Volodymyr Rostislavovich Medinsky biography Medinsky Minister of Culture biography family camp
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Volodymyr Rostislavovich Medinsky is today one of the most popular Russian powerful and political figures.

As the Minister of Culture of Russia, he is actively involved in journalism, writing books, and taking part in various cultural events.

With biographies

Born Volodymyr Medinsky (nationality - Russian) in Ukraine in the town of Smila on July 18, 1970. He is from the military service family, and his childhood passed in the military garrison.

Around 80 years ago, my father, Rostislav Igorovich Medinsky, was transferred from service to the capital of Russia, where later he was appointed as a colonel.

After graduating from high school, Volodymyr Rostislavovich Medinsky became a student at MDIMV (international journalism).

In the beginning, he lost his Lenin scholarship, having practically become a correspondent for various publications.

He was a member for a long time, vice-president of the journalistic association "OKO", having entered the institute committee of the Komsomol, becoming a member of the Communist Party.

From 1991 to 1992, Volodymyr Medinsky trained in America as an assistant to the press secretary of the Radyansky, and then the Russian embassy.

Working in the advertising business

Together with classmates, Medinsky founded an advertising agency in 1992.

Born in 1997 He has stolen a candidate's dissertation in political sciences. Mіstse zakhistu - Russian Academy of State Service, the topic was discussed at the current stage of light development and problems of Russian.

foreign policy

Volodymyr Medinsky was born in 1998 at the Department of International Science and Technology, which specializes in international information and journalism.

There he gave up the title of professor.

Since 1999, he has also been awarded the title of Doctor of Political Sciences.

The dissertation was about theoretical and methodological problems that arise in the process of strategic formation of Russian foreign policy during the globalization of the information space.

Work on various plantations

In 1998, Medinsky defeated the vice-president of RASO (Russian Association of Communities from the Community).

His function included interaction with regional structures and expansion of regional boundaries. Since the beginning of 1998, the director of the Department of the Subsidiary Police of the Russian Federation had been imprisoned due to the huge population, and director Almazov was fired at the beginning of the offensive. 3 May 1999 rub. served as the Department of Information in the Ministry of Taxes and Collections, where G. Boos became the kerivnik, becoming Volodymyr Medinsky.

Boos's representation did not reach Medinsky's posad; it lost money in the posad. Before the fall of leaves in 1999, he reached the high rank of holder of the tax collection service of another rank. Literary activity

In 2013, Volodymyr Medinsky, whose biography is rich

literary projects

, having written the editorial for the collection “Turning Russia” This collection on historical, cultural, moral and legal grounds highlighted the need for the use of historical names to be turned.

Zokrema, having assessed the notes of mandrivniks from Europe who informed Russia during that period and came to the conclusion that it was clearly a falsification of real activity, the fragments of the war were placed before Russia which powers.

The applicant has worked at the Russian State Social University.

Volodymyr Medinsky, "The Wall"

Criticism was very warm about this product.

The newspaper "Culture" announced that the novel written by Volodymyr Medinsky ("The Wall") will highlight the revival of high-quality prose on historical topics in our country.

About political activity

Since 1999, the Medinsky President from government service and promoted to management at the Central Election Headquarters (the “Batkivshchina - All Russia” bloc) during the election campaign until the State Duma of the third convocation.

His functions included the supply of regional external advertising and interaction with regional mass media.

This structure was also described by Georgiy Boos.

Medinsky was also recruited to the central one for the sake of Luzhkov’s “Batkivshchyna”.

From 2000 to 2002, he captured the position of a ruler from the intercessor of the head of Derzhdum Boos (faction “Batkivshchyna - All Russia”).

From the beginning of 2001 to the “United Russia”, created in the process of unification of “Batkivshchyna” and “Unity”.

From 2002 to 2004 he served as Vikonkom of the Moscow branch of United Russia.

In 2002, the party was assigned to the Central Politrad of the party, and in 2003, the party’s election headquarters was located in Moscow.

In 2003, Medinsky was elected to the Deputies of Derzhdumi (fourth clique).

Volodya Medinsky was born into the family of an officer of the Radyan army.

Batko - Rostislav Ignatovich - rose to the rank of colonel, serving at the Central Missile Fire Department of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR, taking part in the liquidation of the accident at the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant and the earthtruder at Spitatsya. Mother - Alla Viktorivna, a licensed therapist. Five years after Volodya’s birth, a child friend appeared in his homeland – Don’ka Tanya. From the very early childhood

Volodya turned upside down among the same-year-olds.


Working in the advertising business

child's cage

The first one “straightened up” with her and independently dressed for a walk.

At the school there was a succession of steps from the commander of Zirochka Zhovten to the secretary of the Komsomol organization.

Like most children of military servicemen, Volodya spent his childhood in military garrisons, and in the early 1980s his family settled in Moscow, where Volodymyr graduated from school.

In 1987, Medinsky became a student at the Faculty of International Journalism at the Moscow Institute of Foreign Affairs.

Having started at school - on a permanent basis, having received a promoted (Lenin) scholarship.

Like Medinsky’s dissertation works, “Myths about Russia” took away the greatest criticism from critics.

The author's concept evoked the greatest anger, insisting that every evildoer ceases to be an evildoer than what ours have committed.

The series “Myths about Russia” was praised by Volodymyr Zhirinovsky, and the editor of the newspaper “Knizhkovy Oglyad” A. Gavrilov gushed about “Myths” as bad revanchism.

The head of the administration of the President of Russia, Vladislav Surkov, called the book boring, and even disastrous for Russia, and critic Roman Arbitman noted that Medinsky himself had discovered new myths about Russia.


After graduating from the institute, Medinsky and several classmates organized the advertising agency “Corporation Ya”.

After the disaster of the MMM financial pyramid, the agency, which had become a holding company until 1996, found itself on the brink of bankruptcy. An amicable easing of the situation allowed the financial collapse to subside, and the upcoming Minister of Culture sank to business. In 1998, he transferred his share in the company to Batkov, and decided to join the government service.

In 1998, Medinsky became vice-president of RASO.

For the first time, he was appointed as a guardian of the director of the Department of the Subsidiary Police of the Russian Federation.

Since 1999, Medinsky has been in charge of the Department of Information Policy.

Following the same fate, Medinsky is deprived of his government service and “goes” to politics.

No less resonant was Medinsky’s remark: “Nonsense!”, as blared in the air of “Echo of Moscow”, citing the fact presented in the book by Danil Granin “The Price of Victory” (the words of the writer are toil with respect, especially during the terrible famine in the siege of Leningrad) ngradi Roma women were raised for party service).

Medinsky about Rashka the shit

The devil's scandal, connected with Medinsky's name, sank from the fall of the leaves in 2014. Russian Minister culture was inspired by the support of the projects of the documentary director and head of the Artdocfest festival Vitaly Mansky.

Oppositional enormity connected Medinsky’s statements about those who signed a letter of approval to the Cinema Union “We are with you!”

at the address of the Ukrainian Orthodox Cinema.

Medinsky himself explained his actions by saying that he does not intend to ensure the financing of films based on the “Rashka-shit” principle.

Years ago, as a result of their confrontation with Danil Granin, the ministers had to pay for their words.

It’s hard to say that Volodymyr Medinsky will be around for a long time in the great sovereign settlements.

This is the type of people who always know a good language with those who control.

At one time he was an active Komsomol member and communist, then became a half-hearted Yeltsinist, friends with Luzhkov, and now a faithful follower of Putin’s policies.

At the beginning of 2016, Volodymyr Medinsky was actively involved in food tourism.

Volodymyr Medinsky has lost the head of the Ministry of Culture after the dissolution of Dmitry Medvedev's government at the beginning of 2020.

Olga Lyubimova became the new Minister of Culture, already in the Order of Mikhail Mishustin.

After Medinsky’s exhibition, the work was promoted to the Kremlin as Volodymyr Putin’s supporter for the nourishment of culture.

For the rich, Volodymyr Medinsky's appointment as head of the Ministry of Culture became an unconvinced idea. However, once you look at the biography of this person, it becomes clear that she went through a difficult journey and worked a lot, especially with those who are today. This article has a history of the life of the politician, evidence of nutrition about those who are special about Volodymyr Medinsky, photos and various facts.

Pokhodzhennya and childishness

Volodymyr Rostislavovich Medinsky was born on July 18, 1970 near the town of Smila in the Cherkassy region of the then Ukrainian Socialist Republic.

Father Yogo, Rostislav Ignatovich Medinsky, former colonel Radyan army During the service of the elder Medinsky, the family had to constantly change their place of residence; Volodymyr spent his childhood in military garrisons.

In the 1980s, my family finally moved to Moscow. Even from his early childhood, Volodymyr became an active child, having already worked hard in the future. At the school, the “star” Zhovten, who was the secretary of the Komsomol organization, commanded. Osvita In 1987, the future Minister of Culture of Russia Volodymyr Medinsky began his career at the Faculty of International Journalism of the Moscow State University of Foreign Affairs.

We have already achieved notable successes.

Volodymyr Medinsky was a member of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union, having held a senior position at the Association of Journalists of the Institute, entering the warehouse committee of the Komsomol, and being a Lenin scholarship.

Volodymyr Rostislavovich did not shy away from this - in 1992 he also became the co-founder of the agency “Corporation “Ya””, which provided advertising and PR services.

We had serious plans for the agency, but in 1996 the business appeared between the ruins through the collapse of financial pyramids, such as Sergei Mavroda’s MMM, which were clients of the advertising agency. Volodymyr Rostislavovich died in 1998 business activity

, Having divested the plantation of the “Ya” Corporation and transferred his share in the company to the father.

Scientific and creative activity Undeterred by enterprise, Volodymyr Medinsky continued to get busy scientific activity


In 1994, he contributed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and in 1997, he successfully submitted a dissertation to obtain the degree of candidate of political sciences.

The degree of Doctor of Political Sciences is withdrawn from 1999, for which he defends his dissertation, which examines the theoretical and methodological difficulties of forming a strategy for carrying out Russian foreign policy in the mind new formation of the world's information space.

Volodymyr Rostislavovich also revealed himself as a writer - his pen is responsible for a number of books dedicated to history and advertising activities. Their actions were written simultaneously by other authors. Nyblsh of the famous yogo book of the servant “Mifi about the dew”, in the Yaki VINS -School, LINOSHIV, KRADIK, YAKI NIBITOS POTAMANNISHICE, SCHO, to the DUM Medinsky, no more, NIZH VIGADA.

After graduating from the institute, Medinsky and several classmates organized the advertising agency “Corporation Ya”.

  • Beginning in 2008, the radio station “Finan FM” launched a special program “Myths about Russia”, authored by Volodymyr Rostislavovich himself. In 2011, the family again received a dissertation – this time towards the degree of Doctor of Historical Sciences. His work has problems with the objectivity of the discredited history of Russia in the 15th-17th centuries.
  • State service
  • In 2003, at the elections before Derzhdumi IV, they called for a deputy's mandate.
  • There is active activity at the warehouse of the party, covering various plantings.
  • In 2006, he was appointed as a kerivnik of RASV, but in this plantation he lost his job until 2008.
  • 2007 is the sign of a call to Derzhdumi.
  • In 2010, according to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he became a member of the commission, which is contrary to the interests of Russia. I was engaged in this work until the commission was charged in 2012. Since 2011, at the warehouse of the “Russian World” foundation, Volodymyr Medinsky has been engaged in nutritional popularization and education of Russian language and culture.
  • in different countries

to the world.

At this fate, I ran to Derzhdumi VI, called, ale obrany buv.

In 2012, the family became a trusted person of Volodymyr Putin, who is running for president.

Trochi is now recognized as the head of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.


Minister of Culture Volodymyr Medinsky, in 2014, took away two honors from his family - the Order of St. Sergius of Radonezki, another level, and, in addition, his two daughters voted for the President of the Russian Federation. In 2014, the faculty of the Italian University of Ca Foscari nominated Volodymyr Rostislavovich for an honorary title. Unfazed by the scandal that had come to light, on May 15 in Moscow the politician was awarded the diploma of honorary professor, although the ceremony would take place in Venice. Criticism at your address How to deal with a lot of political figures who embrace high plantings, during the entire hour of work there was a lot of criticism at his address.

Before that, the most famous politician was condemned for such a high position, they said that the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation, Volodymyr Medinsky, did not foresee the position being occupied by him, and it all looked like a plan to turn the Ministry of Culture of Russia into a propaganda department.

Look at politics and life

In the State Duma, Volodymyr Rostislavovich has given significant respect to the laws that regulate YouTube advertising and local business, trying to protect the drinking of low-alcohol drinks on the street.

The values ​​of this past have often been interpreted in two meanings.

Behind the words of the politician himself, there are a lot of shortcomings that are attributed to Russia and the Russian people, in fact they are not hidden, and parasites and alcoholics are growing all over the world.

Beginning with 2011, Volodymyr Medinsky advocated the restoration of Lenin and the creation of the Mausoleum, which was hidden from the public domain.

When the head of the ministry comes to power, he continues to focus on these points of view and says that the authorities have not yet made such a decision, as they are afraid to waste support for the electorate with such actions.

In addition to everything else, one can note Medinsky’s interest in PR technologies, ideology and propaganda.

Special life

Not much is known about the peculiarities of a politician’s life.

Medinsky Volodymyr Rostislavovich of friendship and happiness with his lover, has three children. His squad Marina Olegivna Medinska (her girl’s nickname is Nikitina) is engaged in entrepreneurial activities.

In addition to the Medinskys’ income, then, according to the 2014 declaration, the family earns a little more than 98 million rubles per year, of which only 15 falls on Volodymyr Rostislavovich.

Medinsky Volodymyr Rostislavovich of friendship and happiness with his lover, has three children., 07/18/1970 to the rock of the people, native of Smila m. Cherkasy region of the Ukrainian RSR.

Graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

For many years now she has been a Doctor of Political Sciences and a Doctor of Historical Sciences.

After finishing, I started graduate school.

Suddenly I organized the advertising agency “Corporation I” and became its manager.

In 1996, the company was renamed to “United Corporate Agency”.

In 1998, he became vice-president of the Russian Association for Relations with the Community (RASO) for interaction with regions and expanded regional boundaries. In addition, a number of people transferred to government service, having surrounded the position of the Radnik from the connection with the huge number of the Director of the Department of the Subordinate Police of the Russian Federation. In 1999, he was active in the department of information policy of the Ministry of Taxes and Fees of the Russian Federation.

At the time of the Duma elections of 1999, Medinsky became involved in the interaction with regional representatives in the Central Election Headquarters of the “Batkivshchina - All Russia” bloc, then became a guardian of the intercessor of the head of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation G. V. Boos.

In 2003, he was elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on the list of the United Russia party.

Consistently covering the positions of the head of the Committee on Information Policy, the head of the Committee on Economic Policy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism and the head of the Committee on Technical Regulation.

In 2007, he was elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for the regional list of the United Russia party in the Lipetsk region. Father: Rostislav Ignatovich Medinsky, born December 12, 1937, a retired colonel, a pensioner.

Having served in the Central Directorate of Missile Firing and Military Defense of the USSR Ministry of Defense.

Participant in the liquidation of accidents at the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant and an earthtruder near Spitak.

In the 1990s, before entering government service, Medinsky transferred his share of the business to a new one.

Volodymyr Rostislavovich Medinsky was born on July 18, 1970 near the town of Smila in the Cherkassy region of the then Ukrainian Socialist Republic.

  • Mother: Alla Viktorivna Medinska, born March 23, 1942, a trained physician-therapist.

According to the words of his classmates, Medinsky started on just five marks and lost the Lenin (advanced) scholarship.

  • Having graduated from MDIMV with a certificate in 1992.
  • In 1993-1994, Medinsky began his postgraduate studies at the Moscow Institute of Medical Sciences of the Ministry of Health of Russia (according to other data, he completed his postgraduate studies in 1997 on June 27, 2011 Medinsky submitted a dissertation to obtain the scientific degree of Doctor of History natural sciences on the topic “Problems of objectivity in lighting
  • Russian history
  • the other half of the XV-XVII centuries.”
  • In the spring of 1999, the minister of the Ministry of Taxes and Collections of the Russian Federation, Georgiy Boos, requested Medinsky to appoint a minister of the Ministry of Information Policy to the Department of Information Policy;
  • After the resignation of Boos, the department favored the new minister Oleksandr Pochinok.
  • In 1999, Medinsky lost his job and became a senior official in the management of the Central Election Headquarters of the "Batkivshchina - All Russia" bloc in the elections of deputies of the State Duma of the III Clique, having voted for the region Onal ZMI and engaged in the nutrition of external advertising in the regions.
  • Then go to the warehouse of the Central VPOO “Batkivshchyna” Yuri Luzhkov.
  • In 2000-2002 he was a representative of the intercessor of the Head of the State Duma of the faction "Batkivshchina - All Russia" Georgy Boos.
  • In 2002-2004, he was a kerivnik of the Moscow organization of the party “United Russia” (the party was renamed in 2003).
  • 2002 Roku was promoted to the warehouse of the Central Political Party, 2003 Roku was promoted to the election headquarters of “United Russia” in Moscow.
  • In 2003, the Medinsky bloc was elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the IV clique, which increased to the warehouse of the United Russia faction.
  • In the State Duma of IV, he was initially the patron of the Committee on Information Policy, since June 2004 - the patron of the Committee on Economic Policy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, and since 2006 - the patron of the Committee from technical regulation].
  • At the fall of 2004, I became a member of the General Council for the sake of “United Russia” and the Presidium of the General Council of the party.
  • In 2004-2005, he became the protector of the kerivnik of the Central Vikonkom of “United Russia” with information and analytical work.
  • 2005 becoming a member of the internal party liberal-conservative club “United Russia” “4 leaf falls”;
  • At the end of 2011, the board of the Russian World Foundation was introduced, the main objectives of which are the popularization of Russian language culture, as well as the promotion of Russian language education programs in various countries of the world .
  • In early 2011, they ran to the State Duma of the 6th call for “United Russia” for its regional list in the Kurgan region, but did not get to the deputies’ warehouse.
  • In 2012, Medinsky Boulevard was officially registered as having been entrusted with the person of the candidate by the President of the Russian Federation and the dignified Head of the Department, Volodymyr Putin.
  • On May 21, 2012, the fate of the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation took place.

Mill. Anti-corruption declaration 2014 Income RUB 15,811,426.75 Squad: 82390167.00 rub. Nerukhomist Land plot for accommodating cabins of individual living space, 3394 sq.m.

m, share capacity 0.5 Housing unit, 153.5 sq.

m, share capacity 0.5 Zhitlovyi budinok, 451.7 sq. m, share capacity 0.5 Apartment, 229.7 sq.

m (near the koristuvanna) Druzhina: Apartment, 229.7 sq. m (at the barn) Squad: Non-residential premises, 286.7 sq.

m, share capacity 0.5 Sin: Apartment, 229.7 sq. m (near koristuvanna) Sin: Apartment, 229.7 sq.

m (near koristuvanna) Daughter: Apartment, 229.7 sq., 04/17/1970 rock people, president of the communications holding "Minchenko Consulting".

Speak from the 1990s. Most often, Menchenko reports through the Medinsky Insider, who then actively vikors his activities.

He is considered one of Medinsky's closest friends. Moskvin Egor Mikolayovich

, 06/19/1971 rock people, general director of the company "Corporation Ya". Respected by Medinsky’s trusted person and his “Gamanian”.

Through Moskvin, Medinsky continues to control the processes of “Corporation I”.

Mikhailov Sergey Volodimirovich , 03/17/1971 rock people, general director of ITAR-TARS. Medinsky's classmate at MDIMV.

After the “porozumіnnya” from Staraya Ploshcha, Volodymyr Rostislavovich certainly did not become an adherent of the “Substance of the Hour”, but rather changed his rhetoric.

Now that we’ve talked about changing the street, we’ve finally started talking about the change in income taxes for cultural deposits and the increase in wages for our workers. At the Levanivsky Polyuvannaya on “ineffective vyshi” Medinsky swore that the institute, which is under the subordinate department, will not be closed. Having significantly influenced the attack on the RAS, we clearly do not support the idea of ​​reducing the number of academicians. In a word, Volodymyr Rostislavovich made a contribution to the practitioners of culture.

Without forgetting Medinsky and about the great ones.

Zokrema and praises at the address of President Volodymyr Putin sounded non-stop since then.

Volodymyr Rostislavovich was especially proud when he called Putin “the first ruler after Mikoli Romanov”, who came to rule the “hundred hundred hundred lawful way.”

Alas, as if it were not there, Medinsky respects himself not just for his work, but for his human creativity.

Come on! Adzhe Volodymyr Rostislavovich is a two-year doctor of sciences (political and historical), and as many as seventeen books have been published from his pen (some of them, however, were written under his own authorship). The most famous of Medinsky’s works is “Myths about Russia,” in which he tried to capture the broadest of these myths.

To be honest, it didn’t turn out any better.

The book is filled with historical blunders, and even outright remixes. Moreover, the author’s mindset is incredibly cunning, and as a result, instead of the creation of “dark myths”, came the creation of other myths, this time “rozhevikh”. Russian

political activist


Lieutenant of the President of Russia.

The political activity of Volodymyr Rostislavovich begins with the leadership of the Central Election Bloc “Batkivshchyna - All Russia”.

The upcoming stage of the political career of those associated with the party “Unity and Fatherland - United Russia”.

In 2004, Volodymyr Rostislavovich was elected a deputy of the State Duma of the IV clique, and in 2007, he was elected a deputy of the 5th clique.

Until 2011, the politician was the patron of the Committee on Natural Resources and Ecology, as well as the patron of the Committee on Cultural Nutrition. The defense of another doctoral dissertation by Volodymyr Medinsky on the history of “Problems of objectivity in the illuminated Russian history of the other half of the 15th-17th centuries”, dedicated to the notes of foreign mandrivniks about Russia and the logical continuation of the series of popular science books “Myths about Russia”, published at the walls of the Russian Sovereign Social University 27 June 2011 With the initiative of Prime Minister Medvedev, supported by President Putin, Medinsky

May 21, 2012 By Presidential Decree he was appointed Minister of Culture of Russia. Volodymyr Medinsky November 7 leaf fall 2018 in conversation with the President of the Russian Federation Volodymyr Putin, discussing the progress of the victory of the head of state, the creation of museum centers, museums of gardens and forts.

Also, the Russian leader supported the idea of ​​erecting a monument Radian warriors, we will die near Rzhev.

By decree of the Prime Minister of Russia Dmitr Medvedev 1 fierce 2019 roku Volodymyr Medinsky was appointed Protector of the Head of Opikunska for the sake of the Cinema Foundation.

Russian President Volodymyr Putin

September 24, 2020
having signed a Decree recognizing the great Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation, Volodymyr Medinsky, as assistant to the head of state. Nagorodi Volodymyr Medinsky Order of Poshan (2014) - sovereign of the city of the Russian Federation, “for great merits in the development of ham culture and mysticism, television and radio broadcasting, friendship, communication and rich fruitful activity.”
Order of St. Sergius of Radonez, II degree (2014) – city of Russia
Orthodox Church
, “Please help the Russian Orthodox Church.”
Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Danil of Moscow, 2nd degree (2017) - the city of the Russian Orthodox Church, respectfully assisting the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in the settlement of the Trinity Town of Moscow.
Certificate of honor from the President of the Russian Federation (2015).
Commander of the Order of Cultural Merit (Monaco, 17 January 2015).
Medal “75 Rocks of the 8th Chervonopraporny Guards Motorized Rifle Division named after I.” V. Panfilov” (2016).
Laureate of the Russian Biographical Institute “People of Rock” award (2016).
Order "For Merit to Khakassia" (2016).
Order of Dostik 2nd stage (Kazakhstan, 2017).
Patriarchal letter (2018).
Stolipin Medal, 1st stage (04/23/2018, Order of the Russian Federation dated 04/23/2018 No. 740-r).

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