Variation of electrical voltage Variation of physical quantities
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Vibration of electrical voltage.

Calculate the instrumental loss and record the result of deaths taking into account: . Know the methodical kidnapping: = , de R i 7-26 5 Ohm,



= 30 MOhm,


2.4.3. = 1 MOhm.




The significant amendment and the abduction of the amendment are based on the formulas:


    The result of the instrumental and methodical theft is written down in the form:

    Review of the results of vibrating struma

Write down the result of the instrumental robbery.

    Know the methodical kidnapping:

    Significant amendment and hijacking amendment:

    The result of the instrumental and methodical theft is written down in the form:

    Meta robots.

    Vimiru scheme.

Tables and graphs of the dimming results.

Results of the experiment. : Visnovki ta zauvazhennya shodo roboti. 2.6. Control food:

      Direct and indirect deaths.

Spoilnі and combined death.

Please note that the actual values ​​of the physical quantity are valid.

What kind of accuracy class will I add?

Cause the guilt of methodical abductions. Laboratory robot No. 3 Meta robots Laboratory robot No. 3 get to know about
vimirual devices

learn the technique of strengthening the support using direct and indirect methods and identifying their damage.

Theoretical information

(directed from laboratory robot No. 2)

Preparing fixtures before adjusting the support

3.2.1. V7-26 Peremikach rodu robot transfer to position " r =
» and check the zero position of the indicator when the sockets are short-circuited » " and "*" (Fig. 3.1). , r , Then open the socket and place the indicator (arrow) at the “∞” position on the scale handle “Set. .

“∞”” (for V7-26 Peremikach rodu robot put in position " and "*" (Fig. 3.1). , r" I'll adjust the scale. 3.3.3. 3.3. Vimir of supports by direct method Then open the socket and place the indicator (arrow) at the “∞” position on the scale handle “Set. 3.3.1 Install on the support magazine:





3.3.2. " and "*" (Fig. 3.1). Connect Then open the socket and place the indicator (arrow) at the “∞” position on the scale X

        to B7-26 (Fig. 2) and adjust this value.


3.3.6. 2 Kintseve scale values


Ohm (10 n – scale multiplier). 3.4.1. Take the diagram (Fig. 4).

, . R Install life on the dzherel E Then open the socket and place the indicator (arrow) at the “∞” position on the scale= (B).



= 30 MOhm, 1 ( 2 ) I

- Kintseve scale values. Record the results of measuring the flow and voltage in the vicinity: Record the result of the measurements of supports .

regarding the instrumental abduction of indirect vimirs:




P = -



Residual result of vibrating the support:




Take the diagram (Fig. 5).


Record the results of measuring the flow and voltage:

Record the result of the test with the description of instrumental robbery

indirect extinctions:

Methodical abduction of the wymirs:

Directed for a methodical assassination:± Vipadkova pohibka vipravlenya

The result of gaining support for the destruction of the murders:

5. Follow the results with details.

Pre-ordered displays of electrical devices in connection with the kidnapping ± Zavdannya No. 1

An ammeter that reads 50 points on a uniform scale and is rated for 500 mA.

As it is shown, the pointer extended to 40 points, and the loss of direct vibration or flow becomes half the price of the ammeter.

Pre-ordered displays of electrical devices in connection with the kidnapping ± Zavdannya No. 1

Subject: (___

____) ma.

Pre-ordered displays of electrical devices in connection with the kidnapping ± Zavdannya No. 2

What does the ammeter show in terms of absolute destruction?

Absolute robbery will be accepted at half the price.

Directed for a methodical assassination:± Vipadkova pohibka vipravlenya

Subject: (_____

____) A

Zavdannya No. 3

What are the readings of the ammeter, and what is the difference between direct voltage and half the price of the device?

Zavdannya No. 4

  1. Write down the result of measuring the electrical voltage, so that the loss is exactly half the price of the division.
  • Say witness and murder

____) IN

Zavdannya No. 5 What does the ammeter show in terms of absolute destruction? Absolute robbery will be accepted at exactly half the price.

4. The little one shows the connection of two conductors.

What is the correct ammeter to measure the strength of the stream that flows through conductor 1?

  • 5. The little one shows the connection of two conductors.
  • Which voltmeter is correctly connected to measure the voltage on conductor 1?

1) only V 1 2) only V 2 2 3)only V 3 4)V 1 and V 3

  • 1) 0,45 2) 1,1 3) 2 4) 2,2

6. For a straight nichrome dart with a flat overcut of 1 mm

  • The strength of the steady current is equal to 1 A. What is the voltage between these points, what is the difference between them at a distance of 2 m?

8 7. Write down the result of the electrical voltage fluctuation (div. figure), making sure that the decrease in the voltage decreases at the same time. 0 1)(1.4 ± 0.2) V 2)(1.4 ± 0.1) V 3)(2.8 ± 0.1) V 4)(2.8 ± 0.2) V

. Why is the mass of water so popular that it can be heated with an electric sprinkler at a temperature of 20 Up to a boiling temperature of 20 minutes? The voltage in the stream is 220, the force of the stream is 3.5 A.

  • 9. Three conductors are connected as shown in the baby.

Operator reference:

R 1 = 6 Ohm, R 2 = 8 Ohm, R 3

= 8 Ohm.

The ammeter shows the strength of the current as the voltage on the conductor

R 1 is higher than 24?

1) 16 A 2) 8 A 3) 4 A 4) 2 A

10. The table presents the results of monitoring the strength of the current and the voltage at the ends of the resistor. What is the significance of the force and strength of the machine standing at the empty cage? U, V

I, A 2 1) 4.3 A 2) 4.5 A 3) 5 A 4) 6 A

1) through R 1 2) through R 2 3) through R 3 4 through R 4

1) 36.8 Ohm 2) 92 Ohm 3) 230 Ohm 4) 270 Ohm

3. In the lantsyug dzherela struma, three darts are included in parallel: copper, lizny, and nickel.


transverse cut

and dovzhini darts however.

When the key is closed for 1 s 4. There is a changing electrical voltage at the end of the lancet, which is made up of a nickel-conductor with a cross-sectional area of ​​0.2 mm Studying the data taken away, having created a schedule of the length of time, the strength of the stream and the voltage. What is the value of a conductor's birthday?

  • 5. In the electrical circuit shown in the diagram, the ammeter shows a current of 4 A, the voltage on the first conductor is 20 V. The voltmeter shows a voltage of 60 V. The voltage on the other conductor

9. Calculate the thickness of the nickelin shot with a cross-sectional area of ​​1 mm. 2 and weighing 176 g, due to the preparation of a rheostat, when the voltage at its ends is 24 V, the strength of the stream that flows is more than 3 A.

10. Cover the bottom of the nichrome dart with a cross-cut area of ​​0.05 mm. 2 required for the preparation of the spiral is a heating power of 275 W, which is carried out intermittently steady voltage 220 V. 1)2 m 2)4 m 3)6 m 4)8 m 11. three resistors, supports: R 1 = 3 Ohm; R 2 = 6 Ohm and R 3

  • = 9 Ohm, connected in series.

Zavdannya No. 4

A voltmeter connected in parallel to another resistor shows a voltage of 12 V. What is the current voltage across the entire length of the Lancug?

A voltmeter is ideal.

1) 648 V 2) 144 V 3) 36 V 4) 9 V

1. To determine the strength of the flow that passes through the lamp, and the electric voltage on the lamp, study the electric lancet and represent it to the baby. A voltmeter is ideal.


2. To determine the strength of the flow that passes through the lamp, and the electric voltage on the lamp, study the electric lancet and represent it to the baby.

What kind of device (ammeter and (or) voltmeter) is included in the electric lancet correctly? A voltmeter is ideal.

1) Only an ammeter 2) Only a voltmeter 3) Both an ammeter and a voltmeter are turned on correctly 4) Both an ammeter and a voltmeter are turned on

6. Learn to pick up the electric lance and introduce the baby.

How is the firmness correct?

1) When the switch is closed, the ammeter will show the strength of the electric current that flows through the rheostat R 2) When the switch is closed, the ammeter will show the strength of the electric current that flows through resistors R1 and R2 3) When the switch is closed, the ammeter will show the strength of the electric current, o flows through 4 Ammeter of inclusions in the electrical circuit due to broken polarity of the connection

7. Learn to pick up the electric lance and introduce the baby.

How is the firmness correct?

1) When the switch is closed, the ammeter will show the strength of the electric current flowing through the rheostat R 2) When the key is closed, the voltmeter will show the electrical voltage on the rheostat R 3) When the key is closed, the voltmeter will show the electrical voltage on the resistors R1 and R2 4V ol broken polarity of connection

8. Learn to pick up the electric lance and introduce the baby.

How is the firmness correct?

1) When the switch is closed, the ammeter will show the strength of the electric current flowing through the rheostat R 2) When the switch is closed, the ammeter will show the strength of the electric current flowing through the resistor R1 3) When the switch is closed, the ammeter will show the strength of the electric current flowing through the cut Histor R2 Electric Lanzug incorrect

The worker zoshit:

Taking an electrician course

Methodical insertions

all forms of learning Rostov-on-Don

Stackers = Enter Between the world price divided,

3.3.2. Enter I will adjust the scales to the formula: price divided Z

X etc/:

Enter N pr - between the world,.


- Increased number of scale divisions.Enter n Enter

value of the modified value

EnterEnter Enter izm =

Z n 1

accuracy class k

until the end of the world

In such a manner = vim: Laboratory robot

Order of Vikonannya Roboti = vim: 3. Discover the price below:

Z 1 = vim: U

pr1/N =


X 1 = X 2 = X 3 =

vim: Z 2 pr2 / N = =

vim: Z 3 pr3 /N = =

vim: Enter data into the table. izm1 = =

Z 1 n 1

vim: = vim: izm2 = vim: Z 2 n 2 izm3 = = …%.

Z 3 n 3 Round the value to the first digit. Z 3 n 3 = %.

vim ± D Round the value to the first digit. vim ± D = %.

; Round the value to the first digit. ; = %.

d vim:


U 1

= ±;


U 2

U 3

How is the firmness correct?

1) When the switch is closed, the ammeter will show the strength of the electric current flowing through the rheostat R 2) When the key is closed, the voltmeter will show the electrical voltage on the rheostat R 3) When the key is closed, the voltmeter will show the electrical voltage on the resistors R1 and R2 4V ol broken polarity of connection

8. Learn to pick up the electric lance and introduce the baby.


Control food

How is the firmness correct?

1) When the switch is closed, the ammeter will show the strength of the electric current flowing through the rheostat R 2) When the switch is closed, the ammeter will show the strength of the electric current flowing through the resistor R1 3) When the switch is closed, the ammeter will show the strength of the electric current flowing through the cut Histor R2 Electric Lanzug incorrect

The worker zoshit:

Laboratory robot 2

Variation of physical quantities

Value of capacitor capacity

Elimination of electrical destructive force

Designed horizontally

to laboratory work in physics

The necessary theoretical material is provided, the order of work and control nutrition.

Designated for 1st and 2nd year students of technical specialties of all forms of learning.

Taking an electrician course

Electrical fittings can be worn for one or a decade between adjustments.

Methodical insertions- this is the maximum value of the measured value that can be indicated on the scale of the device.

Before the cob is dried, calculate the trace all forms of learning Rostov-on-Don

Stackers = Enter Between the world price divided,

3.3.2. Enter I will adjust the scales to the formula: price divided Z

Knowing the price of the subscale, I will add and determine the number of subdivisions X, on which the arrow of the device fell when dying, you can know etc/:

Enter N pr - between the world,.

Memory trace, what is important X rounded up to half of one minimum subdivision.

All electrical accessories are characterized by - Increased number of scale divisions., which is the ancient history of absolute theft D Enter n Enter etc. The accuracy class is indicated on the scale of the device.

value of the modified value

From which the relationship emerges that the absolute theft is ancient:

The accuracy of the vimer is characterized by excellent accuracy d Enter, which means absolute destruction of relationships D Enter to the virtual value Enter izm =

The apparent loss changes due to the increase in the extinction value.

However, it is necessary to choose between the parameters in such a way that the arrow is adjusted to the maximum number of sections.

Laboratory robot 1

accuracy class k

  1. Voltage reduction Electrical diagram

until the end of the world

In such a manner = vim: Laboratory robot

Order of Vikonannya Roboti = vim: 3. Discover the price below:

Z 1 = vim: U

pr1/N =

(Div. Fig. 1) has already been assembled on the stand. X 4. Close the key.

X 1 = X 2 = X 3 =

Write down the number of sections of the voltmeter scale

vim: Z 2 pr2 / N = =

vim: Z 3 pr3 /N = =

vim: Enter data into the table. izm1 = =

, on which the arrow will heal.

Z 1 n 1

5. The value of the virtual voltage

Z 1 n 1

6. Calculate the absolute theft: vim: = vim: izm2 = vim: Z 2 n 2 izm3 = = …%.

Z 3 n 3 Round the value to the first digit. Z 3 n 3 = %.

vim ± D Round the value to the first digit. vim ± D = %.

; Round the value to the first digit. ; = %.

d vim: 7. Check the accuracy of the vimir:

8. Write down the result in the form:


Changes should be rounded to the extent of absolute robbery.

9. Compare the results of calibration at three different calibration intervals of the voltmeter and explain its validity.

1. What is called the boundary of the world?

2. How to calculate the price of the scale of an electrical appliance?

3. How do you calculate the value of a simulated quantity?

U 1

4. What is called the accuracy class? 5. How is the absolute death of extinction determined?

Dzherelo village: Decision 2452.-18.

ODE 2017 Physics, E.E.


30 options.

Zavdannya 17.

Radioactive drug placed in a magnetic field. 3.

Whose field is dying The correct answer is

1) less than A;

2) less than B;

3) (2.4 ± 0.1) V

4) (2.8 ± 0.2) V

30 options.

Two scales of the voltmeter show that the voltage can be measured in two ranges: from -1 to 3, and from -2 to 6 V. The terminals are connected to the symbols 0 and 3, therefore, we must focus on the bottom th scale.

The arrow shows the symbol 1.4 V, which means 1.4 ± 0.1 V. Evidence number 1.
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