How to grow roses from cellophane on a toilet paper?
Planting petunias in snow-covered seedlings
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Sowing rose gardens near toilet papiers.

good Vidminno There are many ways to grow tomato seedlings.

U The rest of the time This procedure can be completed behind the help of a plastic dance.

  1. The container is safe, you can grow roses in it and carry out cooking.
  2. The cultivation of tomato seedlings in
  3. plastic dance
  4. maє masu perevag:

There is a saving in space, since the packaging takes up little space to replace a wooden box.

There is no need to dig up the soil, but saving money and keeping the room clean, the soil does not disintegrate.

There is no need to dig up the soil storage area; the remaining soil will replace the standard toilet paper.

On a similar basis, you can grow not only tomatoes, but also seedlings of other vegetables. The cultivation of roses in this manner cannot be done without a plastic bag, a large plastic bottle (mostly 2-liter), a toilet paper and a napkin. Preparation robots

First you need to make a selection now.

Only the largest and most powerful plants are suitable for sowing. They can be selected manually, using additional tweezers, or using a special tool.

Fill with water, stir and let all the ingredients from the pack drip into the salt bag that came out.

Drain any voids and debris that need to be thrown out onto the surface.

Those that have fallen to the bottom need to undergo a disinfection procedure.

In the present day there are a lot of bacteria and fungi that need to be eliminated immediately.

  1. Throughout the entire prepared cellophane bag, cut wide edges of about 10 cm.
  2. Toilet papier is cut however with a package of clothes.
  3. A piece of paper, moistened with water, is carefully spread on the side of the bag.
  4. Now begins to unfold, with an overhang of 1.5 cm at the edge and 5.5 cm at the edge.
  5. The top of the grains is again covered with more balls of paper and one polyethylene coating.
  6. The mixture is carefully curled after drying.
  7. Pour about 3 cm of water into the bottle that has come out of the bowl and place the rolled rolls there.

You can kindly add the dance and put the dance on the windowsill, de garne of lighting.

Option No. 2 - horizontal method of growing tomatoes toilet paper What works without land:

  1. Cut the plastic flap crosswise so that two parts come out.
  2. Place toilet paper near the sealed skin half and sprinkle with water.
  3. Place the mixture on a 3.5 cm space. If the stinks have sprouted, then lay them in piles uphill.
  4. The dance halves are covered with spittle or a bag.
  5. Place a number of openings on the spitting surface to fresh again finding the middle.
  6. After all work, move the container to a warm, dark place.

Tomato seedlings planted in this way do not need to be watered, since the greenhouse effect is avoided under watering.

As soon as two leaves appear, the seedlings begin to be transplanted around the container.

To do this, it is enough to unroll the roll or remove steam from a horizontal container. How to grow tomato seedlings in a plastic container option No. 3

, which transfers preparation to the soil.

The prepared food can be placed in five-liter bowls. For planting, you will need a part of the container at the bottom, in which the soil will fall asleep, holes will be made and the soil will remain in the present day. Many vegetable gardeners choose plastic containers for planting.

I disinfect the soil thoroughly, spilling it with sprinkling.

After leaving the ground, I dig deep into the ground and lay out the planting material.

I sprinkle compost on top, cover the container with spittle and move it to a warm place.

The melt streams heat into the middle, creates a greenhouse effect, and suddenly appears like a liquid.

After the spittle appears, I remove the spittle and lay out the roses on the windowsill.

As soon as the time comes to transplant the soil into open or closed soil, the soil is quickly watered, the bowl is pressed, and the steam immediately comes out of the earthen breast. We plant roses on the great road, one after the other, in good soil.” This way you can see that picking a tomato from a plastic bowl is simply done by hand.

The container does not require boiling, the water does not leak when watering, there is no need for pallets, and the grown bushes quickly take root in any place.

Fresh harvest for the whole river

After two leaves flare up on a young shoot, it is necessary to replant it around the container.

Bathing of sajants can be carried out in plastic bowls.

The growth of seedlings without soil with skin disease is becoming increasingly relevant because of the low reasons, the most important of which can be taken into account in order to avoid infection with dangerous illnesses - black grass.

Eruptions of pathogenic infection do not yet bring ill health, but with the creation of hothouse minds, highly fragrant seedlings are activated, which have not changed.

An advanced method of growing seedlings without soil allows you to prevent the appearance of illness at the stage of germination.

This article is all about how to grow vegetable seedlings without soil on a toilet paper or in plastic bowls, innovative technology and advantages of the method.

Rose garden without soil - three ways to grow.

Filter paper or serverlets are also suitable for germination in the present day.

  • The classic method of growing seedlings in containers made of soil creates a large free area for placing boxes and containers with seedlings.
  • As in the reign there is a daily greenhouse, this method is plagued by great inconveniences - containers for the cultivation of vegetable crops occupy all the windows of the house and apartments, characterizing the loggias and balconies.
  • It’s worth remembering that the growth of seedlings lasts for many months, resulting in a troubling period of incompetence.
  • Before that, the earth is thrown into the ground, carried away by the wind, and it takes more than an hour to clean up the area.

Several simple methods of growing seedlings without soil allow them to germinate in compact containers that do not take up a lot of space.

There are new ways to grow vegetable seedlings that do not require soil.

Without soil, you can grow buds and vegetable crops, including sowing tomatoes.

Every seed's bud has an energetic potential that helps it grow.

At the time of full development of the cotyledon leaves, the supply of living plants will end, so the cleared seedlings will need land.

Before transplanting tomato seedlings or other vegetables into the ground, it is necessary to germinate the seedlings using one of the possible methods.

On the toilet paper

It’s great to lay it out manually by hand.

The soil will not be needed if the seedlings of tomatoes or other vegetables are grown on the toilet paper.

With this method of germination, it is necessary to prepare a roll of toilet paper, polyethylene melt and a container.

You can plant any kind of vegetables on the toilet papier, or even more easily grow seedlings from the great plant, for example, seedlings of tomatoes.

The secret to success is early replanting in a soil substrate so that the seedlings do not lose turgor and do not begin to wilt.

For the cob of varto, prepare a 10x50 cm size polyethylene smear. Cover the smear with a toilet paper and soak it in water.

It is important to ensure that only plastic containers are clean and clear.

Place the container with the crops in a sealed plastic bag, not forgetting to close the ventilation hole.

Periodically check the moisture content of the servers for additional requirements.

You can plant young plants in the soil when a cotyledon leaf appears, during which the ground is not contaminated.

At thyrsi

In the midst of Tirsius, the sunrise of vegetables and fruits grows.

Vegetables or plants without soil can be grown in Tirsus, soil for roses will only be needed at the hour of planting during the first bath.

Thyrsa must be subject to, first of all, it can be used for this method of growth.

Before curing the substrate with thyrsion, pour it with dill and disinfect it.

We fill the containers with substrate, the height of the ball is up to 15 cm. The filling is placed near the thyrsus, the depth of the throat is up to 2 cm.

Cover the screen with hot water and place it in a light place.

Tirsi cannot be allowed to dry out.

The soil is recovered for transplanting seedlings at the cotyledon leaf stage.

  • Landless cultivation methods help to produce healthy plants for the city and garden, free from contamination by pathogenic infections.
  • Seemingly, having lost sight of this method of growing a rose garden under the name “Moscow-style rose garden.”
  • Another name is roses on a toilet paper, roses in a plastic bag or something else. Axis from the newspaper:
  • I wanted to try to germinate tomato seedlings in such a neat way, the author of the note began to sing that it is cursed in such a way, who has run out of terms of saving, the parsley comes out without getting sick on a black day, etc. And the biggest plus is that you don’t need to bother with the soil It takes up minimal space.
  • Oh dear, I needed:
  • a roll of toilet paper;
  • cellophane bag – 2 pcs.;
  • plastic bottle;
  • water;


spray bottle with water;

a bag of seeds;

apothecary gum or for hair

We lay out the top in such a way that there is approximately 1.5-2 cm at the top edge. Between the tops – 2-3 cm.

The top is covered with a dark toilet paper, sprinkled with water from a spray bottle,

and then covered with dark polyethylene (cellophane).

A rich cloud of smog came out, and the trace was carefully burnt into a tube and fixed at the bottom with a gum.

If you grow a number of varieties of tomatoes or a number of crops at the same time, then make a number of such tubes and attach the name to the skin, and also sign the date of germination.

Fill a plastic bottle with water 2 cm high and place the balls. Quilt thoroughly so that the bottom edge of the toilet paper is wet with water in the bottle. Cover the bottle with another plastic bag and place it in a warm place.

When I sprouted the seeds in the toilet paper, the central scorching was turned on.

My tomato plant sprouted on the 5th day.

The first leaves were brightly green, I tidied up the top package.

I changed the water from the bottle every 2-3 days.

A week after the first green leaves appeared, I added water to the bottle

minerally good

In 2013, I tried this method of growing seedlings.

So, it would seem, one would noticeably say goodbye to the growing of the rose garden, but in some way.

For example, I don’t pick tomatoes, because I live in real Russia, and summer is speckled and dry.When you pick up the roses, the roots will become lumpy.

There will be no further growth, and the unpicked tomatoes should be stretched with the coriander closer to the dry soil.

So I will germinate this day and immediately place it in a large bottle.

In short, there is no sense in this method, but robots will not disappear from the earth.

  1. Only in this case it is good that such roses, without being transplanted into pots, are immediately planted in the place, for example, in a greenhouse.
  2. Many gardeners, when growing seedlings, are faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon as “black bottom” - a fungal disease from which stem life suffers.
  3. Moreover, despite the “baby” illness, the larger trees are practically not strong.
  4. The seedlings have to be dried out, and this will be completely covered, especially on the present day.
  5. However, there is a miraculous method that allows you to avoid such inconveniences, and is practically suitable for all types of gardening crops - hang the plant not in the ground, but on a toilet papier.
  6. We place another polyethylene smudge on top of the toilet paper ball.
  7. Roll it into a roll (stitch so that the balls do not move one after another) and seal it with thread or rubber.
  8. In this manner, hang all the items, as needed, in a number of rolls.
  9. Don't forget to attach a label with the name of the crop to the skin roll.
  10. The rolls are placed in a plastic container (it will burn out), poured into a little water (approximately 2-3 cm), covered with a lid and placed in a bright place, for example, on a windowsill.

Don’t forget to add water to the container if necessary.

After you show up, go and encourage them.

The hour of first baking comes with the appearance of the 2nd or 3rd fresh leaf.

If you do not need to strengthen the roots from the toilet paper, just light the roll and cut the seeds together with the paper, and then move it to the prepared container.

So don’t damage the tendentious plant yet.

Virgo feeling of the rose garden at the plastic dances on the toilet paperA plastic flap that is cut crosswise (removing the bottom) can be used as a container to place a roll of polyethylene or toilet paper with paper in it.

In this case, you need to stitch so that the roll does not untwist, so you will have to sit in the plastic dance for a long time.

However, this is the simplest way to sow the seed onto a toilet papier with a plastic flap.

Be careful not to let the server dry out, and don’t get overwhelmed.

On the 3-4th day after hatching, you need to carefully, using a toothpick, transplant the tablets into peat, in which they will continue to grow.

Planting roses on a toilet paper is a very simple, economical and effective method.

However, remember that the plants will require your nurturing and after you transplant the seedlings in a permanent place.

Place yourself before them out of love, and the stench cannot help but be smelled by this active growth, green flowers and high yield.

  • Growing up seedlings is a painstaking process, and the gardener tries to find out what innovations will make him feel better.
  • A new method that allows you to spend time quickly, protect space and time, and also protect development as much as possible from possible difficulties.
  • Advantages of growing a plant without soil on a toilet paper
  • The skin method of growing seedlings has its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of sowing seedlings without soil on a toilet paper are immediate:

By keeping the crops free from the soil, the possibility of the plants becoming infected with black pulp is turned off.

  • Rose gardens in disposable cups significantly speed up the need for something you almost never have in your apartment.
  • This method is optimally suited for cold-weather plants, which can be planted into the ground immediately after the first leaves have appeared.
  • Some plants, for example, peppers and tomatoes, seedlings of some kind are small and small, after growing in Moscow, they take root better.

The disadvantages of the method of growing seedlings without soil on a toilet paper

Using the Moscow method, you can grow seedlings of single-origin and rich vegetables that this approach yields, various varieties of tomatoes and peppers, eggplants, all kinds of cabbage, cibul and a variety of other vegetables.

Any gardener-cob can use the technology of planting.

The plants grow locally and can develop independently in climate-friendly species.

  • Yaku rose garden can be grown on a toilet paper
  • The technique, which is also called the Moscow method, is ideal for people who procrastinate in cramped apartments, and it is also simple and inexpensive.
  • This method is best used for vegetables and other types of vegetables.
  • I will help you grow the following cultures:
  • cabbage;
  • pepper;
  • celery;
  • eggplant;
  • dini;
  • Kavuni;
  • watermelon;
  • tomati;



These methods of cultivation can be applied practically to all plants, such as germinating seedlings: starting with vegetables and ending with vegetables.

Following a thorough and thorough method of growing roses on a toilet paper, it can also be used for root-bearing plants, such as beet, or for watermelons (zucchini, watermelon, cucumbers, squash).

This is especially true for the soils of the lower regions of the region, since summer is getting late and soon to end, and the germination of these crops for seedlings accelerates their development in the open area.

Bathing the rose garden in the toilet paper with rolls

“Slimak” is created by burning the soft lining under the laminate spiral.

She has been planting for about a dozen years now.

For preparation, you need a lining approximately 3 mm thick, cut into thin strips approximately 10 cm wide. For sowing, you also need a small space to accommodate the roll, two gums, a plastic bag, papier and canvas material.

You can grow in the “ravel” any kind of plants, but for their germination you don’t need light.

Having allocated a little space on the windowsill from the dormouse side, you can hang the seedlings in this way.

We cut the ham bags into strips of the same width as a toilet paper, approximately 1 cm. The length will be lined with the length of the bag.

We cut the dance so that the glass appears.

It is possible, of course, to stop the glass.

You can transplant green children directly into a damp toilet paper;

Before the time of planting, don’t try to collect 100 hundred items.

Choose the worst ones, since the following methods allow you to work smoothly, so that the roots and stems are visible under the melting pot.

And don’t forget that when transplanting, it’s best to stick to the rule: for planting with a vim for 4 days, the required space is 10 by 10 cm.

Rose garden without land on toilet paper

Rose garden of toilet paper - is it possible?

As practice shows, it is not only possible, but also easy.

From this article you will understand how to go to plastic dances these days.

And also read about how to grow without soil in a toilet paper.

In the video you will learn about all the subtleties of this popular method of growing seedlings.

  • Papier, dance and fly instead of soil
  • The mayor has a lot of work in the spring, and it is also necessary to take care of the seedlings and prepare the plot before the warm season.
  • People have the power to feel everything, and if the hour doesn’t rise, so much the better.
  • And, of course, the option is to buy absolutely ready-made seedlings on the market, otherwise you won’t be able to control the varieties, how much similarity there is, or check what type of seedling growth you need.

Axis and having seen the people grow up, minimize time-consuming and economical expenses.

  1. Moreover, the vikorist is deprived of a toilet papier, the dance is flying.
  2. To grow the seedlings, you only need sand, toilet papier and polyethylene.
  3. It’s worth trying in two ways.
  4. The stench is no longer noticeable because you always need to cut the plastic flap or crosswise.
  5. Respect!

It’s great that the liquid is vaporized, and then from the bag it goes back down onto the toilet papier.

Of course, sometimes it is necessary to remove the package and add water, but, as it seems in practice, it is necessary to water the papyrus more often, below the ground.

A rose garden near a plastic dance that cuts through the air

Roslinniki signify an incomparable advantage of this method.

Even if they don't grow tall, they only sprout a couple of leaves, and then they begin to develop a root system.

Therefore, when transplanting seedlings grown in a different way, only the roots will begin to grow, and they will immediately mature and begin to produce leaves.

  • A rose garden near a plastic dance that cuts across.
  • Porada: Before planting, it is necessary to sort the plants.
  • For this you need to pour 1 liter into a bowl.
  • water and stir in 30 grams of water.


Visipati in retail from a bag.

  1. Those that have been poured out have grown up.
  2. Dry the rest by placing it on a papier, and you can proceed before sowing.
  3. You will need:
  4. today;
  5. You can grow in the “ravel” any kind of plants, but for their germination you don’t need light.
  6. a decal of clear polyethylene bags;
  7. plastic dance;
  8. white toilet papier.
  9. The green babies can be transplanted directly into a damp toilet paper, but the soil will gradually disappear.


If you have noticed that the sky is gloomy for many days, and your green friends are not getting any sleepy sleep, take the weather into your own hands!

Just every year, put a little ball of roses under a daylight lamp.

Before the time of planting, do not try to win 100 hundred gatherings.

  • Choose the most convenient ones, since the following methods will allow you to work without difficulties, even under the melt you can see the stem and root.
  • And remember, when transplanting, carefully follow the rules: for planting with a vim for 4 days, you need a space of 10 by 10 cm.
  • Pros and cons of growing rose gardens in the toilet paper
  • Advantages:
  • economy.

In these two ways, you can speed up the hour of planting, and while the lower ones are hatching, start preparing the plot.

  • In addition, soil is not wasted and space is saved.
  • Even classic glasses with steamed drinks take up a lot more space;

purity. The soil does not disintegrate during planting, and therefore the robots are more hygienic;

Number of days of illness

Tirsi cannot be allowed to dry out.

The soil is recovered for transplanting seedlings at the cotyledon leaf stage.

  • Landless cultivation methods help to produce healthy plants for the city and garden, free from contamination by pathogenic infections.
  • Seemingly, having lost sight of this method of growing a rose garden under the name “Moscow-style rose garden.”
  • Another name is roses on a toilet paper, roses in a plastic bag or something else. Axis from the newspaper:
  • I wanted to try to germinate tomato seedlings in such a neat way, the author of the note began to sing that it is cursed in such a way, who has run out of terms of saving, the parsley comes out without getting sick on a black day, etc. And the biggest plus is that you don’t need to bother with the soil It takes up minimal space.
  • Oh dear, I needed:
  • a roll of toilet paper;
  • cellophane bag – 2 pcs.;
  • plastic bottle;
  • water;


spray bottle with water;

a bag of seeds;

apothecary gum or for hair

We lay out the top in such a way that there is approximately 1.5-2 cm at the top edge. Between the tops – 2-3 cm.

The top is covered with a dark toilet paper, sprinkled with water from a spray bottle,

and then covered with dark polyethylene (cellophane).

A rich cloud of smog came out, and the trace was carefully burnt into a tube and fixed at the bottom with a gum.

If you grow a number of varieties of tomatoes or a number of crops at the same time, then make a number of such tubes and attach the name to the skin, and also sign the date of germination.

Cover the bottle with another plastic bag and place it in a warm place.

When I sprouted the seeds in the toilet paper, the central scorching was turned on.

When I sprouted the seeds in the toilet paper, the central scorching was turned on.

The first leaves were brightly green, I tidied up the top package.

My tomato plant sprouted on the 5th day.

The first leaves were brightly green, I tidied up the top package.

I changed the water from the bottle every 2-3 days.

  • A week after the first appearance of green leaves, I added mineral fertilizer for planting to the water in the bottle according to the instructions on the package.
  • This method can be used to grow tomatoes, cabbage, eggplants, cucumbers and flower seedlings.
  • Pros and cons of hanging roses on the toilet paper
  • Like any other, this method also has advantages and disadvantages.
  • On the positive side we see:

the ability to protect the tree from such a phenomenon as a black leg;

  • Illness often affects young birds, since they were hanging in uncultivated soil;
  • Using this method, you can check the “stitched” fabric; when germinated, there will be strong and weak seeds, which allows you to select the best ones;
  • the seedlings that are sprouting will take up a minimum of space;

This method can be used to germinate most types of plants: from sheep crops to vegetables;

after being picked or planted in the ground, a greater amount of their “establishment” occurs.

From the minus track, gain respect on this:

toilet papier will not give the growth of necessary living substances, it will be necessary to carry out obligatory fertilization, when germinated in the soil there is no need for additional mineralization;

If you over-trim the stems, their roots will not develop, but the stems will pull out and become thin and brittle;

  • After the first spring leaves appear, pick and germinate the seedlings in small cups before planting them in the ground, which will also take a place on the windowsill.
  • How to plant roses near toilet papiers?
  • There are a number of options for germinating seedlings on a toilet paper, the skin of which has its own characteristics.
  • Rozsada at the plastic dance on the toilet paper
  • I wanted to try to germinate tomato seedlings in such a neat way, the author of the note began to sing that it is cursed in such a way, who has run out of terms of saving, the parsley comes out without getting sick on a black day, etc. And the biggest plus is that you don’t need to bother with the soil It takes up minimal space.
  • The easiest way is to show all the steams in at least an hour and at once, ready for further development.

Cut the eggplant in half, place a bunch of paper balls on the bottom, and thoroughly wet it with water.

Divide the prepared mixture into the bottom of the container until it is dry, then wrap the container in polyethylene.

It is important not to forget to leave a number of openings for access to the surface, or to create a number of small holes for the animal’s naked body so that it can breathe.

The mini-greenhouse is ready, now you can put it on the windowsill until the sun goes down.

The advantage of this method: it does not require watering - the spittle creates a greenhouse effect, the soil is protected for a long time, and the first shoots can appear already on the third day after planting, otherwise everything will lie in the same variety.

Disadvantage: during the early growth period, transplants into the soil are necessary, so it is necessary to prepare the pots and soil for fertilization.

What to do carefully when replanting: the roots can sprout into papyrus, so to avoid damaging them, you can soak up a piece of paprika at the same time as the weed and plant it in a pot with it.

  • Landless cultivation methods help to produce healthy plants for the city and garden, free from contamination by pathogenic infections.
  • This way, you won’t end up damaging it, but the paper will soon decompose and you won’t be able to develop steam.
  • I wanted to try to germinate tomato seedlings in such a neat way, the author of the note began to sing that it is cursed in such a way, who has run out of terms of saving, the parsley comes out without getting sick on a black day, etc. And the biggest plus is that you don’t need to bother with the soil It takes up minimal space.
  • Oh dear, I needed:
  • A rose garden near a plastic dance that cuts across.
  • Rozsada on paper and kleyontsi
  • This method is also called the Moscow method.

Here you will need a little more than an hour, but this is the result of that.

  • What you need:
  • glue (you can take thick cellophane bags, or just a strip of thick plastic that was lost from the waste greenhouse)
  • A container for placing “rolls” (plastic flasks, cut-out flasks, containers for mayonnaise, etc.);
  • thyrsa.
  • Yak tse robiti:
  • Cut the smudge paste into approximately 10 – 12 cm wide, leaving plenty to spare.
  • When the plants reach maturity (approximately 2-3 cm each), they need to be plucked.

To do this, carefully burn the roll, remove the top ball of the glue, and do not pick the paper, otherwise the root will be damaged.

After that, carefully cut the smudge with scissors between the two shoots and replant them in the soil at once with the paper.

The next step is basic: water supply, warmth and growth growth.

Rose garden on the toilet paper and padding under the laminate

The essence of the method is similar to the first one, only instead of glue, vicor is cut into a smooth lining for the laminate.

  • This method is most effective because there is no need to replant tightly hatched and weak seedlings, but it overrides other methods.
  • For this method, in addition to the standard set, you need to stock up on a thin lining or add strong adhesive to containers that can accommodate “roles” of approximately 10-15 cm in diameter.
  • Here's how it goes:
  • The table is lined with black lining, its width is 3-5 cm wider than the vicorized toilet paper.
  • Viklasti shar paperu (more beautiful than vikoristovuvati bagatosharovii).
  • Sprinkle the papier with clear water and pick up a little of it; for quick adaptation of the juice and steam, you can add “Epin” to the water - 3 drops per 0.5 liter.
  • The layers are on the bottom, with a distance between them of approximately 4 cm and at the edge of 1.5-2 cm.

After this, carefully burn the “roll” and secure it with gum.

Transfer the roll to the container and place it on the windowsill.

What is a good method: the roses in “rolls” can be trimmed until they are sufficiently watered, they do not require a heavy soaking - they can be immediately planted in the soil.

There is no need to prepare the plants - good soil has everything they need.

How to look at the roses grown without soil on the toilet paper

  • There are no special ones to look at such a plant.
  • One, scho varto vrahuvati:
  • when sprouted, prepare their parts with minerals: for this purpose, it is advisable to dilute them in water, which may be twice as much as is recommended for sprouted sprouts;

To prevent the seedling from wilting and becoming weak, it must be richly light and moderately warm;

These methods of cultivation can be applied practically to all plants, such as germinating seedlings: starting with vegetables and ending with vegetables.

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