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The correct choice of clothes for a straight type. Picking clothes for the type of figure: a robot with individual features How to pick speeches for the type of figure

The secret to choosing clothes.

One of the secrets of woman's prudence is the right choice of clothes. What does correct mean? The correct choice is if the clothes look at you like a continuation of your body. Such a dress reinforces the natural strength of the figure, gains a little and does not look like "like from someone else's shoulder."

You, singly, know the situation, if in the store, after trying on a certain amount of cloth, bedding and blouses, you mean in total that all these words are not yours, although on the hangers the stench looked quite decent. My clients often complain that if they know “one's own” speech, they become interested in shops. Come on, nibi everything presented in stores, shoot at anyone, but only not at you. Ale turn, after that, as we designate the type of figure and speech, as it suits this type of figure, the problem of choosing clothes is eliminated.

Father, what is the type of figure? Nothing else, like the peculiarity of the life of the body, the peculiarity of the life and the development of the cystic, fatty and m'yazovoi tissues. І on tsyu sooblivіst vplivaє genetics. Obviously, the shape of the features of the figure is possible with the help of the correct culture of eating and rukhovo activity. Ale zagalom, especially when it comes to budovi skistkovoї fabrics, tse danіst. For example, by exercising themselves with training and diets, women of the pear-shaped figure (Vіn the same Trikutnik), spodіvayuchisya look over the top of the big cloth, look at the laceration and wonder - why don’t the quilts melt less on the scorching body?! But it’s just that the peculiarity of the brush is such that, if the skins are not thin, but the quilts become redundant, it’s a natural singularity. And so from the skin type of figure. Having acquired the knowledge about the advantages of the skin type (and weak spots), we can choose clothes so that you always look perfect!

Understanding about the ideal woman’s figure changed by the stretch of the century. For example, for the hours of antiquity, a temple, a string and a graceful woman, with unseen forms, were valued beautifully, just like in the era of the Renaissance, written forms were valued. With this, it appears that the parameters of the body parts are not so important, as their proportions are between themselves. The proportions of the body were rich in vchenih and doslednikiv. I cі znanny then zastosovuvalis in painting and architecture.
Like you, singly, you know, Leonardo da Vinci, having summed up all the scientific achievements, expanded to a new level, having developed a theory about the proportions of the ideal model of the human body: aurea sectio - golden peretina.

It is important that on the basis of the theory of the "golden recut" the classification of the main types of women's articles appeared significantly later. The basis of the classification is the proportionate spacing of the parameters of the shoulders, stegon and waist of the female body.

For the ideal proportions of the female figure and the most aesthetically pleasing, the type of figure X (Pisochny Yearbook) is important. Therefore, for the help of clothes, we try to bring the visual image closer to the ideal (wine is also known as “90-60-90”).

To define the type of figure, we need a centimeter line. Another beautiful and smart way is to ask your loved ones to circle your figure with an olive or with a pen, standing with your back to whatman paper. Є at once and computer programs are assigned to the type of post.

Figure type A (pear, trikutnik)

I propagate this year's rozpochaty of types of female figures from the type of figure "A", which is often called Pear, or Trikutnik.

This type of figure is one of the widest. Paired with the size of the shoulders, the quilt of the Pear is significantly larger. Tom Pears sound more complex through tse. I want to be aware that this type of figure is the most suitable for people! Type of figure Pear - supra-feminine.

Skilki used Grusha did not try to lose weight, the quilting is all the same strongly visible, and the top with it will be covered with the same light and thinned. And if Grusha goes in for sports and keeps himself in shape, then replace the fat pads on the quilts and the lower part of the body as a whole, and the bottom looks more harmonious and tighter.

If you are a Pear, then you know how difficult it is to pick up clothes. The difference between the top and bottom is significant, the waist can be narrower by 30 or more centimeters. At the same time, the top of the lining is thinned, so as a whole it can be worn in 40 or 42 clothes. And the bottom - 44 or navit 46 ... Axis and dilemma. Let's get smart!

In order to dress Grusha, we are guilty of remembering us in front of the most important things of this type, to the very same on these things there will be an image.

Advantages of the pear shape type:

- The waist line is clearly defined (aspen waist);

- tenditnі shoulders;

- As a rule, thinned hands;

- neat breasts (do not hurry to say that it is not enough!).

Secrets of choosing clothes

Our first meta is to create harmony between top and bottom. And also screw the respect to the thinned top and wasp waist! Tse help us to earn respect for the upper part of the body, respectfully, at our quarters, respect for problem areas. Ale, to make the image harmonic, respectfully put on the clothes so that the figure looked in proportion to the whole. Tse means visually increase the proportions of the top, so that the stench harmonizes with the bottom. How tse robiti?

Top for Pear

V-like virus
A large number of details (ruffles, frills, frills, prints, accessories)
Style - fitted, napіvprilegli
Dovzhina - wider than a stegna, trochs below the waist or below the middle of the stegna

Bottom for Pear

The backs and trousers - tse, maybe, the largest head bіl Pear. Especially the sleepers. Stegna not fit in, but the waist is bovtaetsya. You know, well. Quite a bit, so they don’t embellish a pear-type figure - high-rise, knitted, knitted, knitted, quilted, richly balled.

Better zupinity your choice on the upcoming styles:
Silhouette-A (trapezium)

A back-olive from thin fabric, not a lace (it’s not easy to know such a back)

And vzagali, as if honestly, I am trying to think that the best bed for Pear is cloth.


The best for Pear jeans and pants - these are tі, yakі trochs expand into the collar. Tse vrіvnovazhuє top and bottom, to rob the figure of harmony.

Cloth for Pear
Well, New Look! Vzagali cloth with a frizzy waist - tse for Pear. Through those up to the waist such cloths sit like a glove, and below the back there is a weak chest.
Cloth from a curled waist (ampir)
Cloth silhouette trapeze
Cloth in a close-fitting style

For all ages, women wanted to miraculously dress up and look beautiful. Ale, for whom you need clothes, which suits you perfectly and looks perfectly at the figures. Aje skin woman is beautiful in her own way, smut competently boosts the weight of the figure.

When choosing the most significant clothes, if there are new clothes, the models of the clothes are added up. First of all, designers and all those who are engaged in it, respectfully create types of female figures and take away the details and respect that crimson dress.

You won’t be a full-fledged girl Thumbelina, otherwise you’ll be a lady with beautiful forms, all the same, you can pick up clothes, which will give you the same type of figure, it’s obvious to reinforce the prevagi and the bad luck.

The basis of the female type of figure is taken as the spіvvіdnoshennia of the width of the shoulders and the width of the stegon. Usy is seen five types of figures:

  • - The upper part is dowsha, the lower part is lower. The lower part of the body has wide brushes, and the upper part, on the other hand, is narrow. It is underestimated, in okremih vipadkah vuzka waist. The most fat deposits are found in such places: beds, stegna, live and caviar. When choosing clothes, put on a head on the upper part of the body.
  • - The widest type of female figure, vin is considered classical. A rich woman should try to take such a figure. The upper and lower parts of the body are perfectly proportioned one to one. The waist is thin. Fat deposits are rotting in the quilts and breasts. In clothing it is especially effective, looks like options, de-armoured the waist.
  • - that chest is thickly padded, lower is alive. This type of figure, also may be flat-sided. Women with this type of figure sound shy to the full, and their legs become thin. Pіdіyde clothes of an asymmetric type of cut, the emphasis is more likely to be on accessories.
  • - waist, quilted that shoulders with a straight line. Often in women with this type of figure, they live forward, and they also stink to the full.
  • - women with a cym type of figure have wide shoulders and breasts, quilted, navpaki, vuzki. Often the upper part of the body is rather short at the bottom. The waist is little pronounced. Also, volodarki of this type of figure may have long and thin legs. When choosing clothes, there should be an emphasis on the effective line of nig.

Basic wardrobe for types of figures


Cloth. The shortest choice for women with a pear-shaped figure is to become a waistline. Varto zvernuti especially respect for the cloth of such styles, like:

  • Empire.
  • Drinks.
  • A is figurative.
  • With a flared back.
  • With elements of an oblique cut.
  • Іz smell.

Spidnytsia. Vibіr become richly folded, lower vibіr cloth. So the models for this type of figure are not so rich. It is necessary to support the waist and attach the lower part of the body. Warto show respect on the following models:

  • Trapeze.
  • Tulip.
  • Year.
  • Dzvin.
  • Napivsontse-cliché.

Jackets, jackets, blouses. The emphasis is again on the waist, you can look at the options, the delineation of the shoulders will be rounded, and the gates will be bent.

Pants, pants and shorts. Varto choose tі, yakі competently reinforce the especially roundness of the figure, but cloche trousers are also not varto forget. The best choice is pants, pants or shorts from the middle fit.

From blouses and blouses to tops. The best choice is shortened models of clothes. If you choose a pad, on a larger scale of the model, then varto bare your shoulders.

Upper garment. Fitted models are the best choice. Also models with an asymmetric line at the bottom. The dozhina is optimal - a troch is lower than the stegna, or means lower.

  1. Cloths and backs, like sewing folds. Models, like to fit a figure, or turn a special respect to the nig that stegon.
  2. Speech of a direct, free cut and mishkuvatoї form. Include speeches with large intestines and be-like intestines that are in the region of the stegon.

Easter Year

Schoden and office wardrobe:

Cloth. Whether it be a style, which is to repeat the body of your body, it looks effective on this type. Please pay attention to the following models:

  • Cloth cases.
  • Fitted, with a back.
  • Cloth with smell.
  • Safari models.

Topi, blouses and sweaters. Models, which will bind the body, become dominant options. You can also choose speeches with a deep neckline, or open your shoulders. Next, choose items for your wardrobe, where there are not so many other supplementary elements.

Pants and backs. Landing is better to choose the middle one, the best option will be, as if the priority will be given to the classic models. When choosing, you can increase the emphasis on the legs.

Upper garment. Fitted models are the best choice.

  1. Formless and mishkuvaty.
  2. Pants yaki will look too narrowly, or mothers of appendicitis.


Schoden and office wardrobe:

Cloth. Warto pay respect to:

  • Balon - won't shove zayvі kilograms.
  • Cloth silhouette - A.
  • Cloth with asymmetry - troch to support the waist.
  • Direct type of cloth.
  • Cloth from a curled waist.

Topi, blouses and sweaters. The price of the widest river in the wardrobe of women with the type of apple. Varto vibrati are shortened, wide, stench accentuate respect for long legs.

Pants and backs. It is better to choose from a low landing. But if you go with a blouse or a top, then you can choose from a curly waist. ruffled or straight. The back of the varto indicates the foot: tulip, trapezium-like, straight.

Upper garment. Dovzhina be-yak, guilty buti to the middle of the stegna. You can choose the option of autoled with a short sleeve.

  1. Models that support the waist.
  2. Cloth cases.


Schoden and office wardrobe:

Cloth. As a woman of type, according to nature, her legs are small, then vibir, varto zupiniti on models, yak_ podkreslyuyut dovzhina nig. Ale themselves will be wider for this type of figure will be steps:

  • Empire.
  • Robe dress.
  • Іz smell.
  • With sleeve-lighter.
  • Cloth please.
  • From the raised waist.

Topi, blouses and sweaters. Varto give priority to models with a deep neckline, models that can make such details, like: ruffles, bows, rhinestones, lace. The best long time will be a troch lower than a quilt.

Pants and backs. Warto pay respect to:

Trousers of a direct cut, ruffled trousers, sounding.

  • Tulip.
  • Trapeze.
  • Please.
  • On coquette.
  • Olivets.
  • Balon.

Upper garment. It is best to choose robes with a loose fit or close-fitting, but also with a wide belt.

  1. backs, which are very tight, or on rubber bands;
  2. cloth in a straight cut;
  3. pants with a low waist and sound like a sound at the bottom.

Inverted tricoutnik

Schoden and office wardrobe:

Cloth. The best choice is to become cloth, as they lie exactly according to the figure. Varto pay respect to the following:

  • Basque dress.
  • Cloth with long sleeves three quarters.
  • Cloth with V-like viriz.
  • Cloth with a straight cut.

Topi, blouses and sweaters. Best choice of fitted styles. The best way to fit the elements of the cut, yakі significantly increase the line of the shoulder. Dovzhina may perevischuvat the middle of the stegna.

Today I want to talk about those, how to choose your type of figure and how to recommend how to choose clothing for skin type. The impersonal classification of types of female figures is expanding, as well as various online services that help to determine the type for the introduction of individual parameters. I will analyze the classic, the zvichnu for the rich and the most understandable classification, which consists of five types:
pіsochny year, pryamokutnik, pear, trikutnik and apple.

So that the great article does not change into a bunch of letters, it’s important and lazily to read, I will try to convey the material briefly and sensibly: in the description of the skin type of a woman’s figure, I will identify the characteristics of the figure, the region, the scale to the full, I will name the assignment for correction and I will give recommendations for the hairdresser. type.

To determine your type of figure, use the offensive algorithm:

1. Adjust the width of the shoulders and stegon
Viroblyaemo vimiryuvannya zі back, from the middle of the left shoulder to the middle of the right shoulder and side of the quilt to the right.
Porivnyuemo two subtracting digits:
coeval \u003d sand year, straight-cut, apple;
more stegna = pear;
more over the shoulders = tricoutnik.

2. Evaluate the roundness or straightness of the quilt
Visually assess the line of the quilt from the waist to the knee.
round = sand year, pear;
straight = straight cut, trikutnik, apple.

3. Retail at the top and bottom
What is the size of your blouse and jeans?
the top is bigger = trikutnik;
bottom more = pear;
nemaє raznitsi \u003d sand year, straight cut, apple.

4. Designate the features of the figure that require correction (for example, such a figure), for example: narrower large/small breasts, not narrower equal legs, narrower/higher waist or otherwise.

After the conduction of the vimіrіv vvzhaєmo, the signs of what type of figure you have the most - ce and є type of figure.

more popular

Easter Year

Pishne bust, full quilting, vuzka waist. The first two points do not need to be taken literally, here, shvidshe, there is a sharp contrast in the volumes of stegon, breasts and waist lines, like a “sunny year” is always thin. Neobov'yazkovo mother of the breast of the fourth rosemary, sob be a "sand year".

New: from the savings of the waist line; the calves and ankles are covered with strings.

Manager:"Sand Year" is respected by the ideal of a woman's figure and will not require correction for the most part. The main task is not to capture the natural beauty of the virgin with a soft robe, the shards of the sample to attach the woman's form can be brought to an unbearable effect and increase the shape of the top. However, it is necessary to emphasize the femininity of forms more accurately, so that the image does not change into the style of Kim Kardashian.
Hooded “pisochny year” can easily wear clothes, recommendations for a “straight-up” (like a close-fitting silhouette, but not fluffy).

Good practice: streamers of fabric, emphasis on the waist.
Contraindications: thin and thick fabrics, sharp lines, vulgarity.


More quilting with a small top, a clearly defined waist, small breasts, thin arms, massive ankles.
New: at the lower part of the body (quilt, legs).
Manager: bring the “pear” to the “sun year” (make the upper part of the body larger, and the lower part sound).

Good practice:
- accent at the upper part: light colors, prints, bright details;
- Fitted silhouette;
- smooth lines of cut and soft fabrics;
- podplichnik, accent on the shoulders;
- volumes of scarves relevant to the season of the farmer's komiri, capelyukhi, great accessories;
- thick heel.
- emphasis on the lower part of the body;
- horizontal lines in the stegon area, for example, pants/jeans with a low waist;
- Light bottom;
- Straight silhouette, A-silhouette;
- short pants;
- Vzuttya with a belt on the ankles and thin studs (to strengthen the massiveness).


Obsyag waist, stegon and breasts are approximately equal. Indistinct waist line, strings, often long legs.
New: evenly or at the upper part of the body.
Manager: the “straight cut” figure is considered to be a model and the most universal. Behind the great rakhunka, Volodar women of a “straight-cut” figure can wear everything that is appropriate, it is necessary to be neat with elements of a romantic style, the New Look silhouette is not the history of “straight-cuts”.

Good practice:
- Neckline;
- Shchіlnі, zhorstki fabrics;
- Sports edge;
- business style;
- Vzuttya on a flat course (and heels, of course, are not included).
- emphasis on the waist (in the "straight cut" the waist line is slightly pronounced, as if to work on it, the waist is no longer supported! You do not need to support those who are not ahead of you).
- Romantic style (ruffles, frills, cloth, what to fly and so far).


Broad shoulders, waist, stringy legs, buttocks. "Cholovicha" figure.
New: at the shoulders, hands and cheeks.
Manager: to bring the figure to the rectangle - to strengthen the shoulders already. At the same time, it’s not possible to make it up to the dog year (do not expand the bottom).

Good practice:
- emphasis on quilting (light bottom, print);
- Nap_vprilegliy silhouette;
- sports style;
- Zhorstki fabrics;
- speeches of a “human” cut (especially shirts);
- Vests;
- V-like virus;
- Dovgі shiyni embellish, cravats ("twitch" tulub);
- raglan sleeve;
- long hair.
- Bob haircut;
- Emphasis on the upper part of the body;
- hoods, scarves, big earrings;
- soft fabrics;
- flounce, merezhi, quilt print;
- swamps and cloths with thin straps (an illusion of contrast: a small order from a great one is given even less and on the other hand, and thin straps make shoulders wider);
- T-shirts with short sleeves - it is better to choose a "three-quarters" long sleeve or a long sleeve.


Povna waist, pokhili shoulders, strings of legs.
New: waist, life, hands, neck.
Manager: from soft lines, powerful to the type of “apple” figure, to grow zhorstkishі, to take it alive, to bring it to a “straight cut”.

Good practice:
- emphasis on the legs;
- Decollete (but don't forget about those who support only a little more figure!);
- napіvprilegliy silhouette for string "apple", A-silhouette for povnogo;
- silhouette of "Balensiaga" (bomber);
- accent either on the upper part of the body, or on the lower;
- V-like viriz.
- soft fabrics;
top, dressing at the pants / back (under the armchair around the waist);
- Emphasis on the waist: belts, contrasting lines, prints, belt;
- three-quarter sleeves;
- shortened jackets and cardigans (Illusion of horizontal line expansion);
- The waist is tied in tight speeches.

The women's figures become different, but how can they still pick up clothes, which would support your advances? The secret is to know about knowing your own proportions and choosing styles, like allowing you to focus on what you need - and grab those that you would like to grab!


part 1

Choose your type of figure

    Decide which type your figure should be. Take a look at її vigini. Give respect to the support of the bust, waist and stegon.

    Type of figure "apple". Nearly 14 hundred women are vvazhayutsya by volodaryks of an important top, if the breasts are larger than the quilt by 8 and more centimeters. Just marvel at the mirror and see that your figure is the shape of an apple.

    • Thin flairs, especially the arms, scarlet with wide shoulders are a sign of this type of figure.
    • Vaga zoseredzhena near the middle part of the chest, through which the breasts are given more, and life can be vipirati.
    • If you have small breasts, then the vaga will be marked in the abdomen.
    • The line of the waist is slightly pronounced, through which the damage to the important top is created.
    • If you want a tulub, you can make it big, your legs, better for everything, will be stringy.
  1. Type of figure "pear". The shape of the body opposite the “apple” is called “pear”. Approximately 20 cm of women make a more important bottom, so their quilts are significantly wider behind the bust.

    • You can quickly determine how your figure should fit to this type, according to your lower part of the body: your hips and, possibly, buttocks will be the most memorable for this type.
    • Shoulders sound narrow and slender.
    • Call about such a figure to say "pishna". So, to distinguish the type, look at the legs: the stench sounds like tovstish, muscular and lower, lower parts of the body.
  2. Type of figure "rectangle". Nearly 46 women can make each type of figure, if the chest, quilts and waist can be approximately the same width. Your silhouette is not like a “pear” or “apple”. Natomist your body looks to be the same in width and with flat shoulders.

    • On the vіdmіnu vіd poperednіh dvoh forms, pryamokutnі better signify the path of the world. If you freeze, you will be sure that your waist is 3–20 centimeters smaller than your bust.
    • Standing straight, you will not remember the significant virgins in the waist area.
    • The shape of your body is mainly determined by the chest, because you do not have a clearly defined waist.
    • Floating the figure "straight-up", you can have a hairy bottom (like a "pear") or a wide chest with a small excess of the vaga in the abdomen.
  3. Type of figure "pisochny year". Tse nayridkіnіshy type, yakim volodіyut less than 8 vіdsotkіv zhіnok. The chest is quilted, as a rule, of the same width, and the waist is with a tie.

    • The main sign of the “sand year” is a clearly defined waist and a balanced top and bottom.
    • Such a figure can be remembered both in the upper part and in the lower part.
    • You, like before, you can take advantage of the Volodarka figure "dog year", as if you have more arms than your elbow, reach broad shoulders, or a little more stegna.
  4. May you know that the form of the body is available to you in the form of a people, you can change it with the help of the world for help of children and physical rights. Those, like the distribution of fat in your body, are genetically laid down and can be changed. However, even though you have no eyeballs, the type of figure will not be clearly pronounced. The strings of women with a different type of figure are more similar one to one, the lower women with an epic vaga.

    Give respect to your genetics. Family geniuses can be of great importance for the figure. To marvel at other women in your family, in order to promote a wild trend. As the stench is basically the same type of figure, there is a great imovirnist, which both declined. Remember that grandmothers and other relatives along the lines of the father are also happy!

    part 2

    Dress appropriately to the type of figure
    1. Clothes for the type of figure "apple". Mayuchi figure "apple", you need to give respect to the middle part of the coat and wear robes, which support the other parts of the body.

      • Draw the contours of your body and focus on the upper and lower thirds of the toulub. With this type of figure, it is good to wear shirts, blouses and cloth with a V-like virіz.
      • Give respect to your waist, shoulders and arms (wear a robe with long sleeves) and attach respect to your chest and chest (for example, for the help of a V-like viriz)
      • Choose flared pants instead of straight or narrow ones to balance the wide shoulders and/or the cuffed upper part. Wear robes with a low waist to show respect for the abdomen.
      • Unique cloth and belts, as if tied at the waist. T_lki podkreslit area, if you want to take.
      • Dress up the swamps with drapery, which you can tuck in like a virgin, like you want to hide.
      • Bring the features of the figure to you to help you wear dark colors.


      Headmaster Style Me New

      Kristina Santelli - hairdresser and manager of Style Me New, wardrobe service. Worked as a stylist over 6 years. Earlier, there was little success in the financial career.

      Headmaster Style Me New

      Vykoristovyte tsі propositions like hints, and chi not like rules. Kristina Santelli, wardrobe stylist and image consultant, seem to say: “To know who suits you, you need to try the pardon method. Deyakі vvazhayut, scho can not carry singing speeches through their type of figures, that no way їh vіryayut. As a stylist, I love to change my clients, but I’ll try something new, I wouldn’t have thought about the stench before, and often the stench will be pleasantly resonant.

    2. Clothes for pear-shaped figure. The trick for this type of figure is to carry speech, as if to give oblige in the area of ​​chests and shoulders. Emphasize respect for the upper part of the body, to visually change the lower part.

      • If you make a “pear” shape, use impersonal ways to visually change your quilts and shoulders, but you can, for goodness sake, support them!
      • Balance your upper and lower body. Try to wear speech that will visually increase your shoulders.
      • Unique pants and tights, like to make your legs look thin.
      • Wear a push-up bra to fit your breasts while wearing.
      • Wear straight or lightly flared pants from puffed-up pants. Vuzki pants can give your lower part of the body the shape of an inverted tricot. Wide trousers visually stretch your legs with a torso, lined with the upper part of the body.
    3. Clothes for figure "straight cut". Such a figure can mean that you have a thinner body, like a marriage of virgins. Some people call such a figure a cotton. Your meta - pick up such a dress, which will strengthen your string, but destroy straight lines and visually give you a vagina that is lower by the waist.

      • If you make a “straight cut” figure, you can support your waist to create a bend. For example, pull the dress with a belt at the waist.
      • Choose robes with frills or ruffles to give a volume to your figure. For example, a dress with ruffles on the breasts visually enlarges one part of the body.
      • Do not wear speeches in the Unisex style. In baggy jeans and sports T-shirts, you look like "your lad", and not like a girl, you want to ask for a bachelorette.
      • Stock up on mini-backs and tights to support your wonderful legs. The stench also irritates you more "curvaceous".
      • Wear whiteness, as a help to create virginity. One of the simplest recommendations is bras with tabs, which make it easier to fit.
    4. Clothes for figure "dog year". Be unique, be some kind of robe, some kind of rob your square figure! Your figure has a wonderful virgin, and you are left with less support.

      • Your waist can be the central part when choosing a dress. Tse transfer wearing a robe that lies in the waist area, that accessories, like yoga to support. Nagoloshuyuchi on the waist, more and more support your virginity.
      • Dress in such a way that your beautiful virgin and silhouette are uplifted. Sound the clothes according to the figure - your best choice. Do not carry too much free and formless speeches: the stench will shift the focus from the waist to the chest, and your figure will become important, and then vagitnoy.
      • Balance your top and bottom and support your waist. Screw the respect to the waist for the help of the belt, or the cloth of the fitted silhouette.
      • Women with the figure of a "pisochny year" do not need to show off their breasts. If the cloth or top has a deep neckline, it’s better to choose otherwise.
      • Give the shape of your breasts. Yakshcho vy volodar figures pіsochny year, you have unmistakably large breasts. Tell me about those who choose a bra, what kind of encouragement, so that your breasts look beautiful and do not sag.
      • Wear clothes with a V-like visor. Wanting women with large breasts to go with different types of viriziv, the V-like shape is a practically safe option. Golovnya, sob viriz not appearing unbearably deep.
    • Regardless of the type of your figure, build your legs visually dove - it’s beautiful.
    • As if you are a miniature woman (small and thin), unique in your long coats and cloth-maxi - you simply “get lost” with them. Choose short jackets, shorts and mini-cloths to look proportionate. Drape yourself in one color or wrap up vertical coats, so that you visually look bigger. Also try wearing high tops, so that your legs look hollow.
    • Choose a bra that fits perfectly. Your breasts will look fantastic (and the correct trim is important for health).
    • Look at all the options. Do not hasten to act like a dress only to someone who did not wear such speeches before. Step by step step out of your comfort zone.
    • Choose colors and colors wisely. As if you have є zayvі vigini, folds or folds of the vag in unlawful places, if you would like to hang on, give priority to monotonous dark speeches (black, dark blue, dark purple).
    • Wear bright colors and visorunki on quiet parts, as if you want to be reassigned, in such a rite to show respect for the poor.
    • Cloths and swamps, as if wrapped around the waist and crossed on the breasts, are good only for large breasts. In a different way, this way you can build your breasts disproportionately small (like you have a “pear” figure) or build your shoulders and chest flat and square (like you have a “straight-up” figure).
    • If you have a flat life and do not hesitate to show yoga, pull on shortened tops, as if visually increasing your breasts in line with your waist.
    • Speech with a virizom-“chovnik” and a splendid shoulder is most suitable for women with a “dog year” and “straight-up” figure, just as bright and turtlenecks with a high cloak up their throats look good on the voladarks of the “pear” or “apple” figure.

That robe, which you wear to lie in the type of statue, is it not so? A lot of girls don’t suspect about those who see figures and wardrobe - the whole science. The hour of creation of the image is the most important moment.

How to determine the type of figure of a woman and choose clothes correctly? Read the following article, and you know how to buy tipi figures and to whom it is better to dress.

  1. Straight

You have a sing-songly straight type of figure, so that all parameters are adjusted. This type of figure is like a "supermodel figure". Also, yoga is called a straight cut. Through the opening of the waist, the body becomes straight.

What to wear

Straight swamps and cloths will sit miraculously on you. The stench doesn’t just fit your type of figure, but it reinforces the predicament. An effective belt for wearing a straight-cut cloth is a winning option. Tse dopomozhe vіdtvoriti vіtonchenu that sexual form pіsochnogo year, about yak Vi dreamed. Slid vykoristovuvaty bright colors in clothes, try different textures and see the cut. What should be unique?

What not to wear

Do not wear clothes that support your waist. Unique shapeless clothes. If you do not have a straight type of figure, perhaps your type of description is lower;

If you have large quilts and small breasts, then you are a pear. Tsey type of figure is also a vіdomy like a tricutnik. You have wide breeches and your waist can be slender with the right choice of clothes. What to choose? We will help you with tsiomu!

What to wear

Give priority to the top with a deep round neckline or a viriz chonnik. Tse visually expand the shoulders with broad ones. To complete the image, add garni bracelets and other accessories. Pull on push-up bras or soft cups to balance the top and bottom of the toe. Prote, not all the clothes will come to you.

What not to wear

Do not wear clothes, trousers, pipes, and vuzki bednits.

Chi is not your type of figure? Let's move on to the offensive;

Your type of figure is "apple", because your breasts are larger lower area of ​​the stegon, the waist is not visible, small quilts and thin arms and legs. When tying the first vag, the upper part of the tunic is replaced. This type of figure can look strikingly when worn with a shoulder-length outfit.

What to wear

Give priority to soft textured fabrics, trapeze cloths, blouses with a bun under the breasts, V-like viriz, a deep round neckline, cloths with a bun under the breasts that fly, short cloths, cloths with blackout edges and a hanging center, flared for appearance. stegon, vests, low-rise jeans, high-waisted shorts, wear it on top or platforms.

What not to wear

Unique overly tight clothes, shapeless backs, jeans or pants with minimal or no details in the waist area. Do not varto wear a top with a wide cloak, broadcloth without shoulders, visor, jeggings, shoes with a low fit, embellish that fit wide belts up to the waist.

Slow down and find out about other types of figures!

It is also an attractive type of figure. It is characterized by large stegna, as one can see the anatomy of other parts of the body. Such a silhouette creates a figure that guesses the number 8. You are able to gain weight near the upper part of the toe, especially near the abdomen. "Ryatuval circle" in the waist area - Your biggest problem and You easily gain power from the buckles and hands.

What to wear

Pick up clothes that hang down the top of the coat and at once darken the bottom. A strapless dress, a hoodie, a wide dress, short backs and shorts to show chic legs, a top with embellishments or little ones, like to give volume to the breasts, a-line bottoms, flared jeans or pants, mid-rise jeans, fitted clothes, bags , shoes with a sharp toe, puffed up at low speed, ballet flats with a ringing toe.

What not to wear

Zvuzhenі pants and jeans, the top with a gumko under the breasts, shapeless backs, short sleeves and a round viriz, wide smugs in the area of ​​the middle of the tunic, backs and shorts, which on the back end on quilts, vzuttya with a round toe, small heels;

To post like this - mriya girls! Your hips and breasts are well balanced and, with all this, the waist line is well defined. Your seats in the nature may have a rounded shape and a dark body in proportion. Your shoulders are lightly rounded, miraculously harmonizing with thinned seats, and your legs are proportional to the upper part of the toe. Regardless of all the privacy of the figure, you can have mercy on choosing the right clothes.

What to wear

Support your waist, choose your clothes, which you can see the mustache of the vagina. Wear wide waistbands, wrap-around tops, broadcloth, backs, tight-fitting jackets, broadcloths with pleats at the waist, olive-lined backs, ¾-deep fronts with a ripped back or side, jeggingsboree, sandals with straps, high heels.

What not to wear

Beware of shapeless blouses and cloth, as well as commemorative embellishments.

Even if it’s not your type of figure, don’t fall into the sight of a richly crinkled one;

With such a feeling, the breasts are clearly visible against the background of other parts of the body. The stegna is straight and the middle part of the coat looks higher. Nasampered zaiva vaga is settled in the abdomen. The waist is not clearly defined and is the widest part of the body. The seats are flat, the legs are thin. Shards of the leg are the main advantage, they need to be reinforced.

What to wear

Square neckline, V-like and U-like frills on jackets and T-shirts. It is also recommended to wear tops, backs and jackets with a smell, to visually stitch the middle part of the coat, jackets, stitched to the animal, tunics, cloth with a belt, jackets with a wide cloak, cargo pants with quilts on quilts, cloth and back to show the legs build the body visually more proportionate, high-pitched, long earrings and namist dozhina to the middle of the breasts.

What not to wear

Unique jeans and pants that sound down to the bottom, a large top, pleated backs, baggy jackets, tight-fitting T-shirts, a high neckline, cardigans, short earrings and a namista, a round toe, massive lace-up boots and a flat bottom;

If your type of figure is a rhombus, then your quilts are wide, and your chest is on the same axis as your shoulders. The middle part of the coat is strained. Nadmirna vaga in pershu cherga appears on the stomach. The waist is not clearly defined. Stegna are so big. Hands thin and kindly folded. Gomilki are also well-folded and are the most privatized part of your body.

What to wear

The key to the distant image is the bold balance of the breasts. Tse rob the waist of the waist. Slid to add respect to the clothes, which gave a boost to all the women of the virgin body. Give priority to trousers and backs, as if they would string you. Volodiyuchi sexual homolkoy, not varto zim nekhtuvati. Wear cloth with a belt, jackets that fly, fall on the bottoms, loose sleeves, dark jeans and pants, swamps without shoulders, straight and trapezium-like backs, flared pants, wide belts, massive earrings and namistos, heels of medium height and tuff.

What not to wear

A back-oolіvets or sounding pants and jeans, large prints, commemorative swamps with embellishments, vertical swag and prints, massive laces;

  1. Sand year with especially small breasts

Such a figure is practically almost identical to the "dog year" type and looks no less effective. You are lucky, as you can have the same type of figure! Waist is the most important part of your body and it is necessary to support it. The shoulders of the troch are rounded, and the sides of the troch are more stegon. You have a garne proportional body and charming legs.

What to wear

Varto vіddati win the clothes with a V-like virіz. Also try to wear swamps of dark colors. Do not wind up a couple of jackets and elegant shirts. Tse dopomozhe pіdkresliti sіdnitsі that stegna. Don't forget about the sleepers. Dovzhina can be different.

What not to wear

Unique mismatched jeans and jackets, loose clothes, loose-fitting shirts, square frills, chinos, embellish around the bust;

You are a volodarka of this type of figure, because your shoulders and pelvis are the same width. You have a thin-kist structure of the body and you have a small inch. You don’t gain a lot of weight, but you’ll lose weight even more. You have skinny arms and legs. The seats are flat, the line of the boardwalk is clearly marked. It’s deafeningly, to that you can dress up, whether it’s a free robe and look deafeningly.

What to wear

Dressed in jeans and ankle-length pants, back-sleeve, white jeans, harem pants, low-rise jeans, push-up bras, crop tops, fabrics, what to fly, top with a high neck, long-sleeve, bottom-olive, vuztya on the platform, long chobots, jackets, jeans with laces on quilts, belts embroidered with sequins and colorful sandals.

What not to wear

Tight top and tight cloth, blocky heel, thick plastic bracelets, dark jeans and trousers, large floral print;

  1. Athletic

Athletic posture recognized by the most naysexual. For an athletic position, it is characteristic to have a lifted, vague form. You have a lifted m'yazi, springy quilts and ribs, well-folded shoulders, equal with other women, your wife and shirsha. Hands are kindly folded and pulled up. The axis is a short list of what you should wear to look elegant, beautiful, possible, mysterious.

What to wear

Tight-fitting fabrics and backs to the knee, support your forms with different belts at the waist, top with wide shoulders, frilled collar, temple neckline, you can also experiment with sleeves, sportswear, sportswear, wear earrings, take on earrings.

What not to wear

Baggy jackets, loose-fitting shirts, V-like viriz, U-viriz, comir yoke, big earrings on a flat bottom;

So, such a name zdivuvala me! Did you know that Angelina Jolie is a Volodarka herself of this type of position? This fact is already guilty of telling you about those who are charming. This type of figure is characterized by large rounded breasts, thin waist and thin quilts, long legs and broad shoulders. The hairdressers of such a figure should wear a robe that strengthens the waist.

What to wear

Cloth and swamp, visually expanding the quilts on the shoulders, V-like viriz, robe without shoulders, virіz with a cloak, robe with a smell, cut to stegon, silhouette and flying cloth, top with peplum, coat with a belt, bell-shaped pants, high waist, lace those shoes with open toe.

What not to wear

Baggy backs and sweaters, long-sleeved, massive namistos, high-waisted pants, flared pants, massive light, bolero and high neck;

Wow, one of the hottest types of figures! Such a figure is possible Naomi Campbell. You have broad shoulders, narrow quilts and skinny legs. The waist is not clearly pronounced and the upper part of the tunic is massive, on it there is a trace of baring, to show respect for the waist. How tse robiti?

What to wear

Folding in the area of ​​shiї, peplum, jeans with laces in the back, jeans with a low rise, backs with laces in front, satin cloth, V-like viriz, cloth and back of the trapeze, shorts, massively raised and earrings, knitted weista, dovg flared and back with sequins.

What not to wear

Baggy and shapeless cloth and sweatshirts, olive-colored bottoms, jean jeans and pants, thin shoulder straps, ¾ sleeves, horizontal swag on the shoulders, robes, baggy around the waist.

Now you know your own type of figure and the best ways to support the necessary form, to be charming in the eyes of people. Love your figure and enchant everyone for ever!

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