How Saudi Arabia fights with chakluns, gays and alcoholics The most desolate strife in Saudi Arabia
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Capital punishment in Saudi Arabia.


2 days in Saudi Arabia, 47 people were accused of propaganda of extremist ideology, terrorist activities and participation in discussions, including a preacher. Itiv Nimr al-Nimr.

This screamed a storm all over the world and, first of all, in Shiite Iran, where the protesters made it to the Saudi Arabian embassy and tried to take over the government there.

As a result, this led to the rupture of tensions between Riyadh and Tehran.

Just at the same time, the blood of those who died was shed on the territory under the control of the Islamic State in Russia (IG, IDIL, Arabic version of the name - DAISH).

Let’s be wary of this view from a Time newspaper photographer: “When the punishment began, the rebels grabbed him by the throat.

He started to repair the operation.

Three times the rebels pressed him to the ground.

Lyudina tried to cover her throat with her hands, which were still tied.

I fought, but the rebels were strong, and the stinkers cut my throat.

The stinks raised my cut head in the wind.

The militants of the “Islamic state” also wanted to live their lives for the sake of the Saudi proxies.

In the Iraqi city of Mosul, which they buried, they threw away the house of a man accused of homosexuality.

Dozens of people came to the stratum to marvel, among them were children.

About those who sentenced a man to death by calling out one of the terrorists from the microphone.

People crowded around his frozen body, although the sight was not for people with weak nerves.

A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye

Moreover, in the ID, even more brutal methods of killing are practiced.

Merezha recently received a video of the struggle of a 19-strong soldier of the Syrian army.

Until the 90s of the last century, the wives of the kingdom were shot.

However, then the government decided that... it would cut off the heads of representatives of the weaker status.

To indicate your religious affiliation, the Saudi visa will include a column about the foreigner's religion.

The leading edge has a religious police (muttawa).

Soldiers of the Shariah Guard are constantly patrolling the streets and large buildings of Saudi Arabia in an attempt to destroy the canons of Islam.

Once a violation of a wine record has been detected, there will be no punishment - including a fine and a penalty to the head.

Amnesty International's report on the issue states that "there were hopes for reforms in human rights when King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud ascended the throne in early 2014, but at the same time there was widespread disintegration." The death penalty is reserved in Saudi Arabia on the sovereign level. The president of the Saudi Human Rights Commission, Bandar Al-Aiban, said that the kingdom cannot deny the rights of victims of crime.

2 days in Saudi Arabia, 47 people were accused of propaganda of extremist ideology, terrorist activities and participation in parliaments, including the Shiite proprietor Idnik Nimr al-Nimr.

This screamed a storm all over the world and, first of all, in Shiite Iran, where the protesters made it to the Saudi Arabian embassy and tried to take over the government there.

This screamed a storm all over the world and, first of all, in Shiite Iran, where the protesters made it to the Saudi Arabian embassy and tried to take over the government there.

As a result, this led to the rupture of tensions between Riyadh and Tehran.

Just at the same time, the blood of those who died was shed on the territory under the control of the Islamic State in Russia (IG, IDIL, Arabic version of the name - DAISH).

Let’s be wary of this view from a Time newspaper photographer: “When the punishment began, the rebels grabbed him by the throat.

He started to repair the operation.

Three times the rebels pressed him to the ground.

As a result, this led to the rupture of tensions between Riyadh and Tehran.

I fought, but the rebels were strong, and the stinkers cut my throat.

Just recently, the blood of those who died was shed in the territories controlled by the “Islamic Power” defended from Russia 1 (IG 1, ISIS 1, the Arabic version of the name is Daesh). His militants published a video clip in which they forced five British allegiances from the spies. In the Saudi Kingdom, school assistants were called upon to inform students about the norms of Sharia law.

The militants of the “Islamic state” also wanted to live their lives for the sake of the Saudi proxies.

In the Iraqi city of Mosul, which they buried, they threw away the house of a man accused of homosexuality.

Dozens of people came to the stratum to marvel, among them were children.

About those who sentenced a man to death by calling out one of the terrorists from the microphone.

For example, they say that Jews and homosexuals face death. Old, dirty, thought. The assistant also clearly illustrates how to cut off the legs and hands of evildoers in case of emergency.

A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye

Moreover, in the ID, even more brutal methods of killing are practiced.

Merezha recently received a video of the struggle of a 19-strong soldier of the Syrian army.

Until the 90s of the last century, the wives of the kingdom were shot.

A woman in Saudi Arabia has no rights. For example, in 2014, the Supreme Mufti of the region Sheikh Abdul Aziz Ali

allowing cannibalism. Aziz Ali stated literally this: “If a person is mortally hungry and does not find any hedgehogs in his house, he can cut a fragment of his friend’s body and kill him. A woman can come to this decision with loyalty and humility, as long as she and the man have the same goal.” Then in the kingdom of the Saudis there is punishment “myakshe”. having clarified the difference between the mortal rule of the Islamic State and Saudi practice.

“IG does not have the necessary legal mechanism in its vaunted decisions about the stratum of people,” At-Turki said. Permanent Representative of Saudi Arabia to the UN is not for the presence of a “legal mechanism” Faisal Trat

Soldiers of the Shariah Guard are constantly patrolling the streets and large buildings of Saudi Arabia in an attempt to destroy the canons of Islam.

was recently appointed as the head of the advisory group of the UN Radio for Human Rights? New standards have always been part of the world's policy - to understand the application of severe discrediting of the right of peoples to self-determination and the principle of territorial integrity. The Kosiv Albanians can be reclaimed, but the Russian Albanians in Krim cannot. The Jews will have their own national power, but the Kurds will not. Slobodan Milosevic

abominations, from and bombed by Yugoslavia, and

Al Saud

sells naphtha, my embossed handle.

To whom I am friends, I forgive, to whom I am not friends, I bring democracy to them.

However, the world needs to know.

It’s not surprising that Saudi justice is clearly irritated by the approach: in order to be convicted or acquitted, it often takes just an oath; Even if you are ill, do not be afraid of any kind of sacrifice (accepted formally) between the subjects of the kingdom of foreigners.

viroku (zokrema, middle strachenih 2 sіchnya buli giants to Chad and Egypt).

Corresponding to Sharia, three types of punishment can be imposed: hadd (for crimes against morality and public order - drinking, gambling, slander, liberation), qisas (punishment according to the principle of “an eye for an eye”, which is prescribed for the killing of serious bodies no care ) that tazir - punishment to science for violating the public order, such as homosexuality, over-lover, theft at the markets, disobedience to the authorities, failure to maintain fast, etc.

Hudd, yak rule, navigated by Batogami, Kisas allowed the Zbitka Groshima (DIY), and the TAZIR axis can snake in the nashery swords - VID of the everybody of the Rosmovi to Vidrubanni Rosp'yatti.

Jubilant Batig

Most often, in the field of respect, foreign snakes are consumed by punishment with batogs.

Although there is a wider area in the Muslim world, Saudi Arabia is clearly visible in the background.

Another type of huge punishment is head cutting.

We are preparing for a great escape for the people.

As a rule, after the destruction, the body of the evildoer with a whirlwind weapon is put on display - most often, we are fired.

The fight for hardness

The most widespread crime for which the Saudi federation punishes foreigners is the destruction of the strict Sharia law on alcohol.

The proponent of the police of the kingdom arrested the 73-year-old Briton Karl Endri in the city of Jeddah, having found him drinking homemade wine.

If Endri suffers from cancer and asthma, he will suffer more than fate, and the punishment assigned to him is 350 blows with a batog.

When this happens, over 600 people in Saudi Arabia become non-Muslims.

The largest number of Catholic workers are from the Philippines, and there are also representatives of other faiths: Protestants from Europe, Orthodox Christians from Egypt, Ethiopia and Eritrea.

The public manifestation of Christianity in the kingdom is blocked, it is not possible to save non-Islamic religious objects, including the Bible, crucifixions, and images of saints.

Christians and representatives of other religions may not pray at home.

The law is followed by a special religious police - the Shariah Guard.

Photo: Theodore Shoebat/LifeLeak

Often foreign Christians appear as guarantors of the international camp.

Unfazed by the great pressure on the side of the conservative masses of the population and the Shariah guards, the victim’s man did not see her, declaring that the woman was not guilty of anything.

The world is in a state of flux.

The upcoming President Barack Obama, also a senator, called on the Department of State to do everything possible to prevent the punishment of victims.

Finally, King Abdullah praised Solomon’s decision: he took the crown of the patient woman, explained the martyred good, and also said that the judgment was absolutely fair. "Paradise for Gays" Homosexuality is also severely punished in Saudi Arabia - you can get your head kicked for a single offense.

Most often, the courts order to complete punishment, especially if they have to comply with the penalties for other articles.

Suvori laws of Sharia that protect sexual contact between a man and a woman, as they do not stop with a lover, literally encourage young men to listen to a partner among friends. This leads to the fact that homosexuality for mutual benefit or in the form of exchange has turned into a long-standing Saudi problem. initial mortgages

, segregated behind a statue sign

War with the Chakluns

Since the Saudi authorities are blind to homosexuality, they must fight against homosexuality vigorously and uncompromisingly.

As a rule, there is only one solution for this: cutting off the head and avoiding crucifixion - for science otherwise.

As a rule, about those who another giant of the kingdom is engaged in shielded magic, inform the drunken neighbors and the people below.

For whom a special hotline has been organized: can anyone tell the anti-charisma service about this magical evil.

When arrested, additional security steps are taken into account: it is reliably known that the young people make an agreement with the gins, so they can fly in the winds.

The fight against the chakluns is not limited between the kingdoms.

2010, the Lebanese speaker Ali Hussein Sibat spent his head: at the hour I appeared on a TV show, conveying to those who are waiting for the future and giving pleasure to the viewers.

The Saudi intelligence services followed him closely and arrested him if Sibat unexpectedly decided to go on Hajj.

Among them are three children, prominent political opponents of the prince, clergy and fighters for human rights.

The evidence confirms that there are at least six signs of death.

The findings of organizations within the framework of the “Death Punishment” project revealed “illegal and violent crimes” in Saudi Arabia, as well as violations of the rights of people both related to them and their families.

Experts say that these evil cases were “destroyed by systematic tortures, including unfair judicial processes, which led to death.”

Among the victims in 2019: 3 women and 51 people, who are suspected of being addicted to drugs.

2010, the Lebanese speaker Ali Hussein Sibat spent his head: at the hour I appeared on a TV show, conveying to those who are waiting for the future and giving pleasure to the viewers.

In other countries, such atrocities are considered unimportant in order to make people’s lives easier.

Masovі, show strata Schonaimensche z 58 killed boules by foreign giants


Most of them were due to widespread Shia Islam - a evil in the Sunni Arab state.

The total: 21 Pakistanis, 15 Yemenis, five from Syria and four from Egypt.

Two Jordanians, two Nigerians, Somalis and two from unknown lands were also killed.

On the 22nd of April, a mass punishment was imposed in this region, in which 37 people were killed.

One was pierced, and another was pierced through the head.

All those killed during the massacre were tried for “terrorism.”

Saudi Arabia is running out of children

One of those beheaded is Abdulkarim al-Khawaj, who was arrested shortly after participating in an anti-government rally when he was over 16 years old.

At the trial he was found guilty of being a “terrorist.” The young lads had his head cut off in front of a bloody onslaught of 36 other people condemned to death. Apparently, one of the bodies was pink and put on display after the fire.

Within the framework international law, the death penalty area was fenced off until the 18th century.

Another sacrifice - Mujaba al-Suikat - a sublime that was about to begin

new life

On the 24th quarter, the Saudi Press Agency reported that one of the largest series of strife in the history of the region took place in Saudi Arabia - the government brought about 37 people to death.

One of them was punished: it is punishable in the country only for the most serious crimes, reports Mikita Likhachov from TJournal.

Among those who suffered were those who were considered to be killed in the killing of the coronavirus protection organs with the help of infiltration, the formation of terrorist groups and expanded terrorist ideologies.

Ale were among them and those who were lost for crimes, never before reaching adulthood, which is protected by international laws.

Abdulkarim al-Khawaj (left-handed) and Mujtaba al-Sweikat (right-handed).

Photo before touching up

In 2016, 46 individuals were killed at once in Saudi Arabia, including the Shiite leader Nimr al-Nimr.

In 2017, he became the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, and the current king chose him as his successor.
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