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The Council of Ministers was instructed not to give compulsory medical insurance policies to the unemployed. How to take the policy of obligatory medical insurance (CHI) to the unemployed Omsk for non-working people

For the sake of lawyers:

1. What is the current policy of ZMS after the call? What can you do for a new service in a polyclinic without a job?

1.1. Polis ZMS at the same time does not bind until the month of work and continue activities.

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1.2. Zhodnogo zv'yazku mizh robot and policy ZMS. You can continue to enjoy.

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2. My uncle is suspected of oncology, pissing blood. Doctors all the time assign paid analyses, t.z. tumor markers. Ninі vіn is officially unemployed, minuscule pіdrobіtok. Is it legal? Why do we need a ZMS policy?

2.1. Everything should be deposited, depending on the fact that analyzes are prescribed by doctors, following the rule of thumb, medicine is cost-free according to the law of the Russian Federation, more analyzes can be given under the ZMS policy. You can apply to the Department of Health Protection with a written statement about the roses of clarification, if the services themselves can be given on a paid or free basis.

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3. I am a citizen of Russia. Permanently living in Ukraine. Registration for a transfer for 3 years in St. Petersburg? 59 years. Jobless. The grave is like taking the policy of the ZMS and I may have the right, the possibility of being served in the clinic for the registry office, district? Why don’t you ask at the clinic in the registry .. without showing an internal passport, it’s more than a cordon and a certificate of registration for a transfer (whi can I have the right to take an internal passport)? What a distant way?

3.1. If you are a citizen of the Russian Federation, and if you have time to register, then you need to return to the Migration Food Administration with an application for the withdrawal of a passport. Also, you have the right to take the OMS policy and to be served in the district clinic for the cost of living.

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3.2. You have the right to take away an internal passport, and you need to file a claim, tk. you are a citizen of the Russian Federation And for living without a passport you will be fined from 3 to 5000 rubles. Vidpovidalnist for Art. 19.15 KpAP RF.

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4. Food honey. service from the ZMS policy for the unemployed. Chi may be unemployed, officially not registered with the Center for Employment of the Population (the term for 1 rіk perebuvannya on the stock exchange ended) for the purchase of non-cash honey. service from the ZMS policy!?

4.1. Regardless of the fact that you are unemployed or practicing for the presence of the compulsory medical insurance policy, medical services are paid without cost in polyclinics. However, the skin region has its own number of cost-free services that rely on the HMI policy.

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4.2. Oleksiy.
So, an unpractised hunker may have the right to take away free services from the policy of ZMS.

Federal law "On the basics of protecting the health of the people of the Russian Federation" dated November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ.

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5. How can a jobless person get an insurance premium for an unfortunate fall behind a ZMS policy? (breaking his leg). Thank you!

5.1. It’s a pity, as you are unemployed, you can’t pay for the ZMS policy. You need to stand as a minimum on the stock exchange.

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6. I don't have a ZMS policy. I work at the military part. Having slipped and broken my leg, not at the time of the service, I had a break, I came to the clinic for a living, the surgeon decided to apply a plaster cast, relying on those that I am military and I will not pay part of my services. Having gone to another place, that only after saying that the unemployed put plaster and put it to the hospital. How to punish the doctors and bring the illegality of the medical polyclinic?

6.1. According to Article 11 of the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation”, medical help in an emergency form is hoped for by a medical organization and a medical practitioner is not necessary and cost-free. Vіdmova at її nadanny is not allowed. For damage to them, the medical organizations and medical practitioners can be charged with legal action until the legislation of the Russian Federation.

If you still stumbled out of self-government, give the scarga to the head physician of the clinic, for which the emergency room, or to the prosecutor's office. Or go to the Fund for Obligatory Medical Insurance - federal, or territorial, or to the territorial department of health protection.

I respect that the fracture is placed before emergency help.

Good luck, Mikhailo.

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7. I don't have a ZMS policy. I work at the military part. Poskovznuvsya and breaking his leg, not at the time of the passage of the service, buv vihіdny. I came to the clinic for a living, the surgeon was advised to apply a plaster cast, relying on those who I am military and I partly do not pay for these services. Having gone to another place, that only after saying that the unemployed put plaster and put it to the hospital. How to punish the doctors and bring the illegality of the medical polyclinic?

7.1. Go to the prosecutor's office and take charge of the protection of a healthy municipal polyclinic with a scar, so that your emergency goiter should be given medical assistance in any case, regardless of the presence of HMS.

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8. I don't have a ZMS policy. I work at the military part. Poskovznuvsya and broke his leg, came to the clinic for a living, the surgeon decided to apply a plaster cast, relying on those who I am military and їm part I will not pay for these services. Having gone to another place, that only after saying that the unemployed put plaster and put it to the hospital. How to punish the doctors and bring the illegality of the medical polyclinic?

8.1. To be honest, they are not insured under the ZMS. Mustache servants, like they rely on the best librarians, are guilty of being lined directly in front of the part. I will allow the head of the unit. Get a legal doctor.
You now need to write a report on the conduct of the service review and receive a penny compensation. The life and health of the military service is insured. You took away the injury for an hour of service.

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8.2. How to punish the doctors and bring the wrongfulness of the medical polyclinic?

You do not need to bring anything. Submit the scarga to the prosecutor's office and the regional health department.

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9. What is the difference between you and the HMI policy?

9.1. The law does not have such evidence.

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10. At the moment, unemployed, the contract was closed on May 1, 2016. In 15 days 15 May 2016 Having spent at an accident, I have injuries, I lie in the hospital. How can I waive the payment for the ZMS policy?

10.1. You can't

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10.2. According to compulsory medical insurance, only pay a debt, but don’t pay

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11. At the moment I am unemployed, I have a policy of obov'yazkovogo medical insurance, so I need to pay a one-time assistance for a national child.

11.1. It's done. Return to the committee of social. zahistu for the place of registration.

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11.2. Marina Sergiivna! So, the payment can be taken in the organs of the social defense of the population. With advice, if you want to give you a canopy booth, you will need to turn to the body of the social protection of the population for registration of additional assistance and additional necessary documents, as you are thirsty.
Cheers, Anna.

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11.3. Tsya viplata to lay down to everyone who gave birth to a child!
Practice Vi chi nі - the meaning is not maє.
It is necessary to turn to the social protection authorities for the purpose of living, taking with you a passport and an original certificate about the nationality of a child.
Also, you can arrange additional help to look after a child up to 1.5 years old.

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12. When issuing a policy of obligatory medical insurance, stating that he was unemployed, but really a military serviceman. Some naslіdki can be.

12.1. Chi will be serious inadmissibility in service.


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13. I work for a labor contract, without social. the robot-seller does not rob for me of the daily care. My salary is lower for the living wage, and I have to work for myself every day, I’m just not in my mind, I have a small child in my morning. At the same time, I got to know the ZMS policy. How can I arrange it as a jobless, what do I need to pay for it and how much?

13.1. Irina Volodymyrivna!
At your discretion, put an official labor contract. Abo in the court order to find out the fact of labor permits on the basis of evidence of certificates.

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Consultation for your diet

calls from Moscow and mobile without any fees throughout Russia

14. I recently broke IP. It is necessary to change the policy of obligatory medical insurance (having taken off the past fate as a jobless one in another region)

14.1. You do not need to change the policy of obov'yazkovy social insurance.

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15. A person works in the police, and you want to issue a ZMS policy in order to go to the likarni order from the house! It seems to be on the police, I can’t have the right, but I’ll just say that I’m unemployed! If you draw up a policy in this way, then why would I threaten you with an early warning, if so, when you issue a wine, say that it is unemployed and you will see a policy?
Thank you.

15.1. so you can rob. I wish you good luck and all the best.

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16. I need to take out the ZMS policy, but I can’t get the Moscow registration.
Where can I take such a policy in Moscow, being a citizen of the Russian Federation? Addresses and telephone?
Timchasovo is unemployed.

16.1. Have some kind of medical insurance organization for the place of your registration.

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17. How long can I apply for the ZMS policy after the call? Now I'm jobless. Thank you.

17.1. Polis ZMS at once until the month of work without binding. You can speed up to the end of the term yoga dance.

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18. I work as a seller - a cashier, I fell ill at once, and the policy was replaced by a replacement, they saw me a timely certificate confirming the registration of the policy of obligatory medical insurance, why should I pay for medical bills for these certificates? (Until which policy bezrobitnoy, uchniv) Help be kind!

18.1. So, the goiter is to pay, even if the term dії timchasovy not passing

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19. I work unofficially, and therefore the robot seller cannot issue an HMI policy. I need to go back to the doctor and go through obstezhennya. How do I have the right to withdraw the HMI policy from an insurance company for the cost of living? I phoned there, they told me that they can’t issue a policy, because I’ll take away my income, and I’m going to turn around like I’m helpless to attract criminal charges for deceit. Thank you in advance for your advice.

19.1. Don't add anyone or anything. Present your work book, in the same daily record about your work at the given hour. Take away the policy for the place of residence

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20. My Mom There they spend pennies for the operation from the plate inserted into the arm.
How can I supplement the CHI policy and who can carry out the operation without cost?

20.1. Hope! It's easier for you to turn to the insurance company that you have seen the policy and check there for a fee or a cost-free operation. Only so.

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21. Persons on a robot (registered official) were issued in a formalized medical policy of language insurance, as a reshti spivrobitnikiv. They demanded to go to the district polyclinic and take the policy for the place of registration as unemployed. What is right? How to fix it at such a time? What document can I send? Behind the hell.

21.1. It's wrong.
Law of the Russian Federation No. 1499-1 dated 28.06.1991. "About the medical insurance of the population of the Russian Federation"
Article 2
for the working population - undertakings, establishments, organizations ... "
Article 9 Insurer goiter:
- lay down an agreement on compulsory medical insurance with an insurance medical organization
- make insurance contributions
and so on."

Decree to the Council of St. Petersburg dated December 30, 2004 N 2088
"About the Rules of obligatory medical insurance of the population in St. Petersburg"

2.5. "Insurers for the working people of the community are legal
individuals independently in the form of authority and organizational and legal form, and
also physical individuals, recognized by the payers of the single social
tribute (contribution) or another contribution in the part, which is calculated and paid in
fondy obov'yazykovyh medical insurance vodpovidno up to
legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees".
With respect!

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22. A person came to us for a job before we saw the ZMS policy as for a jobless person. The term policy is not yet clear. Why do we have to look after the old policy, if we want to redeem the ESP to the ZMS for a new one, why do we need to see that we are new?

22.1. Another organization accepts a medical insurance policy for five days of goiter stench to issue a medical insurance policy for you.

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23. Please, be kind, how to overcome the situation that has developed. Druzhina do not see the policy of binding honey. insurance, because she is not registered as unemployed in the employment service. Oskelki we live far away in the place of registration (registration), you can’t get in the shape of the employment service, where you need to come every day, and through a great distance it’s simply impossible. Chi protect the law of the people, how did they spend in such a camp, even if the skin of the people can have the right to compulsory medical insurance, and also, to bezkoshtovnu medical assistance? Chi є vyhіd іz such a situation? With honor, Sergius.

23.1. Like a squad of a bulky woman of the Russian Federation, they have the right to take the policy for the money of their permanent registration, and I will help you to take the Russian Federation. Vidmova at the witness of the polis can be oskarzheno before the court at the sight of the skarga on the property of the landowners, as if they violate the rights of the citizens.

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23.2. I didn’t understand from your nutrition that you yourself, having advised you from a doctor, had a policy of obligatory medical insurance. Vіdpovіdno to the Law "On ob'yazkove medichne insurance" by insurers under ob'yazkovym medіchne insurance for the non-practical population, autonomous districts, territories, regions, cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, municipal administration. At the link with the deposit, I recommend that you go for a policy to the District Administration for your accommodation.

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24. I practice in Moscow (4 months), and I live in Pdmoskov. I know that I’m working in Moscow, the robot maker is guilty of seeing the health insurance policy for the replacement of my suburban health insurance policy (what a sight for me, if I was jobless). The policy is for the work of the work until I see no more (certainty explains the validity of the insurance contract with the insurance company). Prote bula situation, if I fell ill, I lay at the hospital for 4 days. Three robots were waiting for a proof that confirmed my ailment, I brought it. Ale lament for me її steel, tk. pay less for the law for medicines, they issued a yak bi "permit for my rahunok". I am pregnant on the 6th month, the LCD will have to change the OMS policy for me, so that I could then help me as a practitioner, and not as a jobless person. I asked for food before the labor inspection, but then they realized that the problem is our health care, and not the robot. Help me, be kind, what I need to work, to fix the situation, where to turn around, even if I have a decree ... There are no guarantees that there will be no problems in my health, but I don’t know how to protect myself. Thank you in advance for your advice.

24.1. Marino, maybe at the labor inspectorate, you have such a good idea! Insure the practitioner - CE OBOV'YAZOK robot! Try to return to the inspection again and present an offensive argument:

Basic rights and obligations of the robot

Robotic goiter:
dorimuvatsya labor legislation and other normative legal acts, to meet the norms of labor law, local normative acts, abide by the collective agreement, please the labor agreements;
give workers a job, zomovlenu labor contract;
take care of the security and wash the workers, which allow the state normative powers to protect the workers;
to provide workers with possessions, tools, technical documentation and other means necessary for the execution of labor obov'yazkiv;
to secure equal payment for practitioners for equal value;
to pay the full payment to the practitioners of the wages at the line, established according to the Code, the collective agreement, the rules of the internal labor order, labor contracts;
conduct collective negotiations, as well as lay down collective agreements in accordance with the procedure established by the Code;
to give representatives of practitioners full and reliable information necessary for the establishment of a collective agreement, to please control over their victories;
know the practitioners according to the adopted local normative acts that directly affect their labor activity;
timely vikonuvat order of the federal body of vikonavchoi power, upheld for carrying out state supervision and control over pretrial labor legislation and other normative legal acts, to avenge the norms of labor law, other federal bodies of vikonavchoi government, which control this area, the fines have been imposed , overlays of violation of labor legislation and other normative legal acts, to avenge the norms of labor law;
to look at the submissions of the leading professional bodies, other representatives of the practitioners about the violation of labor legislation and other acts, to avenge the norms of labor law, to live in the presence of any violations that have been discovered and to report about the violation of the labor law to the appointed representatives;
think about how to secure the fate of workers in the management of the organization in the transfer of the Code, other federal laws and collective agreement forms;
to provide for the needs of workers, to tie work clothes from them;
zdijsnyuvati OBOV'YAZKOVE social insurance of workers in the order established by federal laws;
to compensate for the fault of the practitioners in connection with them in their labor obligations, and also to compensate for the moral fault in the order of the minds established by the Code, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation;
vikonuvat іnshi obov'yazki, peredbachenі labor legislation and other normative legal acts, scho to avenge the norms of labor law, collective agreement, agreements, local normative acts and labor contracts.
(Part of a friend as amended by the Federal Law of June 30, 2006 N 90-FZ)

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25. Food like this: why can you see the policy of ZMS in Moscow for the presence of time registration for 5 years (hugeness of the Russian Federation, permanent registration of the city of Kiev), but for the presence of the old policy? There is no old policy, but they took it away, if it was called from 2005. Didn't practice for a long time.
At the clinic they said that the old policy was needed, which was required to be taken after the registration for the place of permanent registration, having taken shape as unemployed, and without the old policy, they cannot see the new one.
There is no opportunity to draw up such a policy, so it will take a lot of time, and I work and financially importantly arrange trips.

25.1. The policy can be issued by robot.

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Kozhen is a huge citizen of the Russian Federation, a hundred years ago they put a contract with honey. insurance, removal of footwear medical insurance policy. The medical insurance policy may be less in the hands of the insured hulk. This document may have legal force throughout the territory of Russia, as well as the territory of other powers, with which Russia has laid down the favor of the medical insurance of its citizens. For example, it is significantly lower than the vartosti, lower.

For the ungrateful hulks(The unemployed, the disabled, the pensioners, the students, the children, the household gifts) the policy is seen for the cost of residential living at the point of examination of the policies of insurance companies. For any change in the post-life mіstsya, the unemployed hromadain goiter turn the insurance policy he has taken away and take another for his new living mіstsem.

Vypisuyuchi Poliz, Medichena Sensova Organiza is guilty of the Subreomiti Grumadyan with the rules of medical insurance at the regions, and such a Teritarian gamous guarantor nadanni is the Medical Beauty Dusa, the lists of the Medicine, the Medicine Medici . Vіdpovіdno up to the law of the Russian Federation on medical insurance of Russian citizens, for non-practising citizens with insurers є organs of vikonavchoї power for the place of permanent residence of the subject of the Russian Federation. Don't forget about .

For otrimanna medical policy of the bulk of Russia is guilty of a special declaration written on behalf of the vikonavchy clerk of the branch of the territorial fund for obov'yazkovogo medical insurance of the subject of Russia, in which he lives permanently. It is also possible to send a letter to the Republican Regional Fund for obov'yazkovogo medical insurance.

Prior to the application, the obov'yazkovo is applied:

  • a copy of the title pages of the passport;
  • a copy of the certificate of registration at the transfer office in Moscow;
  • a sign with a sign about the place of living was the place of the fasting place of living, that is the place, the stars of the hulk arrived;
  • a notarized copy of the work book, including a side note from the record about the call at the rest of the job. For example, the power supply is worth everything and it can’t mean anything to you.

The state gives the Russian citizens a cost-free guarantee that they will protect their health. For the same reason, insurance was invented for the ZMS program - obligatory medical insurance. Mozhlivostі otrimanna dopomogi vіd medpractіvnіv іv сіх hulks however.

The premiums are collected from quiet costs, which are collected from insurance companies for the ZMS system. The main provisions of the obov'yazykovogo medical insurance are laid down in Article 16 of the Federal Law-No. 326.

What does the ZMS policy give?

The compulsory medical insurance policy gives the right to free medical care in mercantile mortgages, which are due to the state. Insurance is realizing the constitutional right of any citizen of the country, laid down in the basic HMS program, which is supported by medical installations, which is practiced in this system and in all regions of Russia. This basic program is specially designed for all citizens, if they require medical assistance, regardless of the region, it is composed of obov'yazkovyh types of medical services, obligatory such establishments by normative acts, which are to be found in the country.

Medical services to give to the inhabitants of the special set, scho perebuvayut for a fast place of residence of the inhabitants:

  • polyclinics of global recognition (districts, cities) and stomatological;
  • stationary medical clinics;
  • trauma points;
  • oncological liquor mortgages;
  • skin and venereal dispensaries;
  • diagnostic center.

When the bulk of the population is sent to medical practitioners, it is necessary to present a policy and a passport. The term of the policy is completed at the time of the termination of the contract and at the end of the term of yoga. If the policy is used up, then a duplicate is seen behind the double declaration of the insured person.

With the help of the work of the medical police, it is given to the responsible personnel of the undertaking to turn over to the insurance company.

When changing the fixed cost of living, the policy is given to the fund of the large amount of living, and the citizen will withdraw the new policy to the new insurance address.

The medical policy gives you the opportunity to receive such services, like:

  • I will not help;
  • dolikarsku, primary likarsku and spetsializovanu dopomoga;
  • ambulatory help: diagnostic obstezhennia, procedures that treat illness at the clinic, at the librarian or at the day hospital;
  • help at the hospital, which is due to the need for intensive care with the cautious medical staff.

The CHI policy is the basis for judging:

  • gostrih ill;
  • poison the body with intoxication;
  • bodily injuries;
  • chronic illnesses;
  • sick people infected with epidemiological infections due to the need for isolation;
  • pathology of intrauterine winemaking of the fetus;
  • birth;
  • easier after abortion;
  • sick after the operation.

Territorial programs, like in other regions, are being installed in order. They can include more extensions in the list, but not guilty of revisiting the number of basic regional federal programs.

De otrimat insurance HMS unemployed?

The policy of obov'yazkovogo medical insurance is bought from the IC for the cost of living absolutely free of charge.

Get respect! The insurance organization is obliged to be officially registered with the registry of the insurance system and to have a valid license. For the presence of such a jobless person, it is necessary to go back to the territorial fund of the HMS.

Individuals of foreign powers who live in Russia can take out ZMS insurance and receive cost-free medical assistance as needed. For whom you need to return to the HMI fund and give a letter to the workers, he allowed them to stay in the Russian Federation, register for the actual place of residence, or a passport with a view of the residence.

In order to take out HMI insurance for an individual without a population of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to present a confirmation of the individual with a certificate of time of residence in the Russian Federation and a certificate of registration for the address of residence.

Irrelevant citizens (including children and pensioners) claim the right to insure by placing a contract in the office of the IC, as a service area, in which the stench permanently resides. It is necessary for an unemployed citizen to go to the HMI fund, fill in the application form for the withdrawal of a cost-free policy. On the back of a hulk, one sees a timely certificate, which confirms the fact of issuing a policy, which for a stretch of a month may have the very strength, like the policy itself.

The timing of the certificate of the ZMS policy is seen for 1 month, the application is reviewed for a long time, the documents are reviewed by the applicant, the policy is prepared. Spivrobitniki fund, as a rule, podomlyayut about the readiness of the policy and appoint a date, if it can be picked up. However, such a way may have the right to insure only the bulk of the Russian Federation.

In this article, it is negotiable to remove the policy of obligatory medical insurance by a person, as it is not practiced, but practiced unofficially. Krim tsgogo mi rozglyana, naskіlki real ¾ the introduction of the bill, which will allow the unemployed policy of compulsory medical insurance. Ale spochatku mi explainable, it is the policy of ZMS.

The MHI policy is a document, a document that guarantees you absolutely free medical services in organizations that are accredited by the Russian Federation. Vzagali, the policy of obov'yazkovy social insurance is guilty of being a skin hulk of the Russian Federation. As a rule, this document is seen through the company, which is the worker. Uchnі VNZ, pensioners and tі, hto not pratsevlashtovaniya officially, otrimuyut oms policy themselves. Let's take a look at the algorithm dіy, which allows the bezrobitny to take the policy of oms.

How to take the policy of ZMS to the unemployed?

In order to take the policy of ZMS to the unemployed, it is necessary to take a passport, UPS (insurance pension certificate) and certificate of nationality. As you can see, the legislation of the Russian Federation allows you to independently choose the insurance organization that best suits you. Do not hesitate, read the information on the Internet and see the market for obligatory medical insurance. Tse dopomozhe choose the right insurance organization. The task is simple: you go to the official website of the Fund for Obligatory Social Insurance, go to the menu "Territorial fund of CHI" and click on the contour of the Russian Federation. Then you know your area on the map and press on it. If you have done everything correctly, then on your screen you will see all the addresses and telephone numbers that are necessary for obtaining the MHI policy of organizations. We collect the phone number of the insurance company and find out from the operator, if we can come to issue an OMS policy. Come at the appointments for an hour, having brought with you a document that certifies the person of that UPS. If you draw up a policy for a child, if fourteen years have not passed yet, then you need to ask for a certificate about the people. You will fill in the official papier, which is given to you by the practitioner of the insurance organization. If you fill in the necessary document, the practitioner of the organization is obliged to see you, so called, timely certificate of obov'yazykovogo medical insurance. Tse svіdchennya bude dіyati doti, docks you will not see the policy of oms. Therefore, for these certificates, you can take qualified medical help at different needs. Before we speak, you have two options for the CHI policy - classic paper or plastic. Nosіy lie down in the view of your bajan. Here, in three days, or through a couple of days, you can call the insurance company by phone - your policy will be better for everything. For an idea, the insurance company is obliged to inform you about those who need to pick up the policy, by e-mail or by phone, but don’t worry. Axis, vlasne, the algorithm is diy for those who are unemployed and want to take the policy of oms.

Should the unemployed be allowed to apply for compulsory medical insurance?

Now, from the present hour, let's move on to the future and try to find out about food, to allow for the unemployed policies of obov'yazykovogo medical insurance? True, the deputies of the State Duma are no longer the first time to propagate such a bill, which will take away the possibility of cost-free medicine from those who do not practice, but not officially. Such innovation is promoted from the side of the party of the United Russia, and at the same time, from Ildari Gilmutdinov, who is guilty of changing to ZMS in the open discussion. Ale, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation voted that if such a bill were to be adopted, then it would be vindictive of the Constitutional Statute No. 41, as evidence that the Russian Federation could afford to pay additionally for copper. So, the MHI medical policy is very practical for the skin hulk of the Russian Federation, but not too many people can clearly tell, with some method, insurance companies work, like these policies see the population. And we vіdpovimo, scho insurance organizations, yakі may have the right to see the policy of compulsory medical insurance, may have a sche option, yak transfer protection of the rights of clients, and also help in choosing the necessary medical organization and fahivtsіv. In order to protect the law on obov'yazkove medical insurance, it is possible to show that the sphere of inflow of insurance organizations is large. Here is the transfer of the client from one medical organization to Russia, and the interest of the patient in case of damage to his rights by medical installations, and support for the conduct of medical consultations and many others. All these functions, without exception, are important for those who have the policy of oms. Ale, not everyone can still voddati for qi, nachebto obov'yazkovі, optiї svoї krevnі pennies.

How to classify the jobless?

Ale, wait, so that the unemployed will have the right to free medicine, you need to start appointing someone who is right for you. Even if students and pensioners are unemployed, if they have CHI policies, they will be, to put it mildly, wrong. Addicts of the visceral innovation want to take away from the Federal Law “about obov'yazkove medical insurance” clause, whoever says that a person is insured can be an official non-practice. Vinyatkom є spіvrobіtniki russian army. Now let's look at who, in the opinion of the deputies, can be deprived of unemployed insurance.

What documents are needed for a labor-free policy? Returning to the insurance company or the HMI Fund, the unemployed person is obliged to bring with him the following documents:

  1. Dedication of an individual.
  2. SNILZ (pension insurance).
  3. Application.

Earlier it was necessary to confirm the residence in that other city of the region. At the same time, all the exchanges are closed, the Oskilki OMS policy is expanding its activities throughout the territory of the Russian Federation. How long is the check for a issued policy? So, as it took an hour to complete the policy, then at the moment of the war, the workless person sees the time certificate, as if replacing the policy for the entire term, while the wine is being prepared. Such a certificate has information about those who deserve it and the date, if they spend their day.

How to take the policy of oms to the impractical

However, if you want a policy and give the right to a no-cost treatment, there are a number of points, if you don’t cover your wines, and for that the client will have to pay for their own expenses, for example, for outpatient care. The latest translation of such points is great.

  • Consultations of specialists, medical examine and other requests, which are carried out not for medical needs, but according to the law enforcement authorities, but for the private initiative of the citizens.
  • Medical care for private visits.
  • Likuvalno-prophylactic and diagnostic come in, who are being asked anonymously, for a wink on SNID.
  • all diagnostic follow-up procedures, as well as manipulations, consultations and other obstezhennia, which are carried out at home.

Otrimanna insurance medical policy jobless

In addition, they still illegally forced you to pay for your services (say, it wasn’t an hour to talk through the crisis situation), it’s possible to scam the decision and turn the pennies, though only you saved the check or the receipt for payment. If it is necessary to change the policy of ZMS, how should it be done? The compulsory medical insurance policy is not necessary to change in case of timchasovogo in the other place, or to bring a tribal renewal, prote in case of change of posting place of residence, or if you want to switch to another insurance company, you will need to take a new policy.

For whom, simply go to your country's insurance company, with a document showing you the person of that RSZPS, as if you have a wine. Respect that the change of the insurance company is allowed only once by the calendar date and the first leaf fall, that application needs to be filed before the current date.

Change of health insurance policy

Individuals, as if there is no massacre, to insure for the HMI program, it is enough to present the person’s death, deletion of a note about time of residence on the territory of the region, affixed registration for the time of time of residence. As a result of the need to withdraw a policy for medical insurance for an incompetent child, it is necessary to submit to the designated fund a certificate of yogo nationality, a passport of one of the fathers or a guardian, which will certify their person.

How to take the OMS policy to an unpractical person Unpractical communities can insure themselves, including children and pensioners, by signing a contract in the office of an insurance medical organization, as a service area of ​​their residential area.

What can I do with the policy of compulsory medical insurance, so I don’t work out?

Vіdpovіdno up to paragraph 5 of article 10 of the law on HHI, before insured osіb lie in the following categories of non-practical residents: - Children under 18 years of age; - Pensioners are not dependent on submitting a recognized pension; – students of universities and full-time SSNU; - Officially unemployed, as if they were changing their appearance in the employment service; - Father, abo guardian, occupied by the watchful eye of a child younger than three years old; - Pratsezdatnі hulks, busy watching over children with disabilities, disabled people of the 1st group, summer people older than 80 years old; - Other citizens, who do not work for a labor contract, for the vinnyatka of military servicemen, and especially those who are equal to them. The deputies shall proclaim the remaining row from the list.

To help the unemployed with the CHI policy


Importantly, the policy of obov'yazkovy medical insurance is guilty of being present at the skin hulk of the Russian Federation. How to take the policy of oms to the unpractical The choice of the insurance company lies on the shoulders of the huge man himself and the choice of the song company not to enter into the bindings of the individual who is insured.

If it is necessary to remember that the policy was canceled until 2011, it is possible to change the document until 2011. Respect In order to get a replacement or take away a medical policy, you should see your insurance company.

Spіvrobіtniki, scho vykonuyut issued polіsіv, proponuyut gromadyaninovі zapovnity standard application or themselves її draw up for these documents. The application will indicate the client's support for the removal of services from this insurance fund.

How to get a medical insurance policy for a jobless person without a residence permit

De mozhna otrimati Polis CHI is bought from the insurance medical organization for the cost of living cost-free. As a single mind, help, as the organization is guilty, it is listed in the register of the system and mother license.

For її vіdstnostі і mіstsevostі, de delay the applicant, you need to go back to the territorial fund of HMS. Citizens of foreign powers, who live on the territory of the country, are allowed to take out medical insurance and receive free medical assistance.
In order to speed up with our right, it is necessary to return to the HMI fund, but in them, you may be allowed to live in the country Timchasovo for a day, registration for the actual place of residence, or a passport with a view of the place of residence.
The term of the policy will end at the moment of the hour, after the termination of the contract, or the end of the trivality of the year. If the policy is used, then there is a duplicate, for which the insured person needs to submit an application to the competent authority.


Furnishings are assigned to the new one, for which the policy was spent. With the release of a robotic medical policy for insurance, it is necessary to build a company with the employees of the enterprise, so that they turn the insurance company.

When changing the permanent residence, the policy is given up to the fund of the large amount of accommodation, the person is insured for the new address with the new policy.
Compulsory medical insurance policy for a child Compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn Compulsory medical insurance policy for employed Compulsory medical insurance policy for the non-working Compulsory medical insurance policy without registration Compulsory medical insurance policy for a foreigner Compulsory medical insurance policy by proxyCompulsory medical insurance policy as part of UECReplacing the compulsory medical insurance policy when changing the surnameChanges in the compulsory medical insurance policy when changing the addressObtaining the compulsory medical insurance policy in case of lossReplacing the compulsory medical insurance policy when changing the passportWhere to get the compulsory medical insurance policy New Zdrazkanavishcho Trevyben Polіssk Yak Koristuvati Koristuvati Polizhskuda beast with Poliskska Yak Vibrati Inshu Poliklinika Yak Vibrati Yaki Login, Enter the Hasters of the Hands of Vitracheni, rummaged through the project, POLISOM? RATING OF INSURANCE COMPANIES Most of the population, who do not practice, independently, or through a trusted person, rob an insurance medical organization and draw up a compulsory medical insurance policy.
- Dovidka, seen by the employment center of the population for the purpose of your permanent residence. Catch respect, that the finalization is more than ten days from the moment of sighting. - At the time of the employment record, it is necessary to give permission to the district administration for the month of your post-stay residence to the doctor of the medical insurance policy.

Attach copies of documents to your application. You can take away a medical policy for a jobless person on the day of the animal by stretching thirty quills. Video on the topic To restore respect When changing the place of residence, the policy is guilty of replacements.

On 01 May 2011, the policy of the new term will be introduced into obіg. Let them be taken away by the hulks, whose policies came to an unacceptable camp and demand a replacement.

And also to the hulks, for various reasons, they did not reduce the policy earlier. Since 2014, the policy has been included in the single universal electronic card.
It is also necessary to change the policy when changing the name or name, and for which you need to turn to the insurance company especially, taking your passport again, a document confirming your status as an unemployed person and RSZPS. The replacement of the policy of obov'yazkovogo medical insurance can be free of charge until the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Would you like to know more about the term for the HMI policy? Or read in this article about the issuance of a VHI policy for a newborn. What is the policy of a new conscience? The phrase "new policy policy" has become synonymous with the grandiose sovereign swindle, if in 2011 a new form of filling the policy of ZMS was introduced, and in 2014 - electronic policy.

I tі, y іnshі are called policies of a new zrazka, but paper policies were small terminology until 2014 to rock and narazі already є nedіysnimi.
How to get a medical insurance policy for a jobless person? Today, our clients ask us about the price. Legislation of the Russian Federation has introduced a set of rules that allow for the right to take away cost-free medical assistance from the state at the borders of obov'yazkovoy insurance.

Unemployed hulks, like and ty, who work for a labor contract, are included in this list. Where can I get a policy without a job? The company's insurance premiums are paid for by the robots that provide the labor organs, indebtedly, depending on the fact that the human labor is produced.

If you work, then your robot provider will be the insurer, and you will work for insurance coverage to the Obligatory Medical Insurance Fund. For unemployed appointments, they are prepared from the local budget.

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