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The most important tank of the 10th rank.


Whatever rating is compiled by the researchers, trying to determine the best tank of the 10th tier, may be subjective in nature.

And all to the fact that everyone savors the difference.

While some are riding on important athletes to push through the enemy’s defenses, others are riding on anti-tank self-propelled guns, enjoying the vigilance and speed of fire.

However, for beginners, the food pressure is very high.

In addition, which Tier 10 tank is the best, you need to select a game tip and a sum spent on its developments.

As a result, you want to give up reliable and comfortable technology, which results in satisfaction alone. Because they are simply the most popular vehicles, they deserve to be in the top 10 tanks in World of Tanks. If you are allocated a place in the middle of this rating, you can choose for yourself independently.

The most important tanks of rank 10

This universal Japanese machine causes great harm to top-end missiles. The armor of the hull is essential, but there are weak points that the enemy exploits when confronted with this equipment on the battlefield. The device is clumsy, but it is important for him to be a yearly contender to the list of “10

the finest tanks

WOT 2017". WZ-111-5.

A heavy Chinese car with the dynamics of a medium tank.

This mobility allows you to dodge the enemy's attack.

The vehicle adds balanced armor and impenetrable armor to the vehicles.

This car will definitely be included in the list of the top 10

tanks WOT The finest medium tanks of rank 10 T-62A

Accurate armor, heavy-duty armor, high turning speed, excellent maneuverability and a low silhouette are the axis of the main advantages of the vehicle, which makes it an imminent contender for leadership in the top 10 tanks 10 r Event WOT.

The machine is universal and is perfectly suitable for frontal impact and aggressive grinding.

After a small amount of damage, a lot of drivers are respected for driving better in more punchy cars.

Bat.-Chatillon 25t.

Dynamic, fast, accurate, equipped with a charging drum - you can shoot and sink the enemy on the move. It is not recommended to lose your job for a long time. The armor makes the gravel more active, otherwise it can quickly become a weapon for the enemy.

FV 4005 Stage ll

This Briton poses a terrible threat to the superniks.

In this case, there is a nasty looseness and comfortable contours of horizontal guidance.

A great contender to become one of the top tanks of the 10th tier.

However, the vehicle does not have armor and a lot of weak points, so it does not allow it to become a better Tier 10 tank destroyer.

FV217 Badger

The main pride of the “Badger” is precisely the fear that, thanks to its miraculous armor penetration, it can be used as a real death machine on the battlefield. UVN is completely comfortable, and at one time it reaches 480 units. And if we guess the main DPM, then we can get an exact response to the power supply, as the Tier 10 tank destroyer is the best.

FV217 Badger is entirely the same name.

Light tanks

T-100 LT

Probably the only contender for the title

beautiful legend
tank 10 rivnya.
I add to the wonderful armored armor, the Swedish armor and the wonderful mask.
Due to its low silhouette, the car can easily be seen from the enemy’s leering glances and becomes almost invisible.
We named the main contenders who will make it to the top 10 lvl WOT.

If you are to occupy a place in the middle of this rating, you will have to figure it out for yourself.
There’s plenty to lay around until the end of the gravel and yogi style of gris.
Whatever the case, all the best tanks of the 10th tier of World of Tanks deserve your respect, the remains will bring satisfaction during the game.

Hello, Shanovni tankists.

beautiful legend
Singingly asked from you: what an important tank
Hello, Shanovni tankists.
Singing the skin from you, putting food: what an important tank is the best in its field.
● diversity of production;
● good inspection.

● low maneuverability;
● armor without covers.

Universal soldier.

beautiful legend
Few people doubted that this tank itself would emerge as the finest TT of the 7th Rank, and the advantages of the tank would simply go through the roof.
● miracle armored equipment;
● advanced armor penetration;
● pleasant indicators of accuracy and speed of display;
● good maneuverability and strength;

● administration of the backup.

● large in size, tall silhouette;

beautiful legend
Without a doubt, this tank is chosen above the title of the best TT of the 8th tier.
The advanced armor, maneuverability and ability to break through the defense for us is a miracle tank.
It’s not for nothing that this tank will compete in team battles as the main unit.
● Chudova Zbroya;
● maneuverability is really bad;
● miracle all-round armored vehicle;

● low tank profile;
● screen sides;
● rational ways of adding armor to the hull.

● small UGN;

beautiful legend
● filling ammunition storage;
● faint glance.
A steel giant with an unapologetic and killer armor.
Without a doubt, this tank is chosen above the title of the best TT of the 8th tier.
There is nothing to be afraid of in random, whoever wants to download.
Roughly on the E 75, you begin to feel the burning sprague of shooting the entire team of the wizard.

● decent dynamics;
● mіtsna armor;

● monstrous look;

beautiful legend
● great value (1920 NR);
● 88 tons give an incredible ability to ram everything in its path.
● tall silhouette;
● the obviousness of the commander's vezhi that the blade has a greater ability to remove damage there.
10 riven, for a long time we thought what an important tank warto choose in this place... Ale you will still know - .
A monster tank, completely universal and powerful on any map in any layout.
● DPM at 3000 (with military brotherhood, additional strength and ventilation);

● shvidke (8 seconds) reloading;
● excellent maneuverability and dynamics;

● nice displays of armor;

● outstanding precision;

When driving important tanks, don’t think that you are not spilling.

Just like a fighting machine, important tanks have their weaknesses.

Look at the center of the map with confidence that your armor, no matter what it is, is visible to any projectile - foolishly.

Carefully evaluate your strengths and the capabilities of your tank.

We have studied absolutely all the important tanks presented at the moment (early 2016) from World of Tanks and are now ready to tell you about those that are the best among them.

  • Reven V - KV-1 (SRSR)
  • "Klim Voroshilov" on the 5th Rivne.
  • If you are a beginner, a fan of “piskovoy naginu”, or just want to “form” (so, regardless of the low level, the KV-1 can bring income without any special problems), then this tank is for you.

Armor 75 mm along the stake allows you to “tank” classmates’ shells, and today F-30 shells can inflict a stable damage of 160 units per 4 seconds.

  • It is also possible to install the U-11 howitzer.
  • With these shells and an additional ammunition load of cumulative ammunition (variably 370 and a penetration of 160 mm), the KV-1 is transformed into an annihilator, effectively sealing life between the 6th and 7th levels.

Ale about “pharma” in this situation happened to be forgotten.


We have studied absolutely all the important tanks presented at the moment (early 2016) from World of Tanks and are now ready to tell you about those that are the best among them.

  • administrative armoring among classmates,
  • bad choice,
  • simple for the mastered.
  • Nedoliky:

Armor 75 mm along the stake allows you to “tank” classmates’ shells, and today F-30 shells can inflict a stable damage of 160 units per 4 seconds.

  • lack of dynamics,
  • ineffective in the stock configuration.
  • Reven VI - KV-2 (SRSR)

S – “stability”.

One of the most popular tanks on the 7th region is the American Messenger of Democracy T29.

We have studied absolutely all the important tanks presented at the moment (early 2016) from World of Tanks and are now ready to tell you about those that are the best among them.

  • “Cheburashka”, as it was dubbed by the Gravians, has almost impenetrable armor (279 mm at the frontal projection), allowing the plump body and 102-mm armor at the front to fit without any special armor.
  • And on the 7th level such armor is no longer available.
  • It immediately becomes clear that it is necessary to grab the body, showing your importance, I know that, to the point of speech, a very strong threat has been rearranged.
  • With a penetration of 189 mm and a cost of 320 units, you will not feel German when playing on T29.

Armor 75 mm along the stake allows you to “tank” classmates’ shells, and today F-30 shells can inflict a stable damage of 160 units per 4 seconds.

  • miracle armor vezhi,
  • armor penetration at the temple,

the accuracy and precision is poor,

wide sections of vertical guidance.

We have studied absolutely all the important tanks presented at the moment (early 2016) from World of Tanks and are now ready to tell you about those that are the best among them.

  • great dimensions and tall silhouette of the car,
  • low fragility.
  • Reven VIII - ІС-3 (SRSR)
  • The tank that took part in the victory parade in Berlin, like the enemy of the Allies, is the IS-3.
  • This one has everything: dynamics that allow you to be at the forefront of battle;

Armor 75 mm along the stake allows you to “tank” classmates’ shells, and today F-30 shells can inflict a stable damage of 160 units per 4 seconds.

  • the top-end harmata BL-9 with an already high-quality Skoda for the Radyan “important” units of 390 units and with armor penetration, which has increased to 225 mm, which can put a blunder on vehicles even higher;
  • the armor is both on the outside (249 mm from the front), and in the body with the famous “pike nose” and “cheat-screens”.
  • You may be confused by the frequent “critiques” and the bulges of the ammunition rack, the fragments that were thrown around the front of the IS-3.

the strongest attack BL-9,


We have studied absolutely all the important tanks presented at the moment (early 2016) from World of Tanks and are now ready to tell you about those that are the best among them.

  • low silhouette of a tank,
  • shielded sides,
  • "pike nose".
  • Vuzkuvaty kuti horizontal guidance,

Armor 75 mm along the stake allows you to “tank” classmates’ shells, and today F-30 shells can inflict a stable damage of 160 units per 4 seconds.

  • ammo storage is often critical,
  • A minimal look at the 8th Rivne.

Riven IX – E 75 (Nimechchyna)

І on the 10th Rivni Radyansky IS-7. How many battles have passed, no matter how many tanks with “Uberlaser guns” were introduced, the IS-7 always stood apart and did not lose its relevance. There is practically no weak point in the armor: the monolithic edge measures 240 mm at the forehead, the “pike nose” is made up of 150 mm plates under the side cover... Only the NLD (lower frontal part) is weak, otherwise You can stream for a small stone fire the most powerful shells.

We have studied absolutely all the important tanks presented at the moment (early 2016) from World of Tanks and are now ready to tell you about those that are the best among them.

  • A 130-mm round, even if it is in the middle of arming and spreading, can cause a nasty damage of 490 points.
  • But for such armor and shells for the ІС-7, they pay the price of collapse.
  • Mayuchi
  • maximum fluidity

Armor 75 mm along the stake allows you to “tank” classmates’ shells, and today F-30 shells can inflict a stable damage of 160 units per 4 seconds.

  • for 59 km/year, you can get this tank in less than a minute.
  • If not unimportant at all, the IS-7 is losing the love of a lot of gravitationalists.

16-10-2017, 11:51

practical ultimate armor, Visoka razova Skoda,.

board with screens,

does not require any special skills to master.

weak dynamics,

no better penetration than armor-piercing shells.

Hello, tankists and we kindly ask you to visit the site!

Friends, today in the guide we are talking about a very new and important tank of the tenth level, which appeared in WoT with the release of update

Here is a guide to the British important tank of the tenth rank

Super Conqueror This tank is a replacement for the tank introduced with updates FV215b was transferred to the category of stock cars and was released from the UK.

TTX Super Conqueror Super Conqueror from WoT, also has no complaints.

To withstand more enemies, the concentration of spill zones on the frontal armor of the top heavy loads increases the penetration of armor-piercing shells. And if you have difficulties, it is enough to load the miraculous sub-caliber shells, which you can carry with you if you want at least 10 pieces. It is also important to note that the increase in BC on the Super Conqueror is equal to that of the FV215b.

40 shells versus 35 - this can reduce the number of battles for random players if they are fired through a spare ammo load.


Super Conqueror tank This may also be a miracle and is immediately evident in an even compact volume of distribution and the shortest indicators of stabilization. Super Conqueror from WoT.
Our Briton's start time became a little faster, while the FV215b's time was 2 seconds, versus 1.7 seconds.
It also means that even our Briton’s UVN is good, the stench reaches as much as -10 degrees. These are true figures that allow us to play with a very high level of comfort on the various folds of locality.;
Advantages and disadvantages of Super Conqueror
The Axis looked at the main tactical and technical characteristics of the British top-of-the-line important tank, talked about its new design, and it is already clear that a number of advantages clearly outweigh the disadvantages.
But to be clear, the headaches are still apparently strong and

basic inspection
Mitsne armored forehead bashti;
It's very loose;

High DPM among classmates;

Excellent accuracy of the TT-10; High performance indicators. Disadvantages:
Even more conflicting NLD; A small one-time harm; Still, the bookmaker’s size is not high for such a DPM.
Installation for Super Conqueror
A well-ordered tank in World of Tanks has a very large number of strong points and all of them are even significant.

For these reasons, we will only improve upon the installation of additional modules that already have advantages, so that

tank Super Conqueror ownership It’s better to put it like this: 1. – with this module ours and without that garniy DPM Download the track in the following order:
Commander - , , , .
Navidnik - , , , .
Water mechanic – , , , .
Charger (radio operator) - , , , .

Organizing for Super Conqueror

Purchasing consumables, most often a standard one, in which, due to the lack of a large supply of sawdust, you can compromise and put it on the tank, , . However, such a set will not allow you to get out of really important buttons and, even better, carry it to FV215b arrangement

z , , .

In addition, it’s easy to buy this tank, because its classic layout saves us from extremely dangerous situations in the country.

Gris tactics on Super Conqueror To say that a powerful machine has appeared in our hands is to say nothing. The classic layout, as we say, makes life easier for us, even though we have a tank in front of us with the classic gameplay of a big, big tank.

The British vyshov is a universal machine, so it can be practically adjusted to any combat situation in WoT. It's clear, the beginning of the battle important tank Super Conqueror

It is necessary to attack the hot spots, so as to first close the line, in order to destroy the enemy with his armor and punish the skin enemy, so that the vikorist is strengthening his armor.

For effective tanking on

Super Conqueror from World of Tanks, You must do this so that artillery cannot attack you and enemies cannot stop the NLD spills. What is most important is that our TT feels comfortable not only on small maps, but also in open spaces, thanks to the miraculous UVN and local shielding.

We are already looking forward to replacing the top in the British Gilts, still with a great set of advantages and, now, the classic gameplay of the old TT.
Varto can also say that our versatility lies not only in military armor and comfortable harmony,
Golovne - always try to get the maximum advantage of the tank, follow the mini-map and try to judiciously evaluate your capabilities.'янські Боги – хто вони?
Read also'язнений - Ганна Шаріпова
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