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The tomb was hailed with a vengeance, as if looking out. Rachel's Tomb: History and Traditions. At the sacred writing

Biography of Rachel

Yaakov Zustriv Rachel, if he arrived at Haran, roaring at the wrath of his brother Esau; Yaakov fell in love with her at first glance and waited to pray for her to Laban this fate. If the term is past, Lavan pishov for cunning and in my heart no matter what, Rachel Leah. If it was early in the days of Yaakov, having revealed pidmina, Laban explained that he should see the return of the goiter. older daughter earlier than young, and having waited for you and Rachel, as Jacob's goiter is to be propagated for a new future this time (But. 29:4-30).

Vreshti-resht Rachel zavagіtnіla and gave birth to a son, saying: “Having taken (asaf) God my shame. I called you Yosef Yosef, saying: The Lord will give (Yoseph) me that other son” (But. 30:23-24).

Surround the death of Rachel

Different commentators pay attention to the details of the rozpovid about the hats of Yaakov and Rachel.

Under the hour of the Jordanian occupation (1948–67), the place near the grave of Rachel was turned into a Muslim zvintar. After the Six Day War, the bud was restored by the Israeli

In our mercantile hour, it is so clear, like a national image, religious shrines and historical memory, the Jewish side victorious mainly in the internal political struggle, for demagogic argumentation. And for the Arab side, the very same understanding is the main motives of an uncompromising war. In the eyes of the Arabs, the struggle for the right to lead the holy masses of the Jewish people is one of the most important paths for the victory of Jewish sovereignty "in the lands of Islam."

The success of the secular leaders of Israel, that Jewish establishment in the fading world, the religious aspects of the opposition will bear fruit: the Daedalus would rather talk about the shrines - more and more about the sum of compensations, posit that signing. Time for an hour for the right of the Jewish people to be holy for Judaism, the places are obvious and unrestricted, with whom it is not only from the position of faith, but from the position of jurisprudence. As an example, let's look at the history of Rachel's grave at Beit Lehem.

In the Jewish calendar, the month of Cheshvan is tied to the names of the foremother Rachel. On the eleventh day of the month, the won died in the hands of the unhappy man Yaakov: If she suffered for a half hour, the midwife said to her: do not fight, for you are son. And if her soul left her, for she died, then she called you the name: Benoni. Ale, father, calling yoga Benjamin ”(Genesis, 35:16-18).

About the life of Rachel, it is revealed in a number of Tori's divisions of the day, as well as in numerical midrashim. However, today we want to talk about the posthumous share of the foremother. Rachel died already in the Land of Israel, not without reason after that, like Yaakov, turning from Syria, reconciled with his brother Esau and ruled over Canaan. Prote Yaakov did not become a squad in the ancestral tomb in the Hebronian cave of Machpelah, but for the sake of the land nearby the road that led to Beit Lehem, to the pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Since the tenth century, this grave has become an object of Jewish pilgrimage.

About those that the tomb of Rachel is found not far from Beit-Lehem, for example, Igumen Danilo, who visited Palestine in the XII century, is mentioned. True, on Danilo’s grave itself, it seems that he didn’t even know that she was two miles away from the city (div.: “The Life and Walking of Danilo, Abbot of the Russian Land”). More reports describing this month are known to us in the creations of two Jewish mandrivers, who visited Palestine for ten years later for the Russian abbot.

From Jerusalem, two parazangs to Bethlehem of Yudeisky, not far away, beyond the miles of the city, there is the tomb of Rachel, at the crossroads of the road. This monument of storage from eleven stones, for the number of children of Jacob; above it is a dome on four columns, and all the Jews who pass by, write names on the stone of the monument.

(“More dearly the servant Beniamin from Tudeli”)

On this grave, a spore of eleven stones was crushed, for the number of eleven columns of Israel; oskelki Veniamin was born only at the death of his mother, then there is no special stone for him. All these stones are marmur, and Yakov's stone, also made of marmur, which covers everything else, so great and important, that for the transfer of yoga it would take a lot of people.

(“Round the World Mandrivka of Rabbi Petachia Regensburzky”)

Most often, on the pilgrimage to the grave of the foremother Rahel, Jewish women violated: Rahel’s shards could not give birth for a long time; Vtіm, cholov_ki also did not znachit holiness.

After the cross-bearers were driven out of Palestine, the tomb of Rachel passed under the control of the Muslims, and a mosque was built on the same day. The deacon of the Trinity-Sergius monastery Zosima, who visited Beit Lechemi in 1420, tells about this: “Truna її<Рахели>stand between Bethlehem and Jerusalem, on the Egyptian road. Ishov Yakiv from Shechem, who is known as the Pharaoh, and from the father of Abraham, and went to Palestine and to the place of Ramli. Here Yakov lived, and then Vin died on the road. A Moslem mosque stands over Yogo's rope" (div.: "Zosimi's journey to Tsargorod, Athos and Palestine").

For a long time, non-Muslims were allowed access to the tomb of Rachel. The situation changed only after 1615, when the Turkish ruler of Jerusalem Mohammed Pasha handed over this shrine to the Jews. Years later, their rights to the grave were confirmed by the Sultan's decree, we see it at the beginning of the 19th century.

In 1788 the grave was honed with mud. The European mandrivnik, which saw Beit-Lehem in 1824, filled in the offensive description of the grave of the ancestor: “This stone bud, undoubtedly Turkish construction, is topped with a dome. There is a tombstone in the middle of the bud... The inside walls of the bud will be covered with Jewish names, inscribed with Jews.

In the 19th century, the famous Jewish philanthropist Ser Moses Montefiore visited Rachel's grave. Not long before his visit, the earthworker became a coward and the tomb suffered greatly. Montefiore gave pennies for repairs, and moreover, ordered to build an exact copy of the tomb at his mother in Ramsgate, in order of his home synagogue. This mausoleum later became the tomb of Ser Moses.

Since power in Palestine passed to the English, Rachel's grave became one of the epicenters of the Arab-Jewish resistance. Truth be told, the Jews, who had been driven out of the Turks, cleaned up and repaired the shrine without any protests from the side of the Muslims. Ale, already in 1921, if the rabbinate turned to the Moscow government of Beit-Lehem for permission to carry out dodatkovyh. repair robots, from the side of the Arabs Bov protest. And after the pogroms of 1929, the Jewish pilgrimage to the grave of the foremother practically stumbled, the Muslims demanded to pass the houses under their monoxial control.

After the Battle of Independence, the grave of Rachel at once from the impersonal Jewish shrines (the Wall of Weeping, the Temple Mount, the grave of the forefathers near Hebron, the grave of Yosef at Shechem and the other) leaned on the territory of Jordan. Access to the Church of the Holy Place was open for Jews only in 1967, if after the Six Years' War the Jews and Samaria fell under the control of Israel. Vtіm, on the cob of the 1990s, the grave of the foremother was little spent - according to the cob plans of the order of Rabin, there is little left over in the territory controlled by the Palestinian administration. However, nothing happened: two orthodox deputies - Menachem Porush of the "Jewish Tories" and Hanan Porat of the National Religious Party - solicited the president's brothers and overthrew him not to honor the sanctuary. As a result, changes were made to please, and Rachel's grave was left under Israeli control. Today, її shoroku see tens of thousands of Jews. According to tradition, the pilgrimage that prayer at the grave of the foremother is to heal the health of various ailments, including the absence of disease, and can also help self-confidence to know your friend's half.

VTIM, VTUMEKIY Svіditsіinіi євreyskіy Svіditsostі Pramatіr Rachel Zobov'yaznan not Tіlki Tori i Shanovano Mogilі, ale of Barveri Image, whiskers Prophet іРmyuuu, - the image of Materi, sho otkuєє и діты, и и и и ивинанная: "Vigrane's voice i girke ridanya; Rachel weeps for her children and does not want to help her children, for she cannot” (Irmeyau, 31:15).

The image of the mother, as if mourning for the children born, mіtsno vіyshov to the Jewish witness. For this reason, Rachel pretended to be a kind of heavenly intercessor of the Jewish people, granting the blessings of the Almighty help suvori virok sinam to Israel.

Zgіdno z vіdomi mіdrash Ejhom slave, after the destruction of the Temple of the forefathers and the prophets unanimously blessed the Almighty to probate the Jews of their sins and allow them to turn to the fatherland. G-d, however, is not ugly. I then said to Rachel: “Lord, Vladiko! You can see how great was the love of Your servant Yaakov before me. Having served this time for the sake of my father, and if the hour has come to become a retinue of Yogo, the father has come to support me as my sister, and I was not jealous of Yogo to my sister. I, made of flesh and blood, drank gunpowder, did not become jealous until my superwoman; You, the living King, the living and merciful, why you are jealous of the idols, the dead and worthless, and for them my children are slaughtered?

Merciful God turned around, and saying the Lord: “For your sake, Rachel, I will turn the people of Israel at the border, as it is said: “Thus say the Lord: Hush your voice in the sight of the day and your eyes in the sight of tears, God bless you for your work , say the Lord, and return the stench from the land of the witches. I hope for your future, say the Lord, and turn your blue to its borders ”(Irmeyau, 15:16-17).

For a long time, the prophecy was forfeited for the Jews only hope. In our days, we took away the cob of yogo vikonan. Archpriest Rachel and this year continue to pray for his blues - and don’t calm down, don’t worry about the prophecy of Irmeyau, and all the vignants, sprinkled with light, don’t turn back to your home.

Tomb of Rachel 1910

Tomb of Rachel- that tombstone was placed, prompted near the tombstone, roztashovani there, dezgіdno z tradition, pramatir Rachel was buried. To be found on the pіvnіch vіd Bet-Lekhem (Віflієm), for a few meters from the pіvnіch part of the modern Єrusalim. With the help of riches, make the Jewish pilgrimage mass, as well as the holy mass of Christians and Muslims.

At the sacred writing

The first reports about the burial place of the foremother Rachel are found in the Torah (Genesis 35:19) “I died Rachel. I buried a bula on the way (from Beit-El) to the Euphrates, but Beit-Lehem.

In the book of the prophet Jeremiah (31:14-16), when describing the journey of the Jews from the land of Israel to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar, it is said about those, like Rachel, who sees his naschadkiv, who leads the way, who goes through the grave. There weep and ask that God have mercy on them:
“(14) Having thus said the Lord: Rami’s voice is heard, zoik and girke reverberates: Rachel weeps for her blues; I don’t want to escape through my children, for they are gone. 15. Having said so, the Lord: Hush your voice in the sight of repentance and your eyes in the sight of tears, for the payment for your work, - having said the Lord, - return the stink from the land of the witches. (16) And the hope of your future, - saying the Lord, - to return blue to its borders.

These words, spoken two and a half thousand years ago, turned the tomb of Rachel into a symbol of the return of the Jewish people to their land.

The tomb of Rachel is also buried at the book of Shmuel I (10:2), it is said that Rachel was buried on the cordon attire of the tribe of Benjamin. There, on the territory of the Colin of Benjamin, Rama is known, about how to go in the book of Jeremiah. If anyone knows that Beit Lehem is located on the territory of Yehudi. For this reason, a single thought cannot be developed, which is true, “Rachel’s Tomb” is the burial place of the foremother Rachel.

In historical dzherel

For a stretch of two thousand historians and mantras, who visited the land of Israel, described the tomb, which is located near Beit-Lehem.

Before the millennium A.D. e.

Frame on the map from Madabi

Among them, the father of Christian church history, Evsevy Kesariysky (bl. 263-340) - a Roman historian, who lived near Caesarea, Mandrivnik from Bordeaux - Having made a trip to Palestine in 333-334 rock, Ironofim Strydonsky, a church writer many others. On the “map of Madabi” of the 6th century of the battle of Euphrates and Beit Lehem, there is a symbolic image with the inscription “Rami has a wonderful voice” - a partial quote from the book of the prophet Yirmiyahu (31:14), describing the grave of Rachel. The French priest Arkulf, who saw the land of Israel in 670 years, describes a stone gravestone without embellishment. Numerical notes of the middle mantras were preserved, by which one can judge about those, as Rachel's tomb looked and changed.


Tomb of Rachel 1585 rec.

Veniamin Tudelsky - a Spanish slave, who made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in 1165-1173 and other mandrivings of the 12th century describe a tombstone with 11 stones, and above them a dome, standing on chotirioh stovpakh. At the 13th century, the dome and steps were wrought, and the 15th centuries were renewed. Meshulam z Veltra, who, having visited Israel in 1481, reminded me again about the tombstone, the burrows and the domes above them. At the 16th century of the main dome, two other rows were added, and the surrounding stones were combined into a single monument. In the years 1621-1622, the Muslim ruler of Jerusalem allowed the Jews to induce the walls of some chotiroh stovpiv, which would leave the tomb, and it turned into a closed place.

New hour

Concrete parkan near the Tomb of Rachel 2012.

In the 18th-19th centuries, the tomb of Rachel, the Bedouins, began to hovat their dead, and step by step, a Muslim tsvintar was established near the tomb.
In 1839, the tomb of Rachel was erected when the Jewish philanthropist Moshe Montefiore and his team arrived. The stinks vyrishili saw pennies to repair that expansion of the old life. Dozvіl on budіvnitstvo was taken away from the Turkish sultan. Prior to the adoption of the 17th century, the kimnat was given, the right to coronate as was divided by years between Jews and Muslims. Appointment, prompted by Montefiore, has been preserved to this day.
On the cob of the 21st century, the houses were surrounded by a high concrete parquet, necessary for the safety of the air defense against the Arab inhabitants of the adjacent territories. Ninі to the tomb of Rachel come numerous tourists from the earth. In the middle of the week there is a synagogue, there are prayers every day, and there is a wedding at the church

Vіdklasti Vіdkladeno

Zaїzhdzhayuchi in this endless concrete, you feel like a Stalker. Do you remember the famous film of Tarkovsky, de Kaydanovsky go Toudy, de vykonuyutsya mustaches that vistastrazhdana bazhannya? Tse same here:

High concrete fences, security guards, drotya. In the splendid image of the Middle Ages, nothing is left over the grave of Foremother Rahel, only a small street poster, but it became safe to walk around here after the rich rocks of Arab sacks, stones and knives.

With our special purpose in the Jewish tradition, the forefather Rahel goiter is not only to the Torah and the shanovannyy grave, but to the bright image, victorious prophet Irmeyau, - the image of the mother, who mourns for her children, who shouts at the voice, shout: ridanya; Rachel weeps for her children and does not want to help her children, for she cannot” (Irmeyau, 31:15). For this reason, Rachel pretended to be a kind of heavenly intercessor of the Jewish people, granting the blessings of the Almighty help suvori virok sinam to Israel.

The protyazh іstorії here was the tomb of the foremother Rahel, the diva was trampled. Overwhelmingly the body of the Kohanoi squad beat the road, having told Yaakov: the very same way through a thousand rocks, to correct Nebuchadnezzar the Jews at the Babylonian vignannya, and you will see Rachel yourself. So the prophet Ієrmіyagu was told - if the Vignans went to Bethlehem, the stench smelled the cry of Rachel, as she mourned the share of her naschadkіv. Qiu mit turned mercy, and the Lord said:

“For your sake, Rachel, I will turn the people of Israel at the border, as it is said: “Thus say the Lord: Keep your voice in sight and your eyes in the sight of tears, for the city for your work, say the Lord, and turn around. from the land of witches. I hope for your future, say the Lord, and turn your blue to its borders ”(Irmeyau, 15:16-17). It happened so historically that the tomb of Rachel became the third after the holiness of the prayer place - after the Temple (the Kotel) that Hebron. Here we go and we go - and tourists, and "tubilts" - with passages, so that the soul of Foremother Rahel prayed to God for us - in Judaism, do not pray to anyone, cry to God. Rachel's suffering and willingness to sacrifice her "female happiness" for the sake of her sister became a symbol of the greatest spiritual strength of a Jewish woman.

Ale you zustrichaє mіstseviy coloring as a whole "on the theme" of overseas tourists:

at the vuhahs, the Antonion hum of the nearby Bethlehem is fading (in the photograph, it’s almost like not a bit):

creaking concrete cameras and floodlights,

gurkіtlivі armored gates,

and navit whole organically here is electro-chanukia.

So it seems - everyone who comes here has a secret bazhannya ... but I didn’t spend the middle - but it’s fenced in to go to the tsvintar and then more in the tombstone crypt. Ala, you can pray and order ...

Yak z'yasovuєtsya in Rest hour, in for example XIX the century leader of the Jews of Bukhari, the merchant Pinkhasov, having paid the Muslims 200 francs, as a result, he became the official head of the tomb of pro-mother Rahel. Regardless of the turn of 1995, the head of the Israeli order, Rabin, within the framework of Oslo's favors, was under the control of the "Kever Rachel" under the control of the Palestinian administration, and yet it became the cause of the protest in Israel. Similarly, the Palestinians practically officially began to relegate the importance of the tomb of Rachel to the Jewish tradition - the stench voiced the mosque of Bilal Ibn-Rabah. The United Nations has recently adopted a resolution that this place is a mosque, not a synagogue!

Share the tips of the Forefather Abraham Holy land, as it was recently empty ...

Zgіdno with the introduction of the midrash Eich Rabbah, after the destruction of the Temple of the forefathers and the prophets unanimously blessed the Almighty to probachit the Jews of their sins and allow them to turn to the fatherland. G-d, however, is not ugly. I then said to Rachel: “Lord, Vladiko! You can see how great was the love of Your servant Yaakov before me. Having served this time for the sake of my father, and if the hour has come to become a retinue of Yogo, the father has come to support me as my sister, and I was not jealous of Yogo to my sister. I, made of flesh and blood, drank gunpowder, did not become jealous until my superwoman; You, the living King, the living and merciful, why you are jealous of the idols, the dead and worthless, and for them my children are slaughtered?

For a long time, for a long time already, the prophecy has been left for us less than hope ... but in our days we still have the cob of yoga vikonannya. Pramatir Rachel and this year continue to pray for his blues - and don’t calm down, don’t worry, the docks of the prophecy of Ermeyau won’t turn around - and vignanci, rozporosheni around the world, don’t turn back to your home, to the Holy Land.

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