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Why do you dream about wearing a glaze made of water? The magic of numbers. Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Find out what it means when you dream about Glek?

Dream, in Yakoma V they poured a glaze- means that you will have noble and magnanimous intentions, and success will accompany all your undertakings.

A broken celery - foretells the loss of friends.

Dream Interpretation of the XXI century

Have you ever dreamed about Glechik?

Bachiti ve sni glechik- to tears, give yogo susidov- means to get married to a kohanim.

Broken glelic, treat yourself in a dream- means a breakdown in plans.

Dream book for the sick

Sleep, where do you get the hang of it?- an eyelash from a clear-eyed home means that other people will be valued by your money, and not by you.

An empty shoulder - dreaming about welding with an empty human being as a result of your bad behavior.

Drinking a glass of water means that you, with your optimism, encourage your dog during times of turmoil.

However, the drink of the glacier is not savory- this promises you such disappointment in your kohanoma that you will see a new ordeal.

Dream book for a bitch

The surface is glazed with water because I am like another countryside- far away, a significant gain, the absence of good friends.

An empty hole - embarrassment, quarreling with friends through your thoughtless behavior.

Drink some water- You are energetic and active.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadia Zimi

Glek uvi sni - symbolizes unclear prospects and stagnation on the right.

A broken celery is a sign that stagnation and lack of importance in your life can lead to unacceptable consequences or important welding.

Beautiful painted glenik- means that, regardless of the insignificance of your life, your life will turn out well.

Dream Interpretation of Health

Bachiti povniy glechik- To your health, nepovny - the state of your health deprives you of the beauty; empty or broken- Until I get sick.

Dream Interpretation for Medium Ms. Hasse

What does it mean to dream about Glechik in a dream?

Glek povniy - important guests; empty - evil of your living room; breakups - it’s your pleasure to harm you.

Miller's Dream Book

As you see the eye of a dream, above the clear vision of the countryside- then your kindness will soon be called upon with much greater respect, below you yourself. Many of these friends come together to please you and be dear to you.

How do you empty empty eyelets?- this means that your behavior is different from you and your friends.

Broken glazes- predict illness, bad luck at work.

Like you drink wine from glass in your dreams- this is a prophecy of good health and a sign that you will be warmly received in all endeavors of marriage. You infect other people with your optimism.

It's not acceptable to drink this drink- means disappointment in the Swede and brings about the feeling that you know, having experienced the accident of your hopes.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

What is the future of Glechik in your dreams?

Bachiti ve sni glechik- there is a buzz associated with the arrival of important visitors. An empty shoulder means that your hospitality will be spoiled. Glek, filled with water- a sign of unnecessary turbos, wasted time and wasted money.

Glek with wine - a foreshadowing of the fact that your good will grow beyond the fate of your skin.

Filled with milk glechik- a sign of bright feelings, calling out a new novel from the person in your world.

When in a dream you broke a gleam, so it spilled all over- then whose legacy in real life will be the greatest, your behavior will lead you to make your closest friends.

Pour the wine into cups- a prophecy of good health and a sign that you will be pleasantly received there, where you will soon be introduced. When, instead of drinking water, you get a drink with a unique smell- Well, you are deeply disappointed by the anticipation of life, as you know, having experienced the collapse of all your hopes and plans.

As soon as I dream you will be served a hot ceramic glaze as a gift- in real life, friends will bring you joy, and you yourself will be happy and healthy.

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

When you drink water in your sleep, fill it with clean water- You will achieve popularity and respect your kindness. Lots of people will want to get close to you, so that they might be nice to you.

Drink wine with gleka- Advances of global health. This is also a sign that you infect other people with your optimism, which is why you will find wisdom and benefit in all endeavors of marriage.

Filled with a celery or a decanter, filled to the top with clear-sighted wilderness, it means that you will become famous for your specialness and earn the respect of people much less than your life. A dozen of your friends are united in a way to bring you joy and bring you value. Your mind will go away until you make all your friends angry with your behavior. Rozbiti are indicators of illness and inability to work.

Erotic Dream Interpretation

The dream in which you get your eye from the clear-sighted country means that other people will value your money, not you. You dream of an empty shoulder before welding with a dead man as a legacy of your bad behavior. Drinking a drink means that you, with your optimism, encourage your dog during times of turmoil. However, if the drink is not savory, this means that you will be so disappointed in your kohanoma that you will wait until the next day.

Loff's Dream Book

Glek is associated with success and prosperity, as well as good relations between people. A broken berry always indicates the loss of everything. And the axis of drinking from the glass prophesies good health, this dream seems that you will be warmly received by all the stakes of your marriage. There’s no point in talking about illnesses and failures in work.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

A fresh gleichik sees the arrival of important guests, dreams of arrival and success for those on the right; empty means that your hospitality will be ruined, you will spend your life in poverty and need; brokenness - such a dream sagaciously intrudes upon you;

Islamic Dream Book

Vtamovuvat spragu zi gleka - in this regard, look for a replacement. Beware of those who drink from other people's eyes - the dream demonstrates the practicality of the drinker. Who, having washed his hands with water from the old glacier, is a disappointment to the one who was pranking and achieving.

Suchasny Dream Interpretation

As soon as you drink water in your dreams, topping it with clean water, you will achieve popularity and respect your well-being. Lots of people will want to get close to you, so that they might be nice to you.

Freud's Dream Book

Glek, like a large vessel, is a symbol of women’s state organs. Pour water into the vessel whenever you want to please your partner, achieve completeness and intimacy in the intimate area.

Glechik, skudnitsa, kumgan, oinochoya, Vessel, kuban, balakir

Glek u Dream Interpretation of Ms. Hasse:

  • Povniy – important guests
  • Empty - evil to your hotel
  • Breaking is a pleasure to harm you.
  • Tlumachennya in Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananit sleep Glek:

    Glek - new - profit, luck, important guests - empty - poverty, need, evil of your hospitality - robberies - pleasure to harm you

    Why do you dream about Glechik? Esoteric dream book?

  • With milk - it’s not safe to know someone about whom you find out the truth more often than not.
  • With water - hardening, slander.
  • Go to the side - the signal is received.
  • U Ukrainian dream book, how to dream about a Jug:

  • To dream of a mountain, a small crucible is a rich lane, to break a mountain is bad luck, like a disaster, sometimes - for good.
  • How do you dream about Glek? U Today's dream book:

  • If in your dreams you have a gleam, then in reality you will achieve noble intentions, and good luck will accompany you in all your undertakings. A broken celery foretells the loss of friends.
  • Tlumachennya sleep Glek u Miller's Dream Interpretation:

  • As you see the eye of the eye, above the clear vision of the homeland, then your kindness will soon be called upon with much greater respect, even for you yourself. Many of these friends come together to please you and be dear to you.
  • Drinking this glacier is an unacceptable drink - it means disappointment for the Swede and brings an expectation, as you know, having experienced the accident of your hopes.
  • If you are emptying your eyes, this means that your behavior is taking your friends away from you.
  • Broken eyelids indicate illness and failure in work.
  • If you drink wine and glass in your dreams, this is a harbinger of good health and a sign that you will be warmly received in all aspects of marriage. You infect other people with your optimism.
  • Bachiti Glechik New dream book:

  • Empty - your recovery will not cope.
  • What does it mean to pump a jug? Family dream book?

  • If you have drank wine and glass in your dream, you will be warmly received in all faiths of marriage. In addition, it is a sign of health and optimism.
  • If you have gained a little knowledge of the clear-sighted homeland, then know that people respect you more for your kindness than for your human kindness. And yet, you have many friends who join together to please you and help you in any way.
  • Even if you drank this unpalatable drink, you will be disappointed and have an accident of hope.
  • And the empty axle is watching over you, so that you don’t spoil your friends with your behavior.
  • A broken celery indicates illness and failure in work.
  • What does Glechik mean in a dream? Similar dream book?

  • If you get a gleech, it means that you will receive the most noble intentions, and success will accompany you in all your undertakings. A broken celery foretells the loss of friends.
  • Glek uvi sni v Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation:

  • povniy - to wealth;
  • empty - disenchantment;
  • rozbitiy - rozpach;
  • povniy – also means important guests;
  • empty - despise your living space;
  • until sick.
  • Uvi sni Glek bachiti. U Noble dream book:

  • Let's raise it - don't be a simpleton.
  • Give susida - get married to a kohana person.
  • Glek bachiti – slozi.
  • What does Glechik mean? Schiller's dream book:

  • povniy - profit and success on the right; empty - poverty and evil.
  • Drink a jug. U Mayan dream book:

    What does Glechik mean? Dream Interpretation of Health:

  • Bachiti povniy glechik - to health, nepovniy - the camp of your health deprives you of the beauty; Empty or broken - until you get sick.
  • Bachiti povniy glechik - to health, nepovniy - the camp of your health deprives you of the beauty; empty or broken - until you get sick.

    1 glechik by Islamic dream book on the Koran and Suni

    Bachiti glechik always means:

    Glechik, dream book Glek - who, having washed his hands with water from an old glek, has been disappointed in the fact that he was foolish and at home.

    Glek bachiti uvi sni - reveal in reality the river that you spent a long time ago.

    1 glechik by To the Great Dream Book of Phoebe

    Until financial stability and material well-being. Discover the great hot celery. You take it to your hands and fill it to the brim with clean water and milk.

    What is the strangest dream we see, this is the greatest place in the world.

    Sigmund Freud

    1 glechik by Dream Interpretation of Rick Dillon

    Dreaming about a glacier means:

    Glek bachiti - to reveal in reality the river, which was spent a long time ago.

    1 glechik by Dream Interpretation jokes about the way

    Meaning of sleep glechik:

    Glek, povniy cup - wealth; drink from a cup - suffering, relief; with wine - kohanna.

    1 glechik according to the Mayan Dream Book

    As if you had a dream that you are pouring this into the container, soon you will have such an important drink. Fill the vase with this song and place the flowers there, then it will be more effective.

    It's a dirty idea that you dreamed that you were singing for a drink, and in the near future you will have to practice even more. Let the robot bring you some bark, fill the loaf with melted water and place it on the surface.

    In the middle of the skin, the closest thing to us, sleeps an unquenched wild beast, which throws itself when we sleep...


    1 glechik according to Freud's dream book

    Glek, like a large vessel, is a symbol of women’s state organs.

    1 glechik by Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Scholar

    Glek, in my dreams, means:

    povniy - profit and success on the right; empty - poverty and evil.

    1 glechik by Ukrainian dream book

    To dream of a mountain, a small crucible is a rich lane, to break a mountain is bad luck, like a disaster, sometimes - for good.

    1 glechik by Dream interpretation of a married woman

    As soon as you drink water in your dreams and refresh yourself with clean water, you will achieve popularity and respect your well-being. Lots of people will want to get close to you, so that they might be nice to you.

    Drinking wine from the glass is a harbinger of good health. This is also a sign that you infect other people with your optimism, which is why you will find wisdom and benefit in all endeavors of marriage.

    It is unacceptable to drink this glass with the relish of a drink - to the point of extreme disappointment and hope to live through the accidents of your hopes.

    An empty shoulder in a dream means that by your behavior you will introduce yourself to friends.

    A broken celery indicates illness and failure in work.

    If you ever dream that you want to wake up and cry, don’t listen and don’t look at the window - that is, from dead relatives calling to you.

    1 glechik by Similar dream book

    Why do women dream about a woman’s gleek:

    If you get a gleech, it means that you will receive the most noble intentions, and success will accompany you in all your undertakings.

    A broken celery - foretells the loss of friends.

    1 glechik by Dream Interpretation of E. Erikson

    Bachiti glechik always means:

    Garniy, with a handle - the ability to pour on your partner, a simple clay glaze - readiness to come to the rescue.

    1 glechik by Esoteric dream book

    The dream book explains the dream with glicium as follows:

    Glek on the side - the signal is received.

    With water - hardening, slander.

    With milk - it’s not safe to know someone about whom you find out the truth more often than not.

    Rosebeaty - good luck.

    1 glechik by Dream Interpretation home-gifts

    Dreaming about a glacier means:

    The authorities feel the emotions. Glek, on top of the clear-sighted countryside, has a positive attitude towards himself; empty shoulder - internal emptiness. Rozbity glechik - thorn; there seems to be some misfortune; drink wine for gleka - good health; optimism; Drinking without a drink is unacceptable - disappointment; I'm looking forward to life.

    1 glechik by Dream interpretation for a bitch

    Meaning of sleep glechik:

    A sliver of water, or like another countryside, is a distant reference, a significant gain, the absence of good friends.

    An empty hole - embarrassment, quarreling with friends through your thoughtless behavior.

    Drink this glass of water - it is energetic and active.

    1 glechik by Dream Interpretation of Nina Grishina

    What does it mean when a woman dreams of a gleam:

    Glek bachiti – slozi.

    Let's raise it - don't be a simpleton.

    Give susida - get married to a kohana person.

    If you always tremble in your dreams, it means you are tall.

    1 glechik by Stuart Robinson's Dream Book

    How can you dream about a gleam:

    A dream about a black hole means a prosperous life in your waking life, a balanced and happy family life, since only the black hole is not empty, not broken, has no cracks or holes. Finally, the dream conveys to you unpleasantness, need, family discord. Drinking wine from it always means having friendly relations with people from a good marriage, where you should be considered as the main contributor to your wealth. Rotten beer in the glacier, instead of something else, means that your drinks are dead.

    1 glechik by Dream Interpretation

    Glek, in my dreams, means:

    The dream in which you see an eyelash from the clear-sighted country means that other people will value your money, not you.

    An empty shoulder - dreaming about welding with an empty human being as a result of your bad behavior.

    Drinking a glass of water means that you, with your optimism, encourage your dog during times of turmoil.

    However, if the drink is not savory, this means that you will be so disappointed in your kohanoma that you will wait until the next day.

    1 glechik by Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

    If a girl dreams of a gleam, it means:

    also Vase. Glek is often a feminine symbol, perhaps an aspect of motherhood and security, which we know in our lives. This one has the same symbolism that the Vazi has - this is a monster of something rich and unnecessary. 2. If the apple is shaking, it means that we are not in control of our forward movement. 3. Convulsion of the soul.

    1 glechik according to the Dream Book of the XXI century

    Why do women dream about a woman’s eyelash:

    To the point of tears, giving yogo susidov means breaking up with the kohanim.

    A broken gleek, a lot of fun in your dreams - means a failure in your plans.

    1 glechik according to the Dream Book of the XXI century

    To add more to your dream means:



    1 glechik by Tsvetkov's dream book

    Tlumachennya sleep for the glechik:

    Glek povniy - to wealth; empty - disappointment; rozbitiy - rozpach.

    1 glechik by Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

    Interpretation of the dream about the gleech:

    Why do you dream? What does it mean in a dream? - You always dream of an empty shoulder - you allow yourself to be mindful; If you respect what is invisible at your side, you will have mercy; Also, through your intelligence, many people are not afraid to ask you and take away your abilities. The glaze of the surface with clean water or clear, clear wine - your kindness will grow faster, and the death of your enemies will also grow faster; The enemies will not be able to do you harm, and you will gradually become friends. Your glebe has suddenly broken - such a dream speaks of the great severity of the disease. If you drink wine or some kind of sweet drink, your health will be fine; You will be received warmly by any spouse. Those who drink this glass have an unpleasant relish - the enemies will find your weak spot and give you an accurate blow; you will have the opportunity to experience some amazing surprises.

    1 glechik according to Miller's dream book

    Glek uvі sni transmits:

    As you see the eye of the eye, above the clear vision of the homeland, then your kindness will soon be called upon with much greater respect, even for you yourself. Many of these friends come together to please you and be dear to you.

    If you are emptying your eyes, this means that your behavior is taking your friends away from you.

    Broken eyelids indicate illness and failure in work.

    If you drink wine and glass in your dreams, this is a harbinger of good health and a sign that you will be warmly received in all aspects of marriage. You infect other people with your optimism.

    Drinking this glacier is an unacceptable drink - it means disappointment for the Swede and brings an expectation, as you know, having experienced the accident of your hopes.

    1 glechik according to Hasse's dream book

    Why do you dream about the Jug:

    Povniy – important guests; empty - evil of your living room; robberies - it’s your pleasure to harm

    1 glechik by Slovenian dream book

    Drink kvass from nogo - live in grand style.

    1 glechik by Dream Interpretation for Abbet

    In my sleep, the eyelash senses a bug associated with the arrival of important visitors. An empty shoulder means that your hospitality will be spoiled. A glacier covered with water is a sign of troubles, wasted time and wasted money.

    Glek with wine - a foreshadowing of the fact that your good will grow beyond the fate of your skin.

    A milk-filled celek is a sign of bright feelings, calling out a new novel from the person in your world.

    If in a dream you have broken a lump, from which it has spilled all together, then whose legacy in real life will be the greatest, your behavior will lead you to make your closest friends.

    Pouring wine from the glass into cups is a sign of good health and a sign that you will be pleasantly received there, where you will soon be introduced. When, instead of drinking water, you get the same drink with the same smell - it means that you are deeply disappointed and looking forward to life, as you know, having seen the collapse of all your hopes and plans iv.

    Symbolizes unclear prospects and stagnation on the right.

    A broken celery: a sign that stagnation and lack of importance in your life can lead to unacceptable consequences or important welding.

    Garniy painted glechik: it means that, regardless of the insignificance of your life, your life will turn out well.

    1 glechik by To the new dream book of G. Ivanov

    Why do you dream about the Jug:

    An empty hole, your recovery will not be correct.

    1 glechik by Dream book for girls

    If you have an empty bucket, you will get embarrassed.

    At the gathering, about a bad person, they say: “The gleam of your wisdom has shown the bottom.” And if you're with a fool, it's just discord.

    1 glechik by Astrological dream book

    Bachiti povniy - until the profit and good health.

    Empty - before material problems.

    Astrologically, this is the symbol of ties with the harmonious and corrupted Venus at the 2nd day.

    1 glechik by Astrological dream book

    Always drain your empty container - until you get empty new items. Glek with wine - to the point of fuss and pain. Gleck with milk - to the point of unacceptable, but there is no need for sugary taste. A glass of beer - for fun. Let the gleam in - until a calm life after several days of running and wiggling. To refill the glaze with wine - it’s time to take care of someone else’s bug. Fill a gleam with milk and trust your doubtful senses. Throwing water at the bottom of the glass is a sign of ill health, and a sign of a meeting.

    Having a dream 😴 dream buv

    Zvichainim 0 Zhahom 0

    Dream Interpretation of the XXI century

    Why do you dream about Glechik and what does it mean:

    Bachiti ve sni glechik – to the point of tears, giving yogo susidov – means to break up with the kohanim. A broken gleek, always in your dreams, means a failure in your plans.

    Miller's Dream Book

    Why do you dream about Glechik in your dreams?

    A dream about a chickweed means that you will be a generous and accepting person. Try whatever you are doing to end successfully.

    Great dream book of Natalia Stepanova

    Why do you dream about Glechik?

    As soon as you drink water in your dreams and refresh yourself with clean water, you will achieve popularity and respect your well-being. Lots of people will want to get close to you, so that they might be nice to you. Drinking wine from the glass is a harbinger of good health. This is also a sign that you infect other people with your optimism, which is why you will find wisdom and benefit in all endeavors of marriage. It is unacceptable to drink this glass with the relish of a drink - to the point of extreme disappointment and hope to live through the accidents of your hopes. An empty shoulder in a dream means that by your behavior you will introduce friends to yourself. A broken celery indicates illness and failure in work.

    Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkova

    Glek - Povniy - to wealth; empty - disappointment.

    Dream Interpretation of Ms. Hasse

    Dark dream:

    Glek - Povniy - important guests; empty - evil of your living room; breakups - it’s your pleasure to harm you.

    Esoteric dream book

    The secret place of sleep:

    Glechik - Bachiti from the side - the call is received. With water - hardening, slander. With milk, it’s not safe to know someone about whom you find out the truth more than once. Rosebeaty - good luck.

    Ukrainian dream book of Dmitrienko

    Why do you dream about Glechik?

    To dream of a crucible, a small crucible is a rich lane, to break a crucible is a failure, like a disaster.

    Dream Interpretation of Mandrivnik (Terentiya Smirnova)

    Tlumachennya Glechik from your dream

    Glek, cup - povniy - wealth; drink from a cup - suffering, lack of confidence; with wine - kohanna. Div Dod. Stupa in India. sl.

    Dictionary of dreams / Stern Robinson and Tom Corbet (Russian translation)

    Let's guess why Glechik dreams

    A dream about a black hole means a prosperous life in your waking life, a balanced and happy family life, since only the black hole is not empty, not broken, has no cracks or holes. Finally, the dream conveys to you unpleasantness, need, family discord. Drinking wine from it always means having friendly relations with people from a good marriage, where you should be considered as the main contributor to your wealth. Rotten beer in the glacier, instead of something else, means that your drinks are dead.

    Great Dream Book of Phoebe

    What does it mean when you dream of Glechik

    Glek - to financial stability, financial well-being. Discover the great hot celery. You take it to your hands and fill it to the brim with clean water and milk.

    Islamic dream book

    Glek why dream

    Even if you wash your hands with water from an old glass, it’s a shame for someone who was foolish and at home.

    Dream Interpretation of Rick Dillon

    Glek bachiti - to reveal in reality the river, which was spent a long time ago.

    New dream book of Georgy Ivanov

    What do you dream about and what does the Jug mean to the dreamer?

    If you are looking for a gleam, above the clear-sighted country, then your kindness will soon be called to you with much greater respect, even for you yourself. Many of these friends come together to please you and be dear to you. If you are emptying your eyes, this means that your behavior is taking your friends away from you. Broken eyelids indicate illness and failure in work.

    If you drink wine and glass in your dreams - this is a prophecy of good health, you will be warmly received in all faiths of marriage. You infect other people with your optimism. Drinking without a drink is unacceptable - it means disappointment in the Swede and brings an expectation, as you know, having experienced the accident of your hopes.

    Slovenian dream book

    Glek why dream

    Glek - bachiti povniy - until the gain and good health. Empty - before material problems. Astrologically, this symbol of ties with the harmonious and corrupted Venus at the 2nd day.

    Dream book for the entire homeland of E. Danilova

    Why do you dream about Glechik, how to understand?

    Glek – power and emotions. Glek, on top of the clear-sighted countryside - take a positive attitude towards yourself; empty - internal emptiness. Rozbitiy - sickness; there seems to be some misfortune; drink wine with gleka - good health; optimism; drink no beer - disappointment; a good time for people's lives.

    Daily dream book for 365 days

    Why do you dream about Glechik during the summer?

    Always drain your empty container - until you get empty new items. With wine - to the point of fuss and pain. With milk - to the point of unacceptable, but there is no need for any sugary bells and whistles. With beer - before the fun. Let the gleam in - until a calm life after several days of running and wiggling. Refill with wine - it’s time to take care of someone else’s problem. Refill with milk - trust your doubtful senses. Throwing water at the bottom of the glass is a sign of ill health, and a sign of a meeting.

    Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

    What does a dreamer dream about: Jug?

    Glek - Until stable material well-being. Find out that the gleam is covered with clean water or milk. If you have broken a berry, you will realize that you have bought a new one, more valuable and more local.

    Dream Interpretation of Kelvin Hall

    Yakscho bachiti Glek, why is this?

    Glek - garniy, with a handle - the ability to pour on your partner, simple clay - readiness to come to the rescue.

    Great current dream book

    Glek - why does the dreamer dream?

    You have been emptying yourself of an empty bag - you allow yourself to be thoughtful; If you respect what is invisible at your side, you will have mercy; Also, through your intelligence, many people are not afraid to ask you and take away your abilities.

    The glaze of the surface with clean water or clear, clear wine - your goodness will grow faster, and the death of your enemies will also grow faster; The enemies will not be able to do you harm, and you will gradually become friends. Your eyelash has broken - it’s a dream to talk about the great severity of the disease.

    If you drink wine or some kind of sweet drink, your health will be fine; You will be received warmly by any spouse. Those who drink this glass have an unpleasant relish - the enemies will find your weak spot and give you an accurate blow; you will have the opportunity to experience some amazing surprises.

    Psychological dream book

    What does it mean to bachiti Glechik in your dreams?

    • Glek is often a feminine symbol, an aspect of motherhood or security, which we know in our lives. This one has the same symbolism that the Vazi has - this is a monster of something rich and unnecessary.
    • If you shake the loaf, it means that you have no control over your forward movement.
    • Monster of the soul.

    div. also Vase.

    Why do you dream about Glechik, women and people?

    Experts have found that the plot of women's dreams is emotional and consists of various details. And people’s dreams are filled with specifics and the active dynamics of their development. This is due to the gender differences of the brain. The symbolism of a dream is the same for a woman and a man, so the Glechik in a dream has the same meaning for both articles.

    A dream that occurs on the 29th, as a rule, does not have a veiled sense. The most pleasant things to have this day are black and white dreams. A little on the 29th, the voice is a sign that the dream is real. All positive phrases in dreams on the 29th will sound precise and clear, without causing any confusion.

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    • what a dream
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