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Troyanda English Claire Rose. Troyanda scrub Claire Austin: landing that sight. Landing trojandi in the ground

Troyanda "Claire Austin" (Claire Austin) - pearl collection, bred by the English company under the cerebration of the leading breeder David Austin. The beauty was born in 2009 in Pivnichny America as a result of crossbreeding of tea-hybrid troyand with a French variety. The result of the work so impressed the breeder that he named the variety in honor of his daughter Claire.

Zagalny description of the variety

"Claire Austin" is a variety of English trojans, which can be brought up to the scrub group. Kvіtka є chagarnik, scho reaches five meters at the height. The crown of the rosline is folded from tight arcuate pagons. Ryasna troyanda with the shape of a great sack. Sheet plates of traditional green color save their zabarvlennya until autumn. The diameter of the bush, which has grown, reaches one meter in width. The peculiarity of the variety is a swedish set of vegetative vag. For one or two seasons, the Trojan reaches the declared parameters.

On the cob or in the middle of the grass, fallow in the region, bushes form a faceless beautiful buds in a bowl-shaped form, with a pale yellow color. At the hearts, flowers of a noble white color are released from a light creamy shade. Kvіti great rosemіru, close to 10 cm in diameter. Selected from the great succulent, the stink of yaskravy stinks, the receiving aroma from notes of vanilla and meadowsweet. The color of the rose is clear and uninterrupted from black to yellow.

"Claire Austin" - a variety, endowed with vіdmіnnoy morozostіykіst, krіm that roslin miraculously endure speck of summer. With regular watering, the blooms are supposed to grow at a temperature of more than 40 C. The variety is promoted by indicators of resistance to sickness and unfriendly weather minds. A card with such characteristics can be practically grown in the skin region of the country, for a little wine.

Bila Troyanda is highly valued by landscape designers from all over the world. Good "Claire Austin" is not only in single plantings, but also in classic English-type rose gardens. High-growing bushes of vicorist are like livestock, as well as for the decoration of vertical surfaces. For the rahunok of long, long stems, the variety is considered one of the best for growing into a bouquet.


David Austin dedicating the Trojans to all his life. Podlitkove zakholennya rozivnitstvom step by step outgrew the beloved profession. The people behind the certificates, introduced by the great breeder, got the name "Austinki".

Gidnosti i nedolіki

To the positive features of the variety lie the following:

  • trival period of flowering;
  • there are few thorns on the stems;
  • frost resistance;
  • zdatnіst good endure the speck of summer;
  • immunity to illness;
  • charming aroma;
  • the original form of the ticket;
  • succulence roztashovuyutsya evenly throughout the country.

Judging by the opinions of kvіtnikarіv, suttєvih nedolіkіv variety "Claire Austin" can not.

Features of agricultural technology

Before agricultural technology, the development of trojans is necessary to be put on the basis of the strength of the future and the creation of the mind, to some kind of kvіti nayvibaglivishі. In order to grow healthy, the beautifully flourishing bush of "Claire Austin" must be correctly selected and planted saplings, as well as ensure a close look at improving the characteristics of the variety.

How to choose a yakіsny sadzhanets

The choice of sadzhantsiv is majestic. Prydbati їх it is possible at the garden centers, rozplіdniki, on the market. Yakіsny bush can be seen behind such signs:

  • the root may be kindly rozvinene and mother dark brown zabarvlennya;
  • underground and aboveground parts are not guilty of overdrying and wrinkling;
  • stalks (2-3 pcs.) are due to the woods and are smooth, without poshkodzhen dark green surface;
  • the sadzhanets is not guilty of the mother of swollen brunoki;
  • in healthy growth, the root neck is clean and dry.

In order to increase the risk of getting a non-yakish gardener to a minimum for the purchase, it’s better to turn into a garden planter, having recommended yourself well, or a great garden center. In such retail outlets, regrading is practically turned off, and the quality of gardeners is significantly higher than that of sellers on the streets.


Landing in a post-yne place signifies the share of the Trojans: you won’t prosvetatime, or you can fight for your life. It is important for that at the cob stage to work everything according to the rules.

Place for landing

It is necessary for us to choose the right place for landing. As if it were a heat-loving tree of Trojans, it will be comfortable to grow on the land, which is kindly warmed by the sun and attached to the cold winds and stretches. Tse mozhe buti on the side of the booth or the place of the high fence. Having planted a flower in a pivtina, you won’t be able to open up your beauty all over the world.


The optimal hour for hanging trojans in the open ground is autumn. Planting works are carried out from the first autumn month to the other decade of the month. It is important to pay attention to the climatic features of the region and to complete the planting a month before the last frost. During the entire period, the root system has been grounded, not vitrachayuchi forces on the growth of that established buds.

How to plant the yak correctly

The algorithm for landing "Claire Austin" is similar to the landing of other trojans and includes advances:

  • dilyanka, de zrostatime kvitka, it is necessary to dig to a depth of 0.5 m;
  • immediately after digging, add organic matter (water with pus under the skin bush) and a complex mineral goodness (vitrate zgidno with instructions);
  • 7-10 days before transplantation, next pit and pit with a size of 0.5 * 0.5 m and spill it with water;
  • soak the seedlings ahead of the day for 10 years in cold water (you can add a root stimulant);
  • fill the planting pit with a lively soil, then lower a sapling from it, straightening the roots;
  • it is necessary to protege, so that the root collar is small, the correct position after planting (2-3 cm below the ground).
  • at the end of the garden, water and trochs grow.

The soil for planting trojand is guilty of being fluffy in structure, rich in mineral and organic speech, and also of neutral acidity.

Rules for sightseeing

"Claire Austin" does not seem to be particularly turbulent and watchful enough to carry out the standard for all Russian agrotechnical visits.


Watering the trojans is possible if necessary. If the soil is dry at a depth of 4-5 cm, then the roslin should be watered thoroughly. Vitrata water for one bush - 10 liters. As if it were peacefully littered with periodic boards, it is not necessary to water the trojand additionally.

The next day, after falling or piece watering, the soil must be fluffed up. Tse zapobіgaє utavennya surfacial pick and provide a garn with aeration of the soil. The same effect can be achieved by mulching the near-barrel stake with straw, expanded clay or crackling.


Trojans of the "Claire Austin" variety are well-liked for breeding. Regularly, that timely introduction, adding spryaє more to the bright, tribal color, and boosting the stamina of the growth to sickness and shkidnikiv.

  • kviten - azotovmіsnі dobriva;
  • an ear of cherv (before flowering) is a complex storehouse of organic matter;
  • Veresen - potash and phosphorus speech.

Dorimuvatisya such a scheme is necessary to start from another fate of landing and stretching the life of the Trojans.

Trimming and shaping the bush

Bathing is carried out in the spring period after the nirks swell. We are seen in front of old, ailing gills. To stimulate the pictorial color, the pagons are cut in such a way that 5-7 nirok are lost to the skin. It is necessary to rejuvenate the old bush, carry out a cardinal trimming, shortening all the pagons on the equal ground.

The procedure should be carried out by sharpening the secateurs. Before rinsing, the instrument should be disinfected with an antiseptic. It is right to look at the pagons under the chin, the trochs are wider than the nirk, as if they are rotting on the pagon's call.

Next to know!

It is necessary to trim the flowers of the trojand and the buds on them did not settle down, leaving 3-4 leaves on them.

Ailments and poor people

"Claire Austen" can achieve immunity, but in especially cold and cold weather, there were fluctuations in the downy dew. For prophylaxis, bushes are sown on the cob to the cob with the juice of medium vitriol (100 grams of speech for 5 liters of water).

Zі shkіdnikіv nabіlsh unsafe for trojandi popelitsі. Grown-up coma and larvae literally whirl from the growth with all their might. Poshkozhenikh roslyn buds do not open. To zabіgannya attack popelitsі bushes are sprayed with a spray of grub soda with the master's milk (a quarter of a bar is sweetly trimmed and sprayed with three liters of warm water). Processing is carried out once every two years, beginning in early spring.

Ukrittya for the winter

Regardless of the good building ability to endure frost and sharp temperature changes, "Claire Austin" will require a competent shelter for the winter. Fallow in the climate of growing methods and zahistu raznyatsya:

  • pіvdenny regions - pіdgortannya bushes with earth;
  • mid-smouga - cover the root with yalin spruce branches or dry leaves of other trees;
  • pіvnіchnі districts and areas, which are characterized by a small amount of snow - covered with spruce branches and 2-3 balls of spunbond with a thickness of 60 g / sq. m.

Preparing for the winter season should be carried out in dry weather and until the first frost.

Next to know!

When the Trojans are under the throat, it is not possible to dig the ground from the bush, to expose the roots of the growth. Best vikoristovuvaty fresh roduchy soil or soil from the middle.

"Claire Austen" is the unparalleled whitest variety of the middle English trojans at the moment, so the ticket is worthy of taking the right place in the future. Having spent the minimum amount of labor and financial resources, you will enjoy the miraculous flowers and the aroma of the stretching of rich rocks.

Claire Austin- A typical English trojan of David Austin's selection, which has proven itself well in the climatic minds of the middle line of Russia.

Characteristic grade

Mustaches of David Austin's trojans exude a lingering aroma. There is no blame for Claire Austin's plan. The buds are distinguished by the aroma of tea trojan with hints of myrrh on smoldering vanilla. Flowers pass through two brightly colored hairs: first - at the middle of the worm, the other starts at the sickle and three until the middle of the spring. A bunch of roses, heavily leafy, with pagons, which are arched like bending. The leaves are crisp, bright green, with a subdued glossy sheen. In the climatic minds of the middle smog of Russia, the growth is like a variety that can lie up to the floribunda group. Ale in the pіvdennyh regions, with a singing eye, the trojan does not compromise on decorative weaving varieties (Read also the article ⇒).

Color Bily
Number of flowers on stems 1-3
Aroma ❀❀❀
Rosemary of the ticket 8-10 cm
Visota 120-150 cm
Width 100 cm
Virosensation Zone (USDA) 6th zone (Krasnodar Territory, Pivnichniy Kavkaz, steppe Crimea)
Winter hardiness ❄❄
Resistant to downy dew ★★
Stability to black glare ★★
Stіykіst to doschu
Flowering period ☀☀
If you plant Kviten grass

Grade advantages:

  • endure frosty winter well;
  • shvidko windy after spring trimming at times of frostbite;
  • there are few thorns on the stems;
  • suitable for bouquet zrіzannya.

Wash your mouth

"Claire Austin" growth on rodyuchi, dosit on laying soils without signs of water stagnation. Vіddaє vіddaє provagu sleepy mіstsyam, ale without shkodi transfer chastkovy zatіnennya. Dogliad polyagaє in the systematic weeding and loosening of the soil, cotton irrigation, preventive maintenance.

"Claire Austin" is fertilized at least three times per season:

  • after wintering - with mineral nitrogen fertilizers and organic matter;
  • on the cob of flowers - a complex kind, to avenge microelements;
  • in the other half of the year - potassium and phosphorus fertilizers (Read also the article ⇒).

Poradada No. 1 : As the planting pit is filled with humus or pus, it is not necessary to retransfer, dodatkove pіzhivlennya in the first river.

Trimming trojans "Claire Austin" is not laborious, able to lie in the chosen form of cultivation:

In addition, for the rejuvenation of the bush, it is necessary not more, at least once in 5 years to vibrate all the pagons, which they have made wood, in order to give the young shoots the opportunity to develop.

Expert advice : “I’ll spend the main cut more than hanging. For example, it’s more important to see if you see the blossoms, and for example, if you forget the spring, you’ll see them more beautifully when tied up. Try to lay down the bushy troyanda yourself in the autumn, not trimming, but on the curtains, only trimming the bush, which is shaped. The result will comfort you.”

Olena Dem'yanchuk - Zakhopleniy rose-collector, author of books about growing trojans.

Prepare the troyanda before winter, start on the cob of corn. Pagons heal and fix the yakomog closer to the ground. In the current frosts, all the leaves are removed from the stems for the prevention of fungal infection during the winter. The pagons are prepared with spruce branches, for suppleness they are wrapped with non-woven material.

Rada No. 2 : Dosvіdchenі gardeners recommend vkryvati trojandi not one by one, but in a row of sprat bushes. The bigger the area covered, the warmer it is, the better.

Gardeners' comments about the Claire Austin variety.

Oleksandra: "Claire Austin" - an elegant and aristocratic trojan with a lower aroma and a miraculous form of a bud. An enchanting nuance - golden tichinki at the center of the bud. A bunch of regrets, harmony. Good winter for Ukrainians from spruce branches. A sign of mushroom ailments for 5 years did not wait for the next time. It’s a pity, it’s bad to endure the bad and the wood, and the bake. At the bake, the trojandochki tremble, “melt”, the pellets to the bud, which open up, fall down less for the extraction.

Tetyana: The minus of the same grade was given more than the lower plus. A bunch of nedbalias, shy to climbing. The flowers are true garni, but all the stinks marvel down, and in severe weather, they do not rise up. From the smallest plank, they are valued right as a bud. In spekotny days, the pellets sip already in a day. Such is the axis of a trojan-one-day man, which means permanent respect: pіdpіrki, pіdv'yazki, trimmings.

Vira: My "Claire Austin" growth in pіvіnі apple-bіnі Kvіtok rich, trimmed up to 5 days. I push the frogs up to the support - so the Trojans don't heal down. It’s good that the buds carry the boards higher, the lower ones are “ostinki”. I can recommend the white variety of the Ostina selection in the future. Troyanda Tranquility (Tranquility) is already popular among lovers of troyand zavdyakova we will finish it for the shape of the buds and the persistent aroma. Blossom uninterruptedly through the autumn season. The stems with a vertical character of growth are practically free of studs. The bush of mitzny is an ideal garden shrab, which looks miraculously on the flowerbed.

Basic pardons for gardeners

On the vіdmіnu vіd іnshih bagatorіchnіv, turning spring frosts trojandi not be afraid. The stench can easily tolerate negative temperatures down to -10°C. Therefore, in the present day, rich summer residents try to put things in order in the rose garden and tidy up unaesthetic winter shelters. The Trojans suffer under whom, not in the cold, but in the sun and that wind. Pagoni, who endured the winter well, in the spring sun, which they scorch, they expend water and dry up. It’s all through those that the earth under the Ukrainians hasn’t warmed up yet, the root hasn’t spilled over, and the stems have already gone into growth. Therefore, it is recommended to leave enough ventilation if the soil is 10-15 cm.

Expert advice : “When the sprouts bloom, nirskas grow near the forsythia, and nirskas hang 5 mm on the pagons of the trojans, I step by step turn up the rose garden, starting from the pivnіchny side. I choose for this gloomy day, ring out, 1-9 May."

Olena Dem'yanchuk - Zakhopleniy rose-collector, author of books about growing trojans.

Vіdpovіdі on the supply of gardeners

Nutrition number 1: How often and clearly should watering "Claire Austin"?

Dosvіdcheni gardeners know what the overworldly troubles of the Trojans can endure richly hotter, lower on dry land. All English Trojans are watered around the world hanging on the soil at a depth of 2-3 cm - during normal weather, not more often than 1 time per day. In the dry period, the regularity of watering is increased, on a rainy day, navpaki, reduced. It is worthwhile for "Claire Austin" itself, the intensity of watering to fallow, in what way the vines grow. For a compact scrub, 5-10 liters is sufficient. For climbing trojandi vitrata, the water will be about 2 times larger. Irrigate the troyanda with sun-warmed water.

Nutrition number 2: Sadzhanets, having wintered well, "Claire Austin" pleased with the flowers of the flowers. Ale, in the fall of the season, the buds began to swell again from the stem. What is the reason for such a "weakness" of the quote?

The reasons may be a kilka:

  • The pagons were not enough to notice. Thin twigs do not show the heaviness of the buds that have swelled. After 1-2 rocks, the bushes will bloom and the buds will fall.
  • The lobe of the root system is weakly displaced, as it is not possible to fully provide the roslin with lively speeches. Corrected by root stimulants.
  • Dougonosik strike. At this point, the buds zhovtіyut and fall off, without breaking open. Necessary treatment with suitable insecticides.
  • Blossoms bloomed from the period of long boards.
  • Nedolіk at ґruntі molybdenum. Compensate for life with microelements (div. → ).

Navit not varto inquire at kvtnikarіv, like a kvіti stench grow on their garden plots, - naturally, there will be trojans. Variable sights of bud pelluses that open up, miraculously come together among emerald leaves, the shape of bushes is neat, the ability to grow singly and in group compositions - these are the main reasons for the popularity of tsієї queens of flowers" among the gardeners of the earthly world.

I want the middle colors of the trojans of different varieties not to grow, maybe, only the blue color, still the most beautiful and the lower ones, the white trojans. However, the world is not so rich in varieties of colors. Vіdomy English breeder David Austin bred sprat varieties of trojans from such zabarvlennyam pelyustok. Bila troyanda Claire Austin is one of the leading pearls in her collection. Slipucho bіli kvіti, which are released on the upright pagons of trojandi Claire, immediately wrap up respect.

History of creation of the variety

In the collection of varieties of trojans created by the English breeder Austin, the main focus was on breeding flowers from yellow and orange pelyusts. And the axis of the white sorts of the middle trojans of Austin is still small. On the right, in the fact that breeders talk about those breeding such roslins to make a folding and a long process, it is rare to see the diversity of varieties of the “queen of flowers” ​​in the middle.

Rose Claire Austin

For proof! Rosa Claire Rose was presented by David Austin to the judgment of the clerks in 2007. Tsey miraculous fluffy bagatorichnik having taken off the name in honor of the kohan daughter of the British breeder.

Under the hour of seeing the trojans Claire Rose David Austin, having crossed the tea-hybrid trojan with the French variety. The new variety turned out to be richly beautiful and mellow for its “fathers” and became the best breeder of various trojans among all the varieties.

At this hour, there are two different Trojans by Claire Austin:

  • bushy;
  • curly.

Characteristics and features of the variety

Trojan description Shrab Claire Austin followed up on the rozpovidi about the tickets that are issued for each bagatorist. During the flowering period, up to 100-120 buds appear on these bushes, some of them only begin to bloom, others actively bloom, and some of them already stop blooming.

The buds are densely doubled, the feathers are filled with a white color with a light lemon tint. Receiving a strong aroma of tsikh flowers - summish with the smell of tea trojans, notes of myrrh and vanilla. The diameter of the buds that have blossomed is up to 10 cm.

Rose Claire Austin

The first time the Claire Rose Trojan rose in another decade of worms, and the other time in the first decade of sickle. Then the flowers continue until another decade of spring.

The rose bushes are strongly leafy, the stems are useless. The height of the pagons is up to 1.5 m, and the width of the bushes is close to a meter. Leaves of a bright-smaragd zabarvlennya, leafy plates are friable, glossy with a characteristic glare.

In the Moscow region and regions with similar climatic conditions, the Claire Austin trojan grows as a variety of floribunda trojan. And the axis in the regions with a mild and warm climate, with the right vision, such a variety in terms of size and height of the batogs becomes similar to Trojans.

This variety has a high resistance to cold temperatures. So fakhіvtsі mean the average stamina of trojand Claire to dewy dew and black weediness. At the same time, the bagator is good to endure the season of doshchiv, but it does not reduce the active color.

Rose Claire Austin

On the basis of which you can tell about the main characteristics of which fluffy bagatorichnik you can finish.


For planting seedlings Claire Austin should choose a planter, which will be well illuminated, as it will be protected from the cold wind blowing and stretching. The best pіdіyde for planting a dіlyanka, roztashovana order from a deaf parkan or bіlya walls of garden budіvel. The soil is guilty of being fluffy and good to let the water through - for these fluffy bagatorists, impermissible stagnant water in the earth or ground water that comes close to the surface.

The planting of seedlings is best carried out from the other decade of April to the other decade of May. Planting autumn flowers can badly endure a frosty winter, shards can not catch good acclimatization near wet soil.

Planting a sadzhantsya

The diameter of the planting pits is to become close to 0.7 m, and the depth is 0.65 m. At the bottom, lay a ball of other material (a bit of a chain, crushed stone), the thickness of such a ball is to become 5-6 cm. folded from garden soil, compost, river sand and high-moor peat. Then a sapling is installed in the pit, its root is carefully spread over all the pits and sips on the beast with an excess of substrate. The soil is lightly tamped down and watered by the beast. Pour at least 8-10 liters of water onto the skin bushes, as needed. After watering in the stem, add a ball of mulch with a thickness of 6-7 cm.

A closer look at these forest bushes near the conducted agrotechnical visits:

  • regular watering not less than once for 6-7 days (there is a lot of watering for the baker);
  • raspushuvannya prіstvolny kіl z one-hour vydannyam bur'yanіv;
  • prophylactic cultivation of bushes against ailments and shkіdnikіv.

If before planting the lot was good, then in the first season, bring in no varto.

Ale, in the coming seasons, make sure to add fertilizer for bushes of trojans at least three times:

  • hung before swelling, nirok should be added to the soil with nitrogen fertilizer and rot, which is retransferred, or compost;
  • when the first buds appear, add a complex mineral fertilizer to the soil to remove potassium and phosphorus;
  • on the cob of sickle, they repeat with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.

Hanging in front of him, as the brunki begin to open up, next they cut the bushes, seeing the frozen ones, breaking off those dry chicks. Also, if necessary, next to grow a bush, looking out for a weak forest.

Looking after the gardeners

The preparation of this fluffy bagator before winter should be started from the first decade of the month. Stems bend to the ground and fix. Rob it carefully, trying not to mess up and break the stem. Before that, in order to hide the bushes of trojans, they should have removed all the leaves from the pagons, so that no one could hide for the winter, worms and pathogenic microorganisms. The top of the pagon is vkryvayut with spruce branches, and the beast - with special curved material.

Advantages and nedolіki grade

Kvіtnikari, yakі grow this variety on their plots, signify smut yogo perevada:

  • high resistance to frost;
  • as the hung and frozen pagons are heavily cut, then during the summer season the stench quickly grows up to the first size;
  • there are practically no hairpins on pagons;
  • votives are good for zirzan, they can stand in vases for up to 12-14 days.

There are practically no shortages of this beautiful bagatorist. Taking into account the mid-range of gardeners, there were no obvious minuses for the variety.

Claire Austin is a trojan with amazing characteristics, which is important to understand the middle of other varieties. Vrakhovuchi, that this variety can be successfully cultivated in Pdmoskov'ї and other regions with a similar climate, the Russian lovers of the varto varto turn on her respect.

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