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What a sin they baked and eva. What is original sin and why is it necessary to baptize? the transition of the sin of the great fathers to the human race: forward respect

that іn) allegorical dovіlnіst led to the fact that becoming the very historical fact of the fall of the first people, and the description of the fall was adopted as a “myth, or a symbolic viraz of the idea of ​​cultural and historical progress of the people distinguish good from evil, truth from pardon" (Pokrovsky A. Grikhopadinnya prabatkiv // PBE. T. 4. S. 776), or as "a turning point, a critical moment in the history of humankind on the path of yogic evolution from creatures to a greater stature" (Greekfall // Myths of the people of the world. M., 1987. T. 1. S. 321). Dr. Variants of darkness Pobut 3 recognize the historical nature of the biblical opis, prote take the story not in the natural, such. sense words. “It’s more spiritual history... de podії davnina transferred to my images, symbols, original paintings” (A.

The fall of Adam and Evi є broken by one of the Divine commandments, punished by the first people in paradise. “The Lord God is vicious from the earth every tree, taking in sight and good for her, and the tree of life in the middle of paradise, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil,” the biblical saying says ... you will be in the garden, but in the sight of a tree you will know good and evil, you will not see it, for in a day, if you look at it, you will die ”(But 2. 9, 16-17). Zmіst zapovidi pobutopisets vrazhaє through the image of a tree, pritamanny svіdomosti ancient people. With this help, as a rule, “together zagalny binary meanings are created, which serve to describe the main parameters of the world” or the link between heavenly (divine) and earthly (Sporiv V.N. The tree of the world // Myths of the people of the world. P. 398 -406) . The tree of life, the fruit of which served “she of immortality”, symbolized the unity of God and people, the zavdyak to whom the rest became the clerk eternal life. Human nature itself is not small immortality; she could live less for the help of Divine grace, which is like God. It is not autonomous in its own foundation and can realize it for itself, it is less possible to be in unity with God and in communion before the New. Therefore, the symbol of the tree of life appears at the first branches of the book. Buttya. It is necessary to know the prodovzhennya in another tree - the "Christened tree", the fruits of which - the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ - become for Christians a new "Jesus of immortality" and the life of eternal life.

Name in. paradise tree - "the tree of knowledge of good and evil" - є letters. translation of a long time ago. , de (good and bad, good and evil) is idiom, as if it is translated like “everyone” (for example: “... I cannot cross the punishment of the Lord, so that I can do something good, but the filth for my swole” (Numbers 24). 13 ); “... sir, king, like an angel of God, and can hear and good and evil” (2 Kings 14. 17); "...God brought every one on the right to judgment, and everything is hidden, which is good, but it is filthy" (Ecclesiastes 12. 14)). To that friend, the tree of paradise is “the tree of knowledge of everything”, or simply “the tree of knowledge”. Fence їsti yogo fruit, you can viklikati podiv, shards of everything that God has created, “good great” (Buttya 1, 31). Apparently “good” was the tree of knowledge, the fruit of which did not avenge in itself anything harmful to the people. Allow me to help you with a symbolic function, like a tree vykonuval according to its age to a person. Take the tree symbolically and suffice it to represent it, which in ancient times often acted as a symbol of the recognition of the light. However, God does not hinder knowing navkolishniy svit. More than that, the “view of the creatures” (Rom 1:20) stands at a direct link to the knowledge of the Creator Himself. About yak fence at such a time? Vіdpovisti on the chain of nutrition help old Jews. the word “know” (), often meaning “volody”, “remember”, “volody” (por.: “Adam knew () Eva, his squad; and she conceived ...” - Pobut 4. 1). The Commandment did not defend the knowledge of the world, but the arbitrariness of its freedom, which reaches the path of savoring the harvested fruits, which led to the usurpation of people's dominion over the world, an independent view of God. For the help of the commandment, the person was guilty of joining in the process of vihovannia, as it was necessary for the new one, more than the fault was known only on the cob of his thoroughness. On this way, the hearing of God, like his own Father, did not only serve as a guarantee of the fidelity of a person to God, but it was not an authoritative mentality, beyond that only a possible universal development of a person, called to live not in his mystical self-isolation, but in love, in the sleep of God and with people.

The report about the fall in Pobuti 3 starts from the description of the calmness of the serpent, beasted to Evi. Most of the fathers and followers of the Church, commented on the fall of the first people, affirm that the image of the snake in front of the people was put by the devil. Acts from them are referred to the text of the Announcement: “I threw off the great dragon, the ancient serpent, of the titles of the devil and Satan, who calms the whole universe, throws it down to the earth, and the angels will throw it off with him” (Announcement 12. 9 ). If the serpent himself is a butler, he appoints only those who are “cunning for all the beasts of the sexes, which the Lord God has made” (Buttya 3. 1). Well, before moving on, as a specialty, to-rym, zgidno with the biblical text, squirming, biblical commentators rightly mean that the gift of the word can lie only a bit istoti sensible, such a serpent would not be a moment. Rev. Ioan Damascus gives respect to those who are seen between human and creaturely light before the fall were more alive, quieter and unimpressed, lower after the new. Vikoristovuyuchi їх, serpent, for the respect of St. John, “Nibi spoke with him (tobto with people. - M. I.)” (Ioan. Damasc. De fide orth. II 10).

“I said to the snake before the woman: Why is it true that God said: “Do not see any tree in paradise”? (Pobut 3. 1). Before turning the devil to a human being, turning around in the form of power, showing that the devil chooses tactics to calm down in equal order, like wins victorious, calming the angels to a direct and open rebellion against God. Now vin does not call to such a rebellion, but tries to deceive a person. You should bear witness to the devil's diet, that the first people were well seen, like the stench can be shriveled with the fruits of paradise trees (But. 3. 2-3). At one time, an addition, which is to be avenged in tsіy vіdpovіdі, - “and don’t stick to them” (to the fruit of the tree of knowledge), - like in the very commandment of the day, calling out to the suspicion that the first people with God have an element of fear. And “fearing, - yak designates ap. John the Theologian, unfinished in love” (1 Іv 4. 18). The devil is not afraid to spread the fear of Evi, victorious yoga with a method of deception. “I said to the snake to the woman: H, you will not die; but God knows that in the day, if you dream of them, your eyes will open, and you will be like gods, knowing good and evil ”(that is for everyone who knows) (But. 3. 4-5). The inspiration of the devil is straightened to one point: reconcile the great-grandfathers of the one who is savoring the tree of knowledge, the fruit of which they call new and the building of the volodnya is not surrounded by anything, you can give them full power over the world, independent of God. Deception vdavsya, and spokus vplinula. Love before God changes from Evi to a bazhannya to a tree. Like enchanted, to marvel at the new and look at the new, those whom I had not dreamed of before. Vaughn swayed, that the tree is kind for zhі, and that it is received by my eyes and bazhaє, to that which I give knowledge; I took the fruit of yogo, i їla; and gave the same to her people, and vin їv ”(Buttya 3, 6). Then came those who, in an ironic form, the devil prophesied to the great-grandmothers: “Your eyes will be flattened” (But 3.5). The eyes in them were really flattened, but only to make their nakedness dazzling. Even before the fall of the first, people saw the beauty of their body, for they lived with God - with the body of beauty, then, in the thought of St. Andriy Kritsky, who saw the sight of God (for the time: 1st song of the Great Canon of Andriy Kritsky), the stench blew, weakly weak and defenseless stench by itself. After sinning the nature of a human being in two ways: having not spent more of the gifts of God, the human often preserved the beauty of her image and at the same time brought into her nature the dissimilarity of sin.

Crimea revealed wet nudity, great-grandfathers vіdchuli іn. traces of a sinful sin. They change the appearance of the all-knowing God, after which, having felt “the voice of the Lord God, that to walk near paradise when the hour of the cold of the day”, the stench appeared “among the trees of paradise” (But 3. 8). To the anthropomorphism of this verse of St. John Chrysostom respects: “What are you talking about? God walk? Will you ascribe to Yoma the same feet? No, don't go God! What do the words mean? You want to destroy in them such a sense of the closeness of God, so that you can cause them to worry, which was true” (Ioan. Chrysost. In Gen. 17. 1). Words of the Lord, beasts before Adam: De ty? (But 3.9), “Who said to you, why are you naked? Chi not їv і vіd vіd tree, from what I hedge you іїsti? (But 3. 11) - i do Єvi: What did you ... smash? (But 3. 13), they made a friendly thought for the kayatt. However, the first people were not quickened by their ability, which made their camp even more complicated. Єva warehouses resilience to the snake (Bottya 3. 13), and Adam - to Єva, "to me, - like I’m navmisne podkreslyuє, - I gave it to me" (Bottya 3. 12), they themselves indirectly ring in what happened God himself. The great-grandfathers, so that they did not repent of repentance, as if they could have saved the expansion of sin, or as the world would change this legacy. The testimony of the Lord God on the violation of the commandments by the first people to sound like a violin, which signifies punishment for a thorough sin (But. 3, 14-24). However, there are no such wines, the shards of yoga are less likely to reflect the legacy, as they inevitably blame for the violation of the norms of the creature's butt. Zdiisnyuyuchi be-what a sin, people by themselves, in the thought of St. John Chrysostom, punishing himself (Ioan. Chrysost. Ad popul. Antioch. 6. 6).

Divinely appointed, the victim of the first sin, begins from the beast to the serpent, for the help of such a devil: you will walk on your womb, and you will eat gunpowder all the days of your life” (But 3.14). World. St. John Chrysostom delivers food, which inevitably blames him for this rage: “If the devil has given joy, having implanted the snake in the armor, then why did the creature recognize such a punishment.” Tse Zdivuvannya is allowed to be between the Heavenly Father and Father, who has been beaten by a beloved son. “Karayuchi driving in your son,” write St. Ioan, - (father. - M. I.) lamaє lower and a sword, like that knocking in, and breaking them into pieces. "Child-loving God", summing up about the uncoloured great-grandfathers, to repair the same rank and punish the snake, becoming "the evil spirit of the devil" (Ioan. Chrysost. In Gen. 17. 6). Blzh. Augustine cares what God has to this particular type not to the serpent, but to the devil and curse Yogo himself (Aug. De Gen. 36). Vіd dolі zmіya potopopitsets pass to the people and vyznaє її bud. share for the minds of a sinful reason. “Having said to the friends (God. - M. I.): I will multiply your sorrow in your vacancy; at the sickness of the people, the children are; and to the person of your own indulgence, and panuvatime over you” (Buttya 3, 16). Vzhivane at tsimu vіrshi viraz “multiplying multiply”, not the power of the Russians. movie, literally conveying a long time ago. . Turnovers of this kind are typical for biblical Hebrew. Sound the stench vikoristovuyutsya with the method of sublimation or strength described deyu, show її impeccability or inviolability (por.: Pobut 2. 17). To that “multiplying I will multiply” in Booth 3. 16 can be understood as an indication of the special strength of a suffering woman, who stooped in the world, who lies with evil (por.: 1 John 5. 19), and as a sign of the destruction of the harmony of human nature, that vyyavlyaєєєєєє at razladі vіdnosin mіzh articles and people vzagalі.

By the words of the Lord, wild before Adam, the biblical text describes the legacy, like a little sin for navkoshnoy nature that mutually between her and her people. Having taken away the place in the soul of Adam, the “thorns and thorns” of sin spread over the earth (But 3.18). The earth is “cursed” (But 3. 17), and tse means that a person will be afraid to get bread for himself “in sweat”, so that he is strong enough to work (But 3. 19).

At the “shkiryan odyaz”, in the first place, people were aggravated after the fall (But 3. 21), an exegetical tradition, which goes like Philo of Alexandria (Philo. De sacrificiis Abelis et Caini. 139) “Help us in the sight of the wordless shkiri,” write St. Gregory, Ep. Nіsky, - tіlesne zmіshannya, conception, nationality, impurity, nipples, hedgehog, perversion ... old age, sickness, death "(Greg. Nyss. Dial. De anima et resurr. // PG. 46. Col. 148). At the interpretation of the understanding of schmch. Methodius, ep. Patarsky, more laconic: dressing the first people in “clothes of the shkiryan”, God dragged them into “deadness” (Method. Olymp. De resurrect. 20). ““Rizi”, - I respect the link with the cim V. N. Losky, - this is our nature, our rough biological camp, the floorings look like a transparent heavenly body” (Losky V. Dogmatic Theology. P. 247) .

Lyudina interrupted the link with the life tree, so savoring the tree of life as a symbol of immortality at this hour becomes anti-natural for a new one: savoring the fruit of immortality, the mortal would no longer succumb to her suffering, transferring yoga to insincerity (por.: Pobut 3. 22). Death can put an end to such a life. The divine “punishment of the vikhovu: for a person, killing death, so that it is seen in the tree of life, lower fixed at the eternity of a stingy camp. Yogo death itself to awaken in the new kayatt, so that it is possible new kohannya. But all the world, which is saved by such a rank, is still not true light: the order, in the same place for death, is overwhelmed by the catastrophic order ”(Losky V. Dogmatic Theology. P. 253). The first people were driven from paradise in the hope to the home of the “nasinnya” of the squad (Buttya 3. 15), zavdyaks to Roma, to the thought of the bliss. Augustine, a new paradise will appear on the earth, i.e. the Church (Aug. De Gen. XI 40).

The legacy of the sin of the first people

Due to the genetic unity of the human race, the heritage of G. p. Therefore, the soreness, slіnіst and mortality of the human nature of the great fathers, as if they stumbled in the minds of a sinful reason, did not become more than their share: these people are declining, regardless of that, the righteous stink of sinners. Who is born clean from the unclean? - Request rights. Yov himself confessed: “Joden” (Job 14, 4). In the New Testament hour, the total fact confirms ap. Pavlo: "... as a man's sin was taken by the world, and by sin - death, and death passed into the ears of people ..." (Romans 5. 12).

The sin of the first people and the її legacy of the bliss. Augustine, calling it "the first sin" - it gave rise to significant differences among the minds of what Adam and Eva committed and that the human race declined in them. One reasoning led to the fact that all people began to attribute the evils of prabatkіv as special sins, in which the stench of wine and for which they carry vidpovіdalnіst. However, this is the reason for G. p. to enter at a clear protirichcha with Christ. anthropology, it’s good for such a person to be blamed less for those who are guilty, like a specialty, zdіysnyuє freely and svіdomo. That is why, wanting to sin the fathers and hoping to directly inject into the skin of a person, special punishment for her is not for anyone, except for Adam and Evi themselves, but they can’t be laid.

The pribіchniki tsgogo tlumachennya spirayutsya on the words of Rome 5. 12, yakі ap. Pavlo rob the whiskers: "... for in the new they all sinned," rozumіyuchi їkh as a vchennya about the part of us people in the sin of the primordial Adam. So rozumіv tsey text that blzh. Augustine. Vіn repeatedly blatantly, that in the germinal camp in Adam all the people were talking: “We were all in a new one, if everyone was one with him ... We still didn’t have a small okremnya іsnuvannya that osobliї form, in such a skin from us could live okremo; but already the nature of the earth was already, in the form of a small one” (Aug. Dec civ. Dei. XIII 14). The sin of the first person is one hour and the sin of the skin and the skin “on the basis of conception and departure” (Aug. Op. imperf. contr. Jul. I 48). Perebuvayuchi at the "nature of the present", mustache people, as if stverdzhuvav blzh. Augustine, “in Adami ... they sinned if they were all one person on the basis of the offspring invested in the nature of the mother's vitality” (Aug. De peccat. merit. et remiss. III 7). Vikoristovuyuchi viraz prot. Sergius Bulgakov, who in the main provisions accepted the vchennya of the Bishop of Hippo about G. p., we can say that for the bliss. Augustine, all human incarnations are only “different incarnations of the aspects of the richly divided incarnation of Adam” (Bulgakov Z. Narechena Lamb. P., 1945. Z. 202). Pardon blzh. Augustine to be anthropological in nature: the first person, as an incarnation in her, is principally quarreled in any case. people, even Orthodox. anthropology sees Adam middle in. we are deprived of people, who were born first among them and were born not in the act of people, but in the act of creation.

However, the darkness of Rome 5. 12 is not the only thing possible due to the richness of the construction ἐφ᾿ ᾧ, which is embedded here, so that you can understand not only how the day of the receiver with the votive borrower, that “in the new (ἐφή, in the ᾧ) , what to introduce in a row of reasons, then “for all have sinned” (por. vzhivannya ἐφ᾿ ᾧ in 2 Cor 5. 4 and Phlp 3. 12). Rome itself was so understood Rome 5. 12 bliss. Theodoret, ep. Kirsky (Theodoret. In Rom. II 5. 12), and St. Photo K-Polish (Phot. Ep. 84).

Recognize the validity of all people for the sin of Adam, for the reasoning of your thoughts, ring out vicorist around Rome 5. 12 that іn. what to hate” Yogo. Prote Liter. rozuminnya of which text to enter at protirichchya with one more text of the Holy. Letters - 18th goal. Books of the prophets Єzekіїlya, in a way presented in two positions on the problem of viability for someone else's sin: the Jewish woman, who knew in the saying "Fathers їli sour grapes, and children have sour grapes on their teeth" (Єз 18. 2), and distorted God Himself, which the Jews for their pardon for the sake of understanding the legacy of sin. The main provisions of this vikritta are explained with the utmost clarity: “... as in whom the son was born, like, bachachi all the sins of his father, like wines to rob, bachit and not to rob the like before them ... (ale M. I.) vikonu My punishment and to repair according to My commandments, then he will not die for his lawless father; you will be alive. ... You seem: “Why don’t you blame your father?” To that sin to repair lawfully and righteously, all the charters of Mine dorimuetsya that vikonuє їх; you will be alive. The soul, what to sin, will die; you can’t bear the blame of the father, and the father cannot bear the blame of the son, the truth of the righteous for the new one is forsaken, and the lawlessness of the lawless for the new one is forfeited” (Єз 18. 14, 17-20). Sl., the text of Deut 5. 9 does not carry letters. sense. It’s already worth mentioning the fact that in the text there is not about all children, but only about those who hate God. In addition, the text speaks about what the godless children look like, what they give in a new marriage, not about the punishment of children for the sins of the fathers, but about the legacy of ancestral sin (Div. Art. grikh).

The existence of legal liability for the sins of the ancestors does not mean that a person’s skin suffers due to only his own, that is, special sins, being deprived of absolutely free spiritual and moral viability for the moral standing of other people. Humanity is a mechanism that is made up of a few individuals who are not spiritually related to each other. For a broad meaning of the word, it can be called a single family, the rocks resemble one of the great fathers - Adam and Evi, which gives the opportunity to call Yogo also “the human race”: (Dian 17.26; similar: Mt 12.50; 1 Jn 3.1-2). characteristic of Christ. anthropology the idea of ​​unity of the human race may and іn. basis: people of the people (walk around) in the sight of Adam and in this sense of all children, but at the same time they were reborn by Jesus Christ (por.: “... who will win over the will of My Heavenly Father, that My brother, and sister , and mothers ”- Mt 12. 50) and in tsmu sensi є children of God (1 Іv 3. 1-2).

Anthropological unity is not limited by a generic principle that lies at its foundation. Dr. and with the most important factor that creates human unity, love is the main law of the foundation of the created world. Whose law lies at the basis of the created butt, to that God Himself, who called out the light from the nebutt, є Love (1 Іv 4, 16). The same kohannya, and not legal evidence, is the head destructive force for people of great faith, they had special strength of spirit in their courage to betray their brothers. Such a kokhannya is without a boundary: with her hands ready to go to the rest of the boundary. “The people whose ... having robbed themselves of the golden god, - it seems, the prophet. Moses, blessed in the presence of the Lord, forgive me my sin, but if not, then blot me out of Thy books ... ”(Vich. 32. 31-32). Similar grief did not give peace to that ap. Paul: "...great turmoil for me and unwholesome torment to my heart: I myself would like to be seen in the sight of Christ for my brothers, my relatives behind the body ..." (Rom 9. 2-3). Prop. Moses and ap. Pavlo is marked not by the narrow legal statements about sin, which require payment, which is superimposed on gratuities, but by the compassionate love for the children of God, that they live in a single human organism, in which “one member suffers - all members suffer with it; For one member is glorified - all members are happy with him ”(1 Cor 12, 26).

In the history of Christ. Churches in vipadki, if the ascetics were born, or to instill the tsili mon-rі in the pragnennі to help people grow up in the presence of a sinner, they shared with him an important burden of yoga sin and carried її like a wave, bless God, help the sinner in the spiritual life. Nayvischa Christ. the sacrifice that manifests itself in this case is also to speak about those that the problem of sin and the fight against it is violating in such vipadkas not in the categories of law, but through the manifestation of a zhalugidny kokhannya. Sinful burden, voluntarily adopted by Christ. ascetics, obviously, did not slay them with guilt before God. The problem of guilt stepped into the background, because the main method was not to remove guilt from the sinner, but to repent of sin itself. Grіh zavdaє podviynoї shkodi: from one side, vladno pіdryakovuє yogo sobі, rolyachi their slave (Ін 8. 34), and from others - zavdaє yomu important spiritual wound. And even then you can bring it to the point that a person, as if stagnant in sin, wanting and bazha virvati z yogo kaidaniv, practically it is no longer possible to work independently. Help him, perhaps less than the one who is ready to lay down his life for his friends (John 15, 13). Bachachs of the spiritual suffering of the sinner, vindicate up to the new, like to your brother, pitying love and hope for spiritual help, entering into the hard camp, distributing yoga with him and praying mercifully to God for his salvation. Behind the words scheme. Zosimi (Verkhovsky), “sin and stumbling ... to be shy in such a rank: prospering ... and hardening ... at the kohanna, ailing, shouting to the Lord about those who sin and know: Lord, have mercy on Yogo, have mercy; if not, then erase me from the book of life with him. And more: know us, Lord, yogo fall; have mercy on the German brother! And for this reason, they apply practical work to work and feats to feats, with all their might ... blaming themselves for the death of their brother, nibito for their own authorities. Lyubov chentsiv mon-rya to a German-spirited brother-in-law calls out in the new floor a strong love for the vin, like commemorating the schema. Zosima, getting ready to leave his life, “become separated from such friendly brothers” (Elders for the sake of the dean ascetics of piety XVIII-XIX centuries. M., 1913. Z. 292-293).

Patristic vchennya about R. p.

The problem of sin, being a warehouse problem of soteriology, occupies a central place in the Holy Fathers' Spadshchina. With this decision, as a rule, it starts from the discussion of the biblical opinion about G. p. light too soon.

This problem screwed up the respect of the first apologists of the Church. Yes, mch. Justin the Philosopher, in addition to expanding his Hellenistic statements about the immortality of the soul, affirmed that the soul “is alive, then live not to that which is life, but to that which is accountable to life” (Iust. Martyr. Dial. 6). Like a Christian, having supported God with the single life of life, at the communion of which only one can live everything that you know. The soul of whom is old should not be blamed; by itself, she won’t be the life’s wound, to the one that the human being is blessed by her as a gift, we will take away the sight of God during his creation. Mch. Justin mayzhe did not say anything about the share of the soul that she spent unity with God. Vіn less stverdzhuvav, such a soul in the world. A dead soul, which continues its cause, is not an object of this guardianship.

Yastrebov M . Vchennya Augsburzskogo vіrospovidannya and yoga Apology about original sin. Do., 1877; Macarius. Orthodox dogmatic theology. T. 1; Sylvester [Malevansky], bishop. Theologian. K., 18983. T. 3; Kremlivskiy A. Augustine of Hippon. St. Petersburg, 1902; Lyonnet S. De peccato originali: Rom 5. 12-21. R., 1960; Dubarle A. M. The Biblical Doctrine of Original Sin. N.Y., 1964; Schoonenberg P. Man and Sin. Notre Dame (Ind.), 1965; Znosko-Borovsky M., prot. Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism, Protestantism and Sectarianism. N.-J., 19722. Sergiya. P., 1992; Westminster's Words of the World: 1647-1648. M., 1995; Biff J. I Believe: Catechism of the Catholic Church. M., 1996; Calvin J. Nastanova in the Christian world. M., 1997. T. 1. Book. 1-2; The book is ready: Virospovіdnya and vchennya of the Lutheran Church. [M.]; Duncanville, 1998; Erikson M . Christian theology. SPb., 1999; Tishkevich S., priest. Catholic catechism. Harbin, 1935; Tillikh P . Systematic theology. M.; SPb., 2000. T. 1-2; Christian faith. SPb., 2002.

M. S. Ivanov

Viraz himself " original sin»represents a translation of a nearby lat. virazi "peccatum originale" which means - sin, which is taken away during the trip, the sin of the trip, the original sin. At the similar Greek fathers of the church, we know of a virtuous spirit, shards of the viraz “peccatum originale” were planted in the church near the 5th capital of blessedness. Augustine of Hippon in the fight against Pelagianism, as if I recounted the church vchennya about the depravity of human nature in Adam. Augustine zastosuvav tsey vislіv before that grіha (ἁμαρτἱα), like, for the confession of an. Paul, having gone to the world through one person, Adam (Rom. 5, 12), and having become married, he passed on to all people through the transmission (per traducein) of the yogi of power, the first sin, like the original sin. For whom Augustine had a great pardon, as if he brought the rogue in the Christian theology like original sin. This pardon became after the fact that Augustine, for the weakness of his knowledge in Greek language, the word ἁμαρτἱα is sensible and translating in the sense of sin (peccatum), like a single act, at the same time, like those who are called by the law of the rozumennі sin, bezchito the will of God, the apostle signifies with words - evil ( παρἁβασις, παρἁπτωμα Rome. 5:14) or disobedient (παραχοἡ Rom. 5:19). The word w ἁμαρτἱα, as is clearly seen from the context, ap. Pavlo vikoristovu for the recognition of the sinful discord of human nature, that discord, which apostle calls “another law that is in our members, the law of sin”, which drags people to sin (Rom. 7, 11, 20). Showing in people ἁμαρτἱα, Ap. arbitrariness is not foolish, but prejudice to sin; Tsya schilnіst to sin is not vipadkov in us and minusche, ale postіyne, who is alive in us, ἁμαρτἱα οἱχοὑσα who live in the body, with the members, who are deprived until death (v. 18, 23, 24). That much discord has entered human nature through the sin of the first person, as is clearly seen from the words of the apostle: “the only human sin is in the world of uni, and death is a sin, and so is death among all people outside, in a new mustache” (Rom. 5 , 12), one of the best Orthodox theologians, archiv. Philaret of Chernigivsky, in his paraphrase, conveys the words as follows: for the sake of one person, sinfulness died in the light and sinful death, and in such a rite death passed to all people, to that all became sick to sin (Dogm. God. Part I, part I, -358). Tse ἁμαρτἱα, tse discord of human nature in all її spiritual and bodily authorities, discord of mind, will, almost the most bodily life, those that were called by the ancient fathers of the church with the word φθορἁ, which means church of corruption. With this, it is clear that the sin of Adam is not commemorated by the church with original sin, but is respected only as the cause of the rest. Wislovlene is blessed. Augustine’s thought about the transfer of Adam’s first sin to all people, the church is clearly seen (Div. Dogm. On food, to put people as a fault of this discord of nature, as if out of the world, we are guilty of insanely negatively on the basis of everything that is said about sin. Understanding the goiter in the Scriptures will always be more likely to appear in response to free moral intentions; de no freedom that svidomosti, there you can’t be blamed. If the Scripture calls all people children of God's wrath for nature (Eph. 2, 3), then it only points to the natural strength of people to sin, so call to bring them to sin, if a person enters into a state of sin. In such a rank, schilnist is the primary cause of all sins, but does not call out the rest of the primus is necessary. Every sin is born out of arbitrariness and selfishness on the basis of natural grace to sin. The Church sues you like it is quiet, which will bring out the sins of the recessive, primus craving, so it is quiet; kotri v_dkidat primordial infusion of natural discord on the exodus of all sins. The skin of the sin is freed by the will, but not without the infusion of the poshkogeno nature, the sin is squeezing the leaves, the shards of the people were free at the skoenn її. For all sins, sin is against the Holy Spirit, but blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. do not say goodbye to people, not in this century, not in the future (Mt. 12, 32). Under the sin of the Orthodox Church, the understanding of the Svidome and the zhorstoke of the opir of the people of truth. Such an opir is not a fact mentally impossibly, it’s just as much possible, if in a person’s heart it’s a lie, it’s like a witch and hatred of God, as if to rob a mentally impossibly, be it to help people burn, in the sight of God. Oskіlki people є istota is free, ostіlki God himself cannot forcibly vryatuvat її, as if they were forced to see if there was any conflict with God. This sin of the baked opera of God can not be forgiven either in this century or in the future.

Dzherela and helpers. Dogm. Theology archbishop. Anthony, archbishop. Filaret, ep. Sylvestra, m. Macarius. D. Vvedensky, Old Testament vchennya about sin. Moscow 1901. About sin and yoga. Beside the bike fast. Kharkiv. 1844. V. Veltistiv, Grіkh, yogo exodus, day and legacy. Moscow 1885. Comments of St. fathers of contemporary theologians on the envoy of St. app. to the Romans. Jul. Muller, Die christliche Lehre von der Sunde. Paul. Menegoz, La peche et la redemption d'apres S. Paul. Paris. 1882. Fr.

* Kremlin Oleksandr Magistrianovich,
master of theology, lawyer Yaroslav. Demid. lyceum.

Jerelo text: Orthodox theological encyclopedia. Volume 4, stb. 771. Vidanny Petrograd. Addendum to the spiritual magazine "Mandrivnik" for 1903 The spelling is current.

After the fall, our ancestors fell into unnatural(otherwise lower natural) stan 8 . The sin of the Holy Fathers literature is called prabatkivsky, or primordial. The Orthodox theologian does not allow the thought that the first people's insults carry personal testimony for the sin of Adam and Eve. The sin of great-grandfathers is their special sin, which is the subject of their repentance. However, it is obvious that all people are declining the legacy of the sin of their great-grandfathers, those changes that happened after the fall in the nature of people - death is ahead of us. "... one person sins in the world, and death is a sin, so death passed on all people, for in the other they all sinned.(Rom. 5:12). "Spaceful Catechism" explains tse tim, "that all were born from Adam, infected with sin, and sin themselves. As from an infected dzherel, the infection naturally flows: so from the ancestor, infected with sin and that mortal, the offspring are naturally infected with sin and that death is mortal"". Behind the words of schmch. Iriney Lionsky, "Adam became the cob of the dying." Prote change, viklikanі sin in nature people, mean not easy lowering the price of life. The skin of a person, as if it’s important to be respectful of your inner life, you can’t help but remember that sinfulness is not just a defectiveness of nature, but is more active than a person’s cob, which lives in yoga members and pulls it to sin, crimson . "Good, what I want, I do not shy away, but evil, what I don't want, I shy away. If I shy away those that I don't want, I don't work anymore, but sin that you live in me. O, I know the law, what, if I want work well, To lay evil on me ... in my members bachu ... the law that resists the law of my mind and robs me of the law of sin, which is known in my members.(Rom. 7, 20, 21, 23). The Orthodox Church has vchila, that all people, for the help of the physical people, doluchayutsya to the fall of the great fathers. Origen (251) "through the sacrament of baptism, people are cleansed from the filth of the people", A svshmch. Cyprian of Carthage (258) "what to look like in the flesh of Adam", shrugged off "At the same time, ancient death through the very people ..."[ 20]. Rule 110 (124) of the Council of Carthage seems to be: "... and they are not guilty, they cannot commit any sins by themselves, they can truly be christened at the release of sins, that through the package clean themselves and them those who stink occupied the sight of the old people "

Otzhe, razraznyayut two understanders є GRIKH PROTSETSKIY, tobto. that PECULIARITIES OF SIN, which the ancestors of Humanity have committed, all of these special sins.

THE ORIGINAL SIN IS THE SIGNIFICANCE THAT HAS BEEN WITH A SPECIAL SIN. The sin of Mav is especially significant in parity with us with our sins. Because the stench of the future in the primordial pure is absolutely visible, and here it became the first in history roztin union zv'yazku mіzh man and God. In the aftermath of the ruin of this connection, and blamed those who in Theology began to be called so by the name of original sin.

Tse ushkodzhennya our human nature, conspiracy of power, our goodness for its own nature of power, appeared to be deeply created, for example:

    anger for evil pretending to be angry at people . (For this, God gave us anger in our breeze, so that not the power of the body would fight with a sword, and even if they built all the wind in the chest of the devil.).

    zadrіst, tobto. like a pragnennya to the shrine, zazdrist like a good pragnennya to the ideal, turned into evil almost a hundred percent of the one who has it better, lower for me.

The axis of the creation of our good authorities, then the splitting of the single human essence into the mind, the heart, as an organ of sensitivity and the body, which resists one to one, (pike, cancer and swan) has led the people and the people to the point that they fell ill with the creation of authorities, death, how the fathers call the tlinns, now there is no immortality, the skin people are mortal people.

Otzhe, є Adam's sinі є the legacy of Adam's sin , original sin, is a legacy of the special sin of Adam. Reverend Maximіcompanion write: "Two sins were blamed on our forefathers, after the evil of the divine commandments, one is the condemnation of special sins, and the other, for its own reasons, the first cannot condemn the condemnation. like immortality." The original sin is the camp and the way of establishing the nature of the human being, that the posture was born by the kingdom of grace and the posture is changed by God, and the camp is that it is the subject of God's wrath. Although we don’t want to be especially punished for the sin of Adam, practically all of us bear punishment for the evil of the great fathers. Tse warnings appear to those who all people like to resemble Adam:

a ) obey the law of decay and death;

b) cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven(Jn. 3, 5) as a bearer of the sinful, which is contrary to the Divine instructions, I will become nature.

In this way, for its results, the original sin is compared to evil to the law of God. The weakness of the skin of a person, by virtue of the appearance of Adam, is called early punishment for the goiter of original sin.

V.o., one can say that falling into the sight of God and moving to the devil's death - to become the spiritual essence of the decaying original sin. The conclusion of the investigation is based on this fact and it looks like a new one.

It’s even more descriptive and eloquent to talk about tse prp. Macarius of Egypt: Lbite your whole soul, every necessary part of a person, every necessary member of yoga, dragging your anger into sin; And in such a rank the body became suffering and corruptible.. For prp. Macarius understood about the original sin is closely connected with the special power of Satan over the human race. The nature of the human being, as assigned to God, became the throne of Satan: WAtana, the forces of that prince of darkness, in an hour, the evil of the commandment was settled in the heart, in her mind in the body of Adam, as if on her own throne..

As long as the panuvannya of the enemy is not ruined, there is no hope for the inspiration of the health of the people. At the sacrament of Baptism, there is an evocation of people from the slavery of the devil. Shards were blamed for the prabatkivsky sin, then the rites in the new life began to be called the rites in the eyes of the original sin.

From the baptismal font, a person will emerge freely from the slavery of the devil and special sins, reconciled with God and having received the gift of the Holy Spirit. Have Christennі vіn nabuvaє forces to become new creature in Christ, but yoga's "corporal temple" is still overflowing with ruined, and a chimal hour is needed, to remake it on temple of the Holy Spirit(1 Cor. 6:19)

However, after Baptism does not turn off the possibility of again voluntarily bowing down to the devil, and stay buvae for such more than the first(Mt. 12:45). Redemption people, - Writing St. Ignaty (Bryanchaninov), - the freedom to reproach was given to God or to the devil, and in order for your freedom to appear imperceptibly, the devil is deprived of access to people 12.

On the basis of suggesting authoritative judgments, you can once again make visnovoks, which essence fall of the original sin in the fall of man in the sight of God and involuntarily to the devil. This spiritual camp is passed on from generation to generation and is called the decline of original sin. And poshkodzhennya to the image of God, human nature, stosunkіv z navkolishnі svіtom - tse manifest original sin. The stench doesn't sing once after Christening. Tsі poshkodzhennya zalishayutsya, creating a special space for a special feat of a person. At the sacrament of Baptism, the root of original sin is used. A person will succumb to Christ and no longer lie with the devil, may everything be necessary, so clothe yourself in a new man, created for God, with righteousness and holiness of truth(Eph. 4:24), but the sacrament of Baptism does not signify salvation.

The original sin was destroyed by the first people, Adam and Eve, the commandments of God about hearing. Tsya podium caused the exclusion of them from becoming godlike and immortal. It is vvazhaetsya sinful, which has gone to the nature of a person and transferred at the moment of birth as a child's mother. The sound of original sin comes from the sacrament of Baptism.

Three stories

The original sin in Christianity occupies a significant part of the church, the shards of the new one came all the life of the people. Є chimalo іnformatsiї, yakіy raspisаnі all comprehension tsgo vchinku first people.

The fall is the loss of what I will become, that is the life of God. Such is the camp of Adam and Evi buv in Paradise, with the zіtknennі z greater Good, z God. Yakby todі Adam, having stood in front of calmness, becoming absolutely unruly to evil, and without leaving the bi paradise. Having changed your confession, you will now live again in the day with God and become mortal.

The first kind of mortality was near the death of the soul, which came from the divine grace. Since, like Jesus Christ, having vryatuvav humankind, we again took away the chance to turn the divinity of our life outside of sin, for which it was necessary to struggle with them.

Peace of mind of original sin in ancient times

For the old hours, it was necessary for additional sacrifice, with the method of correcting the image and image of the gods. Often, in the role of a companion, all the animals were changed, but other people were people. It is customary for Christians to take into account that human nature is sinful. Although it has been brought to light that in the Old Testament, and in the months dedicated to the description of the fall of the first people, nowhere is it written about the “first sin” of humanity, nor about those who are responsible for transmissions to the coming generations of people, nothing about peace. It is not worth talking about those that in ancient times all the rituals of sacrifice had a small individual character, earlier in such a rite they forfeited their special sins. That's how it's written for everyone sacred writings Islam and Judaism.

Well, Christianity, following the introduction of rich ideas from other traditions, adopted this dogma. Incrementally, the information about the “first sin” and “the victorious mission of Jesus” has significantly increased to the vchennya, and the list of її began to be respected by the Jews.

What does original sin mean?

The cob camp of a person is a little more ideal for divine bliss. After that, like Adam and Eva, they sinned in Paradise, the stench spent their spiritual health and became no less mortal, and they recognized that they were suffering.

Blessed Augustine respected the fall and redemption of the two main foundations of Christian faith. The first vchennya about the mess was interpreted Orthodox Church for a long time.

Yogo sutnіst polela in the offensive:

Their thoroughness did not allow them to graze until the fall on their own, but Satan helped them. The very same nekhtuvannya commandment and is invested in the understanding of original sin. At the punishment of disobedience, people began to feel hunger, right away, because. After that wine is passed from mother to child at the time of birth. Jesus Christ was born in such a rank that he would be deprived of the unaccountable to every sin. However, in order to vikonate your mission on Earth, having taken on yourself yoga heritage. Everything was shattered, to die for the people and to save the sin of the coming generation.

(stars - another extension of the term:Fall of Adam). For tse Adam ta Hava buli vygnani from the Garden of Eden - Gan Eden. One of the last sins was those that people, having eaten the fences of the plaid, became mortal. Judging by the Christian conception of the Original Sin, Judaism does not marvel at the material world, like at the wrong person through the sin of Adam and Xavi, but at the human being, like at the one who was already born with the guilt of the cob for this sin.

Just about understanding the Original Sin

The original sin may be richly glibshiy
sens, what is given at first glance

Everyone knows the story about those that Hava and Adam sinned in the Garden of Eden, making up the fences. What were their motives and motives like that, how can you get it at first glance?

What spiritual root can you blame?

Sticking around with those of the original sin, next to signify that this new and deep sense is already far away from our manifestation, and lie at the Sod Square - the dark cloud of Tori. Immediately, he speaks memo only vaguely to the point of simple reasoning (behind yakim, like shaky, crying deep), spitting on the words of the great commentator Rashi. And it is also significant that the meta Tory knows about the sins of the past, teach us the right path and guard against the tricks of the Filthy cob.

It is said in the Torah (Genesis 3:6) “I succumbed the Zhіnka, that the tree was good for her, that she planted it for her eyes, and she gave it for the development of the mind, and she took the fruits of yoga and mumbled, and gave the same to the people of her own, and їv.” Explain Rashi: in the first part of the proposition, it is described how the woman calmed down and trusted the words of the Serpent (thinking of the Torah more), that, having tasted the tree, people become like the Creator and can bachiti the light like Vin Sam, that serving the Creator. Ale, immediately after the fall, the situation changed dramatically: with you”- those who said “with themselves”, rozkryvaє Її namir - so that she did not die alone, but she was left alive and took her own life! That is, having already seen your pardon, zamіst shukati paths corrected, she dragged her man behind her, walking out of his mystical banquet, do not die alone!

How can one perceive such a polar upheaval, such sharp changes in the winds?

It is evident from the fact that the forces of evil were blamed for sin, that they “called out” to the people to the last, they went inside the middle of their souls, and the essence of the sin was once and for all in the fact that they put in the center of respect - the bajan of the Almighty, but their own power, destroyed by the awakened in the woman hisististic thoughts, which covered everything else!

And just as it’s true by extension to the first people, created by the Creator without intermediary, and if we take colossal spiritual perfection on the cob, then it’s better for them - by extension to us! Naskіlki should beware of the filthy cob that yogo calmness, and how often those who at first glance look so unscrupulously and turn ugly, turn into uncleanness that sin!

Prot. Ovadiya z Bartinuri explains the behavior of the woman in a different way (moreover, write wine that you yourself should go to Rashi's place). Rozumiyuchi, that she was doomed to death, Hava wanted to straighten the camp and she herself gave to mourn the fruit of her man! The logic of її was like this: all the time that only one sinned, the Almighty has no reason to have mercy, even, regardless of those that Adam needs to give birth to children, God can create another squad for him, like before, like having created її, and the goal of creation in any event will be reached. And yet, at the same time, to sin with her and Adam, then the threat of death hangs over both of them, and it’s better to put food on the whole essence and the meta of creation, and maybe become a helper argument for melancholy!

For the infliction of the Original Sin, Adam and Hava were banished from the Garden of Eden - Gan Eden

It also becomes clearer, those who lead Rashi to finish their words “Hava fed with them with the fruits not only of her man, but also of the animals and birds”! At first glance, it was unreasonable to see that it was necessary, but at the light of what was said - it wanted to “primusit” the Almighty to have mercy on the world, all the inhabitants of which were guilty of death. Vaughn was convinced that this argument would help to soften the virok, and let the light of oppres- sion already grow on its very own cob.

But as we know, with the Almighty everything is foreseen in advance, and the possibility of sin at the same time does not stop Yogo plans, but rather turns light history in a different direction, giving people a rich and folded path to reach the head of the set!

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