Amur seasons.
village Lyutneve.
Lyutnev is a great station in the Tyndinsky region of the Far Land.

Glyutneva Amurska.




1989 2002 2009 2010 2011 2013 2014
8816 ↘ 4690 ↗ 4863 ↗ 5128 ↗ 5132 ↘ 5029 ↘ 4945
2015 2016
↘ 4840 ↗ 4846


The village of Lyutneve was founded on the Selemdzhi birch as one of the pens of settlers, formed by the resettlement departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire in 1896.

The current settlement was founded in the 1980s at the hour of awakening of the BAM (for the initiative of the head engineer Yuri Illich Chernov, Abakan metro station and the head of the PMK Zaretsky Anatoly Romanovich, Minusinsk metro station). Population Population

According to the 2002 census, 4690 people lived in the village, of which 2333 were men and 2357 were women.


The village operates organizations for the production and processing of timber (the companies “Fevralsk-Lis”, “Li Chan Li” and others), 22 sawmills, a weather station, three boiler houses;

over 60 trading enterprises.

The village also has a stilnikovy ligament,

cable TV station

, 2 Internet providers.

Lyutneva is a great station in the Tyndinsky region of the Far-Skhidnaya Zaliznitsa.

  1. This is where the track distance, the locomotive depot, the communication distance and energy supply, and the Lyutneva signal station are based. The future settlements are connected with the blight, as well as with the harvesting of forest and a type of copalin on the territory of the Selemdzhinsky district. Plans are made from the life of the widow's 144 km to the Ogodzhinsky ugol family.
  2. . .
  3. . .
  4. Transport
  5. Through the village there are highways from the place of Vilny on the day of entry to Ekimchan on the way out, and there is a bus connection from Bilogirsky. Culture He has a school, a hospital, three libraries (one school, one school, one health center), a children's music and sports school, and a cultural center.
  6. Write a comment about the article "Luty"
  7. Notes
  8. Population
  9. Russian Federation
  10. from geography Up to the third category of wine, we secured our brothers (they were the same great number), in order not to value anything from Freemasonry other than the modern form and ritualism, and to value all the traditions of this modern form, without worrying about its change and meaning.
    This is Vilarsky and the great master of the head box. Up to the fourth rank there were also a great number of brothers, especially in The rest of the time
    joined the brotherhood.

    There were people, behind the guards of Pierre, who did not believe in anything, who did not care for anything, and entered into Freemasonry only to get closer to young rich and strong brothers in connections and nobility, of whom there were already many in the lodge.
    Pierre began to feel dissatisfied with his activity.
    Freemasonry, accept that Freemasonry, as we knew here, seemed to be different, based on one thing.
    He didn’t even think of doubting Freemasonry itself, but rather suspected that Russian Freemasonry had gone down a predatory path and had become disorganized.
    “To achieve this goal, it is possible to give honor precedence over vice, it is possible to gain so that an honest person will still find eternal reward in this world for his honesty.
    But in these great worlds, we are faced with even more than enough political principles.

Why should I bother making speeches like that?
Should we embrace revolutions, throw off everything, push force by force? ... No, we are very far from that. Even if the violent reform is destined for condemnation, it will not be enough to correct the evil until people are deprived of such a stench, and so wisdom will not require violence.
“The whole plan of the order is based on the creation of people who are firm, good-natured and committed to the common sense of reconstitution, which lies in the fact that through every effort they can overcome vice and stupidity and steal talent and honesty: to remove from the ashes people who died , bringing them to our brotherhood.: 10245589000
Therefore, only our order to mother Vlad is to insensitively tie the hands of the patrons of the poor and handle them so that the stink does not mark him.: 676572
In a word, it is necessary to put to sleep the filthy gentle image of the ruler, which would expand over the whole world, without ruining the enormous connections, and under which all other rulers could continue to live in their own order and work and everything, besides that which crosses the great mark of our order, This means delivering honesty over vice.: +7
good: 6000
Christianity itself was superior to Qiu.
It taught people to be wise and kind, and for their own benefit to inherit the practice and traditions of the best and wisest people.
settlement of the Misko type Lyutneve Miska settlement Settlement of the Lyutneve Selemdzhinsky district of the Amur region
Coordinates : 52°27"07"" latitude 130°53"10"" longitude OKATO code
Postal codes
The war is over. From the battlefields they moved to the fields of Silsk Spodar. In 1946, a great state was created, the first director of which was Stepan Vasilyovich Pervukhin.

living quarters

, school, first-aid post, їdalnya, shop. Another dikhannya village dawned at the wartime hour with the wake of the Baikal-Amur highway. In 1974, near the village of Lyutneve, the first successors of the future salivary highway appeared - a party of expedition under the kerivnitstvo of V.M.
Brusnetsov, how small it is to conduct an investigation from Nori to Urgalu.

The first landing, which arrived at the sickle in 1974 at the town of the Maybut settlement of the small type Lyuty, was small: three soldiers (nicknames, unfortunately, not saved), three captains: O. Kuznetsov, V. Kabanets, O. Butenko, Major Novoseltsev, Lieutenant Colonel Sharikov, Resolutions of Lyutneva Village For the sake of people’s deputies No. 4617 dated 10/12/2005 “About the confirmation of the village day” to honor the remaining week of the village as People’s Day of the village. In the spring of 1980, the first landing party of the ShMD - 682 landed, the team numbering up to 600 people. With his efforts, the Lyutneva substation, the Budinok connection, and the main sewer were created pumping station and much more.

His first kerivniki were: A. Petrikin, Ege. P. Kalagov, N.Ye. Malikov and in. Today there are close to 6,000 people living in the village – that’s more than half of the entire population of the Selemdzhinsky district.
Lyutnevyi is a 3rd class station, a great college with distances, electricity supply, signaling, centralization and blocking, a turnaround depot. - Everything new that appears in the area is starting to come to Lyutnev,- head of the village administration Oleksandr Bespalov says.
The village operates organizations for the preparation and processing of timber (“Luty-forest”, “Li Chan Li” and others), 22 sawmills, a weather station;
three boiler houses; over 60 trading enterprises. The village also has a steel connection and a cable TV tower.
Lyutiy is a great station in the Tinda region of the Far East
This is where the track distance, the locomotive depot, the communication distance and energy supply, and the Lyutneva signal station are based.

The future settlements are connected with the blight, as well as with the harvesting of forest and a type of copalin on the territory of the Selemdzhinsky district. Thus, there are plans for the development of the zaliznichnaya golka 144 km to the Ogodzhinsky coal clan. He has a school, a doctor's office, several libraries (two schools, one bowl, one gym), a children's music and sports school, and a cultural center.

The team of the Lute Distance is dedicated to its fellow sports and creative practitioners.

For example, a series of booths were installed to repair the locomotive crews of the Lyutiy turnover depot, moving to the railway station.

What city is located 8 kilometers from the station.

Drivers and assistants spent a whole year on the road to undergo a pre-trip inspection, instructions, and draw up a route sheet. With the move, all the problems associated with the delivery of teams arose, and the turnout time quickly shortened. Today, locomotive crews are quickly refurbishment at the first station at the Lyutnev railway station. There used to be a hotel here. Despite the fact that the place would require cosmetic repairs, it was possible to restore order and create the necessary calm for the repair of locomotive engines.

The rooms have modern furniture smell nice

exotic plants , on the armchairs there are draped life-like servets, knitted by the depot workers. Great booth at the station, insurance for the population of the place, before moving the booth is half empty. The head of the Tindinsky Distance of Civil Disputes, Sergiy Barkov, after looking around the area, expressed his ideas for the upcoming renovation and redevelopment of the station under the rooms for repairs for drivers and satellite offices. The booth itself will now be renovated on the other side, where there will also be a medical examination room and a food room.

In the other part of the station, where there is a buffet, they plan to accommodate driver instructors working at the depot.
– In addition to the economical effect of moving the locomotive crews’ cabin at Lyutnevetsya from the depot to the station, there is a clear benefit for the drivers.
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