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What is the fireclay chain on. Dominance of fireclay chains, її variability, characteristics and features of correct masonry

Easy tsegla vikoristovuєtsya for vipalu ovens. Vikoristannya this kind of cegli allows speeding up the vitreous paliva and increasing the speed of heating the stove.
Tied up with yoga low heat conductivity, shards lightweight chain maє the structure of the sponge. Pori settle down at the process of winning over again. At the big vipadkiv tse tirsa, lignin or the village of vugіllya.

To buy such a price at once is not difficult, but it’s not worth it. For those є impersonal reasons - someone may not be dominated by the price, let it be clear.
Fireclay lightly important chain can be built at home, for the mind of the hour that bajannya.

For whom do we need:

Vlasne fireclay
- fireclay
- Tirsa
- trellis glue
- a bit cute

1.Clay. The greater the refractory, the more plastic the better. For example, you can add kaolin.

2.fireclay. At to this particular type vicorist trimmings of zelini from the front vipals. Chamotte is a necessary change in deformation when drying the chain.

3.Tirsa. Here, the variants of the mass, the shards of the tyrsus buvay nayriznomanisha, came into play. The best result comes out with victorious dry tirsi in furniture manufacturing. Tirsa can be moved from the villages to the hills (more shaping and less shrinkage when dried). Ale vugillya the booth is not too handy to trim.

4.Tapestry glue. I use vicorist on a dextrin basis. Useful for tying the orphan cegli, as the sirec is more tendent.

5.Ridke cute. Found in 5 liter bottles. It's nice that bacteria did not multiply in the molding masa (the smell is not ice).

You can take a look at the porosity of the material.

“Intelligible materials vary according to their proportions. (clay 50%, thyrsa-40%, chamotte-10%)

Sequence dіy:

We breed dry clay 5 kg. (Dry breaks up more often). You can speed up with a mixer.

For clay (5 kg), add 1 kg of chamotte, 50 g of trellis glue, 50 g of mil. Peremіshuєmo (mixer for help).

In small batches, we add 4 kg of tirsi and vimishuemo (4 kg of tirsi tse bagato :-))

Leave for 1-2 dobies for a showcase

Masa before molding is guilty of buti is not rare ale and not dry (it is guilty of molding in a coma)

We form a siret. For which boulle the form was cut for the size of the seed, which I need. (The chain changes by 10-15% during drying, so the shape is robimo with this appearance)

Sushimo on doshtsi or on fiberboard (the process is not too hard)

It is scorched (I scorched at 1200 degrees, stretched for 10 years - 7 years, up to the temperature of the 3 years of the vitrimka). It’s obvious that on the virobnitstvі tsegl they scorch more richly, but with us it’s not the same.

Sub-bag: with minimum penny vitrates (mainly the heat transfer value during evaporation) we can add a small amount of acid (with a proportion like I can get a small amount of 0.5g/cm3)

The life of heat-resistant spores, for example stoves or fireplaces, often cannot be done without pouring chamotte clay or shards, prepared on a її basis. Knowing that chamotte clay may be power, how you breed and with whom you zmishuvati, you will become a right master at your right!

Chamotte clay - a synthesis of natural and human

Chamotte - zapozichene s French language word, yak in Rest hour resound with new strength. In the presence of unnatural vishukuvan and plastic gloss, people use natural materials, in the middle of which chamotte occupies a lot of space. VTIM, without the portion of the people, the tango is not the same mother -can - the special is the bail of the clay in the furnaces, they wrapped it out, at the temperature of Pyvetori Tysyachi, the samilki in such batteries, the whole sort of 'yazanu with її molecules. .

Zavdyaki chiomu chamotte nabuvaє domineering, close to the domineering stone. The selection of chamotte clods is obtained from special chamotte mills and even in such a way it is found on sale at budding dry masses, or it is victorious for the production of chamotte chains. It should be noted that up to chamotte it’s not only alarm workers, but also designers. Chamotte clay may be able to impress the beauty, especially the texture, the natural spirit, the sound of speech, the destruction of this material, the building embellishment to create the most beautiful interior, for this, such a method of zasosuvannya is not uncommon. At the creative medium, made of fireclay clay, to shatter ceramic dishes, kahl, figurines.

Budivelniki, in their turn, try to put in textured chamotte not only for lining the surface, cool to the point of high temperatures (all the same stones and pichki), but also for building facades!

Clay chamotte at budіvelnih shops zustrichaєtsya and under the name kaolin - the essence of this does not change. The color of this material varies from white to creamy shades to grey-brown. Chamotte is actively zastosovuєtsya yak for setting up a gap for laying the chains, for mixing up the laying of linings, and for carrying out plastering work. When shopping, be sure that the clay has not been stale on the police for a long time - otherwise it could waste its power, even if in stores you don’t always have to use your mind. Trivaly pouring in a voluminous layer of the building is known to zipsuvati chamotte, just like it is with cement. Vykoristovuvat such material - more expensive.

Fireclay clay - how do you breed it with what?

Say that this material is simple for robots, if you don’t know it correctly - richly new, like vicorist fireclay, say that the plaster on the basis of yoga cracks and sags, and the masonry on fireclay retail trimmed German. Keep in mind that when the clay is boiled down, it practically loses its plastic power, and our task, when mixed, would be to change the characteristics a little, or to give them a difference for additional components, for example, special quartz or sonic glue.

How to breed and how to mix fireclay clay - pokrokov's scheme

Krok 1: Napolyagaemo powder on water

For the preparation of fireclay clay for plastering, we need a pack of fireclay powder. Sip the powder in the container, gradually adding water, until the powder is covered with water. Before that, how to spread the residual rozchin, chamotte clay can be filled with at least three dobi.

Krok 2: Robimo residual charge

After that, as we have seen the hour we need, we will try to take away the sum again, if necessary, adding a trifle of quartz squeak and water, as it is necessary. If you find it rare, you can add a powder, too thick, add an additional amount of water. For its consistency, ready to work, it is guilty of making sour cream - with such a density of wine, it will not stick to the surface and stick well to the wall. . If you want to get to the edge of the warehouse, you should add more PVA glue, do not make reinforcements like this and trimmed with fiberglass. For plastering with such a variety of finishes, it is not necessary to use special coatings - prepare large and small spatulas in advance and evenly apply the decorations on the surface.

Krok 3: Prepare the surface

Vykhodyachi zі iznizhenih plastichnyh authorities chamotte, vyazkovo vyazkovo surf, as you want to plaster, secure mesh, and for polypshennya zcheplennya walk garnoy primer. Scattered most often about the plastering of stoves and fireplaces, then the primer can be heat-resistant, and the grid - metal. With such a tendency, you compensate for the plasticity of chamotte and reach the high fire resistance of the plaster.

Ready to use fireclay clay for laying chains

To take away the gaps for laying the chains, with the first trimming of fireclay, if you get caught, do not speed up. Chamotte clay, yak and cement, make your own brands. The characteristics of this material lie both in terms of the size of the fraction taken off when fine-tuning or powder, and in terms of the degree of fire resistance. Crimson fractions, it is necessary to understand, in a way how to take away the material - they can be like briquettes, specially scorched for it, so the kaolin chain is trimmed, briquettes are rejected. It is easy to finish another way - the teddy bear can be marked "U", which means "utilization" similar to the material. Fireclay design on a yoga basis cannot be stagnant in advanced robots.

It is best for masonry to fit chamotte clay with one part of kaolin and two parts of chamotte sand with a fraction of no more than 0.5 millimeters.

The second option, folding, is mixed in 1 part of kaolin clay, the same amount of blue clay and 4 parts of chamotte sand. Why the very fireclay pisok? Zvichayny quartz navnyuvach maє power at high temperatures expands, which can lead to the appearance of cracks in the very cladding, especially when it comes to extreme temperatures, as they settle in the middle of the oven. The river pisok is also unacceptable, the shards of wine create a sufficient connection with other components. For more high quality, sometimes add Portland cement, but such a fireclay can easily reduce its fire resistance - the maximum threshold for heating the warehouse is close to 1550 °.

The most correct way to use fireclay clay is to submerge with fireclay chain. All right in the fact that they will have the same coefficient of expansion with the influx of heat, but in their turn, they will have a greater strength of everything. Putting a chervona tsegl, otherwise, it’s not right to put a chervona zirkuvan, if there are no inclusions and such an option, it will be rude not often and not bring it to extreme temperatures. And all the same, it’s better to put the zvichaynu tsegl on the same rozchin, preparations according to classic recipe: for one part of clay, 3 to 5 parts of sand (deposit due to the fat content of the first component) and one part of cement.

Before the cob of work over the spores of the fireplace and the stove, it was necessary to put it up to the selection of materials. So, as an adventurousness, when the heat is turned, they will be significant, special respect sled natsіliti on vognetrivki yakosti tsegli, rozchina. Only you can ensure safe operation.

How to choose a chain?

In the skin region, their own type of cegli is created. Tse deposited in front of warehouses with yogo viroblennі. However, when laying various mangals and barbecue complexes, there is a fire extinguisher.

Rosemary yoga may be standard. Vaga close to 3 kg, granular structure, trochic shorts. The fire extinguisher was able to endure temperatures up to 1600 °, while not losing heat. Down to minus temperatures in the winter period, wines are also stuck. An important authority is also unacceptable to puddle and acid differences.

Zavdyak to its capacity, the fireworks are very hard, and can be brought to light, only a vicorist disk with diamond filings.

Fahіvtsі to please before laying the zvichaynu tsegl soak. However, it is not recommended for fireproofing. Yogo is sufficient to clean the saw and the wood.

When laying a stove or a fireplace, it may be necessary to vindicate the use of other types of stoves - stove or cladding. Some practitioners of vicorist fire the whole fire at the same time with the oven at the kiln. Ale stinks can vary the coefficients of temperature expansion. That’s why it’s ignited, you heat up more strongly, you can “spread out” the masonry and even “twist” it.

The vikoristovuyut tsegl pits are to lay the pipe on the pokrіvlі. She also looks beautiful. You can also enclose the name of the fireplace with it.

How do you prepare the rozchin for laying the chains?

Rozchin for laying fire-fighting clay can be prepared on your own, or you can make ready-made sumish in a row and are sold in health shops.

For both sightings, the water will be water for storage. Vaughn can be clean, with the maximum possible intake of salts and houses, the best of woods.

Rozchin is prepared according to the following proportions: for a hundred zeglini, there are about 40 kg of dry sum or 3 buckets of rozchin. Density of rozchin maє zalezhnіst vіd tovschina seam. The worst thing is to make a seam, it is more often to prepare rozchin. And the tovshchina, at its own chamber, lie down in the face of future temperatures, so that the masonry can be seen. The more the temperature rises, the lesser the joint is. In case of especially high vіdpovіdalnіy kladtsі, it is necessary to revisit 0.5 mm walls of furnace furnaces and lining.

For self-preparation, the following are the names of the nobility of the main warehouses. Ce clay, sand, cement, heat-resistant glue. Vicor clay is used to bind all components. Vaughn is "fat" and "thin", fallow like a lot of damp clay in the material that comes from the earth. Reshta at nyomu - pіsok. The sand will be zapovnyuvach when changing the difference. Practices seem to be better to take a kar'erny dog, without third-party houses, to finish the breeze. Cement is added when laying dimar on the height of the dahu and on top of it, as well as when laying the foundation. On yoga, it’s better not to be afraid. Heat-resistant glue is added when laying the fire-fighting chains on the shoes. You can buy yoga at special bakery shops or on our website Pechoklad. In the same place, you can choose the type of glue, which is the best in the task at hand.

Three types of warehouses can be prepared in 2 types of sizes. The simplest is clay. Yogo prepare one hour and simply, and smoothly. Consistency to lie in the fat content of clay. Sound the vicorist proportion of clay up to 1:2-2.5. Even if the opening is more fat, the masonry is cracked, and if it’s on the other hand, it’s broken. So that the masonry was not crushed by atmospheric fallout, sumish add cement. Approximately 1-1.5 liters of cement with water is required for 10 liters of ceramic tile. This type of separation is called folding.

How to make a design for laying a fire pit?

To prepare roses, vicorist roses. The stench dangles finely trimmed sumish (mortar), fills it with water and makes sprats of quills.

Warehouse variability and density are selected according to the required commodities of the seam and obov'yazkovo controlled. With the method of control of appointments, a typical 100-gram cone, which can be applied fakes of 1 cm.

With presence ready warehouse rozchins are prepared on the basis of fireclay, adding plasticizers for the bases. The stench is necessary to strengthen the plasticity of the prepared sum, and to inspire for the efficiency of the robot.

To prepare clay roses, it is necessary to soak the clay in front with water for at least 12 years. In otriman sumish domiciliary fire powder. So win a simple design for laying stoves.

It’s handy for those who can prepare fireworks for the summish ahead of time. Just before the victorious students, they need to mix them up.

However, they are so different, as if to harden in the air. Їх the requirement to win is not later for the first year from the moment of preparation. As soon as the preparations for the roses become hard, it is impossible to add water to the new one. Vіn vzhe zіpsovanii i do not pіdlyagaє podshlom vikoristannyu. In order to save the prepared rozchin, it is necessary to trim it in a sealed container.

You can change the quality of the prepared variety according to its characteristics. The wine is plastic, does not swell. It is impossible for a yakіsny rozchinі to know breasts, clots. When tsimu wine duzhe mіtsny. As if to crush it with a whole, I will manage to fill in again the apparent unevenness. Tsegla can step by step according to the new kovzati.

Fireclay is called kaolin clay, which in the process of production is subjected to thermal processing. This material can be reserved for other purposes. The most common vicorist is like laying masonry with arranging stoves and fireplaces. Also fireclay clay is used for plastering. The walls of the dwellings and the master's quarters in the middle are covered with different materials. Obviously, vikoristovuvat chamotte clay is necessary correctly.

Technical characteristics

Fireclay fireclay fireworks are fired at special furnaces-drums at a high temperature. In the process of processing, the whole vologa is evaporated from it. As a result, she becomes like a stone. At the final stage, clods of clay are milled near the mill to a fine grain of great grain. Vіdpovіdno up to normative, chamotte clay is to blame for the following characteristics:

  • water-based clay - close to 7.8%;
  • grain size - in the average 1.9 mm;
  • vologomist - troch more than 5%;
  • fire resistance – 1530-1839 0 C.

The main advantage of fireclay clay is those that do not shrink. And also, masonry seams and plaster will not crack when hanging.

How to get it right

This material is sold at the health stores, ring under the name of kaolin. The most popular is dark chamotte clay. For stoves and fireplaces, or rather, for their masonry, they fit just perfectly, repeating the color of the cauldron. Plastering is more often dazzled with a light-cream or white kaolin warehouse. The zamis of clay is vibrated like this:

  • The powder is accumulated in a container of water for expansion.
  • Warm water is poured from above. After that, it is necessary to fill the clay with a stretch of three deb. Tse to promote the plastic power of the scorched material. The store sells specially prepared clay, which does not require a tridenous pouring. However, such material is more expensive.
  • Further, the clay is resolutely mixed. To get the necessary consistency, you can add sumish like a trio of clay, so go ahead. As a ready-made rozchin price n_yak does not appear.

After three dobi, the clay is resolutely mixed with water.

Yak zrobiti masonry

Like clay is needed for the stove or fireplace, to add quartz fireclay sand in proportion 1x2. Zvichayny pіdmishuvati is not recommended. On the right, in that a simple sand can have a greater coefficient of expansion, lower chamotte clay. For laying stoves, wines are not suitable for that. In case of yogo vikoristanny in the future, in the process of operation of the firebox, cracks may appear in the seams. River sand for fireclay roses is also not suitable. Vіn ensures proper bonding of all elements. Cream of fireclay sand in the infusion of clay obov'yazkovo it is necessary to add a little bit of budive PVA glue. Some rozchins for the promotion of yoga minerality add a little bit of cement. However, in this case, the maximum allowable temperature in the middle of the furnace is reduced.

Often, the laying of masonry is replaced by other technology. In this vipadka, one part of chamotte and blackite clay and 4 parts of fireclay sand are found. Into this vapadka, it is more plastic to enter, and at the same time it is a warehouse.

Building vitrimuvati high temperatures - tse those with which chamotte clay is dried. Zastosuvannya rozchinіv on її osnovі, okrim tsgogo, allow you to choose the arc of the mіtsnі design. Fireclay warehouses, prote, only at the cladding of a different kind of pichnoe obladnannya with a fire pit are vicorous. For a great red stench it is not suitable. The reason for the difference is in the coefficients of temperature expansion. Zvichaynu tsegla put on simple clay, zmіshanu z pіskom.

Ready-made fireclay rozchin is guilty of freely connecting with trowels, not wandering yoga. Obviously, it is not allowed to have a sum of breasts, lumps and third-party inclusions.


Chamotte clay, a way of making such descriptions, is a material for preparing a variety of indiscretions. However, with PVA glue, in order to improve the characteristics of the finished bag, you can beat the following:

  • I will cook strong. Vaughn moves the seams and plasters. Add її sound at the quantity of 100-150 gr. on the wind.
  • Slowly. Tsya additive increases the plasticity of the difference. Vіdsotkove sіvvіdnoshennia to obsyagu chamotte sumіshi - 1-3%.

Vikoristannya for plastering

In this way of rozchins, trochs are prepared anyway. The warehouse of yoga can be like this:

  • Portland cement - 1 year;
  • fireclay clay - 2 years;
  • pіsok kar'єrniy - 7 years.

Water is added in such a quantity that it is ready to be prepared, adding the consistency of sour cream. Shards of scorched clay may have a richer plasticity, lower size, a plastering ball from it, it is necessary to replace it with special help metal mesh. To be applied in the most obvious way - with an additional spatula.

Fire extinguisher

Chamotte clay is often vicorated for the preparation of this requested wakeful material. The method of stowing kaolin sum when laying stoves and fireplaces was examined by us more. The firelighter, as you remember, is placed exclusively on fireclay. The result is a design that can withstand temperatures up to 1600 C.

Shards of chamotte fireclay cegla are richly expensive for the price, and most often vicorist for the preparation of only the quiet parts of the stove or the fireplace, as they are without a middle stick with the fire: fireboxes, smokehouses. Also, it is necessary to work out various production plants for metallurgical, chemical and industrial industries. Tse can buti Kazan, blast furnaces, fire chambers.

Where to stop

In the rest of the hour, it has become fashionable to vicorate chamotte clay for the preparation of various environmentally friendly decorative elements that are vicoristed in the interior landscape design. Tse can be, for example, a different kind of sculpture, bowls, cladding, fences, etc. In this case, chamotte clay sounds easy to reach idle time. Tse nada viroba monumentality.

See fireclay clay

At the moment, two main visual materials can be supplied at the budіvelnih shops. Zvichayna scorched clay is prepared from kaolin. Another variety is to crush them with a defective fireclay whole. Yogo is simply broken into pieces, and then ground into powder of various grain sizes. It’s not easy to see the first difference from another. On the packaging with clay and chains, the shoes are marked with a visible letter "U", which means "utilization". This material cannot be won over in all kinds of robots. Also, chamotte clay can be tested for grain size and moisture content.

  • Selection of thermoplastic concrete
  • Warehouse for heat-resistant concrete
  • Do-it-yourself step-by-step preparation of heat-resistant concrete

For furnaces, fireplaces and smoke pipes vikoristovuetsya zharost_yky concrete. This kind of concrete stagnates like in a living life, so in an industrial one. To ensure that the material performs its function on a flat level, guaranteeing safety and security, it is necessary for everyone technological supporters when yoga is prepared. The material can be commercial, light or strong. The Danish factor is to lie in the gallery of yogo zastosuvannya that recognition. Such concrete can serve as a superficial thermal insulation.

For the preparation of fireproof concrete, it is necessary to add to the warehouse a rare layer of rock, asbestos, barium or alumina cement.

The robot made from heat-treated concrete is similar to the robot made from prime concrete material, which allows to reduce the cost of wake-up work. You can successfully prepare this material with your own hands. The wine is resistant to temperature changes and does not lose its power when heated, and it is also the best option for the life of specialized objects of a different kind.

Selection of thermoplastic concrete

If you want to work fire-fighting concrete with your own hands, you will have to add to the warehouse some sludge, asbestos, barium and alumina cement.

Characteristics of refractory concrete.

These additives can be used to make concrete adaptable to stagnation in areas of higher temperatures. The primary material includes elements that are subject to the process of dehydration and aeration during the heating process. The design collapses even quickly, passing through the same testing, and the process of renewal is impossible. In order to avoid such situations, heat-treated concrete is stagnant. Looking at the heat of the concrete summish in detail, you can see a high-rise house in the middle. Skin wins its role, promotes mentality, binds materials for the minds of rising temperatures. For the preparation of refractory concrete with your own hands, you need the presence of binder warehouses in the base material.

For whom you can vikoristovuvati:

  • slag Portland cement;
  • Portland cement;
  • high alumina cement;
  • aluminous cement;
  • periclase cement;
  • somewhat sloppy.

Turn to hell

Warehouse for heat-resistant concrete

To Portland cement, that rare warehouse sounds different thin-milled houses. Fire-fighting concrete can be significant or light, fallow as evidence of volumetric expansion. The material is considered to be light, so that the volume of the bag (near the hanging bed) does not exceed 1500 kg/m³.

Magnesium sulfide (water-based) is stoked for mixing heat-resistant concrete mixes on periclase cement. In order to harden heat-resistant concrete with a rare rock house, it is necessary to add sodium fluorosilicon, granulation blast-furnace slag or nepheline sludge to the sum. These additives are introduced into concrete at normal temperatures.

Finely milled additives can be finely trimmed or sawn materials, such as:

  • biy magnesite chain;
  • beaten fireclay chain;
  • shmatkovy fireclay;
  • pumice;
  • cymyanka;
  • chrome ore;
  • ash-visit;
  • andesite;
  • fox loam;
  • granulation of blast-furnace slag.

For zharostіyky light sumіsha pіdіyde:

  • second diatom chain;
  • beaten fireclay chain;
  • cymyanka;
  • ash-visit;
  • expanded clay.

Smaller (0.15-5 mm) and large (5-25 mm) refractory materials can be trimmed materials, such as: double magnesite and magnesite-chromite chain, double high-alumina and fireclay chain, white clay, acid and talc inclusions .

Dunite, balsat, diabase, andesite, artik tuff, and chamotte can also be brought up to them. For light and fire-resistant concrete, it is better to vicorate vermiculite, expanded clay, or swelled perlite as an additive. The type of viscous speech, the temperature and the service of concrete determine the choice of finely milled additives and additives. Zastosuvannya fire-fighting concrete reduces the work, labor, vitrati, short terms of life.

Turn to hell

Do-it-yourself step-by-step preparation of heat-resistant concrete

For which process you need a mother of tools and materials:

  • betonozmishuvach;
  • wheelbarrow;
  • column;
  • shovel;
  • rozpilyuvach;
  • hose more water supply;
  • formwork;
  • plastic sheet;
  • pisok;
  • fire cement;
  • gravel;
  • vape.

Betonozmіshuvach or the wheelbarrow is guilty of roztashovuvatisya in the immediate vicinity of the water supply. Water is needed for adding to the warehouse, mittya іnstrumentіv і maidanchik. Materials must be mixed in proportions of 3:2:2:0.5, for the butt - 3 parts of gravel to 2 parts of sand and 2 parts of fire cement to 0.5 parts of slaked vapne. The value of obsyagіv zharomіtsnogo warehouse can be added to the given parameters and spіvvіdnoshnja materialіv, the stench can become immutable. Gravel and sand are placed at the concrete mixer, fire-fighting cement and slaking are added, all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed for additional shoveling, so that the warehouses are spread evenly. Potim sumish add water and mix again. Water is added until the moment when you reach the necessary consistency (working density). For a twist on the sum that came out, try sipping the breast. If you drive enough, then the breast will not fall apart and will not spill in your hands.

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