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The youngest ball of the earth's measles. Budova earth measles and warehouse її sharіv. Ready robots on a similar topic

So nourishment, like the life of the Earth, to cackle rich scientists, doslednikiv and inspire believers. With the booming development of science and technology on the cob, the 18th century, a lot of good science workers spent a lot of effort in order to understand our planet. Smіlivtsі descended to the bottom of the ocean, flew at the most verst of the atmosphere, drilled the majestic depth of the Sverdlovin to reach the ground.

Today is to complete a complete picture of what the Earth is made up of. True, the power of the planet in all її areas is still not 100% visible, but in steps to expand the inter-recognition and take more and more objective information from the first drive.

The form of that expansion of the planet Earth

The shape of that geometrical dimension of the Earth is the main understanding, how it is described, like a heavenly body. In the Middle Ages, it was important that the planet had a flat shape, that it was in the center of the All-World, and that the Sun of that other planet wrapped around it.

But such merciful heirs of nature, like Giordano Bruno, Mykola Copernicus, Isaac Newton, called out similar mirkuvannya and mathematically concluded that the Earth has the shape of a coulisse with flattened poles and wraps itself around the Sun, and not navpak.

The structure of the planet is more varied, despite the fact that it is small to achieve beyond the worlds sony system- Dovzhina equatorial radius storage 6378 km, polar radius - 6356 km.

The length of one of the meridians is 40,008 km, and the equator stretches for 40,007 km. From this it is also clear that the planet is “flattened” between the poles, so it becomes 5.9742 × 10 24 kg.

Earthen shells

The earth is made up of rich shells that make up their own versions. The leather ball is centrally symmetrical in relation to the base central point. As if visually vikonati rozrіz ґruntu on all yogo glybіnі, then balls with a rіzny warehouse, aggregate camp, shіlnіstyu thinly.

Mustache shells are subdivided into two great groups:

  1. The interior of the budova is described in a similar way by internal shells. They are the earth's crust and mantle of the Earth.
  2. Zovnіshnі shells, such as the hydrosphere and the atmosphere.

Budov dermal membranes are the subject of the study of all sciences. Vcheni dosі, at the hour of turbulent technical progress, in the general obsyazі nutrition, the rest was done.

Earth's crust and tipi

The earth's crust is one of the shells of the planet, which occupies only about 0.473% of its mass. Measles depth 5 - 12 kilometers.

It means that they didn’t practically penetrate more deeply, but to draw an analogy, then the bark is like a skin on an apple to the fullest extent. Further and more precisely, we will require a further development of technology.

As if marveling at the planet in a different way, then in the world of different depths, penetration into the middle of the structure can be seen in order of such types of earth's measles:

  1. Oceanic crust- It is important to build basalts, to be found on the bottom of the oceans under the majestic balls of water.
  2. Continental chi continental crust- covers the land, is formed from a rich chemical warehouse, which includes 25% silicon, 50% oxyfuel, as well as 18% of the other main elements in the periodic table. With the method of hand-waving, the measles are also added to the lower and upper. Most of the old can be traced to the lower part.

The temperature of measles is increasing in the world of death.


The main object of our planet is the mantle. Vaughn occupies the entire expanse between the open bark and the core and is folded into rich balls. It is close to 5 - 7 km to the mantle to get to the mantle.

The modern day development of science and technology does not allow to indiscriminately twist a part of the Earth, and indirect methods are used to extract information about it.

Most of the new terrestrial measles is accompanied by contact with the mantle, which is especially active in areas under oceanic waters.

Today it is important that the upper and lower mantles are used, which are under the boundary of Mohorovichich. The details of which have been passed through were accurately reported, but they will require clarification from the future.

Outrageous core

The core of the planet is also the same. The magnitude of the temperature, the pressure zmushyuyut here a lot of chemical processes, carried out rozpodіl mas, speeches. The core is divided into internal and external.

Zovnishhnye core can be close to 3000 km. The chemical storage of this ball: the nickel is filled, which is in a rare phase. The temperature of the middle here fluctuates from 4400 to 6100 degrees Celsius near the world close to the center.

Internal core

The central part of the Earth, the radius is about 1200 km. The lowest ball, which is also formed from the hall and nickel, as well as some houses of light elements. The aggregate station of the core is similar to amorphous. The pressure here is equal to 3.8 million bar.

Do you know how many kilometers to the core of the earth? The distance is approximately 6371 km, which is easy to calculate if you know the diameter and other parameters of the cul.

Puffiness of the inner balls of the Earth

Geological life is sometimes assessed by such a parameter as the tightness of internal balls. It is important that the mantle is the most important, that she has the greatest comradeship.

Outer spheres of the earth's backwoods

The planet Earth is waking up in the presence of some other known cosmic object, which may yet lie in the outer spheres:

  • hydrosphere;
  • atmosphere;
  • biosphere.

Methods of follow-up of these spheres are significantly changed, even if all stinks are even more controlled for their warehouse that object of education.


Under the hydrosphere, the entire water shell of the Earth is intelligible, including the majestic oceans, which occupy approximately 74% of the surface, and the seas, rivers, lakes and wind small streams and water bodies.

The largest part of the hydrosphere is about 11 km away and is located near the Marianskaya depression. The water itself is vvazhaetsya by the core of life and tim, that our stool rises in the decision of the All-world.

The hydrosphere occupies approximately 1.4 billion km 3 total. Here life viruetsya, and minds are taken care of for the functioning of the atmosphere.


The gaseous shell of our planet, which superficially closes the surface of the cosmic objects (meteorites), the cosmic cold of those other phenomena that are insane from life.

Tovshchina of the atmosphere to become for different estimates close to 1000 km. For the surface soil, the thickness of the atmosphere becomes 1.225 kg/m3.

78% of the gaseous shell is composed of nitrogen, 21% of sour, the grit contains such elements as argon, carbon dioxide, helium, methane and others.


Independently, as they analyze the nutrition of the body, the biosphere becomes the most important part of the Earth's structure - it is a shell, as it is inhabited by living things, including the people themselves.

The biosphere is not easily inhabited by living things, and yet it is constantly changing under the influx, especially under the influx of human beings of yoga activity. Tsіlіsne vchennya about tsyu sphere rozrobiv great teachings of V. I. Vernadsky. The most important appointment was the Austrian geologist Suess.


The surface of the Earth, as well as the mustache of the outer shell and the internal structure, are already a subject of study for many generations of scientists.

Wanting to look at the first glance, it’s possible that the spheres will be looked at to make distinctions, but the stench is tied with unbreakable links. For example, life and the entire biosphere are simply impossible without a hydrosphere and an atmosphere, so, from your side, take the cob from the top.

Behind the current manifestations of geology, our planet is made up of several versions - geospheres. They fight for physical powers, a chemical warehouse and in the center of the Earth there is a core, followed by a mantle, then - the earth's crust, the hydrosphere and the atmosphere.

In the article we can see the earth's crust, which is the upper part of the lithosphere. Vaughn is the name of a hard shell with such a thinness (1.5%) that it can be equal to thin slickness on the scale of the entire planet. However, regardless of the price, the very top ball of the earth's measles may be of great interest to the people, like a brown copalin.

The crust of the earth is mentally subdivided into three balls, the skin of which is remarkable in its own way.

  1. The upper ball is sedimentary. Vіn syagaє tovshchina vіd 0 to 20 km. The siege breeds are settled at the end of the day when speeches are deposited on land or on the days of the hydrosphere. The stench enters the warehouse of the earth's measles, spreading in layers, which change one another.
  2. The middle ball is granite. Yogo tovshchina can swell from 10 to 40 km. This is a magmatic rock, which made a solid ball as a result of the eruption and distant catching of magma from the earth's earth at a high pressure of that temperature.
  3. The lower ball, which enters at the earth's core, is basaltic, and may be magmatic. New one has more calcium, more magnesium, more weight, less in granite rock.

The structure of the earth's crust is very similar. The oceanic crust and continental crust can be particularly striking. Under the oceans, the earth's crust is thin, and under the continents, comrade. The greatest tovshchina won in the regions of the mountain massifs.

Two balls enter the warehouse - sedimentary and basaltic. Under the basalt ball is located on top of the Moho, and behind it is the upper mantle. The ocean floor has the most complex relief forms. In the midst of the u єї їkhnyoї raznomanіtnosti occupies a special place majestic roses mid-ocean ridges, in which young basalt oceanic crust is born from the mantle. Magma can access the surface through a glybin rift - a rift, which runs along the center of the ridge of vzdovzh peaks. Sounds of magma are rising, and by the same time the walls of the gorge are steadily rising. This process is called “spreading”.

Budov's earthly crust is folded on the continents, below the oceans. Continental crust occupies a richly smaller area, lower oceanic - up to 40% of the earth's surface, but may richly thicken. Under the reach of the comrade 60-70 km. Continental crust maє trisharovu budova - siege ball, granite and basalt. On the plots, which are called shields, a granite ball is found on the surface. Like a butt - warehouses from granite rocks.

The underwater extreme part of the mainland - the shelf, also has continental measles. The islands of Kalimantan, New Zealand, New Guinea, Sulawesi, Greenland, Madagascar, Sakhalin and other can be seen up to the new. And also the inner and outer seas: Seredzemne, Azov, Chorne.

It is less mentally possible to conduct a cordon between a granite ball and basalt, shards of stink can be similar to the passage of seismic winds, for which thickening is prescribed earth globes that warehouse. The basalt ball sticks to the surface of the Moho. The siege ball can be the mother of a ton of comrades, which should be deposited in the form of a relief, which will grow on a new one. In the mountains, for example, the wines either flared up during the day, or maybe even a little tovshchina, so that the fluffy particles move down with shills under the splash external forces. Then the wines are tighter in the Peredhirsky regions, depressions and hollows. So, wine reaches 22 km.

The upper globe of the Earth, which gives life to the planet's baggies, is just a thin shell that covers the rich-kilometer internal layers. About prihovanu budovu planeti vіdomo trohi more, nizh about cosmic expanse. Naiglibsha Kolska Sverdlovina, drilled in the earth's crust for drilling її balls, may have a depth of 11 thousand meters, but only a little more than a chotirist part goes up to the center of the earth's backwoods. Take away the information about the processes that are found in the middle, and create a model, I will build the Earth, maybe even a seismic analysis.

Inner and outer spheres of the Earth

Budova planet Earth - these are heterogeneous balls of internal and external shells, like they are in storage and roles, which viconuetsya, but still closely intertwines with each other. In the middle of the earth's coolest areas, such concentric zones are:

  • The core has a radius of 3500 km.
  • Mantia - approximately 2900 km.
  • The earth's crust - at the average 50 km.

Zovnіshni balls to the ground to form a gaseous shell, as they call it the atmosphere.

planetary center

The central geosphere of the Earth is the core. If you put food about those, which is the least practical ball of the Earth, then it will be the core. Exact data about yoga warehouses, structures and temperature cannot be taken away. All the views that are published in scientific practice, reached by the path of geophysical, geochemical methods and mathematical research and presentation to a wide audience are “planned”. As the results of the analysis of seismic winds show, the earth's core consists of two parts: internal and external. The inner core is the most unsettled part of the Earth, which seismic winds do not reach between. Zovnіshnє core є masoy z razpechennogo zalіza and nikel, s temperature close to 5 thousand degrees, as a constant change in Russia and є conductor of electricity. Himself with such yogo authorities will tie a trip Earth's magnetic field The warehouse of the inner core, in the thought of vchenih, rіznomanіtnіshy and additions of lighter elements - sulfur, silicon, possibly, and sour.


The planet's geosphere, like the central and upper spheres of the Earth, is called the mantle. The ball itself becomes close to 70% of the earth's mass. The lower part of the magma is the shell of the core, the outermost part of the boundary. Seismic analysis shows here a sharp streak in the thickness and shortness of the late wind, to speak about the material change in the stock of the breed. A warehouse of magma is a sum of important metals, in which they have magnesium that is rich. The upper part of the ball, or the asthenosphere, is a rumbly, plastic, soft mass with a high temperature. The speech itself breaks through the earth's crust and splashes on the surface at the process volcano eruptions.

Tovshchina to the ball of magma in the mantle from 200 to 250 km, the temperature is close to 2000 o C. In the lower part of the earth's measles, the mantle waters the Moho ball, or the boundary of Mohorovichich, the Serbian scientist, which marked the sharpness of the change in the part of the seismicity of the seismicity.

Zhorstka obolonka

What is the name of the globe of the Earth, what can we find? Tse - lithosphere, shell, as if covering the mantle and the earth's crust, located above the asthenosphere, that cleans surface ball in the form of a hot infusion. The main part of the lithosphere enters to the warehouse of the mantle: from the territory of the tovshchina from 79 to 250 km, 5-70 km falls on the earth's crust, fallow from the roztashuvannya. The lithosphere is heterogeneous, it is divided into lithospheric plates, yakі perebuvayut at the fast-paced povіlny rusі, then scatter, then approaching each other. Such a shattering of the lithospheric plates is called tectonic rumble, the very shvydki postovs call out earthquakes, cracking the earth's measles, splashing magma on the surface. The displacement of the lithospheric plates led to the settlement of the zholobiv or the heights, magma caught the mountain ranges. There are no standing cordon slabs, the stench rises and falls. Territories of the surface of the Earth above the faults of tectonic plates - the month of increased seismic activity, more often, lower in others, earthquakes occur, volcanic eruptions, kopalini folds. For the time being, 13 lithospheric plates have been fixed, the largest of them: American, African, Antarctic, Pacific, Indo-Australian and Euro-Asian.

Earth's crust

Paired with smaller balls, the earth's crust is the thinnest and smallest ball from the earth's surface. The ball, where organisms live, the largest number of chemical speech and microelements, becomes less than 5% of the total mass of the planet. The earth's crust on the planet Earth can be two different: continental or continental and oceanic. The continental crust is hard, composed of three layers: basalt, granite and siege. The ocean floor is composed of basaltic (basic) and sedimentary balls.

  • Basalt rocks- all igneous stones, the most of the layers of the earth's surface.
  • Granite ball- a day under the oceans, on land, dozens of kilometers of granite, crystalline, and other similar rocks can approach to comrade.
  • sedimentary layer having settled down at the process of ruining the mountainous porids. New places have a load of brown copalins of organic travel: kam'yane vugіllya, kitchen silt, naphtha gas, vapnyak, kreyda, potassium salts and others.


Characterizing the spheres of the surface of the Earth, it is impossible not to guess about the life of the important water shell of the planet, or the hydrosphere. The water balance of the planet is supported by oceanic water (basic water mass), underground water, ice-makers, mainland rivers, lakes and other water bodies. 97% of all hydrospheres sow the salty water of the seas and oceans, and less than 3% - fresh Pitna water, Since the main mass is found in the ice rinks. Vcheni allow, that the amount of water on the surface will increase for an hour for the shells of clay bags. Hydrospheric masses are in constant circulation, move from one station to another and closely interact with the lithosphere and the atmosphere. Hydrosphere Nada great infusion on all earthly processes, the development of that life of the biosphere. The water shell itself has become the medium for the birth of the life of the planet.


The thinnest birthing ball of the Earth, I will call it Grunt, or Grunt, at the same time, from the water shell, it is the most significant for the foundation of growing, that creature of people. Vinicla tsya cool on the surface as a result of the rosemation of the mountainous pores, under the influence of the organic processes of the laying. Recycling the excesses of life, millions of micro-organisms created a ball of humus - the best for planting various terrestrial growths. One of the important indications of the high quality of the soil is kinship. The most popular are soils with equal amount of sand, clay and humus, or loams. Clay, stony and food soils are considered to be the least adjuncts for arable farming.


The surface shell of the Earth wraps itself at once with the planet and is inextricably linked with the usual processes, like in the earth's layers. The lower part of the atmosphere through the pores deeply penetrates into the body of the earth's measles, the upper part progressively moves into outer space.

The spheres of the Earth's atmosphere are heterogeneous behind their warehouse, varying in temperature.

At a distance of 10 - 18 km, the troposphere stretches out from the earth's crust. Part of the atmosphere is heated by the earth's crust and water, which becomes colder with height. The decrease in temperature in the troposphere is approximately 100 degrees skin temperature, and at the highest points it is -55 to -70 degrees. Tsya part of the open space borrows the most important part - up to 80%. The weather itself is taking shape here, storms are gathering, gloomy, fall and wind are being formed.

High balls

  • Stratosphere- the ozone ball of the planet, which tarnishes the ultraviolet vibration of the Sun, preventing it from damaging all living things. Show in the stratosphere rose. Ozone saves a stable temperature in the third part of the atmosphere from - 50 to 55 about C. The stratosphere has an insignificant part of the water, which is not characteristic of the gloomy fall for it, on the vіdmіnu vіd significant for swidkіstyu poіtryanyh techіy.
  • Mesosphere, thermosphere, ionosphere- povitryany balls of the Earth over the stratosphere, in which posterіgaetsya lowering the air temperature. The ball of the ionosphere is the place where the light of the charged gas particles is called, as it is called the polar sky.
  • Exosphere- the sphere of expansion of gas particles, spreading between space.

The earth's crust in scientific understanding is the most important and solid geological part of the shell of our planet.

Scientific research allows you to report on it. To whom to sprout bagatorazovy burinnya Sverdlovin like on the continents, and on the ocean day. Budova lands and earthly measles on different plots of the planet are cherished both for storage and for characteristics. The upper boundary of the earth's crust is a visible relief, and the lower one is a zone below the two middles, as it is also visible as the surface of Mohorovichich. Often її simply called "cordon M". The name of the won was taken away by the Croatian seismologist A. Mohorovichich. In 1909, the rotation of the wines, having established the presence of difference between the earth's crust and the baked mantle of the Earth. Cordon M runs along that river, where seismic winds move from 7.4 to 8.0 km/s.

Chemical warehouse of the Earth

The weaving shells of our planet, all the time robbed the cicadas and spun the bare visnovkas. The peculiarities of the life of the earth's measles are similar to those on Mars and Venus. More than 90% of the warehouse elements are represented by sour, silicon, saline, aluminium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium. Together with each other in different combinations, the stinks make up the same physical bodies - minerals. The stench can go up to the stock of hot pores at different concentrations. Budova earthly measles is already heterogeneous. So, hirska breeds in a narrow-minded look are aggregates of a larger-less post-yoy chemical warehouse. Tse independent geological bodies. Under them, the region of the earth's measles is clearly christened, may be at the borders of the same trip, century.

Russian breeds for groups

1. Magmatic. The name speaks for itself. The stench blames the magma that came from the vents of ancient volcanoes. Budova tsikh porid lie down in the vіd shvidkostі zastigannya lava. Chim won more, Tim less crystal speech. Granite, for example, was formed in the earth's measles, and basalt appeared as a result of stepwise wilting of magma on the surface. The diversity of such occasions is great. Looking at the life of the earth's measles, Bachimo, that it is composed of igneous minerals by 60%.

2. Siege. Tse spawned, yakі became the result of step-by-step deposit on land and days to the ocean ulamkiv quiet chi other minerals. They can be like fluffy components (sand, pebbles), cemented (pebble), leftovers of microorganisms (stone vugillya, vapnyak), products of chemical reactions (potassium strength). The stench becomes up to 75% of the earth's measles on the continents.
According to the physiological method of settling the siege, breeds are subdivided into:

  • Ulamkov. Tse remnants of different mountain breeds. The stench collapsed under the influx of natural factors (earthrust, typhoon, tsunami). Before them you can see sand, pebbles, gravel, crushed stone, clay.
  • Chemistry. The stench is step by step utvoryuyuyutsya from the water roses of quiet chi and other mineral speeches (salt).
  • Organic and biogenic. They are stacked from the remains of creatures of chi roslin. Tse combustible shale, gas, naphtha, vugillya, vapnyak, phosphorus, creid.

3. Metamorphic rocks. The stench can be transformed into other components. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya under the influx of temperature, scho zmіnyuєtsya, a great vice, rozchinіv аbo gazіv. For example, with vapnyak you can take marmur, granite - gneiss, and quartzite - with sand.

Minerals of that mountainous breed, like the people actively victorious in their life, are called brown copalins. What are the stinks?

Tse natural mineral solutions, like pouring earth measles into the earth. The stinks can vicorist to the rural state the kind of craftsmanship, like a natural looker, so it turns out to be reworked.

See brown minerals. Your classification

Fallow view physical state that aggregation, colored copalins can be divided into categories:

  1. Hard (ore, marmur, vugіllya).
  2. Ridki (mineral water, naphtha).
  3. Gas-like (methane).

Characteristics of other types of brown copalins

Behind the warehouse, that special features are divided:

  1. Combustible (vougillya, naphtha, gas).
  2. Rudni. The stench includes radioactive (radium, uranium) and noble metals (silver, gold, platinum). Rudi black (zalіzo, manganese, chromium) and color metals (mud, tin, zinc, aluminium).
  3. Nerudny korisnі kopaliny play the role of such an understanding, like earthly measles. Their geography is great. Tse non-metal and non-combustible rocks. Tse budіvelnі materials (sand, gravel, clay) and chemical speeches(Sirka, phosphati, potassium salts). Okremy rose was dedicated to precious and sublime stones.

Rozpodіl korishnіh kopalinov on the planet uninterruptedly deposited in vіd zvnіshnіkh chinnіvіvі geological laws.

So, the fire-pits of korisn_ kopaliny are usually seen in oil-and-gas-bearing and coal-bearing basins. The stench of a siege campaign is molded on the siege shrouds of the platforms. Nafta and vugillya rarely fall at the same time.

Rudnі korisnі kopalini most often serve the foundation, ledges and folded areas of platform slabs. In such places, the stench can create majesty behind a dove's belt.


Earthy shell, apparently, bagatosharova. The core is located in the very center, and its radius is approximately 3500 km. Yogo temperature is richer, lower at Sontsya and becomes close to 10,000 K. chemical warehouse the core is not removed, but imovirno it is folded with nickel that hall.

The old core is in the melted steel and may be more hardened, lower internally. Remain under the colossal vice. Speech, in that number, it is folded, they perebuvayut at a steady, hard station.


The geosphere of the Earth will leave the core and become close to 83 cm in the shell of our planet. The lower boundary of the mantle is located on the majestic clay of Mayzha 3000 km. Qiu tunic is wisely divided into less plastic and thin upper part (the magma itself settles in it) and into the lower crystalline part, the width of which becomes 2000 kilometers.

Warehouse that earthly measles

To speak about those elements that enter the warehouse of the lithosphere, it is necessary to give an understanding.

The earth's crust is the outer shell of the lithosphere. Її space is less than two-fold equal to the average space of the planet.

From the mantle, the earth's crust is crossed by the cordon M, as it was already said above. Shards of the process, which are found on both plots, are mutually injected one on one, their symbiosis is called the lithosphere. Tse means "kam'yana obolonka". Її tension kolivaetsya no more than 50-200 kilometers.

Below the lithosphere, the asthenosphere is staggered, as it may have a smaller thin and viscous consistency. The temperature is getting close to 1200 degrees. The unique feature of the asthenosphere is the ability to destroy its boundaries to penetrate the lithosphere. Vaughn is the lifeblood of volcanism. Here one can see the melting of magma pits, which are in the earth's crust and wriggle to the surface. Vivchayuchi these processes, vcheni could generate a rich variety of marvelous conclusions. Itself so vyvchala budova zemnoї measles. The lithosphere was formed many thousands of years ago, but at the same time it has active processes.

Structural elements of earth measles

Paired with the mantle and the core, the lithosphere is a thick, thin and narrow ball. The won is made up of combinations of speeches, at the warehouse of which on this day, over 90 chemical elements. The stench of the distribution is not uniform. 98 vіdsotkіv masi zemnoї measles sow sіm warehouses. Tse acid, salt, calcium, aluminium, potassium, sodium and magnesium. For the most recent pores and minerals, it will take over 4.5 billion rocks.

Vivchayuchi inner budova earth measles you can see different minerals.
The mineral is a homogeneous speech, as it can be used in the middle, so it is on the surface of the lithosphere. Tse quartz, gypsum, talc thinly. Rocky rocks are made up of one or more minerals.

Process to form the earth's crust

Budova oceanic earth measles

Tsya part of the lithosphere is more importantly composed of basaltic rocks. Budova's oceanic earth measles are not as thoroughly developed as they are continental. The theory of tectonic plates explains that the oceanic earth's crust is perceptibly young, and that the rest of the plots can be dated to a young age.
The tovshchina practically does not change from time to time, to that there is a large number of melts, which are seen from the mantle near the zone of the mid-ocean ridges. On it, the depth of siege balls at the bottom of the ocean is practically poured. At the largest volumes of landings, the distance between 5 and 10 km should be increased. This type of terrestrial shell lies up to the oceanic lithosphere.

continental crust

The lithosphere interacts with the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and the biosphere. In the process of synthesis, stench satisfies the most complex and reactive shell of the Earth. In the tectonosphere itself there are processes that change the warehouse and life of these shells.
The lithosphere on the earth's surface is not homogeneous. Vaughn maє kіlka sharіv.

  1. Osadoviy. Vin is more importantly established by mountain breeds. Here, clay and shale are prevailed, as well as widely widened carbonate, volcanic and rock rocks. In the siege balls you can see such colorful copalins, like gas, naphtha and stone vugillya. Usі stink mаut organіchne pojzhennya.
  2. Granite ball. Wines are composed of igneous and metamorphic rocks, which are the closest in their nature to granite. This ball is far from screeching, nayyaskraviche vyrazheniya on the continents. Here yoga glybin can become tens of kilometers.
  3. A basalt ball is formed by rocks that are close to the same mineral. Vіn schіlnіshiy, nizh granite.

Depth and change in the temperature of the earth's crust

The surface ball is warmed up by sleepy heat. Tse heliometric shell. She knows seasonal temperature fluctuations. The average pressure on the ball should be close to 30 m-code.

Below there is a ball, thinner and more tense. Yogo temperature is constant and approximately average, typical for the planet. Fallow in the continental climate, the depth of this ball increases.
More glibshe in the earth's crust is one more rhіven. Tse geothermal ball. Budova earth measles conveys its presence, as the temperature is determined by the internal heat of the Earth and grows from the depths.

The rise in temperature is due to the decay of radioactive speech, which enters the warehouse of the mountainous rocks. Nasampered tse radіy that uranium.

Geometric gradient - the value of the increase in temperature in the fallow in the step of increasing the depth of the balls. The goal parameter is to fall into different factors. Budova that type of earthly measles is injected into the new one, so it’s like a warehouse of mountain breeds, rіven that mind їх zalyagannya.

The warmth of the earth's crust is the most important energy source. Yogo vvchennya even more relevant today.

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