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Refills for rectification columns. How to choose a tsarga to a moonshine apparatus, a beer or rectification column.

Spiral-prismatic nozzle (SPN) - today I can improve the distribution of buildings and widely vicorate in the butt and industrial rectification columns for the extraction of alcohol. For the help of a nozzle, you can get alcohol 96.6% in home minds. Manufactured from thin dart grades 12X18H9, 12X18H10T, AISI304. The nozzle is relatively washed and processed using special technology, for the shortest period of time, which is distributed. Chim dribnisha nozzle - tim better cleaning, ale less productivity.


2,700.00 R kill

SPN nozzle 2x2x0.2 mm

Spiral prismatic packing (SPN) is currently the best filling for butt and industrial rectification columns. Made from high-oxide stainless steel 12х18х10t rod.

Surface area 3500 m2/m3.

Part of the free obyagu 0.82 m3/m3.


2,500.00 R kill

SPN nozzle 3х3×0.2 (price per 1 liter)

Spiral prismatic packing (SPN) is currently the best filling for butt and industrial rectification columns. It is prepared from a high-oxide stainless steel 12x18n10t rod with a diameter of 0.2 mm.

Surface area 2700 m2/m3.

Part of the free obyagu 0.84 m3/m3.


2,300.00 R kill

Spiral - prismatic nozzle (SPN) at the moment is the best refill for butt and industrial rectification columns. It is prepared from a high-oxide stainless steel 12x18n10t rod with a diameter of 0.25 mm.

Surface area 2600 m 2 /m 3

Part of the free obligation 0.85m 2/ m 3


2,100.00 R kill

SPN INSTALLATION rosemir 5x5x0.3 mm

Vykoristovuetsya in vipadkah, if you do not need the maximum purification of the product. For example, with the choice of whiskey and other aromatic distillates. Manufactured from a high-oxide stainless steel rod with a diameter of 0.3 mm.

Part of the free obyagu 0.87 m3/m3.


2,100.00 R kill

SPN nozzle 5x5x0.3 mm. heptahedron

Spiral-prismatic nozzle 5 x 5 x 0.3 mm zastosovuetsya if you do not need the maximum purification of the product. For example, with the choice of whiskey and other aromatic distillates. Manufactured from a high-oxide stainless steel rod with a diameter of 0.3 mm.

Surface area 2050 m2/m3.Part of the free obyagu 0.88 m3/m3.


For sale there are many models of moonshine stills of various designs - from dry steamers, bubblers, rectification columns and other wild equipment. Ale scho work, like a moonshine still you have an old design, ale shattered soundly and just don’t lift your hand? The joy is simple - to modernize.

The role of the tsarga is in the betting mash of high-boiling oily speeches under the common name - fusel fuselage. The same houses give the taste of moonshine and yoga aroma. The tsarga at the commercial moonshine still can theoretically allow you to extract pure alcohol-sirec after the first distillation, but not after the idealization of additions.

At rich statues, tributes are given, that the tsarga with a length of 15 cm gives a 20-fold step of purification, 35 cm - 50-fold and 45 cm - 65-fold, without explaining what this is - the frequency of purification. Some people think that moonshine becomes 20, 50 or 65 times cleaner. We don't call it that. The frequency of purification shows how many times there is mutual contact with the condensate in the middle of the casing with the nozzle and the vapor phase.

Naturally, if there is a multiplicity, then the purification is more beautiful. Ale, in a butovom moonshine still, like a promise, so smashed with her own hands, the tsarga is allowed to take after the first distillation the moonshine from three-chotiri times cleaner, lower without it. Chi varto repair the modernization of the device? Absolutely, yes. Having tried the product, taking the device away from the jamming of the tsargi, you will switch to it. Repeated distillation will make you even more aware of what you should do just to add to the building, and change your statement about those that are such homemade moonshine.

How to crush the king with your own hands

There is nothing collapsible in the process of preparing the tsarga. Navit people, as if at least once trimmed in the hands of a grinder, a soldering iron and a drill, build the simplest option of which I will build. In short, as a master, he can work on a turning bench to make stainless steel. Narizati razblennya on nerzhavіytsі manually dosit smoothly, practically impossible. Ale, if you know the dice for marking R18 or R18F2, you can try it.

What is required for a robot? It’s important to see which option of the king you will get. In order to maintain schilnist before experimentation, you can work out the tsar's rozbirnu, which is a lot of parts. If you just want to try, if it’s true that those who talk about the role of the tsarga in moonshine, you can add one fragment. The design conveys the possibility of increasing the life of any kind.

Otzhe, rozpochinaemo prepared the king with his own hands. For whom do you need:

Piping pipes with a diameter of 35 - 45 mm from stainless steel, midi and brass. Zvichayna steel, chavun and plastic do not fit. The first metal is rather rusty, the chavun is important and the trumpet does not chirp, and the plastic is not safe when it comes into contact with alcohol vapors. Vіn do not sleep and do not melt, but it can be so bad that the chemist can not put them in the warehouse, and it will be important for doctors to make a diagnosis.

Krіm pipes need a threaded fitting, which is necessary to fasten on the krіshtsі cube of humus for the help of two squeeze nuts on gaskets made of silicone. It is not recommended to vicorate Gumu, if you want to know the thermocouple. As the lid of the cube is made of stainless steel, the fitting can be welded on.

Vіd tsgogo choke i pochanatime to the robot. On the tsar, it is necessary to thread the internal threads, so that it can be easily twisted onto the pipe. If on the fittings you made internal cuts, then on the body of the tsargi you will cut the bells and whistles. Working with your own hands, such freedoms are allowed.

Dovzhina cut - not less than 3 cm. As a tsarga for a moonshine apparatus to serve as a support colony of rectification, then there are no transfers of bichnyh vanity. And yet, before it, there will be a bіchny pipeline with a refrigerator, then it’s bazhano, so that the foundation will be mіtsnoy.

On the upper part of the tsarga there can be carvings. Before it, we come to see the steam pipeline to the refrigerator, another section of the tsargi, or the head part of the rectification column. The lower part of the tsarga is chosen from the 35 - 40 cm. For the obviousness of the cut, it is possible to vicorate any of the other methods of joining two pipes - an American, a muff, etc.

Below 2-3 cm of the edge of the upper groove, a hole with a diameter of 3-4 mm is drilled and screwed into a new, frontally threaded groove, a tube with a length of 3-4 cm - a nest for a thermometer probe. There you will be inserted for an hour of work for the help of a silicone guillotine.

Landing place pid thermometer

The tsar has the most important non-mechanical method of closing, like an internal part. Obsyag tsargi zapovnyuєtsya metal drotyanimi spirals - nozzles. Diameter їх 2-3 mm, visually stench predict small springs. Rob them with stainless steel or midi.

It is necessary for them to be rich and it is impossible to grow them with your own hands. It is best to buy special stock on special sites. In order not to push through the middle of the tank, a fine mesh made of stainless steel or midi is introduced into the lower part of the body of the tsarga. You can look at an old kitchen strainer, or donate a new one.

In extreme cases, beat the grid for the mitt of dishes, and choose only stainless steel. Dekіlka such sіtochek zashtovhuєmo in the middle of the trumpet and hurt. Another best option is to buy a regular Panchenkov nozzle. The hutch is woven from stainless steel, as if twisted into a spiral and slotted into the middle of the drawer body.

To whom all tsі napovnyuvachi can be given over the world, but the stench itself and turn the splendid trumpet into a tsarga. It works not only as a filter - it uses the most complex physical and chemical processes in the interplay of steam and steam, which condenses, as a result of which the steam is divided into packet fractions and cleaned from all the houses.

To the victories of the kings, they should vrahuvati, that the speed of distillation will decrease by 30. But the time will be compensated for by the quality of the products.

Otrimannya to rectified alcohol - the order of the day of the skin moonshine. Pure ethyl alcohol 96% alcohol, cleansing from other houses. In order to prepare such yakіsniy alcohol, it is necessary to install the rectification king on the moonshine still.

The whole pipe is of singing dozhina, made of stainless steel and filled with prismatic nozzles of a spiral shape. The main task of such a stay is near the bottom of moonshine pairs on the okrem fractions of various thicknesses. Prepared according to all the rules of the tsarga for the moonshine apparatus with a hand, it allows you to create the possession of a factory level.

Newly needed tsarga for moonshine

The dovezhina of the self-made rectifying tsarga can be clearly marked - it itself is recognized for the frequency of purification of the final product. So, a 15 cm pipe gives 20 times cleaning, 35 cm - 50 times, 45 cm - 60 times cleaning. Like a bachimo, as a rectified tsarga, then more often the process proceeds under the fractions, apparently, less third-party houses and I’ll drink more of the mitsnist.

Navit with a standard height of the tsarga of 15-35 cm, you can remove the product, but before doing so, you should clean it for additional activated carbon or potassium permanganate.

For proof. How to clean the moonshine vugillam - take the preparation from the rosemary 50-60 g per 1 liter, drink it, then pour it. Leave for 5-7 days, periodically zbovtuyuchi. Through the day, pass through a special water filter and remove the moonshine without fusel oil and third-party smells.

If you want to take 96% alcohol after the first distillation, you need a rectified tsarga 45 cm. You can buy it, but it will cost you dearly. The average price is 2600-4800 rubles. And you can work it out, but it's not so easy.

How to crush the king with your own hands

The back of the head is significant, what is the tsarga. This is a constructive vuzol, which allows you to clean the moonshine as much as possible from all third-party houses and fuselage olives. As if on a moonshine still, a tsarga was installed, at the exit weed ideally pure alcohol, which sound is obtained from the factory minds.

The key process in the distillation of moonshine is distillation, which in the literal translation is lativ. means overrunning of streaks. In the process of heat exchange of alcohol vapors and condensate (dripping, phlegm), which occurs in the tsar, moonshine is cleaned 10-15 times faster, which allows you to get an absolutely pure product.

Let's take a look at the back of the head, what do we imagine the tsarga and what are the structural elements to enter it.

Let’s move on to the scheme of the future building, so that we can work out in principle the work in the main elements. Distillation begins from the moment when water boils in the humus cube and the pipes begin to raise a bet to avenge alcohol.

  • 1,2 - good threaded knots;
  • 3 - fixation of the nozzle;
  • 4 - stainless steel pipe;
  • 5 - heat insulation (foam rubber, pinopolietilen)
  • 6 - chaotic nozzle with contact elements;
  • 7 - regular nozzle with contact elements.

The rectification column, as a rule, is collected from a few tsargs. The volume of fillings with contact elements, which ensures the heat exchange of various fractions - is near the condensate, which drains, and the bet, which rises uphill. In order to make the ball condensate (phlegm) sufficient, the nozzle is guilty of being broken and filling the entire space.

How is the process of reflux

The preparation of that purification of alcohol can only be done in that case, if it is anti-vapor from the humus cube and condensate, which flows from the head of the colony.

Weed to alcohol zdijsnyuєtsya from a rare phase!

As soon as the couple does not get phlegm, heat exchange becomes impossible and the process of rectification will not occur - adding alcohol to the bet. In order for phlegm to be saturated with a couple, in order to avenge alcohol, it is necessary to install a dephlegmator. After a new condenser - an empty part of the tube, it is cooled down to the right temperature. Next to the reflux condenser, there can be built-in fans, t.z. spirit-makers, yakі vityaguyut s betting substandard alcohol, and too much gas vyvodni name.

Oskіlki alcohol is taken from the coolant (condensate), for sufficient cooling it is necessary to install a small refrigerator.

The main vіdmіnіst tsarga rectification vіd kolony polyagaє in that the process of deflegmation is step by step and even more correctly. At the same time, there is a constant heat exchange of light and steam, which allows you to reach the lowest fraction of fractions and, like a legacy, a pure final product.

Required materials

  • vіdrіzok stainless steel pipe dozhinoy 15.35 or 45 cm - the basis of the drawer for moonshine;
  • an adapter with cuts for fixing the dressing;
  • a sieve with minimal openings to avoid hanging on the top;
  • 35-40 metal washcloths made of stainless steel.

In order to verify that the washcloth is actually made from stainless steel, take a great magnet. Just pull a washcloth, bathe. H - joke away.

Ready to go

We repeat, as such a material can be vikoristan spirals in the form of metal washcloths. It is also possible to bring glass bags or ceramic stuffing to a specialized miniature shop. I that, and other material is absolutely inert and not to be added to the already finished product.

The washcloth is divided into 2 equal parts and the springs are carefully cremated. Twist them at a small loop, so that it turns out 3-5 turns.

Obov'yazkovo ask for the removal of the springs, so that the dephlegmator does not waste the inconvenient smittya.

The ideal reminder is “Rolled Sulzer”, which is made from two smugs of corrugated dribnet. Under the hour of laying the roll in the tsarga straight ahead, dark black, right-handed, and right-handed, after which a regular nozzle with contact elements comes out.

How to pick the king

  1. Take a 35 pipe, an adapter 35 from the bottom (mother) and an animal per inch (tato);
  2. Screw the distiller up to the top.
  3. From the bottom of the pipe you see 35 cm and drill an opening at the pipe 6 mm - this will be a sleeve for a thermometer. Insert the probe of a digital thermometer here to allow the temperature to be controlled. Cover the outer sleeve with a thermocouple with an elastic band in the form of a drip so that the seal is airtight.
  4. Stuff the pipe earlier with prepared springs, squeezing bags or ceramic nasip. Tamp firmly, but do not close anything. It is enough to tap the pipe on the steel.
  5. Twist the sieve on the bottom and fix it with an adapter.

How to choose the simplest version of the tsarga with your own hands

To take away high-yield alcoholic drink from the minds of the home, it is necessary to drink alcohol. The classic humus cube for these purposes is not enough, the shards at once from the vapors of alcohol into the product are consumed by the vapors of fusel oils and summer ether.

The stench itself gives moonshine an unacceptable smell, the sound of a hangover headache.

A cardinally new way for home moonshine brewing is the emergence of column-type devices.

Important! On the humus cube, the place of the dry steamer is installed tsarga- An empty tube, stuffed with a fine mesh made of stainless steel or sifted with fine pieces of metal of a spiral-prismatic shape.

The essence of improvement is in the principle of reflux.

Dephlegmation - settling pairs and glasses in the middle of the cube:

  • The king has an important process - "vibudovuvannya" steam on tops.
  • It’s easier to bet, it’s better for the tsar to break through the stench of the building.
  • It is necessary for us that important stinking fuselage vapors settled down below, and pure alcohol vapors rose uphill, where the vuzol vіdbora is located.

The video tells a report about what the king is and why it is needed in a moonshine:


Tsarga - the basis for mash and smelting columns of rectification. Vaughn is tubular and tarіlchasta. The physics of phenomena in these outbuildings is being examined.

At the tubular kings the vapors are converted to condensate on the walls and surfaces of the nozzle. Pari bezpereshkodno turn back, at the cube, nag_dno viparovuyuchis. Pratsiuє mekhanіzm teplomasoobmіnu.

  1. The minus of the tsієї kings is a great dovzhina, the bulkiness and folding of vibudovuvannya phlegmy for equals.
  2. Plus - easy to attach.

At the tsar's part of the king bets settle on the surface of the sieve. The bet that comes from below, to pass through the stingy ball of phlegmy, bubbling occurs.

Phlegm misses light bets, important ones are lost at a rare sight. Plate fallow with diameter and type of tsarga can be from 3 to 12.

  1. The minus of the tsієї tsargi is the foldability of the preparation, the need for the workers from the warehouse to control the bubbling and equal phlegm on the plates.
  2. Plus - compact expansion, rich product quality.


For a nice maister to work the tsar with his own hands, do not cause problems.

Schob wiyshla miracle river, we need:

  1. Materials. Mіd is more easily processed, but the road is more expensive. Stainless steel will require the help of an “argon” welder, but it is much easier to know stainless steel pipes. As a locker for copper pipes, brass plumbing fittings should be used, stainless steel is more likely to be clamped with clamps.
  2. Tools. Vіdrіzati іvno pipe dopomozhe roller truborіz, but not available to everyone. To this we coristu with a “grinder”, an emery paper for cleaning up burrs. For soldering midi pipes, you need a gas burner, solder and flux. Stainless steel can be welded either with a TIG machine or with special electrodes for stainless steel.
  3. Beginners. It is not easy to solder the pipes - the theory of soldering can be admired on specialized sites or bloggers. Pratsyuvaty with stainless steel folding - when welding with an electrode, it is easy to pierce a hole, and welding with an electrode that does not melt, in the middle of argon, you will be able to get it right. Before carrying out, it is better to work out more on scraps and inappropriate clothes.

How to work with your own hands?

I’ll do a good job and rectify the column - finish the folding one on the right. Yakshcho є mozhlivіst pridbati nadіyny and vyprobіvani pristrіy vіd vyrobnik, the result іѕ іde іѕ more transfers.

The apparatus of the factory vikonannya is conceived inaccessible through the temple vartist. Build the king with your own hands - the cheaper one is available.

Rozrahunok dozhini and diameter

For different tightness, it is necessary to install different pipe diameters and lengths.

Dovidka! For distillation - possession of alcohol-syrcium - pidide pipe of the planter 0.5 - 1 meter. The diameter is not so important.

For the rectification of the parameters of the tsarga, lay down according to the necessary productivity, heat intensity, the volume of the cube. Іsnuyut great formulas for rozrahunkіv, and navіt typical solutions. For a 3 kW, 40-liter cube, you will need a tsarga with a length of 1.5 meters, a minimum diameter of 3 inches.

For the home master, the most accessible will be the preparation of a tubular drawer. It is made up of such elements.


How can you speak thin-walled pipes from stainless steel or midi.

Important! Vykoristannya zvichaynykh pipes, plastic or aluminum nebazhany - aggressive "cocktail" of chemical spoluk building to bring down the trumpet that house at the end of the product.

The choice of a heat-resistant laboratory warehouse is true for this, as it is the need for visual control over processes. It can be easily processed, rather tenditno, but absolutely not better to chemical ruin.

The hull is shorter to make a collapsible folded in 2-3 parts. To make it easier to cleanse, and also to allow reaching a different result.


Є kіlka ways, like z'єdnati trumpet.

  • Sanitary engineering. The simplest and most found method. In case of skin picking, the colonies of the colony “twist” behind the help of clumps or fum-strings. Minus - cumbersome way
  • Stikowi Mufti - "American". Flat flaring is clamped with threaded nuts. The pipes are sealed behind additional gaskets, they can be replaced with silicone - the stench does not linger in the aggressive environment.
  • Clamp clamps. Blow on the sticks to expand, which are covered with cone collars. Nayzruchnishe that shvidkoroz'y me zadnannya. May be popular, but for sale know better.

Mesh for stuffing

So that the spirally prismatic stuffing does not hang into the humus cube, it is necessary to add an intermediate mesh at the bottom of the tsarga.

The main power of the mesh is the fault of the thick and crushed and thin stainless steel rod. So the peretin of the pipe does not change.

Zastosuvannya as a dresser with drilled openings significantly lower the parameters of the colony.


We need some pieces of pipes for us. The stench can be buti of the diameter we need - from 24 to 60 mm. Depending on the diameter to deposit the productivity of the apparatus and the quality of the output products.

Narizaemo trumpet rosemary.

Important! The ends of the faults are equal, oblique zrіz can lead to the sickness of the apparatus, which depends on the quality of the robotic system.

We will solder the tins, we will solder them, or we will weld them together. It’s better to win klampy - stinks of nadіynishi.

Robimo mesh-bordering for SPN (spiral-prismatic nozzles). We need a piece of trumpet and mandrel, with a diameter of 1-2 mm. thinner. A sieve is inserted at the pipe, pressed with a mandrel - the cylinder comes out of the sieve.

The tsarga is climbed from the bottom uphill along the column:

  • Put a spacer for the nozzle, before the number comes to the cube.
  • The nozzle sips, after which the knee is restored.
  • After victoria, the tsarga is obov'yazkovo washed with caustic soda and yorzhik.


It is a fallow type of technology that is stagnant, the king needs to be insulated.

As usual, there is a significant distillation, the insulation of the tsarga is not needed. If the result is obtained during rectification without insulation, it will be foldable.

As a heat insulator it is possible to vikoristovuvat plumbing muffs made of spun polyethylene, trays made of expanded polystyrene. Creeping is possible for the help of disposable clamps or a dart.

Watch the video, in which the moonshine maker tells how to properly insulate the tsarga:

I'll put a place at the distiller

Moonshine devices are of different types. The tsarga is not needed for the withdrawal of alcohol-sircium, enough dry steamer and cooler.

Dovidka! For the production of noble distillates, pure alcohol cannot do without a colony of rectification. Up to the tsarga in this way, vuzli vіdbora, coolers, bypass valves, temperature sensors and vise are attached.

The tsarga is not just a pipe. In it, there are smut processes - subdivision of alcohol vapors by fractions, as well as heat and mass exchange - the basis for the removal of high-yield alcoholic drinks from household minds.

It is often possible to finish a metal screen in a set of supplies of that chirch moonshine still. The purpose of which accessory for bagats is a mystery. Today we will try to give a sippy opinion on nutrition, which is so reminiscent for a colony of rectification and in some situations, it’s reasonable to sip.

Let's take a look at those who are in the middle of the moonshine still. Being installed on the hot surface of the stove, the wines begin to heat up, which pulls the heating of the mash along with it, which is found in the middle. Being brought to a boil, it starts to boil and at the sight of the bet it straightens out at the top of the moonshine still. It doesn’t matter at all, what kind of moonshine apparatus is won. It is more important to understand that the very amount of alcohol vapor is in contact with the surfaces of the steam pipes, where it settles at the sight of drops of phlegm. Vіdbuvaєtsya tse for rahunok raznіtі temperatures uzeredinі aparatu zvnі. Drops of phlegm under a wet draft mend a turning path and straighten at the folded cube. In other words, we may have 2 streams of straight lines, like they are collapsing in a straight line one to one. In moonshine brewing, streams are called masses. By stretching your route, the stench will vzaєmodіyut. Bet nasichyuyut phlegm, and phlegm is viable to rob those same only a couple of parives. The more intensively to go through this process, the more the final product becomes. The intensity of the mass exchange process is determined by the most important officials, from which the area of ​​contact surfaces. Why there is more, more phlegm can be taken and navpaki. At the present moment, it becomes obvious that the rectification columns have won by bringing them to distillers of the classical type. In the rest of the contact area, the surface area is minimal, although it is significant for the columns. The advantage of the colony is a hundred of distillers and the possibility of increasing the area of ​​the internal contact surfaces. There are 2 options here: buy a hag or buy a sov. reminiscent for the colony As a rule, moonshine is more likely to buy it repetitively, shards of wine are significantly cheaper. Above those, for this obviousness, you can increase the height of the colony.

Panchenkov's regular drotyan nozzles are crusted with the greatest width. Structurally, the stench is to represent the impersonal threads of the plexuses at its own roller. This roller is placed in the middle of the rectifying colony, de helping to pick up phlegm.

It is also possible to vicorate Rashig's ring or Selivanenko's spiral-prismatic nozzles, but not so often. We appreciate that the stench will require an additional mechanism of fixation, so that under an hour of distillation it will not fall through the middle of the humus cube. As far as the effect is concerned, the wine is practically identical to that of Panchenkov's on-load tap-changer.

According to the reminders for the columns, the following are the seats, that all stinks are good in their own way. The leather moonshine maker independently virishu, like a vibrati.

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