The problem of additional graves
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What kind of tank is the best for earning money?


The economy of the World of Tanks game is designed so that from level to level you earn more money.

At the same time, with the advances in the level of technology, you can note the increase in costs for repairing equipment, as well as the purchase of shells.

  • The repair itself costs a lot of money.
  • The newbie is happy to get more profit from the battle, buying all the expensive modules of high-grade tanks and collecting credits for the tank itself.

But after 5-6 years a problem arises - spending on money begins to overwhelm the city. The specialists developed this technique specifically so that you could “practice in low-level battles” and already show yourself good in the field. You won’t be able to steal “as if” on the high plains.

But then, you need to think.

The problem of additional graves

Here, a similar situation can arise in two main ways:

in the heat of the moment, the people did not notice great losses and spent their savings;

Method No. 1 – Premium account

The Wargaming company is promoting the promotion of a premium account (size – Prem).

What are you taking away when you add Prem? First - an increase in profitability by 50% (for loans) regardless of any technology (except for premium tanks, there is its own calculation). Another thing - reduced pumping to the full crew by 50%.

And the third is a reduction in the pumping of equipment (combat evidence, and therefore, free evidence) also by 50%. This miraculous solution for making money as a gravel has been cut off, but there are nuances. The first nuance lies in the fact that you need to buy a premium account optimally, based on the pennies you have shown.

Today in the Premium Store there are new lots available for purchase (from to this guy– how many days of Prema) and follow this more quickly.

Also, during the time of various promotions, you can benefit from the purchase of Prem.

Also follow the latest news on the official portal of the World of Tanks game. Another nuance is the ability to costlessly cancel this Prem, recent or lasting/deadly assignments, as well as in cases of unplanned and rotten Gravians), because Wargaming’s idea of ​​​​training and preparing Gravians before high-level battles is destroyed here.

The solution is to get out of both uninformed gravers on high levels and lead to “outflow” (defeats) in battles on one side due to the fault of these misunderstood gravers.

Others talk about the value of premium technology, or only for the Gravians, which can lead to a great number of battles (up to 20k).

Still others believe that high-quality premium technology gives the unexplored Gravian a chance to increase how to play at high levels and gives an understanding of how to develop and what to do in the game.

Well, that’s the fourth thing to talk about protecting premium cars in general, because they give any kind of head start to the gravel drivers compared to the average gravel drivers of the same level.

Recently (not so long ago) the World of Tanks team had LBRs (special combatants).

Gravets can activate no more than 3 LBR at a time.

All types of LBRs include: increased combat intelligence, increased crew intelligence, increased free intelligence and increased profitability of loans.

Skin breakdown may vary from day to day (from 30 to 3 years) and from 5% to 300%. LBR can be purchased from Premium stores, but it may not cost anyone (expensive and necessary for the maximum effect to last the entire hour of the distributor’s activity). 30

Fortunately, the Wargaming administration distributes them right-handed and left-handed for each promotion.

So don’t forget to activate and vikorize them 100% every day.

Method No. 4 – Promotions and event modes The game often hosts various events dedicated to causes associated with tanks and prominent individuals from tank production or the military.

In addition to the successful/challenging battle missions from these rewarding promotions, you can use the event mode (a completely new mode in World of Tanks, which will not be repeated again). For this, you need to follow the news on the official portal and take your share of them.. They themselves are the most average indicators of the profitability of battles, since, of course, they do not constantly waste ammunition and waste supplies. Purely from subjective perspectives, it is still a little easier to form a sliver on 5th Tier vehicles, compared to 6th Tier tanks. Well, there are dozens of combat vehicles of the 5th Rivnya, our eyes are just running wild!


five the finest tanks, best suited for earning money without additional financial contributions. 51,03% 1. O-I Experimental (Japan, important tank)

Number one on our list is the Japanese important tank of the 5th Level O-I Experimental. Why do you blame yourself? Everything is easy to complete.

Over the past month, the average hundred people have reached new heights What is the best example (!) of the 5th level technology that can be upgraded. The more you overcome, the more you cut, the staleness is even simpler.

Varto means that O-I Experimental is truly awesome.

So, in patch 0.9.15 there was a nerf, increasing the aiming time and reloading time of the projectile, but it does not affect you 50,53% lose one of the most dangerous cars on the market

. The armor of the tank is weak, the hull and roof are only 75 mm thick in the hired places, but the Japanese are not famous for their defense..

So everything is just fine with the car.

Very similar to the KV-1S and KV-1, which is a true gaming classic.

KV-1 is also a very good candidate for farming.

It’s true, this one has a little bit more zvedennya, and another little bit better for the armor. Zagalom, and on the KV-1S, and on the KV-1, it’s easy to buy cars and get game credits, choosing between these combat vehicles - including the right relish. 3. T67 (USA, tank destroyer) Perhaps, T67 is one of the most popular tank destroyers of the 5th tier and definitely one of the most popular in the game


Even though the Swede is invisible, I can see that it is turning, which clearly stands out from the majority of pro-tank self-propelled guns. artillery installations at gri.

T67 The armor in it does not have any usefulness, but it is not required.

The main advantages of this machine are:

fluidity, impermeability and administrative DPM

. It’s hot, the base amount of spending on the Khvylin T67 becomes 2156 units, and if you add exceptional possessions and perks, then it reaches fantastic heights. The expenditure of only 115 units per shot is more than compensated by the rate of fire and armor penetration of 128 mm.

T67 practically does not suffer at all

. At the top of the list, this vehicle, if properly stored, can independently determine the results of battles; at the bottom, it will create a lot of problems for the tough tanks of the 7th rank. To be honest, WoT doesn't have a lot of vehicles that can be used in any battle, the T67 is one of them.

In fact, ZiS-4 is an endless drum that shoots once every two seconds and knocks out 85 points of beats from the opponent.

Not much, but nothing more is needed.

Zagalom, the T-34 is good, it beats and shoots miraculously, which allows you to seriously jump into battles and stably shape such a need.

5. AMX ELC bis (France, light tank) The class of light tanks is not for everyone, but it can be difficult to master. Ale AMX ELC bis, popularly known as “Yalinka”, has long ago killed hundreds of thousands of graves.

This light tank has the flexibility of a Formula 1 car, a very low silhouette, which makes it very difficult to hit, and on top of the marvelous top armor D. 915, which looks like everything 240 points damage when penetrated by an armor-piercing projectile 170 mm, and with a sub-caliber - 248 mm.

Maximum fluidity at
65 km/year

, Yaku “Yalinka” picks up milk easily, allows you to pour in.

Before that, she also has a special mask.

AMX ELC, by standing up and tightening the masculine hem, you can get away at least in your seat, while the allies will be aware of harm and thereby help you earn money.

As the game situation allows, it is possible to shoot, even 240 units of the average Skoda - a display of the rich tanks of the 8th tier, with which the Yalinka, to the point of speech, often changes.

"Yalinka" is shining, shooting and, as a result, farming. True, you need to play it very carefully, there is no armor, no point of value here. And in the hands of skillful gravers, AMX ELC allows you to create real miracles, which are generously rewarded with game money. Of course, you can consistently get a “plus” on all combat vehicles of the 5th Tier, but farming on over-reinforced tanks will be not only effective, but also acceptable., Why do you need to accumulate silver starting from the 9th level and you can’t wear them all out?

Therefore, consider the following options for earning money from World of Tanks, in the simplest form, before you can earn investment money:

Buy a premium tank from World of Tanks

Starting from the 2nd tier of technology and ending with the 10th tier, WoT is available for purchase in the World of Tanks premium store, which will help you earn additional dos from the crew, and from obtaining evidence.

Please, transfer the crew to this type without fines and earn WoT money. It turns out that not all aircraft can be molded in World of Tanks. That's it
tanks World of Tanks are divided into three types:);
- Additional equipment (primary tanks according to any investigation - IV 7;);
ІС-4 - city vehicles (tanks that are captured for the victory of special combat missions, a campaign of tank and other attacks -).

T-22 equal; T 55 A— premium equipment (tanks purchased in premium stores, purchased through invite or World of Tanks bonus codes — FCM 50 t;ІС-6

For example, for leveling we’ll take a German tank of the 9th level T 55A(take away for LBZ) that French tank of the 8th Rivne

FCM 50 t

Having marveled at the ranking of these vehicles in the inventory, you can look at only the difference in one row of “more credits for leather,” which is indicative of World of Tanks farming.

How can you make a real contribution?

penny koshti

, So we’re still not a little stuck on buying a premium car. Afterwards, molding the wood will be much simpler and more effective., Get a World of Tanks premium account It’s easy to compete on any tank, but it’s also important to compete on premium cars, so the more you get for the battle, you’ll get even better. Cheap and very long wayі T67 practically does not suffer at all.

Let's look at the most recent range of battles.

They will be deprived of their technology on the 5th By 6th there is no need to spend extra money on repairs and it’s easier to shape the silver below on the primary 4th level.

The shortest tanks (5-6 lvl) for earning money from WoT:


We are reading our favorite readers.

All of us, World of Tanks players, would like to not just gamble, but gamble with maximum comfort.

It’s difficult to do this because you constantly have to deal with the lack of in-game currency.

The economics of the game is designed in such a way that there is enough to cut from one side to ride, but from the other side it does not steadily rise to a lot of odds. It’s not a different situation if the fighting machine has already been installed, but there’s not a lot of pennies left on it.

They are also used for the purchase of dyed, wasteful materials and expensive sub-caliber shells.

As a result, the player is faced with a natural problem - how to withdraw game currency? Based on this, we will present ten ways to replenish World Of Tanks' treasure and gold reserves, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

10th month- participation in streams and competitions

The Wargaming company and the streamers that support it regularly hold competitions on the forum and on video channels, the results can be awarded with prizes in game gold (hereinafter simply “gold”).

It is not uncommon to claim not only victory, but also 100-200 participants who came close to the prize-winning places. Moreover, in order to take part in such competitions, you don’t need to pay any attention! Why don't you have 10 minutes? To help you in the competition, you need specific skills (painting, video editing, etc.) and there are thousands of people you can take part in.

And it is impossible to call them a permanent and stable type of earning loans.

9th month
- immediate purchase of gold with immediate conversion from silver

8th month- development of gaming skills

One koristuvach on the forum says (and supports his point with screenshots) that the 8th tier tank is broken, and another insists that it takes chips on the 9th tier tank (which is even more expensive to service).

What's the trick here?

The one who has the other grave is strong and careless.

The increased cost significantly increases the income from skin combat and reduces the cost of maintaining equipment (you can buy less expensive shells, rather than having to carry out repairs). Obviously, in order to improve our position, we need to read the rules clearly first.
Why is there no 8th month?

In order to learn how to fight effectively, thousands of battles will be fought and it will not be possible to reach the moment when the financial situation seems possible soon. And the shortest gravel's 10-level machines go either for profit or for self-sufficiency.

7th month
- salary project for the clan

Strong clans are steadily recruiting soldiers on salary. By joining such a clan, you can earn up to 2500 units of gold, without any real financial investment.

It is possible and more, as you are a field commander or a member of the clan fakhіvets (layout maker, marketer, artist).

Why is 7th month deprived?.

The key phrase here is “korisny clan.”

To collect your salary, you must be at least a strong competitor with a complete set of priority equipment on the global map, and also fight all the evening battles, as per the schedule.

Before speaking, clans fall apart early and late, and the stability of payments is up to the commanders (the labor code has nothing to do with it). 6th month

- battles in fortified areas Ukrirayoni - this is a new way to earn money.

The people mean that with a good team you can calmly earn 1-2 million dollars each.

Moreover, it is not necessary to use the technology of the 10th level, teams with 6 or 8 are more popular. Why is it deprived of 6 months?

. The key phrase is “in a good team.”

It’s a fact that with upgraded (not paid) cars, the most profitable ones are Tier 5 cars, as well as a number of tanks and tank destroyers of Tier 4 and 5.

Having prepared 1 such tank, you can acquire a receiving group (submitted as evidence of gravel, who are on technology 8-10) with a constant income.

Why deprive 4 months.

The need to carry out 3 battles on the T-34 in order to ride the “Object 268” once is no longer difficult.

And the not so weak graves on the 5th Rivne, the middle ones are also hunted down by the mothers of boys who earn money to feed their tank fleet. 3rd place (bronze medalist)

- Post by active tester or moderator

Having passed the numerical selections, a leading gravetsman can become a supertester or moderator of World Of Tanks, which guarantees constant desire from the administration of the project.

It is unknown how much stench will be removed, but for the sake of it, in early 2014, participants in the testing department were deprived of a Panther 8.8 tank as a gift, which can be sold from the company for two and a half million, and the same stink testing machines will be tested for another month.

Although it is logical, there will be no adult people, as far as we know, who will spend 30-100 years on the test (even with official ones) without benefit, which would not be stink enthusiasts. Why deprive 3 months


No matter how profitable and welcome the work of moderators and testers would be, except for the attractions and obligations of the rich top clans of the game and the order, do not cook! Add to this little hatred and delay of the Gravians.

Supertesters also sign a confidentiality agreement.

For his violation the sanctions will not be virtual at all

2nd place (award winner)- purchase for a premium account

A premium account for 1 month costs approximately $10. If you buy on the river, the price will be even better.

For this amount of money, you will receive a 50% bonus on everything paid.

With such a bonus, many tanks that were cash-rich begin to bring in a steady income.
And we suspect that we have another ten years of virtual battles ahead of us.

This article will clearly describe how you can create a non-purchasing premium account, so that you can actually earn money from the World of Tanks game without spending any money on it.

Our Tsikavyi will also be a wealth of WoT fans.

The basis and basic principles of pharma The first thing you need to start with is the vaccination of all basic principles

Pharma, or more precisely, find out why and why Gravec takes money online absolutely cost-free. There are not so many natural methods of pharma, the first of which is the cost of harm, and the greater the value, the more harm is removed by the doctor. Another way to earn money is by collecting frags, so that for every enemy you kill, the gravel will take away a large amount of the game’s sword.

Well and

the remaining method - This is additional help from the poor tanks or the light. The remaining option is to withhold 50% of the evidence of an enemy killed by your allies, since you helped him find him by lighting up the tank.

In this way, you will be sure to use the sribla effectively and in such a way that you beat the harp from your opponent.

Actually conducting

Game processes You can get well-trained at the firefly, but for this purpose the songs are needed. Playing on the firefly, the player is obliged to clearly imagine the strategy itself, to know all the cards well, where they need support, and where it is light.

This game has a lot of nuances, and you can’t play on the firefly, or you can’t rely on the powers that be, or rather, deprive this thread.

However, the shortest tanks for farming credits are Tier 6 equipment, while the amount of work required for Tier 6 and 7 working tools is practically non-existent, and the price for repairs and supplies is significantly dependent.

The tank of the 7th tier is most often lost to high-grade opponents, apparently the death statistics increase, and credits are spent on repairs.

Tanks of the 5th tier are respected with the same shells as in the analog category.

    1. This technique means inexpensive repairs and more comfortable fighting, and after removing three or four “buns” the tank crashes safely into the hangar.
      Five of the best tanks for gaining credits Tank Pzkpfw III: Military tank with
    1. a handy tool
      for revelation.

    1. The caliber of this tank allows you to obtain more accurately from the enemy, which can lead to its depletion.
      The Pzkpfw III tank is ideal for company battles.

    1. Tank Grille:
      An artillery tank delivers precise hits on difficult battlefields, even more than required in company battles.

    1. Driving like this is a great way to accumulate credits.
      Tank SU26:

This artillery brings a wonderful profit.
Tank KV2:
The SU85 anti-tank vehicle with its thick armor causes great harm to the enemy, and on average it takes 5,000 scraps, which is due to the low cost of repairs and shells.'янські Боги – хто вони?
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