Single-pipe scorching system for a private cabin with diagrams and installation rules.
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Single-pipe private scorching system.



In the process of ventilating the heating system in a private booth, you must carefully select the configuration and the specific features of the location.

However, it is necessary to pay attention to both the operation and the economics of the design.

In any case, the system of burning the mother has its own characteristics and therefore must be managed individually. Among existing systems for burning private cabins, a single-pipe system is often chosen by hairdressers. It gained great popularity during the period of the introduction of government programs for the development of rich apartment living.

Today, this option is also not required, however, before implementing this idea, it is important to become familiar with its advantages and disadvantages, as well as limitations. Devices and elements of a single-pipe scorching system The single-pipe Vikonan system appears to be a closed loop, where the main elements are the boiler, main pipelines, radiators, and expansion tank. Also, the warehouse contains components that allow the circulation of heat transfer. Moreover, the ruin of the rest can be formed by a natural path or by a Primus order.

p align="justify"> The operation of the system, based on the primus circulation circuit, is supported by a circulation pump, which is placed in the gate part of the circuit directly in front of the entrance to the boiler. Main pumping equipment department lies under a secure and necessary pressure

so that the coolant gradually reaches the optimal temperature, so as not to go beyond the established boundaries.

For such a system, it is necessary to place the main pipe under a smaller section. The most effective work is ensured if every meter of the pipe, the height of the differences becomes 0.5 div. For such systems, the problem of interruptions in the supply of electricity, which leads to increased circulation of coolant, is a pressing problem. This task is based on the location of the hot water manifold, which is a pipe, the main purpose of which lies in the water at a height of 1.5 meters.

From the top point of this device there is a pipe leading to the expansion tank. It is necessary to maintain the necessary tension in the system and prevent its movement, which can lead to emergency situations. By design current systems call for expansion tanks of a closed type Vikonanny does not allow the wind to penetrate the water. With this option, a membrane is placed in it, on one side of which it is placed under a high pressure of the wind, on the other there is an opening for water outlet. To place these elements, you can choose any place in the system. Regardless of the simplest design, for accommodating expansion tanks

open type

  • May be located at the top point of the system. Another shortcoming is permanent contact of water with acid
  • , why are sympathetic minds created for the development of corrosive processes, so
  • negative rank
  • It is very important in the process of work to lay a contour in these areas, because first of all it is necessary to maintain a comfortable temperature.
  • Let's talk about the child's room, bedroom and bath.
  • Since the thermofluids are suitable for the purpose of their placement, then there are no problems with maintaining the necessary temperature in them, since the fragments on the plots, which are spread on the cob contour, the thermofluids will always increase the temperature.

Then proceed to install the radiators in the previously selected place for them.

The remaining place is the circulation pump, which is located in the place before the return part of the circuit enters the boiler. Behind its design, a single-pipe circuit for burning the booths shows the appearance of a main line, to which the radiators are supplied in order. After heating, apply the heating components to the skin.

The heat exchange cycle is completed when the heated water reaches the remaining radiator.

In this particularity itself lies the most serious shortcoming of the scorching system that can be seen.

However, you can still get caught in the same rounds.

To solve this problem, there may be an increase in the number of installed radiators near them or by equipping them with special taps. With this option it is possible to improve the efficiency of the robotic system On the skin area, in other words, there will be different daily zones where the temperature regime varies by an order of magnitude compared to others. Schemes of single-pipe scorching systems for a private booth

Starting before connecting the batteries, the driver has the opportunity to choose one of two methods: the traditional unregulated circuit, more commonly known as “Leningradka”. Traditional connection method For a single-pipe combustion system, the circuit diagram of this transmission is vikoristan minimum quantity components and connections.

Radiator installation

Particularly in the “Leningradka” schemes, there are those in the plots where the radiator is connected to the system, taps are installed that turn off, so that the power plant has the ability not only to control the burning, but also if necessary Please turn on the system. There is a viscosity element that crashes directly into it, and there is a bypass with a tap. When the heating is overheated, water can flow through the entire radiator.

The advantage of the Leningradka scheme is that

the process of regulating the burning will be much clearer

  • in specific skin areas.
  • Necessary materials
  • First of all, you need to prepare the materials for installing a single-pipe scorching system with your own hands:
  • a scorching cauldron, the pressure of which may burn the consumption of the booth; expansion tank, which can be used as an open option or include a membrane; circulation pump;
  • pipes with different diameters: 25 mm - from these, robots are used for laying the main pipeline, and 20 mm - from them are needed for connecting radiators.
  • For these people it works
  • it is possible to vikorize pipes from different materials
  • - Steel, copper, metal-plastic.

Golovne, so that the stench of the bugs is protected from vikoristannya in scorching or hot water systems; fittings, which are used to connect pipe inlets to radiators; radiators, such as Vlasnik, mean behind the scenes.

Even before starting to install the system, it is necessary to open up a number of sections of radiators. It is also necessary for mothers to be aware of the necessary accessories - plugs and gaskets; Mayevsky faucets, with the help of such devices, are used to clean radiators from excess air.

Installation of a scorching system is one of the most important tasks that is part of your everyday life. Before this, as a final step, you need to decide on the choice of schemes. You can vibrate one-pipe or two-pipe.

The single-pipe system for burning a private booth is much simpler for


  1. .
  2. It is simple, but reliable and effective.
  3. Moreover, this collection requires much less material.
  4. Next, we will look at how such a system can be prepared, and also how it differs from a two-pipe system and what it means.

Warehouse parts

Let's take a look at how this system was implemented.

It should be noted that, having chosen such a scheme, you may encounter one difficulty.

Since the fluidity of the coolant transfer may be small, there may be a loss of temperature.


If we talk about a two-pipe system, the principle of its operation is this: one pipe carries water into the battery, and the other leaves it.

In this case, the flow passes directly through all the radiators and there is no loss of heat.

In a single-pipe heat transfer system, all batteries are supplied in a continuous flow and, passing through them, the temperature is lost.

The axis and the entire operating principle of the single-pipe scorching system.

This is a closed circuit, which includes the boiler, main pipes, radiators, expansion tank and elements that ensure water circulation.

They are separated by primus circulation if the entire operation is a pump and a natural one, when a dispersal manifold is installed.

The advantage of this design is that it does not contain a return pipe, which circulates the coolant to the boiler.

  • The other half of this layout is called the wraparound.
  • The single-pipe system can be of two types, depending on installation: horizontal and vertical.
  • Hydration and shortcomings
  • To determine what type of system you need, let’s look at the pros and cons of a single-pipe system.
  • A single pipe of the system is installed along the entire perimeter of the building, and can be attached to the base or walls.
  • Due to such a system, the pipeline can be laid under the door openings, the amount of material that is wasted is reduced, and the quality of the entire structure is reduced.
  • You can gradually connect the scorching equipment, as well as cut in other elements of the scorching system: warm underlays, dryers for towels or radiators.
  • Due to the parallel or serial connection method, the heating stage of the batteries can be adjusted.
  • Possibility of connecting multiple types of cats.

You can install a gas, electric or solid burning boiler.

Minimal waste of materials and cost-effectiveness.

Yak zrobiti

If you are creating everything from scratch, you will need to know about the availability of such materials:

  • scorching boiler;
  • First of all, you need to prepare the materials for installing a single-pipe scorching system with your own hands:
  • expansion tank;
  • main pipes Ø25 mm and pipes Ø20 mm in order to connect radiators (material can be chosen: steel, plastic, copper, reinforced polyethylene);
  • fittings to connect the leads of the heating batteries;
  • a number of radiators, gaskets and plugs are required;
  • Mayevsky taps, which can always be used to remove stains from a skin radiator;
  • a filter that will be installed in front of the boiler to purify water.

  1. It is necessary to select a place and install the boiler and filter.
  2. It is better to choose metal inlet pipes.
  3. Then the dimar is installed.
  4. The connection to the bottom is better than Vikonati with a corrugated metal pipe.
  5. Now we need to build a main pipeline.
  6. Pipes are laid around the perimeter of every booth.
  7. It is important that the connection diagram is already clear, because when laying it is necessary to immediately install the fittings in the places where the radiators stand.
  8. A drain valve is installed at the lower point of the system, through which the heating circuit can be filled with or drained of water.
  9. It is important when installing the pipeline to adjust the temperature: for schemes with natural circulation, set it to 3-5, with a Primus system (with a victorious pump) - 10 mm per 1 meter of pipe.

The pipeline along the entire perimeter must be secured to the wall in order to prevent leakage and leakage.

The axle and everything, as you can see, the single-pipe combustion system is stable, efficient and easy to install.

They can be distinguished as either single-surface budinki or multi-surface budinki.

You'll save money on installation and keep yourself warm on those cold winter days.



A single-pipe water heating scheme often fails when organizing individual heat supply to private cabins.

This is explained by its simplicity, reliability and economy.

The principle of robotic water scorching

The basis for the functioning of the combustion system is the uninterrupted circulation of the medium, which plays a central role in heat transfer.

As the pipes flow through the pipes, the heating engine (boiler) reaches the appliances that are heated, and back the heat energy is supplied and the area is heated.

The scorched water can be either single-pipe or double-pipe. The main difference between them is the method of commutation of heat-producing radiators and the supply line. The diagram of a single-pipe combustion system looks like a closed ring circuit.

The starting point for laying the pipeline is the heating pad.

To attach radiators to a new one, the following method is used.

After the heating stops, the pipe rotates to the boiler.

A system with one main line is characterized by ease of debugging.

  • Components in
  • to this guy
  • Not much, which allows for significant savings on installation.
  • In a two-pipe scheme, two main lines are used for the flow of heat transfer.
  • Through one of them, hot coolant is delivered from the device that heats it to the heat-producing devices.

Another pipe leads water back to the boiler.

To switch the batteries, a parallel method is used: hot water is applied to the skin directly from the pipe that supplies it.

The flow of heat through the scorching pipes is ensured by physical laws.

In which water moves involuntarily: such circulation is called natural (gravity).

Another option is primus circuits, where a circulation pump is used to move the coolant.

Natural circulation

In order to ensure the flow of water in the self-filling system, it is necessary to condition the plot.

  1. There is a vertical pipe that comes out of the boiler, in the middle of which the heated coolant collapses uphill.
  2. After reaching the extreme upper point, the pipe smoothly rotates back: this gives the water the necessary acceleration to flow along the main line.
  3. Scorching systems that use a top outlet do not require plating of the surrounding pipe: its function is connected to the pipe that supplies it, raised to a sufficient height.

In single-surface booths with a lower horizontal outlet, for effective combustion, the presence of a fire collector will be required.

It must rise above the level of the first battery by at least 1.5 m. Due to this, there is a possible circulation of coolant in the self-fueling combustion system.

When installing a pump, it may be due to any part of the highway.

However, it is important to note that when hot water acts on the humic elements (gaskets), the service life of the pump is significantly reduced.

  • Therefore, it is necessary to install the gate pipe, because
  • The thermofluid is not so hot there.
  • A coarse filter is installed in front of the pump in order to prevent any contaminants from entering the mechanism.
  • When connecting all accessories and devices, it is recommended to use shut-off valves and bypasses.
  • It is important to simplify repair and maintenance calls at other units: in this case, there is no need for the core of the entire system to completely drain the coolant.

In order to ensure the flow of water in the self-filling system, it is necessary to condition the plot.

  • Strengths of scorching circuits with Primus circulation:
  • It is possible to use folding alignment circuits to increase the number of contours.
  • The diameter of the pipes may not be increased.

Always the pump in the middle of the system is created sufficient for the flow and uniform distribution of the pressure.

The circulation is stable and fluid.

This indicator is not affected by the heating of coolant and the installation of a hot water manifold.

There is no need to create a cover on horizontal sections of the pipeline, because

The open expansion tank is often used either with a closed tank connected to the circuit at the closest point, immediately after the boiler. To ensure that the water does not overflow over the edges of the vessel, there is a special pipe close to the top: it serves to supply water to the sewer and street. Organizing heating of single-surface panels, compensating capacity is mainly installed on the top.

To avoid freezing the water

winter hour

  1. , the walls of the tank are additionally insulated.
  2. Such combustion systems are called critical.
  3. Most often we talk about energy-saving or combined heating.
  4. In this type of heat transfer fluid directly contacts the surfaces: this leads to natural vaporization and enrichment with sourness.

The following shortcomings are typical for closed contours:

  1. More precisely, it has failed (as self-fueling systems are being used).
  2. This will allow the wind that leaks into the pipes to escape through the reservoir into the atmosphere.
  3. There is a need for constant control over the level of water in the tank.

Once the heat transfer fluid has to be stored, its fragments are evaporated through the open top.

The vicinity of non-freezing soils, which is seen when toxic substances are evaporated, is protected.

Systems equipped with an expansion tank with a membrane are called closed.

We are talking about hermetically sealed hydraulic circuits. A compensation tank can be installed in any part of the system. A popular place for installation is the boiler return pipe: this increases the ease of maintenance of the tank. In closed scorching systems there is a slight excess pressure, so they must be equipped with a safety group. The unit's warehouse includes a wind gauge, a pressure gauge and

shut-off valve

for discharging heat transfer into

  • emergency mode.
  • These devices are installed on the supply pipeline, which allows connections for repairs and maintenance. On elevated pipelines, the safety group must be placed at the top point.
  • Connecting the battery to the main pipeline The method of connecting them to the main line also contributes to the level of heat transfer of radiators: Diagonal (overlapping).

This option demonstrates the greatest effectiveness.

It makes it possible to warm up radiators as much as possible with a flatter surface, practically eliminating heat losses.

  • In this type, the supply pipe is fed to the upper radiator pipe, and the return pipe is connected to the lower pipe (located on the opposite side of the device).
  • Diagonal connection is mandatory for multi-section radiators.
  • Bichny (one-sided)
  • .

Ensures uniform heating of all sections of the battery. In this scheme, the pipelines that supply and discharge are routed from one direction.), it is more practical to equip it with a simple self-priming circuit with sequential switching of radiators directly into the main pipe.

With 2-3 batteries, you can do without a significant number of shut-off valves: with this type you can simply drain water from the system for consumption. Since there is a large area, it is necessary to install a collapsible, low-flow scorching system. In such a situation

the shortest option

there will be a Primus burning scheme of the “Leningradka” type. It is characterized by vicious diagonal commutation of heat-producing devices and the presence of bypasses that are regulated. Strengths and weaknesses of systems with one pipe

The popularity of single-pipe burning in private households can be explained by the low quality of the design and the ability to operate independently

  1. installation robots
  2. .
  3. This allows for the protection of captured fahivists.
  4. Among other advantages of single-pipe systems you can see the following:
  5. High level of hydraulic resistance.
  6. If you turn on some of the circuits, it will not affect the heat output of other elements of the system.

There is no need to replace the batteries or increase the number of their sections. The wastage of pipes for organizing the main line is small. Low inertia.

The main shortcoming of single-pipe combustion schemes is the presence of an imbalance between the heating of the radiators, depending on their distance from the boiler.

This is explained by the gradual cooling of heat transfer during the circulation of pipes.

As a result, the batteries closest to the heat transfer line appear to be heated and less efficient than those further away.

It is more likely to have stagnant devices of the chavun type, which are characterized by greater cooling.

  1. Other ways to solve the problem To optimize the situation, the use of single-circuit circulation pump systems helps to optimize the situation. As a result, the temperature in the circuits that are heated becomes more uniform, and long-lasting pipelines are still brought to the same level.
  2. There are two ways to smooth out this unpleasant phenomenon:

When the boiler is removed, it is recommended to increase the number of sections on the radiators.

In this way, an increase in their heat-giving area is achieved:

thermal energy

Larger quantities begin to expand in areas that are compatible with their uniform heating.

Before carrying out single-pipe burning, it is necessary to think about the most efficient placement of batteries in rooms.

This can be both centralized and autonomous heat generation.

In any event, water (or antifreeze) flows around the ring, following other pipelines including: boilers/stoves/fireplaces, scorching equipment, valves that shut-off and regulate.

Systems with one pipe are always looped

The principle of pipeline routing

When implementing a two-pipe scheme, there are two rings (“circuit”, “filling”), the lines that supply and return, like jumpers, are connected by scorching radiators.

Its single-pipe combustion system uses only one circuit to the pipeline.

Burning equipment (radiators or registers) distributed in a single line often sequentially and essentially separates them.

The dilution pipes run underneath the external walls and exhaust the entire cabin, the coolant flows in one continuous circuit, gradually releasing heat.

This scheme is popularly called “Leningradka”, “baroque”.

As a matter of fact, there is only one pipe, the radiators are provided with taps to regulate the intensity of the flow.

Increase your respect!

  • When describing single-pipe systems (even if the pipeline is used for daily use), part of them can be called a “turn” - but the other half of the circuit, where water/antifreeze wastes energy.
  • Features of connecting heat-producing devices
  • Consecutive expansion of radiators in one circuit causes a number of technical problems.

The most important point is the uneven heating of the heating components, if the front radiator is always cold behind the front. As a result, the nearby rooms are very hot, and those with the remaining batteries in the system are the coldest.(Connections) most often stagnate, since it is easier to work technically, ensure uniform heating of the radiator after heating and practically turn off the seal in the scorching device.

However, at the top of the radiator it is necessary to use a device to remove the heat.

Increase your respect!

By using different types of radiator connections in a single-pipe system, the balance of combustion can be significantly improved.

The entire university looks laconic.

A right-handed valve is installed to bleed the air.

When the bottom is connected, this element is always victorious.

Variants of single-pipe systems

It may be that single-pipe burning must be forgiven and, for the sake of functionality, it is obligatory to compromise with double-pipe configurations.

In fact, schemes with one pipe are universal and often fall short in popular minds.

Horizontally or vertically spaced Single-pipe burning with vertical mains can be installed in rich apartment buildings of the Radyansky sporud. There, the nose is planted on the mountain, and then the “risers” step by step descend from the top down.

The private low-surface sector, of course, has a horizontal single-pipe scorching system, like the classic “Leningradka”.

It should be noted that in both branches there are both vertical sections of the system and pipes that run horizontally.

Gravity burning with one pipe can be carried out frequently, since the structure is completely autonomous and free of electricity.

  • With this single-pipe system, the scorching of the double-top booth can also be caused by gravity.
  • Otherwise, independence from external measures will require the addition of severe technical advantages:
  • the necessary flow of heat under the frame, the water pumps will be accelerated by a “dispersed collector”;
  • Next, replace the expansion tank and place it at the highest point (often at the top, in fact, transforming it into a technical location);
  • the diameter of the pipes increases, as well as their resistance to pressure and temperature;

the number of devices is changing, and the possibilities for shut-off valves are increasing;

it is necessary to ensure permanent installations (foldings appear to be beautifully designed, it is important to install pipes under the door).

In this diagram of gravitational combustion, the three-pointed accelerator manifold is indicated.

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  • In addition to practical solutions, there is a combined system with a pump to ensure the primus circulation of the installations bypass.
  • Thus, the burning can occur in a self-fueling natural regime at times due to power outages.
  • Advantages and shortcomings of single-pipe scorching
  • There are a lot of negative officials that we have to fight against.
  • The system should be balanced so that all rooms remain warm.
  • A number of tools: radiators are connected to the circuit via a bypass and provided with control equipment (faucets, thermal heads); select different connection diagrams for burning devices installed in different parts of the system;

in remote rooms, where the nose has reached, increase the number of sections on the radiators.

It is necessary to provide a larger support, which is often due to large pipe diameters, temperatures, and pump pressure.

  1. It is necessary to vibrate vigorously
  2. hydraulic expansion
  3. single-pipe scorching system, especially gravity.

The design of a single-pipe scorching system is simpler than that of other scorching schemes, but its operation and efficiency are not less consistent.

It is necessary to thoroughly know and carefully follow all the rules for installing scorching systems, as well as learn the skills of competent design.

Only then can it be insured that the scorching done with your own hands will serve without accidents and give a cooling effect. Video: single-pipe radiator combustion circuit Primus circulation in combustion systems is ensured by installing a hydraulic pump.

The wine is installed on a section of the system, in which the coolant collapses

heating element

- Boiler.

Such a system is energy-efficient, but allows for the installation of a number of surfaces, connecting a large number of radiators, and also eliminates the need to lay pipes with a bend to increase the fluidity of the flow and in pipes (the remaining factor is related to the aesthetics of the entire system as a whole). Single-pipe scorching system. Video - single-pipe self-scorching

  1. Negative and positive components of a one-pipe system
  2. Let's take a look at what
  3. advantages

, in addition to the descriptions, there is a single-pipe with Primus circulation. Damages in fireplaces do not appear on the robotic system, even though the diameter of the pipes can be small, which allows for a quicker investment in cleaning the fireplace in the booth. All nodes of the system are subject to the same service term, which is subject to temperature changes in the system.

  • You can regulate the temperature both in the surrounding areas and in the entire system.
  • Warto remember about

not enough

systems: Primus circulation systems are not recommended for installation in regions with frequent power outages. Electrical connections are responsible for their work, and the flow of heat continues to collapse like a natural path due to the effects of gravity and temperature difference in the system. Productivity and heat output drop sharply when the pump is turned on; A pump is rarely completely silent.

The coolant that heats up in the boiler coil passes through the pipeline, passes through risers and radiators, provides energy, flows through a pump, which pumps the flow into the boiler.

To prevent emergency situations, the system has a closed (membrane) or open type tank.

  • Regardless of the type of tank, installation should be carried out on the highest technical level (or in a high-tech unit).
  • The obligatory system also has a security group (sometimes called a security block).
  • The device has the following elements:


shut-off valve;

pressure gauge and thermometer (can be combined in a single housing).

In the event of an emergency situation associated with extremely high pressure, the safety team monitors equipment failures and pipeline ruptures. Using an additional device, it is easy to regulate the temperature and pressure of the scorching system.

Some devices that enter the warehouse of the safety group are mounted on the pipeline with a sealed, interlocking valve above the level of the boiler room, or more often, a single safety unit is connected to the combustion system, speeding up the installation time.

Radiators in a one-pipe system can be connected in parallel circuits - parallel, diagonal, with bypasses, etc.

At the installation stage, it is recommended to install temperature regulators on the skin radiator.

In addition, to bleed off the wind and stop the sealing of the air plugs on the leather radiator, install Mayevsky taps or add a battery with already installed taps.

Okremo about the pump and yogo choose

Pump power (kW) =L/10 x 0.6,

de L - Dovzhina of the circulation ring.

So, for every ten meters of the system, 0.6 kW of power is required.

For a 50 m cutting, the required pump is 3 kW.

For a section of 100 m – 6 kW.The table below shows the recommended pipe diameter; when choosing a pipe with a diameter smaller than the required one, it is recommended to purchase a pump with higher pressure and pressure indicators.
5,7 1/2
15 3/4
30 1
53 11/4
83 11/2
170 2
320 21/2

Table 1. Pipeline diameter and heat loss

Vitrata, l/hv

Diameter, inches

Table 2. Indicators of the fluidity of heat flow for a silent robot system

The system may have not one pump, but two.

If one pump breaks down, another (backup) pump will help avoid interruptions in the operation of the entire combustion system.

The pump is installed in a station with cooled heat transfer, the high-temperature waste that passes through the pump leads to a change in the service life of the bearings, oil seal, and rotor.

In private cabins, circulation pumps of the “wet” type without a throttle are often used.

The pump housing is made of steel, and the rotor is made of steel or made of stainless steel.

Such models, with a length of two dozen years, do not require oil or other maintenance.

The role of oil is cooling and warming.

Development of single-pipe scorching system

The single-pipe scorching system can be installed horizontally or vertically.

First of all, we install a heating boiler and install the pipeline and exhaust hood.

Gas units are often used as the most economical ones.

For the boiler there is a utility room (boiler room), which is located on the first or basement floor of the cabin.

Trubi The boiler has inlet and outlet pipes, to which the combustion pipes are attached, which run along the perimeter of all areas that are being fired. The material of the heating pipes is selected individually by the contractor; the recommended pipes for piping are copper.

The connection of pipes is carried out in the fullness of the material, with the addition of welding, soldering, and fittings.

Increase your respect!

Installation of mains must be carried out before laying the final

false cover

. Moreover, this rule is relevant both when the pipeline is laid in an empty subfloor, and when installed above a finishing subfloor. Regardless of the aesthetics of the type of installation, it is recommended to lay the pipes themselves above the base, so that in emergency situations it will be much easier to identify the defective section and make repairs.

that security group The expansion tank is usually installed at the top of the system (since there is only one booth on top, the tank must expand 3 m above the cauldron). A tee is connected to the pipeline leaving the boiler and a vertical riser is fixed. This pipe is connected to the open or closed type tank. A safety group is immediately installed behind a membrane-type expansion tank.

This accessory is installed on the pipeline through a tee using threaded connections.

The pump is installed on a section with heat transfer, which rotates into the boiler; the rotor must move strictly horizontally.

To find out how to ignite the pump so that the coolant flows, you should find the arrow on the body and orient yourself to its position.

It is necessary to install a coarse filter in front of the pump at the pipeline, so that third-party build-ups (for example, scale and sand) do not damage the impeller and the pump as a whole.

The capacity for collecting sediment must be removed under the filter, so that the remaining heat flow cannot be crossed by the river.

Often the pump is installed from a bypass.

This small section of pipe with two shut-off valves allows for replacement and repair of equipment without permanent loss of heat transfer from the system.

For uninterrupted power supply, it is important to transfer the pump connections to three independent batteries, mounted in series.

The main goal of uninterrupted life is to allow the system to function for at least two years whenever the power is turned off.

Before installation, a heat-resistant power cable is tested.

It is important to turn off the pipelines, pump housing and motor with the power cable.
Starting the system
Once all the elements are installed, open the valve to fill the system with coolant.
Video - Installing a circulation pump'янські Боги – хто вони?
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