Why does the earth have reserves of nutritious water?
Fresh water reserves of the Earth
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How long does it take to build fresh water supplies on the river?


Vidminno The Earth's hydrosphere can be mentally divided into two categories - salt water and fresh water. The most valuable and flowing part of the hydrosphere is fresh water, which, next to the atmosphere and food products, is the most important means of supporting the vitality of mankind.

It is important to obtain fresh water for human consumption from rivers and reservoirs created by natural runoff, lakes, reservoirs, and from underground (ground) reserves.


fresh water

The lands are very large.

The Radyansky Union has large reserves of fresh water.

Approximately 800 thousand. The rivers of our region produce a total discharge of about 4,700 km 3 of water, of which approximately 22% is groundwater. A unique reservoir is Lake Baikal, which contains 1/5 of the world’s fresh water. Please note that over 80% of the flow occurs in economically underdeveloped areas. Approximately 60% of the flow occurs during the period of floods and events. In the European part of the SRSR, a large population and industry are important, and large areas of irrigated agriculture (in the flooded areas) have been developed, accounting for less than 14% of the river flow of the region.

If the marginal water supply becomes an average of 6% of the world's new resources, then the lower regions with highly industrialized industries and agricultural agriculture account for 40% or more.

Born in 1983

living room Fresh water in the SRSR became 279 km 3 , ie for global consumption (including consumption rural dominion

Over 2 billion m3 of water are rapidly transferred to the territory of the Donetsk and Krivorizky basins. Part of it goes to agriculture, part to industry, more than half (drinking water) goes to the population and for government needs of enterprises. To replenish the water shortage in many areas, geologists are searching for new resources

groundwater . The completeness of the transfer of water from the freshwater rivers is being investigated.

The USA, Canada, Great Britain and other countries are discussing the possibility of towing icebergs from the coastal areas of the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic to capture fresh water. approximately 7,500 icebergs, with the great iceberg holding up to 150 million tons of water being towed by the icebergs in the Los Angeles area and there they melt them in the sun, first covering them with a charcoal saw.

The French fachians proposed a project for towing medium-sized icebergs from Antarctica to the Persian Inlet or the Chervone Sea for the voyage to

Saudi Arabia

  • .
  • However, many problems will be solved by unknown ones, and the economics of such an approach still seem unclear, although people believe that this method of “generating” fresh water will be cheaper than desalination of sea water.
  • , streams, fresh lakes, and also in the cold.

At different times, the percentage of fresh water in the Earth's water content becomes 2.5-3%. About 85-90% of fresh water reserves are located near ice.

In connection with the ponded water reservoirs, which are expanding, the population growth, the development of new territories is faced with the task of extracting fresh water.

The distribution of fresh water along the earth's basin is uneven.

Europe and Asia, where 70% of the world's population lives, have less than 39% of river waters. Russia is in the greatest position in the world for surface water resources. In addition, the unique Lake Baikal contains approximately 1/5 of the world's fresh water reserves and 4/5 of Russia's reserves.

For a foreigner 23.6 thousand. km 3 in the lake there is approximately 60 km 3 of rare purity natural water.

According to UN data, now more than 1.2 billion people live in constant shortage of fresh water, about 2 billion suffer from it regularly, and until the middle of the 21st century.

The number of those who live with a constant shortage of water exceeds 4 billion people.

In this way, we can talk about the global water crisis that is looming.


    similar minds It is absolutely clear that Russia’s main asset in the post-nafta period is water resources, and the production of water products may directly dominate the development of the Russian economy. Div. also

    similar minds Notes Posilannya

    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

    Wonder what “Fresh water” is in other dictionaries:

fresh water

  • - Natural water with mineralization up to 1 mg/l.

Vocabulary of geography

- - EN freshwater Water contains relatively low mineral content, generally not containing 500 mg/l from cut solids.

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Life on planet Earth originated from water, and water itself continues to support life.

The human body is 80% made up of water, and it is actively consumed in grub, light and important industries. Therefore, the assessment of existing reserves is extremely important. Even water is a source of life and technological progress. The Earth's reserves of fresh water are not infinite, so ecologists often recognize the need for rational environmental management. We’ll figure it out for ourselves first.

Fresh water is the kind that can hold no more than one tenth of a hundredth of salt.

Insurance reserves, insurance not only in the homeland

  • natural jerels
  • , also atmospheric gas and reserves at ice houses.
  • Light reserves

More than 97% of all water reserves are found in the Light Ocean - it is salty and, without special treatment, is not suitable for human consumption.

A little less than 3% is fresh water. Unfortunately, not all of them are available:.

2.15% falls on ice fields, icebergs and Georgian ice.

Nearly one thousandth hundred - gas in the atmosphere.

  • And less than 0.65% is available for consumption and is found in freshwater rivers and lakes.
  • Nowadays, it is generally accepted that freshwater reservoirs are of no use.
  • It is true that the light reserves cannot be exhausted due to irrational waste - a lot of fresh water is due to the flow of the planetary circulation of rivers.

Almost half a million cubic meters of fresh water evaporate in the Light Ocean.

This region begins to form clouds, and then replenishes freshwater lakes with atmospheric fallout.

  • Arabian region.
  • Life outweighs obvious resources more than five times.
  • And this means rest without individual daily living.
  • Water in the Arabian Peninsula is very expensive - it has to be transported by tankers, pipelines, and plants from desalinated sea water.

Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan.

The number of water resources is increasing.

With the development of the economy and industry, there is a high risk that the supply of fresh water will increase, and therefore, fresh water resources will deplete.

In Iran, 70% of the resources of freshwater rivers are exploited. All of Northern Africa is also under threat - fresh water resources are depleted by 50%. At first glance, you might think that the problems are typical for dry countries.

However, this is not the case.

There is no sense in responding to the changing consumption of the population - the population is growing faster.

As of 2015, over 2 billion people were dependent on food, grub, and everyday goods.

According to the most optimistic forecasts, with the same decline in fresh water reserves on Earth, it will be until 2025.

After all countries with populations of over 3 million people are in the zone of serious shortages.

There are at least 50 such countries. This number shows that there is a deficit in the minds of over 25% of countries.

Due to the situation in the Russian Federation, there is enough fresh water in Russia, the Russian region is one of the others that will face shortage problems. This does not mean that the powers are not ready to take part in the international regulation of this problem. Environmental problems

Fresh water resources on the planet are unevenly distributed – leading to pronounced shortages in specific regions, depending on the size of the population. It is clear that it is impossible to solve this problem. Otherwise, you can get in trouble with the other one - because of the obstruction of fresh water with fresh water. The main contaminants are salts of important metals, products of the petroleum refining industry, and chemical reagents.
Almost 2% of the hydrosphere contains fresh water, but it is constantly renewed.
The fluidity of renewal means the resources available to people.

Most fresh waters - 85% - are found in the ice of the polar zones and ice fields. The fluidity of water exchange here is less, lower in the ocean, and becomes 8000 rocks. The surface waters of the land are renewed approximately 500 times in Sweden, below the ocean.

Even more quickly, at about 10-12 days, the water in the river begins to flow.

Most fresh waters - 85% - are found in the ice of the polar zones and ice fields. The fresh waters of the river are of greatest practical importance for humanity. The surface waters of the land are renewed approximately 500 times in Sweden, below the ocean.
Dzherelo: Good luck
22 lines



This is based on the results of your supply: where are the largest supplies of fresh water?

In addition, ensure that only one-hundredth of all reserves are considered available.

The entire decision requires serious labor and material costs for production, cleaning and delivery of goods. Ale and it’s not a problem yet: when correct vikoristanny

These resources and their rational renewal of essential obligations would be exhausted forever.

On the right is that fresh water in the world is distributed unevenly, its reserves are used up, they change, and the population of the planet grows.

At present, there are approximately six and a half billion people alive on the planet, and according to the most modest forecasts, there will be more than 9 billion by 2050. Already, a third of the world’s population is suffering from a severe water shortage. Geopolitical aspects Part of the planet's population reaches the so-called “golden milliard” and has access to all the benefits of civilization that we consider normal (electricity, communications, telecommunications, water supply, sewerage, etc.). Medical professionals share almost all resources and save high rhubarb

With the increase in material wealth, countries with a damaged economy are experiencing a decline in the level of living in this world.

Fresh water today in some regions costs more than naphtha, and soon it will turn into a strategic commodity.

In general, the planet’s fresh water is wasted like this:

  • Sil'skogospodarska galuz - 70% of this valuable resource;
  • all industry – 22%;
  • household workers – 8%.

Ale tse, obviously, average performance.

There are many countries where the population is not rich in gastronomic establishments, where the problem of fresh water is so severe that people sometimes simply have nothing to eat or drink.

The acidity of water in the “third countries”

Today, according to international standards, people need forty liters of water per day for all their needs, including hygiene.

Approximately a billion inhabitants of the planet, however, can only die without dying, and another 2.5 billion feel the same in the other world.

According to various forecasts, as early as 2025 there will be a large number of people who will need critical parts when fresh water becomes too rich for two out of every three earthlings.

We, with our wealth, are sometimes unable to discern what kind of water the inhabitants of the “third world” swim in and what kind of water they drink. Soon three million people are dying of illness caused by poor sanitary conditions. The main cause of them is diarrhea.

Three thousand children all over the world (mostly in Africa) are dying because of it.

The cause of eight out of ten skin pathologies is the obstruction of fresh waters and their defects. Ecological support for bio-burning plants It is quite different across all regions of the planet.

The problem of fresh water is most severe in Africa and in the Middle East.

Its scale can be assessed by looking around the dzherel, in addition, research is underway, and possible methods can be introduced into the field of vologists.

Most of the water that is recovered for irrigation, industry and everyday needs comes from surface or underground waters that are replenished through the natural circulation.

There are also vast reserves that lie, for example, in the Libyan ancestry.

The stench becomes approximately the fifth part of all water resources on the planet.

They don’t stink, there’s practically nothing to be found in them, and in regions where there is a shortage, there are no alternatives to them.

There is still ice on the planet, snow and deposits that look like icemen.

Possible fresh water resources can theoretically be divided into the following categories:

1. Ice and snow – 24.1 million cubic meters.

km (68.7%).

2. Ground water – 10.5 million cubic meters.

As it often happens, the problem lies not so much in the lack of resources, but in the lack of mercifulness and the irrational choice of what it is.

The largest rivers are transformed into giant sewage ditches, drained by waste industrial wastewater and household waste.

However, the contamination of fresh waters, despite all its severity and obviousness, is not the whole problem.

In search of cheap ways to generate electricity, they are blocked by rowing, which is consistent with their natural flow and destroys the temperature-dynamic characteristics of vaporization processes. As a result, the rivers dribble. Such things are guarded against. Rhubarb falls in the Colorado, Mississippi, Volza, Dnieper, Yellow River, Hansa and other great rivers, and others dry up everywhere. Before the ecological catastrophe, the piece was handed over to the hydroelectric system of the Aral Sea.

Who draws water and who wastes it?

The largest reserve of fresh water on the planet (approximately a third) is found in

New America

. It's still a quarter in Asia. 29 countries, united not by geographical, but by economic sign (

Vilniy market

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