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Psychological dictionary Stages of development His What does “him” mean?

Yogo is I, Meni, Mine.
This is what everyone has, say the sages, because they want to teach people what to do.

While you are dying, until your final breath, He sleeps.

Therefore, the right sage will not tell you, throw away yours.

You can tell him to calm him down.

Who develops it at all? The first most beautiful century
2 rocks.

Here we introduce one zodiac sign to one fate of life. Tobto. Aries - 1st river, Taurus - 2nd river, Gemini - 3rd river and so on until the next cycles, Aries - 13 rivers, Taurus - 14 rivers and so on.

Otje, 2nd river of life and sign of Taurus.

Why is the stage of its development so important?

Know the Keruvan nakshatras.

What nakshatri does Taurus begin with?

Tse Criticism, How does Sontse care? The sun in astrology is what it is! At the age of two, children begin to understand that this is my mother, this is my dad, this is my toy.

In addition, Taurus, in its place, corresponds to the 2nd house – Volodinya, Values, Kindness.

For 2, the main values ​​are games and family. The offensive plank will develop it - tse 6 rocks . This age corresponds to the sign of Divi, which begins with the nakshatri.

Uttara Phalguninear the Keruvanny Sontsya. It’s a century when you feel the need to fight.

The child begins to protect and fight for her interests - that’s mine!

This is my little doll!
This is my car!

Among them, the most important one is the 10th one.

You don’t need to worry about your enemies and money (6 budins), you don’t need to worry about your savings (2 budins), because after death you won’t lose anything.

What you lose after death, this is karma - find out what you did (10 budins).
And show me what your future will be like in your future lives.

Tom has 10 budins - the most important budinka of his budins.

text by Kapiel Raaj

translation by my (Anna Kushnir)

After the birth of the people, rapid development of the body begins in various directions.

It is important that the breadth and diversity of development in the first life play an important role in the formation of particularities.

These features indirectly contribute to the organization of the material included in the book.

We can immediately adopt a scheme within which the periods of development of specialness, including the youthful age, will be presented:

The danger of not being able to differentiate between moisture characteristics and exacerbations is associated with exhaustion and deprivation in those who are satisfied with their mother’s needs.

Until the consumer is silently satisfied, he continues to think, including his centricity.

The beginning of seeing the outside world's connections with deprivation.

Theoretically, if the need had been satisfied, perhaps there would never have been a revelation about the external world.

The development seems to be active.

In the world of mature children, their intellectual abilities increase and go beyond the simple focus of satisfied needs.

The principle of satisfaction is replaced by the principle of efficiency.

This is the beginning of the process, which involves awareness of possible changes in the near future of the upcoming transfer.

At this stage, the child can realize to himself: “When I behave in a hymn manner, he responds in a proper manner,” and regulate the behavior in a pleasant way.

The principle of reality of this connection with the building gives priority to the future in place of the negative contentment.

In psychoenergetic terms, there was a transformation of the libidinal energy into the libidinal energy of the viscous metal.

Orthodox psychoanalytic theory characterizes the first river of life as a period of its initial formation.

At this hour I will be working throughout the day.

Melanie Klein (50, 51, 52), leader of the British school of psychoanalysis, admits the functioning of the good and the super-his in the first life.

“Memory is a long-lasting record of our times.

At a less abstract level, living facts capture all the aspects that are experienced, not in the form of “perception” or “the awakening of the measles,” but as the interconnection of the organism with the significant factors of exacerbation at the earliest moment of the process.”

Psychology has such an important concept as identity.

The publication reveals what and how it is formed.

It is immediately clear that this term has nothing in common with egoism.

What does "him" mean?

  • To begin with, this term is most often discussed in psychoanalysis.
  • It is the inner essence of a person, which indicates recognition, memory, contacts with society and appreciation of the world.
  • This helps people to strengthen their decisions, to accept their own individual essence.
  • Meaningful identity
  • Psychology has a rich concept of identity.
  • If we talk about him, we can also guess the concepts of identity and identification.
  • Thus, B. G. Meshcheryakov and V. P. Zinchenko in the “Psychological Dictionary” illustrate such meanings.
  • Prior to cognitive processes, through the establishment of the sameness of an object, its recognition.

According to psychoanalysis, identity is a process of urges and emotional connections.

It’s impossible for a person to do this, because there is such a specialness that equals himself.

Representatives of psychoanalysis have always been more concerned about the inside of him.

Sigmund Freud appreciated that the destructive power of a person is instinct and desire.

In my opinion, it has a highly organized structure, which indicates the integrity of that memory.

In the face of unacceptable guesses and situations, the psyche is protected by the “I”, allowing dry mechanisms to run.

Then people begin activities based on stolen information.

Concept by E. Erikson

The very term “his-identity” was introduced to science by the German psychologist Erik Erikson.

Based on Freud's theories, he developed his concept of how little substantive significance there is.

Respect has been heard throughout centuries.

The formation of his identity begins already in childhood.

This stage of development is mentally challenging from the people to fate.

Every now and then the little ones go through a crisis of basal trust-distrust.

If the mother, who is also close to her, during the period of childhood does not provide her child with enough respect, love and passion, then she will develop such qualities as suspicion and fearfulness.

Moreover, the stinks will appear and become noticeable during the period of adulthood.

If your mother gets tired of doing her homework and shows that she is busy, then she will begin to trust people and the world in general.

Focus on positive keys.

Firstly, we can talk about how a child can easily pass through a crisis, as a child can calmly bear his mother’s sorrows from the field of view.

Because he knows that she will turn around again and is calling for something new.

As adults gradually calm down the little one, defend themselves from learning, guessing and mastering the game, then they begin to realize the guilt, the power of worthlessness and self-importance.

Over time, pathology can develop, perpetuating passivity, psychopathic behavior and frigidity (or impotence) in the child.

Children who have survived this stage of crisis become lazy, knowledgeable, and indifferent.

They can't stand up for themselves and won't break anything.

School age

This stage can be mentally equated to the age of 6-12 years.

At this stage of life, children begin to study, try handicrafts, and design and make things.

They often fantasize about different professions.

Here the friendly development of his identity conveys the obviousness of solemn praise.

If you praise a child for creativity and activity, then this will help develop the creativity and status of the zealous.

Since fathers and teachers do not shy away from anyone, then we accept the form of inferiority.

This is a very wide period, which occupies a centuries-long framework ranging from 26 to 64 years.

Here in this crisis there is a choice between self-indulgence (inertia) and productivity (directness to humanity).

In another type of person, a person decides to work or do something that allows him to deal with his future marriage.

If a person becomes deprived of inertia, then she focuses more on herself, on personal comfort, on satisfying her needs and wants.

One would think that in the era of globalization this could become the norm.

Having turned to such a pole, people most often perceive the foollessness of life.

Maturity This is the remaining stage of development of his identity as Erikson.

Vaughn lasts for 65 years and until death.

Who is approaching old age, who appreciates the best time for thinking, packing bags, analyzing failures and achievements. A person can understand that she did not live her life in vain, she has given everything away, and everything is in her power.

Erikson called this awareness almost the integrity of it. Yogo can be respected by the friendly undersides of the crisis..

At this time, there appears to be a noticeable disruption in the mental life of the child.

Social smiling shows that satisfaction begins to stem from social interaction.

To this extent, a laugh is a reflex and is called endogenous. The appearance of a social smile means that the child is moving from a passive perception of internal stimuli to external partners.

This makes it possible to reduce the discharge of drive, however, the principle of reality is consistent with the principle of satisfaction from the early stages of development.

In addition, the knowledge of the human individual can tell about those who, following memory, are already waking up and meeting with friends. R. Spitz called social ridicule a representation of embryonic.

He confirmed that the emergence of the first representation makes it possible to control activity, as opposed to forward passivity and chaotic activity. There is a lot of mutual interaction between mother and child during the process of giving birth and getting rid of the child's satisfaction through the pissing of the mother's breasts. As oral gratification begins to develop a psychological sense, a first differentiation is established between the primitive motivations of the ID (in the form of saturation) and His (in the interaction with the mother). Pragnennaya ditini on repeating satisfaction, tobto.

Renewal of contact with the mother's knowledge to the primary differentiation of the Id and His. According to R. Spitz, for the structuralization of regulatory functions, the development of playful interactions that are not related to the year is becoming increasingly important.

Gra regulated by mother. as he called him R. Spitz.

During this period, the child always reacts with a smile to any insult, but for a long time saves a smile only for its mother. At this time, we will no longer laugh at photographs or pictographic images of the appearance on paper, as was seen at the advanced stage. In addition, you can react to the restless or with boisterous crying to someone else's neighbors. These reactions mean that the result of structuring of the libidinal object, with which the child may be pregnant.

There is a lot of mutual interaction between mother and child during the process of giving birth and getting rid of the child's satisfaction through the pissing of the mother's breasts. The appearance of an object from the field of view means for the child that its presence has been blocked, which therefore raises alarm.

Having taken into account that “negative and positive affect, as well as the evidence of the time-consuming “waste of an object” that brings satisfaction, allows you to achieve reality testing

. This is a positive incentive for normal development, for the mind that frustration is bearable for a particular child. Frustrating actions are created by coping mechanisms.

: the child expands the objective vision, can develop reciprocal communication, differentiate living and non-living things. 4) Stage of semantic communication


There is a lot of mutual interaction between mother and child during the process of giving birth and getting rid of the child's satisfaction through the pissing of the mother's breasts. From 15 months to 2 days.

The indicator is guilt

negativity in gestures and speech


He is guilty if a child can say “no” with words and gestures.

12)Whose person connects with the sense of power of the self and the other.

Therefore, vidmova sometimes means the properness of spontaneity, due to the actions of other people, and sometimes not to oneself. At this time, there is a differentiation between the article and the reflection of other people.

The formation of chemical mechanisms occurs before identifying the aggressor. They also appear: repetition, translation of passive into active.

The smells become possible through unique fantasy and symbolization. Follow these processes. In the first place, dry mechanisms are directed towards the undersides of aggression.

Mova also organizes rational operations and facilitates the transition to independent functioning of the child, preparing for separation.

Stages of formation of the fence

1. External fence.

2. At this time, the child can escape from actions that are protected by the father, even for the obvious presence of the fence (father). For this reason, the fence is not covered.

3. It is important not to bark at the child for the destruction, but to limit the potential of the activities that are being defended. A number of fences may be surrounded by activities that are unsafe for life and health.

4. The child learns to submit to the defense.

At this stage, the father’s careful and willing control and praise of the skin’s protective barrier are especially important. With this rank, Super-His has an introject, connected with his father’s praises and pride in himself.

This creates positive motivation for further efforts to avoid unnecessary actions.

Expanding the sphere of the fence

. Once the child has learned to achieve the minimum required number of fences, you can expand the scope of the fences. Your psyche already has a way to overcome the fence.

Internal fence


An indicator of this stage is the development of fences without a fence figure.

At the remaining stage, the conflict becomes internal, between internal spontaneous impulses and internal directives.

The connection with conflicting fruits is due

Anxiety and cravings can be replaced by rubbish.

The process of forming the Super-It is more rigorous than before the organizing and regulating functions of It. Internalization of the conflict, beats the first stage of the structuralization of the Super-it, to confirm the achievement of the next level of its development.

During this period, the child begins to understand different symbols.

It allows you to connect with some ideas. Symbolization facilitates self-reflection.

Until now, the child has undergone functional identification with the mother and internalized a lot of maternal turbines.

It makes life without a mother more comfortable.

It feels better.

Progress in the development of the fact that affects develop a signaling function, which allows the child to experience the beginnings of self-organization, calmness, self-protection.

This is possible if the mother’s reaction to the child’s effect is of an organizing and regulating nature.

Therefore, the maternal function of the child’s affective signal becomes an internalized function of the child.

The child becomes better able to perceive and evaluate the effect and, affecting the drying mechanisms, surrounds it until she learns to manage it.

The result is an increase in self-regulation and increased self-control. Phase of constancy of the libidinal object.

At the moment, if there is no mother, there is a reliable internal image of what the mother will return.

Since a mother is a loving object (this image can be created by a child), then the child still creates a loving object and achieves its status.

The child does not replace her mother with anyone else and does not change the object of niceness.“You can torment your mother, but you won’t be able to see her.”

The internal object may be less real, but it also functions as an internal regulator of strong effects, violence and a sense of moisture. There is a complete transition from ambivalence to more mature centenaries

Stage pouch. The child is once again gaining confidence in the fact that her mother's intercourse will continue without worrying about the wrath.

You are concerned with your own responsibility to take part in the lives of older children.

Femininity seems to lie behind the nuclear state identity. Important - molding the image of the body. In girls in their 3rd year of life, a low level of new forms of behavior appears.

Exhibitionism, genital insertion, masturbation, and demonstrative behavior appear. This is a manifestation of pre-human behavior in the girl.

She faces 2 tasks: to accept the wife’s role, to consolidate the narcissistic evidence of the body,

so it is important to splutter, to splutter with the child

--- .

--- The girl feels a kinesthetic feeling in the air.

--- This will speed up state identification.

--- Sexual stimulation leads to masturbation.

--- The other half of 3 years of life manifests a super-niceness with boys and zadrіst up to the breasts.

--- Once the forms of behavior have been formed, the normal female identity is now based on the centuries from the father.

The idea of ​​the father is more like that of the object of the family, which forms a heterosexual orientation. .

Core state identity is defined as a harmonious positive bodily self.

The penis screams burying.

Since in the early stages there is a disturbance (the excuse of a child, which gives priority to the mother, anxiety to the mother through masturbation), early castration fears appear.

On the 4th stage of life: genital masturbation means the valuable development of the human body and the acceptance of a state role.

At this point, the boy often seems to want to be a girl.
Self-esteem at this hour is in full swing, especially if the dyad has been destroyed.
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