“Practice - the sense of living with physical practice in primary life
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About the influx of heavy physical work on a healthy person.


This is a physical effect and an unpleasant influx on the specialness of a person.

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Find out from the statistics!
Pratsya earned a lot of people from Mavpi, as in the popular phrase.

Mavpa took a club or a stone in her hands, and rushed off.
Tired morally and physically, people already love to squander their lives.
So, a rotten one-man robot!

So, it's not a lot to pay!
Ale... it’s hard to be separated from her.
And the axis will cry at the vest, in advance, be kind.

They don’t have any control over how to live, but not to go out due to any reasons.

In addition, there are always friends or relatives who will pat the poor and unfortunate on the head.

Reducing interest to a protracted status: “Darling, kiss me.”

Dear, oh my God!

Are there such orgies?!

All occupational ailments are associated with this, for example, problems with joints, impingement syndrome or pain in the back area.

Training in the gym allows you to harmoniously develop all the muscles of the body, reducing imbalances and problems associated with them.

Exercising at work is not enough to keep fit

Most often, the vantage that we perceive in work clearly diminishes the support for meat tone.

Well, let’s talk about those people who expend little energy and can gain fat.

This fact is confirmed by the results of scientific research.

Regardless of the physical demands your job provides, your body has to adapt to them and energy consumption drops.

The safe technique of victorious rokhs does not form

Most of the power rights, in terms of their technology, are close to those ruins that we experience in everyday life.

For example, by continuing to squat with a round back, you can overcome the injury.

In this case, this kind of milk will be easily removed and at work at the hour of your day.

Most often, work does not bring complete moral satisfaction.

With this lack of everyday turbos, problems do not allow you to take care of your body.

At the hall, you can see this guy and go home with a clear head.

Strength training will rejuvenate the brain and improve the appearance of your body.

Why do so many people have unique physical interests?

They brought it up to 90 rubles for the passive way of life of a person to spend close to 70 hundred rubles of his productivity.

Another butt is that turtle.

The first one spends the whole hour with Russia and steadily runs and shears.

The totality of this creature's life is a maximum of 15 years.

The turtle wears out a lot, but lives for over 400 years.

Most often people are tempted to go in for sports, which is wrong.

It is necessary to simply understand that our body will require constant physical activity.

This is how nature created us and we can’t go anywhere.

In a normal person in a state of calm, the heart speeds up with speed of 60 to 70 beats per beat.

For this purpose, it requires a large number of living elements and the organ constantly wears out.

If a person has never gone in for sports, then the heart muscle works with increased intensity, surviving more than life-long speech, and getting older.

In athletes, the heart may speed up at a rate of 50 or beat less per beat.

It is completely obvious that the consequences of such a situation are less pronounced. It has been established that with age without physical strength, tissue and legs become stiff. As a result, the body cannot remove enough sourness.

What is Rozumova’s passion for physical activity?

Rozumova working— this is the rational activity that emerges from looking at the suppressed information that may be promptly changed.

For example, there is a problem, and in order to correctly identify it, analyze the brain, develop a decision algorithm, first selecting and synthesizing the required knowledge. The basis physical activity

to become flesh-and-blood people, created for the purpose of transforming the world into excess.

In fact, such demarcation is of a mental nature.

Essentially, these are two sides of the same coin.

At the beginning of the hour, there was simply no such thing: in order to catch the mammoth, it was necessary to scatter the smears, think over a plan of action, organize the pasture and, of course, go all out.

Over time, the marriage was divided into the poor and the rich, and important physical work became the share of the former, and Rozumov became the priority of the others.

This situation persisted for centuries.

In the 21st century, part of the rose market has significantly grown and continues to grow through the constant growth of information.

The development of technology has allowed people to make their work easier.

This does not mean that Rozumova’s work is completely spared from physical attractions and surprises.

There is more talk about the importance of one type of activity over another.

The work can be associated with a number of similar operations that are performed automatically over time.

This is the time when a problem arises, and it’s enough to keep your head busy.

The answer is simple: they need to be captivated by interesting information and puzzles.

It’s a great time to read books, solve crosswords, solve Rubik’s cubes, and do everything that pleases your soul.

Otherwise, the robot can be accidentally bred.

In both situations, it is necessary to properly organize the daily routine, food and drinks.

When using the same method, add fatty varieties of fish (trout, salmon, sardine), porridge (oatmeal and rice), tomatoes and all types of cabbage, pea hairs, eggs.

The licorice of the dead is also not harmful.

Helena Roerich spoke about those who need to “find joy in today’s routine work, the very work of the skin, which is the service of love.”

Beginning at any moment in life for a person, work becomes a necessity.

In the greatest sense, Cosmos does not know the end, Cosmos only knows the change of work.

І the shortest repair is the same change of practice.

From this very moment, people directly begin to perceive medicine as a loss from a single cosmic reality.

It is not without reason to say at the Gathering that the only way to faithfully follow the Teacher is right.

With a hundred cures you can now instill light spirituality in a person, let the person herself tell about the word “spirituality” and not even remember or think about it.

Lyudina simply lives and works honestly.

Because we can’t live any other way.

Such simple workers were found among ordinary people, many of whom never think about high matters.

The vigor of practice is important.

The very goodness of the work, the very goodness of the robot, be it any robot, no matter how small or large (who measures the size of the work? For every person there is a world of its own).

Chantly, the skin remembers and knows well the feeling of calm joy after an honest job.

The task of the spiritual path of a person is clearly outlined (although, of course, it is insufficient).

Who, in his power, plays a role in the spiritual development of people.

However, in everything there is a sense of wisdom and darkness.

They don’t care about those who reach all their goals only at the limits of their capabilities, instead of robots that unwisely end up, awkwardly and not only not leading forward, but inadvertently - throwing back.

It seems that it took more than an hour to finally restore the life of the first person, but it didn’t take long to figure out what brought him to this point.

In such a situation, a person simply falls out of the ignorant practice and leads people out of it.

“...The severity of the work can be overlooked if the power is distributed incorrectly.<для>Ale, if the darkness of the decree and decree is reached, then the work of a foldable robot may be unbearable.”<ты>without being in medicine or working.
For those who work here, they vibrate the Kingdom of Heaven, especially if they work with the thought that they work for God.<ТРУД>Robot is holy on the right.

If you are timid about a robot, say to yourself: “Lord, help me!”

And say to everyone: “Lord, have mercy!”

Whether you dig with a spade or strike with a sword, say: “Lord, deign me to be in paradise with the righteous.”

If you are timid at work, make sure to be so respectable in your thoughts, even when you are at church, so that no one feels like you, so that no one feels rude towards you;

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so that the mutual love of all would work: then the robot is holy on the right.

This kind of work protects your soul.

However, with heavy physical activity, the energy requirement increases;

And the more important you are, the more calories you need to consume from your diet.

For example, a person of average size, weighing about 65 kg, engaged in physical activity, needs 3510 kcal per day.
A large person with a load of 85 kg will need 3900;
for women who are engaged in important work, with a weight of 55 kg, 2220 kcal are needed per day, and with a weight of 70 kg - 2580. For those engaged in important work, the best way to burn off enough energy and stock up on strength for the whole working day is often eat foods that contain carbohydrates .
They include whole grain bread and cereals, potatoes, rice, and pasta.
This hedgehog not only provides the body with vitamins and minerals, but also creates stress.
And for workers engaged in physical activity, and for all other products, which are richer than fatty hedgehogs.
It’s not a good idea to indulge in the temptation of eating high-calorie, fatty foods when you expend a lot of energy during the hour of work: to burn calories from fatty foods, you need a lot of physical activity .

Proper consumption of foods high in fat instead of fat will inevitably lead to increased body fat.

You are to blame

Pshonyan porridge (bread and butter with milk and butter), sandwich with cheese and butter, cocoa with cinnamon.
Oatmeal porridge with honey, peas and rodzinki, a sandwich with butter and cowbass, kava with zukr and milk.
Potatoes were stewed with any kind of meat, a bun with butter and cheese, kava with cucumber and milk.

Another snack

Oat plasters with dried fruits, filled with whole milk.
Sandwich with butter and cowbass, high-fat sweet yogurt, fruit juice.
Pasta with meatballs, white bread with butter and cheese, fruit juice.


Borsch with meat (bazhano with pork), meatballs, pasta with cheese, sour.
Cabbage soup, smeared fish, smeared potatoes with cibul, salad, sour cream dressing, fruit juice.
Pea soup, salad, dressing with sour cream, tea with sugar and pastry.


Vegetable salad, dressed with mayonnaise and grated cheese, fruit juice.
High-fat milk from sweet pechiv.
Fruit salad (banana, avocado, kiwi), dressed with yogurt.


Omelet or eggs with tomatoes, cheese and shredded milk, warm milk with honey.
Greek porridge with candied fruits, milk, cowbass sandwich, sweet tea.
Goulash, rice porridge, buttered buns and sweet tea.

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