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Risotto recipe is a classic recipe with mushrooms. Pokrokovy recipe with photo and video. What is risotto

Have you tried risotto with chicken and mushrooms? Hi? Then, shvidshe, correct me for a pardon. Grava with the lowest creamy consistency and miraculous aroma will instantly hit you to the soul. Suitable for sweetness and mature, and small gourmets. You can’t get over it, because a little bit of wine is added to the warehouse of the strain. Drink more steam during the cooking, and prepare the salmon to be absolutely safe for children. So feel free to take on a culinary experiment!

Cooking hour - 1 year.

Number of servings - 5.


To prepare appetizing, blue, indescribably fragrant, like everything else in Italian cuisine, risotto, we need:

  • rice for risotto (special variety) - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • Vershkov oil- 30 g;
  • broth - 2 l;
  • white dry wine - ½ tbsp.;
  • middle cibulin - 1 head;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • mushrooms - 300 g;
  • sil - 2/3 tsp;
  • chicken fillet - 400 g;
  • parmesan - 40 g;
  • pepper and rosemary - for relish.

How to cook risotto with chicken and mushrooms

Even if you don’t know more about Italian cuisine, then the hour has come to correct the incomprehensibility in the preparation of savory risotto with mushrooms.

  1. For the cob of varto, use a deep frying pan or a saucepan with thick walls and bottom on a dead fire. In the selected container, the next step is to fill the top with a piece of topsoil. If the product of the trocha is melted, it is necessary to pour in the olive oil until it is new.

  1. While the sumish is warming up, it is necessary to take care of the cibula. Vegetables should be cleaned and washed in running water. Then we need to dry the cibula and shake it dry, after which we need to heat the cibula krichta into the heat of the sum of oliy.

  1. Systematically stirring with a culinary spatula, it is necessary to brush the cibula with a stretch of 5 strands. The product may have a nice golden color.

  1. Dali to the oiled cibula, it is necessary to boil special rice, which is used for making risotto. Among such varieties of varto, the most popular varieties are "Arborio", "Carnaroli", "Vialone Nano" and others. What is noteworthy, before adding rice in the morning, wash the cereal itself, otherwise it is not necessary to soak the water for a long time. Tobto mi, inheriting the recipe from the photo Pokrokovo, all the rice is absolutely dry. This is an important rule, as to allow you to reach the correct consistency of risotto, as in Italy. Adzhe zavdyaki tsomu mi simply can’t eat the required starch.

  1. Now everything needs to be mixed well. On a medium fire sumish, it is necessary to fry 2-3 hvilin.

  1. Let's sweat the mass and dilute it with dry white wine. More than half of the flask is enough to appear. With a systematic mixing, it is necessary to continue the torment of sumish, so that the alcohol could evaporate.

  1. Slid vrakhovuvati, scho motherland ide iz zagotovlі risotto to finish the shvidko. So it’s not too far to go to the stove.

  1. It is necessary to drink strength. Ale, do not overdo it, for later we will add to the warehouse, sir. Vіn nadaє stravi its salty notes.

  1. Then we need to pour the broth into the risotto. Rice needs to be sown for the whole hour until quiet feast, until the cereal has taken up the whole country.

Note! Chi do not pour the whole broth into the glass. Add 1 opolonik each and check at the constant mixing of the rindine. Don't brag. Don’t take too much time, because the cereal quickly absorbs the broth. As a result, rice didde to become al dente. So we will finish the cereal with a soft sound, but we will keep repeating in the middle.

  1. It is necessary to prepare additional ingredients. In this pokrokovy recipe, the photo suggests vicoristing chicken fillet and mushrooms. Pecheritsa needs to be sorted out, washed, dried and pierced with plates. The meat should be cut into small cubes.

  1. We happen to take one more frying pan and put it on the fire. At єmnіst next pour in trochs of olive oil. If it rises, the pieces of chicken fillet break in the new one. You need to lubricate.

What can be tastier for mushroom risotto? Possibly, less risotto with forest mushrooms. It’s a pity, it’s not so easy to know the place at once, where mushrooms grow in ecologically clean and safe zones, I’m not particularly aware of mushrooms, so I can pick them myself, I’ll cause it myself to buy dried mushrooms and cook such delicious flavors from them , like risotto, for example.

We prepare all the products from the list and prepare aromatic risotto with mushrooms classic recipe. The broth should be prepared ahead of time, you can cook the vegetable broth, you can make the broth - you give priority. You can beat the bouillon cubes for preparing the broth, having made them from the sprinkles.

We soak the dried forest mushrooms near warm water. Let them swell at least quills for 20-30. Wanting to catch them as soon as possible by the water.

Qibulyu shallot, or the most important part, cut into small cubes.

At the frying pan we can spread the top oil | oil | (25 g) and smeared on a new cibul until soft.

Mushrooms need to be grown in the spring and the trochs are trimmed. You can and do not tell, but you can see that the mushrooms in the risotto are overwhelmed.

We add mushrooms to the cibulis in the pan and cook 7-10 quills, stirring.

After that, add rice to the frying pan. We cover rice with cibulei and mushrooms 3-4 quills, so that the rice warms up and becomes transparent.

We pour in whiter dry wine and cook everything in a frying pan with sprats of whilin, the docks do not evaporate alcohol.

We add a ladle of broth to the pan and cook risotto until the broth evaporates. After that, we add more opolonik to the broth and again, until the broth evaporates. Top up the stilki of the broth, you need the scallops, so that the rice is cooked. When preparing risotto, from the moment you add the first ladle to the broth, sound about 25 whilins.

If the rice is already practically ready, add tops of butter, which is gone, mix the risotto and take it to the fire. Let's stand hvilin 5-7.

Ready classic risotto with mushrooms we transfer to portioned plates, add grated cheese Parmesan and serve it to the table.


Risotto - tse i not rozsipchasty rice, ale and not rice porridge. For yoga, you need special varieties of rice, such as Arborio, Vialone Nano, Padano, Carnaroli. Tobto sort, scho to revenge the great amount of starch. At the finished look, rice grains can stick one to one. The cooking process will require broth: chicken, vegetable and mushroom. We will specialize the risotto with forest mushrooms, and traditional clay, or the ovens will go on their own.

Five of the most common vicarious ingredients in mushroom risotto recipes:

Cicavi recipe:
1. Lubricate the details of the cibulka to clarity.
2. Until the tsibulі zasipati trohi promity rice і lubricate with a stretch 5 strands.
3. Change the fire, fill it with wine, mix well.
4. After that, like rice, take the wine, pour in the trochs of the broth. Mix it up.
5. At the world, add broth to the rice, portioned, sprat once, add the broth, which is overflowing.
6. Coarsely sliced ​​mushrooms in an okremіy frying pan.
7. If the broth may be all boiled, cook the mushrooms until rice and cibules, good to go over.
8. For example, pour in trochs of saffron tincture into the process.
9. I'm ready to cook rice masu vsipati tertiy sir. Shake it up.
10. Serve hot.

Five of the best recipes for risotto with mushrooms:

Korisnі for the sake of:
. Siri for risotto bagan choose from hard varieties: Parmesan, Grana Padano, Trentigrana, etc.
. If you brush the rice in front with an acres of butter, then the weed will be especially tender and savory.
. Bazhano vikoristovuvati for the preparation of stray torn utensils. Tse mozhe buti wok, stewpan, cauldron, chavunna glibok frying pan.

Add the recipe to vibrana!

What is risotto? No one can tell you about food, docks You won't try it yourself best country Italian cuisine. Risotto- tse dish with rice, but not pilaf and not porridge, tse risotto! Yogo is prepared with starchy varieties of rice using a special technology with whiskey syrah, as a result of which that grass, viscous for the consistency, comes out, like a tan in the mouth. Yakshcho Vi did not try risotto, when the hour came. Cook yoga with me at once, and I will forever settle in your home kitchen.

If you need a sir, and you have tried to cook a risotto, then you should also respect other miracles of sirn: do not deprive the baiduzhim of the connoisseurs of the pasture, the sir and the meat, but fall to the soul for lovers of seafood.

(4 portions)

  • rice for risotto 1.5 bottles (bottle 200 ml)
  • bakery 400 gr
  • qibulya 1 pc
  • watchmaker 1 tooth
  • white dry wine 150 ml
  • chicken broth 700-800 ml
  • Sir Parmesan 150 gr
  • black pepper

For risotto, round rice varieties are rich with starch. Arborio, Baldo, Padano, Roma, Vialone Nano, Maratelli or Carnaroli. The remaining three varieties are considered the best, but the stench is the most expensive and rare in Russia. The most accessible variety for the price and availability on the shelves of our stores - Arborio.

On packages with such rice, “risotto rice” is often written.

The appearance of the broth when preparing the risotto is obov'yazkovo, otherwise you do not deprive yourself of the taste. The best vicorist is chicken broth. How to cook broth marvel

Porada: do not obov'yazkovo start cooking risotto with broth. If you are preparing broth, then needed quantity take the plastic container away from the freezer. If you need yoga, you can defrost the shvidko in a micro-furnace and vicorist.

It can also be done with mushrooms. Lubricate the bag with rich mushrooms and take a part from the freezer - the stench will help you, if it is necessary to prepare a meal for dinner, for example, make a risotto,, or .

Pokrokovy photo-recipe for cooking:

Carefully clean the mushrooms from the ground and wash them with an additional brush, rinse under running water and put them on a lint dryer to dry. Never put mushrooms by the water- the stench of the fluff structure and the mittvo are saturated with water, to spoil their relish.

Wash the rice and look at the drushlyak from the net, so that the water is glass. You don’t need rice for a long time for risotto, just rinse it with water. Rub the sir on the dry rub.

The best vikoristovuvati ready-made tertiary Parmesan, buy in supermarkets, ideally detailed.

Grill olive oil in a deep frying pan and brush it in it watchmaker's tooth. You can not clean the clock, just crush it with a knife.

Get rid of the tea shop, flavoring the oil and you won't need any more. Add to a frying pan and grease over low heat until soft. Speak up.

Until the cibula is lubricated, it is dry.

Add to the oiled cibula and cook 15-20 khvilin. Salt and pepper.

Add to the mushrooms and smear, stir 2-3 hvilini.

Give that lubricate with constant stirring. Wine can be boiled away.

Start adding hot broth. You need to work step by step in small portions of 70-100 ml. Just as soon as you remove the broth from the rice, pour in the next portion and so on until you beat the whole broth. Call out the process of borrowing 25-30 hvilin.

At the hour of cooking, taste the rice, you can cook it again, but take your shape. You may need a little less or a little more broth, as indicated in the recipe. To deposit it in order, like the “spread” of the risotto You want to take it off. In case of failure, the broth can be added hot water but don’t be too choosy, so that you don’t turn the risotto into porridge. Rice in this country is due to wine, but it is as strong as it is to swim in a small amount of starchy broth.

At the end of the day, prepare salted risotto, as if the broth was not salty enough. Do not forget about the sir, who will be a ready-made herb, guard your saltiness. Add to risotto Vershkov oil, take care, ol_ya is guilty of re-opening - to add elasticity to the line.

Add (3-4 tbsp), mix well and turn the fire up.

Oskіlki rice may not be surrounded by clay building, then risotto will be blown, while it will save its napіvridky creamy camp - stay for a while, okholone and goodbye rіzotto, vіtai porridge))) Don't forget before submitting sipati risotto grated cheese.

  • qibulya 1 pc
  • watchmaker 1 tooth
  • oil for lubrication 100 ml
  • white dry wine 150 ml
  • chicken broth 700-800 ml
  • Sir Parmesan 150 gr
  • black pepper
  • Grill olive oil in a deep frying pan and smear the teapot in it.
    Get a watchmaker. Add qibula to the frying pan and grease it on a small fire until soft.
    Drip the mushrooms, add to the oiled cibula and cook 15-20 quills. Salt and pepper.
    Add rice to the mushrooms and brush over, mixing 2-3 chilli.
    Add wine and smear with constant stirring. Wine can be boiled away.
    Start adding hot broth. You need to work step by step in small portions of 70-100 ml. Just as soon as you remove the broth from the rice, pour in the next portion and so on until you beat the whole broth. Call this process borrowing 25-30 minutes.
    Add oil to the risotto tops, make it, the oil is due to be refilled.
    Add|Add| sir (3-4 tablespoons), mix well. When serving posypte, risotto is grated with cheese.

    Firm víyazka consistency is a visiting card of the country. Skin rice is guilty of seeping out with broth, giving a velvety-creamy structure, while being soft-smelling and lacking a hard core in the middle.

    Three rules of savory risotto

    1. Vykorivuyte special varieties of round-grain rice: Arborio, Carnaroli or Vialone. All the stinks are mixed with starch, that risotto is uniform and velvety in consistency, “rice to rice”.
    2. Chi do not wash the rice! It is customary to add the grits in a risotto in a dry look, before brushing it in a frying pan or in a saucepan. Rice should never be washed in order to preserve valuable starch.
    3. Add the broth in parts. Step by step step by step, so that the country does not bend the rice completely. The next portion can be added only once, if you got in earlier. When it’s important, to make the broth hot, put the pan on the hot burner for roasting and keep it ready. If the homeland is cold, then the starch does not make the right creamy consistency, the wine will swell and rotten from the grain.

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