Single-pipe scorching system with bottom distribution.
Pros and cons
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Single-pipe individual combustion system.

good Vidminno The process of washing in a private booth

scorching systems

Next, proceed competently to the choice of configuration, medical features and location.

However, it is necessary to pay attention to both the operation and the economics of the design.

In any case, the system of burning the mother has its own characteristics and therefore must be managed individually. Among existing systems for burning private cabins, a single-pipe system is often chosen by hairdressers. It gained great popularity during the period of the introduction of government programs for the development of rich apartment living.

Today, this option is also not required, however, before implementing this idea, it is important to become familiar with its advantages and disadvantages, as well as limitations. Devices and elements of a single-pipe scorching system The single-pipe Vikonan system appears to be a closed loop, where the main elements are the boiler, main pipelines, radiators, and expansion tank.

p align="justify"> The operation of the system, based on the primus circulation circuit, is supported by a circulation pump, which is placed in the gate part of the circuit directly in front of the entrance to the boiler. Main pumping equipment department lies under a secure and necessary pressure

so that the coolant gradually reaches the optimal temperature, so as not to go beyond the established boundaries.

For such a system, it is necessary to place the main pipe under a smaller section. The most effective work is ensured if every meter of the pipe, the height of the differences becomes 0.5 div. For such systems, the problem of interruptions in the supply of electricity, which leads to increased circulation of coolant, is a pressing problem. This task is based on the location of the hot water manifold, which is a pipe, the main purpose of which lies in the water at a height of 1.5 meters.

From the top point of this device there is a pipe leading to the expansion tank. It is necessary to maintain the necessary tension in the system and prevent its movement, which can lead to emergency situations. By design current systems call for expansion tanks of a closed type Vikonanny does not allow the wind to penetrate the water. With this option, a membrane is placed in it, on one side of which it is placed under a high pressure of the wind, on the other there is an opening for water outlet.

To place these elements, you can choose any place in the system.

  • Regardless of the simplest design, for placing expansion tanks of the open type there may be a place at the top of the system. Another shortcoming is permanent contact of water with acid
  • , why are sympathetic minds created for the development of corrosive processes, so
  • negative rank
  • It is very important in the process of work to lay a contour in these areas, because first of all it is necessary to maintain a comfortable temperature.
  • Let's talk about the child's room, bedroom and bath.
  • Since the thermofluids are suitable for the purpose of their placement, then there are no problems with maintaining the necessary temperature in them, since the fragments on the plots, which are spread on the cob contour, the thermofluids will always increase the temperature.

Then proceed to install the radiators in the previously selected place for them.

The remaining place is the circulation pump, which is located in the place before the return part of the circuit enters the boiler. Behind its design, a single-pipe circuit for burning the booths shows the appearance of a main line, to which the radiators are supplied in order. After heating, apply the heating components to the skin.

The heat exchange cycle is completed when the heated water reaches the remaining radiator.

In this particularity itself lies the most serious shortcoming of the scorching system that can be seen.

However, you can still get caught in the same rounds.

To solve this problem, there may be an increase in the number of installed radiators near them or by equipping them with special taps. With this option it is possible to improve the efficiency of the robotic system

On the skin area, in other words, there will be different daily zones where the temperature regime varies by an order of magnitude compared to others. Schemes of single-pipe scorching systems for a private booth Starting before connecting the batteries, the driver has the opportunity to choose one of two methods: the traditional unregulated circuit, more commonly known as “Leningradka”. Traditional connection method For a single-pipe combustion system, the circuit transfers a minimum number of components and connections.

Radiator installation

Particularly in the “Leningradka” schemes, there are those in the plots where the radiator is connected to the system, taps are installed that turn off, so that the power plant has the ability not only to control the burning, but also if necessary Please turn on the system. There is a viscosity element that crashes directly into it, and there is a bypass with a tap. When the heating is overheated, water can flow through the entire radiator.

The advantage of the Leningradka scheme is that

the process of regulating the burning will be much clearer

  • in specific skin areas.
  • Necessary materials
  • First of all, you need to prepare the materials for installing a single-pipe scorching system with your own hands:
  • a scorching cauldron, the pressure of which may burn the consumption of the booth; expansion tank, which can be used as an open option or include a membrane; circulation pump; pipes with different diameters: 25 mm - from these, robots are used for laying the main pipeline, and 20 mm - from them are needed for connecting radiators.
  • For these people it works
  • you can vikorystuvati trumpet z
  • various materials
  • - Steel, copper, metal-plastic.

Golovne, so that the stench of the bugs is protected from vikoristannya in scorching or hot water systems;

fittings, which are used to connect pipe inlets to radiators; radiators, such as Vlasnik, mean behind the scenes. Even before starting to install the system, it is necessary to open up a number of sections of radiators. It is also necessary for mothers to be aware of the necessary accessories - plugs and gaskets; Mayevsky faucets, with the help of such devices, are used to clean radiators from excess air.

Installation of a scorching system is one of the most important tasks that is part of your everyday life. Before this, as a final step, you need to decide on the choice of schemes. You can vibrate one-pipe or two-pipe.

The single-pipe system for burning a private booth is much simpler for


  1. .
  2. It is simple, but reliable and effective.
  3. Moreover, this collection requires much less material.
  4. Next, we will look at how such a system can be prepared, and also how it differs from a two-pipe system and what it means.

Warehouse parts

Let's take a look at how this system was implemented.

It should be noted that, having chosen such a scheme, you may encounter one difficulty.

Since the fluidity of the coolant transfer may be small, there may be a loss of temperature.


If we talk about a two-pipe system, the principle of its operation is this: one pipe carries water into the battery, and the other leaves it. In this case, the flow passes directly through all the radiators and there is no loss of heat. In a single-pipe heat transfer system, all batteries are supplied in a continuous flow and, passing through them, the temperature is lost.

So, if when leaving the boiler the temperature is 60˚C, passing through all the pipes and radiators, it can drop to 50˚C. What is there to do with such a time? To cook such cauldrons, you can increase the thermal capacity of the batteries at the end of the cauldron, increasing its heat output, or increase the temperature in the cauldron itself.

Ale, we’ll bring everything down to additional costs, as it’s unprofitable to stop the danger of being scorched by the road. To avoid such problems without great waste, it is necessary to increase the fluidity of the heat transfer pipes. There are 2 ways for this:

The axis and the entire operating principle of the single-pipe scorching system.

This is a closed circuit, which includes the boiler, main pipes, radiators, expansion tank and elements that ensure water circulation.

They are separated by primus circulation if the entire operation is a pump and a natural one, when a dispersal manifold is installed.

The advantage of this design is that it does not contain a return pipe, which circulates the coolant to the boiler.

  • The other half of this layout is called the wraparound.
  • The single-pipe system can be of two types, depending on installation: horizontal and vertical.
  • Hydration and shortcomings
  • To determine what type of system you need, let’s look at the pros and cons of a single-pipe system.
  • A single pipe of the system is installed along the entire perimeter of the building, and can be attached to the base or walls.
  • Due to such a system, the pipeline can be laid under the door openings, the amount of material that is wasted is reduced, and the quality of the entire structure is reduced.
  • You can gradually connect the scorching equipment, as well as cut in other elements of the scorching system: warm underlays, dryers for towels or radiators.
  • Due to the parallel or serial connection method, the heating stage of the batteries can be adjusted.
  • Possibility of connecting multiple types of cats.

You can install a gas, electric or solid burning boiler.

Minimal waste of materials and cost-effectiveness.

Yak zrobiti

If you are creating everything from scratch, you will need to know about the availability of such materials:

  • scorching boiler;
  • First of all, you need to prepare the materials for installing a single-pipe scorching system with your own hands:
  • expansion tank;
  • main pipes Ø25 mm and pipes Ø20 mm in order to connect radiators (material can be chosen: steel, plastic, copper, reinforced polyethylene);
  • fittings to connect the leads of the heating batteries;
  • a number of radiators, gaskets and plugs are required;
  • Mayevsky taps, which can always be used to remove stains from a skin radiator;
  • a filter that will be installed in front of the boiler to purify water.

  1. It is necessary to select a place and install the boiler and filter.
  2. It is better to choose metal inlet pipes.
  3. Then the dimar is installed.
  4. The connection to the bottom is better than Vikonati with a corrugated metal pipe.
  5. Now we need to build a main pipeline.
  6. Pipes are laid around the perimeter of every booth.
  7. It is important that the connection diagram is already clear, because when laying it is necessary to immediately install the fittings in the places where the radiators stand.
  8. A drain valve is installed at the lower point of the system, through which the heating circuit can be filled with or drained of water.
  9. It is important when installing the pipeline to adjust the temperature: for schemes with natural circulation, set it to 3-5, with a Primus system (with a victorious pump) - 10 mm per 1 meter of pipe.

The pipeline around the entire perimeter must be secured to the wall to prevent leaks and leaks.

The axle and everything, as you can see, the single-pipe combustion system is stable, efficient and easy to install.

They can be distinguished as either single-surface budinki or multi-surface budinki.

You'll save money on installation and keep yourself warm on those cold winter days.

Video Schemes The simplest and most economical way to add heat to your home.

Ale in order for her to perform with the high display of KKD, politely viconati installed correctly.

ownership, and also carry out operation in accordance with the established regulations. The supply of a single-pipe heating system versus a two-pipe system lies in the main pipeline, which is not connected to the direct and return line. Here, the closed-type scorching circuit is located along the selected perimeter of the booth.

Connections of radiators to the main line are determined at any required location.

It is difficult to create a single-pipe combustion system; the scheme is much simpler and a minimal assortment is needed. shut-off valves:

Let's take a closer look important elements:

  • systems:
  • Positive and negative power
  • The single-pipe scorching system is not very flexible.
  • positive authorities

She has

not enough

For normal operation of all devices in the system, support for the pressure indicator is required. This often results in the installation of pumps due to great effort. Such a device will lead to increased costs during operation;

  1. the very need to install pumps can also be ignored, as the remaining two-pipe devices will not require this additional element;.
  2. The peculiarity is that the heat transfer fluid reaches the skin elements of the structure in order. This option is forgiving and inexpensive.

If there is no possibility of regulating heat transfer here, the radiators closest to the boiler maintain the lowest temperature. It is important for such sequential type systems to heat small areas.


In this case there is a parallel connection of elements.

Here it is possible to regulate heat transfer. This is always obvious in the shut-off valve system. This option is suitable for burning a building with a large area. There is also a variety of single-pipe combustion systems.

method of heat transfer circulation: Rozrakhunok single-pipe scorching system Design features Booths with one or two tops have a lot of devices vertical

single-pipe system, and th

horizontal Horizontal single-pipe scorching systemaccomplishments.

before vertical: ease of installation, less damage.

Nedoliky Also: it is necessary to install compensating devices when the length of the adjacent horizontal legs is large, and the operation becomes more difficult when installing drain taps on the skin-scorching device, etc. It is important to remember beforehand that a mountain is needed to separate the upper part of the scorch.

This is never acceptable.

Most often, for private cabins, a combustion system using natural circulation is installed.

The installation of a single-pipe scorching system consists of several stages:

  1. We will be held before installation of the boiler unit. For this purpose, it is better to choose the bottom one on top of the vein (not in the basement). During the process of installing the scorching device, it is important to remember about going in and out fire safety .
  2. For this purpose, the adjacent surfaces are covered with materials that are not suitable for use. Also at what stage is it concluded installation of a dimochoid tube. Dali vibrate installation robots for the introduction of the main pipeline
  3. View of an already installed boiler unit. For this purpose, use a vicorist method to cut a pipe whose diameter must be at least 25 mm. Before this, the main pipeline is laid out in every location with extensively planned radiators. It’s also necessary here install all shut-off valves.
  4. Before laying the pipeline, it is important to ensure that there is no leakage, so that any heat-carrying fluid can create an independent flow along the entire circuit. Since the system is connected to the Primus circulation, there is no need to add additional fuel. At the hour when the main line reaches the boiler unit, it starts

installation of a expansion barrel.


of this element

    • entirely to blame for the installed scorching device.
    • At the entrance of the main line to the boiler unit, it is necessary to transfer
    • special filters,
    • How to protect against spills in order to properly maintain the service life of the structure.
    • There are two main ways of arranging the pipes of the water scorching system, connecting them with boilers and scorching equipment into one structure - with one main (pipes) and two, as well as with the upper and lower connections.

Let's take a look at the singed single-pipe with the openings below.


The circuit includes the following components:

The heating scheme with lower wiring has a number of disadvantages.

First of all, the closedness of the water stream does not allow you to turn on one radiator or directly regulate its operation - this is only possible through the connection of all devices and the entire pipeline.

This explains how, when a leak is fixed or a radiator is repaired, all the coolant has to be drained.

All these problems arise through the use of bypasses and bypass spare lines.

Periodic analysis

In a one-pipe main there is only one pipe - what supplies it.

The two-pipe system contains not one, but two pipelines: supply and return.

The stench is intertwined with scorching equipment and radiators like jumper wires.

The skin circuit has its own advantages: the double-pipe is easier to control - the skin radiator flows at the same temperature, so it heats up evenly along the entire perimeter.

The one-pipe system with the lower supply is only with Primus circulation, except for one problem, if the self-priming method is organized due to the presence of the fire manifold.

In the diagram as seen, both risers - supply and return - are located in the basement, plinth.

The feed is added to the head line from the bottom. In a large-surface booth, a direct riser moves the coolant through the skin on top, where it is subsequently distributed through the radiators and gives off heat. This cycle is completed by turning (lowering) the cooled liquid into the boiler. The heating of the battery can be regulated by a thermostat. During the course of circulation in the pipe, the amount of air will inevitably be lost, and it can gradually accumulate, which must be removed using special valves

upper version

– tse

the system is closed

(For power schemes, most often the upper dilution is used).

Pipes can be extended both vertically and horizontally.

In general, a single-pipe system can be open, with horizontal or vertical pipe positions.

Bypass and removal of shortfalls

Radiators with lower risers may heat up unevenly - so the upper part heats up less.

The bypass stops the circulation of coolant.

    • In simpler terms, there is a section of pipe that connects the risers so that the hot liquid from the supply flows straight back.
    • Another way to eliminate shortcomings.
    • So, install the flames at the same time into the main line, secure them with valves and control taps.
    • As a result, the fluidity of the heat flow increases, the temperature difference decreases, making it possible to repair the device without damage.
    • Such connections are especially necessary if the area is overheated.

Bypass valves are used to overheat, they can be jammed or jammed.

Installation of elements should be done in this order:

    • The end of the supply and return flow is reached until the boiler opens.
    • It’s best to immediately install special filters so that the boiler doesn’t get caught in the fire, other smithereens, and houses; faucets, valves, revived valves
    • Mayevsky;
    • radiators are fixed on the wall under the windows with dowels and brackets.

The height of the base is 10-12 cm, the height of the wall is 2-5 cm, the height of the window is 10 cm; The last stage is connecting the boiler to the water supply and a test run to identify currents or possible malfunctions.The boiler is the main device in the circuit; it is installed at the bottom of the boiler. This is not necessarily a basement - there will be a slight depression near the basement.

The surface is to blame but yakomoga rivna,

concrete screed

garniy option . It can be decorated with tiles with aesthetic finishes.

For most boilers, a smoke outlet is required, which is made from a pipe of the same diameter.

The pipe stick is lined with flammable material.

  1. This pipe is connected to a cauldron made of corrugated metal, strong enough so as not to burn.
  2. Metal pipes can be laid directly to the boiler, but below the stench will be a little thicker, in order to absorb high temperatures.
  3. The expansion tank can be installed at a height of approximately 3 meters.
  4. After heating the cooled heat in the boiler, the coolant again goes directly into the combustion system.

Based on this scheme, the single-pipe burning system is practically permanent, since the flow of water through the pipes is organized according to the principle of gravity - without a pump.

In a system with natural circulation of heat transfer, the operation of the system requires no effort to bend the pipes and operates in a completely autonomous mode.

Once you assemble the Primus main heating system for a private cabin with your own hands, the circulation pump is turned on before it.

The difference between these two options is significant: in the first phase, the flow of the working center will be greater, it is necessary to carefully avoid all twists and turns, it is necessary to place the expansion tank in the most This is the point of the system, but this circuit operates independently and does not require electricity, control or regulation.

When using a robot pump, the burning will disappear: the dilution scheme can be of any kind, since the pump pumps water through any labyrinths, and the expansion tank can be inserted into a pipe of a closed type, which allows it to be installed at any point in the system.

Self-installation of a single-pipe combustion system using natural circulation is often carried out using a top-pipe system.

The water supply behind a single-circuit circuit is transferred through one pipe, and such a small supply can be supplied by a boiler of any type - electric, gas, solid or light fired, combined unit.

Therefore, the choice of boiler often depends on the availability of one or another type of fire in a particular region.

Without gas supplied from a central gas pipeline, it will be easier and cheaper to burn in a private cabin on solid firewood - wood, wood, pellets.

An electric boiler is a last resort, in the absence of gas or a place for saving a large amount of firewood or wood. Geothermal boilers generate energy for dormouse batteries

We are not yet visible due to their rare availability and road accessory and installation.

Having selected a cauldron, it is necessary to take into account its heat stress.

The standard formula for expansion is that 1 kW of thermal energy is required for 10 m2 of burning area.

It’s all simple: to adjust the boiler’s ignition capacity, you need to multiply the double and the width, divide the result by 10, multiply the new result by 1 kW.

Example: with the dimensions of the booth 9 x 12 meters, the thermal tension of the boiler is calculated as follows: ((12 x 9)/10) x 1 kW = 10.8 kW.

  1. Ale tse - not the remaining numbers: up to our 10.8 kW, add up to 20% of the reserve, if the boiler is scorched and the firebox is working for a long time to renew pressure - for low temperatures and the received accommodation, which was not previously included in the expansion of tension. The terminal result is 12-14 kW. There is one small nuance that few people pay attention to - in what direction will the heat flow move.
    1. This will be visible on the kazan itself - the inlet (return) and outlet (supply) pipes will be visible to the right or left.
    2. The required connection direction is determined at the site of installing the boiler with your own hands or otherwise.
    3. The technology for connecting individual flame pipes is the simplest, based on crimping with push-in fittings, and for which you only need one key.
  2. This kind of scorching can be installed on people without warning, in which case the installation procedure can be the same at the boundaries of the route (including the boiler).
  3. If you want your single-pipe heating system in a private cabin to be reliable and durable, then buy copper pipes - they will have to be soldered, otherwise the service life of such a pipe will be incomparably visible;
  4. Steel pipes are welded together, which makes the process even more complicated and more expensive;

PVC (propylene) pipes are the most expensive from a long line of similar pipes, and they can also be soldered with a special soldering iron, which requires skills and knowledge. circulation pump; Coming from a great deal of advantages and shortcomings

for a one-pipe scorching system, the ideal pipe is a metal-plastic vibrator Ø ½ inch.

  1. The diameter of one discharge pipe is not tapered:
  2. Ø ½ inch allows you to easily deliver the necessary heat transfer fluids to all radiators in the house.
  3. Also, a small-diameter pipe can be easily clamped under a frame or in a niche in the wall before laying the exposed route;

Fittings Ø ½ inch are cheaper for other sizes, and for one scorching route you will need a few dozen of them, which will be beneficial to the project;

The pipes of almost all heating devices - batteries or radiators - have a diameter of just ½ inch.

How to unsecure a number of radiators and fittings How many radiators are needed in one room can be seen immediately upon entering: how many windows are there in the room, how many heating units need to be installed - one under each window. fittings and shut-off valves, since all the fittings are connected sequentially, and the connection of one radiator will interrupt the entire circuit, since it is not selected for the Leningradka circuit.

  1. If a one-pipe system is implemented using a lower-distributing scheme, then the pipes will flow along the sub-base, and for the skin radiator it is necessary to add the following nodes and parts:
  2. Two fittings with a 90 0 turn and clamp them with a collet.
  3. Fittings are equipped with external or internal fittings required for connection with other circuit elements - radiators, pump, bypass or control devices;

Two pieces of metal-plastic pipe, which are necessary for connecting the radiator to the pipeline.

  1. One cut should be the size of the base line to the top edge of the battery, the other is the size of the base line to the bottom edge of the heating pad;
  2. Two fittings with collets at the ends - the scorching line pipes are attached to them.
  3. In addition, you also need:
  4. Two metal (either stainless steel or brass) adapters Ø ½ inch for connecting pipes to the boiler.
  5. The adapters at the ends have an extra split and space for clamping (clamp);

Several meters of non-destructive metal-plastic pipe to encircle the entire perimeter of the burning room;

  1. Two brass three-pieces, in addition to which it is necessary to fit a flame-expanding reservoir into a single-pipe ring, and also to fill the working medium.
  2. On the triplets there are places for clamping (clamps) at all ends;
  3. Two-inch allen wrench (No. 2) – for tightening fittings during work hours;
  4. A tape measure, an electric drill or a screwdriver, a hammer drill, a hammer - everything is useful for fastening the pipeline to the walls or supports.

Pokrokov's instructions for installing single-circuit combustion circuits

Single-pipe combustion circuits in to the estate's budinka You can install and launch the system in a few days, and, if you are a smart assistant, in one business day.

  1. The initial stage is laying out the route, and for this you need to hang all the radiators in their place: this will make it much easier to navigate the real situation.
  2. How to mount the radiator: attach a bracket to the wall (included with the radiator), mark the opening area, drill the opening under the anchor with a diameter equal to the diameter of the anchors.
  3. The radiator is mounted on the brackets.
  4. Since the system is based on a primus circulation circuit, all radiators can be mounted on the same level. With natural circulation of heat transfer, it is necessary to install the necessary number of pipes on the walls (1-20 per 2 linear meters of the route), which will mark the fastenings under the radiator brackets; Next you need to install and secure the combustion boiler, the flue pipe and all the control equipment - pressure gauge, sensors, etc.
  5. After installing the expansion tank, the circulation pump turns on.
  6. It crashes into the outlet pipe at a distance of 40-50 cm from the boiler.
  7. At the end of the pump pipes, valves are screwed on (to stop the flow of water from one side or the other during repairs or during preventive maintenance), and connected with collets from the system pipes. It is recommended to ground the pump, but the boiler or steam battery for this purpose is strictly grounded - the grounding may be grounded and named; To attach radiators, it is enough to screw a pipe onto the upper and lower ends of the metal-plastic pipe.
  8. The main combustion pipe, which passes under the radiator, is cut under the lower and upper fittings, and the same fittings are screwed on the end, and the entire structure is connected by pipe sections.

Between the gate pipe of the boiler
circulation pump
For this purpose, the valve on the tri-piece (point 7) is opened, which is attached to the return pipe of the boiler, and water (or antifreeze) under a pressure (or with the help of a pump or tap) is pumped into the pipes.'янські Боги – хто вони?
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