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You can paint the booth project yourself. How to make your own booth with your own hands and how to make it cheaper

We kindly ask you to the center for the design of small buildings. Let's get to know each other. My name is Vitaly Zlobin, I am a practicing architect and a cabinetmaker at a design company. I have two diplomas in the field of architectural education and a postgraduate degree from the Moscow Architectural Institute, plus a 10-degree certificate as a practicing architect. I started as a humble assistant to an architect and now run a team of designers. At the same time, we are creating projects for small booths, for which alarms will build booths without calling and meals.

I have recently paid attention to power optimization and automation of project activities. This allowed us to enter into the production of 4-5 new individual projects of capital buildings with an area of ​​200-500 sq.m. in a short period of time. per month, so the average architectural bureau will work no more than one or two.

As a matter of fact, I have created this website and various initial programs. Dozens of students have already passed through them, taking away the invaluable evidence of the creation of projects of the castle budinki. Having learned that the algorithm created for the project of the deputy budinka has become available, it has been verified by the fakhivtsy. Our site continues to be filled with useful and useful information.

Don't forget to add me to your friends at Facebook.

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Novice Specialist Expert

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Pay with ready-to-eat food (Moscow only)Transfer to Zberbank cardPay for a SBERBANK receiptPay for rozrakhunkovy rakhunokPay with a penny transferTransfer to Yandex.GroshiTransfer to webmoney

After submitting your application, you will receive payment instructions by email. It can be done in a few years.

Presentation to the course

Individual training.

Respect! The course is not suitable for collective purchasing, since 30% of the information is provided by the architect especially in an individual work with a student. This protects against piracy and the type of individual training that forms a formal agreement before completing the course and issuing a personal certificate for its completion.

5 stages The course will begin you to work on projects for households for everyday life. You know the typical benigns. You will understand what algorithms are important in a robot and consider them. You will use the tools created for the project of the castle's cabin already at the first stages of development. The physical stage includes recorded lessons, handouts, group lessons and individual work with a presentation.

Respect!!! We are starting to design residential cabins that can stand firmly, with no more than three surfaces, intended for living in one family.

Development course for

1. Zamovniki getting ready to wake up in your little room.

Who knows better what the everyday life of your world is like? Well, really, just V! Why can’t you start a project? Control spending on everyday life, wages and work?

You don't know how to create the Budinka project yourself and save up to 500,000 rubles on the design and everyday life, then right away you can go through the process of creating YOUR project from A to Z and remove all the pitfalls at once with the approval of the architect. This allows you to save up to 30% of your daily life.

2. For interior designers.

Expand your professional competence and create small projects yourself. How often do you have to work on an architectural project you are already preparing? And this is the framework for any design idea. Even the architecture of the booth (shape, style, materials) already dictates the concept of interior design.

If you have an architectural background or are involved in interior design, you will not be able to complete a full-scale project for a small house without practice. The course provides a 100% practical approach. How often do your deputy managers fuss over the booth project? I think so. So give them a positive message and start earning more money from your services.

3. Budivelnikov.

Your knowledge and memory will become a great help for acquiring new knowledge and developing the skills of a practicing designer. How often have you had a deputy ask about the possibility of developing a project, and you told her maid? How often have you ever been in trouble without a project? They could have worked on the projects themselves, but there would have been no problems. Stay on top of your projects and provide a new range of services to your clients.

In order to get to the bottom of whether you need or do not need this Course, give your feedback at the time of nutrition:

  1. Do you want to create your own project for a small house, following all the rules and standards?

  2. Have you looked at a bunch of magazines and websites in search of garnih budinki, and finally, have you come to the conclusion that they still need to be properly designed?

  3. How many clients have contacted you for the design of small booths?

  4. Who told you about your idmova because of your doubts about your strength?

  5. Do you work on projects manually (chairs on sewing machines), but would you like to use computer programs?

  6. Do you know how to set up a booth, but don’t know how to create a project that meets all standards?

  7. Don't you need to know this in order to reach the highest level of designing small booths?

The course consists of successive stages

Stage 1

Vivchennya programs for the creation of plans >>>

A comprehensive package for BIM design, which provides the possibility of building a chair with any level of detailing and creating a 3D model. And all this does not come from one program! A user-friendly interface and a well-developed design system will be of great benefit to people far away from the creation of projects of small booths (the current version is in ArchiCAD lessons 16 and 17).

In the ArchiCAD program, you can see the armchair (planning). You can easily arrange the chair in any format.

The result is the skills and memory of a smooth and bright armchair:

After completing the 1st stage, you are guaranteed to be able to work in the field of design, install armchairs, and replace booths. However, in order to learn how to create projects for small cottages, you yourself need to go through the next stages of the course.

Stage 2

Development of 3D modeling and visualization tools (creation of photorealistic images) >>>

Once you get started with planning your huts, you need to consider the power of 3D modeling and visualization packages. Photorealistic images are the backbone of your project, they are what our lawyers are looking forward to.

We continue using ArchiCAD, and also for 3D modeling:

Then Artlantis:

There is also a special ability to read:

By relying on the capabilities of the ArchiCAD program (not a program for BIM design), the advantage is the simplicity and flexibility of the project. The program is best suited for preliminary design. With it you can quickly and easily create a 3D model of the estate's booth and schematic armchairs. And most importantly, use the Vray plugin for photorealistic visualization


After completing the 2nd stage, your arsenal will significantly increase. Now you can not only design a chair, but also create photorealistic images of your projects.

Stage 3

Fundamentals of architectural design of cottages (creation of an album from the chairs of the Sketch project) >>>

To be the master of minds, which will be your next day, a necessary album with a sketchy project. Which project are you advertising to yourself: its individual design, the replacement and visibility of your contact information - all this is the best business card for you and your business. This album displays all the information to show the plot plan, surface plans, sections, facades, as well as the selection of necessary materials. The stage is divided into large parts:

Part 1. Basics of armchairs in the architectural design of a bathroom.

Part 2. The application of the booth and the algorithm for creating manual plans.

Part 3 Volume-spaciousness and constructive modeling of the booth.

Part 4 Rules for designing an album with the project Eskіz zamіskogo budinku.

Part 5 Scheme of the planned organization of a land plot (scheme of the master plan).


After passing the day 3rd stage If, within the framework of this stage, you design your first batch booth, you will understand the entire logic of the project and are guaranteed to be able to complete the draft projects of the batch booths.

Once you know the warehouse of the project and the basics of design, you can reach the level of create premium class booths:

Prote, it will be difficult to sit behind your chairs, that’s why. necessary work chairs for the deputy's booth. You will learn about those who will kill them from the next stages.

Stage 4

Specialization in design for choice and design >>>:

  1. Wooden frame booths;
  2. Kam'yani booths (booths with foam block and purpose).

The market is so controlled that it is better for newcomers to start working in the same field of design and achieving results. This way you have more chances to gain a foothold and know your target audience. Consider the particularities of the design in one or several of the greatest demands from Russia and the CIS countries and you are guaranteed to become a favorite in your chosen niche.

Specialization gives Lost statements about this and other technologies of life. The project must take into account all the design features of the technology. What to consider: the type of foundations, the thickness of the walls, the width of the spills, etc. The material also flows into the design of the booth and into planning solutions. You can choose two specializations.

The stage is at a permanent stage of development. I record videos on new everyday technologies, materials and procedures, and also conduct closed webinars.

Structure of the section with stages of the 4th stage for 2017

Theoretical mechanics, I will compare the design of kneading budins

  1. Fundamentals of theoretical mechanics (forces, moments, reactions of supports);
  2. Pobudova rozrakhunkovykh schemes (DPS, umovy rivnovagy systems);
  3. Pobudov diagrams of transverse forces;
  4. Pobudova diagrams of moments;
  5. Pobudova of later years;
  6. Rozrakhunok statically of the original frames;
  7. Rozrakhunok statically of the multi-run beams;
  8. The structure of the cross-sections of beams is made of different materials;
  9. Framing of cross-cut beams made of monolithic reinforced concrete;
  10. I will cut the columns from different materials;
  11. Layering of walls made from different materials;
  12. Analysis of the earth's minds under the foundation of the castle's budinka;
  13. Development of stritch foundations;
  14. Rozhrakhunok fawn-grillage foundations;
  15. Roofing of slab foundations;
  16. Collected inspiration from the estate's booths.

Come in here design of building structures Zamіskih budinki. If you take them away, your design solutions will be worth tens of times more.

Marvel at the destruction of the wooden beams and the bloodshed.

Stage 5

Project for the building of a small booth (creation of an Album with working chairs) >>>.

Also, if you use design programs, you can create a draft design for a small building using various everyday technologies. Now the time has come to learn how to create a working project for the estate’s booth. These are the chairs that the alarm clocks clean off, and the smells that the castle’s alarm clock will smell like.

Result (approximately according to the documentation):

An example of the implementation of our work project in the village. Mar'ino, 2014 (click for extra)

This is the closing stage for certain sales. It will be available only to those who go through the first stages and show good results with the design. I especially select students.

Structure of the 5th stage for 2017

Part 1. Section of AR (architectural solutions)

  1. Sens of the working project to the AR section (project task, cordon between other sections);
  2. What materials do we take from a sketch project to a working project?
  3. rules for registering a work project for the AR section;
  4. Additional data to the AR section (indication of the chair to the main set, explanatory note, TEPI);
  5. Masonry plan and marking plan (hatching of materials, binding of axes, 3 types of sized lanyards, placement of subtext icons, application of placement, sending for subposition exploitation, mental designations, insets approval works, sent to vuzley);
  6. Extended sections (stage of detail: wall structures, underlays, ceilings, ceilings, etc., shading of materials, axle connections, placement of height marks, multi-spherical structures, mental markings , vkazivki shodo vedennya robіt, poslannya na vuzli);
  7. Orthogonal projections of facades in B/W graphics and colors (level of detail of facades, shadow casting, furnishing materials, placement of height signs, marking of windows and doors, output of ventilation ducts and flues, smart units appointment);
  8. Pokrіvli plan (Step Detailzatsyki, Ukhil Dahu, Privaisyaz Karniziv Dahu, Vikhid Ventkanaliv, such a pymoque, putting up the temporal lids of the markevanny of the attic vikon, the minds cognized, the water system, the signs);
  9. Ventilation ducts (design of ventilation ducts, placement of high-rise signs, covering of exit nodes);
  10. Exploitation of the substrate (smart designation, design of ceilings, improvement of the surface of the substrate);
  11. Installation diagram for filling window and door openings (smart designations, window and door openings);
  12. Type and specification of jumpers (design of jumper, type of jumper, smart designation);
  13. Nodes and fragments in the AR section (design of nodes and fragments, mental assignments).
  14. System for making changes before the architectural project.

Part 2. Division of the Kyrgyz Republic (constructive solutions)

  1. Sens working to the project section of the Kyrgyz Republic (project task, cordon between other sections);
  2. The need for a working project to divide the Kyrgyz Republic into subdivisions: QL and CD;

Contributed to the working project for the section KR - KZ (reinforced concrete structures):

  1. Rules for registering a work project for the KZ section;
  2. Additional data to the section of the QOL (referring to the chair to the main set, explanatory note, inserts so that it works);
  3. Detailing the foundation plan (graphic representation of types of foundations, marking of axes, marking of size lanyards, marking of height marks, shading of materials, placing of cuts on the foundation, demonstration of the drainage system);
  4. Development of foundation cuts (smart markings, shading of materials, placement of high-rise marks, demonstration of the drainage system, application of reinforcement, multi-ball structures);
  5. Formwork plan for the foundation (design of the formwork plan, mental designations, dimensions of the planks);
  6. Foundation reinforcement (methods of demonstrating reinforcement for various types of foundations: slab, monolithic stitch, fawn-grillage, knotted reinforcement);
  7. Reinforcement outlets from the foundation (placement of outlets from the foundation, methods of demonstrating outlets);
  8. Specification of materials for finishing the foundation (rules of foundation, specification for elements of the foundation, specification for the entire foundation, type of steel stain);
  9. Design of reinforced concrete columns (reinforcement, shown on the plan, taping with reinforcement outlets, cuts along the columns);
  10. Design of refrigerants (types of refrigeration in country houses, selection of refrigeration);
  11. Layout plan for prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs (smart designations, selection of CBV, specification for CBV);
  12. Formwork plan of inter-surface monolithic reinforced concrete slabs (smart dimensions, sized lanyards, demonstration of slots in the slab, cross-sections);
  13. Reinforcement of inter-surface monolithic reinforced concrete slabs (methods of demonstration of reinforcement, assembly of reinforcement);
  14. Design of a monolithic reinforced concrete reinforced belt (design of the reinforced belt, plan of the reinforced belt, reinforcement, cuts along the reinforced belt, adjustment of materials and creation of specifications);
  15. Design of monolithic reinforced concrete beams (production of beams, reinforcement, cuts along the reinforced belt, adjustment of materials and creation of specifications);
  16. Design of monolithic reinforced concrete girders (plan of girders, dimensions of the lanyards, section, types, principles of reinforcement, design of materials and creation of specifications);
  17. Construction of ganks and terraces (types of ganks and terraces, obtained from the construction of the foundation, cuts on ganks and terraces, materials of ganks and terraces).

Contributed to the working project for the section KR - KD (wooden structures):

  1. Rules for registering a work project for the design documentation section;
  2. Additional data to the CD section (indication of the chair to the main set, explanatory note, inserts so that the text works);
  3. Exploration of the plan of wooden slabs (principles of laminating wooden slabs, design of the structure of the booth, demonstration of cross-cuts, specification of load-bearing elements of the slab);
  4. Exploration of the plan of the blood system (principles of bleeding the blood system, the main elements of the blood system, demonstration of elements on the plan, connections from the plan of the blood section of the AR, making transects);
  5. Cuttings according to the blood system (prepared cuttings according to the blood system, demonstration of the main elements, placement of height marks, design of multi-ball structures (types of coatings and their fastening), demonstration of ventilation ducts and flue ів, putting down knots);
  6. Specification of elements of the blood system (specification for the entire operation and around the element of the ward);
  7. Units and fragments of the blood system (main units of the blood system, units of fastening elements, mental functions);
  8. Development of unique elements of the blood system using a metal-wood farm;
  9. Design of canopies and canopies (main set of chairs, components and fragments, specifications).

At the completion of the 5th stage, the skin bypass can be seen in the Album of technical solutions for the design of kneading booths. The album contains ready-made chairs, diagrams, knots, fragments and specifications for the work project of the deputy booth. The album is transferred in electronic form for viewing in the ArchiCAD program.

Our course - more, less theory and practice

Tse scenario of your further work. Beginning with such details as the rules for designing chairs and finishing programs in which you create your home project, our course will be put into your hands Pressure tool for design.

Moreover, this tool allows you to create projects in a short term This will give you a competitive edge over other designers and entire companies.

The best way to acquire material is to do it all with your own hands. At the end of the course, you will develop the master project of the deputy’s booth. As it turns out, you have your own plot of land and It’s time to create your own unique project Please don't miss the opportunity to earn money!

Main advantages of the course:

  1. You buy it like technical knowledge, so i artist's memories;
  2. You can gain knowledge by taking a course with whatever the design programs;
  3. The training is based on unique programs for architects in design companies (emphasis on practice);
  4. In the process of completing the course, you will take away guarantees the result- albums with your projects (the main one is your portfolio).
  5. You can complete the course without interruption at any little piece of earthly kuli!

Author and course leader

  • A people who have tied their life to castle architecture.
  • The author and leader of courses and trainings on the design of small booths.
  • Kerivnik of the design and development organization HOMESPRO:

How much does it cost? - Select a program:


  • Stage 1 - lessons from the recording + lesson from the architect.
  • Stage 2 - 3D modeling and visualization.

The result is planning, 3D model and visualization of the booth.

Price: 16,900 rubles

Start term: 1-2 months

Know more


At the moment it is breaking up The “Practician” program has been specially closed, which includes all the latest programs from internships at HOMESPRO in Moscow. Vartist - like the Expert program. Only those who show good results in their main subject can complete the internship. Details can be obtained by contacting the author.

Is it expensive?

For deputies those who want to independently develop a project for their own booth: equalize the quality of the beginning with the skill of designing a part-time booth in companies - this is order 800-1200 rub/sq. In addition, do not forget that at the beginning of the process you are gaining invaluable evidence and architectural knowledge that will allow you to control the entire process of construction and not overpay.

For designers, those who want to learn how to design small-scale booths: the price of starting in the architectural and building construction works is in order 200-300 thousand. rubles on the river, multiply by 5-6 rocks the beginning and equalize the varity of our courses.

Obviously, the sooner you start taking the course, tim will be great for you, therefore, the prices for expert knowledge in the sphere of everyday life are growing with the fate of the skin.

Guarantees to the result on the beginning

Official agreement

The beginning cannot begin without the establishment of an official agreement regarding the program. The appendices to the contract contain a step-by-step structure and result.

Students who completed the course

Grigory Volodimirovich, Khabarovsk
Good morning, hello!))) It’s early morning here (in Khabarovsk), but it’s still early morning in Moscow, so that’s how my tradition sounds. For the past 15 years I have been engaged in everyday life, which I have not done in this hour, especially since technologies are gradually being developed in connection with which I have to complete my studies. In the spring of the 12th, fewer than a few people turned up because they wanted to know about their frame booths. Having accepted the propositions, the problem arose, and so did the projects. One was written from Moscow, a cat appeared in the bag, although it was called a working project, in fact it was impossible to work with it, the nodes were not marked, the area of ​​the walls, the roofs, there were no re-crits, there were no specifications for the material iv. If it were not my testimony, then the workers of this little building would not have forgotten it without me. The next deputy brought me three pictures from the Internet, which we were asked to sign up for the project, the terms (1.5 months) that we were told, we were not instructed, so it would be a short time until the cold weather turned up. The booths were filled with pictures. I’ll tell you, it’s not just a job, the workers don’t understand what they want, ask for a chair, and what to work for, since there are none of them. I myself had to shave off the crits, then over the bloods, and share with special pleasure.))) With such a skin shave, the work of the projects increased in arithmetic progress. Having said that, after the end of the season, I will take care of it immediately. Winter has come, the New River has started, and I’ve started wondering if I can start designing frame booths. Ask, why frame ones? Apparently, because these booths will be more complex, there are a lot of things that you may not know or simply not know, and then depend on the operational characteristics of each booth.

There is a well-known organization in Moscow that is promoting a software complex from the design of frame booths and begins to work in this program. Having telephoned, gotten home and already added tickets for the flight, and then suddenly went to the courses of Vitaly Zlobin. Having marveled at the cost-free webinar, having learned about the program of the first training, everything turned out to be necessary and we decided to pay for it in advance. As a lot of people have already appeared who are willing to cheat or simply don’t spend money in a real relationship, but if they decide to risk cheating and spend the money, then 10 thousand) is not a big sum. Having telephoned Vitaliy, having calmed down, the first impression was more positive, we discussed with him food about the fact that it was not very easy for me to spend an hour, since the difference in hours was about 7 years, after which all meals were in vain, I paid I'm busy. After about an hour, the training ended and I removed the first part of the recording, all the material appeared brown and intact, the next parts were not so disappointing. The time has come to go to the beginning, the day has been going through the design, and the very heavy schedule does not allow Vitaly to carry out another training in parallel. Turning home, having started to tighten my tails, the rest of the activity was little but individual, and the hour of my work had already been planned, I didn’t want to be a double student who didn’t have to read the lessons.))) Three nights were spent in order to master Google SketchUp, having painted the first box, Having sensed a great sense of pride (he himself was a conqueror), they were deprived of their nutritional program. Having written the question on the sheet, sent it and removed the comments on the same day.

Here my client called, wanting the foundation for the next day's booth, before I took and was, and this time I decided to get stuck in the knowledge. Having asked for food, it became clear that the foundation of the size assigned by the deputy would not fit the planned hut. Having laid out the planned booth in front of his eyes, he was honored, having painted the foundation in a year, setting the dimensions and delivering it to the Deputy. On the following day, an agreement was made; in 2 months the foundations will not be poured (at sub-zero temperatures, the foundations will not be poured). Even before that, I fundamentally painted under the line, so what they taught me at VNZ, it didn’t even look right away. Now it’s completely on the right, exposing the influx of scientific and technological progress and new possibilities. Without a line, I’ll create an architectural project for a booth in 3 years, and with the additional money, it’s best for the client to work with you, and you’ll paint a picture of it, and you’ll create a booth.

Let's return to the initial course of the creator. What bothered me the most was that Vitaliy himself would call, he would call himself, as I had mastered the course. All my meals were discussed online, and more was added. Having spent the money one hundred percent, the money will be paid to his studio. Thank you for such a long post, if I’m already writing this, then everything can be clearly described, otherwise there’s no way to start.)))

Oleksiy, Krasnodar
The rest of the activity is over. Having started not I, but two of my employees at the company, I’ll tell them my thoughts here.

I’ll tell you straight away that all the expectations came true. The initial materials are published in an accessible way and can be immediately put into work. There was a slight difficulty in learning through the Internet, but it was possible that they had to do the old-fashioned work at their desks. Still, new technologies. My spіvrobіtniki worked on the project of the deputy booth under Vitaliy’s kerivnitstvo, one of them was a real project, so we immediately killed two birds with one stone, which in my opinion is quite practical.

Now about the courses themselves. It turned out that Vitaliy could change the hour and go to the meeting with all the supplies. We have never had a chance to get into trouble before, everything went smoothly and with a bang. I was fortunate enough that, while completing the courses, the students learned a simple, or manually-in-work program at the same time as a smart one at home. It is very good that in this course it is explained about the design of the project, which is important because the preparation of the design is always due to clients. And before we talk about the clients of that booth, which we have created as part of Vitaliy’s course, having already become a deputy, we are now undergoing further examination and would like to begin our future. It’s already warmer in our region, and we’re already working on the project.

Ushakova Vira, metro station Zhukovsky
All the information from the course was very confusing for me. Soon, I learned a lot of new things from my daily activities. The whole course of encouragement is very competent, structured, accessible and great, so great to you, Vitaliy.

Meta navchannya (zavdannya): consider Archicad and Artlantis Studio (in the context of low-surface household appliances based on the established SIP technology).

Navichki on the cob navchannya: I didn’t use the program every day (including in theory)


  1. I have mastered the software on the same level as a koristuvach (which allows me to actively use them in practice when designing and visualizing low-surface buildings using the stagnation of SIP technology).
  2. Trivalality of the beginning: from February 2013 to February 2013 inclusive, with frequency, take 2 times per week for 2 years.

Additional possibilities for learning from the bank account:

  1. Vikladach is a PRACTITIONER!
  2. The initial program was created entirely according to my wishes (there’s nothing wrong with that).
  3. More precisely, the examination of the material.
  4. Sorting out practical household chores (an important point for me, since when working with household chores, difficulties and supplementary nutrition became a problem).
  5. You may be able to arrange an hour and date from your deposit account (which allows you not to get out of a special schedule).
  6. Possibility of online consultation (deleted), including after the start.

Orientation program for the Archicad beginner course:

  1. Designed for Archicad's ability.
  2. Principles of work over the chairs.
  3. Method of creating ceilings, walls, windows, doors
  4. Roboche seredovishche ta yogo nalashtuvannya.
  5. Lines and their directions
  6. Library collection.
  7. Creation of surfaces.
  8. Creation of gatherings.
  9. Creation of pitched dakhs.
  10. Creation of other spirits.
  11. Work with dimensions, their introduction and change.
  12. Preparation to completion.

Orientation program for the Artlantis Studio beginner course:

  1. Interface of the Artlantis Studio program. Cameri.
  2. Materials
  3. Objects
  4. Visualization
  5. Preparation beforehand

Z povagoyu, Ushakova St.

Olena Kostyukova, m. Biloyarsky, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra

I would like to say a few words about the first stage of the beginning of the design of small booths in the ArchiCAD program under the supervision of the architect Vitaly Zlobin, and about those that prompted me to go through the process.

On the right, the topic of change (designing a small booth) is very close at this hour, so that the man and I just decided to bring into life the long-standing idea about “the booth of our world” and that’s what I respected even more The brown ones have to go through this on their own, So that this year, while maintaining your duties as a deputy, you better understand the details and prevent improper transactions.

It is clear that the program for the design of batch booths is very competent and, at the same time, is also accessible for understanding, the range of possibilities and tools of the program is very wide, and the patience of the input is endless (J), in progress, on us y look, it’s as effective as possible. It is even more important to note that lessons or similar parts of them can be reviewed several times in order to conclude any operation that is not immediately understandable or can be forgotten over time.

As a result of this inspiration, I was able to guess, it would have seemed long ago and will soon be forgotten: even my first enlightenment was obtained for the specialty “Industrial and civil life” (in my opinion, this is not the butt of a hard-working and dim-witted father Ivsky choice). About 25 years ago, when, having graduated, I worked as an engineer for a design group, it was impossible to talk about such a program as ArchiCAD! And I hated the chair! And, having happily changed my job a long time ago, I no longer thought that if I had to turn around, especially since the knowledge I had acquired and the skills, due to lack of need, had long been forgotten. And now, with the understanding of realities, new living conditions and accumulated evidence and knowledge in other areas of activity, I am still amazed at the creation of the upcoming hairy booth with my own hands (and brushes). Tim more, if the tool can be a vikoristan such a program! This innovation, in my opinion, opens up wide possibilities for the development and creativity, and the ArchiCAD program is a fairy tale (for those who understand)!
How great you are, Vitaly!

Andriy Kuznechenkov, Moscow

Thank you very much!!! To Italy!
P.S. I'm actually thinking about changing my profession 😉

Kostyantin Surkov, Irkutsk metro station

For a little while I thought about the lordly little cabin, in which it would be quiet, warm and everything as I needed. looking at a lot of typical projects on the Internet, finding those that suit different buildings: one has a new look, another has a layout, another has the placement of furniture. Alas, so that everything would be like I need, I don’t know. I started dabbling in architecture and design in order to create “my own” little house, which would have everything to its liking. A lot of subtleties and a lot of nutrition emerged in the process of independent learning, and once I suddenly took a course in learning everything on the website
The heat on the cob was high, but not on the cob. It also pays off, because buying a ready-made project costs twice as much, and an individual project costs 5 times more.

My beginning lasted for about 3 months, during which Vitaliy contacted me 1-2 times a day, found out, gave me advice, consulted, checked assignments, helped solve my difficulties. And from stage to stage, introducing me to the light of design.

After completing the course, I gained sufficient knowledge of household technologies, design and design of household booths. Having created a project for a booth that suits me, I can change it into a new one and change whatever I want. Dosit deeply having studied the Archikad and Atlantis program. And having already created a number of projects for friends and relatives.

The course is very colorful and melodiously so far the same in its own way (lessons on YouTube will not give such a result). Of course, it was not at all easy to figure it out, it was necessary to wait 2-3 years today, but the result was obvious.

If it is important and financially possible to begin the project, then I would recommend Vitaliy Zlobin as a teacher and a professional in this field, and just a person with whom it would be a pleasure to get along with this endeavor!

Kostyantin Surkov, economist. m. Irkutsk 2014

Yuri Nazarov, m. St. Petersburg

Beginning with the beginning, I want to achieve a great goal - to go into the middle of the design of small booths, not looming over the shoulders of architectural lighting, but rather a small positive evidence of the intelligence of the work of certain structures. Select the “Expert” program, because it is the most advanced, and if you already want to learn, then don’t hesitate.

As you walk through the stages and look back, you will realize how such benefits can work. Of course, a lot of effort was put into the construction of the building structures, and there was a larger rotary block, including work with assistants and articles. There was a need to find time every day, both in terms of work and work, sometimes at all times, in order to watch the video, learn how to work and work on the butt of the robot.

Before the hour begins, you can’t immediately determine the level of work you’re currently doing, but I realized that, since I’m already at the 5th stage, I got hired to work for a company that designs small households. kiv. Having worked in it and learned from a large number of designers and architects, I realize how high a level of knowledge is given by Vitaly’s studies. I didn’t feel like I was undereducated or in the middle of people who had little knowledge and knowledge of work behind them, moreover, because people could only be oriented in the middle in which they work the rest of their fate ів - either developments, or division of AR, or geology and foundations And having learned from each of them, I have understood everything that they need to talk about, and can easily navigate their spheres. It's time to understand how hard it is to begin, but it's true.

And I’ll say it all right – Vitaliy gives a very high level of design, I haven’t seen anything like that yet
The work does not have a high level, and the projects that you will begin to work on are less competitive in the design market.

And I would also like to expressly say that the school of design is not just a hypothetical opportunity to remove knowledge that is practically impossible to know here, even in such a manual format. This is a wonderful project that will help us earn our morning and daily life, and the design is more professional. I hope that as soon as I develop and prosper, what is really needed in our country now is the opportunity to become a professional.

Working with professional designers is a guarantee of important architectural solutions. How can you make a plan for a booth without having to spend a lot of money to pay for expensive services for the project? Basic skills, knowledge of the needs of your family, and also the opportunity to allow yourself to develop a project for a comfortable farmhouse, saving time and pennies on paying for the services of professional facists.

  • Draw a plan for a booth with the dimensions of a hand on an arch with a carded line or a graph paper;
  • Create a plan for the booth on your computer using a special design program;
  • Learn home planning online using 3D editors.

The skin method allows you to independently create a chair booth and distribute the area of ​​your living rooms and accommodation for everyday and government needs.

The most accessible is a power hand, however, this method does not include the risk of damage when scaling. In addition, people do not immediately understand how to properly plan a hut for their baby.

You can create a plan for the wake-up call in a specially developed computer program, but then switch to the version that is being tested, which is licensed, in order to avoid any problems with the bugs. You can work in the program independently, since it is not very complicated and does not require a lot of learning.

Online editors allow you to create plans at home, in a chair, and in 3D format, and they are also accompanied by lectures and tutorials on how to lay out a plan for a booth and how to arrange it in the most rational way.

Now you need to plan a booth

Most often, the ease of getting involved in a professional project in the rich is explained by the simplicity of assigning a flat area to the room. However, it is important to draw up a plan for the booth - it is important to determine the area and location of the future premises.

So, let's figure out what the planned booth involves in our project.

Read also

The creation of the chair and the plan of the booth using the Autocad program

The project of a small budinka is a comprehensive design and a detailed description of all the parameters of the future dispute with the characteristics of the building materials and budinkov systems:

  1. Architectural description (chair plan, dimensions of internal spaces with designated doors and windows, layout of living rooms and government premises).
  2. The layout of the structural elements (the foundation, the frame of the single-surface booth, the bloody structures, the roofs are shown schematically in the chairs with detailed layouts and layouts).
  3. Electrical part (report description of the connection of the alarm box to the energy supply with schematic images of electrical wiring and distribution of sockets).
  4. Warehouse engineer (plan for laying out essential communications - ventilation, sewerage, gas, water supply, fire).

As can be seen from the structure of the project, the planning of the mixed booth is one of the parts that goes into the architectural warehouse, which solidifies the area and layout of the internal spaces and the main structures (gates of the booth, partitions, windows, doors, arches ).

Thus, since you decided to reduce the budget for the construction of the booth, having considered the services of a professional designer, this does not mean that the stage of planning the booth can be skipped or considered without considering other parts of the project. Which type of completed project documentation before the start of everyday life will be at your discretion.

Algorithm for the chair plan for the booth

The basis for planning the booth is handwritten or electronic chairs for the skin on the top (including s). Let's take a look at the sequence of actions in order to properly build armchairs at home.

  1. Pre-scaled on a millimeter paper or arches with mapped lines;
  2. Vikreslennya axes the booth;
  3. Linking the walls to the axes of the booth;
  4. Application of internal partitions, arches, windows and doors;
  5. Signed names for the skin schematic location and designated area in square. m.

Advantages of planning a booth in the program or online

  1. It is possible to select an unlimited number of options for area, surface, and environment to inform the selection of optimal planning that is suitable for the purposes and needs of your homeland.
  2. Automatically linking various stages of life, incl. interior architecture, space, installation of engineering communications, installation of boiler or boiler equipment, installation of electrical lines.
  3. The ability to virtually plan engineering lines and arrange the location of the booth makes it possible to later discover the ideal place for installing a riser, to determine the optimal route for installing utility lines, and to minimize the drainage of pipes.
  4. There are ready-made packages of standard plans that you can use without changing them, or with a few clicks you can create your own unique plan based on them.
  5. The library depicts furniture and household materials to help create an architectural 3D model of the living area, which will allow you to most accurately assess the level of handiness and harmony in the design of the skin area and every home in whole.
  6. User-friendly interface of 3D editor programs, wide functionality for creating the most detailed planning.
  7. Lessons and practical lessons on how to create a planned booth as optimally as possible are provided by design software vendors to increase confidence in their product.

U On the basis of any successful life lies the completion of a detailed project. To put together a project of everyday life with your own hands is a more powerful task, but it is far from simple, which requires knowledge, up to now, and singing skills.

Plant a tree, grow a child, create a little house... All these things germinate now more than once: a tree is a plant, a person develops from two cells. And the everyday life stems from the abstract idea infused into the everyday life project. In the first two cases, the basis is given by nature, and from how to complete the project of the everyday life, we will try to grow ourselves.



Cob – mindfulness of the everyday life project

If you look at a project as a task, then any project requires at least two main minds.

Persha Umova

Know what result needs to be eliminated. In everyday science it is called “ project management».

If we are talking about the everyday life of a living room, more precisely, for now we are talking about those, how to put together a project of everyday life, the design department will be responsible for including:

  • There will be a spacious organization, considering the quantity and height of the surfaces,
  • Zhitlova Square,
  • Bazhany style design,
  • transfer of functions between the different spaces, from a number of different types of spaces (bathrooms, vital rooms, bedrooms, etc.)

And there is minimal spillover.

Druga Umova

With any borderline minds, everything can be drawn into stone, stone, metal and wood, these are the characteristics of the place of life and the basic nutrition associated with the operation of life. In everyday life, this part of the project is called “ technical minds».

Technical minds are responsible for defining the framework in which it is necessary to create a daily life project (either yourself or ask for a helper - food for a friend). And also formulate in a way that the project can be most reproducible, and itself:

  • climatic zone of living conditions;
  • geological and hydrogeological minds, incl. the relief, the unbearable nature of the soil, the flow of groundwater, etc.;
  • the presence of a connection to the main engineering communications (electricity, sewerage, water supply, hot water), reach them and the connection;
  • adjacent objects and transport communications;
  • special minds (presence of microbial particles, increased seismic activity, proximity to specific areas, including environmental protection areas).

Obviously, wait for food: where are all the brothers, who and how can everyone work? Let's move on from design to design.

What do you want to achieve?

At first glance, it is obvious that all the main data can be given by the deputy. Who knows what your next day will be like?

The rest of the time, how many people ask “how to start a house project”? And it became clear. Information from the everyday life of living quarters is available as usual, modern technologies are available, and modern materials can be purchased at any time tomorrow. But if we talk about everyday life, it becomes clear that without a chair, you won’t forget the booths.

What needs to be done before starting the project

Provide the required plans with dimensions, facades, sections, etc. to the person you are interested in. The totality of the chairs is called the project. You can create a project in the program yourself. For this need of knowledge 3 speeches:

  1. Program for creating a project.
  2. The understanding of what kind of booth to design.
  3. Fundamentals of architectural design

There are 3 successful warehouses for any project. Without knowing the program, you can earn money. Without saying anything about what the booth will be like, it’s the same. And without the fundamentals of architectural design, you risk creating a project for which nothing will come of it.

Why does knowledge of computer programs stand in front of the understanding of what the alarm system will be like? Because the idea of ​​a castle booth is often popularized in the program. Therefore, the more manual and intelligent the program is, the better the result of its work will be. This article will be dedicated to the required computer programs for the creation of projects for small buildings.

Programs for creating a project

Today, without really straining yourself, you can find a number of program options from which you can create a project. Mentally, I will divide them into 2 groups: online and offline. Online – you can create a project directly from your browser. Offline – it is necessary to install the program on your PC.

Online programs

Let me just say that there are no full-fledged project programs in this format. Websites where you can create home plans and marvel at new 3D ones. But everything that is needed for a large model of a booth is not yet available. I respect that it’s not easy to show up with such programs. Tim, please try to do the same thing. The stench is pleasant, and allows you to create more than one-man “putty”. There is no modeling of the shape of windows, windows, decorative elements of facades, etc.

If you need more planning for your next day, you can use the following online programs to help:

Pioneers of online design. This startup appeared earlier than Autodesk Homestyler and quickly gained popularity on the Internet. The program clearly has a user-friendly and beautiful interface. Є version “demo” and “pro”. The pro version allows you to add a description, photo and video to the project, work with a lot of over-the-top planning and, in general, is intended more for realtors who create presentations of booths. You can also download and install the program on your PC for offline work on the project.

Autodesk Homestyler- the most popular program from a series of programs for online design from Autodesk. It is not only a planning program, but also an online store for household materials and furniture, as well as the ability to create 3D visualization of the captured interior. Homestyler suits me more than floorplanner with its capabilities. For example, you can enter dimensions from the keyboard and adjust the thickness of the walls of your next home.

Other programs such as Roomsketcher or else Planner 5D not to introduce anything new, but simply to copy the leaders of this market.

Non-professional offline programs

The main benefit of the online version is the installation of such programs on the computer’s hard drive. Tobto. You don't need the Internet to create a project for your booth. This option is outdated, because, for example, you cannot design on a mobile device (smartphones or tablets).

FloorPlan 3D- perhaps the most advanced security program on the amateur market. Once you open the program, you will immediately notice a cumbersome and intuitive interface. Before the speech, at the moment the graphics are a little out of date. Ale tse does not expect any hostility towards this software. The work environment is completely interactive. Present 2D and 3D views. It’s good for unprepared craftsmen to design their own cabin and garden.

The program can improve flat placements, create convergences, add textures and select furniture from a large library. And the lack of architectural feasibility in the design of lamanic dahi and protruding elements. The package also includes designs for mixed booths and a complete block with 3D visualization.

Home Plan Pro- Program of high engineering level. The focus on engineering graphics will immediately come to you. Therefore, the program can create plans for small huts for living on the Yakisny Rivne. This combines different metric systems, saving a number of required formats, as well as a wide library of elements for creating projects.

Envisioneer Express- The program is more extensively designed for the creation of interior design projects. Prote does not include the possibility of modeling architectural objects. Uncomplicated and mastered, it will not require high system capabilities of your PC. The authors of this software position it as the simplest BIM tool. In addition, the program has poor 3D visualization

3D Home Architect- the program has been popular for a long time, since it set the tone for amateur design of interiors and private living quarters. In addition, what is in the upcoming programs, indicating the coming moments. A system has been introduced for recognition and notification of payments made by the project. The CAD core is stronger, which allows you to quickly place plans with furniture and translate them into 3D. In this case, adjustments are possible both in 2D and 3D modes. The power of robots with well-shaped elements. Automated creation of the zamіskogo booth. Automated creation of plans and sections from a 3D model. I can’t help but note the strength of the program for creating a landscape around the estate.

Singingly, this is one of the most successful programs of the amateur level, which is close to the result of the work of the skin level of professional programs.

ArCon (Arkon)- A practical all-in-one program for CAD design. We are approaching the block of professional programs and will finish looking at this block with a strong program for design. The software can be downloaded from the official website without any problems in the initial version. Currently, over 15 versions have been released. The history of the program is based on the trivial term “additional and thorough development”.

The current software package includes everything from construction planning and 3D modeling to calculating the cost of materials. The assistants of the locality, the location and the spirits will help you get through the difficult tasks. The possibility of designing a variety of surface-mounted structures significantly expands the range of objects that are designed.

Details of the project, such as attic windows, railings, balconies, beams, columns, windows and doors - all of them have individual parameters that can be adjusted. In addition, the program allows you to create videos based on the project, as well as use the formats of other project programs. Here, a simple program is available for creating draft designs for small buildings with elements of a working project.

SketchUP- This program is worth it. The rest of the time she became so hand-made that she won the love of numerous lovers all over the world. Greater access to the official website and installation, integration with numerous Google services, a simple interface and millions of library elements available on the official website - all this has brought respect to our professional project. Uvalnikov. Well, the availability of numerous video lessons on the Internet hides little and no immediate adoption of these programs.

The new version of SketchUP Pro for professional work on projects. Thus, the popular VRay plugin, developed by the Bulgarian Chaos Group specifically for SketchUP Pro, impressed the audience with its high vigor. Now, from a simple 3D model, it was possible to create a photorealistic picture with shadows and enhanced light. And finally, a wide library of elements is added to it with a more realistic and realistic precision.

Marvel at how the model of a farmer's booth is created,

This is what the result looks like after working with the VRay plugin.

Professional offline programs

Graphisoft ArchiCAD- this is “our everything” and the most effective tool for creating a new project from scratch. For a long time, being the leader in the BIM design market, Autodesk did not promote the Revit program, which significantly pushed aside ArchiCAD. BIM stands for "Building Information Model". In simpler terms, this is a digital 3D model that automatically “takes” plans, sections and facades. This approach eliminates the need for skin tightening, and also speeds up the process of making adjustments to the project.

In addition to all other advanced programs, ArchiCAD is a design complex in which absolutely all parts of the project can be worked on. There is no need to use additional programs for visualization, calculation of costs or design of the project. This is a powerful professional tool. For example, with Autocad it is simple for those who have mastered it and are accompanied by a large number of initial lessons with open access. However, for full-fledged work in this program, it is necessary to take a special course, and to create a project as a deputy, you must undergo training under the supervision of an accredited mentor. Everything is in the main beginner course on our website. Pokrokov's beginnings in the design of mixed budinki. In the process of skin development from studies, the application of projects is removed from this program and albums of technical solutions with necessary components “for all types of life.”

Our design bureau is soon releasing over 20 new projects for the development of small cottages. The ArchiCAD program has all the stench. Part of them is posted on this page.

Marvel at the power of this program (click to expand).

You can also admire the work of our students at Graphisoft ArchiCAD for this work.

Autodesk Revit- the same program that supplanted ArchiCAD. Its main advantage is the seamless integration with other Autodesk products, which have begun to conquer many aspects of project activity. Today, it is the most promising program for BIM design, which allows you to completely replace the designer’s cumbersome tools. It is also possible to combine architecture, structures and all engineering measures in one information model.

Good engineering graphics, automation of most processes, standardization of projects that are configured, automatic handling of all displays necessary for the project, etc. - an amateur does not need such strenuous abilities, which are worth everything. Well, since it is important to delve into the topic of design and development by a professional, the use of Revit will become a great foundation for the future.

In addition, many leading design bureaus have long switched to this program. Therefore, it collects the remaining trends in the areas of energy conservation and the latest engineering standards. They are valued and respected by professional competence. It is important to note that in Russia it is easy to introduce the BIM standard for the development and development of design documentation. If it happens, Autodesk Revit will be taken as the basis for everything.

At the initial center, the site is available for the development of the course “Autodesk Revit for creating projects of small buildings”. In the meantime, you can not only learn this entire program, but also immediately start working on a project for a small booth.

Planning to go out of town and spend most of the hour in a quiet country house, many people want not only to buy a ready-made one, but to create it on their own, vikory for which this is not a typical project of everyday life, but with how powerful.

Robimo do-it-yourself booth project

How to put together a booth project independently and how to work? When you create a project with your own hands, you can now achieve a booth that is truly unique and not similar to others. No one will be able to fulfill all the fantasies and fantasies about the number of rooms, on top of and restrooms. One thing is to prepare immediately - innovations and changes in architecture will result in a significant financial investment.

If the project of the booth is being developed without the help of the master, then it is necessary to remember that they begin with the choice of the required place for the development of the future. Then a plan for the plot is formed. For these purposes, it is better to use a millimeter paper, on which the boundaries between the plots and the placement of booths and other objects are drawn to scale. Particular attention must be paid to the type of window that will be opened from the window, the extension of the booth in relation to the sides of the light, and the planning.

After this, let's start thinking about the shape, design and construction features of the booth, as well as about the materials from which it is made. This is a very important moment for the design, the fragments of the most valuable materials will be placed on the surface of the walls, blocking the height of the walls. Next we move on to discuss the number of rooms, as well as their arrangement. If there are more than one booth on top, you need to remember about the presence of gatherings. These varieties are to be found only in the special likenesses of the ruler. Golovna, so that it remains safe and secure. Considering all the stages of project planning are involved in life, it is necessary to remember those who will live in the new (children, elderly people), try to take care of all the possible and necessary needs of the skin member of the family. All thoughts and thoughts are written down and painted on paper. The result will include façade plans (see the booth from its sides), surface plans, roof plans.

It is especially important to proceed before developing the foundation plan. Why do you need to know: soil storage, level of groundwater contamination, depth of soil freezing. It is not possible to save money on the foundation and it would be better to seek advice from a lawyer.

After we have the remaining plans for the booth, we can expand the plans for engineering measures. As a result, the mother's plans include electricity supply, heating, ventilation, water supply, and sewerage.

Although Galusi does not have sufficient knowledge of architecture and engineering, when developing a project, it is better to seek the help of a master, who will show you how and where to build it correctly.

To put together a project for a booth on your own, you can turn to special computer programs for help. It’s hard to believe that they will suggest which is the best choice of material for construction, dimensions of placement, or anything else. You need to find out everything yourself from the regulatory documents. The advantage of such assistants is also that they can create a project with a scientific and realistic look. For example, you can quickly use the following programs: ArchiCAD, ArCon, AutoCAD and others.

It is also necessary to know that a whole group of facists is involved in the development of a working project at home. Kozhen is timid about the singing section. It’s simply not possible for one person to grasp all the subtleties of design. You'll spend a lot of time trying to capture a lot of moments. And don’t worry about that.

Once the project is fully completed, it can be put into practice only after you have checked the instructions and stated that everything is in accordance with the necessary and other safety requirements, and also that all the details have been entered correctly.

Now you know how to put together a house project on your own. However, I recommend working on a preliminary design for the booth, so that the design stage is simplest, and there is no need to work on special developments. In essence, a draft project is a picture of your garden.

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