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The term "diffusive euthyroid goiter" (DEZ) denotes a visible increase in the thyroid ulcer that is palpable.

DEZ - severe diffuse enlargement of the thyroid gland without impaired function. The main cause of DES is insufficient iodine in dovkilla And, as a last resort, there was a decrease in the comfort of the population with the primary foodstuffs. Fallow due to the wideness of DEZ, in the population there are sporadic and endemic goiter.

Goiter is considered to be endemic, so in the obstezhuvannoy region the frequency of goiter in children of young and middle school age to become more than 5%. DEZ - pathology of young people. More low in 50% of cases of HIV developing up to the 20th century, moreover, in women, goiter develops in 2-3 times more often, lower in men, at this time, as a rule, in those periods, if the need for iodine is increased (state of maturity, viability , anniversary of the breast).

Depending on the criteria adopted by the WHO, UNICEF (United Nations Fund for Help for Children) and ICCIDD (International Council for the Control of Iodine Deficiency), the region can be considered as a viable source of iodine deficiency, as the median of iodine deficiency is in the range of 100-300 mzoba do not exceed 5%. In Russia, there is practically no territory that is prosperous in the development of iodine deficiency goiter. For the data of epidemiological conditions in 1991-2006, the frequency of various forms of goiter in the Russian Federation should be from 10 to 40%.

The most common reason for the development of DES is iodine deficiency. In this case, hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the thyroid gland may have a compensatory character and be directly related to the supply of thyroid hormones to the body. What are the mechanisms of such adaptation to insufficient intake of iodine?

In the first place, the iodine is sown with a thyroid sac for the rahunok to strengthen the yogo of active suffocation.

In another way, the most important synthesis of triiodothyronine (T3), which is the most active thyroid hormone, is considered, with which synthesis requires not 4, but more than 3 atoms of iodine.

Thirdly, the secretion of iodine by nirks changes, the reutilization of endogenous iodine increases, which increases the efficiency of the biosynthesis of thyroid hormones.

Fourthly, it decreases instead of iodine in the colon (for the importance of the synthesis of monoiodotyrosine, and not diiodotyrosine) and thyroglobulin in the colon (for the strength of proteolysis).

On the early stages development of goiter (tobto in children, adolescents and young people) there is compensatory hypertrophy of thyrocytes. The thyroid gland is represented by a mass of other follicles, so it is practical not to avenge the colon. Such a goiter is called parenchymatous, it is the result of successful adaptation.

The second morphological variant of DEZ is a colon goiter. The wines are made up of great folklore, to avenge the greatness of the colony. When forming this type of goiter, the number of mechanisms is low for changing the optimal robotic thyroid gland. Due to the imbalance between the synthesis and hydrolysis of thyroglobulin, the level of iodization of thyroglobulin is reduced. Vitik iodine from the thyroid gland and a decrease in the synthesis of iodothyronine are observed. Changes of this type are more important in the tissue of the thyroid gland of operated patients.

Without a doubt, all adaptation reactions are stimulated and controlled by thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). Prote, as shown in many robots, the TSH level does not move in DEZ. In the course of the study, low in vivo and in vitro data were obtained on the autoregulation of the thyroid gland with iodine and autocrine growth factors (ARFs). According to recent findings, the promotion of TSH production or the promotion to a new sensitivity of thyrocytes may be of another significance in the pathogenesis of iodine-deficient goiter. The main role in which ARF is introduced, such as insulin-like growth factor type 1 (IRF-1), epidermal growth factor (ERF) and fibroblast growth factor (FGF), as in the brain, a decrease in iodine in the thyroid gland may exert a straining stimulating effect on thyrocytes. Experimentally, it was shown that when KI thyrocytes were added to the culture, there was a decrease in TSH-induced, cAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate)-mediated expression of IRF-1 M-RNA with a significant increase in the dose of iodide.

It is well known that iodine itself is not only a substrate for the synthesis of thyroid hormones, but also regulates the function of the thyroid gland. Proliferation of thyrocytes is found in the presence of intrathyroidal ingestion of iodine. High doses of iodine are treated with iodine, iodine organization, synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormones, glucose and amino acids. Iodine, entering into thyrocytes, enters into interaction not only with tyrosyl excesses in thyroglobulin, but also with lipids. Utvorenі vnaslidok tsgogo spoluky (iodolacton and iodaldehyde) є the main physiological blockers of ARF production. In the thyroid gland of humans, a rich variety of iodolactones have been identified, which are established for the rachunka in the interplay of membrane polyunsaturated fatty acids (arachidonic, doxahexenic and in.) with iodine in the presence of lactoperoxidase and water peroxide.

In cases of chronic iodine deficiency, the cause is a decrease in the illumination of iodlipids - speech, as a result of the proliferative effects of ARF (IRF-1, FRF, ERF). In addition, with insufficient iodine intake, the sensitivity of ARF to the growth effects of TSH increases, the production of transforming growth factor-b (TGF-b), which is an inhibitor of proliferation, decreases, and angiogenesis is activated.

Everything is to lead to an increase in the thyroid gland, the elimination of iodine-deficient goiter.

In a whole ninth of the development of DEZ, there are rich chinniks, which are not leftover. Crimium for iodine deficiency, to other factors that cause the development of goiter, smoke, take medicinal products, emotional stress, middle chronic infections. May the meaning of the same become, vіk, spadkova schilnіst.

In case of endemic goiter, genetic susceptibility may be realized only due to the presence of an obvious disease factor - iodine deficiency in the nascent medium. Due to the presence of genetic strength, it is easy to induce a deadly iodine deficiency and may not lead to the formation of a goiter, the fragments of this deficiency are compensated by a more efficient work of the systems, which ensure the synthesis of thyroid hormones. In case of severe iodine deficiency, the maximum activation of compensatory processes is not possible to prevent the establishment of goiter in osib, as it does not cause genetic weakness.

To assess the degree of enlargement of the thyroid gland by the method of palpation, WHO (2001) recommended an advanced classification.

Zero foot - there is no goiter (it does not cover the skin part, it does not move the cover of the distal phalanx of the thumb of the sutured hand).

1st stage - the goiter is palpable, but is not visible in the normal position of the neck. Here one can see the knots of the establishment, which do not lead to an increase in the very establishment.

2nd stage - the goiter is clearly visible in the normal position of the neck.

The sensitivity and specificity of the method of palpation with the method of assessing the degree of goiter are low. Therefore, for an accurate diagnosis of the examination of the thyroid gland in the framework of the epidemiological follow-up, it is recommended to conduct an ultrasound follow-up (US).

The obsyag of the thyroid gland is improved by the adjustment of the width (W), length (D) and thickness (T) of the skin part and the coefficient of correction for ellipsoidnist for such a formula

V shchzh \u003d [(W pr x D pr x T pr) + (W l x D l x T l)] x 0.479.

In mature goiter, it is diagnosed, as a result of infection, for ultrasound data, it is necessary to change 18 ml in women and 25 ml in men. In a child, the thyroid gland has to lie down at the stage of physical development, before reaching it, the child’s growth and weight are reduced according to a special scale, or the surface area of ​​the body is calculated by the formula. Children with thyroid ulcers are registered with normative indications (fallow in the area of ​​the surface of the body).

The clinical picture of DEZ lie down in the form of a stage of zbіlshennya thyroid slough, the shards of the function become normal. By itself, the fact of a small increase in the thyroid gland behind its normal function is little seen in the work of other organs of the prosecutor's office and systems. In the most important depression in the minds of the lung and moderate iodine deficiency, a small increase in the thyroid gland appears only for the purpose of direct obstezhennia.

In times of important iodine deficiency, goiter can reach gigantic proportions. Also, a nodular goiter may develop on aphids DEZ, including nodes that function autonomously.

Lіkuvannya DEZ

Come in for the elimination of iodine deficiency in the SRSR, you will be admitted to epidemiological records, rozpochati before the Other World War by a prominent surgeon-endocrinologist and a specialist in prevention O. V. Nikolaev. The stench included mass production of iodized food salt, vicarious tableting preparations for iodine in the middle group, and the establishment of antiseptic dispensaries. In the meantime, the program was carried out with iodine deficiency in Russia, with a significant world of undertones in the period from 1955 to 1970. In addition, as it turned out, the sign “overcome over DEZ” was stricken step by step, go for some liquidation, and the diagnosis of “endemic goiter” was replaced by “hyperplasia of the thyroid slough”.

IN Western Europe right up to the 60s of the last century, preparations and extracts of the thyroid gland were victorious, the effectiveness of which began not only in the place of thyroid hormones, but also in a large amount of iodine.

Today, there are three options for conservative therapy for DES:

  • monotherapy with levothyroxine,
  • monotherapy with iodine preparations,
  • combined therapy with iodine and levothyroxine preparations.

Monotherapy with levothyroxine was scientifically grounded in the well-known DEZ when describing the regulation of the thyroid gland by the hypothalamic-pituitary system. In experiments on the eyes, it was shown that piecewise modeling of an important iodine deficiency can lead to an increase in TSH level, which, in its own line (as and exogenously administered TSH), can lead to a goiter. It has been said that in the minds of iodine deficiency, the synthesis and secretion of thyroxin T 4 and T 3 are reduced, for which iodine is the main structural component, following the principle of a negative serum link, to increase the secretion of TSH. Therefore, the main method of therapy with levothyroxine was the suppression of TSH, which relieves the thyroid gland (suppressive therapy). However, it has been repeatedly shown that a change in volume does not occur due to the suppression of TSH. It is also necessary to confirm that the average level of TSH in iodine-deficient areas is significantly lower, lower in quiet areas, where iodine is normal. Moreover, the data of experimental robots, yak demonstrating how to stimulate the growth of follicles, how to avenge enough iodine, do not give in to TSH.

As it was designated more, the recognition of levothyroxine was widely stigmatized for the treatment of DEZ in the past. With this, at the cob stage, miraculous results were achieved. A lot of clinical studies showed that even after 3-4 months after the start of therapy, there was a significant (not less than 20%) change in the rate of infection. The literature provides data on the effectiveness of varying doses and combinations of thyroid hormones. So, T 3 at a dose of 50 mcg per day is the most effective for changing the volume of the thyroid gland. Given the world's reduced efficiency, the following options are:

  • (T 4 50 mcg + T 3 12.5 mcg) two days a day;
  • T 4 150 mcg per doba + iodine 150 mcg per doba;
  • T 4 75 mcg per doba + T 3 18.75 mcg per doba;
  • T 4200 mcg per day;
  • T 3 37.5 µg per doba.

Most often in clinical practice, doses were victorious - 150 mcg in adults and 100 mcg in young adults. Prote numerical robots unequivocally demonstrated the "phenomenon of suspense" - an increase in the expansion of the thyroid gland of the maya to the exit level in a short hour after the pinning of the splendour. This phenomenon is explained to us by the fact that when TSH is choked, the activity of Na + /I-symporter decreases, and also, it changes actively iodine intake by the thyroid gland. On the aphids of a sharp fall of intrathyroid in place of iodine when medicinal preparation there is a new growth of vines. Also, to the side effects of therapy with thyroid hormones, one can blame thyrotoxicosis, tachyarrhythmia, osteoporosis, which are between the two groups of drugs in case of a three-fold treatment of DEZ. However, sometimes with a short-term approach to a therapeutic effect, a short-hour course of treatment with levothyroxine is followed by a further transition to an intermediate therapy with iodine preparations.

Monotherapy with iodine preparations - etiotropic therapy. The work of the remaining 10-15 years showed that the increase in TSH production, or the increase to a new sensitivity of thyrocytes, is of no other significance in the pathogenesis of iodine-deficient goiter. In case of insufficient intake of iodine, the number of iodized lipids (the main inhibitors of growth factors) decreases in the vine, which gives a straining stimulating effect on the growth of thyrocytes.

The main role in this case is given by misc ARF, such as IRF-1, ERF and FRF.

The “revival” stage of DEZ therapy with iodine came in the 80s of the last century. A lot of work was done by him, which at that time could not be done with ultrasonic vimiryuvannya razmiriv thyroid slough. So, G. Hintze and D. Emrich in 1983 p. in their work, assigned to the treatment of iodine-deficient goiter, as the main marker of change in the thyroid gland, the size of the cola was measured. The authors of Bulo showed, Scho acknowledged 400 μg of Yoda Iodia Efectively Znyuє Snay Agriculturally, Znija, Yak І 150 μg Levothyroxin (Ot Cycuvannya), І at Cyom, on Vіdmin Vіd Levothyroxin, the result of therapy iodine іsl yogo vіdmіni . .

At the world's widest introduction to practical medicine, ultrasound begins to be carried out randomly controlled follow-up to the injection of iodine-deficient goiter of various therapy regimens. At the same dose, iodine was injected at a dose of 100 mcg and more, including the pharmacological properties of iodized oligovir. The appointment of 100-150 mcg of iodine has proven to be good for itself during the treatment of goiter in children.

In older adults, iodine at a dose of 100-150 mcg per doba was not effective, like in children, but the tendency to change the obligation of the thyroid gland is also prone to prostration. In the scientific literature of the 80s of the XX century. you can know the work, de for the treatment of goiter vikoristovuvsya iodine at doses of 500 mcg, 400 mcg, and 300 mcg per doba. All stinks demonstrate the similarity of effectiveness of iodine monotherapy with levothyroxine monotherapy and combined therapy with iodine and levothyroxine preparations, as well as the most significant effect after administration of drugs. However, there are data that vary depending on the high doses of iodine and sometimes lead to dysfunction of the thyroid gland (hypo-or hyperthyroidism). If you want to know this fact, you need more proof, but the same is the case: sparse doses of iodine in DEZ may not be considered as prophylactic ones and set 150-200 mcg per doba. So, for an hour of conducting a blind, placebo-controlled follow-up study in Germany, the effectiveness of 200 mcg of iodine was confirmed for the treatment of iodine-deficient goiter. The amount of the thyroid gland changed by 38% in 6 months and saved at least the same hour. In another study, the injection of 200 mcg of iodine and 100 mcg of levothyroxine into the rosemary was estimated. Bula showed the equal effectiveness of both dosing, moreover, it was emphasized again that the stage of the change in the obligation of the thyroid gland does not lie down in the form of TSH.

Numerous modern robots have demonstrated success in reducing the breadth of the goiter of the goiter in the implementation of the program of total salt iodization. It is necessary to carry out group prevention, now it is enough 150 mcg of iodine for doba for children, 200 mcg - for women and women who are aged.

In scientific literature the rest of the years The nutritional development of autoimmune processes in the thyroid gland against the background of taking iodine preparations is widely discussed. When it comes to work, it’s like that, which confirms this infusion, so it’s recounted. G. Kahaly demonstrated efficiency and safety of low doses of iodine in DEZ in his robots. Vіn zaznav, scho when vikoristannі 200 mcg of iodine for the production of increased levels of antibodies to thyroid peroxidase, antibodies to thyroglobulin, a significant increase in lymphocytic infiltration in the tissue of the lesion is less in 97% of cases. Contrary to these facts, a group of investigators from Austria showed no significant changes when administering 200 mg of iodine to patients with iodine deficiency goiter. In the beginning, the development of autoimmune processes in the thyroid gland, better for everything, to lie in the population characteristics of the region, which will require more detailed, resolutely planning studies.

Combined therapy with iodine and levothyroxine preparations can be used as an one-hour intake of levothyroxine and potassium iodide preparations, as well as in combinations. Among them, the most commonly used drugs are 100 mcg of levothyroxine and 100 mcg of iodide (iodothyrox). Therapy with iodothirox, as it has been repeatedly shown, may be low.

First, plunging into the sprat of pathogenetic mechanisms of the establishment of goiter, hypertrophy and hyperplasia of thyrocytes are taken into account. This allows you to achieve results, for the effectiveness of which are comparable with levothyroxine monotherapy (with a lot of lesser amounts), which, in your line, will change the number side effects, associated with the use of thyroid drugs

In a different way, the silliness is also reduced to the development of the “phenomenon of vision” with a short break at the glee.

Thirdly, a lesser effect of TSH suppression, for example, is similar to the effect of levothyroxine at a dose of 150 mcg.

  • Changes in goitre were more pronounced with different combination therapy (40%), lower with levothyroxine monotherapy (24%) (Schumm et al.).
  • The frequency of side effects of levothyroxine and potassium iodide is less (small vicarious doses are lower, lower with monotherapy).
  • The effect (change in goiter) develops faster, lower for potassium iodide monotherapy.
  • It is not necessary to titrate the dose of levothyroxine;

Іsnuє richly works, scho confirm ts_ perevagi. In one of them, the jubilation of DEZ was won among 74 selected ailments. Patients received either 150 µg levothyroxine or 100 µg levothyroxine + 100 µg iodine for 6 min. Looking back at the combination therapy, the changes were significantly more pronounced (by 30% vs. 25%, not sure). Changes in the growth of the ridge did not lie in the stage of suppression of TSH. In addition, in a group of patients, yakі otrimuvaly combined likuvannya, nadal it was possible to increase the reduction of the volume of the ridge when replacement therapy 100 micrograms of iodine is good. In a group of ailments, who were less likely to enjoy levothyroxine, similar prophylactic treatment was less effective. In another study, 82 patients were included, and in the case of depression, either 100 mcg of levothyroxine, or 100 mcg of levothyroxine + 100 mcg of iodine, was prescribed for 6 min. The change in the prevalence of aphids on levothyroxine was 24% compared to 40% on aphids, the combination of drugs, the difference was small statistical significance. In this way, in older patients, the combination "levothyroxine plus iodine" can be compared with iodine monotherapy (taken at the same doses) and can be compared with a similar dose of levothyroxine. A lot of reports indicate that 150 mcg of iodine in the case of an individually selected dose of levothyroxine with rosemary 1 mcg/kg of the vagina is better for treating endemic goiter in adults.

According to the above, it is possible to grow visnovok, which is the main method in the treatment of iodine-deficient goiter, not only a decrease in the volume of the thyroid slough, but also to improve the achieved result. For this purpose, preparations of iodine should be made, both in monotherapy, and in combination therapy with levothyroxine.

We are running out of food, why recognize us in front. It is evident that the intrathyroid concentration of iodine is significantly more strongly increased with cob administration of iodine preparations, lower combinations with levothyroxine preparations. This fact once again confirms the etiotropic nature of iodine therapy, as well as the dotality of the cob itself with the recognition of iodine preparations.

In our opinion, the algorithm of DEZ therapy can be an offensive rank.

  • For the treatment of children with DEZ, potassium iodide is recommended at a dose of 100-150 mcg per doba, and for a dose of 150-200 mcg per doba.
  • The jubilation of the grown-ups is carried out at young vice(Up to 45-50 years), so if you often reach the desired result, and also there is a small risk of the manifestation of the functional autonomy of the thyroid gland, if you take iodine, you can provoke thyrotoxicosis. For the first 6 months of truth, take 200 mcg of potassium iodide for doba.

Individuals with DEZ older than 45-50 years of age are shown to actively dynamically guard against the wide range of TSH levels and ultrasound of the thyroid gland.

  • Due to the pronounced effect on the iodine preparation taken after 6 months, there may be recommendations to switch to combination therapy. In case of this, it is to blame either fixing the combination of 100 mcg of iodine and 100 mcg of levothyroxine (iodothyrox), or individually administering a dose of levothyroxine with rosemary 1 mcg/kg of vagi at a dose of 150 mcg of iodine per doba.

Ale, depending on the current manifestations, even though the first goiter treatment was carried out, it can not be recommended without further prophylactic visits - iodized salt victoria.

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Є. A. Troshina, MD
N. V. Galkina
ENC RAMS, Moscow

Most of the merchants of rich apartment houses in our country are serviced by leading companies. The skin of us schomisyatsya pays for their services and periodically goes to the workers of the ZhKG. And why did someone bother, what was the organization, the smell of stench came from and why serve us? What kind of minds prompted the appearance of communal services and bagatokvartirnyh budinkiv? Let's try to report on food.

What is the HOA, ZhKG, ZhEK, ZHEU, KK?

Zhytlovo-expluatatsiyne upravn_nnya (ZHEU) - tse mistseva vikonavcha organizatsiy zhytlovo-municipal state (ZhKG), created in the Radyansk Union and continued its work in the Russian Federation. Perebuval data authorities on pribudinkovyh territories, at the boundaries of the microdistrict. Fallow in the place of the stench of small different names:

  • housing and exploitation office (ZHEK);
  • repair and maintenance operations (REP);
  • repair and maintenance maintenance (REU).

All installations are set up for the establishment of a rich apartment housing fund. After the disintegration of the Union of Radyansk Socialist Republics, if the transfer of life from sovereignty to private power was established, the police bodies of the residential and communal state were transferred from the government to the municipality and to the government of the department.

From the beginning of the spring of 2005, the beginning of the pratsyuvati of the new Zhitlovy code Russian Federation. The reform of the housing and communal services has been prescribed for the new one, for the deputy housing and exploitation administrations, the leading companies (CC) or the comrades of the Vlasniks for housing (HOA). All house management companies are private. The stench of the work created on the basis of ZhEKiv and they are stunned by the very same ceramics, earlier.

All the infrastructure, as previously owned by the ZhEU, passed from the power of the KK. This organization is, in fact, abandoned by the housing and exploitation office, which changed the form of power and name. In the old way, richly bagatov dosi call the managing company ZHEK, although legally it is not correct.

About those who serve as servants to ZhEK, let's talk further.


The number of servants, how to give organizations that enter the system of ZhKG (ZhEKu toshcho), varies from one to a few dozen. Vymogy to the terms and order of the communal service are constantly being fully completed and changed.

In our country, everyday without cost services, like giving ZhEK, no. Even if the bagmen don't pay for unprivatized apartments, if they don't pay for the service of the house-management company, then the municipality will have to pay for them.

In today's realities, there are blue lines between QCs and baggies on a commercial basis. The mustache of the bulk of the goiters pays for communal services in their own time, and the ZHEU, as it were, in the established term, viconuvatime the entire service transfer.

List of paid utility services:

  • electricity;
  • gas supply;
  • (not only, ale y dahi, kozirkіv pіd'їzdu that blkon thinly) that service booth (including, the reasons for the appearance of that іn.);
  • Other contractual work.

Usі kommunalnі poslugi paid zgіdno s zpisannym mіzh keruyuchoy kompanієyu vlasnik zhitla, contract.

All the services that work, which are given by ZhEK, are divided into two categories: obov'yazkovі and neobov'yazkovі. We pay for obov'yazkovi services. The stench is included before the column “repair and maintenance of the house” or “for morning and repair of the dwelling”. Like a butt, washing the opal system abo. Nebov'yazkovі tse installation of new opalyuvalnyh elements, non-standard plumbing or plastic windows blocks. Ask for similar services and pay for them - on the right, it’s completely individual.

Obov'yazkovі services are assigned with different periodicity:

  • during technical rounds and inspections;
  • in preparation for the autumn-winter period;
  • the world is confused, the need for that frequency is victorious;
  • under the hour of preparation before operation in the spring-summer period.

And so, do not forget that, if necessary, you can take it from the same organization.

And now we’ll tell you why there are tariffs for the services of housing and communal services.

About the ways to get on the road to communal workers, it is told in the next video:

What to lay down tariffs

Yaki vitrati transferring the management fee rich apartment building, we looked at the front part. And if you take the skin spores fine, then all the stench of the cost and the cost of the cost of the morning. Therefore, the payment of the graph “for the cost of repairing the life” is charged for all living life. Vaughn is blamed for defective statements and koshtorisiv.

Vitrati for maintenance and repair are covered by expenses for the cost of insurance, which counts on the management of the overhead engineering systems, on the examination of the indications for adjusting the appearance, management, and the collection of data and a wealth of other articles. In addition, how often and the frequency of the work will be planned by the masters of the dwelling, the deposit and the number of services.

The procedure for approving the rozmir of utility payments is determined at the grand collections of the vlasniks of the dwelling for the obligatory fate of the representatives of the house management company. The minimum term for setting the payment is one river.

About rozirvannya that ukladannya to the contract with keruychoy kompanіy or ZHKG timetsya further.

About those, how to worry about high tariffs, rozpovida video:

Contract for the maintenance of a multi-apartment booth with a company that manages

The main document, which establishes the vouchers between the "communal workers" and the lords of apartments, is an agreement on the management of a rich apartment house. Yakshcho vlasniks at the sparse gatherings picked up the booths the key company, then the agreement is placed with the skin of them in an individual order.

If the KK is contracted by the partnership of Vlasnikiv Zhitla, then agree to sign the HOA in the name of all the owners of the apartments. And, if you want to have a house for the municipality, then an agreement on a competitive basis is signed between the ZhEU and the municipal authorities.

What do you need to fold?

Vidrazu vіdpovimo: obov'yazkovo is required. Aje in the new regulates the number and variety of public services and the frequency of their conduct. Paragraphs, as obov'yazkovo, are specified in the contract:

  • perelіk services and robіt z utrimannya that repair zagalnobudinkovogo lane;
  • warehouse of sleeping moisture;
  • the procedure for making and rozmіr payment for communal services and the cost of living;
  • the process of keeping an eye on the house-management company and looking after the QC of their shoes.

And now you know about those who work, as a service agreement bungalow with the right company it was not laid.

What will happen if the contract is not laid down?

Otzhe, I didn’t lay down the agreement with the same company, what’s the point?

Vіdpovіdno before the life laid down between the vlasniks and the QC document, the vlasniki may have the right to wimagati in the communal organization of the zvіtnostі about the vikonan work and reverify the quality and frequency of the services. In times of manifestation, damage is necessary to vimagati in the case of the construction of the ZhEU of the Negative Usunennya. In the event of an order, plea for an agreement to file a claim with the control authorities. For example, before the State Housing Inspection and Rosspozhivnaglyadu.

Appeal from your own account before you are guilty of an agreement between you and that house-cleaning company. And if you don’t lay it down, then the “communal workers” will know impersonal loopholes for wiping out their straight shoes, as if they are paid by you.

We hope that our small drawing has helped you to find out why you need a good company, what it is and what it looks like to ZhEK. Do not forget to pay the utility bills hourly and for the sake of other work in the municipal organizations. І obov'yazkovo marvel at what is laid with you and your HOA agreement with KK. Yakscho nі, zrobіt tse negainno. In times of unscrupulous vikonnanny "communal services" of their obov'yazkiv do not hesitate to go to the obvious organizations or to the court. Before the speech, if you want, then here you can discuss the food chain with KK.

The next video clip of assignments to the legal aspects of the most parts of food shodo ZhKG:

The Zhilfond company, as it won the competition for the management of the dekilkom of houses in the Pivdenny administrative district, faced great problems, about how the clerk Mikhailo KONOVALOV spoke about it.

Groshi e. Nachebto We were given the management of a small number of simple municipal houses. Tobto DEZ remembered him for a private company, but the rules of the game were too much. І mi on vlasnoi shkіri realized that for such minds the directorate of a single deputy is known. The biggest problem is the system of budget financing. Tse if pennies nibi є, ale suvoro on a specific stat. І transfer them to another statute, there is no other possibility. For example, at the booth there is a flow. Repair її v_dbuvaєtsya for article " overhaul". Schob for this article, they saw cats, it was necessary to submit an application. I check. And on the other stati pennies є. But it’s not possible to repair them on them - there are no stains. So we had a bout with one of the houses on Vysokiy Street. Dakh prot_k at the birch. Axis and I checked everything for the repair all the summer, check, if you see pennies for the repair of Dahu. If the apartment had a penny, but on other stats, the stars could not be thrown over. They repaired it less at the Veresni. And on the twelfth version, the plaster was sagging, and it was necessary to repair the pid'izd. Aliens among strangers And even more vikonati repair is less than an organization that has passed the competition. Is there a competition here, if people are flooded? We would have done the repair ourselves and it is definitely cheaper. As a result, they spent significantly more pennies. And what about moral vitra? Meshkantsi are nervous, and there is no way they can help them to sort out the articles of vitrates. Here is the deputy of the DESU, which is called for them, as the company has come. Axis of stink and wine at everything - from that їх! So, a pilot project showing the advantages and shortcomings different forms administration of the communal state. The direction of a single deputy is different from the system that has been formed. The structure is strained, as if practicing for the singing rules, what could be achieved easier, lower small enterprises, if it is less likely to come to the center of the gallery. For the power of your own stench. And we be-to whom for all strangers. Dyakuvati God, the guts change. People, wow! It’s better to think about what is good for the company, what it manages, if the residents live quietly and don’t get involved. Ale, I perekonanyov: tse wrong. Navpaki, if a person can say about those things that are necessary for comfort, and they say about it, then it’s wonderful. Like a servant of a bazhan, won't be needed otherwise. Let's say that as a young subject, I feel from the fathers that the stinks managed to repair the house, it is unlikely that they will cover the freshly painted walls with their "frescoes". Therefore, it is important to reevaluate the role of the community's self-regulation in the sphere of life. If it’s really real, and not just for show, then we’re handicapped by representatives of the Budinka community, from the HOA. The partnership of Vlasniks lived in the state with private key companies, sovsіm іnakshe, nizh іz DEZ. Tse, before speech, also showing a pilot project. Here mi and chergovіst repair can be vyznachiti and virіshiti concrete help with landscaping. And with the same repair, Dahu Shvidshe and suddenly ran into b. I'll build a booth butt, which I take part in the pilot project, 7 on Vysokiy Street. In order to conduct equal dialogues with the company that manages, the initiative group and residents of the booth chose for themselves such a form of organization, like a partnership of Vlasniks living. He was assisted by the practitioners of the Nagatino-Sadivniki administration. Navіt prepared a special leaflet, de rehabilitated the positive side of the creation of the partnership of Vlasnikіv zhitl. Homeowners' association was registered not long ago and only got a job. And the first positive effect is already - the concierges in the yards took away the lists of telephones, for which residents can contact the company that manages, and call if necessary. And with this very repair, the inhabitants themselves virishuvatimut, if yogo work, and not check for the sight of "solid" pennies.

Recorded by Oleksiy Myasnikov

Approved in 1959.

Nini in Russia ZhEKi replaced by DESI (directorate of a single deputy), as they are engaged in catering for organizations working to serve the housing fund.



  • housing and exploitation offices (ZHEK) in the encyclopedia "Moscow"

Div. also

  • Directorate for the exploitation of life (DEZ)
  • regional operational department
  • repair and maintenance management

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

  • DDT (truth)
  • JAZZ: Robot for Hire

Wonder what "DEZ" is in other dictionaries:

    DEZ...- DEZ... [Fr. des... vіd, times) a prefix, which means an omission, a vision, or the presence of something. Glossary foreign languages. Komlєv N.G., 2006. dez ... (fr. des ... vіd ..., times ...) a prefix, which denotes an ignorance, a vision, or the presence of something ... Dictionary of foreign words of Russian language

    dez-- Des. De .., dez .. (before voiced), prefix. In case of approved names and disclaimers, enter the meaning. protilezhnosti dії, called the basis, or the result of tsієї dії (disorganize, disorientate, ... Historical Dictionary Galicism Russian language

    DEZ...- DEZ... div. de..., des DEZAVUYUVANNYA (french desavouer vіdmovlyatsya vyslovlyuvati nekhvalennya), in international law calling by the head of state to order a diy chi, having declared a diplomatic official representative, ... Great Encyclopedic Dictionary

    des- (New). Quickie, fuck off. new folding words at the value e.g. fumigatory. Tlumachny dictionary of Ushakov. D.M. Ushakiv. 1935 1940 ... Tlumachny dictionary of Ushakov

    des…- (Neol.). Quickie, fuck off. in new collapsible words in meanings. e.g. fumigatory. Tlumachny dictionary of Ushakov. D.M. Ushakiv. 1935 1940 ... Tlumachny dictionary of Ushakov

    des...- Dez...DEZ..., Pr. Those same, scho de ... ; upot. replace "de" before voices, for example. disorganization, disinformation. Tlumachny dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Tlumachny dictionary of Ozhegov

    des...- DEZ ... [de]. [type of French. dés vіd, times] prefix. It signifies a distance, a pinning, an omission, or a day of chogos l. Disinformation, disorientation. * * * dez... div. Encyclopedic dictionary

    DEZ...- DES..., look De... Modern Encyclopedia

    Dez-- Prefix 1. see de (1 *) Ephraim's Tlumachny vocabulary. T. F. Efremova. 2000...

    Dez-- Prefix 1. see de (2 *) Ephraim's dark glossary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... current cloudy glossary Russian Ephraim

    des...- Dez ... = De ... Ephraim's dark vocabulary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern gloomy glossary of Efremova


  • Business Way: Richard Branson. 10 secrets of the world's best brand creator, Des Dearlove. "Business Ways: Richard Branson" to help managers, entrepreneurs and investors learn from the miracle of Branson's success story. This book is an overnight inspirational story of success.

In case of skin DEZ, there is still a list of cost-free communal services for meshchants. With this, there is no meaning, as the very form of power over life. Yak in privatized apartments, So for the municipal, as well as for the service, the emergency brigade is guilty of fixing problems absolutely without cost:

Perelik of cost-free services DEZ

on a yakі you can rozrokhovuvat the one who lives in a booth:

1. change of gaskets
2. stuffing glands in water shut-off fittings and inserting a coil of water
3. it is necessary to install an insert for the valve seat and polyethylene nozzles up to the valve head
4. Usunennya be-like a leak, as well as a change of a gnuchkoy water supply, which is removed when sanitary fittings are brought in, overflows and siphons, pipe fittings to plumbing fixtures, replacement of humic cuffs of a toilet bowl, piping with cement rosette
5. regulation of the zmivny tank and the usunennya yoga leak
6. changing the toilet bowl, washbasin, sink or sink;
7. Usunennya zasmіchennya piping in vnutrishnyoї skanіlіzії and sanitary ware, scho vydbulisya not from fault.
8. cleaning and washing all internal sewerage
9. Improvement and regulation of hot water supply systems and scorching, elimination of broken plugs, washing of pipelines and scorching systems, replacement of faulty standard towel dryers, replacement of locking and control valves. Such as valves, trihodovі taps, taps of under-hanging regulation and turn-over taps.
10. re-verification of the technical standard of standard gas appliances. For the need to work without cost to replace the details that went well
11. re-verification of standard electric stoves to the technical staff. If necessary, replacement of broken parts is carried out
12. emergency work in obsyagi, necessary for maintenance of the operational capacity of future structures: other repair work, window and door shutters, liquidation of past faults (not the fault of living) and other faults;
13. purging, repair or replacement of current or non-working batteries
14. repair of electrical wiring, including the one at the exits.

Tse mayut nobility that memory!

Kitchen sinks, bathroom sinks, gas stoves that baths in non-privatized flats of ZhEK goiter will be replaced in 15-30 years of the year absolutely FREE!!!.


1. walls and facades:
- sealing of seams and cracks, which are blamed, re-laying of damaged slabs of walls with chains, repair of plaster, insulation of walls with freezing slats.
- replacement of window openings
- zmіtsnennya kozirkіv, rіznyh fencing and handrails ganka

2. dahi, gutters:
- replacement (povna or part of drainpipes)
- repair or replacement of the pokrіvl
- repair of waterproofing and insulating ball hill

3. windows, doors:
- replacement of a poor warehouse of windows and doors at large municipalities
- zmіtsnennya and regulation of the course of the springs on the entrance doors
- installation of handles and latches on windows and doors
- insulation of windows and doors

4. Submission:
- replacement of the worker's logs and covering the logs of the municipalities, which can be seen before the lane
- waterproofing underlays in the adjacent sanitary facilities of apartments with a change of cover after completion normative term victoria

5. landscaping the yard:
- picking grass and leaves. tidying up oversized entrances

6. sanitation of the living room:
- vologe pіdmіtannya descent maidanchikiv and marches of the first 2 surfaces - today
- vologe pіdm_tanny skhodovikh maidanchikіv i marchіv vishche for another over the top

Vologe tidying up the area in front of the valves
- mittya of the elevator cabin - today
- mittya of marching maidanchiks and marching marches
- mitt vekon, vologa wiping the walls, doors and plafonds on the sliding cells, as well as the pіdvіkon and scorch fittings, post screens and descents of the mountain, a wardrobe for electric chillers and low-voltage outbuildings, and vokonnyh rat, - shorіchno hinged


1. central burning:
- inclusion of radiators for their least leaks
- washing systems of scorching and hot water supply in a vibir way: hydraulic or hydropneumatic
- repair of damaged traffic jams at batteries and standpipes
- insulation of pipelines in the hills and at the foothills

2. water supply, sewerage and hot water supply:
- replacement of gaskets, replacement of gaskets and stuffing of stuffing boxes at water supply taps and valve taps at technical pipelines and elevator hubs
- Strengthening of the corners
- regulation and repair of zmivnih cisterns
- cleaning pipelines that hall. water supply

3. electrical supply:
- replacement of electric lamps, which went well
- replacement of plafonds of lamps and German dealers of domestic wiring


1. water supply, sewerage and hot water supply:
- Change of water-draining faucets and fittings, showers and sinks, sinks and washbasins, toilets and bathtubs, as well as locking fittings in apartments after the completion of their term of choice
- replacement of non-adherent nodes of the columns, the charge of the driver and branch pipes of the dimovіvodu, which went out of tune through physical wear

- Change of pipe line up to 2 meters
- liquidation of blockages in sewers in the middle of life
- zvaryuvalnі works for repair or re-replacement of the pipeline

2. central burning:
- repair or replacement of damaged shut-off valves
- liquidation of pipes, fittings or heating fittings
- repair or replacement of pipes on pipelines
- change of pipe fittings up to 2 meters and sections of fittings for scorching
- zvaryuvalnі works and schodo repair or replacement of the workers of the pipeline
- installation of broken faucets
- work on fixing malfunctions at stoves and fires, koristuvachs like those in the 1st apartment, shifting them in special vipads

3) electrical supply:
- replacement of the electric houses of the future, which went out of tune, the Crimean land of living quarters (only a place of scorched housing in communal apartments)
- repair of electrical panels, switching on and replacing the zip-switching of the fret of the automation of the electrician and package jumpers
- replacement of fusible links on electrical panels
- replacement of dzherel light
- replacement of burners and switches, heating of hot cabinets and other elements of standard electric stoves in residential apartments.

4. Other vidi robіt pіd hour of liquidation of accidents:
- transfer of tranches
- vodkachuvannya vіdvalі
- rozkrittya pіdlog that punching borozen over tethered pipelines
- switching on the risers on the pipeline plots, draining the switching on of the plots of the center system. scorching and hot water supply, as well as reversing their start-up of the system after an accident.

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