due to stress or nervous overstrain.
This illness manifests itself as boredom, vomiting in excess
stagnant, unpoisoned hedgehogs with mucus in the house, often zhvoch (in the near fall with streaks of blood).
In patients, there is a constant headache, such as acute pain in the abdomen (gastrospasms), confusion, headache, mild weakness and elevated body temperature (up to 38°C and higher).
Chronic gastritis

This is due to inflammation of the chronic nature of the mucous membrane of the scutum with a reshaped structure and progressive atrophy, impairment of motor, secretory and incretory functions. Overcoming sickness, sickness, sickness, illness and remission.
Chronic gastritis is polyetiological in nature. In addition to the reasons assigned to the classification of Rice, the most important may be insufficient and repeated gastritis, trivaly and often stress influxes, pathological products of metabolism, which are seen with uremia and ketoacidosis. Significance may occur and recessional flexibility. Gastritis is also often associated with other ailments of the herbal tract, for example, colitis and cholecystitis.
The effects of unfavorable factors initially lead to functional disruption of the secretory and motor functions of the scutum, then inflammatory changes in the mucous membrane develop, which damage both the epithelium and the glandular apparatus. The production rate before regeneration is gradually decreasing, which is accompanied by the overriding of the processes of proliferation by the processes of differentiation. Then local microcirculation disorders arise. Destruction of the products of gastrointestinal peptides and prostaglandins leads to disruption of the regulation of scutaneous secretion. Further disruption of the motor-evacuation activity of the schistula is accompanied by the manifestation of duodenal reflux.
With progressive gastritis, there is also an autoimmune component (autoantibodies to various cells of the mucous membrane of the mucosa), which is especially characteristic of atrophic gastritis.
At the moment, a number of clinical and morphological forms of chronic gastritis are known. For example, inflammation of the mucous membrane with normal and increased secretion mainly affects people. young age. In whose area there is no healing, there is no atrophy. There is a pain syndrome, which is often of a fever-like nature, is indicated by acidity and baking, the stomach is surrounded by a white liquid, and soreness to the point of constipation is avoided. Gastritis is often associated with duodenitis.
Erosive gastritis (chronic erosions of the scutum, hemorrhagic gastritis) is characterized by the presence of inflammatory and erosive changes in the mucous membrane of the scutum. Slant bleeding often occurs. The scutaneous secretion ranges from movement to change. With this form, gastritis pain is more intense, sometimes early or late. However, the symptoms do not differ from gastritis due to normal or increased secretion.
Chronic gastritis due to secretory deficiency, as
As a rule, it is manifested by marked, varied atrophic changes in the mucous membrane of the scutum and secretory deficiency. Most often, the illness is characterized by severity, no pain in the epigastric region, a feeling of overexertion, fatigue and windiness. The mouth feels an unpleasant sensation, and there is a decreased appetite and difficulty in passing food. When palpating the abdomen, there may be rumbling, transfusion and pain in the epigastric region. Chronic gastritis due to secretory deficiency develops in older patients. If you go through troubles, it will lead to weight loss of the patient, polyhypovitaminosis and mucous deficiency or normochromic anemia.
Rigid (or antral) gastritis is characterized by deep and intense scarring and burning changes in the antral area of ​​the vulva. As a rule, this does not lead to deformation and sounding of this part. There are hunger pains in the epigastric region, which are felt after the hedgehogs. Symptoms do not vary with gastritis with increased secretion, but the progression is protracted, and there is practically no remission. It is extremely difficult to give in to a bath.
Giant hypertrophic gastritis (Menetria's disease) is a rare form of gastritis, in which there is a risk of untreated adenomas and cystic formations in the mucous membrane of the mucosa, whose folds become rough and thickened. Patients suffer from the stove, the windshield, congestion and vomiting (sometimes with a house of blood). In addition, beware of pain in the epigastric region upon palpation and loss of weight. This juice consumes a large amount of protein, which causes hypoproteinemia (in severe episodes, anemia and hypoproteinemic swelling of the lower ends and transverse areas are manifested).
Polypous gastritis is typically characterized by regenerative hyperplasia of the mucous membrane of the scutum (multiple or single polyps) and atrophy. And the clinical picture predicts chronic atrophic gastritis. Ask the doctor to make a diagnosis of “chronic gastritis”, based on the history, history of the patient and the results of gastroscopy. To identify various forms of gastritis, such as antral, polypous and hypertrophic, a targeted biopsy is also required. The X -ray of the doslіzhennya at the chronicle gastritis is not May on the core day of the Vikoristov, the vicorista is tilki for the vicracture of the oncologic puhlini absters, if the Patziyant is not allowed to conduct a gastroscope: summer century, related important illnesses of the heart, illness and pain. bud. For adequate liquefaction, it is necessary to balance the acidity of the scotch juice.
Chronic gastritis with normal or increased secretion: basal secretion is normal or increased to 10 mmol/h, the highest histamine secretion is up to 35 mmol/h, hyperemia, hypertrophy of folds, swelling and presence there is mucus.

In case of erosive gastritis, the secretion of the scutum is moved or normal, and there are multiple erosions of polygonal or round shape with important accumulations at the exit section of the scutum against the background of superficial gastritis.
In case of chronic gastritis with secretory deficiency, the basal secretion of hydrochloric acid reaches an average of 0.8 mmolch, the maximum histamine secretion is 1 mmolch. The mucous membrane has a pale appearance, is wider or thinner in the middle, the blood vessels of the submucosal ball are clearly visible, and the mucus covers the folds of the mucous membrane of the scutum. X-ray examination shows a decrease in the tone and peristalsis, smoothing of the relief of the mucous membrane, accelerated removal of the scutaneous membrane, and a biopsy shows consolidation of the epithelium of the mucous membrane, atrophy of varying degrees of severity, intestinal and pyloric Well, metaplasia.
In case of antral gastritis, one should be careful about the movement of the scutaneous secretion. In the hilar area, the mucous membrane is hyperwashed, and the folds are swollen. The submucosal globule suffers from hemorrhage and erosions, and changes in the tone of the antrum. X-ray examination shows deformation of the relief of the mucous antral region, including sound, folds are thickened and covered with mucus, peristalsis is reduced, and movement tone is reduced. The biopsy shows signs of hyperplasia in the area of ​​the vortex, cellular infiltration of the blood vessels, patches of intestinal metaplasia are observed, and in some areas there is atrophy of varying degrees of severity.
In case of giant hypertrophic gastritis, shlankovy secretion may be varied (increased, reduced or normal). The mucous membrane is swollen, has wide folds and is covered with mucus. A biopsy shows hyperplasia of all elements of the mucous membrane, and fluoroscopy shows even larger folds of the mucous membrane along the great curvature, which “hang” at the lumen of the pouch or duodenum. With polypous gastritis, shlankovy secretion is reduced. There are multiple or single polyps (especially in the goal area), the mucous membrane is thinned, and the vessels of the submucosal ball are visible through it. A biopsy usually reveals polyps and signs of atrophic gastritis. X-ray examination shows that the relief of the mucous membrane is not damaged, but there are small similar defects on the surface with the main localization in the ventral region of the scutum.
Remaining scientific research has shown that in the acidic medium, where most microbes die, Helicobacter bacteria can live and successfully reproduce - special rare microorganisms that o cause chronic burning. It is important to remember that the stink is common among all people, so stomach ailments (especially gastritis) are so widespread.
This is a disease of the duodenum, which is characterized by a change in the mucous membrane with the appearance of inflammation, erosion and atrophy. This may be either independent illness or concomitant gastritis, cholecystitis, chronic pancreatitis, viral disease, liver disease or grub allergy. Duodenitis increases in size, and people get sick more often. Superficial, atrophic, interstitial, hyperplastic, erosive-virulent and chronic forms of illness are seen.
Chronic duodenitis and polyetiological illnesses. Yogo rozvitok zzvichey viklikayut wrong food that addiction to alcohol. Secondary chronic duodenitis is detected with various pathologies of organs extending close to the duodenum, as well as with various toxicoallergic symptoms (grub allergy, uremia). In the pathogenesis of chronic duodenitis, there is a proteolytic effect of active mucus juice, for example, with various dyskinesias, trophic disorders and damage to the lymphoepithelial barrier of the mucous membrane.
Duodenitis is characterized by pain in the epigastrium, which is significantly divided into severity, severity and intensity. Patients complain of a “expanded” abdomen, regular heaviness and nighttime hunger pain. There is a lot of wind in the place, tediousness and fatigue to the point of constipation. Palpation reveals tenderness or pain in the pyloroduodenal area. The illness begins to pass through a troubling hour, with many fates stretching out. Obstructions appear after loss of life and last from 14 days to 1.5 months. Sometimes the autumn-spring seasonality is indicated (as with viral disease of the duodenum). When duodenitis recurs, the illness will persist until the manifestation of the primary pathology occurs. When folded, there may be bleeding from the pinkened surfaces.
When diagnosing chronic duodenitis, the main role is to perform gastroduodenoscopy. This method reveals changes in the mucous membrane of an inflammable nature, central and diffuse swelling, pinpoint hemorrhages and the presence of erosions (single or multiple). In case of atrophic duodenitis, in addition to areas of swelling and hyperemia, the place of inflammation of the pale thin mucous membrane appears, where blood vessels are visible, and there is no mucus in the intestinal lumen. The acidity of the mucus juice is normal or increased, and it is reduced in case of concomitant gastritis with atrophy of the mucous membrane. X-ray examination shows impaired motility of the duodenum in the form of duodenostasis in various sections (bulbostasis) and pathological peristalsis. The relief of the mucous is swollen, rough and deformed.
Virazkov's disease Schluka and duodenum
Virazkova disease is a chronic illness (which occurs during periods of illness and well-being) of the vulva and duodenum, which results in a defect in the mucous membrane (more or less deep). Vlasne, the wine itself is called virazka.
The illness is widespread, people sick to it are important, and the illness manifests itself due to seasonality. There is no single classification of viral disease at this time; in medical practice we see viral disease of the vulva and duodenum, associated or not associated with Helicobacter pylori, drug-induced and symptomatic manifestations.
Getting sick is multifactorial. It can develop through nutritional disorders, chronic stress, ulcerogenic drugs or primary intoxications. At the moment, the main reasons are the presence of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori and the change in the relationship between local factors of aggression and defense. The primary aggressive factors are the active production of hydrochloric acid and pepsin, as well as the increased evacuation of acid into the cibulin of the duodenum, which creates an “acid attack” on the mucous membrane. Helicobacter pylori is a mentally pathogenic bacterium that vibrates urease (a toxin for the epithelium of the vulva), which enhances the inflammatory reaction of the mucous membrane.
A complex pathogenetic lesion results in a sharp decrease in blood flow in the vessels of the mucous membrane of the scutum and disruption of the physiological and reparative regeneration of the mucous membrane. According to current data, these bacteria are detected in 65-98 patients with viral disease of the duodenum and 40-60 patients with viral disease of the duodenum.
Symptoms of viral disease lie in the defect of the disease. Viruses of the subcardial area of ​​the scutum may occur in the area in particular for over 50 years. Pain appears immediately after it is in the area of ​​the sword-like teenager and often shows a heart condition that will require an ECG. There appears to be a stable oven, a cooler, and a storage of food. Complications often develop, and it is important to treat the disease with medication.
Most often, the lines of the body and the cut of the shank become sharper. The pain appears 10-30 weeks after the stomach, and sometimes the stench appears in the back, the left half of the chest, behind the sternum and at the left hypochondrium. The mist is dripping, the stove and the boredom. Some patients themselves cry out for vomiting, as a result of which they feel better. Mova zazvichay is surrounded by a thick white and gray pour. Viruses of the antrum of the vulva most often occur in patients of a young age.

Extended statistics

Let's take a look at nutrition to overcome illnesses in the scolio-intestinal tract. Recipes for illness of the scolio-intestinal tract. Diseases of the scolio-intestinal tract are likely to be most frequent and widest. The skin starts to stick together early and late. And, as a rule, a well-chosen treatment and a typical daily diet with a richly ill profile tend to increase. For herbal medicine and traditional medicine, gastroenterology is, naturally, the most fertile area of ​​stagnation of strength. However, you need to remember that there is a song between possibilities, and there are such illnesses if you need emergency medical care, and if you try to get by people's ways can lead to dramatic results. Suffering from: appendicitis, acute cholecystitis, peritonitis, acute pancreatitis, malignant swellings of the vulva, intestines, subduct, liver, perforated vulva, bleeding from internal organs, penetrating injuries of the abdomen, inheritance of cervical trauma (times), gastrointestinal obstruction and other actions. Summary: in case of any acute pain associated with the intestinal tract, in most cases you cannot engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication, but immediately go to the doctor. Only after consulting with your doctor and with his praise, you can use traditional medicine and tips from the brochure for treatment. And even better – don’t get sick.

How to treat diseases of the scolio-intestinal tract. Recipes for diseases of the scolio-intestinal tract

Pain in the abdomen, occasional feeling of heaviness in the upper abdomen, burning, irritability, boredom, bitterness and dryness in the mouth (problems with the intestines (unstable stomach, constipation, flatulence, feeling of discomfort in the lower abdomen) parts of the abdomen) - go to the hectare with these foods Illness of the scolial-intestinal tract can take a painful hour to pass in the admission form, and thus they are revealed on early stage Treatment is of great importance for the effectiveness of treatment.

Recipes for diseases of the scolio-intestinal tract

This is confirmed by the assistant of the Department of Gastroenterology of the Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Candidate of Medical Sciences Dmitro Mikolayovich ULASEVICH.

Valentina Vasilievna, m. Orsha: “I have a bulge in the vulva of the twelve-toed intestine, which burns two times on the river. Whatever you don’t enjoy, it doesn’t help.”

You need to undergo a course of anti-helicobacter therapy. The pathology of the pouch and duodenum in most cases is caused by the microbe Helicobacter, which is “prescribed” in the pouch. Today's microbe is very good. Most people become infected with it between 16 and 20 years of age. The microbe can be transmitted through a kiss, oral contact, skin, or dishes. It causes a change in the mucous membrane of the scutum and duodenum and seals the secretion of the secretion. Perhaps all diseases in humans are caused by this microbe itself. Helicobacter can cause not only infection, but also gastritis and dyspepsia. Clinically, this manifests itself as pain when hungry, at night, during breaks between meals. Today we have created miracle drugs that kill this microbe.

Try the offensive complex: omeprozole 20 mg twice a day and evening; Clarithromycin 0.5 g 2 times a day and amoxicillin 0.5 g 4 times a day. Take all three medications at the same time for 7 days. Take omeprozole for 2-3 days, only 1 tablet per day. And your expression will not open for at least 4-5 years.

Sergey Volodimirovich, Gomel: “I have a polyp in my veins. How can I remove it? While there are no results of the biopsy, the doctors do not prescribe anything.”

If the polyp is small, it will be removed for biopsy. Since the wine is of great proportions, then until the results of the biopsy there is no need to work on it, including being careful about the need to know its clinical warehouse. Medication treatment Yogo can't be cleaned up.

Anna Volodymyrivna, m. Skidel: “I have chronic erosive gastritis, chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis, chronic colitis, loose bowel syndrome. Weakness, headache, diarrhea.”

You need to go for a consultation with a gastroenterologist. Leaky bowel syndrome can cause diarrhea, so try taking imodium or loperamide at an appropriate dose. Your intestinal microflora is not damaged, the fragments are very difficult to destroy.

Larisa Mikhailivna, Vitebsk: “After the removal of the ruminant fur, problems began with the grub, the undergrowth vine, rare stolec. Plus everything else – gastritis and dysbacteriosis.”

If you have seen gum disease, it is highly probable that you have chronic pancreatitis. Zvidsi y weakened and empty. Due to gastritis, the stele does not change. To confirm this diagnosis, you need to perform an ultrasound scan under the vulva, observe its diffuse changes, create a program and focus on the amount of neutral fat. In such situations, following the final diagnosis, acid production and enzyme blockers are prescribed.

Tamara Albertivna, m.Mosir: “I have atrophic gastritis, erosion, dyskinesia of the cervical veins, the hypochondrium often becomes inflamed and causes pain in the left hypochondrium. What can you do for me?”

The first thing we need to do is see a gastroenterologist. Since the ruminant fur does not have stone, then the presence of pancreatitis is even debatable. Pancreatitis most often appears with chewing disease and in alcoholics. Pain under the left hypochondrium can be caused by pain, intestines, osteochondrosis, or heart disease. Dyskinesia of the bile ducts can be manifested in two ways: due to symptoms of the subglottic gland (so-called biliary type) or when the sphincter spasms, which allows the bladder to pass through the intestines. It is important to know which variant of dyskinesia is identified and treated.

Antonina Sayfulivna from Smolevichi and Olga Frionivna from Pinskaya Turb suffer from chronic gastroduodenitis. The stench is stinking, how can you get away with it.

Gastroduodenitis is a morphological concept, not a clinical one. This can only be detected within an hour of a biopsy. Avoid using products that increase gas content. This is pure vegetables and fruits, milk for licorice. The food may be eaten in parts and shotgun. Since gases are dissolved a lot, you need to take smecta or semiticon in sachets, as well as omeprozole or lansoprozole capsule 2 times a day for two days, and then 2 more days - 1 capsule of omeprozole per day.

Olga Ivanivna, Bereza: “Mom has erosive gastritis. I took a course of treatment, but I’m afraid to tell the truth, so as not to be caught. What kind of food is it?”

You need to include all the gostre, marinated and smoked meats, ketchup, tomato paste, mayonnaise, apples and oranges, fresh herbs. We have all been taught: to stay healthy, you need to eat soup. Not so. Since then, soups have been valued by hedgehogs for foals. Rich people ate what was cooked in the soup: meat, vegetables, or even fish. On the right, meat, fish, and mushroom broths are the strongest natural stimulants of acid production, so that the slug produces a lot of acid. And there she is, tearing away the mucous membrane and thereby causing symptoms of dyspepsia. At the same time, the emphasis on the underside vine is growing. The secretion of the subpillar gland intensifies, which promotes the development of pancreatitis, inflammation of the subglottic phallus.

Another commandment of the “viraznik”: eat shotgun regularly 5-6 times a day. The diet may have enough protein products (meat, fish, eggs), like a sponge to absorb hydrochloric acid. Bazhany's little welcome to the night. And so it’s basic food without any child. During breaks between the vegetables - sour from pine yogurt 2-4 times a day.

Olga Dem'yanivna, metropolitan Brest: "I have a stone in the grinder and nirkah. Why are there stinks? Please, why start the celebration?"

From the range of ruminant fur. 70% of patients who undergo cholecystectomy for removal of cervical fur already suffer from chronic pancreatitis. As you can’t see the fur, the fire in the sub-slot is progressing. There are a number of reasons for the formation of stones in the ruminant fur: lethargy, improper feeding, the evil of fatty hedgehogs, and too much moisture. Most often, stones appear in women after several periods of pregnancy. This is due to a decrease in the amount of female hormones (estrogens) in the blood. And when its quantity changes, minds are created for the creation of stones.

Maria, Kaliningrad: “I have a “mirror” cibulin of the duodenum at the stage of scarring and an erosive gurgle. Will anti-Helicobacter therapy help me?”

Diet plays an important role in the leakage of the scutum and duodenum. The food may be eaten in parts and shotgun. For “mirror” lesions, a course of anti-Helicobacter pylori therapy is indicated. We will help you avoid recurrences of swelling in the vulva and duodenum.

Nina Ivanivna from Novopolotsk receives nutritional treatment for the scolio-intestinal tract with Shostakovsky balm.

In the 70-80s of the last century, vinyl (Shostakovsky’s balm) was used as an additive for healing a sick tube, including virosis. Nowadays, other tight blockers of the pouch secretion (omeprozole, pariet) are widely available, which will ensure scarring of the pouch and duodenum and miraculously cope with gastritis. In connection with this, vinyline is not used as a substitute for specialized gastroenterological care.

How can you block the eyes on the boat?

And the faces that call for the improvement of virosis and dyspepsia. These are steroid hormones and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: aspirin, ibuprofen, diclonate, diclofenac. If there are any indications, it is necessary to protect yourself. And if they drink them steadily, then anti-Helicobacter therapy is carried out for such patients. It is important to carry out this therapy before you stop taking steroid medications. It is essential to reduce the rizik of the viraza. Omeprozole, lansoprozole, pariet, famotidine, ulfamide, quamatel will help protect against it.

A lot of readers flocked to the stove and stove. Minsk resident Lidia Viktorivna is wondering why there are stinks.

The stove and the ventilator are symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease, which involves throwing the mixture into the drain instead of the scuttle, which causes the stove and the ventilator to squeal. To determine proper liquation, it is necessary to perform fibrogastroscopy. The suction can occur in two ways: when the gas is moved towards the schluk or due to insufficient activity of the meat ring between the spool and the schluk, and then in the stravokhod it sinks again or instead of the sluice.

The treatment should be started with omeprozole - 1 tablet in the evening and in the evening for 2 days, and then in 2 days - 1 tablet in the evening. Motilium is required – 1 tablet 3 times a day for 10-14 days.

Nina Ivanivna from Svetlogorsk suffers from chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis, stones in the stomach, and persistent diarrhea with the smell of acetone.

Patients with cholelithiasis often develop chronic pancreatitis. Tse are sick companions. Trivalium, the tendency of patients to overcome pancreatitis can lead to disruption of the function of the subglottic gland and the development of a secondary one. Cultural diabetes. There's a slight smell of acetone. It is necessary to determine the level of glucose in the blood and consult an endocrinologist.

Ivan Stepanovich from m. Zhabinka, B.C. Gurnevich from Molodechno district and Valentina Borisivna from Gomel cannot be known effective zasib type of constipation.

Eat black bread, raw vegetables and fruits, dried fruits, and dried bread to loosen the intestines; cereals: buckwheat, barley, oatmeal; pickles, marinades, oseledets; smoked meats, canned food; non-alcoholic drinks (mineral water, lemonade, juices), beer, kvass, sour cream, tops, licorice herbs, jelly; fermented milk products: sour milk, one-day kefir; white grape wines.

Suppress the emptying of the intestines with products that remove tannin: dried black tea, black tea, cocoa, natural red wines (etc.); Izha in a pureed appearance, with a viscous consistency (slime soups, pureed porridges, especially semolina and rice).

Since there are no special contraindications (heart ailments, swelling), then the patient who suffers from consolidation must drink approximately 1.5 - 2 liters of liquid per day. Taking a sufficient amount of radish is even brown, because due to the increased evacuation of feces from the intestines, drying occurs, which complicates their passage through the intestines. Please politely finish correct mode lively It is necessary to eat at least 5 times a day. Long breaks between each other are unacceptable. An even more effective remedy for constipation is to give hangers. The stench is resistant to the action of herbal juices and significantly stimulates the evacuation function of the intestines.

Physical exercises have the right to stimulate the intestinal rotatory activity, soften the tissues of the cervical wall, and improve the tone of the entire body.

The diarrhea is even more effective than the kidney, and it is possible to reach them, which is accompanied by a permanent loss of independent ability to defecate.

When treating constipation, you should not miss the bark of joster, fruits of joster, root rhubarb, kelp ( seaweed cabbage), licorice, dill, sorrel, knotweed grass, centaury, steelhead, aloe and senny leaves (Cassia gostroleaf, Alexandria leaf).

If constipation often results in bloating, then it is worth taking infusions of carminative herbs: chamomile, dill, cumin, medicinal dawn.

In case of acute constipation, which occurred after various surgical procedures, in case of infectious diseases, illnesses, myocardial infarction, and other uneasy conditions, use enemas.

There is no need to waste vicor and medicinal suppositories if they are frozen at the same time, otherwise signs of rectal irritation may appear.

Followers of alternative medicine flock to the recipes of folk healers: Ivan Prokhorov, Mikhail Libintov, Dmitry Naumov, Ksenia Zagladina and Vanga. These and other methods of cleaning the pouch and intestines are clearly described in this material.

Specialties of traditional medicine for shluk: bathing with honey

An excellent folk method for sickening the colon and intestines is honey.

Honey for gastritis with increased acidity, viral disease of the scutum and duodenum.

  • Dissolve 30-35 g of white honey in a glass of warm boiled water and drink 1.5-2 years before eating or 3 years after eating. Take honey rosemary for a day. The additional dose of honey is 70-100 g. At this point, other malts are turned off. The course of treatment should be 15-2 months.

In some people with high acidity, honey, taken with a heart, burns like a stove. It can be unique if you add honey to cheese, porridge or milk.

Since viral illness occurs with a decrease in acidity, take honey juice 5-10 minutes before drinking.

This folk remedy can be consumed by taking medications. With this there will be less bending side effect types of chemotherapy drugs

Drink marshmallow with honey for gastritis and enterocolitis.

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of dried marshmallow root pour 0.5 liters of boiled water, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes, then leave for a day, strain, squeeze the milk in a boiler, add honey for relish and drink according to 1/3-1/2 bottles 3-4 times a day for gastritis, varicose vein disease, duodenum and enterocolitis.

Infusion of herbs with honey for viral illness of the shank.

  • Selection options from available components: marshmallow, root – 25 g; licorice gola, root - 25 g; fennel, fruit – 25 g; pharmaceutical chamomile, kvitki – 25 g.

To decorate the shlunka using folk methods, take 2 tbsp. spoons of dry mixed sum, pour 0.5 liters of dill, boil over low heat for 2-3 minutes, leave for 1 year, strain, dissolve the honey from 1 tbsp. spoon into a bottle of infusion and drink and warm 13-1/2 bottles 3 times a day 1.5-2 years before in case of virulent disease of the pouch and duodenum, as well as in case of chronic gastritis with high acidity.

Honey for viral illness.

To savor shlunok using folk methods at home, you need to take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of white honey, dissolve it in a glass of warm boiled water and drink 1.5 years before or 3 years after it in case of viral illness. Take 3-4 bottles of honey per day. Treatment course – 1.5-2 months.

Since virus disease is accompanied by low acidity, honey must be diluted in cold boiled water And drink it for a few minutes before eating. During the period of such relishing, other malt products are switched off.

Folk methods of cleaning the shank with propolis

Another effective folk method for cleaning the colon and intestines is propolis.

Propolis in case of infection of the scutum and duodenum.

  • Take 40-60 drops 20% alcohol tincture Propolis in a glass of warm water 3 days a year until 20 days. After a break of 10-12 days, the course of treatment can be repeated. Obovyazkovoy ulcerous treatment of the scutum and intestines in this popular way is the continuation of a convalescent diet.

Propolis for viral illness.

  • Pour 40 g of dry propolis into 100 ml of 70% ethyl alcohol, leave for three days, then filter. Dilute with alcohol to 4%. Take your fill from the dish of shluka prepared from this folk recipe, 20 drops per bottle of milk 1.5 years before the 3rd day.

Propolis for diseases of the intestinal tract.

  • Alcohol-based propolis and propolis oil will congeal in these cases, if medicinal cleansing was ineffective and surgical treatment was not indicated.

Alcohol consumption: 10 g of fine propolis is poured into 100 ml of rectified alcohol and prepared, refrigerated for 2 years, filtered through a paper filter. Take internally 15-20 drops of water, boiled milk or 0.5% novocaine 3 times a day for 1-1.5 years before lasting 18-20 days. If necessary, repeat the course of cleaning the bowel and intestines in a popular manner after 1-2 years.

Wash oil: Mix 10 g of detailed propolis with 100 g of unsalted vershkoy oil heated in a water bath. Extraction of propolis is carried out by heating the mixture in a water bath for 5-10 minutes, after which it is filtered in a hot pot through one ball of gauze, stirring constantly. When extracting propolis, it is not recommended to bring the sumish to a boil. Take 1 teaspoon internally with warmed milk 3 times a day 1-1.5 years before meals. The triviality of the course of treatment is the same. Vikoristannaya propolisnoy oil is contraindicated in case of illness of the liver. When taking this folk remedy for cleaning the bowels and intestines, it is necessary to carefully adjust the dosage: large doses can cause a change in appetite, a decrease in pharyngeal tone, bloatiness, and an increase in leukocytes in the blood.

How can you prepare shlunik using folk methods from mummies and chagas?

Also, when the fire is lit, folk remedies are used from mumiyo and chaga mushroom.

Mumiyo for virulent disease.

Recipe No. 1: Take 0.15 g of mumiyo 2 times a day (diluted in 1 tablespoon of boiled water) on the stomach (1-2 years before the hedgehog) for virulent disease of the scutum and 12-fingered intestine. Immediately follow the anti-cancer diet. Likuvannya course – 3-4 years.

Recipe No. 2: Dissolve 1 g of mumiyo in 1 liter of cold boiled milk and drink one bottle 3 times a day the day before meals, take - 10 days, break - 5 days, repeat 2-5 courses.

Chaga mushroom for virulent disease.

Take a fresh birch mushroom, mince it, then grate it (if you only have dry mushroom, you need to soak it for 4 years in water at room temperature, then add water - you will need more, and grate the mushroom). After this, pour boiled water at a temperature of no more than 50 ° C into 1 part of the mushroom - 5 parts of water, infuse two drinks, strain, squeeze the sediment into the infusion, add water from the soaked mushroom and drink 1 bottle 3 times and on day 30 days before eating with gastritis and viral illness of the shank. Save this people's food for curing illnesses in the refrigerator for no more than a few days.

Folk recipes for the colon and intestines: drinking juices at home

For bowel cleansing in the home, folk remedies recommend the juices of vegetables, berries and medicinal plants.

Sik aloe: take 1-2 teaspoons twice a day, days before meals. Treatment course – 1-2 months.

Raw potato juice: Rub the potato bulb through a fine grater and squeeze it together with starch. Drink freshly prepared juice three times a day 1-1.5 years before eating when the acidity of the squash juice increases.

Sik tsibulі rіpchatї: take one tablespoon 3-4 times a day. Carrot juice: Drink freshly prepared carrot juice in a glass once a day to reduce the acidity of the carrot. The strength of this folk remedy in case of fire in the passage or intestines may be proportional to the amount of acidity - the higher the acidity, the greater the need for drinking juice.

Black currant juice: Drink 100 ml tricha per day for gastritis and low acidity. Apply a similar procedure to the juice of black currants and thorn fruits.

How to savor shlunok using folk methods at home: Dr. Naumov’s recipes

Doctor Dmitro Naumov recommends showing respect for such particularities folk celebration vulva and intestines: “Drink the infusion of herbs and infusions in to this guy- Just try to understand the situation. All this is necessary, and their use, especially immediately after or before food, further ruins the etching system.

Remember the rule: You should drink the herbs 1.5 years after you go or 1 year before you go the other half of the day. The present needs to be salted.

Following this scheme, in a course of 2-3 days, you can drink the infusion of Burkun medicinal, which is also effective for pyelonephritis: 1 tbsp. Brew a spoonful of selected dry herbs with 1 bottle of dill, leave for 40 minutes, strain and drink 1/3 of the bottle after dinner and evening after 1.5 years. Since at this time it is recommended to eat food 6 times a day, it is necessary to speed up the intake in such a way as to achieve the prescribed rules for taking the infusion. Let's say, lunch - about 14.00, infusion - about 15.30, midday - about 16.30, 1st evening - about 18.00, 2nd evening - 19.30, infusion - about 21.00.

A popular savor like kvass on celandine will help you remove the scorch - starting with 1 tbsp. spoons and up to 1/2 bottle for 15 minutes to ezhi. 3 liters of water, 1/2 bottle of dry herb celandine, placed in a gauze bag with a weight, 1 bottle of cucumber and 1 teaspoon of sour cream. Mix all ingredients in a 3-liter jar. Apply 2 presses. Now the specifics of your preparation.

You should try to thoroughly mix the sour cream and cucumber in water. Then put a bag of celandine in the bottom using a stainless steel clip, which is used to remove it at the bottom. Periodically, after 1-2 days, you need to stir the jar and remove any mold that appears from the surface. After 10-14 days, when the kvass is ready, you take 1 liter from the jar for infusion, add 1 liter of water to the jar and add the zukru in a bottle. Kvass poured from a jar can be saved on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. At the time of this folk remedy for illness, the bowel and intestines will be ready for a new portion of kvass. This way you can work up to 3-4 times, after which the kvass is prepared again by replacing the grass.”

People's remedies for sickness of the shank: recipes of Mikhail Libintov

In this section of the article there are recipes on how you can cook shluk in the folk way following the recipes of Professor Mikhail Libintov.

During the period of acute viral illness (due to the reduced acidity of shlank juice), to calm the illness, it is recommended to take plantain infusion: 1 tablespoon, brew 0.5 bottles of dill, leave for 30 minutes and strain . Drink 1 tbsp. spoons 3 des y day 30 khvilin to ezhi.

One of the most important folk remedies for the disease is the need for cleanliness. Roslina (with the root) is good, cut finely, put in a bowl halfway, fill the bowl with dill, leave for 1 year, strain. Drink a folk drink for a drink with this recipe, 0.5 bottles at a time a day. The course of insurance therapy is for 2-3 years.

In household minds indispensably(as for gastritis) this is the juice of fresh cabbage. Yogo, squeezing the leaves of white cabbage. Take 0.5 bottles 3-4 times a day before eating in a warm place. Fresh tomato juice, sea buckthorn, and sophorin are also used. Treat the symptoms of the scolial-intestinal tract with lemon, honey, and peppermint.

When treating a viral disease of the colon and duodenum, it is recommended to stretch 2-3 stretches (in the oven) to squeeze the powder of bog tortilla rhizome on the tip of a knife 3-4 times a day. Preparations of aloe vera are recommended by folk healers to be taken as analgesic, prophylactic and reduces appetite and poisons the stomach.

For pain in the shluku, vidrizhtsa, and thickly coated with white infusion, it is recommended to take a course of infusion with the infusion of bud ivy leaves (brew a tablespoon of the herb in a thermos with a bottle of dill - a large dose).

For a good pain-relieving and enveloping effect, use the essential flax: 2 tablespoons, brew 0.5 liters of dill in a thermos. Take 0.5 bottles of infusion 3-4 days a day. During the congestion period, as far as possible, stress situations can be avoided.

People's feast for Ivan Prokhorov's recipes

Є his own recipes on how to cut shulok in folk ways, and the Ural healer Ivan Prokhorov.

Take a small, tall saucepan and a liter jar with a wide neck. Place some scraps of asbestos on the bottom of the pan and place the jar on it.

Fill the jar to the top with dried or fresh herb. Add olive oil to the jar so that the olive oil just covers the top ball of grass. Take another saucepan. Fill the casserole with water and boil. Trim the head pan with folk sauces from the bowels and intestines at the boiling water in the pan (not in a jar with olive oil or herb).

If three or four tablespoons of water boil in the main saucepan, then from the spare saucepan you need to add as much as it has boiled. After 6 years the eggs are ready. There is no need to strain and soak in a dark, cold place.

Dose: one tablespoon per day before eating (two spoons are possible). It’s a really tough diet. The best way to start eating is to fast for 2-3 days. On the fourth day and so on, one-third of an egg is about three times a day. At the end of the day, beat the hard-boiled eggs until halfway and add a dash of rare willow grass. Then you can take the chicken broth.

After five years - a little chicken meat. Continue this way for up to three months. A normal diet can only be allowed after 10 months from the day of the beginning of the day. Alcoholic drinks(beer) are strictly protected for up to 18 months and longer.

If the diet has been completed and the preparation has been prepared correctly, then the X-ray image will show outside knowledge Virazki. Treating viral illnesses, regardless of the great quantity of drugs, is deprived of important tasks today.

How to enjoy the recipes of Ksenia Zagladina

The healer Ksenia Zagladina offers a wealth of recipes for how to savor shulok in traditional ways. Many of them have yalivtsu berries.

If you save this plant at home, then no evil spirits are scary for your donkey. The tree is protected by a pleasant smell and protects against all sorts of nasty slander. For festive purposes, cones grow - yalivtsyu berries, called “yalivtsy berries”.

They are collected in the spring at the time of further ripening. Boil berries and drink in case of liver disease, chickweed, burnt appendages of pipes, raw berries in case of infection of the shunt, infusion of berries and gills in case of menstruation. , vydvar koreniv - when the shank is damaged. However, when burning, there are no contraindications.

How can you remove the bowels and intestines using folk methods using Vanga’s recipes

Spadshchina Vanga also has lost a lot of recipes for how to make shlunik using folk methods.

Hercules(1 pack) pour 8 liters of boiled water at the temperature of fresh milk. Leave for an hour at room temperature. Gently prepare the sumish for the first time: 1 teaspoon of yeast, 2 teaspoons of cucumber, 1 bottle of water, 1 bottle of borosha. Place in a warm place to allow steam to rise. Then combine the dough with rolled oats and leave in a warm place for relish. Strain the fermented dough through a sieve into jars or an enamel saucepan and place in the refrigerator. France (today) pour one or two bottles into the saucepan, stirring, bring to a boil and pour into plates, adding vershkov oil. It is important to take this popular remedy for bowel and intestinal illness over a period of 3-6 months. It is useful for chronic gastritis, especially anacid gastritis, for viral disease, enterocolitis, chronic cholecystitis.

The kissing authorities smell sour, removing from the weight that has proris. The oats need to be sorted, soaked and placed in a warm place. On the other hand, the grain will germinate, leaving behind a trace of grinding. After this, dilute it with a lot of cold water, add dill and boil for 1-2 minutes. You need to drink another 20 drinks. Then strain and drink fresh (you can’t prepare the sour later!). Take sour trace for pancreatitis, diabetes, duodenal infection.

Green juice mix group B vitamins, mineral salts, enzymes, protein proteins, starch, zuccor and others brown speech. This intake is beneficial for the nervous and cardiovascular systems, which has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body. This is also true for nerve pain, impaired heart rhythm, diabetes, anemia, Scholuko-intestinal illnesses. It decreases your appetite, acting as a drug-absorbing drug. Preparation: Pass the green parts of the raspberry through a juicer or a meat grinder. Take a drink 2-3 times a day before walking for 2-3 stretches.

Folk remedies for inflamed bowels and intestines: bathing in oils

Also, in folk medicine, in case of bowel and intestinal ailments, medicinal oils are used.

Sea buckthorn oil.

Take 1 teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil internally 3 times a day 30-40 days before the stomach in case of severe illness of the scutum and 12-fingered intestine for 3-4 lengths. Take 50 ml of 2% baking soda at once (it is important to combine it with sea buckthorn oil and drink it well, so the bath will be better tolerated).

If you take sea buckthorn oil without soda you can use a sour drink. If well tolerated, the dose can be incrementally increased to 1 tbsp. Take 2-3 spoons every day. During the period of bowel and intestinal cleansing, it is generally necessary to follow the anti-inflammatory diet.

St. John's oil.

To cure the fire of the passage and intestines using folk methods, St. John's oil can be prepared in two ways.

  • 1st method: 500 g of fresh selected herbs (or just flowers) pour 0.5 liters of white wine (you can take 0.5 liters of burner) and 1 liter of almond, flaxseed or dormouse oil, vitrify for 3 days; After that, steam the wine (burner) over low heat for 2-3 years, and then pour 2-3 years in a dark place and filter. The oil is selected in a dark burgundy color. In case of viral illness, take 1 tbsp. lie down for 1-2 months. Olya can be frozen and externally, for example, for the treatment of wounds, trophic lesions, bedsores, etc.
  • 2nd method: The oil can be prepared from dry herbs ground into powder. For this you need to mix a 1:2 ratio with heated amygdaloid, nymphea or other oil, leave for 3-4 years in a boiling water bath, leave for 2-3 minutes, an hour start, then filter.

Kam'yana oliya.

Recommendation from Zh. Drozdova:“To bathe the shank using traditional medicine, the powder of kamyanaya olia is ground in boiling water at room temperature. To begin therapy, it is necessary to determine the body’s reaction to Kamyanaya oil, so it is better to stick to a weak concentration: 1 g (0.5 teaspoon) Kamyanoy Olya, diluted in 3 liters of water and drink 3 times a day, 0.5 bottles after Go. Work like this for seven to ten days. Then increase the concentration – 2 g per 3 liters of water and take 3 times a day after going. After 2 years of treatment, you need to take a break for 10 days. And then you can switch to the dose necessary for the treatment of gastritis or viral disease of the vulva, then take 3 g (1 teaspoon) of Kamyan oil per 600 ml of water and take 0.5 bottles 3 times a day before meals. The duration of treatment can vary from two to six courses (just don’t forget to take breaks between courses!). To avoid damaging the enamel of your teeth, take the broken stone oil through a straw.”

Folk methods of healing: homeopathic remedies

Before the methods of alternative traditional medicine for bowel cleansing, both the drain and homeopathic remedies are used. As always, the choice of a specific type depends on individual symptoms. It is recommended to try these medications right away.

  • Carbo Veg: when the liver comes out of the oven and for an hour of baking, sometimes it is accompanied by necessity; Often such symptoms occur as a result of overindulgence or excessive drinking of alcohol.
  • Lycopodium: with strong heat, gases in the intestines and there will be a re-swelling of the passage after a small intake of food.
  • Nux Vomica: If you take too much fatty hedgehogs, drink alcohol and coffee to the point of boredom and acid getting into your mouth (otherwise the same result occurs even with an empty mouth and a feeling of hunger).

People's Likuvannya shlunka with clay

Another effective the folk way Liquoring a shluk means vikoristanya clay.

Clay appeared on earth for millions of reasons. Their “fathers” respect spar, various types of mica, vapnyak, and kaolinite. Depending on the presence of various minerals, clay can be different quotes To help treat viral illness, use yellow clay to remove slime, syrup, sodium and others.

In case of severe illness, clay can be cured as if it were external - in the form of application and compression, or in the middle. Clay, due to its structure, has a cleansing and early healing effect on the body.

Since vikory is a folk remedy for curing ailments of the colon and intestines, the clay must be taken only from clay balls, as it is pure there and may enhance the healing effect. Before use, the clay is cleaned, dried in the sun, and then ground into powder. In autumn winter hour clay can be prepared for bark. To do this, dilute the powder with jerel water until it forms a dough-like mixture, then cut into small balls (pieces larger than a pea), which are then dried in the sun. Sometimes add herbal infusions to the clay bags.

For viral illness, take 1 tbsp of clay powder internally. spoon in 1 bottle of warm water 2 times a day and evening. Instead of powder, you can use clay balls. Change the dose to 1 teaspoon, then after 1 month the dose becomes 1 teaspoon.

To apply to the shunt area, make a clay cake 1 cm thick and apply it hot to the shunt area for 2 years. Such procedures at home are recommended to be carried out over a period of 3-4 days during the dressing period.

You can get rid of the pain in the vulva with the help of effective folk remedies (potato juice, aloe, propolis, herbs, etc.), which for specific skin conditions should be taken at a regular dose. Before starting therapy, you should go to a gastroenterologist and undergo strictures, since the disease may have similar symptoms. Even if the cause of persistent discomfort is known, choosing the required method of therapy will be much easier.

Symptoms and treatment of illness of the shank

Shlunok may be ill for various reasons Beginning with gastritis and bloating and ending with more serious pathologies - for example, pancreatitis and pancreatitis. And for skin problems, traditional medicine prepared a number of different recipes. The axis deals with them.

Likuvannya virazki shlunka

The mucous membrane is characterized by the presence of small viral formations on the mucous membrane of the organ, which appear under the influence of hydrochloric acid and acid. In this case, the disease may include symptoms such as hot pain in the mouth, sweating, burning, increased sensation of sprague, loss of appetite, etc. As part of therapy, traditional medicine recommends the following:

  • Goat milk- French drink 1-2 tbsp before eating. l. fresh milk, and over the course of a day you can drink a handful of bottles, diluting first with boiled water (1:1). Curing course: 3-4 years.
  • Aloe- from mature shoots (over 3 years old), cut a bunch of large, fleshy leaves, rinse with running water and trim to a porridge-like state. Take 1 tbsp of masa internally. l. two per day. To achieve the required results, it is necessary to take the drug for a month. And the splinters of the sprout have a bitter taste and can be mixed with a small amount of honey.

You won’t be able to get rid of the hole in your stomach, so the sick person should stock up on terpenes and continue the therapy no matter what. Of course, you will need to take 3 courses (after the skin treatment, a 2-4 day break is required).

Treating gastritis with folk methods

Gastritis is characterized by pain in the epigastric region, which is periodically caused by fatigue and sometimes vomiting, lack of appetite, loss of bowel movements (constipation or diarrhea), indigestion, etc. If the diagnosis is confirmed, we are ready to try the following recipes:

  • Propolis with honey- Mix 1 tsp. Propolis with the same amount of honey, take internally and soak in a small amount of clean water (70-100 ml). Repeat the procedure twice a day. Likuvannya course: 2-3 years.
  • Potato juice- fresh potatoes (2-3 pcs.), rinse, peel and grate, then squeeze out the juice and strain through cheesecloth. It is recommended to drink freshly prepared drinks immediately (one day before eating). Single serving: 100ml. You need to take it with a 2-stretch stretch before applying it to the skin (2-3 times a day).

Likuvannya erosion of the shluk

Erosion of the scutum is the result of destruction of the epithelial ball of the organ, as a result of which on the mucous membrane the formation of small lesions (or on the side of the lining of the mucous membrane sticks out from the upper ball of the mucous membrane). Signs of erosion of the vulva: severe pain in the epigastric region (especially at night), fatigue, baking and vomiting after eating, loss of taste, the presence of traces of blood in feces or vomit. such features as:

  • Vardvar of flatbread root- 1 tsp. dry sauce, pour 200 ml of dill and simmer for a quarter of a year on low heat. Let it cool and drink 50 ml before applying it to the skin. Duration of therapy: 2 years.
  • Infusion from Volosky Gorikhiv- add 500 g of peeled peas, pour 0.5 liters into the burner and leave in a dark place for 2 minutes. Take 1 tbsp after eating. l. captured, diluted with 125 ml of water. It is best to live at least 2-3 times a day for 2 days.

The remaining prescription of indications for the acute form of schulcular erosion.

The severity of erosion due to the collapse of the scutum
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