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Roslins are propagated using these methods. Methods for propagating indoor plants. The kids are on their way

The most extensive method of vegetative propagation of indoor weeds is live baiting. Live baits are the rooted parts of the stem (stem live bait) or leaves (leaf live bait).

Most indoor weeds can be propagated using stem baits only; begonias and gloxinias can be propagated from part of a leaf.

Steblovireproduce with live bait:

Abelia (green) Calistemon Rhododendron
Abutilone Calceolaria (rare) Poupsetia (verkhivkovymi)
Asiastasia Codeum Rhombophyllum
Akka Zellova Koleriya Ruelia
Allamanda Coleus Portulacaria
Aloe Even-leafed twinkle Ivy
Anredera Columnium (the upper parts of the sections, cut after flowering, are used with live bait) Plectranthus (at the tops of the frames after coloring is completed)
Ardizia Cordilina Pig
Asklepis Kava Saintpaulia (Verkhivkov)
Aucuba Krestovnik Setcreazea
Balsam Laurel Siningia
Begonia Lemon Sparmania
Bryophyllum (easier to propagate by children) Mesimbryanthemum Stapelia - blooming
Brovallia Spurge Stefanotis
Brunfelsia Monstera Scindapsus
Bougainvillea Murray Tetrastigma
Gesneriya Nandina Tovstyanka
Hibiscus Oleander Tradescantia
Gimura Oplysmenus Thunbergia
Hydrangea Oscularia Fatsia (by Verkhivkov)
Hoffmania Ottone Fatshedera
Dieffenbachia Ohna Faucaria
Dichorisandra sedum Ficus
Dracaena (vertical) Pandanus Philodendron
Dudleya Passiflora Fremontia
Duranta Plume Pachyphytum Fuchsia
Evgeniya Pelargonium (better than the brothers on the trees, green animals) Khvoyny
Jasmine Pepper Hoya
Izoloma (only Verkhivkovymi) Pileia Ceropegia
Rubber (rubber and wood-based) Pittosporum – resinous seedberry Cyperus
Kazura Cissus Jacobinia
Cactus Echeveriah
Kalanchoe (as the baitfish act as live bait) Viburnum (top trees)

Leaf baitfish and leaf parts reproduce:

Aloe Kalanchoe Streptocarpus
Begonia Sansevera (leaves with dark leaves - only part of the leaf, otherwise the fertilization is not transmitted to daughter plants) Ficus
Havortia and Gesneria Saintpaulia (root the bud in boiling water until the first crowns have hardened, after

what to move to the land sumish)


The shortest period for the growth of a large number of decorative shoots is from the middle of the canopy to the ear of the linden tree, when young tree trunks are woody, and others are more likely to petiole in the dark - birch, and even species, for which the most favorable period will be autumn.

Whenever you have little time, you need to take care of other features.

It's bad to take root(supercharged with stimulants):

The middle length of the stem petiole should be 5-15 cm (they can accommodate at least 1-2 internodes), and there will be a few branches (at least 2-3). Leafy insects of herbaceous ornamental growths can be formed from parts of the stem, and in chagarnikov or village species, the living creatures are closely related to the “heel” - part of the pagon. For many species of the petiole, it is necessary to cut off the top of the tree (the list of stinks has an obvious comment), however, only the top of the tree is reproduced.

The shoots grown from the stem live baits will soon bloom, and there is a possibility of successful rooting for cutting the stem live baits.

Live bait is removed from the mother's stem with a sharp knife or razor, or sometimes pierced. The remaining method is not at all dangerous, as it can cause extreme damage to the growths (it is quite safe to use this method to strengthen the waste streams of the growing plants from the fragile stems).

As the plant produces milkweeds and the cut petiole is covered with specks of their secretion (the juice that is contained in them), which must be rinsed in warm water. There are other ways: remove the juice with a soft sponge, leave the liquid in a cold place for an hour for an hour, or rub the cheesecakes, igniters or candles over the open half for a few seconds.

Some species can live directly in the ground, but still, more often than not, you need to keep a closer eye on the live bait.

For rooting of live baits, often use special soil-sums, and for rooting, manually stir up well-fried sand or substrates based on vermiculite, which allows the growth of the lower parts to pass through. c: the stench is not to blame for neither rotting nor drying out.

Take root in the sand: ginura, dieffenbachia, isoloma, evenleaf leaf, columpea, pittosporum, plectranthus, troyanda, ruellia, netcreazea, synningia, philodendron, hoya.

In the original land market, there is greater demand for: Sparmania, Hoya, Jacobinia.

Take root near the water: codeum, oleander, troyanda, tradescantia, ficus.

All others are rooted in peat or specially enriched with living rivers in soils.

In a separate pot or box, you need to place the bait shallowly (up to 5 cm) on a distance of about 4 cm one way at a time.

The basis for successful survival is maintaining optimal temperature conditions, lightening and moisture, so that in this way it is easy to breed all kinds of species, otherwise their likelihood of successful rooting without the creation of special minds will be less.

For cold-hardy species, it is necessary to maintain a constant temperature of about 18-20 ° C, so that it is close to room temperature, otherwise the atmospheric humidity will be increased for them.

To do this, after planting in a breeding box (or potter), sprinkle the live bait with water and, for most species, cover it with spilt. It’s even handier in this case to use colorful plastic flaps that cut straight through: they will instantly provide both a “greenhouse effect” and shading.

In the individual characteristics of the item “reproduction” it is indicated that the species necessarily requires special minds for rooting.

Vidminno( 6 ) Nasty( 0 )

Undeterred by those who are “pure-blooded inhabitants of the day,” summer residents live not only on the day. And all this is due to the fact that this culture is absolutely delicious and very rich. The same varieties for the market are always bursting with tall, savory fruits, not those that produce fruits in their city or greenhouses. True, it has its own “secrets”, but the stench cannot be imagined to be particularly complex. For those who haven’t yet experienced a day on their hundred square meters, they need to try it as much as possible, at least once!

Salad “Red Sea” with squid, crab sticks and red caviar is a light and cinnamon appetizer that is suitable for a pescetarian menu, and can also be prepared on Sunday, if fish and seafood are allowed on the menu. The salad is simply delicious and easy to prepare. Buy squid freshly frozen. I wouldn’t mind preparing the herb from giant squid fillet, although it looks appetizing and savoury, but there’s a sharp aromatic taste that’s hard to wake up to.

Types of primary columnar fruit trees grow with a compact crown, low height, and lack of regular weeding. With an insignificant habit, these marvelous trees grow to form great crops of great, tasty and beautiful fruits. On 1-2 acres you can place up to 20-25 columnar trees - different rows of ripened varieties of apples, pears, plums, peaches, cherries, apricots and other crops. Our article reveals the peculiarities of the creation of a columnar garden.

Serpen can bring a little trouble - autumn, after which the long winter is already on the rise. All the flowers are still rich in color, and their color scheme creates an atmosphere of warmth and joy. The rich palette of sickle flowers consists of yellow, orange and crimson tones. And it seems that the sky in the garden has become warmer and there is more dormouse color. What kind of flowers need to be immediately planted in flower beds, so that the stench brightens up the inevitable sight of summer for the flowers?

Peach jam with bananas - fragrant, thick, brown and, most importantly, it has less zur than the other one. This is a liquid jam with pectin, and pectin powder, apparently, allows you to replace the zucru in the jam, or even prepare it without the zucru. Jamey without cinnamon is fashionable nowadays, malts are even more popular among those who follow a healthy way of living. Peaches for harvesting can be at any stage of maturity, or bananas.

Coriander is one of the most popular spices in the world, and its greens are called cilantro or cilantro. It’s great that cilantro does not deprive anyone of anything. Some people love and happily eat salads and sandwiches, and love Borodinsky bread for its special taste of coriander. Others, drawn to the smell that evokes associations with forest bugs, hate coriander and are desperately tempted to bring a bunch of cilantro to the market, not those who plant it in their cities.

Saintpaulias are turning into fashion and inverting statements about the lovely flowering violets that want to live on someone’s windowsill. Trends in the “market” of Usambar violets indicate increased interest in growths with unusual leaves. What attracts more luscious glances is not the unusually fermented flowers, but the exotic strings of fermented leaves. The Saintpaulia plantlets may not differ from the others when grown.

Sour-licorice marinated cherry tomatoes with red cybulum and basil in a marinade with balsamic rose and mustard. Such pickled vegetables will decorate any holy table, the stench is even more delicious and aromatic. The marinade filling is a quick story: the most delicious mixture comes out, one small amount of which is of small quantity. Choose cybul, licorice, red. Cherries are mitsni, the parts are unripe, they are found. Fresh basil will turn green or purple.

My first acquaintance with hydrogel was a long time ago. Back in the nineties, people brought from Japan funny bags of different colors, which greatly increased in size when they were filled with water. They needed to arrange bouquets or decorate them for any other decorative purposes. Initially, it was a bit of a hassle, and then I got fed up and threw them away, I honestly don’t remember where they went. Before choosing hydrogel, I suddenly turned around. We will find out about our evidence in this article.

Kavun and summer are inseparable concepts. However, it’s far from being a matter of skin concern. And all of this is because this African bush takes up a lot of space, it can easily last until it’s warm, until it’s sunny, and even before proper watering. Ale, after all, is a beloved kavun, which today has begun to be felt not only by the inhabitants of the present day, but by the summer residents of the past. It turns out that even up to such a moist growth you can find a way to harvest the year’s harvest however you want.

You can prepare varennya from red agarus for 10 hvilins. However, it is necessary to boil for as long as it is necessary to boil the jam without preparing the berries. It takes about an hour to collect and prepare the berries before harvesting. The fierce thorns will knock out the water to collect crops, and you may even have to cut off noses and tails. As a result of that brew, the jam comes out amazingly, one of the most fragrant, in my opinion, and the taste is such that it’s impossible to swallow the jar.

Representatives of the Aroid family are considered one of the most popular categories of indoor growing plants. And not the only factor in this expansion is diversity. The aroids are represented by aquatic weeds, epiphytes, napepephytes, bulbous and lianas. Even if they don’t care about such richness, it is sometimes difficult to guess about the sporidity of plants, since aroids are even similar to each other and require a different look.

“Donsky” salad for the winter - a spicy appetizer of fresh vegetables with a sweet and sour marinade with olive oil and balsamic glaze. In the original recipe, the ocet is either white or apple, the protea with a combination of wine ocet and light “Balsamic” comes out much tastier. The salad can be prepared without sterilization - bring the vegetables to a boil, spread them in a sterile jar and wrap them warmly. You can also pasteurize the product at a temperature of 85 degrees, then cool briefly.

The main mushrooms collected are: white mushrooms, mushrooms, boletuses, chanterelles, butter mushrooms, moss mushrooms, cheesecakes, milk mushrooms, quills, mushrooms, honey mushrooms. Other mushrooms are collected in advance from the region. And their number (other mushrooms) is legion. Like mushroom pickers, there are more details with skin cancer. Therefore, you can’t get enough of all the mushrooms you can eat. And I know for sure that worthy representatives are being harassed among the less fortunate. About the low-quality, less savory and brown mushrooms we know in this article.

The word "ampel" is similar to the German word "ampel", which means a hanging container for flowers. The fashion for hanging baskets came to us from Europe. And today it’s even difficult to find your own garden, where you don’t even have one hanging cat. As evidence of the growing popularity of container planting for sale, there is a large number of hanging shoots, whose pods easily fall behind the borders of the flowerpots. Let's talk about those who are always worth their sweet tickets.

You can expand your collection of roses in a variety of ways: buy them in a store or greenhouse, ask friends, or start growing roses on your own.

Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to add a rich and rare specimen to the greenhouse, and this is also associated with certain difficulties. The greenhouse plant is most often especially suitable for light conditions, temperatures, moisture levels, and it is very important to create new conditions in the apartment. Such a plant cannot withstand acclimatization and may die.

The best thing to do is to multiply indoor plants on your own. In addition, by doing breeding, it will be possible to replace old and sick specimens with new and healthy ones.

Vegetative propagation of indoor plants

This type of propagation is the most commonly cultivated, because young specimens isolated in this way retain almost all the biological properties and signs of growth - pyramidality, razor-sharpness, etc. etc. In this case, there is a fundamental difference between vegetative propagation and plant propagation. In addition, vegetatively propagated plants begin to bloom sooner than later.

Small 28

Vegetation is also easy because with the indicated method of propagation, the weed can be grown from the stems, leaves and roots. Even a lot of crops, especially those from the Fatherland in the subtropics, cannot be grown indoors (aloe, ficus, tradescantia, aspidistra, aucuba, curculio, etc.), and they can only be grown in a vegetative way.

There are various methods of vegetative propagation: stem and leaf baits, bush floors, landings, extensions, etc.

Reproduction of indoor weeds with live bait

Reproduction with stem baits. One of the most widespread is the method of propagation by live bait, which, in its form, is stem, top, middle and leaf. Live bait is called a reinforced species from the mother's growth in a small amount of time, allowing it to take root near water, sand or a special substrate and fertilize the young growth (Fig. 28).

Small stem pastes are often harvested for live vigor. Because there is a need to remove a large quantity of planting material, the top of the plants is cut off, which allows for the creation of a large quantity of barrels.

In the berries, the petioles are smaller than the young brothers or the trotts of the pasta, which have grown, are up to 8 cm long, with 2-3 internodes and 3-4 leaves.

When propagating scindapsus or philodendron, you can select the middle ones - parts of the pods with one node. Some plants, such as dieffenbachia and dracaena, can be propagated from old stem sections that produce 1-2 nodes and drop leaves.

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The best time for livestock is the period from fertilization to winter. Livestock planted at this time, before the onset of autumn cold weather, will be able to complete the development of the damaged root system and the growth of a number of young shoots. Begonia, pelargonium, fuchsia, abutilon and other plants that live in early spring begin to bloom.

It is important to know that when cutting live bait, it is always impossible to use scissors, as the stinking fragments will squeeze and tear the living tissue. For these purposes, it is best to use a sharp bottom with a thin blade.

The lower cut should be cut obliquely (right in the middle under the leaf or the edge), the top cut should be 1-1.5 cm wider than the edge. When growing live bait, in order to remove the Chumatsky juice, the live bait should be lowered to warm water at any time. Live bait, which is important to take root, is covered with growth spurts. It is clear to them:

Aloe juice, which stimulates the development of shoots and the strengthening of roots. This is an affordable and effective biostimulator for the rooting of live bait; sodium humate (in a dose of 1-1.5 g per 100 ml of hot water).

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Place the cut petiole in a container with water and leave it there until rooting, and then plant the soil substrate in preparation.

When propagating cacti and succulents with stem baits, fresh cuts are sprinkled with finely cooked vugillas. For a special soil substrate, it is necessary to visor after 2-3 days. To do this, place a drainage ball (fragmented shards, pebbles or coarse sand) 2-3 cm high at the bottom of the pot or screen, then pour turf and leaf soil (powder), mix with good sand. The height of the living ball is approximately 4-5 cm.

To avoid acidified soil, it is better to vikorize planting containers of small sizes, and plant live bait around the perimeter of the pot. Using a pointed stick, place a bunch of openings in the olive tree near the sand at a distance of 5-6 cm, one type at a time, and plant the live bait at a depth of 1-2 cm. Then cover the containers with petioles with a rock or a light-colored plastic. Yu. Until the planted livestock takes root, sprinkle them thoroughly with water at room temperature.

Place pots of young growths in a well-lit area, disguising them as direct sleepy exchanges; The temperature of the surface should not exceed 20-25 ° C. When all the fish have been removed, the roots will develop after 2-4 years.

If the live bait is good enough to take root, remove the cover and gradually plant the plants until the morning dawns (Fig. 29). Remove the raw material for 2-3 years a day, then for 7-8 years, and after 1-2 years, remove it all.

Then the live fish, which have taken root, are planted in a pot (along with a pile of earth near the roots) and placed in a permanent place. The soil substrate for young plants is guilty of buti trochki easy, lower for

mature. After planting, water the rosewood daily with warm water in small quantities and let it sit in a shaded place for 10 days.

Stem baits of tradescantia, pelargonium, sedum and many other plants are planted in pots.

Propagation by leaf petioles and parts of the leaf. Violets, begonias, sansevera, gloxinia, peperomia, cowweed and other crops from fleshy leaves can be propagated using leaf bait. To remove the petiole from the weed, cut a healthy leaf and place it in water or soil (Fig. 30, 31). On the begonia leaf from the lower side, make cuts in front on the thick veins. Then place the sheet with its bottom surface on the sand and pin it with wooden sticks.

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The leaf petioles of peperomia, gloxinia and echeveria are not cut, but are broken off from the mother plant so as to remove the axillary nirka, in which case in gloxinia it is necessary to cut off the upper part of the leaf.

The best time to harvest leaf baitfish is from early spring to early summer. Leaf petioles look the same way as stem petioles (Fig. 32).


Parts of the leaf can be used to propagate begonia, gloxinia, peperomia, echeveria, sansevera and other indoor plants. For whom are the leaves excused?

cut the pieces into lengths of 6-10 cm (Fig. 33, 34).

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Sprinkle the top of the cuts with carbon powder and dry with a stretcher before planting them in the ground. After this, apply them to the prepared soil mixture with a great amount of sand (Fig. 35).

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Sajants must be washed at high temperature (30-35 ° C) and watered with warm water.

Reproduction room growths root baits

Root baits propagate dracaena, arrowroot, aralia and other plants with knobby roots. Root sprouts are less common on splints of 4 to 6 cm and planted in pots.

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They can be propagated by root cuttings. Before transplanting the syntheses, if a quarter of the size of the mother plant is reachable. The beds are carefully strengthened, preserving the roots, and transplanted into a nearby pot (Fig. 36, 37). They look after the transplanted plants in the same way as they look after the mature ones.

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Propagation of indoor plants by plants

Some growing plants, such as chlorophytum and quarry, produce thin stems that hang or creep, at the ends of which small daughter shoots develop (Fig. 38). They are buried in a deep pot and after the children take root, they are raised from the mother’s tree.

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Young specimens can be watered in a container (small 39) and placed in water until rooted, then transplanted into a nearby flower pot.

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Propagation of indoor plants by breeding

Reproduction by wind-blown water will stagnate in this case, as the growth is a nasty live bait. As a rule, this method is used to propagate plants with thick, soft plants (ficus, dracaena, yucca, aralia, etc.).

To remove the stem from the stem, make either an oblique cut under the node to the middle of the stem, which is then pulled apart, or cut a ring of bark about 2 cm wide. Wrap the part of the stem in the area of ​​the cut with natural moss, and cover the floor with Ethylene melt. Moss is periodically harvested. After about 2 months, roots will appear on the cut. They cut up and lay down the ground lightly. Keep an eye on the newly planted pods in the same way as on the live baits that have taken root.

The lower part that is missing can also be removed to catch live bait.

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Reproduction of indoor plants by splitting the bush

Many indoor plants - such as aspidistra, chlorophytum, isolepsis, peperomia, ferns and others - can be propagated by the bush. Before hewing, water the dewberry with water. Then remove the soil from the roots and carefully strengthen the new growth (Fig. 40, 41). If it is important not to damage the root, then at all times you should not use scissors or tear the root. For these purposes, it is best to cut quickly with a sharp knife and a thin blade, or carefully squash the sprout with your hands.

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Propagation of indoor plants by cibulins

Cibulins are used to propagate cibulin plants, such as hippeastrum, zephyranthes, hymenocallis, cleavia, etc.

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After the children have established the moisture in the roots, they are carefully raised from the mother's cibulin and planted in a pot (Fig. 43). Look after them the same way you look after mature trees.

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Propagation of indoor plants by bulbs

Plants such as sorrel, hybrid gloxinia, begonia, etc. reproduce by bulbs. (Fig. 44). The best time to trim the bulb is in the spring, just before replanting the plants (Fig. 45). Plant the bulbs in pots around them, place them in the shade whenever possible, and water them regularly (Fig. 46).

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Reproduction of indoor plants and wood chips

One of the methods of vegetative propagation is chipping. Similar to other methods, it is complex and labor-intensive, requiring special knowledge and skills. The chips are divided into chips and chips. A pinch is a name given to a petiole or petiole that is transplanted onto another tree. Wood chips are a piece of wood that is used to splint other wood. As a rule, the result is a plant that bears new species characters.

In indoor growing plants, trojans, azaleas, cacti, camellias, rhododendrons, citrus and other plants are grown.

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In the process of selection and wood chippings, not only new species and varieties were created, but it was also established that the substances flow significantly onto the wood chips, transmitting their resistance to illnesses and diseases, leading to wind the fall of the tree.

Good results are obtained by splitting when the plants are propagated, which belong to one family; with a lot of evidence, we have been able to successfully split the plants from different families.

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First, proceed before multiplying the sprouts using additional wood chips, then carefully look at the wood and wood chips. Only healthy live animals can give birth to offspring. The splintering healthy wood chips on the same footing, kvitnikar, moreover, takes away good growth, which is characterized by clear colors and a dense crown. Just as the living creatures are weak, the new species, more than everything, will also be weak.

Splintering has three methods - budding, copulation and ablation.


The essence of this method lies in the sliver of an eye or a nirka. Insert the cut nirka into the cut near the underside.


A method that is used for chipping sprouts with the use of a stovbur. The chips and chips are growing rapidly, so they have to burn quickly.


Rarely use different methods. As a rule, it is used for high-standard growths or in cases where other methods of chopping cannot achieve the desired result.

In indoor vultures, budding most often stagnates, leaving most of the sprouts that are splintered, which are easier to tolerate, and this method allows you to get the same results.

Cactus chips

In indoor cacti, it takes a lot of time to simply multiply in the living room, and it takes a lot of time to remove the mature growth. In addition, many knitniks use a method of splitting, which allows not only the removal of new young growth, but also the growth of cacti of diverse forms (Fig. 47).

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As chips and debris can be represented by the growth of various canopies, such as epiphyllum, echinopsis, echinocactus and many other cacti (Fig. 48).

When cacti are cleaved, the top water baits are cut from both shoots. The smells stick to the cooked vugillas and sit for many days until the smell dries.

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It is important to wrap the cactus fragments in cloth, then seal the sterile heads as fastenings. Place the chips on the wood chips or insert a piece of wood chips into the barrel and secure them with heads. Cacti grow quickly, and after that, as the eyes melt the fabric, the heads are removed.

For splintered sprouts, use a gentle regime: lightly scatter, moderately water with warm water and high wind temperature. After 3-4 days of chopping, most cacti begin to bloom.

Chips of citrus roslin

The chippings of citrus groves are cut off at the end of summer. This is explained by two reasons: firstly, the trees are easy to grow in, and secondly, their bark is easily strengthened.

First proceed to multiply the chips, carefully look at and select the chips. Then carefully cut the brownie with a piece of bark. How to select a fillet, the diameter of which is not responsible for being thinner than the sheep. Remove the T-like virus from the bark and cut out the measles (Fig. 49). At the place of the cut, insert the thread with a small piece of bark and wood (small 50), and then cut off the upper protrusion of the bark with the thread on the same side of the cut.

Small 49

It is necessary to maintain sterile minds, since the infection is invariably introduced in the mouth and is visible at the site of wood chips and wood chips.

When cut open, the petiole can be seen marveling at the mountain. After this splintering, bandage it with soft gauze or other fabric, stripping it of life and dirt. After ten days, the live bait must fall off. As soon as the live bait had dried to the point of measles, the splintering of the bushes passed not far away. In other cases, the tissue is loosened, rather than removed altogether. As long as the pieces of wood chips and wood chips do not reconstitute the whole fabric, turbulent wood chipping is not possible.

After about an hour, the wood chips should grow up to 10 cm, after which the fabric can be removed and the wood chips can be reinforced. Rake it with a knife. The chips are cut upside down 3 mm deeper than the chips.

Most citrus plants can be propagated with a few nirjas. Crops propagated in this way begin to bear fruit 2-3 days after chopping.

Nowadays propagation of indoor plants

When propagating indoor plants, the plant method rarely succeeds in stagnation, since not all plants with this type of propagation convey their specific characteristics. One of the disadvantages of plant propagation is a longer flowering time.

If you are planning to try this method of reproduction, you need to know a few rules. First of all, for propagation, it is necessary to select only healthy shoots with beautiful flowers, so that they contain all the fruits that you would like from the newly grown crops. Alternatively, these boxes are collected from a warm and dry time until after they have been completely torn and placed in a cloth or paper bag. After a period of time, they are taken out of the fruits and transferred to a paper bag. They are then stored in a cool place.

Encourage sowings to be planted in the spring, otherwise certain species should be planted immediately after collection, regardless of the time of day, the stink fragments quickly lose their similarity. Before such crops lie laurel, palm trees, and anthuriums.

Not everything collected today is immediately planted on the ground, so they are first checked for similarity. For this, it is enough to lower the flask of water. The material that has lost its growth before germination will be lost on the surface of the water, and the germination will sink to the bottom.

Palm trees and acacia trees are crushed into hard shells, so that water and water can be accessed until germination and germination is accelerated; they are lightly pruned before planting. Some subtropical trees (camellia, feijoa, tea) will require stratification. They are dried with sand, placed in a pot, covered with polyethylene melt and stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 6-8°C for 2 months.

Amaryllis, begonia bulbova, balsam, primrose, clevia, cyclamen, gloxinia, cava tree, pelargonium and other species, when propagated in plants, produce healthy results. For planting, prepare low wooden boxes with drainage openings in advance. A drainage ball made of shards, pebbles and loam is poured onto the bottom.

The soil for seedlings has a fine-grained structure, but it is not recommended to sift it through a fine sieve, because when watered it turns sour. Since the seeds have a large shape and a thick shell, then before sowing they should be soaked in warm water for several days. With water, their skins swell, which significantly reduces the appearance of steam.

After sowing, level the soil with a smooth board. Based on the structure and mechanical structure of the soil, the ball of earth that covers the ground is designated. As important as the earth is, the surface of the ball is thinner. However, if the coating is very thin, the roots will be lifted up and removed from the ground, as a result of which the young growth may be destroyed.

When planting young shoots, such as begonia bulba, the soil must first be fried in order to prevent the development of mold and moss, which interfere with the normal growth of young shoots.

After the soil is sunk into the ground, water the soil with a spoon and a fine sieve. Then cover the sowings with a glass or light-permeable melt and maintain the required temperature and humidity.

Place containers with hanging liquids near a place where the temperature is constant. To ensure the normal growth of young sprouts, the planted seedling can be covered with a thin ball of moss, in which case it is necessary to follow the sprouts so as to quickly lift the moss and prevent the sprouts from writhing.

Nowadays, many subtropical species have a large supply of living rivers, so they don’t require a good couple. They only require proper watering, temperature and humidity. The temperature at which the life of various species is felt is largely understood by natural minds. So, for palm trees, the optimal germination temperature will be 22-26°C. It is not recommended to plant the seedlings in the other half of the summer, so that the seedlings will not reach their peak until autumn.

It is important to keep pace with the rate of growth of the skin's skin. The growth of short-growing indoor plants will disappear within 2-3 days after sowing, in others - within a few days, for palm trees - within a few months. With the appearance of the first gatherings, the glass covers were visible and the young growth was gradually grown until light. Reduce the temperature by 3-5°.

When the seedlings are succulent, they can be picked up in pots or boxes. When transplanting into pots, it is recommended to pinch the crowns. It is not necessary to slow down the growth of the shoots, then the root flowers that have formed will develop into a loosened fibrous root system, which will ensure the development of the above-ground parts of the shoots and their bright color.

Room apartments can become a wonderful decoration for a booth, especially if you ensure the right look. The appreciation and care for indoor sprouts varies depending on the principles of growing sprouts in open soil. In order for your indoor spaces to continually delight you with fresh greenery, you need to ensure optimal temperature, humidity and lightening.

From this article you will learn how to correctly develop and monitor the size of your room, and the use of several popular tips for the home will help you master this process.

Decorate the rooms of the building and transform any interior. In order for the smells to fully delight you with greenery and fruits, you need to follow the rules of cultivation and observation.

For home crops, we need a stable temperature regime (wintering 20, and flying 23 degrees). Keep the battery regulator in check, and it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room.

Note: Tropical species, as they may be, cannot be found in a special room. If it is impossible to lower the temperature, ensure high humidity to compensate for the moisture that is being vaporized.

Tropical colors need to be provided with the look that suits natural minds. For example, control the piece season of wood and dry land. The rainy period can be completed with intensive watering, and during the dry season (from early to late), watering should be reduced. Other species also need to be provided with water as close as possible to natural changes at the beginning of the day, short or heavy watering, moisture and dryness during the day.

All varieties must be provided with a period of vegetative dormancy. In one hour, the stench accumulates a lifetime of speeches. For this reason, it is necessary to change the watering and increase the application of nutrients. As a rule, the period of vegetative dormancy occurs in the winter months. However, if the room is too cold, the temperature needs to be raised individually, using induction heating or primary batteries. They smoothly adjust the temperature, do not overdry and do not cause leaves to dry out.

Note: It is not possible to evaporate the mixture with heat, the fragments of the stench should be dried in the air and the water in such a room should be destroyed. Since there is no other heating option, the leaves need to be thoroughly sprayed with water.

Changing the temperature will help with initial ventilation. It is important to carefully guard so that the room does not have a stretch: the intense wind will lead to frostbitten leaves and the death of crops. To reduce the temperature, you can use a fan that operates at low speeds.


Room apartments, especially tropical ones, are very sensitive to the weather conditions. If heaters and other scorching equipment are to be dried strongly in the air, they will need to be provided with additional storage (Figure 1):

  • Place the pot next to a large pot, covering the bottom with a ball of expanded clay. It is necessary to water as usual. The ball of water under the expanded clay is not allowed to reach the bottom of the pot;
  • The space between the walls of the pot and the pots can be filled with moss and peat, constantly encouraging its moisture to be regularly moistened;
  • Use a fireplace or other open fire to supply a container with water;
  • Put up a small decorative fountain, which will not only decorate the room, but also fill it with necessary hair;
  • Regularly spray the leaves on both sides. This method of promoting moisture can be used only for crops with hard, split leaves. Varieties with thin decorative leaves may develop fungus as a result of this procedure.

Malyunok 1. Expanded methods of moving moisture around the surface

The most current device for increasing moisture in the area is a saturator. There is a lot of space to fill it with water and hang it on the battery. Vologa is gradually vaporized, stimulating the air.


Without regular watering, the flower beds begin to produce water reserves to replenish water reserves. For example, varieties with thin leaves, bulbs, cibulins or thick stems can be drained of moisture reserves for a month, and varieties with thin stems and leaves will die quickly after a few days of watering.

The first sign of a shortage in biology is yellowing and wilting of leaves. Since this happened, the earthen soil needs to be thoroughly wetted.

The intensity of watering depends on the time of day, the temperature of the center and the variety:

  • In spring-spring, at a temperature of 20 degrees, watering is carried out twice a day;
  • At temperatures above 24 degrees, increase the frequency of watering and replenish water supplies every two to three days;
  • From winter to pregnancy, most of the plants are in a state of vegetative dormancy and need to be watered once a day;
  • If the temperature is below 15 degrees, add water every two days.

If it is very hot, watering should be done daily, or in small portions. What better way to drink board water, collected from the rural area. The water in the bowl is not suitable, since it contains a lot of cheap houses.

Most often, tap water is used for irrigation. The fragments in it are rich in chlorine and evaporate, up to 10 liters of water must be added with half a lemon and let stand overnight.

Note: Azaleas, gardenias and orchids require soft water, so you cannot use tap water to irrigate them. It’s better to take a board and soak the water with lemon.

As a rule, water the crops so that the substrate seeps into the water. If the variety is susceptible to fungal diseases, it is best to place the pot near a tray of water. Water the live bait or seedlings after sprinkling, so as not to destroy the substrate in which the culture takes root. Baby 2 was given the basic methods of watering.

  • Indoor crops cannot be watered with cold water. Next, fill the tray and let it sit until it warms up to room temperature;
  • If you will be working for several days each day, place the pots on a felt slab. Place the end of the kilimka in a sink filled with water. Water the pots well, and then let the water from the wet kilim dry out the stench;
  • In rural areas, potted crops can be placed under low heat. Ferns, ficus and other species with large leaves are especially popular;
  • After watering, remove excess water from the pan;
  • If the pot has been watered too much, follow the bottom of the tray and pour water out of it. However, if the substrate begins to smell moldy, it needs to be changed so that the growth does not die.

Figure 2. The main methods of watering flowers in a budinka

It may happen that you need to terminally renew the card that has squealed. For this purpose the potter is placed in a container with water. As soon as the wind bulbs stop appearing on the surface, remove the pot, which means that the substrate will seep through. Next, water the pots regularly, and do not allow water to stagnate at the tray.

The potter's substrate gradually consumes lifelong substances necessary for the growth of nutrients. Therefore, indoor crops require regular sustenance.

Practical for the sake of carrying out such kindness(Figure 3):

  • There are rare ways to stagnate all varieties. They need to be applied to the skin twice a day during the period of active growth (from spring to spring);
  • Special candles are simply inserted into the substrate, and the liquid gradually breaks out, the life-giving roots;
  • Granulated dobrova is placed on the surface of the soil. The stench dissipates with time and watering;
  • The drying agent is suitable for orchids and crops with tendinous roots.

Figure 3. The main types of ingredients: 1 – rare, 2 – granulated, 3 – live sticks (candles)

Standard additives that remove nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other microelements are considered universal. Standard types are divided into two types: for kale and non-kettle varieties. In addition, there are also varieties for citrus fruits, tree-like crops, cacti, etc.

When adding the product, it is necessary to follow the dosage indicated by the bottler on the package. Overdosing can have a detrimental effect on the blood supply, as the roots cannot fully absorb the injection.

Regular pruning helps not only to remove the ridges to preserve the silhouette of the flower, but also to stimulate its growth. Indoor crops are pruned infrequently, with visible leaves or damaged leaves, dried and diseased leaves. With potted crops, it is necessary to be very careful, including intensive pruning, maintaining optimal temperature conditions and watering.

As a rule, pruning is carried out during vegetative dormancy (winter) or just after flowering. When carrying out the operation, it is necessary to first wash yourself with a healthy stomach, in order to avoid any damage, illness or rotten leaves. This includes decorative bonsai trees, before pruning them, they are carefully molded to form a crown of a special shape. We also periodically, every 3-4 days, carry out defoliation. This is a special procedure, at which time all the old leaves are visible, and the new ones will be smaller. Such pruning is a great stress for the growth, and it is often not recommended.

Note: Proper pruning stimulates growth, and in combination with good pruning it accelerates color.

Large and cibulin crops can be cut off from the surface (the entire above-ground part), so that the growth produces new strong shoots. It is important that stemless or rosette varieties cannot be pruned (for example, Achimenes, Clevia, primula, etc.). It is strictly forbidden to prune palm trees; shards of stench will grow behind the shell of the verkhivka brunka. It is also important to remove the yawning buds of flowering species to stimulate the creation of new ones. It’s easier to do the procedure with scissors so that the cut is even. You can find out the trimming details from the video (on the example of the Chinese Trojan).

The growth of the indoor growths conveys a scrupulous care for them. They need not only to be regularly watered and conditioned, but also to be pruned, cleaned with a saw and sprinkled.

Korisna, for the sake of such a generous glance,(Figure 4):

  • Periodically, the leaves of the leaves need to be cleaned with a saw. For this purpose, use a small ganchir, a sponge or a penzlik. Crops with different leaves will need a little biting.
  • The brown tips of the leaves need to be trimmed, leaving a small piece of dry leaf, so that the living tissue does not stick together in the wind. The appearance of brown tips means that the mixture is too dry.
  • Before the tall varieties begin to leaf out, they need to be regularly pruned to stimulate the growth of the stems.
  • High varieties should be scoured today if the temperature rises above 20 degrees. The top balls are hot when passed over the bottom ones, and without additional boiling, the lines may bend.
  • The influx of indoor culture can be brought into the fish tank or placed under a light and warm tray.

Figure 4. Careful observation: 1 – sawing, 2 – trimming, 3 – kindly, 4 – watering

With the right care, most species can live in a rich container, but do not forget to replant them with a viable substrate and a larger container. For more detailed information about careful monitoring of the forests, see the video.

Virus of indoor growing

The development of indoor gardens begins with planting new seedlings or replanting existing ones. Before transplanting, select a substrate that is suitable for your crops. For example, cacti require soil that allows water to pass through well, and for ferns - soil with minimal moisture content.

Transplantation is best done in the spring, when the shoots emerge from vegetative dormancy and begin to actively develop. During this period, flowers take root more quickly and grow faster. In addition, it is better to immediately move the well-purchased crop into a new living substrate, which has little place for the old potter.

  • It is impossible to change the substrate of the growth that has begun to bloom, the fragments in which the buds fall out;
  • When replanting, it is important to carefully look at the root system. Since it has curled up into a tight ball, the crops are tightly packed into a pot. Choose more capacity, buy a living substrate and grow the roots;
  • The week before transplanting, it is best to keep watering to a minimum;
  • The earthen breast is carefully removed from the old potter and moved to the new one. Place a drainage ball (expanded clay or gravel) at the bottom of the container, and fill the open space with living soil;
  • The soil needs to be compacted and watered.

Malyunok 5. Stages of transplanting indoor plants

Flowering species (for example, azalea) are transplanted sideways, so that the crop removes enough living plants from the soil. Large flowerpots that grow well should be replanted once per row.

Signs of a necessary transplant include:

  • The substrate enters along the edges of the pot or white spots appear on the surface of the soil;
  • Loss of durability;
  • It’s bad for water to get in. This means that the root has occupied the entire pot;
  • Culture has sharply increased and grown.

Great crops, which are difficult and impossible to get out of the potter, need to replace the top part of the substrate. This procedure can be carried out up to two times per river, taking into account the maximum amount of soil and replacing it with living matter.

The tall trees above may need support. These are vertical stems that are connected to species with tendentious stems that weave. Crops that grow buds need to be provided with additional sieve or drainage. As a rule, the support is installed when the tree is still young.

On the market today there is a wide choice of supports: like pillars, arches, bamboo sticks or pillars covered with moss. All vines are suitable for curly shoots, but when choosing a support, it is necessary to moisten them so that they do not become too noticeable in the pot and serve a decorative function. Popular types of supports are installed on the baby 6.

Note: Some of the most popular are bamboo sticks. They are easy to bend, practically impermeable and suitable for most crops. However, for great and important companies it is better to choose materials made from plastic and metal.

From the dried roots, cover the supports and cover them with piece or natural moss. They do not only serve a decorative function, but also play a role in the substrate, providing additional food for the plants. For this purpose, the moss needs to be regularly chewed, watered and brushed by the animal.

Tie the sprouts to the support using soft threads or skeins, so as not to damage the stems. Why is raffia a good choice, a moss that produces a special type of African palm tree?

Indoor plants, like open-ground crops, bloom at the right time. There are also those that are used to wake up after flowering (for example, azalea or banana). Most potted crops undergo a full vegetative cycle, which includes an hour of active growth, flowering and vegetative dormancy.

The development of buds must remain at the clarification stage. For example, to promote the color of cyclamen, azaleas or primroses, it is enough to move them in a place that provides shade for several days. Crops that are covered with buds will, however, need a tranquil day of light, which can be provided with individual lighting.

Figure 6. Supports for tying up curly hair

Roslins bloom for the continuation of the family, which is necessary more often than not, since culture is in uncomfortable minds. If you want the crop to be covered with buds, do not try to ensure that it is absolutely suitable for the growth of the mind.


The choice of dishes for growing plants is very varied. Indoor pots can be planted in pots, clay bowls, vases, bowls, planters or wicker baskets (Figure 7). All dishes for roses are divided into two types:

  • Washing containers with openings at the bottom;
  • Decorative tableware without an opening (pots). They can be placed on furniture without fear of water leaking after watering.

Regardless of the fact that the decorative dishes are very hot, there is one major drawback. After several days of opening, excess water will accumulate in the container. If you do not make them angry after watering the skin, the roots of the plants will begin to rot.

Malyunok 7. Variety of potters and flowerpots for indoor plants

It’s quite simple: the leaves of the flowers turn brown at the beginning, and then wilt.

Utensils for washing with an opening can also serve a decorative function. They are made from colored clay, coated with varnish, enamel or small pieces. Under such containers it is necessary to place a tray, in which excess water will accumulate. In order to prevent the development of fungus on the roots of the sprouts, it is also necessary to fertilize the plant from the tray regularly.

Dishes for indoor growing should be the correct size depending on the type of growing:

  • Most of the room apartments are miraculously felt in small containers, tightly entwined with the roots of earthen balls;
  • For palm trees and other tall trees with large leaves, it is better to choose large, deep pots;
  • Low plants with pine leaves are more noticeable in low and wide containers.

In the middle, the optimal height of the planter is to become a third of the height of the entire plant (including the root system). The correct diameter of the dish should be 2/3 of its height.

Note: The thicker the plant, the deeper the potter grows, and if the plant is a plant, it is necessary to select the widest possible capacity for it.

It is also important to follow the rules for selecting a potter when transplanting young plants as they begin to develop. When performing a skin transplant, it is necessary to select a container whose size will be 2-3 times larger than the previous one. When transplanting mature plants, potters can be different in size, since the main purpose of such a transplant is to change the old substrate to a more fertile one. Tall trees are better to plant in plastic pots. The stench is much lighter than clay and it is easier to dry them out. Pots for planting tall roslins cannot be purchased.

This shows the respect and resilience of the miner. The fragments of the indoor pot grow asymmetrically and stretch the leaves until light, the pots must be wide at the bottom and large, so that the container itself matches the vases of the plants that have grown. You can add a little bit of sand to the substrate to wet the dishes and make them more stable.

Note: In one pot you can plant a bunch of sprouts. Make it easy to keep an eye on them. Before you water, lighten the temperature (for example, cacti of various species). In addition, the plants need to be planted at a certain distance so that the stink does not develop.

When picking up a potter, pay attention to the water container (Figure 8). It is her fault to wear cotton or cloth. The fabric absorbs the water and the water gradually rises to an earthen coma. The basket must stand on the sieve until the substrate has absorbed enough water. It is important not to leave the sprouts in the water container for a long time, the fragments of soil that come into contact with the moisture will turn into ponds, the roots will rot and the sprouts will die. And such containers have a wonderful ability to save indoor water when you need to travel a lot or simply don’t have enough time for regular watering. If vikoryst is so compact, pour water into it itself, and not on the top of the soil in a pot.

Note: The reservoir does not need to be filled with water gradually. Check until all the soil goes into the ground, take a break from the spring, and then re-irrigate.

In containers with a water reservoir, it is impossible to grow cacti and orchids, as the stinking debris is especially difficult to water. It happens so that the roots of the weeds protrude beyond the boundaries of the drainage opening. This means that the flower needs to be replanted. Gently remove it from the container, dry and brown the roots and move the sprouts to a larger pot.

Figure 8. Trays for collecting excess water

The presence of a drainage opening is obov'yazkova's mind, so a vologist's claim can be seen from their help from the miner. If there is nothing, just drill the hole.

I really appreciate the pots. You can use this help to decorate simple, or even reliable pots for indoor plants.

The main functions of a pot and potter include:

  • The flowerpot does not have a drainage hole, so it is covered with a substrate on top of the main container;
  • Excess water after watering from the pots must be poured out;
  • A plant pot can help promote moisture growth in the area. If it’s not neat in the booth, just pick up a pot a few centimeters more than the pot and place loose expanded clay or moss between the walls of the containers.

A flowerpot is useful for growing curly roses, because you can install a support in it without embedding it into the substrate. You can make flowerpots yourself, using metal or other containers with an original design. For example, modern metal tea boxes and ovens are ideal for growing cacti.

When choosing a pot, focus on the type of plants that grow in your new plant:

  • For flowerpots, it is better to choose a flowerpot with a simple design that does not drown out the beauty of the flower itself;
  • Roots with thick leaves without flowers produce additional embellishment, so for them choose bright flowers from flower pots or flowers from decorative moldings.

To grow orchids and hanging bushes, hanging pots and cats are used. Using them you can decorate the balcony, cornices or tall furniture. The only part of such dishes are those that have a porous lining in them. It’s bad for the vlogger, who will have to water the plants more often, or in small portions. When growing curly hair, you need to use a hanging pot to tighten the threads, the hair or the hair, so that the hair grows beautifully.

If you plan to grow indoor plants yourself, you will need a mini-greenhouse. It would be possible to use a large glass vessel in which it is easy to maintain the required level of temperature and moisture. As mini-greenhouses, also use plastic containers covered with a glass lid.

p align="justify"> An important element in the effective growth of indoor plants is the use of the correct substrate. The soil for indoor cottages is selected especially carefully, so that the necessary living elements can be removed from the stench. In nature, soil is constantly susceptible to the influx of excess factors that change its storage.

The miner has a stable deposit of soil, so it is important for him to follow it as elements enter the substrate:

  • The earth may remain shallow so that the growth can take root;
  • In this case, the yak substrate is good at absorbing water and life-giving roots;
  • It is important to tread carefully so that the soil does not turn into brood, as this may cause rotting of the soil.

One of the components of the soil is humus - a liquid that is formed during the decomposition of organic matter. Expanded clay is also added to the soil for indoor growing - a neutral porous material that plays a role in drainage. Sometimes expanded clay is placed on the surface of the substrate to seal the salt layer. In addition, expanded clay can be vikorized to enhance the moisture content. Why do they sizzle at the pan and fill it with water.

Coats purchased in local stores should be mixed with polystyrene, which will make the soil more porous and make it more porous.

In order for indoor plants to grow normally, it is necessary to properly prepare the soil for them:

  • In the deepest sense of importance First of all, garden soil needs to be fertilized and fertilized regularly. From such a soil it is necessary to first remove all the weeds and their roots, as well as stones and other foreign objects. It is not possible to cultivate land that has been fertilized with herbicides. Also make sure that there are living organisms (for example, worms) near the soil. A portion of garden soil near the substrate for flowerpots should be left 20-50% fallow depending on the type of plant. As a rule, vicors are used for planting large species, which provide important soil for rooting.
  • Add more substrate great and dribble river squeal. You can also use quartz sand, which plays a role in drainage. The percentage of sand can be as high as 50%, as it is used for rooting livestock or growing cacti.
  • Peat It is also a binding element in the soil for indoor plants, which is good for the weeds. In addition, the wine does not disintegrate and ensures normal functioning of the sour to the roots. As a rule, the proportion of peat is 25-35%, but for young plants the substrate can be 50% peat.
  • Veresova land is confirmed when laid out on a bed or soft soil. Use vicor only to grow azaleas, since such soil contains very few mineral salts. However, you can also add a substrate for ferns, cibulin plants and begonias.
  • Butovo compost What is created in the process of laying out household and grub waste (surplus hedgehogs, egg peels, grass, leaves, small grains and ashes), can also be vicorized as an element of the substrate, and before adding it speak out loudly. Due to its increased fat content, compost successfully replaces garden soil and humus.
  • To prepare the earthen sum, vikoryst is used that pine bark, especially for orchids. Parts of measles are present in the soil and in the measles streams. Pine bark cannot be replaced with leaf bark; the fragments will increase the growth of indoor plants.
  • To the warehouse of substrate for epiphytic orchids Include detailed root ferns to improve soil ventilation.

Figure 9. Type of substrate for indoor crops

The soil is often supplemented with piece elements: expanded clay (balls of porous clay), perlite (silica granules), pozolan (crushed volcanic stone), asbestos fiber and dolomite. All the smells play a role in drainage and help manage the soil.

Note: It is necessary to place a drainage ball at the bottom of the pot to remove excess moisture. For this you can use expanded clay, sand or peat.

Buying substrates are better than expensive balanced soils, but fragments of cheap analogues do not contain enough living soils and waste water poorly. Up to the skin type, the plant uses its substrate (Figure 9). As a rule, on the packaging of the finished soil it is indicated for which colors it is assigned.

There are many ways to propagate indoor plants. In addition, buds can taste citrus fruits, pineapples and avocados.

  • To plant an avocado, place three cherry blossoms in a brush and place the brush in a living substrate or water. Then crack the brush and release the root and stem. If two leaves appear, I will replant them on the substrate and regularly pinch them to give the chagarna the required shape.
  • Plant lemon and orange brushes in a small container on top of the substrate for young plants. The soil is gradually being devoured and covered with a clear covering.
  • Pineapple is propagated by cutting the tops of the leaves from the fruit. Allow the area to dry immediately, after which it is placed on the substrate, pressing lightly. The soil is pressed down a little, watered and covered with a blanket.

Other indoor plants can be propagated by live bait, seedlings, plants, shoots, and other methods (Figure 10).

  • Live bait

Many indoor crops produce live bait, which is good for growing roots near water (for example, Cyperus, Senopolia). Just cut the juice and place it in a container with water. When the sprouts take root, they are replanted in the living soil. As a petiole, you can pick out a piece of the stem, leaves or young pagona. To establish roots, live bait can be placed in a living substrate or simply in water with vugillas.

  • For now

They are bought from specialized stores and hung from small pots or bowls according to the instructions indicated on the package. As this stuff is smaller, it needs to be sown in shallow grooves. In addition, they do not need to be covered with a substrate, but simply lightly pressed down on the soil.

  • super glasses

This is how to propagate ferns. Collect the spores on paper rolls and scatter them on the surface of the soil. The earth needs to be fermented, sprinkled with water, and covered with a bucket. When the first ferns appear, young ferns grow in the surrounding pots.

  • Podil

This method is used to propagate large plants, in which case young stems, leaves and roots are strengthened. It is better to spend the soil at the beginning of winter or at the beginning of spring. Propagate crops with fleshy stems and a bulbous root system by rotating. Sometimes a young sprout can be nurtured without removing the mother’s sprout from the soil. However, you need to be careful so as not to damage the roots or stems. You can propagate most varieties of orchids this way.

Malyunok 10. Methods of propagation of indoor weeds (from left to right): by extensions, live baits and leaves

Using the planted and dried roots, you can propagate climbing plants and orchids. To do this, you need to carefully bend it into a container with a living substrate and lightly sprinkle it with earth to form the roots. If the young plant is well-trimmed in the soil, it can be fertilized as the mother plant.


Lighting plays an important role in growing indoor plants. The intensity of lighting in the rooms varies in the suites. One lux is equivalent to a light flux of 1 lumen per square meter of area. The intensity of lightening changes as the day progresses through the weather, and it is time for the day to come. For example, the French sleepy exchanges are weak, at least in the evening, so at the end of the day it is better to put plants that are not bright until light, and at the end of the day - those that need intense sleepy light.

In addition, the level of lighting changes in the room itself: as soon as there is a window, more cracks are formed and the level of light is weaker. Therefore, the plants need to be rearranged in the fall due to the fate and position of the sun. For example, bright light-loving pots can be placed on a window tray, and their inlet needs to be further protected from direct ultraviolet radiation (Figure 11).

In order to correctly arrange the pots and pots, follow a few simple rules:

  • In the sun there may be only cacti or plants with thick and long leaves;
  • Vlasniks will brighten the green leaves, need less light, the lower bushy branches;
  • Flowerpots with light leaves are very susceptible to opiates, so they need to be accepted.

Place the lightening step under the window. The windows that go out on the afternoon are the most respected, and the darkest are the ones that go out on the evening. Some light-loving trees lack natural lightening and need to be provided with additional protection. For which daylight lamps are used, the stink fragments do not heat up and cannot cause opacification of the leaf. It is not necessary to let the plants grow bright; it is enough to make the bright day last for a few years. Vikorist lamps like these can be placed in flowerpots along a long corridor where dormouse light practically does not penetrate. In this case, the lamp will have to go out for at least 6 years. Schemes for baby 12 will help to ensure that the temperature regime is optimal.

Figure 11. Intensity of lightening depending on the position of the knob and time

With the help of proper lighting, you can easily admire the beauty of indoor plants. For example, the dzherelo is light, sculpted at the bottom or side, to enhance the silhouette of large and tree-like varieties. Flowers with thin and original leaves highlight the back better, and the top lighting does not only enhance the details of the flower, but also stimulates their growth.

How to keep an eye on a penny tree in a room

The penny tree is a popular growing tree, which is scientifically called thicket. This is a very beautiful tree, as can a bush with the same color if looked at correctly.

Malyunok 12. Signs of too much sleepy light

The penny tree grows quickly, but it does not require special attention. You need to be protected(Figure 13):

  • The Russians are dreamy: it’s better to put the blanket on the open window or close the window behind another blind;
  • Watering is necessary, but only 1-2 times a week, because the grasshopper does not like too much water;
  • It is important to carry out cultivation, vikorista is good for cacti;
  • The temperature should be maintained at +18+25 degrees, and if the leaves are very hot, they can be periodically wiped with a damp cloth or sprinkled.

Figure 13. Verification of the penny tree budinku

The most important thing to look after a penny tree is not to allow too much growth, as splinters can cause illness and death of the tree. In the video you will learn how to correctly spot a penny tree.

Room primrose flower bed: overview and photo

The room primrose flower, if looked at correctly, will delight you with bright flowers and a long history. Regardless of the beauty of the growth, it does not attract high attention, and newcomers can get used to the growing culture (Figure 14).

Figure 14. Treatment of indoor primroses

Primrose cannot tolerate changes in temperature, so it is better to cope with it in a cold room with a temperature not exceeding +16 degrees. Change the temperature using ventilation. Primrose loves a lightened garnet, but without direct dormouse changes. In addition, the pot needs to be watered regularly so that the soil is consistently watery. Sprinkle the sprout with water during the flowering period of the leaves.

How to keep an eye on the room bed is named

The lower flowers of the room's growth are said to look wonderful as a decoration for the booth. This tree is valued not only for its fresh appearance, but also for its inflexibility.

The flower has another name - campanula, and in the minds of the home it is viewed as such(Figure 15):

  • For planting vikory, make hanging pots so that the pylons hang securely;
  • A comfortable temperature is considered to be between 25 degrees, but it is recommended to tolerate well and normal mobility;
  • Lightening may be intense, but without direct sleep changes;
  • Watering should be regular and thorough, and sprinkle the leaves thoroughly when it is hot.

Malyunok 15. Looking after the room bed is named

Spring room colors also require pruning of the borders. This will help to regenerate the ground parts of the growth and speed up the growth of flowers.

Keeping an eye on the jasmine flowerpot

Jasmine is not only a decorative tea tree, but also a popular indoor plant. Jasmine is respected by its inflexible culture, but even if you keep an eye on it, you still need to pay attention (Figure 16).

First of all, the water for irrigation must be soft, so instead of it you can dry up the leaves and vines. Otherwise, to preserve regular flowering, jasmine needs to be replanted regularly: young plants should be replanted closely, and mature ones – once every 2-3 years.

Figure 16. Features and development of indoor jasmine

Jasmine can tolerate normal room temperature well, but if the flowering buds rise above +25 degrees, it is necessary to water frequently and sprinkle the leaves with water.

Indoor violets: observation and propagation

The violet is considered one of the widest indoor plants, its fragments are inflexible, do not require special attention, and have a long and regular color (Figure 17).

Note: In fact, caring for the violet comes down to the standard steps: regular watering, periodic fermentation and ensuring optimal temperature and moisture conditions.

Figure 17. Treatment of indoor violets

It is best to place the violet on a well-lit windowsill rather than protect it from direct sunlight. Watering is necessary every day, but should be done so that the water does not get trapped in the soil. In addition, for planting it is better to choose fluffy and light soil that easily allows water and wind to pass through. Such minds themselves are considered to be as close as possible to natural ones.

Room apartments cyclamen: insight from household minds

Cyclamen is also called Alpine violet. This growth gives the advantage of coldness, but at the same time love the brightness. Therefore, it is better to place the inlet on the entry and exit windows, and the return on the outside (little 18).

Figure 18. Peculiarities of growth of indoor cyclamen

Cyclamen needs a steady flow of fresh air, but if you are afraid of traction, it is best to place it on a stand in front of open beds and a heat source. In addition, this plant can last long enough to water. Kvitka doesn’t like dryness or too much water, so it’s best to water it through a tray.

Do you want to increase the number of your favorite green gifts without financial expenses, buy a card as a gift for a dear person or replace an old one with a new card? Propagation of indoor plants will allow you to develop everything and capacity. It’s also really good to engage in parenting with children. By getting them to participate in this process, you will inevitably pinch the child’s love to living shoots.

Regardless of the fact that most of the home grown plants of the potters are bought in the store, they are welcome to admire the flower that has grown as a result of your efforts. Propagation of indoor weeds is not just picking a leaf from the roots and putting it in the water. There are a lot of different methods, which we are talking about today.

Reproduction of indoor weeds with live bait

This method is the simplest and most popular (vegetative method).
Zyvets - this is a specially strengthened part of the growth, allowing it to take root and grow. To propagate your buds and sprouts, select sprouts of types of livestock: top, stem, middle and leaf.

Reproduction by verkhivka live bait

Rosliny: ampelni, balsam, unfinished.
For the top petiole, twist the upper part of the tree so that it is not woody. On this day there may be 2-4 sheets of paper that are completely untwisted. Live bait is cut approximately 1 cm below the node, at which point the first roots grow. It is immediately recommended to apply a phytohormone (growth stimulator) for faster rooting. Plant live bait in the substrate for young plants and water. To encourage a steamy atmosphere, cover the pot of steam with spit to prevent this type of supernatural vaporization of the moisture.

Reproduction with stem baits

Roslins: geranium, ficus, succulents, including cacti.
The stem petiole is trimmed from a healthy growth to a point below the node. The leaves will be smooth and fresh, and if there are no flowers or buds, the bottom leaves can be removed. Then the seedlings are rooted in soft soil with a lot of sand or a special substrate for young plants. After that, as the roots grow (mean 3-4 years), the shoots move to the original soil. Many live baits can be rooted simply by placing them in water.

Before planting in the soil, let the live succulents and cacti dry for several days (until the place begins to tighten and the edges begin to curl in the middle) to prevent rotting. After planting, do not water them with water, but sprinkle them with a little bit.

All livestock, except succulents and geraniums, require a vologist for rooting. Then cover the pot of steam with polyethylene. Roslins take root best in a bright, warm place, without the hassle of direct sleepy changes.

The live bait method is used during the growth period of the trees in the spring-summer season. It is important to propagate all kinds of plants at the end of summer (fuchsia, geranium).

The middle petiole is part of the stem petiole. It is obtained from the lower or middle part of the stem. This is the most common way to propagate Tradescantia.

Propagation by leaf bait

Roslins: Saintpaulia (Usambarian violets), bush-like begonia and peperomia, gloxinia.

Saintpaulias reproduce from whole leaves. From the flowerpot, a healthy seed leaf is cut from the water and added with live bait, which is placed in a specially prepared substrate. After daughter shoots have appeared on the leaf, they are supported and replanted.

Replant succulents with leaves without live bait. Sansevieria, streptocarpus, and gloxinia reproduce from parts of the leaf. The leaves themselves or other parts are placed on the substrate so that the leaf itself is slightly above the surface of the substrate.

Roslins: ampelous flowers with long stems (chlorophytum, ivy, etc.), Kucheryave.
This is one of the types of vegetative propagation, in which a new growth is created that is not reinforced by the maternal one. When daughter shoots appear on the long stems of the flowers, they should be carefully attached to a special substrate, so that they can quickly take root. Strengthen the new growth from the mother's heifer after it has taken root and reaches maturity.

Roslins: cacti, bromeliads, cibulins.
Syn is a daughter plant that develops from the basis of the mother plant. They are cut (or carefully strengthened by hand) and placed on the open side, and as close as possible to the main pot. Syncy must be reinforced with a large number of its root hairs. The skin should be replanted with the substrate. The care for them is the same as for live bait.

In cibulin plants, also on the mother's bed, there are small cibulins, which are strengthened and transplanted into a glass container. The stinks begin to bloom approximately within a river or two after rooting.

Reproduction of indoor plants by children

Roslini: Kalanchoe Degremon, Bryophyllum Degremon, Kalanchoe trumpet-colored.

At the tips of the leaves of the flowers, small daughter shoots grow - children with their own roots. They need to be carefully plucked with your fingers or tweezers, being careful not to touch the root hairs, and transplanted into a special substrate. Young flowers that have grown up are carefully transplanted into a potter.

Roslins: chlorophytum, episcia, tolmia, lomikamenya weave
The flowers at the ends of the stems produce small daughter shoots. If the stinks are already from the roots, they should be carefully plucked and transplanted into the soil. Since the root does not exist, the daughter shoots must be rooted using the live method.

Propagation of indoor plants by half

Roslins: fern, violet, sansevieria, arrowroot, asparagus, calathea.

Such home plants create small daughter bushes (sockets), and they can be propagated by dividing the bush. This procedure should be carried out in the spring at the beginning of the summer. The mother dew is removed from the pot, the soil is crushed, and carefully, breaking or cutting with a sharp knife, the daughter part of the flower is strengthened in the place of its connection with the mother. Young skin is responsible for a healthy growth point and a completely damaged root system. Their traces are planted in the fertilized soil. Until the growth takes root and does not allow a new flow, the soil in the potter must always be moistened to prevent direct dormouse changes from being lost on it.

Reproduction by superchids

Rosliny: ferns
This method can be enjoyed even by potato-eaters, and fern lovers can try it.

If the ferns are correctly observed, they create super-spots on the turn of the leaves. In order to increase their vigor, it is necessary to prepare a special substrate, which consists of peat mixture and a small amount of crushed whole grain crust. Place in a small flat pot, level and compact easily. Then the superchids crumble evenly on it. The potter is covered with a rock and placed near a saucer of water. For best results, you need to take a glass of water (naym'yaksha). Place the pot containing the spores in a dark, warm place. After about 4-5 years, small flocks will begin to appear. In one or two months you can remove the discount. The succulent young bushes are then harvested from special trays for germination. When the stink grows, plant the ferns in individual dishes.

Roslins: fuchsia, cactus species, cyclamen, primrose, coleus.

Propagation of plant plants from plants is a very rare and easy method. It’s not worth it to waste your hair from a grain of grain. In addition, this method makes it possible to produce a new shape of the card (for example, with other seals). If you are going to propagate the plant from the first year, it is best to use one-year-old plants. It’s easy to feel it.

When the plant is sprouting, plant it in the soil of birch or quail, more - at the end of winter. Thick-skinned meat must first be soaked in water or sprinkled with sprinkling. An alternative method is to treat the grains with aloe juice. The broken grains will soon germinate, and the flower will appear.

To plant a plant, you need to vikorize sterile soil (warmed in the oven). The most suitable for this method is to mix an equal amount of peat and sand. You can add a little vermiculite per eggplant. You can also use ready-made sumish for growing rose gardens.

Fill the tray or pot with substrate, level it and compact the particles. Step by step, do not spread the soil too thickly and apply a thin ball to the soil (so that the soil can be seen from the outside). Then water using a sprinkler or a pouring can using a strainer. The pot with planted seeds must be covered with rock or polyethylene. Follow the temperature and light levels indicated in the instructions on the package of ingredients.

Keep an eye on the grains that are germinating by using a spray bottle and airing. After this, the package can be easily picked up, and the pot can be quickly moved to a bright place.

To develop a strong root system, pick the flowers. It is most common to process 1-3 times. First, the planting begins after one or two leaves have spread out onto the seedlings, and the plants are immediately transplanted into a mature substrate.

You need to place a ring (you can take the original olive or a handle) around the white seed, and use your other hand to carefully remove it. Then the seedling moves into a deep hole. The soil mixture may be sufficiently fermented, and after replanting you will need to spray it with a spray bottle. For quick rooting, sprinkle the seedlings with phytohormones and cover them with polyethylene or glass.

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