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Laying and laying out the structure as closely as possible to the contour of the water-warm underlay

This time and again, folk wisdom calls out.

And you won’t get ahead of yourself.

It’s not easy to truly understand what has been going through your head more than once.

In this article we will talk about the work associated with the communications of the warm water substructure, with utmost respect for its main circuit.

If we plan to install a water heat supply to the circuit, this is one of the first supplies that needs to be restored.

The system includes a small list of elements.

  • The cradles will peck at us.
  • Its very length means the concept of “maximum supply of warm water substratum.”
  • It is necessary to invest them taking into account the peculiarities of the location.
  • Based on this, we have several options under the name:



Kutova snake;

If properly styled, the skin of overheated types will be effective for scorching.

The difference may be (and, more than anything else, will be) the pipe footage and the volume of water.

  1. This determines the maximum contribution to the heating circuit for a specific location.
  2. There are no tricks here, but everything is very simple.
  3. For example, we chose the snake option.
  4. We will highlight the low indicators, and the middle ones will do justice to the contour of the warm water substructure.
  5. Another parameter is diameter.

Our indicators now allow us to repair the pipeline: 15x3.4 = 51 m. The entire contour is 56 m, so we still have to repair the pipeline.

collector plot, which should be set to 5 m-code.

The length of the pipes in this system must fit into the permissible range - 40-100 m.


One of these questions: what is the maximum contribution to the warm water circuit?

What is the problem if the location requires, for example, 130 or 140-150 m of pipe? The solution is quite simple: you will need to create more than one circuit.

The robotic system of water and heat causes smut - efficiency.

Since we need 160 m of pipe for the expansion, we need two circuits of 80 m each. However, the optimal supply to the circuit of the water-warm substructure does not require over-extension of this indicator.

Therefore, the necessary pressure and circulation in the system can be avoided.

It is not necessary to operate two pipelines absolutely equal, but it is also not necessary for the difference to be clear.

  1. Experts believe that the difference can be up to 15 m.
  2. For the important parameter we can enter:
  3. The listed parameters are indicated, first of all, by the diameter of the samples for the warm water substratum, the amount of heat transfer (per hour). The installation of a warm substrate has a concept - the so-called effect. closed loop.

Consider the situation when circulation through the loop is impossible regardless of the pressure of the pump.

This effect is achieved by using a vice, calculated at 0.2 bar (20 kPa).

So as not to confuse you with further misunderstandings, we will write a few recommendations, verified by practice:

On the right, it is often necessary to lay a warm underlay on an object that consists of many spaces.

One has a small armchair, for example, a sanvuzol.

Yogo area – 4-5 m2.

In this case, the reason for nutrition is at fault - why would you prepare the entire plot for sanvozol, crushing it into critical plots?

The fragments are not complete, we go to another source: how not to waste the pressure.
And for this purpose, such elements as balancing valves, which lie in the same pressure position along the contours.

I know you can still vikoristovuvati rozrakhunki.

Ale stinks folded.

From the practice of carrying out the work using a warm water base, we can safely say that the variation in the size of the contours is possible at 30-40%.

In this situation, we have every chance of eliminating the maximum effect by using a warm water base.

The warmth of a miracle solution for the improvement of your life.

The temperature of the subfloor must be kept to the maximum of the warm subfloor pipes stored in the screed.

The pipe at the bottom is laid in loops.

In fact, from a number of loops and their bottoms, the bottom of the pipe is formed. It is clear that the pipe is still in use, then the warmth of the reason..

In this article we will talk about the exchange of dovzhin one contour of the warm substructure.

The approximate size characteristics for pipes with a diameter of 16 and 20 mm are: 80-100 and 100-120 meters per line. This data is based on the approximation of the diversifications. Let's take a closer look at the installation process and pouring a warm substrate.

Legacies of the relocation of the dove

Let's figure out what kind of inheritance can lead to an increase in the supply of warm pipes.

Insurers have all overhauled the main reasons for the adjustment of amendments to the linear expansion of the pipe material, taking as a basis the maximum amount of heating pipes per circuit:

The table shows the optimal dimensions of two warm substrates that are suitable for all modes of thermal expansion of pipes in various operating modes.

Note: zhitlovyh budinki 16 mm pipe is sufficient.

A larger diameter should not be used.


This has been reduced to the highest costs for energy supplies

How to unzip the pipe before installation?

Correct development is a guarantee of success no matter what.

It's not so easy to practically implement everything you have in mind.

  • This commitment must be made entirely before communication is completed.
  • It is possible to expand everything down to millimeters, but still checking the data will be necessary at the skin stage of the work, since it is impossible to wrap everything up.
  • In addition, the skin has its own characteristics on the surface of the lining, so it is often important to wrap all the ridges and wedges.
  • However, it’s not a good idea to fall into this situation, because it’s important, if not impossible, to install the heating system correctly.

Yak roztashovuvati pipe scorching The warm water system consists of a number of elements, the main ones being tubes that release heat under the entire frame. Based on the fact that you are more helpful to the master, you can arrange communications in 4 options:

Snake. Kutovoy snake., or has already completed the installation of a similar structure in his home, or is thinking about it.

The stench is especially important in households with small children, as they may get cold without proper warming up.

These designs are much more economical than other heating systems.

In addition, they interact better with the human body; the fragments in the electrical version do not create magnetic flows.

Among their positive qualities is high safety and high efficiency.

  1. In this way, the heat is distributed evenly throughout the entire room.
  2. The principle lies in the fact that pipelines are laid under the surfaces, which circulate coolant - usually water, heating the surface of the substrate and the location.
  3. This method can effectively cope with the heating of the mind, as long as the structure is properly designed and the installation of the frames is carried out correctly.
  4. System installation options
  5. There are two principles behind which the installation of a warm water subfloor can be followed - flooring and concrete.

In both options, the heat sink under the water circuit must be insulated - this is necessary so that all the heat goes up and warms the body.

  1. If the heater is not insulated, there is still space below to heat, which is absolutely unacceptable, as it reduces the heating effect.
  2. Yak insulation is accepted vikoristovuvati penoplex or penofol.
  3. Pinoplex has a unique heat-insulating power, is effective in the vologa and does not lose its power in the vologo middle.
  4. It has good resistance to pressure, is easy to use with a robot and is inexpensive.
  5. Penofol also contains a foil ball, which eliminates heat dissipation throughout the apartment.

The temperature is controlled using two thermometers one shows the temperature of the coolant that is near the main line, the other shows the temperature of the return flow.

If the difference is between 5 and 10 degrees Celsius, it means the design is working normally.

Methods for laying a warm water circuit underlay

When installation is underway, the main line can be laid out in the following ways:

For spacious rooms with a simple geometric configuration, use the rake method.

For small rooms with a folding shape, it is easier and more effective to use the snake method. These methods, obviously, can be combined with each other.

depending on the diameter of the main line and the size of the room.

The shorter the laying time, the faster and more clearly the core warms up, and on the other side, the costs for heating the heat transfer, on the materials and installation of the structure increase.

The maximum value of the temperature can be 30 centimeters, but this value cannot be overestimated, otherwise the human foot is susceptible to temperature differences.

On the outer walls, heat loss will be greater, which means that the length of the pipeline in these places will be shorter, lower in the middle.

The material used for the production of pipes is polypropylene and sewn polyethylene.

If you are using polypropylene pipes, be sure to choose the one reinforced with fiberglass, as the fragments tend to expand when heated.

When heated, polyethylene pipes are handled well and no reinforcement is required.

Dovzhina contour of the water substructure

The amount of water supply to the warm water circuit is calculated using the following formula: L=SN*1,1, de L - dovzhina loop,

S - area of ​​​​the area that is heated,

Installation of the system, which uses a double-circuit design option, does not interfere with anything unless one circuit is installed.

If the double-circuit option does not cope with the requirements, the required number of loops is added, as many as can be connected to a self-contained manifold for a warm substrate made of polypropylene.

It's the power supply that's to blame - how much one circuit per size can differ from another in the design, where there are more than one.

  • The idea is that the installation of the structure with a warm water base conveys an equal distribution of water and it is important that the tension of the loops is approximately the same.
  • This is not always possible, especially if one collector services a number of rooms.
  • For example, the size of the loop in the bathroom will be clearly smaller than in the bathroom.
  • In this case, the balancing fittings are aligned with the contours.

The size of the package is allowed up to 40 hundred units at a time.

Installation of a warm water heating structure is only allowed in small sections of the room where there are no large furniture.

  • This is due to the obvious demands on the new and the fact that in these plots it is impossible to ensure proper heat transfer. This expanse is called the bark area.
  • It is important to keep a number of loops of the structure in line with this area, as well as during laying.
  • 15 cm - up to 12 m2; 20 cm - up to 16 m2; 25 cm - up to 20 m2;
  • 30 cm - up to 24 m2.

Installation of a warm underlay - what you need to know

When installing a water heating system, you need to know a few important things.

One loop is meant to heat one room - there is no need to extend it to two or more rooms. One pump is responsible for servicing one manifold group.– if you try to discipline your process of laying a warm water base.

It’s not good to think that the decisions will be taken one by one and then implemented in practice.

Not at any time.

More than once you will have to check and recheck the numbers, adjust the output data, gradually approaching the values ​​that will most accurately represent the power of your system of burning the forgeries.

When the deterioration of a child is corrected by practice

The first thing that needs to be taken into account is the layout of the pipes.

  • Possible pipe diagrams
  • In practice, there are several schemes that are used everywhere:
  • A – snake;
  • B – snake;

C – kutova snake;.


Already going from the completed scheme, you can cover the water with the system

Head show

  • The calculation of the water volume of the system depends on the previous values ​​of the parameters of the selected circuit.
  • Among them: The communication type itself is selected “A”; stand from the pipeline to the wall - within the range that is recommended, 20-30 cm selectable
  • minimum rise
  • 20 cm;

stand between the rows of pipes – we recommend 10 to 50 cm, choose exactly in the middle – 30 cm (don’t forget, we have a pipe with a diameter of about 30 mm, so the real stand between the pipes will be 27 cm);

  • internal diameter of the pipe – select a pipe with an internal diameter of 20 mm;
  • In addition, we have a working scorching area:

width – 4 m;

dovzhina – 5 m.

  • Laying will be carried out parallel to the smaller side.
  • The following information can be removed from the information:

the number of linear pipes “back and forth” is 15, which leaves another 10 cm in the extra space, which is “thrown” to the greater distance from the wall of the smallest floor - 5 cm on both sides;

doctors, so that on the side of the collector you reach the pipe up to 40 cm (and not 20, 20 that are still placed on the outlet channel), the pipe is hidden in the contour of the warehouse:
15 x 3.40 = 51 meters,
Corisna is pleased!
A maximum of 100 meters is the maximum recommended, but it is necessary to gradually bend and change until two circuits are created.

  • So, if you choose between one circuit of 160 meters and two of 80, or better yet, choose two.
  • The excess of the contours is not necessarily equal, but do not allow a difference in their excess of more than 15 meters.

Now we can remove the bottom of the pipe from the inlet to the outlet of the collector, and we will install it 5 meters more – 56;

Thus, it is possible to calculate the volume of water required for the combustion system according to the formula for the volume of the cylinder:

D – dovzhina trubi – 5600 div.

Rozrahunki give V = 3.14 x 1 x 1 x 5600 = 17584 cubic meters.

In other words, to completely refill the system you will need more than 17 and a half liters of water.

doctors, so that on the side of the collector you reach the pipe up to 40 cm (and not 20, 20 that are still placed on the outlet channel), the pipe is hidden in the contour of the warehouse:
It is important to note that this requirement of 17.5 liters is due to the additional requirements for the operation of the pump of the entire combustion system.
Therefore, it is very important to carry out combustion, and all combustion systems from the boiler to the sensors.
Otherwise, the pump simply cannot cope with additional pressure.

Additional developments

Here are three of the most important characteristics:

  • pipe diagram;
  • It's my dowzhin;
  • both the internal volume and the required volume of heat transfer –

There are just as many people who are not less important to take out their insurance.

Thermal temperature

You can receive food notifications about the coolant temperature separately:

  • First of all, the temperature in any water heating system never exceeds 60 degrees;
  • And, in other words, apply your temperature limit to the base - it is important for most of them to apply a limit of a maximum of 35 degrees;

In any case, in order to control the heat transfer in the system, it is necessary to use vicor.

To monitor the functioning of the system, it is recommended to install two sensors - after the pump, at the entrance to the system, and before the pump, at the exit.

It is important that the system operates properly so that the temperature difference does not exceed 5 degrees.

  • In other situations, heat losses are even greater and it is necessary to establish the reason for these losses.
  • As a result of the heat transfer temperature – the surface temperature of the substrate.
  • for residential premises – 29 degrees;

for passing – 35;

for service – 33 Dani about the collector All

piping system

  • The subtexts focus on the collector.
  • It is very important to choose the right device and install it correctly with the inputs and outputs of all circuits.
    Here is the middle of the revelation:
    • First of all, what really increases such an indicator as the price of a warm water subfloor per m2 - what kind of collector frame is it, what are its dimensions?
    • It is not possible to give an unambiguous answer here, as there is a lot to be said for the tightness of the system, the number of circuits depending on the location of the frame.
    • For orientation, we recommend going to Valtec products.

The internal collector frames of these companies are designated by the letters ШРВ and have the following dimensions (depth x depth x height, mm):

  • ШРВ1 - 670 x 125 x 494;
  • ШРВ2 - 670 x 125 x 594;
  • ШРВ3 - 670x125 x 744.

All 6 models are designed to connect two circuits of the scorching system, which is perfectly suitable for a space with an area of ​​40 sq.m., or 5 by 8 meters.

  • After all, there is a need to connect pipes and, most importantly, to the system piping in the future, another task is to remove the manual height of the installation of the collector frame?
  • This food will significantly increase the strength of the vikoristan, and then, the skin can be established at any proper height, based on three factors that must be respected by the mother:
  • the cupboard is installed before filling concrete screed subtexts and placement false cover it is necessary to increase their height to ensure manual access to the internal outlets of the collector;
  • the servants of the shafi will have to deal with it step by step, so the ease of working with it when choosing a height comes first;
  • at the same time, the collection wardrobe is not a piece of furniture and you always want to grab a little;

From the top – the optimal height for installing the shawl before the finishing coating is 20-25 cm. Unmanuality of the robot metal pipes

Therefore, I believe that it is important to bend them properly to ensure the necessary flow of water - any type of straight cut will have a trace of uniqueness

There is no need to sell on your own

When selecting a water system, the scorching substrates are poured in by external officials, right up to the final coating of the substrate.

  • So, so as not to forget anything, and to please yourselves with the development of other methods, please use the calculator for water and warm water, of which you can find a lot.
  • Be prepared that the warm water calculator will provide you with the following parameters:
  • the dovzhina is the same,
  • Its width is two parameters always at hand;
  • the temperature in the room is comfortable due to the creation and support of the system;
  • the temperature at the inlet to the system pipelines, up to the collector - this indicator should be carefully taken from the manufacturer’s recommended coating for the substrate that you allow to be placed above the system;
  • outlet temperature after the collector – set it 5 degrees less than the inlet temperature;
  • rozrakhunkov's pressure of placement - this cannot be done without consultation with the fahivs; laying pipes, or stand between them; type of finishing coating
  • best options
  • thickness of the waterproofing ball – this parameter is only significant as the waterproofing is spread over the system;
  • the thickness of the starting screed - you need to ensure this value if you want the starting screed to be under the system from now on;
  • The type of finishing screed is the one with which the system itself is concreted.


The expansion of the warm water base will now be of an approximate nature, but this does not mean that it is not good to carry out, and we will no longer be able to recover the data.

Of course, the smell definitely reflects both the configuration of the space, the pipe laying pattern, and the characteristics of the laying.

And these are the parameters that are recommended to be adjusted more precisely.

It will be time to think carefully about this, and this is yet another positive factor in carrying out deconstruction.
The video in this article will help you not to tell any “swarm” of the warm water characteristics of the most important reasons for maintaining respect in the first place.
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