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Stalker new mod 61 reviews. The best mods for the stalker in all the trilogy. Gamelanes Modi Stalker Click Pripyati

From the moment of the exit of the rest of the series S.T.A.L.K.E.R."The call to Pripyati" has already passed over 8 years. In just one hour, a large number of various modifications, both plot, graphic and sound, were created on the skin of the series. Obviously, it’s easy to get lost in such a rose. Therefore, especially for you, we have put together a list of the 12 best mods for Stalker.

Driven by S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 can be said on the offensive: after the release of the first part of the GSC broke up. Five years ago, the company was founded by the father-founder Sergiy Grigorovich;

As you see the trilogy Stalker, then our collection is for you. The article has selected the best mods from the skin part of the gr.

The best mods for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. for the entire history of the trilogy

1 Hour change v2.0 (Clear Sky)

Modification Time of Changes v2.0 (Time of Changes v2.0) continues the storyline of the first part. In the process of creation, there were no personal changes, which could not be improved only game process and graphic warehouse. Here, a new system for submitting side quests and plot quests was created.

A piece of tales about the main plot of one of the best mods for Stalker. Behind the idea of ​​retailers, kistak storyline it became a reminder of the original "Clear Sky", and itself: the descent of the "black digger" into the bunker, the replay of the "Strilk" on the Generator. Because of this stench, the quests were changed, connected with the locations of the Swamp and Cordon. Then we gave a friend a line of the main tasks, from which it is necessary to take away a special artifact, without some wine you can’t spend on the Chornobyl AES, and wine is a complete game mod.


  • Gamers hope to be able to see 2 unique locations created specifically for this mod;
  • Burn new zrazkіv zbroї and equipment;
  • New grouping "Anomalies". The choice is yours: come to them or see them from the guise of Zoni;
  • Bulo carried out a great work of correcting bugs and nedolіkiv, against the first part. Tse positively pours into the process, and do not have to wind up your nerves once in a while.

Rozrobniki popratsyuvali famously. Obov'yazkovo evaluate their child.

2 Clear Sky: MYSTERY 2.0 (Clear Sky)

"MYSTERY v2.0" is an analogue of the popular mod "MISERY v2.0", in view of the fact that the platform is now "Clear Sky". This mod added a unique game atmosphere, improved graphics, redesigned sounds, changes in the game balance, weather effects, new textures, shaders and something else that made Yogo so rich and unforgettable. And everything went into life for the sake of such modifications as Photoorealistic Zone 2 and Absolute Nature 3.

The zone here will stand in front of you more gloomy, taking all the farbi from the whole world and leaving less sir tony. Even more fearless fortune-tellers are in the mood for monsters to make your shift far from the stalker camps. There will be no new territories here, everything has been lost, as in the original, there will also be no new types of equipment, which becomes the ideal foundation for all new mod makers.

This mod is either radically new or absolutely unique. Ale, no matter what, try it all the same varto!

3 Mysterious stitches 2 (Tin of Chornobil)

The retelling of the original parts of the Stalker series is not recorded as often. “Secret Stitches 2” (“Secret Ways 2”) is one of them, and it’s about those that happened before the “Things of Chornobyl” podiums. A new line of plot quests, as intertwined with the masters of the original, reveals the reason for the arrival of the main character to Zonia. If only you don't run out of daily food about Strelka, that year has passed.

The tasks of the last part of the modi were changed and strongly supplemented, as well as adjusted. A large number of bugs and shortcomings, as well as plot “deaf cuts”, were fixed, which caused it to be added to our list of the shortest Stalker mods in history. After passing through these modifications, you will definitely not be left out.

4 Prostorova Anomaly 4.1 (Poklik Pripyati)

"Space anomaly" version 4.1 - the last update of this modification. Vіn turn on the correction of shortcomings in your own person, and bring in the group a new, zocrema and new task. How many times have they lied to a large part of the comments and proved it from the side of the game's sleepiness, which positively appeared on the mod.

Investigations here are carried out in the name of a person who was hired for the last few years on the Zvir, about him try to survive in a mystical place, like a Meshkantsy Zoni is called a "space anomaly", in the middle of which the laws of physics do not develop. Ammunition, medical kits, water, hedgehog and bolts - all for the sake of gold. Ale, obviously, it’s not possible to hire a legendary hire, and, I’m sure, you choose from the damned place.

5 Gold of Kul 0.6.6 (Tin of Chornobil)

An alternative name for the mod, "Zolota Kul: Completion", suggests to us what remains to be updated, and also, and to the very implementation. The creators presented us, from the beginning to the end, the history of the "suitability" of the stalker for the prize "Zhekan", which, having broken to the Zone, to know the legendary, previously unknown artifact - "Vikonavets Bazhan". Not changing the location of "Shadow of Chornobil" will be intertwined with a unique line of plot lines, introducing an even more mystical atmosphere, as if zapanuє near the main character. Unique quests, logically expanded quest lines, new NPCs and innovations - all this allows you to look at the familiar group from a different angle, and reshaping the gameplay will make it easier to rebuy in the Zone.

In addition to the cardinal plot changes in fashion, having removed some new products from the game systems, which allow the maximum intimidation of the gameplay and make you more interested in the passages.

6 Oblivion Lost Remake 2.5 (Tin Chornobil)

Oblivion Lost Remake v2.5 New version Fashion, I fell in love with Bagan on a stalker: Tin Chornobilya, in the yakoma creed, the plot was plot Lіnia, the rockyv, the susters of the bribe, the gravians to look at the stalker, the yaki bouv-bivo chicly in the cerebrospinal dumplings. It did not happen without a large number of bug fixes and shortcomings of the previous versions of the modification, which smoothed out the gaming process.

Let's talk more about the plot. There are gravitational representations of 2 main plot lines plus 1 alternative. And that means you'll roam around here.

From the innovation you can see:

  • A unique plot, created from the editorial documents of the past decade;
  • Possibility of splintering for the help of the intestinal PC, which adds the possibility of special dialogues;
  • All apartments and solitary bunkinas are now filled with all sorts of rubbish;
  • Kupa of new design and equipment;
  • Now you can open the trunk and doors of cars. Tires have become shot through. It is necessary to refuel occasionally.

And a lot more. Without waiting sumnіvіv, zavantazhyte and play.

7 Valley Shorokhiv (Poklik Pripyati)

"Valley of Whispers" is a modification that introduces you to a new line of quests, which does not overlap with the plot of the original. head hero tsієї istorії - a stalker on the prize "Max", like a bazhaє, like more pribulikh to Zonia, a penny will grow up. Meta Yoga Poshukov – a mysterious and uniquely expensive artifact – to the Heart of the Oasis. For the plot, we will move to a new unique location. Plus, to everything, it’s easy to find out what the Crimea will do by looking for an artifact: take part in the shootings, continue the new location of that її kutochki, which the human foot has never set foot before.

So, here is something to marvel at. Zavantage yaknaishvidshe one z best mods for Stalker and start passing!

8 Wind of the hour v1.3 (Call Pripyati)

The version of the plot mod "Wind of Changes v1.3" is the final one, and also, the most optimized and optimized one. The new update brought impersonal changes to the storyline, game process, graphical corrections, as well as innovation. Before the main one, you can see the appearance of new leaders like the head ones, as well as side ones, and all the stench in the distance add to the main storyline and give the opportunity to spend time on the territory of the “Dead Mist”. New system of generation of monsters Zoni with far її balancing, reworking of the hot atmosphere, new anomalous effects, such as psi-storms and radiation wikis - and still not all new items. The previous versions of the modification have not lost their incomparable benefits of the game.

An additional "gift" for gamers with weak PCs was the adaptation of all textures and shaders, game effects, NPS models and monsters. This function is completely optional, so if your computer is hard, you can simply skip this step. The innovation is especially relevant for PCs with an OZP of 3 GB and less.

9 SGM 2.0: Geonezis Addon

"Geonezis Addon" ("Addon: Genesis") for SGM 2.0 gives fashion new life. A new line of plot quests, over 50 additional quests, black characters, as new, and now you are familiar with parts of "The Tin of Chornobyl" and "Clear Sky", a couple of heroes from the book series S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - all to beat the mod one of the best in the trilogy.

The creators of the Geonezis fashion know the history of the characters already known behind the original games, their significance in the whole world of SCG Games, and also a little further. Is Kim Really Bov Myron? Where do you go after vikrittya vtik Flint? Why did Morgan from the Borg group go after the bandits, selling them zbroi? All the same richly you know, having passed the fashion to the end.

10 Call of Chernobyl

Behind the fact, "Click of Chornobil" is not a devil's mod, but a complete game, which combined in its own mission with the game trilogy. The platform for modification is the "Call of Pripyat" engine. Absolutely non-linear passage is supplemented by new modes: historical and survival. One of the key features is the choice of the main hero of belonging to the grouping that time to respawn (appear) on the game location. Modification can be praised for a long time, or better still, everything is in good hands.

11 Way near imli (Poklik Pripyati)

Plot modification of "Spectrum Project: The Way in the Haze" ("The Way in Haze"), with some rich gamers know not a bit, but more people Chuli about the previous Spectrum Project. Yogo rozrobka bіdnovlenа and in our hour nabula contour independent gri. The key feature of modi is writing from scratch a plot from a large number of options for completion, it will not be easy to develop any of them. To complete the mod, you need to complete a number of quests. Another important feature of the project is the addition of new territories created from scratch - the unique "Dead Place", laboratory "X5" and the laboratory complex "Bunker".

12 Lost World Requital (Tin Chornobil)

When you read one of the books of S.T.A.L.K.E.R., what did you say that you could have a meal in that suvoriy light and in the light of your eyes sing yogo, nebezpek and monsters, how could it be less in dreams? As it was said, just try this add-on, which completes our selection of the best mods for Stalker. From the first whilins, prepare yourself to the difficult, even if your skin can become a stop. The key feature of this, the fashion for STALKER is "spit on the balance", making the game process more complicated in all directions. Dedicated to all hardcore shanuvalniks.

From the moment of the release of the rest of the series S.T.A.L.K.E.R "Call of Pripyat" it has already been over 8 years. In just one hour, a large number of various modifications, both plot, graphic and sound, were created on the skin of the series. Obviously, it’s easy to get lost in such a rose. Therefore, especially for you, we have put together a list of the 12 best mods for Stalker. Driven by S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 can be said on the offensive: after the release of the first part of the GSC broke up. Five years ago, the company was founded by the father-founder Sergiy Grigorovich; As you see the trilogy Stalker, then our collection is for you. The article has selected the best mods from the skin part of the gr.

The best mods for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. for the entire history of the trilogy

1 Hour change v2.0 (Clear Sky)

Modification Time of Changes v2.0 (Time of Changes v2.0) continues the storyline of the first part. The process of creation was made without any changes, which would improve not only the gaming process and the graphic warehouse. Here, a new system for submitting side quests and plot quests was created. A piece of tales about the main plot of one of the best mods for Stalker. Following the ideas of the retailers, the backbone of the storyline was the inspiration for the original "Clear Sky", and for itself: the descent of the "black digger" into the bunker, the replay of "Strilk" on the Generator. Because of this stench, the quests were changed, connected with the locations of the Swamp and Cordon. Then we gave a friend a line of the main tasks, in which case it is necessary to take away a special artifact from the Strilka armor, without some wine you can’t spend on the Chornobyl AES, and wine is the full game mode.

- Gamers will have the opportunity to see 2 unique locations created specifically for this mod;
- burn new zrazkіv zbroї and equipment;
- New grouping "Anomalies". The choice is yours: come to them or see them from the guise of Zoni;
- A great work was carried out to correct bugs and nedolіkiv, against the first part. Tse positively pours into the process, and do not have to wind up your nerves once in a while. Rozrobniki popratsyuvali famously. Obov'yazkovo evaluate their child.

2 Clear Sky: MYSTERY 2.0 (Clear Sky)

"MYSTERY v2.0" is an analogue of the popular mod "MISERY v2.0", in view of the fact that the platform is now "Clear Sky". This mod added a unique game atmosphere, improved graphics, redesigned sounds, changes in the game balance, weather effects, new textures, shaders and something else that made Yogo so rich and unforgettable. And everything went into life for the sake of such modifications as Photoorealistic Zone 2 and Absolute Nature 3.

The zone here will stand in front of you more gloomy, taking all the farbi from the whole world and leaving less sir tony. Even more fearless fortune-tellers are in the mood for monsters to make your shift far from the stalker camps. There will be no new territories here, everything has been lost, as in the original, there will also be no new types of equipment, which becomes the ideal foundation for all new mod makers.

This mod is either radically new or absolutely unique. Ale, no matter what, try it all the same varto!

3 Mysterious stitches 2 (Tin of Chornobil)

The retelling of the original parts of the Stalker series is not recorded as often. “Secret Stitches 2” (“Secret Ways 2”) is one of them, and it is about those that happened before the “Tinі Chornobyl” podiums. A new line of plot quests, as intertwined with the masters of the original, reveals the reason for the arrival of the main character to Zonia. If only you don't run out of daily food about Strelka, that year has passed.

The tasks of the last part of the modi were changed and strongly supplemented, as well as adjusted. A large number of bugs and shortcomings, as well as plot “deaf cuts”, were fixed, which caused it to be added to our list of the shortest Stalker mods in history. After passing through these modifications, you will definitely not be left out.

4 Prostorova Anomaly 4.1 (Poklik Pripyati)

"Space Anomaly" version 4.1 - the last update and modification. Vіn turn on the correction of shortcomings in your own person, and bring in the group a new, zocrema and new task. How many times have they lied to a large part of the comments and proved it from the side of the game's sleepiness, which positively appeared on the mod.

Investigations here are carried out in the name of a person who was hired for the last few years on the Zvir, about him try to survive in a mystical place, like a Meshkantsy Zoni is called a "space anomaly", in the middle of which the laws of physics do not develop. Ammunition, medical kits, water, hedgehog and bolts - all the price of gold. Ale, obviously, it’s not possible to hire a legendary hire, and, I’m sure, you choose from the damned place.

5 Gold of Kul 0.6.6 (Tin of Chornobil)

An alternative name for the mod, "Zolota Kul: Completion", suggests to us what remains to be updated, and also, and to the very implementation. The creators presented us, from the beginning to the end, the history of the "suitability" of the stalker for the prize "Zhekan", which, having broken to the Zone, to know the legendary, previously unknown artifact - "Vikonavets Bazhan". Not changing the location of "Shadow of Chornobil" will be intertwined with a unique line of plot lines, introducing an even more mystical atmosphere, as if zapanuє near the main character. Unique quests, logically expanded quest lines, new NPCs and innovations - all this allows you to look at the familiar group from a different angle, and reshaping the gameplay will make it easier to rebuy in the Zone.

In addition to the cardinal plot changes in fashion, having removed some new products from the game systems, which allow the maximum intimidation of the gameplay and make you more interested in the passages.

6 Oblivion Lost Remake 2.5 (Tin Chornobil)

"Oblivion Lost Remake v2.5" - a new version of the Stalker mod, which fell in love with the rich: The Tin of Chornobil, in which the creators inspired the storyline from the 2003-2004 rock docs, which is rarely seen, which gives the gravel a look get away to the Stalker, what a boom in boom. It did not happen without a large number of bug fixes and shortcomings of the previous versions of the modification, which smoothed out the gaming process.

Let's talk more about the plot. There are gravitational representations of 2 main plot lines plus 1 alternative. And that means you'll roam around here.

From the innovation you can see:
- a unique plot, created from the editorial documents of the past decade;
- the possibility of splintering for the help of the intestinal PC, which adds the possibility of special dialogues;
- all apartments and single houses are now filled with all sorts of moth; Kupa of new design and equipment;
- Now you can fix the trunk and doors of cars. Tires have become shot through. It is necessary to refuel occasionally.

And a lot more. Without waiting sumnіvіv, zavantazhyte and play.

7 Valley Shorokhiv (Poklik Pripyati)

"Valley of Whispers" is a modification that introduces you to a new line of quests, which does not overlap with the plot of the original. The main hero of this story is a stalker on the Prizvisko "Max", like a bazhaє, like the greater number of pribulikhs to the Zone, a penny will grow up. Meta Yoga Poshukov – a mysterious and namingly expensive artifact – to the Heart of the Oasis. For the plot, we will move to a new unique location. Plus, to everything, it’s easy to find out what the Crimea will do by looking for an artifact: take part in the shootings, continue the new location of that її kutochki, which the human foot has never set foot before.

So, here is something to marvel at. Get one of the best mods for Stalker and get started!

8 Wind of the hour v1.3 (Call Pripyati)

The version of the plot mod "Wind of Changes v1.3" is the final one, and also, the most optimized and optimized one. The new update brought impersonal changes to the storyline, game process, graphical corrections, as well as innovation. Before the main one, you can see the appearance of new leaders like the head ones, as well as side ones, and all the stench in the distance add to the main storyline and give the opportunity to spend time on the territory of the “Dead Mist”. New system of generation of monsters Zoni with far її balancing, reworking of the hot atmosphere, new anomalous effects, such as psi-storms and radiation wikis - and still not all new items. The previous versions of the modification have not lost their incomparable benefits of the game.

An additional "gift" for gamers with weak PCs was the adaptation of all textures and shaders, game effects, NPS models and monsters. This function is completely optional, so if your computer is hard, you can simply skip this step. The innovation is especially relevant for PCs with an OZP of 3 GB and less.

9 SGM 2.0: Geonezis Addon

"Geonezis Addon" ("Addon: Genesis") for SGM 2.0 gives fashion to a new life. A new line of plot quests, over 50 additional quests, black characters, as new, and now you are familiar with parts of "The Tin of Chornobyl" and "Clear Sky", a couple of heroes from the book series S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - all tse rob mod one of the best in the trilogy.

The creators of the Geonezis fashion know the history of the characters already known behind the original games, their significance in the whole world of SCG Games, and also a little further. Is Kim Really Bov Myron? Where do you go after vikrittya vtik Flint? Why did Morgan from the Borg group go after the bandits, selling them zbroi? All the same richly you know, having passed the fashion to the end.

10 Call of Chernobyl

Behind the fact, "Click of Chornobil" is not a devil's mod, but a complete game, which combined in its own mission with the game trilogy. The platform for modification is the "Call of Pripyat" engine. Absolutely non-linear passage is supplemented by new modes: historical and survival. One of the key features is the choice of the main hero of belonging to the grouping that time to respawn (appear) on the game location. Modification can be praised for a long time, or better still, everything is in good hands.

11 Way near imli (Poklik Pripyati)

The plot modification of "Spectrum Project: The Way in the Haze" ("The Way in Haze"), with a lot of gamers know not a bit, but even more people have heard about the previous project "Spectrum Project". Yogo rozrobka bіdnovlenа and in our hour nabula contour independent gri. The key feature of the mod is writing from scratch a plot from a large number of options for completion, it will not be easy to develop any of them. To complete the mod, you need to complete a number of quests. Another important feature of the project is the addition of new territories created from scratch - the unique "Dead Place", laboratory "X5" and the laboratory complex "Bunker".

12 Lost World Requital (Tin Chornobil)

When you read one of the books of S.T.A.L.K.E.R., what did you say that you could have a meal in that suvoriy light and in the light of your eyes sing yogo, nebezpek and monsters, how could it be less in dreams? As it was said, just try this add-on, which completes our selection of the best mods for Stalker. From the first whilins, prepare yourself to the difficult, even if your skin can become a stop. The key feature of this, the fashion for STALKER is "spit on the balance", making the game process more complicated in all directions. Dedicated to all hardcore shanuvalniks.

After S.T.A.L.K.E.R. great number. On the back of the head, there were some unremembered changes in the structure of the grey, textures, the emergence of a new kind of design. Then small modifications appeared, like they gave the gravel vibrancy, immortality, distant haircuts. And yet, without a hitch, some of the gri gamers rozkustuvali and began to appear global modifications. Have a rating described the best mods for the group Stalker: The Tin of Chornobil.


Remain in the list of the best additions for Stalker: The Tin of Chornobyl takes a modification, which appeared at the end of 2014. The retailers of this fashion wrote that the cob type of the mushrooms buv bi tsіkavіshim, so as to add the plot line to the already obvious characters, so as to complete the rozpochat rozpovіd with the rozpochniks. A lot of objects relevant to the moment of creation, ordering, sbr was taken as a basis, but changed to the point of unknowing. In part of the graphics, the modification has acquired a new set of functions and improvements, for which the behavior of gravity and dovkillya changes. All cars now have doors, which are opened, and a trunk, they need to be refueled. The main character, in order to inspire strength, also needs water. When the hero's wrist computer appears, for help you can not only take your quests, but also the task of other graves.


The lack of energy has become the good of the Earth. A lot of welcomes appeared, as if they began to reap the majestic amount of energy. Conducting powers to prioritize the development of new types of generated energy, trying to natural resources. That is why big money is invested in science laboratories, as they try to take away alternative energy sources, or they joke about other sources of energy. When analyzing Zoni, it was revealed that in the middle there was something that vibrated even richer energy. On the territory of roztashuvannya, tse dzherelo may be in the heart of the sarcophagus of the station itself. The main hero of fashion, hiring an agent for a prize Photographer, becoming a stalker, to spend the middle of the perimeter and reveal the nature of energy.


Behind the perimeter, the death-bearing grouping under the name of the Apocalypse appeared. In the middle of summer 2012, a group of military and stalkers was sent to the city for the її iznischennia. The operation was successful and from the camp of vivaciousness to the base of the unintelligent container. Try yoga vіdkriti not small success. Approximately in a month, the military base was covered with clay by the magnetic field of an unknown march. The head hero signs a contract for searches and moving the container across the borders of the Zone. The features of this modification can be called: the plot changes; added more than 80 main and more than 100 other quests; a few options for the final situation. A lot of chanuvalniks in the Apocalypse were checked with great impatience for the modification of the trilogy.


Rating of the most popular mods for gri Stalker: Tіn Chornobil continues modification, expanded with gravel in 2011. The plot is often the foundations of the first part, but it is trying to find out deeply the reasons for the appearance of the main character outside the perimeter. Now the meta, as it is necessary to pragnate, has more understanding. The quests have been changed, although the stylization was left out in advance, but a lot of pardons and plot deaf cuts were corrected. In the modification, new characters and monsters were added, equipped with inventory items. Three new groupings have appeared, the style and place of salesmen have been changed. Chotiri of new locations appeared, cross those stitches between them, not stable, they are sprat, but lead all the way in one direction. To try to turn back, try to hit a new road. New sights and tricky artefacts appeared. At bari, degraves, spend a good hour and spend a lot of time, when an unimaginable totalizer appears.


For the whole hour, this modification was gradually supplemented and upgraded, overgrown with new abilities, characters and quests. The plot is even bigger than the hourly interval. Unified quests allow you to add impersonal new animated items. You can have your own safes with musical locks, books that you can read, automatic musical equipment and otherwise. The graphics have also changed. More than one new graphic element was added: the sharpness of objects was significantly reduced; having appeared the effect of the water, that rozmitіst nakhodzhennya under the water; the image of people on wet asphalt became realistic; the sun, the moon, the fog and more became more voluminous. At this modification for the passage of the zavdan, transport is actively stagnating. Changed yoga day, kut look around from the cabin of the water, becoming richer, dosit often zastosovuєtsya trunk.


Finishing the top five mods for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Tsya modification vrazhaє with its own luminous scope. There are about two hundred new quests, anonymous hidden shacks. Dekіlka of quests zavіshity vіrіshity shvidko not see, okremi navіt occupies an hour of passage more than tyzhnya. Looking at the foldability of the passage, a small cheat sheet was broken up, so as not to get lost in the labyrinths of the Zone. Like for a butt, you can see the quest, de the hero needs to speak with the character that he pretended to be a creature, but it’s already an intrigue. There is a great role for the new one, and how to turn a little more expensively in the middle of the perimeter, as if to ignore the creature.

4. Oblivion Lost Remake 2.5

The retailers tried to recreate one of the first characters of the archer, broken up on the cob in 2003. In modification, there are a couple of alternative ones. Quest fashion was taken from the old versions, but redesigned in a new way, through which they became more hospitable and cliquey. More items, taken from oneself, can be used for the help of a new gravitational artifact. I learned about the change in automotive technology. You can safely open the trunk and doors, pour fire into the car, shoot the wheel through the trunk. Even better, the global map and all types of monsters are well-painted. The stench turned out to be scary and menacing.


The third place in the top 10 best mods for the game Stalker: The Shadow of Chornobil takes the Autumnal Wanderers retailer. The main feature of the modification is the theme of autumn. The floorings are well adapted to the graphics of the autumn landscape, so that the gravel does not have a lot of doubt at the time of rock. Also music, graphic warehouses, character selection in the main theme. Added a unique poshkodzhen system. Even brighter and more commemoratively, the wounds, poshkodzhennya and suits of graves, are poshkodzhennya. The mutants have become almost foldable, it has become practically impossible to push them forward. A lot of anomalies and new artifacts appeared. The vіdmіnіstyu of this fashion was those who, with the adoption of the їzhі or the likuvanni, it is impossible to stop the streak. For this grave, to be recognizable, it is necessary to shuffle the quiet place, and not to rejoice at the light.


In the modification, there is a group under the Strilka command. You, as a member of yoga group, take part in the great number of fighting battles. ale Golovna thought to the plot, you should try to grow up in the minds of the jealously appointed to the meshchants of Zoni. Chi need You here, you will find a place among the stalkers and you will be deprived for a long time, the axis of the main plot of modification. You can see the peculiarities of this fashion: there is a large number of new locations; non-violent characters, how to create their own unique history; the quest line goes far to the other quests in the front parts of the mountains, in places without knowing the history of the forest, it will be important to complete the quest; even tsіkave voiced that rich anecdotes between battles with members of the group.

1. Nooks of truth

First place in the rating of modifications for gri Stalker: Tin Chornobil pos_v global mod 2013 rock. At the near past, a student, and at the same time a person, as if asking Oleksandr to come in handy, was sent to Zonia. Youmu is helped to pass through the wall by a guide. The plot of the game shows all the people together, how to live and fight for their lives in the middle of the perimeter. But let's take care of the emotional situation in fashion and there were a lot of action scenes, in which you need to fight for your life. Also, there are some quest tasks, in which it is necessary to think hard in order to pass them without getting stuck. It is also necessary to say that all the quests are elaborated in detail, the stench is hovering around all nine additional locations at once. The animation of the warehouse is rather complicated, so that there are a lot of scenes, as well as characters barvistimi. All locations have merchants, the exchange of artifacts in the warehouse is difficult.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Nooks and crannies of truth

Best fashion on STALKER

The fanatics of the STALKER series have created a few fashions up to the Igor series and in the middle of them you can see it as the top, so the shortest mods on the STALKER. Luckily, the fans of the biggest mods are not so great, but the best mods for STALKER, on the other hand, are in the center of respect for gravity. However, mods, like everything else, have one small peculiarity, and the fact that all the best mods on STALKER do not put graves on all available objects in a row, but exude a unique game step by step. In this article, all the best mods for STALKER will be reviewed, and it will also be told about those how to capture the best mods for a stalker. Varto means that you can download the stalker short mod without cost from the Stalker-Way website

1) Get the best mod stalker In order to download the best mod stalker, the STALKER-Way website requires you to click on one of the downloaded messages. After the file has been reloaded, the files should be moved to download archives from the folder with the file.

2) Call of Chernobyl Fashion Call of Chernobyl is very popular among fans in the STALKER series. Call of Chernobyl has taken its popularity away from the rich functionality of the fashion, and even after the installation of the graves, it hopes to have no original and unique rewards, most of which work in the free-play game mode. The creators of Call of Chernobyl made a significant number of changes and innovations for the group STALKER: Call of Prypyat. The authors of the mod have redesigned the economic system of gris, having created a trade in money for engraving. Also, mod retailers corrected the balance of the reset of the game order, globally rebuilt all the game characters, and also edited a lot of insignificant moments. Before the innovation, you can add: a hand tool for the creation of high-quality mods, the function of sorting out the armor, the hardcore folding mode "Legend", the new visual design of the NPC, as well as the faceless different shovans, spread all over the territory of STALKER.

3) Narodna Solyanka 2016 Yak and Call of Chernobyl, Narodna Solyanka 2016 is a global mod, but for the Call of Chernobyl, Solyanka was created for "Tin_ Chornobyl". Behind the words of the authors of Solyanka, the key method of development of the fashion was to reinvent the game content, created by the retailers at certain stages of the development of the game. A lot of fans in the STALKER series know Narodna Solyanka the best mod to the STALKER series. The reason for such statements lies in the rich facet and rich functionality of the mod, after the installation of some kind of game, there will be impersonal game possibilities and gameplay features. Most of the innovations introduced by the creators of mods, connected with the game armor, as they found out the additions, changes in the balance, and also on the territory of Zoni, a squirt of new types of development appeared. The authors of Solyanka increased their ammunition,

We edited the textures and animations of the firearms, as well as changed the main characteristics. Crimia was rebuilt, the authors of the modi bula edited the plot line of the grey, so it became trivial and dynamic. The main roles, after the mod is installed, will appear in new locations, and will also be associated with new characters.

4) Lost Alpha At the cob stage of the development of the "Tin Chornobil" was conceived as a gra, consecrated to the birth of an open world, a prote on one the rest of the stages created a grey, the retailers changed the basis of the gameplay, replacing the priorities of turning the light on the shooter. Such a solution was not worthy of such a solution for rich fans, and the Dez0wave modders started a step-by-step review, naming their project Lost Alpha. The name of the fashion came from the original name "Tiny Chornobyl" - Oblivion Lost. The development of the mod took three hours, but the authors of the project had to complete the work and publish the mod on various sites dedicated to the STALKER series. Through the promotion of ability and power of specialness, Lost Alpha quickly became popular among fans of the series. After the installation of Lost Alpha, graves hope to be able to interact with new game features, to which they can enter: mutant rotations, new locations, faceless unique tasks, as well as improved and improved recovery. Significant part of the innovation is closely tied to the playing world. Modi's retailers have added 28 new locations to the group, among them are the locations of the upcoming mountains of the series, and so are the locations, as if they were virizan at one of the stages of the creation of "Tiny Chornobyl". After the installation of mods, new mutants appear, new wikis that live under the earth, there are a lot of bells and whistles, as well as a new grouping of "Grіkh".

5) Zolota Kul Completed Zolota Kul Completed with the final version of the Zolota Kul series mods. All the mods of the series are aimed at changing the game plot and the development of an alternative history, which Zoni sees. Creators of the main storyline campaign, the creators of fashion added to the group a significant number of additional tasks that exalt trivality and wild dynamism. The authors of "Zolotoi Kulya" did not justify the new plot, but added to the grill some serious innovations related to the game process. The method of innovation was the very vigilance, as if there was more realistic design, even if there were signs of hunger, tomi, vitrivality, for some kind of gravity it is necessary to follow. Varto guess what the most gameplay ideas are, the authors of the mod, were in line with the popular OGSE mod. Before the key features of the "Golden Cool" one can see the presence of a great number

Skhovanok, as well as donations and stable transport, cashing at rich locations in the Zone.

6) Wind Change A lot of fans of the STALKER series already have a threefold hour to recognize the full continuation of the series, which was announced by retailers in the distant 2011 rotation. Different mods, zvichayno, embellished the tension of the ochіkuvannya, but even though they were not the actual continuation of the history of Strelka, the basis of which was shown in three games of the series. However, there were fashion workers, who were building a full-scale production, and as a result of their work, becoming a fashion Wind Change. At the moment, the mod is still going through the retailer, but regardless of the price, the current version of the mod is rakeable, if you want villoti and bugs, it will still be. The authors of "Vitra Change" added an alternative musical supremacy to the group, which is present in the early trailers of "Things of Chornobyl". However, the main innovations are the unique plot line, which is connected with the hero of the previous games of the series. The game graphics have also been changed, as it has become more modern and addictive, the animation of the cast of characters has been redacted, the textures of the extra light have been reduced, and the order has also been changed in the overall balance.

7) MISERY Mod MISERY, expansions for "Call of Pripyat", similar to Call of Chernobyl. Like Call of Chernobyl, MISERY is a global mod that expands the possibilities of engraving, prote the key features of MISERY are a great number of different innovations and advances. First: the creators of fashion edited the graphics of "Call of Pripyat" adding to their modi other versions Atmosphere and Absolute Nature. The graphic design of the in-game world became realistic: irzha and bullshit appeared, the faces of stalkers were covered with scars and streaks, the mutants became more invisible, the armor and armor were reduced in detail. In a different way: the authors of the mod rededicated the main gameplay: the wikidi became tighter and deadlier, the possibility of the interface expanded, the “osib” change mode appeared, the piece intelligence of the game was gradually improved, similar changes were recognized by the system A- life. It should be noted that the folding of the mushroom has been reduced and it is not possible to change it. In a third way: change the sound support and the interface. The total number of sounds of the bula was increased to 500, the sounds themselves became more gloomy and mystical, which added to the atmosphere, so new sounds of shooting and sounds appeared, which are ahead of the battle soon. In a nutshell and in general, the authors of the mod significantly added a lot of game systems along the way, making the passage of the storyline more hoary and dynamic, which to direct

To the reclaimability of fashion.

8) The Way at the Mgle The Way at the Mgle - story mod before "Cry to Pripyat", expansions of the Spectrum Project and releases from the grass of 2014. From the moment of its release, the global structure of the mod changed significantly, even though the authors of "Ways in the Mist" supplemented the key game systems, making them more funky and increasing their impact on the game world. The main changes came across the storyline, which was like an alternative to a single campaign in the original "Pripyat's Call". The authors of "Ways in Iml" significantly increased the number of available days, and also the deacons made the quests more "loose" and hoarse. The graphic part of the forest, like the plot, also recognized the change and additional work, which pleases the richness of the graves, like the will to take care of the locations at the search for high-tech pictures. The authors of the mod have suggested the quality of the existing textures, as well as corrected some of the present earlier pardons. The story, told in the fashion “Ways at the Imli”, is inhabited by the characters of the Church, it is full of inconspicuous and supplementary tasks. Guess what the majority of game pods will be like on old and new locations.

9) Hidden stitches 2 Mod "Taєmnі stitches 2", another modification of the series " Hidden stitch”, the first part of them, in their own time, took the great army of shanuvalniks, like vimagala in the form of authors of the fashion to continue the story told. However, the creators of the mod did not only create a great progress, but also create a powerful global mod. The plot part, like in the original "Taєmnih Stitches", is a prequel to all the stories that appeared in the games of the STALKER series and most of the story is connected with the story about Strelka's share: about his cob motivation and becoming in the Zone. And the “global” side of “Hidden Stitch 2” is a great collection of small mods that work well together. The key features of the mod are: a new musical design, the quality of which is significantly different from the original one, change the interface, and now a new vikonan menu in the style of the first directions shown by GSC Game World. New locations, grouping, characters appeared addendum tasks, as well as a new order, an exploration of that impersonal artifacts.

10) Prostorova Anomaly On the view of resurrected more mods, "Prostorova Anomaly" is inclusive of the plot mod and does not change anything, except for the main storyline. However, regardless of the meager number of innovations, the hardworking people summarily appreciated the "Space Anomaly" and many of them respect it as one of the best mods to the STALKER series. Can you explain the similar statement to them, that the "Space Anomaly" is rich in non-primary and hoary history,

Ambiguous moments and vinyatkovyh podіy, and all її scenario innovations are significantly shorter, lower selection of stupid content, which is taken from light fashions.

11) Black Stalker Black Stalker, like a mod, with a full extension of the "Space Anomaly", even though "Anomaly" added a new alternative plot to the green, then Black Stalker is a global mod, with present factors aimed at making the game process easier . Basically, changes carried out by retailers closely related to the game process: changed economical system, the scales of hunger appeared, after that help, all the mutants gained strength, changing the rozpodіl vtrat vibukhovoї zbroї, everything in the game was redacted, as if it ceased to be even more mіtsnim and it became “worn out” with a high swidkіstyu. The creators of the "Black Stalker" prepared engravings of independent quests, folding documents related to various topics, as well as graphic changes: reworking of game textures, re-animation of shooting and rukhiv, the appearance of new graphic effects and modernity zation of the old. Regardless of those that "Black Stalker" can't cіkavoyu іstorіє, rich in gravity of the wines, having been honored by their gameplay features, they have expanded widely among the great gravity and mod authors.

Gra Stalker: Poklik Pryp'yatі is good for you, who will have all the positive vibes that were in the front parts and builds of this masterpiece of gaming art. For this version Modi Stalker Poklik Pripyati is being actively created.

The city was released later for all and the retailers got pennies for those who wanted to implement in the middle of their project impersonal thoughts and technical innovations. Until then, these new innovations have become the basis of the legendary gaming series Metro 2033 and the coming games, as they came from these retailers. What is better than Survarium.

So chi іnakshe, і great projects could not become so popular, yakbee is not the first part of the game Stalker, which was released in 2006 on personal computers. Gra made a splash, even though it fell to the gusto of the active fans of the all-world Strugatskys, as the retailers slandered in the first days of the project's creation. After the exit of the first part of the gri, the retailers immediately took up the addon clear the sky in front of you, you need to select a set of programs and utilities to effectively change the resources of the Grid. Danish fact allowing the fans of the world to create their own powerful Koristuvalnitsky Modi Stalker, to add farbies to the group and add those that were not in the pure version.

People made various modifications, trying to make something new in the sadness. There were those who wanted to turn the old Belarusian atmosphere around, and in them, to the point of speech, it was miraculous. Passed the rocks and rozrobniks of amateur teams perfected their craftsmanship and created more and more serious projects. Modi Stalker Poklik Pripyati now were not similar to a handicraft collection (hodgepodge) from small mods, but became a good game with its own advantages in looking at a new plot, as well as a powerful graphic warehouse. Damn it, most of the global story mods Stalker Poklik Pripyati suchasnosti get-purely daily bugs, and optimization switched to miraculous mode and never ceases to please gravity.

With the help of modobudivniks, people continued to grati already old grue. A lot of journalists from the sphere of the city are stverdzhuyut, even though there are few old igors, they play so actively, like at the Stalker.

Modi Stalker Poklik Pripyatі є raznomanіtnі, and dividing їх it is possible on kіlka categories, so it was more convenient to shukati їх at merezhі:

Graphic Modi Stalker Call Pripyati

Graphic changes. This includes reshade and retexturing. Vtіm, there is nothing extraordinary here, just a game of decimal prescription becomes similar to current projects. The graphics are changed for all the legendary and all the favorite games. In the middle of retexturing the igor, you can see it as a stalker, so it is skyrim, minecraft and GTA. In all of these projects, graphics have become more than a few steps, becoming similar to the current part of the series.

Storyline Modi Stalker Call Prypyatі

Plot modi Stalker Poklik Priynyattya - the widest distribution, which is on all sites dedicated to this topic. Here you can know everything that is related to the reworked plot, as well as new stories on the old engine.

Gamelanes Modi Stalker Click Pripyati

Gameplay mods Stalker Poklik Priynyatta became popular for the rest of the world. They add new animations to the characters, change the shooter, walking, as well as different activities, related to the intake of even and medication.

Global Modi Stalker Click Pripyati

Global selection. The most popular global mod Stalker Poklik Priynyatya for the whole hour, the legend of the modobud under the name of the Lord of the Zone enters. її naming us to the point that її took a great number of fans, then it became popular. The warehouse includes both plot modifications and gameplay, seasoned with a well-chosen graphic warehouse. Folding can be done as if by yourself, so you can take advantage of the stock, ready for the butt of the King of the Zone.

Top 5 best mods Stalker: Poklik Pripyati

Umіltsі can destroy everything that can be changed. The world of modifications does not cease to amaze with new projects, which deserve respect. So, varto guess the Top 5 best mods Stalker: Call Pripyat, which were the most remembered in the last 2017 rotation.

Minuliy rіk vyyavivsya rich in modi, you can remember for such high estimates of projects, as they are dated by this hour. The projects of 2017 are already preparing their progress, so that the 2018 rolls will look the same.

Mod Zvyazkovy

The first mod on the list is Zv'yazkovy. Itself does not show the rating of our mods. The Danish project of creations is primarily based on the method of transforming the gameplay of the stalker into the category of the Action genre, making it richly dynamic and swish. The manager is now satisfied with one thing. The stench is opratsovani that may have some options for solution on the way to the point. The plot of this project will be about hiring a Mason, who is going to get into a group of degenerates who linger on the Zvalishchi. If people want to catch it, then the Naimantsev will find out how far they can unravel the mystery of the group. The hero traveled the same way all the way to the reached stalker, know true friends and deal with his enemies for help. The vіdchuzhennya zone in fashion has changed a lot, and the plot has become a standard pigun action movie, there are few of them on the stalker platform.

Mod Contract for the Garne of Life

The contract for a good life continues the theme of recruitment. The plot will be similar to the stalker Khmuriy, who has spent some vipadkovo before Zoni. Vіn comrades with newcomers, yakі virіshili pіti at the special operation. Vipadkovistity throws Yogo in unknown months and only ever can vibratisya in the presence of people who are unmarried and unmarried and wonder what became of him that yoga people. "The Second Zone" tells us about the history of Artyom, which is a pishov near the Zone for the sake of violating his good sister, as she lost her hearing through an unfortunate fall. The mod presents its grave new location with a new plot written from scratch. The artefacts here are more reworked and more friendly to engraving, lower analogous to the elements of the original grey.

Mod Call of Chornobyl

The call of Chornobil is the price of a word for the free passage of the Stalker. Here the graves rely on choosing the whole range of locations, choosing characters. Grati can be for anyone.


SGM rich knowledge, prote in 2017, the version 1.7 itself was seen, as it is more likely to be seen in the past. The plot here has been left unchanged, but colossal changes have been made to the game process. In the wild and the whole, the same gra itself, only with a different look at the passage.

Maud Shlyakh At the dark

The Way of the Darkness mod had new locations added, a completely new plot, additional character textures, dovkilla. In addition, some minor shortcomings and bugs in grі were corrected.

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