See cards for Oschadbank "Aeroflot Bonus"
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Miles from the bank to pay for the insurance.


In addition to the sale of its banking products, the bank of the Russian Federation cooperates with a large number of partners, selling these products to its clients. The result of the partnership with Aeroflot, which has already offered a bonus program to airline passengers, has been the expansion of the capabilities of the VISA bank card. Applying for an affiliate card Everyone has the right to join the bonus program.

The point is that the client earns money for the wine city not in rubles but in bonuses. This is how it was transferred to the bank for other cards, but it looks like miles.

This is

steamed rice

of this plastic from the solution.
Umovi with Visa Classic card Rules The proposal shares the same fate as 3 types of Visa cards – Classik, Gold and Signature.
The skin category has more broad functions, lower in front. Type
Classik Gold Signature Currency Rakhunku
rubles/dolars/euros Variety of river service
900 rub. + +
3500 rub. є
12000 rub. є

Term dii

3 rocks

Availability of contactless payment

  • Supply of additional plastics Sign up before the promotion Dyakuyu;
  • For hair care customers, plastics of the most preferred Signature class are provided with special care – there is a cat-free telephone line, premium bank service areas.
  • Umovi with Visa Gold card
  • All types of value cards assume a whole low priority:

payment for purchases from shopping centers

payment for purchases in online stores and services online;

conversion of goods to either plastic or shell;

Vikoristana to Internet banking for bank transfer.

  • Redeem all types of miles
  • You can only purchase air tickets, goods from companies that take part from affiliates, or to upgrade the class of service at international airports and during flight hours.
  • You can find out more about the list of partners on the bank’s website.
  • Umovi using the Signature card
  • Special capabilities

In addition, the rulers are granted additional rights:

vikorystuvati for rozrakhunkіv and otrimannya premium calculator;

Having issued a plastic card to Oschadbank, you need to activate it in order to redeem miles with the airline.

How to connect the plastic?

To do this, go to the airline’s website, go to the Special Account, and then go to the section “Enter the Aeroflot Bonus program” and register in the Special Account.

After registration, you can check out all the benefits of the banking product.

How to redeem miles for Aeroflot using an Oschadbank card Indemnity is charged for air travel on scheduled flights of the carrier. Є exchange rates for late flights with partner airlines. Do not receive cost-free, premium or premium air tickets issued at special rates, as well as tickets for charter flights.

To be able to win bonuses and programs, you need to follow simple rules

To secure your balances
what is expected in

automatic mode

, you will need to present your program membership card when making reservations or purchasing tickets, as well as when checking in for a flight.

In Vinagoroda, go to the airport for 10 days after the flight.

There are several types of premium points.

  1. Qualifications are accumulated by the participant as they compete for the services of the Russian airline and partner companies.
  2. There's a lot to be found in the class of the ticket and the ticket.

After collecting a number of bonuses, the status of your leader changes.

  • Information about the transition to a new category can be found in the Special Account on the airline website.
  • Non-qualified ones are those that accumulate for the vicarious services of partner companies of the bank, as well as members of the Elite Club.
  • If a person has not been rewarded with the services of the airline company or its partners for more than two years, then the accumulated bonuses will expire.

To avoid cancellation, they can be transferred to another plastic surgery.

The table contains instructions for the management and maintenance of Aeroflot Bonus debit cards.

Credit cards

The Aeroflot Bonus credit card has a number of features:

See the Aeroflot Bonus miles program

There are two types of miles that can be viewed:

  • qualifications;
  • unqualified.

Umovi narahuvannya miles

Participants in the program and owners of the Aeroflot Bonus card will receive miles from Oschadbank for every purchase made with the card.

For everyday purchases with Oschadbank “Aeroflot Bonus” plastic, non-qualifying miles are charged.

when paying for air tickets for regular flights - qualifying.

Depending on the type of card, the points for wasted money will be charged differently:

  • On the back of the card in the lower left corner is the participant’s number.
  • This must be indicated at the time of payment for the flight ticket to top up your mileage balance. Unqualified points will not be awarded for the following activities: making preparations and paying for services via an ATM;
  • over-inflated
  • pennies worth
  • on the shell of another individual;

acquisition of shares and precious metals;

payment of taxes;

  • transfer of costs to rahunok organizations of a gral character. How can I find out how many Aeroflot bonus miles I have at Oschadbank? You can find out the number of accumulated bonuses for your Aeroflot card in two ways:
  • on official website companies that have joined the Special Cabinet;

having quickly

costless service

SMS notification by sending notification “01” to +79852235555 or calling this number.

  • The video explains how to properly earn and spend airline miles.
  • Posted on the Varlamov channel.
  • What can you spend your miles on?

You can redeem your Aeroflot card miles for an additional flight ticket, as well as for:

improved comfort and flooring;

  1. products of program partners;
  2. replenishment of the bonus amount for other participants of the programs and others.
  3. Pokrokov's instructions on how to withdraw an Aeroflot Bonus card from Oschadbank

You can apply for an Aeroflot Bonus bank card by completing the following terms:

Come to any branch.

  1. Give the specialist a package of necessary documents.
  2. Fill out the application form for a plastic card.

Sign the agreement. An application for an Aeroflot Bonus credit card will take two business days to process.

A set of documents required for issuing a card

Access to documents from cards different type are getting excited.

Help to the client

Oschadbank offers the following benefits to a client who wishes to cancel an Aeroflot debit card:

  • enormity Russian Federation or the presence of time-to-hour/stationary registration for foreign individuals;
  • reach of the fourteenth century.

To obtain an Aeroflot Bonus credit card, you can do the following:

  • obov'yazkovo the obviousness of Russian enormity;
  • presence of centuries-old frames: 21-65 years inclusive;
  • You can process this robot no less than one month at the time of card issuance;
  • the presence of work experience is no less than the length of the remaining five years;
  • Continuous/time-hour registration.

Additional opportunities for participants of the Aeroflot Bonus program

The wire bank of Russia offers participants in the Aeroflot Bonus program a low additional opportunity, including:

  • premium calculator;
  • take part in charity (repurchase of miles for donation);
  • linking “plastic” to electronic gamut;
  • special programs, discounts and promotions (for Visa cards);
  • service “Autopayment”;
  • guarantee of security for online transactions;
  • preparations are made behind the cordon at subsidiary banks in the same minds as in Russia.

How much do you need to spend to fly?

There is a miles calculator on the Oschadbank website.

If you go to the site, you can pay for penny expenses and pay bonuses.

  • On the left side in the calculator there is a series of points, on the right hand the number of points that can be deducted is changed.
  • For example, on a Visa Classic card the amount charged is 50 thousand. rubles, 10 thousand will be insured. 500 miles (with urakhuvannya 500 vital).
  • The calculator works in three currencies:




Miles can then be exchanged for discounts or service with the air transport company Aeroflot or the SkyTeam alliance - for example, you can fly in a more privileged class (from economy to business class).

Please note: it is not possible to add service class to a receipt with an open date.

A ticket redeemed in exchange for miles must be issued no later than six years before the flight is redeemed and cannot be returned. Aeroflot bonus program is popular among Russians More miles allow you to choose bonuses from the so-called catalog of bonuses created by partners of the Aeroflot Bonus program.

Individuals of mind: the declaration about the song bonus lies in the size of the accumulated miles.

A participant in the program may also want to

the remaining river

Take a flight with Aeroflot.

How to get your Oschadbank Aeroflot card

  • Registration of the Aeroflot bonus Oschadbank card is carried out at any branch bank.
  • You can also sign up for an Aeroflot bonus Oschadbank card behind the scenes for the additional Oschadbank service online.
  • You can register an Aeroflot Bonus Oschadbank card by presenting a Russian citizen’s passport at the office, after which the applicant fills out a standard package of documents.
  • Registration of a card at the Oschadbank office does not take many hours

Submitting an application for participation in the Aeroflot bonus program and further viewing the card is possible:

How old are you from 21 to 65;

you live permanently in Russia;

You have work experience no less than a full time in your remaining job;

The total work experience is at least 12 months during the remaining five years.

Every participant in the Aeroflot bonus program will receive a special participant number after issuing a card.

If the owner of the card buys tickets for the flight, you will be named yogo, and you will find omrian miles on your card.

All three cards - Classic, Gold, and Signature - bear the triric term of the game.

For all three plastics, replenishment of funds is available without paying a bank commission.

Transactions on the Visa Classic Interchange card - transfer up to a million rubles per day, and you can transfer a maximum of 300,000 rubles per day and up to a million rubles per month into preparation from the card.

Payment for using a card is 900 rubles (35 dollars or 35 euros) for the first period of use.

Then – 600 rubles (20 dollars or 20 euros) per river.

Oschadbank card Visa Gold Aeroflot bonus

Transactions on the Visa Gold card are combined with the Aeroflot bonus program, although the maximum transfer amount is almost a million rubles per day.

After transferring to cooking - up to 600,000 rubles per day and a maximum of 3,000,000 per month.

The cost of servicing a gold card is 3500 rubles (120 dollars or 120 euros) for the first time.

The varity does not change to another river and beyond.

Oschadbank Aeroflot signature card – plastic for the premium segment.

Therefore, for a fee you can transfer a maximum of a million rubles to the preparation with this card, and in a month - five times more.

The term for redeeming miles on the card becomes approximately ten days after the owner of the card has completed the flight.

The Aeroflot bonus program for Vlasnik Klassik v Oschadbank guarantees that “your premium flight will be closer by 4,500 miles, including 500 total miles.”

For Vlasnik Gold from Oschadbank there are 1000 total miles, and “a premium flight will be 7000 miles closer”.

Oschadbank Signature Aeroflot bonus card

Possibilities of Visa debit cards Aeroflot Oschadbank in 2018

Oschadbank Aeroflot bonus debit card, which has all the advantages of this type of plastic.

With a Visa card, you can easily transfer money from an ATM, pay for goods or services at any retail outlets, including POS terminals.
With a debit card you can make any kind of online payments, repeat the steps from the card and, for example, link the card to an electronic card.

The Oschadbank Aeroflot card is often used as a payroll card - accounting departments can easily overinsurance on it the money earned by the card holder.

Despite the extreme possibilities, the Oschadbank debit card has special benefits.

The owner of the Visa card - i Classic, i Gold, i Signature - you can connect to the mobile banking and Oschadbank Online services.

You can.

There are special benefits for VISA Gold cardholders, which are provided not by Oschad, but by the payment system itself.

For example, behind the border, the card holder can receive legal or medical advice.

  1. Beyond the border and in the Russian Federation, the Vizi representatives will provide financial assistance to the holder of a gold card, if they have gotten into a difficult situation, for example, by wasting the card on a train.
  2. Making transfers to legal and private persons.
  3. Payment for services to companies, including for self-installed templates.
  4. Operation of payments in online modes of online stores and trading platforms.
  5. Connecting the card card to the electronic gamut.
  6. Bank management through the services of Mobile and Online Banking.

How do you redeem miles on your card?

Plastic Oschadbank Aeroflot (miles) is used in the following way: when paying for this product, you will receive smart points for a special bonus account.

Bonuses for the program of the partner company

Having collected a large number of bonuses, customers can exchange them for the airline program for air tickets for themselves and their friends.

  • Accumulation is calculated based on the following criteria: Classic
  • Rules: 1 mile per person 60 rubles/1 dollar or euro.
  • : 1.5 miles for 60 rubles/1 dollar or euro.

Signature: 2 miles for similar withdrawals from cards per hour of payment Accumulation is calculated based on the following criteria: When you pick up cards, you will immediately need 500 ( Rules, The proposal shares the same fate as 3 types of Visa cards – Classik, Gold and Signature.) or 1000 points (

), as they seem to be eager.

You can see your Aeroflot card and it’s the same

The card is no longer visible if the passport is not visible.

Individuals must submit an application in the required format.

  • Accumulation is calculated based on the following criteria: Over the course of several days, the weather will appear, after which the client must be informed about the need to go to the department and pick up the plastic.
  • You can also submit an application through the online service, where the client places deposits in a jar.
  • The proposal shares the same fate as 3 types of Visa cards – Classik, Gold and Signature. The card can be withdrawn as a salary card, if there is such a need.

How to find out the balance The proposal shares the same fate as 3 types of Visa cards – Classik, Gold and Signature. The number of cards in this format is:

After three rocks, the victorious woman begins her work.

It can be re-issued and is free of charge.

It is displayed in automated mode.

At the time of completion of the transaction, new plastic is issued to the client’s name and delivered to the department.

There, the wine is kept in a special storage facility until the ruler comes to the rescue for a reissue, which is expected without harm.

How and where can you marvel at how many miles there are on the map?

  • Advantages and features of bonuses
  • It is obvious that you have a Visa card from Aeroflot Oschadbank, which is important to know so that you can control your points.
  • Marvel in a special room
  • You must first register on the airline website for the bonus program section.
  • Follow these instructions:

Press the Register button at the top corner.

In the designated field, enter the number of your plastic and special data.

Enter your email address.

In the email you received, you will find instructions for entering the Special Account.

  1. Log in to the service.
  2. Find out by phone
  3. Another option that the holder of the Oschadbank Aeroflot card has to enjoy the mile: telephone service.
  4. The client should call at -444-55-55.
  5. This number is catless throughout the entire territory of the region.

When you return to the operator and call, you need to state the following parameters: passport details, plastic number.

The airline operator will clarify the number of points, provide details about the various bonuses and announce the possibility of exchanging for tickets.

Affiliate program is one of the options for winning bonuses

In addition, this product allows you to exchange bonus tickets not only for tickets of a wired Russian airline and SkyTeam, but also in the following situations:

advancement to service class;

The article describes the Oschadbank Aeroflot card, the methods of its registration and withdrawal, as well as the advantages and disadvantages.

How to pay off and burn miles, and other tariffs.

What's so mili

Plastic cards allow you to easily pay for purchases. Skin Bank has special financial instruments in order to provide the client with additional capabilities and services. Miles to pay for koristuvannya

bank card


They allow you to receive discounts and bonuses from stores connected to an affiliate program.

Oschadbank is a bank that cares about the interests of its clients.

The partner network and the power of the card have expanded.

Why give miles on the card?

Having collected a number of miles, the customer can exchange them for air tickets for himself, his family or friends. The liquidity of the reserve lies in the wasted sums and type of card.

Aeroflot bonus supports several types of cards: debit, credit.

For the skin type there is a separate tariff and service.

Classic Oschadbank Aeroflot card

Oschadbank offers its clients 2 types of Oschadbank Aeroflot debit cards:

Classic card

  • – there are 500 miles in sight for being a servant.
  • Narakhuvannya system:

For every 50 rubles spent by the client, one mile is charged as a bonus.

Subscription fee and service terms

Subscription fee for the classic Aeroflot card is 900 rubles per card.

  1. Vaughn is active with the length of the advancing three rocks.
  2. Through the river, the subscription fee is changed to 600 rubles.
  3. The classic “Aeroflot Visa” card has a low cost to the bank:

More bonuses than the gold card;

  1. The fewest miles earned for the most pennies spent.
  2. Gold card Oschadbank Aeroflot
  3. The gold card, traditionally, has more advantages due to the downtime of service.
  4. In this case, a client can pay 3,500 rubles to the payment bank.
  5. There is no reduction in the value of services for mercenary service.
  6. Advantages

Credit cards

Available in both classic and gold versions.

The grace period of the loan increases and becomes 50 days.

The ability to pay taxes with debit cards.

  1. The term korystuvannya is 3 rocks.
  2. The maximum credit limit is 6 million carbovants.
  3. Hundreds of items will lie down as soon as the proposition has been found.

If the initiator is the holder of the card - the hundredths will be 33.9%, if the bank has acted as a proposition - 25% of the river.

Vimogi before registration

  1. The owner of the card is guilty if he is not younger than 21 and not older than 65 years.
  2. Zagalny working experience can be buti schonaymenshe 1 roku.
  3. Re-training in the remaining place of work for at least 6 months.
  4. Transfer of documents

To cancel your credit card, you need to collect the following package of documents:

Passport. Evidence from the place of work. Evidence about income.


How to get a debit card for Oschadbank Aeroflot

You can apply for a card by any citizen of the Russian Federation, who can reach a branch bank, with the help of a passport and a completed application for the purpose of the chosen type of card.

  1. How many days in advance does the client need to be notified on
  2. mobile phone
  3. about their readiness.
  4. The submitted application is not available in the special account of Oschadbank online.
  5. Review of accumulated miles

To view the number of accumulated points, you need to register on the Aeroflot website in the partner section:

Find the “Register” menu and follow the instructions.

Fill in the required data in the given fields.

Enter this email address.

  1. Go to the post office, find the sheet with the instructions for completing the registration, go to the new one.
  2. Go through the authorization process by entering your login and password for a special account.
  3. Check out how many miles you have by phone
  4. The owner of the card can now withdraw the necessary information by calling the federal number 8-800-444-55-55. The call operates without problems throughout the entire territory of Russia.

The operator will need the passport details of the card holder and number.

Please clarify the data, inform about the main options for exchanging for air tickets, inform about other bonuses, special offers.

  1. Services on which points can be exchanged
  2. Accumulated miles can be used to benefit:.
  3. Transport the armor.
  4. The owner of the card and one of the guests can freely invite any room to the whole world.
  5. Priority at the time of check-in for the flight.

An expanded list of existing additional options can be found in the spouse's documents.

Aeroflot operates shops, restaurants and beauty salons.

Adding miles to your Aeroflot Oschadbank card

Aeroflot and Oschadbank have created a bonus program where you can earn one mile for every 50 rubles spent on your card.

The features of the programs are discussed in this article.

Procedure for redeeming miles

Also, Oschadbank offers the same idea behind the Sberbank Aeroflot card: you will pay for purchases with this bank product, and you will receive credits or, as they are called in this bonus program, miles.

Below is a table showing how many miles you can count:

  • The goal of the program is to collect as many miles as possible and exchange them for tickets with Aeroflot.
  • It turns out that you are simply playing with a card, and as a result, as an acceptance bonus, you are withdrawing tickets absolutely costlessly.
  • Moreover, you don’t have to worry about buying tickets especially – other people to whom you give the ticket can also get your bonuses.
  • Let's figure out how savings are generated and how they work for all banking products.
  • As a classic card, a skin mile will be given away for 50 rubles.

If purchases are paid for in dollars, then you walk a mile for a dollar.

If you use a Gold card for the same 50 rubles, you will be given 1.5 miles. The company will give away the glasses for a Euro or a dollar for a Gold card. Well, for a dollar, euro or 60 rubles for a Signature card you get the most miles – as many as two!

In addition, as can be seen from the table above, when registering, you will immediately overinsure 500 or 1000 miles - depending on the owner of which card you have become.

There is a commission for using a banking product, which is not without cost.

So, for the basic, classic option on the river you will need to pay 900 rubles, and for the premium Gold option - 3500 rubles.

However, on the same Classic option, after a one-way discount, the price will be reduced to 600 rubles, which is an even more favorable proposition. Before speaking, at this point the client can arrange cards for other members of the family - for example, a squad or a squad and a child who has already reached the seventh century. With each other, the card will be available at a reduced price - the classic option will cost you 600 rubles, and the “gold” one - 3000. Additional cards for your homeland will be the same authorities as your special one. After three years of victorious cards, you will be able to pin your deal, otherwise you can re-register it in the future, and there is absolutely no cost to worry about.

This function is configured automatically.

So, Oschadbank will simply come to your name up to one

new map


We will check you until you withdraw the bank.

We remember that the re-release procedure is cost-free.

How can I get rid of them?

So, let’s figure out how you can win premium bonuses.

Where can I fly with miles?

There are two types of miles – qualified and non-qualified.

The first type is the number of miles that the client withdraws if the cost of Aeroflot flights increases.

  1. Another type is the number of miles you collect by paying with a card to Oschadbank.
  2. Before speaking, you can spend miles not only on flights, but also on your status - for example, transfer to an airline station, go to business lounges, etc.
  3. How can I check how many miles I have purchased?
  4. Of course, you need to know how to check the number of miles, and where your next trip lies.
  5. This is how you can earn money in a number of ways.

In order to log in to your special account, you just need to enter the card number and password.

This section will provide you with all the necessary information, starting with the rank number and ending with the fields, the date and the number of miles accumulated.

By phone

Another option for finding out the miles that you have accumulated is to call the contact number.

For whom it is sufficient to call the cost-free number 8-800-444-55-55. The hotline is free throughout the entire territory of Russia.

Prepare before the bell rings by handing your passport and card to the bank.

  • In this case, the operator will reveal how many bonuses you have on your card, if they have been charged or written off, as well as how you can exchange miles for what you have.
  • How much do you need to spend on your card to fly with Aeroflot miles?
  • Everything will lie beyond your budget and capabilities, even 60 rubles - but it’s not so rich anymore, and you’ll be able to collect the necessary amount even quickly.
  • Before speaking, mili will pay not only for overflow, but also for:

shopping area at shopping centers; payment for goods and services in online stores; conversion of funds to another market;

operation of Internet banking

All you need to do is to accumulate additional miles and spend them on specific purposes.

Equal characteristics Oschadbank Aeroflot you can watch the video How to withdraw and redeem bonus miles for Aeroflot using an Oschadbank card

  • It’s always possible to increase the price, regardless of whether it’s a work trip or a planned vacation.
  • Speaking about its clients, Oschadbank has developed a partnership program that issues Aeroflot cards with the possibility of accumulating bonus points with miles.


physical person , registered in the system, has a number of privileges: Advanced class of service.

Possibility of getting a discount when purchasing air tickets.

What should the company advertise? The “Aeroflot Bonus” offer has been developed for the benefit of individuals in conjunction with the loyalty program of the airline “Aeroflot” and Oschadbank. Passengers will watch the action behind the minds


Redemption of full airline points is obtained from each additional receipt. Loyalty units are added to the number of acquisitions Vartist air ticket

, class and get ready for the flight. Also, behind the minds of the programs, you can accumulate bonuses and pay for the minds sleeping card

partner banks for hotels, car rental, restaurant payments and purchases.

How can I become a participant?

  • You can become a participant:
  • Having registered on the official website of the airline.
  • Having opened an office and sold a branch.

Returning to the specialist of the partner bank.

For example, they introduced a bank card to Oschadbank.

When entering the program through a bank, the issue of Aeroflot debit cards in the Visa class is available in three options: Gold, Classic and premium Signature. Price of a skin card: 900 rub. (35 USD or 35 EUR), 3500 rub.

  • (120 USD or 120 EUR) and 12,000 rubles.
  • (250 USD or 250 EUR) obviously.

The product includes release and maintenance for the river.

Speaking about its clients, within the framework of a personal proposal, Oschadbank openly has the opportunity to issue similar

credit cards


Their responsibility is for those who are physically available:

Limit for sizes up to 600 thousand. rub. when you issue a Visa Classic and Visa Gold, with the possibility of a 50-day cell-free payment period. The limit for the size is up to 3 million rubles. when applying for a Visa Signature, a personal bank manager will quickly accumulate points - 2 miles per 60 rubles.

Basic instructions go from rosrahunka 1 mile for skin treatment 1 USD, 1 EUR or 60 rubles.

Regardless of the type of vehicle, when opened, you will be charged 500 total miles.

Activation of bonus programs through the company website To create a special account and assign a participant number to a physical person, the following is required: If the client does not remember his number, it can be found on the sheet obtained by e-mail at the time of registration in the system or by calling the airline's hotline. If the owner of the card undergoes registration at the bank, the number can be viewed on return side


Methods for checking your bonus point amount

  1. Spend them on the advantage of having a cost-free place for luggage, an upgraded flight class, and a smooth check-in process.
  2. Whenever you join an elite club and carry out promotions with a Silver, Gold or Platinum Rivne card, use the Sky Priority service. U to this guy

The passenger will be assigned to a nearby registration area and will be assured of speedy passage through passport control.

Accumulated points can be redeemed for a cost-free payment, if the amount of points covers the full value of the ticket.

The exchange of miles for privileges and bonus programs can be done by both the card holder and a third party.

This is a turbocharged program for clients, a yearly rate of service and a reception system of bonus propositions, which clients can spend on their discretion and benefits.
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