Real contact with the subtle light or knowledge of that light.
What is channeling?
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How to improve connections with subtle light.



6.3 How the life of a contactee changes

Now we want to look at one more food that interacts with the forces of the Subtle Light.

It is possible that as a result of this, you began to reject decent information from the Subtle World.

Then you became a contactee, learning our terminology.

What is it: an unfortunate fall or God’s grace?

And how can your behavior change accordingly?

It can be a real settlement if a demon (or the soul of a previously deceased person) settles right in the middle of a person and literally begins to dictate what I should do.

With the influx of these voices, people begin to work on strange ideas for traveling to an unknown place (for example, churches, buying icons, etc.), write sheets and distorting statistics, and notice the fussless promotions what.

Typical explanations of such behavior include problems with the psychotronic generator or cosmic changes, although there may be even more pitiful options.

We met people who had entered into formal connections with the entities of the Subtle World, and had overcome beatings and other unpleasant activities from them.

Some people who are so obsessed may completely fall out of society and rely only on the ideas of their inner mentor, often their relatives refer them to psychiatric treatment.

Well, such an important role is the role of a true contactee!

Ale tse zhart, of course.

During the hour of treatment with psychotropic drugs, all processes in a person’s body become turbulent, they become calm and quiet, they don’t feel anything (and often don’t smell anything).

Such a demonic devil may come to his senses, and in truth may deprive the buried body of a person - then the rejoicing is over.

It should also be noted that behind religious ideas there will never be a pure spirit.

Demons also try to rub shoulders with and gain the respect (and energy) of people for the whole earthly purpose associated with their religious alignment.

Fanatical religious followers can easily be killed by sin.

For example, the blame for the newcomers is due to the Inquisition and religious wars.

Demons also give aid to these fighters against foreigners and give them new ideas to ensure that their records are correct.

As it turns out, the slander and destitution of the foreigners are the path of far from pure spirits.

Pure spirits, as a rule, rely on more humane methods of “recruiting” followers to gain new followers. For example, showing the power and greatness of the Creator in the deeds of those who truly believe, vikoryst’s methods of conversion (with the help of preaching), organizing the appearance of miracles, too. In addition to fanatical devotion to traditional religious egregors, there is often a very high preference for new prophets and systems of views on the world (behind the skin of which are the earthly guide and all the forces in the Subtle World).

Today, a lot of books have been published about various new religions and spiritual beliefs, and each of them has fanatical followers.

People met who may have dropped out of society through those who spend all their time studying, learning and transmitting other information that needs to be written down or painted.

And what’s in your head all hour long, you’ve been wondering how you can take care of earthly things – go to work, for example, what about your family?

And at the same hour, we were contacted by contactees of equal pride, a sense of imperious importance, significance, and so on. Even if you sit on their channel “from that side,” it’s awkward to understand. U

let's give it a whirlpool

We have the respect of these people to remove information from the appearance of valuable thoughts, or to speak with the voice of their “invisible spirit”.

It is not common among contactees.

Intuition blamed

There are not so many people with great intuition, especially adults.

The most widespread phenomenon is when a person has read any book or completed several courses or seminars of esoteric directivity and has begun to periodically filter out information.

For example, behind the pendulum there is a frame.

And then everything falls under the influence of this system of values. You can get angry and throw it away without changing your life.

You can begin to explore your new capabilities and begin to champion them for yourself and other people, deprived of normal people.

Or you can write with your own guilty thoughts and start looking at other people with brutality. Or try to get the maximum economical effect from your opportunities that have unexpectedly exploded. People have been forced to renew their idealizations, and they are unlikely to continue to make lasting contacts with pure forces, as if they were beginning to contact them themselves.

The contact changes little Then, the very obviousness and absence of contact with the forces of the Subtle Light may also contribute to the lives of people (in addition to the appearance of karmic borgs). However, the life of the contactee may change, and it will last greatly, in certain situations.

For example, if you change your life, it is obvious that the forces of the Subtle World recommend it.

You may be pleased to quit your job and take up healing and preaching - pure spirits, of course.

If you have to earn money, your life will change dramatically - in

shortest b_k

3. By itself, the presence of contact contributes little to a person’s life.

Great changes occur when people, under the influence of rejected information, dramatically change their lives or in this way develop negative aspects of specialness.

3 books by the author

Great changes occur when people, under the influence of rejected information, dramatically change their lives or in this way develop negative aspects of specialness.

My life Sawaki-roshi: People don’t give up because they’re not afraid to flee one after another for attacking the city.

Great changes occur when people, under the influence of rejected information, dramatically change their lives or in this way develop negative aspects of specialness.

As if we were ostriches, without being wondrous, we ran forward;

Great changes occur when people, under the influence of rejected information, dramatically change their lives or in this way develop negative aspects of specialness.

If we were cats, there wouldn’t be a wonderful swim at the swimming pool;

Great changes occur when people, under the influence of rejected information, dramatically change their lives or in this way develop negative aspects of specialness.

yakbi mi

The road amidst chaos. How to get the end of the world from the world that is changing? What are you going to do?

So, you yourself, and not the company, do the work, and not absentmindedly, who, out of the kindness of your heart, suggest what needs to be done in order to live well.

Now, in the 21st century, life is strong

The subtle light is the place where good and evil are found, thoughts are born and thoughts pass through the knowledge of people in order to merge with the real world.

People's eyes cannot generate subtle energy, but there are other ways to develop it, for example, astral vision, clairvoyance, and so on.

There is a thought that the subtle light, like the physical one, is created by the Lord. What is the subtle light? I appreciate it real life It is of little or no significance and it is the most time for a person to spend at a place.

Materials will clearly show that subtle lights are reality, since it is not possible to bring it to light, using research methods and methods of investigation.

virtual adjustments

. However, please note that modern science is actively working on this sphere, for example, it has discovered antimatter. There is no need to talk about those that the evidence of the existence of the subtle world does not appear to be a lot of rocks, some radio-echoes also cannot be studied at all, but it is a tool for the world of inventions.

The revelations of prophets and saints are taken as evidence to the subtle world where the soul sinks.

For centuries, experiments have been carried out on people's bodies until death.

  1. As a result, it was possible to establish that the body becomes lighter by 21 g and respects what is important to the soul.
  2. What kind of appearance does the subtle light bring?
  3. Oskolki
  4. real possibilities

to go into another world in order to take photographs or otherwise record, until it becomes clear, one cannot rely on the information that people suggest that they operate on the astral path.

The light of subtle energies is in many ways similar to primary life, there are mountains, forests and reservoirs, present elements and various speeches.

The essences that are represented in the form of darkness or streaks emerge, and they gradually change their configuration.

They respect the stinks for the better way to move around.

Such entities are energetic vampires that wrap themselves around people and suffocate them.

Varto means that not only people do not recognize the subtle world, but in essence do not recognize a person as she is.

People are represented by changes in their body and aura in the appearance of objects that glow.

  1. How can you learn to see the subtle light?
  2. People who interact with people correctly can use them for their own purposes.
  3. In a short period of time you can acquire a wide range of knowledge about phantoms and souls.
  4. The subtle light will help you change your share in order to avoid mercy and reach heights and program the situation.

Of great importance is the purity of thoughts and the upholding of the laws of life.

There are many ways to cultivate the subtle light, and most of them are meditative in nature. How to enter the subtle world? There are a number of ways in which you can make the difference in other ways, and it’s important to remember your perceptions over time, so that it becomes much simpler to work with the subtle light.

  1. You just have the right to enter your account, which will result in any form and it will be easier to follow.
  2. Clear the space of negative energy, for example, vicoristic aroma or .
  3. At the beginning stage, it is necessary to see a portion of the standard energy in connection with pure spirits.
  4. For this reason, read prayers that support the Lord’s prayers, such as “Our Father.”

The time has come to call out the “spiritualist” from the subtle world.

With this method you can use fortune telling, automatic leaf, pendulum, intuitive techniques, etc.

Give all the food you need and ask for extra help.

Now we want to look at one more food that interacts with the forces of the Subtle Light.

How to choose the right “invisible companion”, how to conduct a dialogue with the essences of the Subtle Light and how to select nutritional sources that nourish you, how to evaluate the amount of information, how to protect yourself from negative influences from the Subtle World.

As a result, any person can become aware of the interaction with the entities of the Subtle World and select the necessary information from them and provide assistance.

How the life of a contactee changes

What is it: an unfortunate fall or God’s grace?

And how can your behavior change accordingly?

It is possible that as a result of this, you began to reject decent information from the Subtle World.

Typical explanations of such behavior include problems with the psychotronic generator or cosmic changes, although there may be even more pitiful options.

With the influx of these voices, people begin to work on strange ideas for traveling to an unknown place (for example, churches, buying icons, etc.), write sheets and distorting statistics, and notice the fussless promotions what.

We met people who had entered into formal connections with the entities of the Subtle World, and had overcome beatings and other unpleasant actions from them.

During the hour of treatment with psychotropic drugs, all processes in a person’s body become turbulent, they become calm and quiet, they don’t feel anything (and often don’t smell anything).
We met people who had entered into formal connections with the entities of the Subtle World, and had overcome beatings and other unpleasant activities from them.

Such a demonic devil may come to his senses, and in truth may deprive the buried body of a person - then the rejoicing is over.
And as soon as the demon is lost, after about an hour everything repeats itself and the illness (schizophrenia) recurs.
Ale tse zhart, of course.

During the hour of treatment with psychotropic drugs, all processes in a person’s body become turbulent, they become calm and quiet, they don’t feel anything (and often don’t smell anything).

The procedure for expelling unwanted "settlers" from Christianity is called exorcism, and it can only be carried out by priests and healers (the author - not).

The exorcism procedure is significantly more humane and less psychiatric.

Pure perfumes, as a rule, rely on more humane methods of “recruiting” followers to recruit new followers.

Demons also try to rub shoulders with and gain the respect (and energy) of people for the whole earthly purpose associated with their religious alignment.

Fanatical religious followers can easily be killed by sin.

For example, the blame for the newcomers is due to the Inquisition and religious wars.

Demons also give aid to these fighters against foreigners and give them new ideas to ensure that their records are correct.

As it turns out, the slander and destitution of the foreigners are the path of far from pure spirits.

For example, showing the power and greatness of the Creator in the deeds of those who truly believe, vikoryst methods of reconstitution (with the help of additional preaching), organizing the appearance of miracles and so on.

The best, and also the most unsafe, option is to constantly interact with a contact using the method of clairvoyance.

People met who may have dropped out of society through those who spend all their time studying, learning and transmitting other information that needs to be written down or painted.

Once the channel is open steadily, people will put on power and immediately remove the connection.+

Whom it comes into contact with – this is the source of the food.

let's give it a whirlpool

You can evaluate Kozhen yourself, since we have already been given the evaluation tools.

How such a person behaves in life is determined by their value system, beliefs, character, etc.

We have met modest and calm people who may be able to refuse any information they need (at some point, understandably).

And at the same hour, we were contacted by contactees of equal pride, a sense of imperious importance, significance, and so on.

And it happens, as you remember, that only people have a vessel filled with karma no more than 80%.

So, if a person has a great intuition, he can profit from it.

Intuition blamed

It is not possible, on the basis of one’s own capacity, to marvel disrespectfully at other people - this will be a typical idealization of one’s own personalities and pride, which is often obligingly loyal to all other essences of the Subtle World.

The most widespread phenomenon is when a person has read any book or completed several courses or seminars of esoteric directivity and has begun to periodically filter out information.

For example, behind the pendulum there is a frame.

Those whose tips lead to failures and defeats.
And only the people themselves are to blame for not being caught up in their own personalities and, as a result, losing their intuition.
There are not so many people with great intuition, especially adults.

The most widespread phenomenon is when a person has read any book or completed several courses or seminars of esoteric directivity and has begun to periodically filter out information.

For example, behind the pendulum there is a frame.
You may be pleased to quit your job and take up healing and preaching - pure spirits, of course.

And then everything falls under the influence of this system of values. You can get angry and throw it away, but your life will not change.

If you have to earn money, your life will change dramatically - in

shortest b_k

Then, the very obviousness and absence of contact with the forces of the Subtle Light may also contribute to the lives of people (in addition to the appearance of karmic borgs).

However, the life of the contactee may change, and it will last greatly, in certain situations.

There has recently been a widespread emergence of a wide range of ways of communicating with the dead – instrumental transcommunication (ITC) and the phenomenon of electronic voices (EPV).

The essence of this lies in the fact that it is practical for every person to connect with the world of the world and connect with the soul of the dead. close people.

For whom there is no need for mothers to have any extrasensory abilities or to perform magical rituals by invoking psychic forces.

It’s easy to do everything... and at the same time difficult for understanding, because this phenomenon has not yet been developed. To communicate with the subtle light, all you need is patience, a computer on par with the average computer, a microphone and headphones. There are many different methods of transcommunication, but all of them will be based on the same basic principles - recording and processing audio signals.

The output material may be white radio noise or an overlay of several audio broadcasts of radio stations online (v. 4 to 8), for example, English, or phonemic audio preparations.

I want to get in touch with you about the vikoristan only multitrack method , which, in my opinion, is the most accessible, reasonable and most relatable. This technique is based on the audio editor Audacity, with extensive adjustments, described in detail on the website of the Svitnevikh homeland ( - article dated 10/08/2011), there is no sense to be overdone here.

I recommend that you first become familiar with my VTK practice.

The principle of work in 2 words:

Set up the appropriate security program, connect the microphone and turn on the phoneme recorder (I recorded a recording of 8 English-language radio stations, mixed into one).

Then bring the microphone up to the speaker at the maximum distance until the background in the speakers is heard.

Thoughts or put the question out loud and start recording.

5. It is especially important to know the spivrozmovnik for life and ask him to come to the meeting.

Otherwise, you may simply be slandered or portrayed as individuals from the lower reaches of the subtle world. 6. This is a connection between the same people. It may happen that you clearly sensed the phrase and let other relatives listen to the recording, but they don’t feel it at all differently.

No one really knows why this happens.

Of course, this is in some way connected with telepathy, as well as

individual characteristics


It is already known that the channel of communication with us is formed by the very spirits of the subtle world, and they themselves are adjusted as much as possible to the peculiarities of our mind and specific possession.
7. The recordings made using the multi-track method may have a few voices that need to be duplicated or the information from the head monitor can be clarified.

The stench can come from the background or foreground of the main voice.
8. Accordingly, they are called “stations” - groups of entities from which one can follow.

Through them you can ask to contact a deceased loved one.

In Russia and the region of the largest SND, the most popular station is Sanchita.

The stench reeks of Russian voices delivered by announcers.


Among the Russian ones there are also “Energy”, “Space”, “The Flow of Hours” and others.

Application of spilkuvaniya with dead bodies (link from Sanchita dated 01/09/2014)

If in this situation one can assume that the spirits that flock together are the very ones they imagine themselves to be, then at times contacts have been established with the Goddess of Liberty (the one whose Statue of Liberty, according to the authors, stands on the island of Manhattan) or with the Union, What unites the Absolutes/Gods-Creators – this is already an obvious “overstepping the club” and going beyond the bounds of the reasonable.

As for a person who is well acquainted with channeling, it is difficult for me to explain as clearly as possible what “channeling” is, as it involves contacts with the subtle light, which you should be afraid of, so as not to become a victim of the spirits that are playing with you, and foot for cin madness.

In order to understand the mechanisms of empathy, you can add recording of the seminar with Empathy

What is channeling?

Connections with the “subtle light” can be created in a variety of ways: through the obvious appearance of images, telepathic sputtering, intuitive spitting (if you can guess most of it yourself) or for additional special their devices, such as a vision board, a biolocation frame or a pendulum.

Most often, thoughts and words pop up in your head. The people at every hour become the host, who, tuning to the song “Hvilya,” reads the message, and also often they themselves can put in a message and receive feedback on them. This phenomenon is called channeling- channeling (type

English word

channel - channel) and it has been known for a long time, and people who enter into such communications are divided into two categories - contactees and operators.

Contactors are individuals who may have professional training, but who may have either knowledge or knowledge before such contact.

The main responsibility of the operator as a contactor is the fact that the level of reliability of the information that is taken by the contactor can be verified only by the operator, and not at all. The operators to transition to the rowing of the spiwanni with the sinking patrons of the deprivation of the special prazi, the rabality of the insane viconnya of the flood patron, the yachki of the sanguage of the singing, the transmitted to the patron saint of the Vishno Lanka.

For our purpose, this is our connection with the origins of other worlds, with the subtle light and our guardian angel.

Of course, God’s people may experience, for example, symptoms of schizophrenia or apophenia (sometimes, before speaking, that’s the case; you can read the examples of apophenia below).

Let us tell you the facts and the character that are being conveyed, to say the least.

Science is also aware of the facts of such fusion. Thus, there are numerous reports from astronauts about the different voices in space, as well as the phenomenon of electronic voices (EGP), when the radio receives information and points to your obvious nutrition. It is also called transcommunication. Is it a deception?

  • What spirits are connected to?

In most cases, with such a combination, they deceive you, pretending to be one or the other.

from everyday life

. So, for the holy drink we remember the most important ones, such as A.S. Pushkin, Jesus Christ or any other saint, You can 100% confirm that there is an essence within you that you want to lose, and you will recognize yourself as one of the people who will fall in love with you, who will confuse you and feed on your energy.

At that time, people most often sang with the spirits of Pushkin and Bryullov. At the beginning of the 20th century, the perfumes “John King” and “Katie King” (or the daughter of “John King”) became popular. Spirits under these names came to contactees from Europe and the USA.

Zokrema Blavatsky Olena Petrivna stated that her mentor was John King.

Florence Cook is a British medium. Katie King was her mentor. Through particularities suspinal development V

Radian clock

In Russia, the spirits of the most important majority of people most often came, as they try to call to the spirit, such as Pushkin and Mayakovsky. Obviously, the reasons for the “literary” orientation of Russian spiritualism can be both mother and root. First of all, it is obvious that mass interest in spiritualism in Russia is largely stimulated by the very literary representations of this practice. In another way, adding a persistent topic to the “Pushkin myth” in Russia end of XIX

hundred years (1880-1899) actually synchronous

early period

expansion of spiritualism in Russia.

A special role here, obviously, was played by Pushkin’s sacred 1880 fate, which influenced the formation of mass Pushkinism in Russia.

For example, people widely believe in God, pray, and once in a while they feel that Archangel Michael himself sensed him and wanted to become her teacher, or the Lord God himself especially took him under his care.

How can you not believe this? Since people used to listen to Blavatsky’s praci and bachila, as their readers were called, it means that when contact is made, they will sharpen the spirits, as they call them by the same (found) names. True,

It’s nothing more than banal spiciness,

and are placed as calmly as necessary, without being “stuck together” by their uniqueness.

In our world we live not by ourselves.

The desperation of the population of the “Rivne” is consistent with our bodies.

These are the equals:

Physical plan

Ether plan

Vital plan

and are placed as calmly as necessary, without being “stuck together” by their uniqueness. Astral Plane

Mental plane

The desperation of the population of the “Rivne” is consistent with our bodies. Karmic plan.

Future plan

- This is a material light, where you perceive information from people and other material sources.

  • No one has our physical bodies (or rather, no one has our physical bodies).

Rashta is the subtle world.

Being alert to their body, a person cannot remove information from the heavenly or dark lights through the zakhist that is applied to the body, but cannot remove information from the periphery of these lights. In front of us, there is an ethereal plan, which can be seen with an unwavering glance. The source of the etheric plane can be seen in the appearance of ghosts or clots of energy.

The shortest option is to connect through your “oversoul”, which is always in the “subtle world”.

In this situation, you simply focus on nutrition, then turn off all your thoughts and just start writing your thoughts that come to mind.

This is a compilation of the thoughts of the contactee himself, as seen in the “inner self” (the same intuition and inner voice that sometimes tells you about life).

This is the way I write my articles.

Here everything lies in the purity of knowledge, inner peace and how good you feel the whispers of your soul.

The purer the light, the clearer and more stable will be the channel with the “inner self”, and through this with the subtle light..

Ideally, the “inner self” can be replaced by the “self,” which is directly connected with the body, and in which case you can stick to the light side of the subtle world without trance and moving from the body.

This type of contact itself must be stopped if the soul guides us without complicity with knowledge and rational reason, and if we do not want to give texts under dictation.

In the instructions for conducting a seance it is written:

“Then, in Russia, it seems that after the spiritual session, it seems that the energy is wasted, it is necessary to note that the contactee needs to interrupt his operation at some point and think about both the renewal of psychic forces and about effective protection.”

“The method of “automatic sheeting”, “automatic painting”, “automatic writing” is already popular among spiritualists, prote yogo amateur vikoristan, hired, nebazhan. The spirits do not let the contactee go without a fight: this is a trace of memory.”

The spirit is tempted to convert its servant for its own good purposes, from transferring knowledge to other people, from learning and becoming “lost souls” on the spiritual path.

It is necessary to organize an egregor that gives energy to a spirit or group of spirits. The more the spirit “works” with people, the more egregor followers it receives.

All people who want to make a contactee (“operators” are engaged in their own development and do not collect followers) as their idol and follow him, support the egregor.

Once the egregor has been formed, it is no longer obligatory for the spirit to give truthful information, which was given right away and which “pecked” at the innocent people. Super-expressive messages begin, which are related to the previous texts and have been added to the senses. People assigned to the egregor are trained to analyze and joke

secret place

expend even more energy.

An example of such an egregor: sent from Salusi from Sirius, to say one thing or the other.

The “stench” is ready to emerge from the beginning, and everyone is waiting.

On the day of the landing, they write that the situation has changed, then.

“It would be even better if the representatives of the Dark Side saw themselves, for example, with their new breast badges or “branded” robes, and even better – with horns and hoops. The thin forks in the azure paws would have looked no less impressive. It’s a great pity that people from the Dark Side are in no way different from ordinary people.

Any of them can enter your life under the guise of a father, mother, brother, sister, friend, boss, friend, brother or political leader or

spiritual teacher

, whom you confidently trust and whom you respect in the depths of your soul as the protector of the interests of mankind.

The bastards of the Dark Side do not disgrace themselves to reveal themselves to be the Lord’s closest friends or closest relatives, since, behind their deceptions, this deception will help you to disarm.”

Another noteworthy fact is that all contactees and mediums, as a matter of fact, were not aligned with God, nor with the Absolute, nor with Jesus Christ or Buddha. Think for yourself, how many people are ready to help people with bright spiritual truths? Millions of millions!

I just feel like most people are dictating the same names.

It is much more logical that we do not treat people with such great particularities.

For example:

Shiku Shav'er (Russian Chiko Xavier) is one of the most famous contactees.

There is only one concern - to burn up the steps of correct knowledge of the world, those steps that lead to God, and not only oneself, but to burn up self-indulgence in the elderly, turn it into something more destructive for rich people, like following a contactee.

The skin of the people is changed to the world.

Perhaps, not on a global scale, but especially within oneself, but still change it.

The secret of dark forces is to induce this change, and then feed on our energy.

Because more people can gain more love and more potential changes can be made, serious methods and testing will fall on your head.

Don’t waste an hour (and money) on you, because in the eyes of the dark forces, you (or other people through you) potentially cannot be lured to their side, or you would like to get out of the right way.

Moreover, the dark forces are not affected by alcoholics or drug addicts (even if they have already wasted their lives), but rather those who are willing to make serious changes to themselves (outside the chakras and escape from the control of dark forces) or have potential change the space.

In this case, any methods will be used for this purpose.

Pretending to be someone else, lying under the guise of truth is one of the ways. How can you find peace with the Holy God?

Of course, the concept of “God” in the subtle world is slightly different from our concept of “God”.

Thus, many things can be called God, which have a direct connection with the Creator of all things, and most often the stench itself clings to us.

You were choking on the food: “What am I?”

The “I” axis is what walks, eats, sleeps, in other words, the body. What's more? Stephen Rosen's book "Reincarnation in Light Religions" has a wonderful insight into this topic: "For a long time holy scripture

, especially Indian ones, ease the fundamental ontological nutrition.

For example, among the active

classical schools, which can be traced back to the Vedanti tradition, there is an elementary right to put approximately the following nutrition:

“How can I inform my body?

May I please inform my hand? Legs? Convicting?



So, I can recognize any part of my body, feel it more and more.

In fact, the frame and other devices can be easily wrapped around the back of a third hand, but on earlier versions it either stiffens (as the operator has little experience) or is a little bit tight (in more experienced operators).

Moreover, often wrapping the frame by hand itself also happens inadvertently. The moment of galvanization is recorded by the people, and the letters are remembered, where the frame or the pendulum has fallen. Three hands pour in

nerve impulses

, which automatically, regardless of people, force the hand after making contact.

With the vikoristan of the pendulum, it does not matter that the vikoristan is called vantage, if one wants to demonstrate specialized pendulums on esoteric sites.

But in practice, it is necessary for the mother to be aware that the biofields are caught not by the pendulum, but by the human body itself and are transmitted to the hand.

So, since we do not mark the three thousand hands (respect is concentrated on the pendulum), then we hang on the thread of vantage, so that we can clearly see which bucket the hand fell into.

As a vantage, you can buy anything at any time: for example, a ring on a thread, an original nut, a special scheme, or buy an exclusive pendulum for several thousand rubles. In this manner, listening to the inner voice, knowledge from the subtle lights materializes beyond the frame of the pendulum.

Group activities

One of the dangers of channeling is joining a group of “practitioners of the light.”

First of all, once in contact with dark forces, the group creates and maintains an egregor, from which it is then difficult to leave.

Those who have managed to overcome themselves, become motivated by contacts and leave the group, rise to the next level of spiritual development.

In another way, here, like nowhere else, the proverbs are used:

1) “A rotten apple will not become good unless it is placed in a bag of good apples. Otherwise, everything else can rot..

If after reading the message you begin to get nervous or boast about the future, then no longer read the message from this person. The logic applies here: since there is no death, then why be afraid?

If they shout death, war or cataclysms at you, then your fear is simply necessary.

2) In the subtle world, everything has long been “prescribed”, and so is part of life, as it never changes form.

Light or almost no one (with rare exceptions) does not name specific dates.

4) 3) The forces of light do not try to create an egregor that people would cherish through their regular gatherings and collective services to the spirit of the egregor. The meetings themselves take up a lot of time for meetings, transfers and their organization, thus inducing people to steady service to the spirit and service to God, spiritual practices and self-development.

Love for the reception of dark forces - flattery, praise and a voice on the uniqueness of people who have chosen fortune-telling paths.

The widest butt: those who are with us will hide, and the rest will perish.

5) Only we alone can turn back the light and “lost” souls. True salvation comes only through individual Sundays with spiritual singing.

Otherwise, “blind people” know other “blind people,” and if a person has “seen the light,” then they don’t need any leads. With such an arrangement, nutrition also does not take into account the recognition of spiritually gifted people. This dark force does not like to discuss widely, so in another way it turns out that not only the followers of the cult, but also those who “practice the order of the world.” In the middle of the message cycle, super-eternities appear. In especially “rough fallouts” the cob may be about one thing, but ultimately something else. Here we can introduce the riddle of the protracted ones, instead of understanding: peace and war with the forces of darkness, love and the curse of those who have chosen a different path.

6) Since the “settlers” of the vital plan vikorist your powerful knowledge and manifestations, it is not possible to verify the “spirit” by giving food, as you yourself know for sure, as we know closely.

You will always be given the correct testimony.

Please try to use this method.

In the next room, a person writes random numbers on a piece of paper, and you ask the spirit to tell them the numbers and write them down.

Then you will equalize.

Once the numbers have come together, you can take into account that the spirit is not vicarious of your thoughts and everything that is being discovered is not the fruit of your vision or the creativity of vital settlers.

7) It is clear that if the text has a like, a threat, such a text has no light powers.

Why should spirits begin such deception?

All astral entities have only two elements on which energy is expended to establish contact with us, the implementation of which lies beyond the spiritual development of the party that receives it.

Goal 1.

The essences provide information in detail to the level of human development. The more intelligent people are, the more truthful the information is. It is possible to tell everything with the pure truth.

The purpose of such roses is not to escape, but to consume the energy that is generated during the process of such contact.

There is also a need to understand additional rituals, prayers and care to understand about the Kohannya. For example, the totalitarian sect of Osho (Bhagavan Shri Rajneesh) preached:“There is nothing sinful in pure simple sex... There is no need to confuse this beautiful word with love.

There is no need to create a romantic fog around it.” .(Osho. Sex. Quotes from conversations. - M: Humanitarian Center "Enrof", 1993.)

Instead of other gurus who preach self-denial, Rajneesh immediately became known as the sex guru of India who preaches Povna Vidmova along the path of absolute indulgence until your day. Vіn openly calls for loving sexual relationships, “discreet” lovers and poor family, free sex.

“Strangling - such a word is not to be found in the dictionary of a sannyasin,”

- this is what was said in a stunning article in Time magazine.

Rajneesh became interested in tantric (sexual) yoga, ecstatic dancing, relaxation and drug use as a form of meditation.

Sterilization of wives against gestation is also a widespread practice.

“Way until the day of the day, lie through the place,”

So, just as the priest has no right to tell you how to live and give clear instructions, but he can give you joy and send for his help the information of the saints, the lives of some of the saints, having read and read, and many no message from Merezha is in the form of direct thoughts, like It is not obligatory to accept all instructions before proceeding.

This is not the second assistant on your path!

Golovne - the world is with God.

Stand firmly on the path of your destiny and walk on this new path, without being bothered by daily information from other worlds.

List of Wikilists for additional reading:

1. Priest Kostyantin Parkhomenko.

About angels and demons.

2. Stephen Rosen.

Reincarnation in secular religions.

3. Detailed description of the subtle body.


4. What do you need to know about spiritualism?

5. Spiritual seance.

How to carry it out.

6. Anatoly Revutsky.

The contactee has received a threat.

7. The aliens responded to the message of humanity.

8. Metacontact - 2014.

9. Spiritualism and death
Theosophism: the history of one pseudo-religion.
1921 r.
Spiritualism and Russian literature: with the history of social therapy.
13. The vital body is the body of true physical immortality.