New service auto translation
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Automatic transfer of all payments from the salary card.

Vidminno Automatic payment is another useful service for Oschadbank, for additional assistance in transferring from automatic mode

payments for an additional debit card.

The bank offers manual methods for adjusting transfers, so that potential payments can be withdrawn in the future when the need has ceased.

Oschadbank is working hard to make it easier and more comfortable to use banking services.

  • The very quality of service becomes all the more detrimental.
  • There is no problem with auto payments and there is no cost.
  • Automatic transfer between cards
  • For those who become involved in auto-transfer to Oschadbank, it is possible to automatically reinsure money and cancel payments. This is also useful if you need to perform translations in real time: You will make a transfer from card to card to Oschadbank.
  • It doesn’t matter to someone else’s.

For example, if you are afraid to transfer to your friends and loved ones;

  • transfer online to a savings account (there are already plenty of people who can pay for additional services such as the Savings Bank, and this is one of the options for automatic payment);
  • payment of credit cards, mortgages.
  • It is necessary to arrange the re-insurance of the bank account; pennies are transferred to the details of the card and bank account;
  • translation in real time

pennies worth


If there are no other conditions, payment is made automatically.

It’s also possible to set up automatic translation from different cards.

  • Limit and wash the jar
  • The Autopayment service can be connected and terminated without costs.
  • You can make a number of such payments on your card.
  • They charge pennies for transferring:

how to reproach kosti between their racks – 0%;

  1. How to over-insure the client Oschadbank, since that same place has 0%;
  2. for the transfer of funds to a client Oschadbank, which is located elsewhere – 1%;
  3. for transferring pennies to a client of another bank - 1%. Call for exchanges, for which there is no need to go out. There is a limit on the re-insurance of cash for additional types of online payments:
  4. Payment for clothing, the Internet and a wide variety of goods and services across the world, without any paid services – 10 rubles.
  5. Renewal of accounts at brokerage companies, transfers to electronic cards and other services that require deposits – 10 UAH.

Rent and repayment at the racks

legal entities


  • Transfer to an Oschadbank card for another client – ​​100 UAH.
  • Robiti auto-transfer to your card - without singing boundaries.
  • Since there is a limit, the system itself must be given to the nobility. In case of any emergency, the client himself can easily be relieved. If you need an auto payment for a large sum, call the hotline and tell us about your problem.
  • After this, the limit will increase to 500 tr. How to connect or pay for auto payment There are 3 ways to activate the auto payment service.
  • To quickly get started, download the template through an online bank.
  • For these purposes:
  • log in to a special account;

go to the Autopayment section - connect it;

How to connect a service so that payments can be made for it communal services and the Internet, then the system itself will send the required amount every day.

At that point, if the amount is considered permissible, you will be required to pay as much as the limit allows.

In order to purchase an automatic transfer, simply enter the code on your mobile phone before transferring money.

You will receive a notification soon to confirm the transfer.

Let's be honest, you can use the additional code to complete the remaining operation.

If this service is not required, you can simply turn it on via online banking. If you don’t earn anything, after a month you will need to pay again. Another way to help you connect an online service is to just go to the bank, you can quickly get your food. The third method is different from the previous ones.».

If you want to pay money to your mobile bank, you will receive a recommendation to proceed with the remaining transaction automatically.

If this is not the case, you can easily send a confirmation to the number 900. In this type, you can connect to autopayment with the remaining specified format. The third method is different from the previous ones. Many of us have already seen the servant "

Autopayment The third method is different from the previous ones.", which helps us to pay for housing and communal services, automatically renew the telephone bills.

Oschadbank, developing its product, came up with a new solution to simplify transfers. The new service is called “

Auto translation

Why do you need “Autotranslation”?

New product creations in order to save time and time between transfers from one card to another. Moreover, the most important advantage is the transfer of funds from one and the same person, for example, your son, who lives in another place, or when paying rent. 900 .

All payments within

When you select the transfer, you will receive an SMS notification about the insurance, and you will receive an SMS with information about the further insurance.

Varto, do not forget that for the future transfer of pennies you need to store the necessary amount of pennies, otherwise the transfer will not be valid.

How to enable “Autotransfer”

Connection to services is only possible through a special account of Oschadbank Online.

  1. Let's take a closer look at what and how to earn: ;
  2. You need to go to a special office: report From the head side of the special office we go to the section “ My auto payments
  3. ", what a difference in the right side of the special menu; We are pressing towards the goal "»;
  4. Enable Autopayment On the deposit that has opened, you must select the type of transfer " Transfer between your cards ", or "»;
  5. Transfer to the client Oschadbank Next, enter information about " Obsessives
  6. » This is either the card number or the phone number, connections to the card.; Select " The card has been written off ", then the card from the bank of which pennies will be transferred and the button "»;
  7. Continue to live
  8. Now we indicate, above all, the frequency and date of the first operation;
  9. Replace the “Title” and “Translation Text” fields that were lost, if necessary; Embossed after order " Connect

» we confirm the creation of Autotranslation.

Everything is ready, now the transfer of money for settlements will begin automatically on the date you set. You can also view information about all detailed payments in a special account in the section “».

Operation history of Oschadbank Online

How to enable Autopayment To turn on unnecessary Autopay services, you need to go to that section Auto payments

add the required payment.

You can get detailed information about AutoPayment services from your callers using their free phone numbers.

Clients of Oschadbank have already called for insurance for housing and communal services services or to renew their mobile phone account for automatic payments.

Servant Automatic transfer from card to Oschadbank: in some cases you will benefit

Sign up and use our simple online service to help Oschadbank take part of the financial burden on itself.

  • In automatic mode, the following online operations are available to you:
  • regular automatic transfers from one Oschadbank card to another.
  • Giving penny support to children and fathers is now much easier and faster; systematic transfers from the salary card to the savings account. This operation can also be carried out using the additional service of the Savings Bank at Oschadbank, which, in essence, can be considered as an auto-transfer option;
  • vyshkoduvannya pozik, mortgages, borgov on
  • credit cards

— it is better to issue a transfer of funds for the recognition after debiting from the card or rozrakhunka account;

online transfer of pennies to other financial institutions;

  • Regular payment for rent, mobile phone and internet services.
  • How does Auto-transfer to Oschadbank work for those who have connected
  • The Automatic transfer service in the Oschadbank Online system follows the following algorithm:
  • The service operates on the basis of a template - installed by the client to indicate the execution of an online financial transaction with key details for the implementation of the payment;
  • Before this operation, please receive SMS notifications about the upcoming transfer;

Automatic transfer will occur exactly after 1 payment, and the money from the Oschadbank card will be spent on another Oschadbank card, on the departmental account of a legal organization or on a private person’s card;

After the transaction is completed, the system sends SMS notifications with information about the transfer and the remaining balances for storage;

If necessary, within the framework of the Auto-transfer service, a number of different sections may be simultaneously engaged, operations with which are covered by the mittevo.

If you are in need of money designated for automatic debit, you can cancel the scheduled Auto Transfer operation. Why go to the “Autopayments” section and go to “My templates”. is not exchanged, and payment for it is not collected.

  • The Oschadbank Commission submits transactions for penny transfers:
  • transfer from one of your cards to another special card - 0%;
  • transfer of pennies to Koristuvacheva Oschadbank within one locality - 0%;
  • transfer of pennies to the Oschadbank, which is located in another place - 1%;

  • transfer of pennies to another bank - 1%.
  • The payment amount for paying for mobile communications and the Internet, online purchases, and software is set to 10 thousand. rub.;
  • To replenish your brokerage account, add a share, send a transfer to an electronic card, you can spend a little more than 10 thousand. krb;
  • A limit of 10 thousand has been established for rent and other transactions at the address of legal entities. rub.;
  • You can transfer 100 thousand to another client’s Oschadbank card. rub.;

You can transfer pennies to your Vlasna card to Oschadbank without deduction.

The program itself will inform you about the existence of the limit if you create a template for transferring pennies.

If you need to transfer money to another person’s card in an amount greater than the set amount (100 thousand rubles), return to the contact call center and inform the operator about the information. If you intend to praise, the limit will be increased to 500 thousand. rub. How to connect Autotransfer to Oschadbank

With connections to Autotransfer to Oschadbank Online, every client is connected without

  • special practice
  • .

  • For this purpose, you only need to create a template once and adjust it for payment.

  • After this, you can rest assured that no matter how many types of transfers you have completed, they will all be completed immediately.

  • You need to control the excess amount on the card so that the balance will always have enough money.
  • Save the template by clicking on the submit button, after which you will receive an SMS notification with a code that you need to confirm the completion of the operation.

Increase your respect!

If you plan to transfer money not to yourself, but to another person, you will need to provide your payment details.

Not a problem, since this data is not visible to you - Oschadbank has the function of assigning correspondents phone numbers that are linked to their cards; in the appropriate field, you can enter only the phone number of the person holding the sum to Autotransfer.

  • How to use Autotransfer to Oschadbank
  • To deactivate the online service Autotransfer, go back to your personal account.
  • Follow the tips:

go to the Autopayments section;

Open the My Templates tab and click on the required template;

press the “Pull” button.

As well as when connected, the completion of the operation must be confirmed with an SMS notification code. In order to be motivated by their service, business owners often make the same concessions: they use the template too often. Please note that if you send SMS notifications regarding upcoming orders, you deactivate only the current operation, and assign the service itself to an hour before the payment is due.

The service of Auto-transfer to Oschadbank is a wonderful opportunity to take part of the advantage of creating major payment transactions from card to card, as they are constantly repeated.

By connecting to the service, you will eliminate the need to remember dates, amounts and fill out forms - everything will be done automatically.

Automatic transfer from card to card to Oschadbank

The service automatically transfers the specified amount of value between your cards or to the client’s card to the bank with a set date.

Merits of service

  • Insanely, the main advantage of Autotranslation is the saving of time and the guarantee that payment will always be received promptly.
  • There are a number of significant features:
  • Handiness.

The liberation of these actions themselves.

Everything is done without the participation of the card holder.


  • The koristuvach himself sets the parameters of the transfers: amount, frequency, focus.
  • Control. You will receive information about the operation.
  • It is possible to collect payment during the due period.

At any time you can turn off the service if you no longer need it, or turn it on again.

It’s easy to sign up for the procedure yourself in Sberbank Online in a few clicks.

You can confirm the operation through notification.

Robot principle

Auto-transfer to another card in the offensive order is displayed:

  • In advance of the appointed day, you stop guessing about the bank’s readiness to transfer money and money to the transfer.
  • The message has a code that allows you to tap it.
  • For the upcoming date: enter the date of Automatic transfer, amount, frequency.

Please verify your details and confirm via SMS code: The limit for this transaction is 1 million rubles, the commission for transfers between your accounts is not applied to another card physical person

- 1% (only those who are served in another region).

Via smartphone

  • Another way to activate your service is.
  • Quickly follow these short instructions:

In the Autopayments section, select Connect and specify the category:

Fill in the data similar to Sberbank online:

Confirmation with the code from the notification is not required.

Limits for conducting transactions in two ways are less, or through a stationary bank – 0.5 million rubles, Commissions are similar.

How to get a job

You can turn on Auto-transfer in Oschadbank Online through the section to which the service was connected.

All you have to do is go in and select the necessary one.

When the control options are shown in the window, click on Enable:

After this, you need to confirm your year old via SMS.

A similar procedure is carried out through a mobile app.

In the same sections, you can edit the parameters of automatic transfer - frequency, amount, etc.

Before speaking, re-issuing a card to re-insure money does not cancel or block your service – it will continue your work.

Yak skasuvati Autotranslation There is no need to confuse the understanding and grasp it. Who thinks that you can turn on the service with a code sent to you about the procedure for regular re-insurance.

In fact, if you send him, you will lose the chance to pay Oschadbank.
This means that the overhaul will not be stopped, but will continue as before.
Do not force orders on shahray numbers; the bank’s official number for short notices is 900.
Automatic transfer from Oschadbank - this is an automatic transfer to the client’s card, bank or bank.
mobile app