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You can give the number of the bank card of the robot seller. It is possible to give such cards, but it is not possible to transfer such cards to third-party persons. What do the numbers mean on a bank card

If you ever stood behind someone in the shops and thought that this person was sorting out hundreds of plastics, that revenge was not less than 10 credit cards? With such a large number of credit cards, it’s obviously not so rich, but experts seem to think that most SND citizens can accept one credit card and call two or three.

Winning with a smart credit card can provide ease, prosperity and financial benefits, because allow you to make purchases, roaming in order for a whole month, to pay for them.

Sound bad, but only theoretically. Really, a lot of people can’t speed up with these advances, for those who don’t know the stink, how to arrange correctly with their credit card, so as not to incur significant financial losses, they can reach 25-30 dollars a month.

Most of the time, it’s like that, for those who can’t stand calmly when buying speeches, because the stench really can’t afford it.

In this article, which became the first in the series, we can look at the credit card from many sides - it’s not financially practicable and technically.

Is the term necessary? Would you like to apply for a mortgage or a car loan? Do you need a credit or debit card? Mustache vigіdnі propoziї on be-what relish zіbranі in one place!

Click on the banner below to see all the best offers for loans, micro loans, mortgages, credit and debit cards. Selecting the type of loan or bank card, how to call you, write a simple bill, so that you can take the credit card on your request:

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3. Remove the confirmation code on the phone or in the SMS notification.

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What is a credit card

A credit card is a plastic card tied to a special account of one of the banks. Most credit cards can be assigned according to the ISO 7810 ID-1 standard - 85.6 * 53.98 mm - and win as a magnetic card, just step by step fix the chip (smart) cards. On the front side of the card, as a rule, there is the logo of the payment system, the card number, the cardholder's name and the term of the card.

on the turning side the cards have a magnetic smuga, a paper smuga with the signature of a vlasnik, and on deyakah - a security code. A credit card is valid for payments, including through the Internet. If you want to call a vlasnik a card is often called a “vlasnik” - it’s fundamentally wrong, because. in fact, the master of the card is the issuing bank.

The first universal credit card - such that it can be won in a number of different stores and enterprises - was introduced Diners Club Inc., 1950 rock. Another popular universal credit card - American Express- was created in 1958 by a company of the same name.

Pіznіshe came the era of bank credit cards. At the first stage, the banker of the card paid the bank either the entire balance in one hour, or paid on credit in six-thousands of installments from the accrued money for the cost of credit cards.

First bank credit card under the name " BankAmericard was issued in 1959 by the Bank of America in California. This system began to be licensed in other powers, beginning in 1966, and was renamed to " Visa» in 1976 roci. Then other successors appeared, zokrema - master card, Previously called "Meister Charge".

Information transmitted by credit card number

The skin card may have its own special number, which is formed, as a rule, from 16 digits. International maps of the system VISA put on the card 16 hours 13 digits. For example, if there are 16 digits on the credit card, then the stench will be divided into four groups of four digits on the skin. All numbers of payment cards of the VISA system start from the number 4. Credit cards of the system master card 16 digits can also be made, and then they start from the number 5.

System cards Maestro Mayat the postal number 3, 5 or 6 and can replace the number of digits: 13, 16 or 19. po'yazanі z timi, yakі may 16-digit number that vydkritі earlier.

Qi figures indicate the subprogram within which they were issued. The presence of a 13-digit number indicates those that the card was issued for a long time within the framework of a program developed for other regions.

The credit card number is a simple code that carries important information. Zocrema, card number to retrieve information about the issuer (company that issued the card), card category and conversion number. Let's figure out what kind of information a skin group of numbers carried.

First numeral (1) at the credit card number it indicates the economy card, so I let out the card, it just seems to be the identifier of the industry card:

  • 1, 2 – airlines;
  • 3 - tourism, rozvagi;
  • 4, 5 - financial organizations, banks;
  • 6 - trade, banking;
  • 7 – oil companies;
  • 8 - telecommunications;
  • 9 - sovereign structures.

First six digits (2) give information about the name of the payment system that issued the card. Order id or BIN bank. In other words, if you know this number, you can tell how the other card was issued from the payment systems. In addition, the identifier is assigned by the bank for a specific card type of payments.

Soma and eight digits on the payment card means product code chi program, as part of which card was issued. Z somoї digits are repaired іndivіdualny rahunka number karti (3) . The number of the account ends with the given number. This set of digits is also not vague, but it can be sorted out in a new folding, even if you can save data about the name of the bank, about the currency of the card, about the presence of the chip.

Remaining digit (4) the number of the bank card is called reversed number. It is settled down after folding mathematical operations from other figures such as images, present cards. Even more often such operations are generated by a cryptographic algorithm, which includes manual selection of numbers.

Even more often remaining ten digits on credit cards, cards are selected for personalization and may have different characteristics, which are set by the issuer. Before such parameters, you can, for example, enter the following: type of currency, number and name of the name, the presence of the electronic chip, etc.

Due to the fact that all numbers on the card are unique and non-violent, it can be argued that the number on the card is an important informational part of any credit system. For an additional number, you can easily identify the card for the next hour and pay for it, whether it is a kind of goods or services, like in a virtual world (online), so real life(offline).

To fight against shahrai card issuers, additional fields were transferred, for the account of which it is possible to recognize that the right person is the right card holder. On such fields, the term of the card, the nickname of that name of the sergeant, as well as the pin code and other additional information are assigned.

Information printed on the return side of the credit card

The signature of the vlassnik of the card on the return botsі remains may be obov'yazkovym. When paying with a bank card in a trade and service account, the signature of the cardholder on the merchant's check and the signature on the back of the payment card are signed by the cashier. For the validity of the signature or the difference with the signature on the check, the cashier may have the right to review the performed operation and swipe the card for verification.

For bank cards of the Visa system, the security code can be called "Card Verification Value 2" ( CVV2), for MasterСard payment system - "Card Validation Code 2" ( CVC2). This code is to be found on the back of the bank card number on the SMS for the client's signature. The code itself is used to authorize card transactions when shopping on the Internet.

The special security code is a set of characters and is assigned a card number. With this help, you can make payments for services and goods on the Internet. For MasterCard, Visa, Diners Club credit cards, the code is applied to a seemingly three-digit number. The numbers are stamped on the back of the card, on the floor, where the client's signature is worth. American Express cards require a four-digit number. It is placed above the card number from the front side.

The magnetic smuga on credit cards is won from the collected information. There are three tracks (tracks) on the magnetic smoothing, the skin of which is recognized for recording information in a sing-song-like way and connected to the communication.

  1. First track- you can apply digital-literal information: up to 76 znayomist QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM (Latin) 1234567890 (numbers): ; = + () - ""! @#^&*< >/ \ All letters are large. The information will be sharpened with service symbols: the sign "%" - on the cob of the row, that sign "?" - For example, a row. The power sign is added automatically at the end of the applied information, informing about the end of the recording on the magnetic smoothing. Under the hour, the reading is not displayed. On this track, sound the name of the card.
  1. Another path- you can use more than a number: 1234567890 and the equal sign "=", apply 37 digits. I tried between the characters no, instead of the new one, the equal sign "=" is displayed. The symbol of the cob row on the other road is ";". After the completion of the row, the food sign "?" is also placed. I will give a path to win for recording the card number and the term for the rest.
  1. Third track- as on the other road, the information is composed of digits and the "=" sign, or it can contain up to 104 digits, the "=" sign is used as a blank. The symbol for the cob of the row is the lower armchair - "_", for example, the row is traditionally placed with the food - "?". The third track, as a rule, is to avenge the service information of a particular issuing bank.

Magnitna smuga - ce archives, scho to save the minimum information about the keeper of the card: the name of the clerk, the number of the rahunka in the jar, the term of the card. Therefore, when rozrahunka іz vikoristannyam tsієї cards schoraz nebhіdno zvіdno zvіdno zvіdatisya to the central computer for otrimannya іnformacії about nayavnіst on rahunka sumi, nebhіdnoї to pay goods chi services.

PIN-code (PIN-code) of a credit card

Pin code(PIN - Personal Identification Number) - personal identification number, which is the secret code of the card. The PIN code can be entered from 4 to 12 digits, but in practice it is usually 4 digits. The PIN code can also be formed from a letter. The names of the code are given on the card with the method of identifying the individual of the vlasnik for the hour of financial transactions.

The code is the fault of the nobility of the vlasnik of the card. It is necessary to save it in the dungeons and at the same time not to speak out to third persons, including relatives and relatives. In the interests of security, do not enter the PIN-code at the presence of third-party and save entries, the code for the order from the card. It's important not to forget that for rozrakhunkiv on the Internet PIN-code is not required To that, whether the proposition to introduce yoga with online rosrahunka is an obvious statement on diї shakhraiv.

It is impossible to redeem the PIN-code, the shards of the wines are no longer given to the card holder. In this situation, the bank, at the request of the client, issues a new card with a different PIN code, with which the card number can be saved for the applicant's bank account. To change the PIN code, you can use a special function, which is available at ATMs of various banks. A commission may be charged for this operation.

Card with microprocessor (smart card)

A card with a microprocessor has a lot more possibilities for operations for a penny, which is on the rack. Such cards can take care of the memory of the microprocessor, the mother can quickly (for victories in the process of processing) and post (for the collection of permanent data) memory, as well as the system of security and protection of data.

The memory of the smart card has a lot of information about the account of the widowmaker, including: about the amount of pennies for the account, the maximum amount of sumi, how you can take it from the account one time, about the operation, which is carried out throughout the day. Please note that smart cards do not require the procedure for identifying their presenters, then if they remain offline, it is not necessary to return to the bank or the company, deleting the account of the card holder.

Yak Nednik (correctly, tell me-unzvrosty vicoristani) smart cards of the najids of the same time, the service of the service of lifting cards, the sphere of the vicoristan (for the "Zchituvnya" izchitunsky is via.

How to check the validity of a credit card

The correctness of a credit card can be easily identified whether a person is using a special technique. For clarity, below is a picture with the necessary explanations, and the description process itself is below.

Next, multiply all unpaired digits of the card number by 2. When removing two-digit numbers as a result of multiplication, store the warehouse numbers together to remove a single-digit number. Now it is necessary to add up all the numbers. Charge the sum of the guys numbers of the number and add it to the otrimanogo number. If the amount is taken off by 10 without a surplus, then the card that is being verified is correct.

In this section, you can find out by looking at the best credit cards. Zocrema, placed a look at the popular and affordable (issued without confirmation of income, without making guarantors, without notifying the bank free delivery in any region of Russia) credit card "Tinkoff Platinum" Did you know the basic information?

I’ll be vdyachny, as if you’ll tell my friends about her, we’ll know, having pressed on the buttons of quiet social networks, we’ll register.


How to activate the card to the Buva bank so that you correctly entered all the details of the card, and the online store confirms that the payment is not charged. This is the case if the purchase is made overseas and the foreign bank does not accept card payments. Ale, well, you just didn’t activate the card. Oschadbank card Visa Electron Visa electron is one of the most popular Oschadbank cards. May the service be of a small variability and achieve wide opportunities. How to populate your PayPal accountPayPal payment system is most often used to pay for purchases on eBay auctions. Before the registration of the official record of the PayPal payment system, it is necessary to "attach" an international bank card. Electronic penniesAn easy way to pay for purchases on the Internet. The main advantages: simple and cost-free registration of electronic devices, the simplicity of the procedure for paying for purchases and services.

Bank card code cvv2/cvc2

Friend, the third and fourth digits of the number are the number of the bank that issued the plastic card. Please, give additional information about this credit organization.

All at once, the first six digits of the card number are the same as the banking identifier or BIN. If the bank sees the card for three hours, the numbers on the front side will be displayed.


On express cards, they should be applied with a special farboi. Soma and eight digits at the card number - tse designation of the program to the bank, for which wine you saw a credit card. Special data of the Rashta digits, rest, give an individual card number.

If the VIN is formed according to a special algorithm, then the number of the two last created cards will not be reduced by more than one digit - the VIN will be unique. The remaining digit of the number is the control. For the sake of cicadas, it is easy to distort correctness on your own.

The numbers on the bank cards have been erased. how to inspire?

The number of digits on such a card should be deposited depending on the number of factors, including the date of limitation or the issue date (region) of issue: 19 digits sound like a card, as if they were due to them, that the 16-digit number that was entered earlier. Qi figures indicate the subprogram within which they were issued.

The presence of a 13-digit number indicates those that the card was issued for a long time within the framework of a program developed for other regions. The credit card number is a simple code that carries important information.


Zocrema, card number to retrieve information about the issuer (company that issued the card), card category and conversion number. Let's figure out what kind of information a skin group of numbers carried.

Remain 3 digits on the back of the card

Remember that there is no such code on your card, then it is impossible to pay for the payment. -shop to tell you the result about the withdrawal of the cost from the account of your card. Previously, all the details of the card you provided could theoretically be used by third persons, except for a three-digit code, the shards of the wine could not be saved immediately, the wine was available only at the time of payment. With the advent of virtual cards and new secure technologies, such a payment method is rarely available at the same time.

How does the CVV2 code go into the CVC2 code How does the CVV2 code go into the CVC2 code? Why write them all at once? Two payment systems Visa and MasterCard use the same card authentication technology, but with different abbreviations.

Secrets of credit cards

At the same time, due to the introduction of 3D Secure technology, the procedure has become more complicated, but on some sites you can still get data to pay. I realized that it’s hard to tell this code to anyone, because you don’t want to know once and for all that you’ve made a lot of purchases on the Internet, but you yourself don’t know about it.
Podbag: CVC code can be entered in the same world as an analogue of the PIN code and it is not possible to tell it to anyone. PIB Vlasnik Samo on his own outside of im'ya Vlasnik will not let anyone fawn over your pennies. The fold is on the right, so that the card number is added to the new one. Choose the name, as it is stamped on your card, knowing the PIB of the Vlasnik and the simplest rules of transliteration, it doesn’t matter. The term of the card can also be changed. Knowing some of the details, you can register your card in the accounts of other online stores.

What do the numbers mean on a bank card

CVV2 is an abbreviation for the Visa payment system, and CVC2 is for bank cards of the Mastercard payment system. By the way, for some cards of the MasterCard system, the CVC2 code can be changed on the front side. The same numbers are printed on the plastic. It is important not to get lost in all rooms. Number of the account of the bank card (20 digits) - card account number, credited to the bank.

Rahunok is opened for whatever the card is, and it remains unchanged, wind it up at the time of the card. Card number - 16 digits, printed on the front side of the card.

Chotiri the remaining digits of the card number on the sms with your signature (on the back of the card). Three more digits were added “modestly” in order from the ciphers. Axis stink us and tickle at once. If it is absolutely accurate, then the whole code must not be three-digit.

Which cards can be given, but which cannot be transferred to third parties and why

I nadali already zdiisnyuvaty operations nibito in his name. Vtim, at the same time, the 3D Secure system appeared on your pennies.

Vaughn makes life easier for evildoers. Golovne, schob she was connected to your card. Podsumok: swearing, nothing fatal when you open the PIB and the card holder’s number, it won’t be better for everything.

However, transferring this data to unknown people is still not varto. Remain 4 digits of the card number. Remain 4 digits of the card number… just some digits.

none brown information don’t carry the stench, and, having occupied only this “secret” information, no one can speed up your pennies. Podsumok: if you don’t get any information, it’s impossible to speed up a penny.

If you want to send a big bag, then: at any time it is not possible for anyone (among other things, to the bank’s employees) to tell the PIN code to your card, CVC code, security code, what to find on the phone.

Coins of Russia and the SRSR

The power sign is added automatically at the end of the applied information, informing about the end of the recording on the magnetic smoothing. Under the hour, the reading is not displayed. On this track, sound the name of the card.

  1. Another path may include only the numbers: 1234567890 and equal sign "=", applied 37 digits.

    I didn’t try between the symbols, instead of the new one, the sign of equality = is displayed. The symbol of the cob row of another road is ";". After the completion of the row, the food sign “?” is also placed. I will give a path to win for recording the card number and the term for the rest.

  1. The third track is like on the other track, the information is composed of numbers and the "=" sign, or it can contain up to 104 known ones, the "=" sign is shown as a gap. The symbol for the cob of the row is the lower armrest - "_", for example, the sign of the row is traditionally placed - "?".

What are the three digits on the reverse side of the card?

Due to the fact that all numbers on the card are unique and non-violent, it can be argued that the number on the card is an important informational part of any credit system. For an additional number, you can easily identify the card for an hour and pay for it, whether it be for any kind of goods or services, both in virtual world (online), and in real life (offline).

To fight against shahrai card issuers, additional fields were transferred, for the account of which it is possible to recognize that the right person is the right card holder. On such fields, the term of the card, the nickname of that name of the sergeant, as well as the pin code and other additional information are assigned.

Information stamped on the back of the credit card The signature of the cardholder on the back of the card may be bound.
Have you ever stood behind someone in a store and wondered how this person is going through hundreds of plastics that need at least 10 credit cards to avenge? With such a large number of credit cards, it’s obviously not so rich, but experts seem to think that most SND citizens can accept one credit card and call two or three. Winning with a smart credit card can provide ease, security and financial liability, because allow you to make purchases, roaming in order for a whole month, to pay for them. Sound bad, but only theoretically. Really, a lot of people can’t speed up with these advances, for those who don’t know the stink, how to arrange correctly with their credit card, so as not to incur significant financial losses, they can reach 25-30 dollars a month.

Zdiisnyuyuchi operations with banking plastic products, follow the steps for their safety. Any confidential information is not to be blamed for the third cases, to which banks zastosovyvaetsya special programs for protection, and customers, at their own discretion, are responsible for entering security. Let's look at how these cards can't help strangers, and also help to get food, which is most likely to chirp the hulks.

To ensure the preservation of the details of your plastic, it is necessary to ensure the compliance with a number of the simplest rules. Allow the stench to go ahead of the different risks and get away from the Shakhrai districts according to the date to your rahunka:

  1. At any other time, you can’t tell data about your third feelings, whether they are close relatives, friends, or just know. Those themselves should be consulted by financial officials, cashiers and other people, as if to give help in the process of getting a card.
  2. The code combination, which must be chosen for different operations, should be followed by a bank card.
  3. It is categorically reserved to give your card to a third-party person, so you can trust me. Її can vikoristovuvat only that person, VO kakoї applied to the front side of the product.
  4. If you accept the card, it is necessary to put your autograph on the length of the barrel, for which a special place has been provided.
  5. It is necessary to provide information about the contact numbers of the issuer of the plastic, as indicated on the return of the plastic. Takozh given information May be fixed on other wears.
  6. If you took away the prohannya about those who want to remember the same card data, you may have the right to ignore it. As it happens, call the financial office and ask for information about this fact.

And now let’s take a look, if you can’t tell the data about a bank card, and by which you threaten such lightness.

Knowing the details of the card, shakhrai can write off coins from it

Bezgotovkova payment for goods and services: rules for carding with a card

Payment of commodity positions sogodnі vikoristovuєtsya dosit widely. Є kіlka ruled how to give quiet chi іnshih daṅh to third-party persons:

  1. It is not recommended to stop plastic from companies, as they do not call you to trust.
  2. All operations are to be blamed solely for the presence of the clerk, which creates a chance to reduce the risk of illegal withdrawal of personal information.
  3. As a raptom, the situation became, if the operation on the bank card was completed unsuccessfully, the next step was to secure the savings of the check copy seen by the terminal, with the method of reconsidering the fact that the operation was carried out at the clerk's office.

On special respect meritorious situation, pov'yazana s. Adzhe here є impersonal shakhraiv ta rizikiv. Therefore, let’s take a look at the situation, in which you can help the seller with the same data, in which it is categorically fenced:

  1. It is not possible to set the PIN-code of the card for the purchase of goods positions and services via the Internet, telephone or fax.
  2. In the vastness of the global border, it is forbidden to enter information about your card, or else data, if you can be confidential and keep secret.
  3. In order to get rid of any illegal actions with your card, it is recommended that you keep a good card. Її recognized as a victorious article on the Internet, operations in stores of other organizations are not carried out with it.
  4. The first time you make a purchase, you need to check that the addresses are correct.
  5. It is important to keep your transactions behind the help of your computer to ensure the safety of your confidential data.

Working with other people's outbuildings, it is categorically not recommended to take care of saving personal data for them.

And after the completion of any operations, it is necessary to re-enter the seller’s website and reconsider, so that your special data is in the memory of history.

For example, on the basis of these data, you can ask for a power supply, so you can give Oschadbank's card number to third-party people, or rather get lost at the entrance. Those same susuєtsya іnshih financial organizations.

When entering the PIN code of the card, give respect to those who did not look at it

Plastic details: FAQ

Key details of banking plastics and secret information. If you raptom out to lean in the hands of not quiet people, you risk getting stuck with the risk of spending pennies. On the display stand the rest of the years, close to 68% of all Shahrai children are required to obtain additional requisites, even if it is the best way to steal finances. And now we report on the digital significance of that combination, which may or may not be given to third-party persons.

About akі requisites go

Before the details, you can add all the values ​​shown on the map:

  • , which is composed of 16 digits, displayed on the front side of the plastic, but also 18 characters can be included;
  • data about the person of the vlasnik, zokrem - yoga name and name;
  • the term for a card product, meanings for a month or so, for which wines ceased to function;
  • code from three characters, meanings from the other side of the card;
  • SMS code, which is enforced by the financial authority in the payment process.

The key rules of payment systems are to confirm that the details cannot be known to third-party people. Yakscho financial structure to prove that your data has fallen into the hands of others, then it is unequivocal and without guarding the blocking of the card. What cannot be transmitted and what I threaten - will be looked at far away.

What can an evildoer know, knowing your details

For the help of these details, you can make purchases on the Internet or take care of processing orders from card to card. Lyudina, as a source of information about your details, we can secure full access to the financial resources of the Vlasnik.

Such data is enough for stealing

Traditionally, for the scourge of a malice, I will need the following information:

  • card number;
  • trivality to plasticity;
  • protection three-digit code;
  • code value, retrieved from SMS.

Ale doesn't mean that it's necessary for obov'yazkovo to know all the data. Today, a large number of trade objects accept rozrahunki with a smaller number of requisites. For example, in order to buy goods from the most popular stores on the Internet, buyers need to know the card number and the term її dії. Moreover, we have more information from the evildoer, and we have more chances to win in Shakhray operations.

Like eligibility Shahrai, who knows your data

Here there are a few options for diy shahrai, fallow depending on the type and quantity of materials, like wines:

  1. Although the VIN may only be the card number, the VIN cannot be retrieved.
  2. Yakshcho є number z іm'yam ta prizvishchem, vin tezh can't do anything.
  3. If the term for the product is added to the transfer of information, then the attacker may charge payment in some stores that are used on the Internet.
  4. If you know about the 16-digit card number, your particular information, the term of operation and the security code, it is not important for you to book a car, reserve a hotel room, link the card to other systems.
  5. And if Shakhray zavolodiv absolutely all the details of your bank card, including the code from the SMS notification, it doesn’t matter to you if you absolutely need to pay and transfer the transaction. Tobto, in fact, you can win over yourself and that operation, which is the owner of the card.

In case of revealing the stolen money from the card, it is necessary to return to the tech support by phone or to the bank

Food service

What happens when someone is informed about the card number of that name of the Vlasnik?

Even if a third party rejects material about the great card number, it cannot steal your finances. Natom_st otrimai mozhlivist to pretend to be a spivrobitnik bank and to see other vidomosti. Then, for the obviousness of an unfavorable number, that name can be locked up with shakhrayism. Records of visas: the card number and personal data of the sergeant should be protected just like the passport information.

What can I say, that money was transferred to my card?

Transferring between cards or redirecting preparations for a card rahunok is the most extensive procedure. What numbers can you tell people, how do you get to add coins to your card, and what do you see next? In fact, for translation you need only the card number, and nothing more.

Can you get photo cards for the operations?

Robity is categorically fenced, so in the role of a "photographer" your close perverted person is acting. Adzhe є risik, yogo camera or stylist's phone will be intrusions, and then shakhraiv will have the opportunity to annoy you in other ways. You just need to write down your card number.

Can you pay for other people's purchases?

Theoretically, there is nothing terrible about it, but in practice it is not recommended to be robbed. Like your friend or a close relative, having asked to pay a parcel on the Internet, it is more convenient to see the resource and pay the fee on your own. There is no other way, you can dictate data over the phone, asking the opponent to enter it into the site without intervening notes. In order to avoid the memory of the card information browser, it is recommended to carry out these operations incognito.

I want to brag new card on the Internet, how can you add a photo and put it in the net?

Technically, you can do it, as for the help of the editor, you will take the data collected from the number, name, nickname, term.

We looked at the axles, why it is not safe to give the number of that other given to other persons. It’s true, it’s not safe, it’s especially important to talk about the transfer of data without special needs.

In contact with


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By itself, a plastic card is an excellent way to save money, only dot, doki її dani vіdі vіdі vіdі vіdomі vlasnik plastic gamantsya. Ale, the situation is now, if it is necessary to tell the card number of a third-party person, for example, for the strength of the translation. Please check your card so that you can give your Oschadbank card number to a third party.

It is not safe to give the number of a third party

Otzhe, let's see, it's not safe to give the number of a third-party person's bank card. There is really nothing terrible in it, more precisely, if you know about the number of your bank card, you can hardly get the money that you are saving for it. To create an operation on the card, you need to know the additional data: security code, term dії PIB vlasnik. For all repaid money, you can pay for purchases on the Internet.

You can recognize the security code in only one way, marvel at the good plastic. The security code is CVC2 for MasterCard, and Visa is CCV2. Call the numbers you need to pay for goods and services on the Internet.

Recognize the name of that name of the plastic surgeon, knowing his number, not in stock especially practical. It is enough to go to the public record of Oschadbank Online, know in the menu to order other clients, enter the number and the system will automatically see P.I.B. otrimuvacha. You can’t talk about the term “dії”, it can be easily “guessed”, as if to lie, that plastic can be stretched for three years, you can use one of 36 combinations, so that month and fate.

Regardless of those who are not in any way unsafe, do not varto remember the number of the bank card of the person, in the order of being nevpevneni.

Safe online shopping

Zdiisnyuyuchi purchases through the Internet leather coristuvach so chi іnakshe rizikuє svoіsobami. When shopping in an online store, be careful, because there are stores with unrealistically cheap goods, they only have one payment method - a bank card. You enter all the data: number, term dії іm'ya and the nickname of the sergeant and the security code.

Nebezpeka polagaє in the fact that you tell shahrai all the data of your cards, for the help of which you can then pay for a purchase on the Internet. Better yet, since all transactions are protected by one-time passwords, always read carefully who you are saving money for.

To restore respect, first to start shopping on the Internet, to change the reputation of the seller, to read reviews about the resource at the merchant.

How to secure your bones

Otzhe, chi safely give the number of a bank card? If you do not remember other data, then, in principle, there is no particular concern. However, you still doubt that access to your data could not be taken away by third-party individuals, not the work of others, they are no longer known to you by people. For example, they phoned you on a mobile phone in the name of the bank’s representative and asked to name the details of your plastic, for another time it’s impossible to break it - 90% of shahra.

Bezkoshtovna legal advice:

Before we speak, try to keep your payment cards in a place inaccessible to third parties, and also do not tell anyone your passwords in the public record on the Oschadbank Online website, PIN code and other services. In the extreme case, as you have a viniclo, suspect that your account is not safe, call the hotline number and block the card.

Always be aware, it does not matter to those who recognize the card number for shakhraiv. Surely, more than once, they said about calls and reminders, for a moment “your card is blocked, call back at the indicated phone number.” Here the head of the shakhraiv finds out about all the details of the plastic. Why can't you give your bank card number to unknown people over the phone? To that, better for everything, the spymaster will try to take the necessary data for the treatment of indebtedness, and eventually rob you until you finish the rozmovu and hang up.

Please note that in some online stores, when paying for goods, the security code and verification by SMS code is not required, so do not tell the details to unknown persons.

Otzhe, why can you tell the number of the bank card to Oschadbank to unknown persons? Definitely not varto kogo robiti, to the one you yourself independently defend us for the preservation of your cats. Insanely, taking pennies from the card, knowing less than your number, it will be problematic, but paying for any goods on the Internet is not so easy.

Did you know a pardon? See it with a bear and press it:

Bezkoshtovna legal advice:

Your finances under control

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Can you give the bank card number of a third-party person?

Bank card number can be reported to a third party. As a rule, it’s in your interests, so that the requester calls for a plan to redeem you a sum of pennies like a salary, payment for goods or service, a special gift. If you raptomly enter the card number if you know the evil-doers, then this information will not help you.

Bezkoshtovna legal advice:

If you want to change your card number, please ask for the third person's PIN code and/or CVV/CVC (the three-digit secret code on the back of the card), then it's a shahra. If such a person appears to be a spy to the bank and informs about the blocking of the card, then it’s not possible to succumb to the intrusion. Joden Bank does not ask you for more, lower PIB and card number.

Visnovok: you can call the card number and it is necessary, if you have a PIN code and CVV / CVC - you can not call anyone at any time.

As you win your bank card for a new scheme, you constantly give it to third-party people. We are in front of the shops, as if you are paying, the one at the banks, as if to help you, you will tell them otherwise, or you will open other accounts (at the same time, the passport is not obov'yazkovy, for the presence of the card). Well, and so you can inadvertently spend it in the hands of a stranger when you spend your handbag or steal it.

If the card is in your hands, then there is no need for security! And from the moment the card came up, it’s necessary to call the bank negligently to the bank and block the account. There is no guarantee that someone who has inserted a card or hastened to it does not know your pin code. Vіn yogo pіddivitysya, if you yogo were recruited from the store and ATMs.

As soon as the card is known, when you receive a new code, change it, so that the PIN code is changed. Sometimes they deprive the old one.

Bezkoshtovna legal advice:

Do not tell anyone your PIN code. Well, like only mothers, like to love you. Call now to call from the bank and ask to clarify the details of your card and ask for a pin-code, do not try anything. The bank knows so well. Tse is simply "rozvodilovo".

You can give the number of the bank card of a third-party person. And otherwise, how to take a penny for a job, how can the party, as weep, cannot pay a special fee?

On the right, at the same time, shakhrai often began to appear, as if they were driving a purchase, or pay to change the card number, and then entice them to connect a mobile bank to another phone, or to use a code to access online payments to this bank. It’s better to be careful, more so on Avito, and on ATMs, and in other places, don’t give the card number, so you’re not convinced of the seller’s confidence (and it’s easier for the bank to give the number, and then solve problems later).

Unknown and third-party people do not need to give their bank card number.

For the unknown wine can be needed?

Bezkoshtovna legal advice:

Navitt yakscho vin to deceive you, fool you, tell you what to ask, so that you can overthrow those koshti, which all the same robit is not varto. Not safe.

Navit at firms and organizations to redeem the money not for the number of the card, not for a new one, but for a special account, and before that, ask for a letter of requisites, so you can renew it.

Friends bi tezh did not want to tell the number. Today is a friend, and tomorrow is a hacker enemy.

Also, secure your finances from illegal write-offs!

The number of the plastic card to the bank and the number of the account of the bank card of a different speech, to that the number of the card, the instruction of the instruction, it is possible to inquire on the Internet when paying for the accounts, but from the number of the account of the bank card it is definitely impossible to give to anyone, otherwise the pennies will go to someone else's hands. In addition, the pin-code is absolutely secret, it secures access to the preparations, one more secret number, which neokhay people can zastosuvat you evil є cvv number. On a good note, don’t varto give your card into the hands of anyone, don’t show it and don’t deprive it anywhere. The number on the front side is less than the number of the bank card, and everything else is your authority.

Bezkoshtovna legal advice:

You can give your bank card number to third parties. Golovna don’t tell anyone the pin-code of the card, whether it be passwords, or how to get through your mobile bank via SMS. Often the bank card number is required to be given, otherwise a third-party person cannot transfer you pennies to the card. Obviously, at the same time it is possible to transfer pennies to the card without knowing the card number, for example, through a mobile bank for additional SMS and phone numbers of the card holder.

The bank card number of a third-party person can be mentioned, and nothing more, the bank card number is required for insurance penny koshtіv on your card, more than a third-party person behind the card number cannot do anything without your permission, and in order to write off pennies from your card, you need a pin code, or CVV, or bank card details. I can help you with the security of using a bank card, the number of a bank card can be given to third-party people.

Call the number of the bank card, remind third-party people with the method of saving money on the card, the card number is dialed at the ATM, and the pennies are transferred to the account of the card. Naturally, if third-party people only know the number of a bank card, then they can’t get the same Shakhrai cards, for such people they need to know about additional information: pincode, don’t call it to anyone, and also another card, connected with a bank card.

I'm so sure about the important information about the number of the bank card.

So, obviously, you can give the number of your bank card to a third-party person, even if it is necessary to call it, in order to get a penny order on that card.

At the same time, in the information world, you should be told the number of your card for an hour of transferring pennies or payment. There is nothing to worry about, just don't tell me the pin code. Insha river, as if the map was squandered to the hands of others, shakhrai can speed up with it.

Bezkoshtovna legal advice:

So. With a card for the її number of a person, you can’t do anything, if you want to fill up the account)

it is possible, it is possible. Ale, at any time, it is not possible to give cvv (on the back of the card) and pin-code.

The three-digit code for this day is the most common and obov'yazkovym way to protect credit cards from Shakhrayskiys during the operation. For yoga, as, for example, on Maestro, authorization for payment will not be carried out.

It’s not safe, tell your bank card number to unknown people

All of us periodically stick to the need to inform the bank details of other people or to publish them in free access. What are the hints of the voice of this information? Can you give me the card number?

Bezkoshtovna legal advice:

You may need information from a bank card

A bank card is handy, so for additional help we can pay not only at the best stores, but also pay for purchases online, or take a penny to pay without leaving home. Alternatively, for one of these options, you can ask for bank details. That bagatioh turbulent food, why is it not safe to give the number of a bank card?

Can you tell me your bank card number?

Please note that the card number is in accordance with international standards of financial security and confidential information. It is not possible to remind anyone of this, otherwise it is not possible to publish with free access.

Yaki risiki

Often, if you can remember the number of a bank card, it means that the number of the legends is already broken on the right. Now you need to understand who and how. If the number you was told to a close friend for the translation of other purposes, then everything is gone. As well as the wines of publications for all on the Internet and for your names and nicknames, then remember the card.

There is one more rule for this - be wary of telephone calls. If you call the right bank, then the second number will be a bank number, which will be the number of a single call center for everything.

Another extension of the method of stealing is to launch the virus on the PC of the koristuvach, so that you can steal the payment details that were introduced earlier. Ale without CVV code, all susilla will be the same. For this reason, never tell the CVV code to anyone. Not for what, krim znyatya koshtіv chi pay, you can’t need wine.

Bezkoshtovna legal advice:

More shortly, if you want to pay via the Internet, you need to connect an add-on zahist - confirmation of a one-time SMS code. If for any reason it is unrealistic, then if you want to activate the option of SMS notification about all operations. So you will know about whether I will change the rahunka and you will suddenly react.

How the card number needs to be publicly disclosed

It is permissible that you choose bones for the goodness of other purposes. Otherwise, you need to publish the details publicly for other purposes. You can secure yourself in another way - to get a special bank card for you, whose data will be available to the open access and for which you will not save large penny sums. As only a few pennies go to the rahunok, shift them to another, more plunder.

Robimo visnovok - tell the information about the card number for safety and only to those whom you trust. Other data cannot be reported to third parties, so:

The process of withdrawing a bank card is often accompanied by a financial facilitation: “Do you need to issue a credit card (debit)?”. St →

Bezkoshtovna legal advice:

In some situations, it was not necessary to tell the bank card number to Oschadbank

Can you tell me the number of your bank card to Oschadbank? Tse pitanya tsіkavit rich koristuvachіv, oskolki tsikh dey deposit saving koshtіv.

It's not safe to give the number of a third party

There is nothing terrible about the fact that you handed over the number to the plastic. Aje a hromadain can’t get money without a pin code, PIB code, security code, the term plastic.

  • If the security code is worth it, then the wine is roztashovuetsya on the back of the card to Oschadbank. Next to know the fine lines: CVC2 for MasterCard, and Visa - CCV2.
  • The term for a product can be recognized theoretically. Aje vin is seen as a term for three fates. Tobto. One of 36 combinations is suitable.

How to deal with operations on the Internet

Zdiisnyuyuchi different purchases on the Internet, the client can spend on tricky shakhraiv. No one in such a situation is not insured.

When confirming purchases on the Internet, it is necessary to respectfully look at the sum of the goods you are paying for. Іnodі kіlka klіkіv according to the same product, “help” koristuvachevі to bring goods to the podvіyny rozmіrі. Vіdpovіdno і tsіna bude znyat yak per kіlka varіvіv.

Bezkoshtovna legal advice:

Yak vchiniti

You can only tell the number without additional information. It is better to give information like this only to people who know it, or buy it on the wrong sites.

If you have been telephoned in the name of a financial contact, do not transfer contacts in any way, not in any way. For example, the shahrai is responsible for such a large number of calls, but Oschadbank’s spyware representatives do not ask the clients to comply with the clauses of the contract.

How to steal pennies from Oschadbank cards, knowing the card number? Carefully!

The growth of the Internet evils grows in proportion to the growth of the number of coristuvachs!

Shakhrai do not sleep and only in one 2015, the share of Shakhrai operations from bank cards accounted for close to 20%, which is worth 2.5 billion dollars in a penny equivalent!

Bezkoshtovna legal advice:

  1. and skimming, if you have a card to read the card, you can place it on ATMs with the method of copying data for preparing a duplicate of your card ATMs, there I’m swiping the simplest way to find an attachment to an ATM)

Pin-code with which one can be taken with a min camera, or looked at by one of the shakhraiv, and without a pin-code, taking pennies from such a duplicate is not a problem!

  • and phishing, if your data is simply stolen via the Internet, otherwise it will give you the wrong side of the bank, then after entering your data, you will pass them on to the shahrai themselves, or SMS from 900. Shakhraiv and how to secure yourself in these vipads).
  • In this article, I’ll tell you about a way, how they can erase your pennies from Oschadbank’s cards, about which few people know, and I myself recently stumbled upon a new one.

    Hanging on the hands of the whole number of your card to the oshchadbank (the stink is the most intriguing in my plan), the shahraev already have the ability to pull your pennies!

    This acceptor accepts Visa Classic and MasterCard Standard cards, all of them, for which you can pay on the Internet. Salary cards like Maestro and other Momentum are not good for anyone!

    And all right in the fact that Oschadbank has implemented the ability to transfer pennies from card to card, only people know their number, and they are actively cooped up with rozrahunka among themselves.

    Bezkoshtovna legal advice:

    Also, it’s possible to recognize the name of the card holder, just file a transfer of the minimum amount through Oschadbank online, and in the process, I’ll send a name, I’m the one for the father to whom you want to transfer.

    Tim himself, knowing the card number, but knowing it is simpler, one way is to settle for buying goods on Avіto with a mind transfer to the Oschadbank card, the evildoer already knows the number and you can get PІB through an online account and pay with your card, be it purchase on these payment gateways does not require CVV (CVC) entry and does not require a MasterCard SecureCode control code.

    For example, is serviced by itself in such a rank, for the payment to be processed, it is necessary to enter only the card number, the name of the cardholder and that term.

    How everyone wants to help Avito!

    • It’s all in this order, I’ll use your card number for the cob, you can take it on Avito (and similar resources), for example, do it for yourself, about buying a phone or other speeches with you (as you posted on a similar service such an item for sale) then ask you for the number of the card for the resurrection with you (it would be better for you to bring your item), so in another way, for example, remember your card number, or record yoga on the microcamera during the resurrection at the wonderful store, cafe, etc. P.
  • With another crochet, I will need to recognize your PIB, here I can help you as food for you, to whom the pennies are to be told, to yourself. having seen the information in front of you, so it’s more a fortune-telling option with transferring pennies to your card from your online account (you don’t need to transfer money until the end, you just need to go until the data is rechecked).
  • Then I need to translate your PIB into transliteration, in order to bring your data into the form as it is written on your map, which is not a warehouse for any difficulties, vikoristovuyuchi whether it is an online transliteration service.
  • That's it, now you are ready to go to redeem your pennies, and for example, go to the store, de CVV card (the code that is located on the back of your card) when paying for the application, do not eat, transfer to SecureCode is not accepted, one-time passwords to Oschadbank tezh do not ask. Voila, you have practically become a victim ... only two parameters are left to be recognized, the type of card and the term of the card, and your pennies will go up the mountain.
  • The type of card is not easy to recognize, putting the card number in front of the eye, and the card number of the international payment system VISA consists of 16 digits (chotiri groups by chotiru digits) or 13 digits (the first group of four digits and three groups of three). In this case, VISA card numbers always start with "4", MasterCard card numbers always start with "5" and add up to 16 digits, and Maestro card numbers start with "3", "5" "6" (large) in Ukraine from the digits "6") and can be combined from 13.16 or 19 digits. Therefore, estimate the information for the card number to what type your card is to the right for five seconds.
  • The rest of the time will be pіdbіr term dії, ale and here, just by brute force, you can try to spend the last hour, zdіysnyuchi all new and new requests for the purchase, so that the terms of the type of cards call 3-4 years, call 12 the value of the month in roci 3 for sorting out, it’s more like a fool, no captcha, no introduction, go through the options until you get the card, it’s not long, hvilin 10 maximum, 36 sorts, and all your pennies “flew away”!
  • The axis is like that, it would seem, without guilt, they changed the number of the card, you can bring it up to financial expenses equal to the balance of the card, and you can be good and good 500 rubles, and if yew. ruble

    In order to secure oneself not in case of such rozrakhunks, one can win for them cards like Cirrus/Maestro Momentum, as one sees in Oschadbank, the stench is unacceptable for payments on the Internet and shakhrai, one cannot use the laziness to call knowing the number and PIB of the vlasnik.

    Bezkoshtovna legal advice:

    Be careful, take care of yourself :)

    And remember, it’s easy to fill in your data, having given only a card in a cafe for rozrakhunkiv, while you carry it here, all data can be rewritten, scanned, you can re-enter your card through a special attachment, and then let out a duplicate of your card in handicraft minds, And in this mode, Shahrai will call the CVV (CVC) code of your card.


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    Bezkoshtovna legal advice:

    Z Avіto was asked to give the number of the card for the transfer, then we will give you a certain term. If I was asked for three digits, I was alerted. What should I do now?

    Hello, knowing the card number, the name of the hairdresser, the term dії, you can pay in some online stores. Knowing the CVC code or the code from SMS, you can pay whether on the Internet, the attacker can tie your card to his account, tell him your pennies. Phone to support the bank, clarify the moment.

    Yakshcho gave the data to the rahunok, the term dії ta bіk, chi can zlamaty me and transfer pennies?

    Hello, knowing the card number, PIB, the term dії can be paid in other online stores. Knowing the CVC code or the code from SMS, you can pay, link your card to your account, transfer your money.

    Bezkoshtovna legal advice:

    A friend asked for a card number, for the transfer of pennies from Yandex gamantsa, well, I know that for a long time without a fight, giving the card number, I received an SMS and I wrote you an SMS, after which I wrote “I was hacked” and saw the store, after a couple of years I went to oschadbank online and my pennies were on the job, what should I be afraid of?

    Only the card number is not enough to access Oschadbank online.

    so I can not be afraid, for my pennies?

    Since they did not give PIB, the term and CVC, then you can not be afraid.

    And why didn’t you think to call a friend and clarify what you were writing to ask you?

    Bezkoshtovna legal advice:

    Leave your comment Say goodbye

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    They can steal your pennies, knowing only the number of a bank card

    The exchange of plastic bank card numbers today, having become a significant phenomenon, as for its nature, it can be equal to the exchange of contact phone numbers. Passing on information behind the card number to a third-party person, the Vlasnik often does not think about the possibility of Shahraystvo, vouching for a black penny order. It is possible to pay for a product that has been posted on a bezkoshtovny site on the Internet, or you can return it to a friend, so you can save a penny for your money.

    How to secure yourself in the right moment, so that you don’t spend on tricky shakhraiv and don’t run out of money with a zero balance, it’s possible to carry out operations for transferring money, knowing only the card number, we can look at it peacefully.

    Necessary documents for the vikonannya I will transfer for an additional card

    I would like to send a short note "n" to you about your ability to lose money on the card, the number of which is a third-party person. Yakby, everything was so simple, similar to the vipadkas of the shakhraystva, they would sing-songly crowd the community, crying out a storm of fury at the work of the security service of banking institutions.

    Bezkoshtovna legal advice:

    As long as there is information on the right, so as not to go beyond the boundaries of secrecy, do not threaten anything on the cards.

    About what minimum of information on the map can you go without a hitch? Let's get smart. Forward, guessing, such details are necessary for the card clerk in order to create an online transaction for payment or transfer of funds from card to card.

    Among them:

    • bank card number (16 digits);
    • the name of the name;
    • the term dії cards;
    • secret security code CVV2/CVC2 – three digits that can be found on the back of the card;
    • contact number of the holder of the card.

    In addition, the 3-D Secure system is used to confirm the transaction on the card, if you need to send an SMS confirmation to confirm the transaction for the additional input specified in the text code. Tilki after the weather, with the card holder, payment or order to pass.

    Today, the service is supported by more banking institutions with a stronger method of entering security into Shakhrai schemes. The master of the card can be firmly convinced that all payments, that the card can be passed through the Internet, are overruled by the bank. In this way, in order to gain access to the credits on someone else's card, it is necessary to be able to use the necessary information from the lucid details. Online payment includes knowing the PIN code of the card and can be fully corrected without it.

    Ways to withdraw secret information on the card shahrai

    Tim is no less, online stores don't worry about getting away with paying for a 3-D Secure wall as an additional crochet for card authentication. Seemingly simpler, SMS about writing off the money should not come to the phone number of the card holder, who opened the hands of the shahrai, as they already caught the cards with the details of the card.

    How do you know? To the right ways, to take all the necessary data on the map, to finish the bagat on this day.

    Shakhrai can look at the clerk of a bank card at a great store, if there is a direct process of paying for purchases. If you look at the image of the card from two sides, the stench can simply be for the help of various outbuildings. Tse can be like miniature video cameras, and also significant skimming attachments, which are often installed by swindlers on ATMs near the places of great influx of people.

    It is often possible to spend money at the reception of shakhraiv, after omitting the information by e-mail from the banking system, set the procedures to go to the site for the instructions, where it is necessary to enter the data on the card using the “safety check” method. As a rule, there is no need to expand, as it is possible to expand the methods of a new type of Internet scam - the so-called phishing.

    Among the innovations of dishonest people today, you can see new look shakhraystvo from sim cards. For the given trust, the slanderers claim a duplicate of the SIM card, for the help of which it is possible to open the way to all electronic gamants and the electronic mail of the sackmaster.

    In addition, you can take the details of the card to your own negligent spivrobitniki to the store or cafe, which was trustfully handed over the card for making payments for services and purchases.

    Fortunately, similar Shakhrai vipadkіv can be buried for the mind of vikonnannya simple rules, yakі mayut on uvazі safely vikoristannya cards.

    Rules for the secure use of a bank card:

    • in order to pay for the preparation, it is recommended to win at least an ATM, as it is cashed out directly from the bank;
    • you don’t know the pennies, as when looking at the ATM, you could see the scotch tape or glue, and the hulking people suspected behind their backs; third-party eyes;
    • it is unreasonable to overspend the sum, as if having seen an ATM, without entering anything. It’s better to create a zayviy privіd to bring respect to shakhraiv. As a rule, the momentum of a pardon in such a time is even low, and for such obviousness it will not be seen on the spot. In order to take away the marriage of money, it is necessary to make a special return from the application and a copy of the receipt before installing the bank;
    • as the cardholder of the card, it is repaid by her at the store;
    • when carrying out manipulations with the card by the seller or the waiter, it is necessary not to lose your respect. It is not necessary to voice the PIN code, it will be sufficient for independent entry of data at the attachments;
    • zavzhdi reverify the canceled check, de deducted the amount from the card may confirm the purchase price;
    • in case of overpowering assistance for additional electronic mail, it is not necessary to indicate the full details of the card, only the number;
    • If the site calls for suspicion, it is necessary to pay attention to those, as it is written to the address. Possibly, the owner of the card may be on the right with his twin - a phishing site.
    • When making an online payment, the PIN code is not required.

    A little bit of stealing money for the card number

    In most cases, on the Internet, you can see the roses of bank cards in bank cards, as if they were transferred to the preparation of shakhrai, knowing including the number. To go about people, yakі rozmіstіl ogoloshennya on a bezkoshtovny siteі about sales of singing goods. At a potential buyer, you have to send a card number for repayment of the prepayment. After that, as the number is taken away, pennies from the rahunka are known.

    As it was conceived more, similar vipadki є possible only for the presence of additional details on the map.

    About the fact of the given information, the sacks of bank cards often shut up, vhodyachi iznavat vlasni pardons. Then we will inform you that at the same time the special code of confirmation of registration on the website of the bank was transferred from the card number, as well as other, not less important information.

    In such a rank, having made a sacrifice for one helluva and picking up the necessary words, Shakhray can take away secret information under any kind of drive. Be drunk, and pennies will not appear anywhere from the card.

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    What to say 161st Federal Law on the national payment system

    How to take the card "Svit". Features її vikoristannya, pluses, minuses and obmezhennya

    What is a virtual bank card like that like it is worth. Її pluses and minuses


    Can you boldly give your card number to withdraw an overpayment for goods without fear, what can you get from it?

    Good afternoon, Tetyano. So, for more than one card number, as described in the article, it is impossible to steal pennies. It is only necessary to exercise caution and not to transfer additional information with the card number. Most often, checks for different drives are used to recognize the security code CVV2 / CVC2, the PIN code, or the payment confirmation code, which can be found on the phone at the SMS notification. More often than not, malefactors call their victim and they confirm that they reloaded the card for a single sum, and to complete the operation, the terminal asks for a code that was sent to the phone number of the card holder. The correct code will come to confirm the debited pennies. Most often, the victims of such a deception are people of the older generation, who cannot read information in Latin. The stench chooses from the reminder only the numbers and reminds them to the evildoers. Remember that another person has updated your card, no other information is needed, except for a 16-digit card number.

    Tell me, be kind, why do you believe that you can’t reschedule a penny taken from an ATM without intermediary at an ATM. What kind of risky person do they charge? I always thought that if the ATM saw me less than pennies, it was debited lower, then when I went over at the ATM, it would be recorded on the video warning camera. Therefore, in principle, I am trying to save the pennies again after the fact of their appearance with an ATM.

    Hello, shanovna Viktoria Sergievna. At a glance, like an ATM, having seen the amount of money, it was debited from the card, the right of your words is not restored after recording the video warning. There are other methods for checking the visibility of cashed banknotes at an ATM. And the cash of pennies at the ATM will turn the respect of quiet evil-doers, like stealing pennies not from bank cards, but from real gamants. I have a lot of vipadkiv, if the evil-doers are joking victims out of a penny of the same ATMs. And they gave even more rich ways to get money. Ale tse is already familiar with another topic.

    Let's tell our story. I'll pay for a month's worth of money shopping center purchase for 1500 rubles. After paying, you will receive an SMS with the number 900 (I have a card in return), that there is a surplus of 400 rubles on the card, I want to know for sure that there were 10 thousand rubles on the card. Well, thinking about it, a glitch in the oschadbank, I’ll immediately go through the program and wonder what’s real there. I go in, come the password to the entrance, I enter it and pro zhah, there is a real charge of 8500, a total of 400 rubles. I marvel at the history of transfers, and I’m sorry, about the 6th row, I’ve transferred to my mobile at 8100, I have MTS, I check the balance on the phone - 23 rubles! And maybe more than 200 rubles for sure. I’m already calling the hot line in panic, I’m going through all the checks and the girl in a sweet voice seems to me, it’s true, You have updated the lien of your phone to 8100, all codes have been forced on your number and you have confirmed everything. But I definitely didn’t receive any SMS from the oschadbank and from MTS, not about debiting from the card, not confirming operations, not depositing such sums on the balance of the phone. I immediately ask the operator to block the card (I don’t want a penny there already, but there is a limit for a loan) and turn on the mobile bank. I myself think, maybe a glitch in MTS. I call there. I tell the girl that the pennies came, the money was replenished, and then the pennies through the paid number were written off for paid service. I feed from her, as if the stench could be written off, I don’t get SMS from them anytime. The maiden seems that the code confirming the operation written off me was overpowered and I successfully managed them, everything is saved in the base and the stench can prove it. I’m already in the middle of nowhere, I’m screaming into the phone that I didn’t rob anyone and I don’t have any sms on my phone, but it’s all to no avail. I used to be aware of the security of payments from confirmations via SMS, and for me it’s just a shock, if I get stuck in such a situation. Having written an application before the security service to the bank, having asked the spіvrobіtnikіv, if you write, there are a lot of such vipadkіv and how it is possible. The stench, with an indestructible look, said that I was the first in them and that I would not give any comments every day. And if, having written a statement to the police, they told me that they would accept such statements again, better for everything, on the right “hanging” and I won’t return my pennies. The axis is such a story. From that hour, having turned on the mobile bank, I don’t save pennies on the card.

    How can you find out what kind of operations were carried out with a card, to the one who gave the familiar

    Shanovny Antone. The best way is to come to the bank, having seen your card, and ask for the transfer of all transactions on the card for the period, most banks have a free service. Abo koshtuє symbolic pennies - close to 30 rubles. If you are connected to the service of online banking, then you can look through the history of operations there without leaving home. With respect.

    Hello, I phoned with Avito and presented themselves as a buyer, I don’t remember which company, and asked for the number of the Card, my name was that, according to my father’s type, for transferring the money, they charged approximately the sum on the card, I said that it was even a little about a ruble. 30, after that, they told me that the number is not corporate and they can’t transfer pennies and they told me to name my card, I called the number that’s my name’s nickname after my father’s and that’s how they charged the pennies there, but we had about 400 there UAH after a sense of stink, they asked to be left on the line for s'yasuvannya, they threw a hearing aid .... The axis wanted to know if they could stink like a rank to transfer money from these cards.

    Shanovna Nadia Yuriivna. This kind of shakhraiism is not new. Dії shakhraїv takі: Call you shakhrai, it seems that you need to bring the goods, which you sell. It seems that the company pays, so the payment is not by preparation, but by transfer to the seller's card. Ask for card data - number, PIB, ccv - code. After you have given me all the data, I create a new login and password for a special online banking account via the Internet. You will receive an SMS with a confirmation code that you have successfully created a new Internet Bank. Dali shakhrai usima forces entice you to name you the whole code, apparently different versions, that without a new wine, you can’t make a translation. If you call it, then the shahrai transfers the pennies from your card to his and again ask you to call you the confirmation code of the operation. Only then will your pennies be stolen. How do you save money on debts and are insured for people of a frail age, how not to be known at bank orders. Your mind is to be afraid of nothing for you, but you are guilty of remembering the scheme to deceive you, and at the same time do not waste on cunning shakhraiv.

    Good day! It is my responsibility to transfer pennies from MFIs to a card, so it’s not safe to give a card number, ring out the banks. rahunok have such vipadkah?

    Just the number of the card (without the PIB vlasnik, and the brand ccv - the code stashed on the back of the card) will not allow shakhrai to write off your pennies.

    The number of financial transactions, which are carried out via the Internet, is growing in Ukraine, as in the rest of the world. Over the last few years, the number of purchases paid by cards in online stores increased by 80% to Ukreximbank, and the total amount of payments increased by 60%.

    Supporting financial services, we need to provide food for the security of such rozrahunkivs. Having taken the payment card to the bank, it is necessary to access the elementary security entries - it is due to the fact that all the necessary information for rozrakhunkiv in the Internet is on the card.

    Zdіysnyuyuchi payment by card on the Internet or by phone respectfully understand, such as the details of the card can be remembered, and if confidential information is added to the level of your financial security.

    Why don't you tell me about the map

    At Rest hour Online stores have become an indispensable part of the life of rich people among us. One of the most popular ways to pay for goods and services in the Internet is bank cards. With any trace of memory, scho can't unravel coming information:

    Nasampered, this is the PIN code of your special card. Remember what to pay via the Internet PIN CODE NEVER REQUIRED, requesting a PIN code on the Internet can be turned on and off. Having voiced the PIN-code, the master of the card himself transfers secret data to the Shakhrai. Keep a note of memory for the operation, confirmed by the PIN code, carry the validity only of the card holder.

    In addition, through the Internet, there is no trace of personal data or data about the card (card number, security code, etc.) sites not recognized for payment for goods/services.

    At the same time, it is not possible to enter the details of the card at the request of online stores for the so-called re-verification of customers (forever re-verification, re-verification of the platform industry).

    As if no person is recognized by the name of the bank or international payment systems, you have a payment card number, the term її dії, the PIN code and the CVV2/CVC2 code, do not voice them for other minds. Also, do not tell anyone the login/password of remote banking service systems.

    How to secure payments on the Internet

    1. Change online stores to safety

    important don't trust cheap shops try to practice with perevіrenimi. Navit as a site of knowledge, follow the respect for the certificate, which confirms the safety of the rozrakhunkiv through that system, to the extent that you are sure.

    Storinka, on which it is necessary to enter the data of the payment card, enter can start with https:// i pіdsvіchuvatsya green color Tse means that the channel is a link of theft. In most popular Internet browsers, the password is visually assigned to the image of the lock of the address field, by clicking on which you can find out the details (type of password, encryption, information about the certificate). The next thing to note is that the safest ones should use a different encryption key less than 128 bits (128-bit encryption).

    Why, the site is guilty of a badge - a certificate of a safe system of international payments, for example Visa Certified.

    If the seller’s website and the bank, having issued the card, support the technology of dynamic passwords 3D-Secure (Verified by Visa/MasterCard SecureCode), then an additional re-verification of the payer is carried out by way of strengthening your dynamic password (additional secret code) with the method of false introduction on the seller’s website. A dynamic password can be sent to a mobile phone or to an e-mail in case of a special notification.

    I obviously try to save and/or arrange payment confirmation in іnternet-magazinі (іnternet-storіnku), іz designated address and site, rekvіzitіv store, order number, sumi zdіysnoї payment and name of the purchased goods.

    2. Familiarize yourself with the nuances of bank card programs

    We should designate for this type of rozrakhunkiv bazhano mother's okrem card, recognized for online payments. The excess of money on such a card is not to blame for being significant. Such a rahunok popovnyuetsya in the world of the need for making payments on the Internet.

    In order to make payments in a safe manner modern systems prompt you to enter a password / code, which is supposed to be seen by SMS on the phone, the number of which is indicated when entering the account in the bank. In this way, the risks of unauthorized access to the office are reduced.

    Obov'yazkovo service SMS alert on the mobile phone, What do they say about whether or not I will change the banking accounts

    Carefully review all bank statements as they are formed for clients. In case of the least suspicions of incompatibility with the correctness of online payments, it is necessary to contact the bank, which service payment card, by term.

    I obviously try not to show up with a card from a public computer. And natomist - vikoristovuvaty now that anti-virus update software security on your computer - to hide stolen data cards for additional computer viruses.

    You can tell the following data about the hour of payment on the Internet

    When vikonannі operation payment for goods and services on the Internet, the following data is entered:

    ∙ Account number (or "Card #") - 16-digit number of the card, placement on the front side of the plastic;

    ∙ Expiry Date - date of expiration of the term of the card;

    ∙ CVV2 Value (or "CVC2") - three-digit identification code of the card, - instructions on the back of the sms for signature (remaining three digits);

    ∙ Name as printed on Card In the qiu column, enter the name itself as it is indicated on the front side of the card.

    ∙ Transaction Amount - transaction amount.

    If the client wants to transfer pennies to his card, it is enough to give only the card number (in no case do not put CVV2/CVC2 and the term dії). For one card number, it is impossible to carry out the operation of write-offs of money, but it is enough to deposit pennies on the card of these data.

    Dodatkovo on the sites can use MasterCard Secure Code or Verified by Visa - these dotkovі security codes.

    In practice, all reinsurances are more than the rules, as formulated by banking experts, experts banker. ua ( ) help you to collect the risks and spend money from your payment card to the minimum.

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