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Short zm_st povist step. Step, Czech Anton Pavlovich. Head heroes and their characteristics

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov


From the post office of the N-th province, with a linden wound, a shabby brichka, in which to sit the merchant Ivan Ivanovich Kuzmichov, rector of the N-th church, Fr. Christopher the Syrian (“little dove-haired child”) and Kuzmichov’s nephew boy Egorushka of nine years, messages to his mother, Olga Ivanivna, widow of the wheelchair secretary and sister of Kuzmichov, enter the gymnasium at the great city. Kuzmichov and Fr. Christopher is going to sell wool, Egorushka has been dumped on the path. Youma is summarily deprived of relatives, and they are separated from their mother. Vіn weeping, ale oh. Christopher yogo vtish, seemingly obvious words for someone who is bright, but ignorant is dark. Himself about. Christopher of illumination: “There were no more than fifteen roki, and I already said and vіrshi, adding the Latin all the same as Russian.” In a moment, the undefiled church car was broken, but the fathers did not bless the church away. Kuzmichov is against the zayvoї of enlightenment and respect for the administration of Yegorushka to the place of my sister. Vіn mіg bi prilashtuvati Egorushka to the point and without vchennya.

Kuzmichov and Fr. Christopher is trying to catch up with the convoy and such a friend of Varlamov, a famous merchant in the world, who is rich for rich helpers. The stinks come to the zazhdzhiy door, lord of that, Jewish Moses Moiseich to fawn before the guests and make a boy (yoma vin vіddaє gingerbread, appointments for the sick son of Naum). Vin " little man”, for which Kuzmichov and the priest are the right “pani”. Krіm friends of that child at yogo's house, yogo's brother Solomon is alive, proud and depicted in the whole world people. Vіn having burnt his pennies, which he got away from the recessions, and now he appears as a living brother, who is the head of his suffering, that is like a masochistic nasolody. Moses Moiseich yogo laє, Fr. Khristofor is shoddy, and Kuzmichov is unimpressed.

While the guests are drinking tea and redeeming pennies, Countess Dranitska arrives at the check-in, a harn, a noble, wealthy woman, a yak, like Kuzmichov, “robs” the Pole Kazimir Mikhailovich: “... she is young and bad. The wind is in my head so I walk.

We caught up with the convoy. Kuzmichov deprives the boy of the guards and violates the law. Christopher on the right. Step by step, Egorushka gets to know new people for him: Panteley, an Old Believer and a stately person, like a cypress spoon with a cross on live bait and drinking water from lamps; Omelyan, an old and innocent person; Dimovim, a young, unfriendly lad, like a father sends a wagon train, so that wine is not sown at home; Vasya, like a sleeper, having chilled his throat and suffering from the impossibility of sleeping more; Kiryuha, nothing particularly recognizable as a peasant ... From their roams at halts, the boy was wise, that all the stinks used to live better and went to work in the convoy through the need.

A great place in the story is occupied by the description of the steppe, which reaches artistic apotheosis in the scene of a thunderstorm, that rozmovi kіptyav. Panteley at night was a bagattya telling terrible stories, nibito from his life in the pivnichniy part of Russia, de vin pratsyuvav as a coachman at various merchants and spent time with them in use in foreign yards. Robbers lived there invariably and cut merchants with old knives. Navit lad razumіє, scho all tsі і ії ії napіvprimanі і, it's possible, navit not by Panteley himself, but why do you care for better rozpoіdat їх, and not real podії zі zі your obviously difficult life. Vzagali, at the world, passing the wagon train to the city, the boy heba sho to re-acquaint himself with the Russian people, and even more richly he is waking up to you marvelous. For example, Vasya can be such a hospitable sight that you can succumb to creatures and those, like stench, go far from people; wine is a living "beaver" (a variety of dried ribey to the type of piskar), with this guise of yogo, a lagid viraz is found. A new one has a sight and “not seeing the world” at once. Dimov suffers from excessive physical strength. It’s “tedious” for Yomu, and it’s tedious to kill a lot of evil: why do I drive in a vein, I want to, after the words of Panteley, a great sin, why I imagine Omelyan, and then we ask for forgiveness, etc. all of them are strangers to a new man, Crim Panteley.

Going to the place, the stink of strumming "that same" Varlamov, about the stylka was guessed earlier and which until the end of the day was filled with such a mythological image. Truly a whole year merchant, dilovy and master. You know how to behave with peasants, and with assistants; even more money for yourself and your pennies. Against this backdrop, uncle Ivan Ivanovich looks up to Yegorushka as a “little man”, like Moisey Moiseich, standing up on the aphids of Kuzmichov himself.

On the way, under the hour of a thunderstorm, Yegorushka caught a cold and fell ill. O. Khristofor is in the place of joy, and the uncle is even more dissatisfied, which adds to all the troubles about the power of the nephew. Voni s o. Christopher apparently sold the wool to the merchant Cherepakhin, and now Kuzmichov is shoddy, who sells part of the wool at home at a lower price. Vіn think only about pennies and tsim even worries about. Christopher, who is capable of accommodating the necessary practicality with thoughts about God and the soul, love for life, knowledge, may the father's lowering to the boy that іn. Three of the other characters in the field are the most harmonic.

The yoga towel arrives at the old friend of yoga mother Nastasia Petrivna Toskunova, as she signed private booth son-in-law and live with little onuk Katya in the apartment, de “richly having formed such letters”. Kuzmichov pays ten karbovents per month for the lad's morning. Vin, having already submitted documents to the gymnasium, will soon be able to get a good night's sleep. Having presented Egorushka for a hryvnia, Kuzmichov that Fr. Christopher go. The boy is wondering what Fr. Christopher vin no longer pat. “Yegorushka vodchuv, that with these people for the new one it has come to life, like a dime, all those who have lived through it; having sank down on the bench in an exhausted state and with bitter tears, having entered a new, unfamiliar life, now it was begun for a new one ... How will life be?

From one place, an early summer wound, from the first freshness, in which there were a merchant, Ivan Kuzmichov, priest Christopher the Syrian and Kuzmichov's nephew, the nine-year-old Yegor. The men go to the market to sell wool, but they take the boy with them at a price. Vіn їhav join the gymnasium.

Kuzmichov and Khristofor are trying to overtake Varlamov's convoy, the merchant's guide. Stinks in the zazhdzhiy door to the Jewish Moisey Moiseyovich. For the new guests, rich people, and Moses is encouraged to serve before them.

While the stinks were drinking tea and paying their pennies, Countess Dranitska appeared. There's more than a garna and a bagat pan, yaku, behind the words of Kuzmichov, robs the Pole, Kazimir Mikhailovich. Let's sweat, the stench is raising the convoy, it is depriving the boy there. Postupovo Egor got to know the guards. Among them are boules different people.

Significantly place in the work of the step. The apotheosis of the description of this expanse is reached at the scene of a thunderstorm. One of the columnists tells different stories, which, in his own words, were familiar with him at that hour, if he is alive on the beer night of Russia. And then the lad learns that all these terrible stories are half guessed. Moreover, in the course of the convoy, Yegor discovers a lot of things unknown to the share of the Russian people, and even to you, there are some wondrous things.

On the way to the place, the stench of Varlamov is heard, about the yak it was guessed at the cob of creation. Tsya dilova people were lordly and instilled. Porovnyuyuchi yogo s Kuzmichovich, Egor rozumіє, that the rest of the buv is richly lower for the provisions, lower Varlamov.

Under the hour of the storm, Yegor became very ill. Priest Christopher was engaged in yoga exuberance, and Kuzmichov showed dissatisfaction that it was necessary for him to bother with the sick boy. The stench sold the wool with a great profit to one dealer, and Kuzmichov was troubled a little, that the stench sold a part of the wool at a low price, still at home.

Kuzmichov vlashtovoy lad with an old girlfriend of his mother, as he lives with his onukoy in an apartment. Vin and Khristofor give Yegor a dime each and go. The lad of razumіє, that at once from the їkhnіm povіtom it was gone forever. Vin siv on the bench and cry.

In 1888 Chekhov's novel "Step" was written. A short answer will be given to this article. The creation has a new pіdhіd to opovіdі: part of the paintings are read through the sprinyattya action by the main hero - Yegorushka. They supplement the author's comments, as they help to reveal the peculiarities of the superfluous world and to understand the soul of extraordinary people.

Chapter 1

Early lipny wound. An old britzka hovered from the povitovogo place, like a young coachman Deniska. Three passengers were sitting by her: the rector of the church, Father Christopher, the merchant Kuzmichov Ivan Ivanovich, and his nineteenth nephew Yegorushka. The grown-ups went to sell wool, and the boy was taken to join the gymnasium.

This is how Chekhov "Step" begins. A short story is followed by a description of the sights of Egorushka. Vіn was left alone and now, looking around at all sides, guessing, as if on Great Day, walking to the church. And yet - like a grandmother died. I burst into tears and regretted it to myself. That uncle, Father Christopher, they started talking about the melancholy of war. And in front of the lad’s eyes, she already gave up unskinned (reportingly describe її do not allow you to signify) that after the steaming of life’s dew, everything drooped a little in the speck. building a windmill, which did not know everything.

Section 2. Halt

Opivdnі zupinilis white glass. They roztashuvalis under the convoy, ate liver eggs and pies. This is how Chekhov's "Step" is continued. A short essay to know the reader from the life of Father Christopher. Vіn z chіdіstva speaking kіlkom mоv, mаv pіznannya y rich sciences, mriyav nauchatisі from Kiev. But the fathers did not bless such a decision, and the young man left the white of the church, where all his life passed. At the same time, Father Christopher didn’t mess up, didn’t break the father’s will, even if it’s peven, you need to read it. Tsyu thought vіn instilled Yegorushtsі. Then they talked about wool and like Varlamov.

Having had a snack, they grew up and went to bed. The lad went down to the village, buried Deniskoy, but he slipped away, like a child still in his soul. Nareshti broke on the road, and until the evening before the eyes of Yegorushka, there were your own pictures, which were in the morning.

Partition 3. In the backyard

Already in the days of zupinilis at the middle-aged Jew. There was no distance between Moisei Moiseich, and the guests were not worthy of nothing: it was necessary to know the secret Varlamov. The merchant and the holy father overpaid the pennies - Egorushka would never buy such a thing. We drank tea. We talked to Jews about life. Sleepy Egorushka was often treated with gingerbread - the stench was scolded, that now there is no one to tell about the lad.

So you can know the topic of chapter 3 of that її short zmist. "Step" Chekhov continues with a description of the appearance of a Jew, in the neighborhood of Countess Dranitskaya, as well as being inspired by Varlamov.

Part 4

Nap_vsonny Egorushka s_v entrusted to Deniska. Vіn a mustache thinking about Varlamov, what a boon even richer and elusive, and about the decanter's harn. The smells and sounds of the steppe, burrowed at the temryavu, roamed Yogo. The sleeping boy was awakened by voices. Tse Ivan Ivanovich, having fed with the peasants, escorted the convoy, they caught up with the stench, about Varlamov. Then Yogorushka was transplanted onto a large bale of wool, wine, pleasure, which you can lie down with your hands, falling asleep. Having asked the peasants not to impersonate their nephew, the uncle asked them to take yoga away, so they stayed with the Molokans. Thus, the cob of a new division and yogo short zmist.

Chekhov's step is often described in his story. Ale vrantsі Egorushka more tsіkavili convoy that people, with yakimi vin їhav far away. A total of twelve people and five people accompanied them. The charge from the cart, on which the boy was lying, was old Pantelei, who said and slandered like that, then he froze.

If the wells were beading, Egorushka was rozgledіv reshtu mandrіvnikіv. A strong one, engraved in Dimov's company, who, having killed at a high price, vuzha and called out the dissatisfied decision of the vizniks. Omelyan, a colossal spivak, now having lost his voice. Black-bearded Kiryukh is not far-sighted. Completely sawing Vasya, what a moment of bachiti and a little bit those that were inaccessible to others.

Rozdil 5. On the river

It became unbearably hot. The rivers sang. The vizniki played by the water. If they caught cancer, they ran to the village for nonsense and caught fish, for which they cooked porridge. Yogorushtsі, scho tezh virishiv swim, zіpsuvav mood Dimov. The man grabbed yoga by the leg and did not drown a little. After that, the boy sat on the birch and watched over the grate.

About what does Chekhov write in his story? “Step”, a short story of what you read, including also a description of everyday life in a rural church, where you went to Egorushka, and zustrich іz kramar, who poured some tea for you.

Turning to the river, the hero at once z usima їv porridge and hearing rozpovidі muzhiks about їhnє kolishnє zhittya, as if we were better for ninіshnє.

Rozdіl 6. Bіlya bagatta

The navechir was broken on the road. The yogorushka marveled, as the stars appear in the sky, and thinking about the grandmother. It was given to you that you won’t die in any way. And Pantelei continued his inexcusable discourse.

Opivnochi set fire to the bagattya. While they were cooking porridge, they started a rozmov about the hammered white of the merchant's city. The theme was continued by Panteley, who, as if to believe in his words, once himself was not enough to become a victim of robbers. I wanted to hear a lot of guesses in the explanation, Yegorushka hearing yoga, clouding his breath.

Pіznіshe until the bagattya pіdіyshov don't know. Yogo young team went to the mother, and did not know where the children were. The happy-looking man yelled at all troubles. Nudga again swarmed the towel, and I climbed on my cart.

Throwing himself over, the lad hit Varlamov, whom everyone joked about in the steppe. Tse buv short man on an ugly horse. Having talked with the vizniks and barking your horseman, he rushed along the road. These were the two days of the new life of Yegorushka. However, this does not end with a short zmist. Chekhov's "Step" is continued by the same section.

Section 7. Thunderstorm

At night the fires sat again. Rozmova did not come out. Before that, Dimov, having provoked a welding with Omelyan, and Yegorushka, who from the very beginning, he had become hostile to the first of them, becoming the defender of the spivak. The troubled boy climbed on the bale and burst into tears, mriyuchi leaning back at home.

The distance darkened, it became stuffy. A violent thunderstorm blew up suddenly. The convoy collapsed forward, and Yegorushka sat on the bales, watching the numb fear. Youmu knew that the order was coming from behind. The hero is all wet and frozen. And in the presence of the grumbling thunder and gleaming sparkles, it was impossible to get together. On the back of his head Egorushka christened and called Pantelei. Let's sweat the wines, having blown up the sweat, that the storm will never end, and yogo vb'є. This is the scariest moment in the life of a lad, as it shows the plot of the story and a short story.

"Step" Chekhov A.P. continues with a description of the hero's ailment. Even in the rural hut, the wines didn’t grow up in a moment and mariv. And early vranci again broke on the road. The yogorushka strayed, shaking in the cold on its own cart.

Rozdil 8. Kіnets shlyakhu

Nareshti walked on the great road, and the boy felt Denis's voice. Father Khristofor roztered the sick man to Egorushka, then we twisted the carpet and the casing. From the roam of the grown-up lad zrozumіv, that the pleasure of the outside has gone.

Lies hero feeling healthy. And after that, they knew N. P. Toskunova, a friend of the mother. Ivan Ivanovich made a comfortable living with her, having ruled her nephew at the gymnasium, and already the next day, together with her father Khristofor, that Deniska had gone home. Yogorushka with tight tears and tears of life in someone else's house.

So ends A.P. Chekhov's "Step". A short sum for the divisions made it possible to convey only the key moments of the story.

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From the post office of the N-th province, with a linden wound, a shabby brichka, in which to sit the merchant Ivan Ivanovich Kuzmichov, rector of the N-th church, Fr. Christopher the Syrian ("little dove-haired child") and Kuzmichov's nephew boy Egorushka of nine years, messages to his mother, Olga Ivanivna, widow of the wretched secretary and dear sister Kuzmichova, enter the gymnasium at the great city. Kuzmichov and Fr. Christopher is going to sell wool, Egorushka has been dumped on the path. Youma is summarily deprived of relatives, and they are separated from their mother. Vіn weeping, ale oh. Christopher yogo vtіshaє, kazhuchi zvichayni words of the one who is bright, but ignorant is dark.

Himself about. Christopher of illumination: "There were no more than fifteen rokіv, and I already said and vіrshi folded in Latin all the same as Russian." In a moment, the undefiled church car was broken, but the fathers did not bless the church away. Kuzmichov is against the zayvoї of enlightenment and respect for the administration of Yegorushka to the place of my sister. Vіn mіg bi prilashtuvati Egorushka to the point and without vchennya.

Kuzmichov and Fr. Christopher is trying to catch up with the convoy and such a friend of Varlamov, a famous merchant in the world, who is rich for rich helpers. The stinks come to the zazhdzhiy door, lord of that, Jewish Moses Moiseich to fawn before the guests and make a boy (yoma vin vіddaє gingerbread, appointments for the sick son of Naum). Vіn "little man", for some Kuzmichov that priest - right "pani". Krіm friends of that child at yogo's house, yogo's brother Solomon is alive, proud and depicted in the whole world people. Vіn having burnt his pennies, who got away from the recessions, and now he appears as a living brother, who is responsible for his suffering and pid.

From the post office of the N-th province, with a linden wound, a shabby brichka, in which to sit the merchant Ivan Ivanovich Kuzmichov, rector of the N-th church, Fr. Christopher the Syrian (“little dove-haired child”) and Kuzmichov’s nephew boy Egorushka of nine years, messages to his mother, Olga Ivanivna, widow of the wheelchair secretary and sister of Kuzmichov, enter the gymnasium at the great city. Kuzmichov and Fr. Christopher is going to sell wool, Egorushka has been dumped on the path. Youma is summarily deprived of relatives, and they are separated from their mother. Vіn weeping, ale oh. Christopher yogo vtіshaє, kazhuchi zvichayni words of the one who is bright, but ignorant is dark. Himself about. Christopher of illumination: “There were no more than fifteen roki, and I already said and vіrshi, adding the Latin all the same as Russian.” In a moment, the undefiled church car was broken, but the fathers did not bless the church away. Kuzmichov is against the zayvoї of enlightenment and respect for the administration of Yegorushka to the place of my sister. Vіn mіg bi prilashtuvati Egorushka to the point and without vchennya.
Kuzmichov and Fr. Christopher is trying to catch up with the convoy and such a friend of Varlamov, a famous merchant in the world, who is rich for rich helpers. The stinks come to the zazhdzhiy door, lord of that, Jewish Moses Moiseich to fawn before the guests and make a boy (yoma vin vіddaє gingerbread, appointments for the sick son of Naum). Vіn "little man", to whom Kuzmichov and the priest are right "pani". Krіm friends of that child at yogo's house, yogo's brother Solomon is alive, proud and depicted in the whole world people. Vіn having burnt his pennies, which he got away from the recessions, and now he appears as a living brother, who is the head of his suffering, that is like a masochistic nasolody. Moses Moiseich yogo laє, Fr. Khristofor is shoddy, and Kuzmichov is unimpressed.
While the guests are drinking tea and redeeming pennies, Countess Dranitska arrives at the check-in, a harn, a noble, wealthy woman, a yak, like Kuzmichov, “robs” the Pole Kazimir Mikhailovich: “... she is young and bad. The wind is in my head so I walk.
We caught up with the convoy. Kuzmichovostavlyaє lad with guards and virushaє z about. Kuzmichov deprives the boy of the guards and violates the law. Christopher on the right. Step by step, Egorushka gets to know new people for him: Panteley, an Old Believer and a stately person, like a cypress spoon with a cross on live bait and drinking water from lamps; Omelyan, an old and innocent person; Dimovim, a young, unfriendly lad, like a father sends a wagon train, so that wine is not sown at home; Vasya, like a sleeper, having chilled his throat and suffering from the impossibility of sleeping more; Kiryuha, nothing particularly recognizable as a peasant ... From their roams at halts, the boy was wise, that all the stinks used to live better and went to work in the convoy through the need.
A great place in the story is occupied by the description of the steppe, which reaches artistic apotheosis in the scene of a thunderstorm, that rozmovi kіptyav. Panteley at night was a bagattya telling terrible stories, nibito from his life in the pivnichniy part of Russia, de vin pratsyuvav as a coachman at various merchants and spent time with them in use in foreign yards. Robbers lived there invariably and cut merchants with old knives. Navit lad razumіє, scho all tsі і ії ії napіvprimanі і, it's possible, navit not by Panteley himself, but why do you care for better rozpoіdat їх, and not real podії zі zі your obviously difficult life. Vzagali, at the world, passing the wagon train to the city, the boy heba sho to re-acquaint himself with the Russian people, and even more richly he is waking up to you marvelous. For example, Vasya can be such a hospitable sight that you can succumb to creatures and those, like stench, go far from people; wine is a living "beaver" (a variety of dried ribey to the type of piskar), with this guise of yogo, a lagid viraz is found. A new one has a sight and “not seeing the world” at once. Dimov suffers from excessive physical strength. It’s “tedious” for Yomu, and it’s tedious to kill a lot of evil: why do I drive in a vein, I want to, after the words of Panteley, a great sin, why I imagine Omelyan, and then we ask for forgiveness, etc. all of them are strangers to a new man, Crim Panteley. I don’t love yoga and be afraid, like a trifle afraid of all those strangers for a new peasant, Crim Panteley. Going to the place, the stink of strumming "that same" Varlamov, about the stylka was guessed earlier and which until the end of the day was filled with such a mythological image. Really - a whole year merchant, dilovy and master. You know how to behave with peasants, and with assistants; even more money for yourself and your pennies. Against this backdrop, uncle Ivan Ivanovich looks up to Yegorushka as a “little man”, like Moisey Moiseich, standing up on the aphids of Kuzmichov himself. On the way, under the hour of a thunderstorm, Yegorushka caught a cold and fell ill. O. Khristofor is in the place of joy, and the uncle is even more dissatisfied, which adds to all the troubles about the power of the nephew. Voni s o. Christopher apparently sold the wool to the merchant Cherepakhin, and now Kuzmichov is shoddy, who sells part of the wool at home at a lower price. Vіn think only about pennies and tsim even worries about. Christopher, who is capable of accommodating the necessary practicality with thoughts about God and the soul, love for life, knowledge, may the father's lowering to the boy that іn. Three of the other characters in the field are the most harmonic. The yoga towel arrives at the old friend of yoga mother Nastasia Petrivna Toskunova, as she signed a private house for her son-in-law, who lives with little onok Katya in the apartment, de “richly formed that letter”. Kuzmichov pays ten karbovents per month for the lad's morning. Vin, having already submitted documents to the gymnasium, will soon be able to get a good night's sleep. Having presented Egorushka for a hryvnia, Kuzmichov that Fr. Christopher go. The boy is wondering what Fr. Christopher vin no longer pat. “Yegorushka vodchuv, that with these people for the new one it has come to life, like a dime, all those who have lived through it; having sank down on the bench in an exhausted state and with bitter tears, having entered a new, unfamiliar life, now it was begun for a new one ... How will life be?

From the post office of the N-th province, with a linden wound, a shabby brichka, in which to sit the merchant Ivan Ivanovich Kuzmichov, rector of the N-th church, Fr. Christopher the Syrian (“little dove-haired child”), that nephew of Kuzmichov, the lad of nine years, letters to the mother, Olga Ivanivna, the widow of the wretched secretary, that dear sister of Kuzmichova, enter the gymnasium at a great place. Kuzmichov and Fr. Christopher is going to sell wool, Egorushka has been dumped on the path. Youma is summarily deprived of relatives, and they are separated from their mother. Vіn weeping, ale oh. Christopher yogo vtіshaє, seemingly zvichayni words of the one who is bright is light, and the ignorant is dark. Himself about. Christopher of illumination: "There were no more than fifteen rokіv, and I already said and vіrshi folded in Latin all the same as Russian." In a moment, the undefiled church car was broken, but the fathers did not bless the church away. Kuzmichov is against the zayvoї osvіti and vvazhaє the administration of Yegorushka to the place of my sister. Vіn mіg bi prilashtuvati Egorushka to the point and without vchennya.

Kuzmichov and Fr. Christopher is trying to catch up with the convoy and such a friend of Varlamov, a famous merchant in the world, who is rich for rich helpers. The stinks come to the zazhdzhiy door, lord of that, Jewish Moses Moiseich to fawn before the guests and make a boy (yoma vin vіddaє gingerbread, appointments for the sick son of Naum). Vіn “little man”, to whom Kuzmichev and the priest are right “pani”. Krіm friends of that child at yogo's house, yogo's brother Solomon is alive, proud and depicted in the whole world people. Vіn having burnt his pennies, which he got away from the recessions, and now he appears as a living brother, who is the head of his suffering, that is like a masochistic nasolody. Moses Moiseich yogo laє, Fr. Khristofor is shoddy, and Kuzmichov is unimpressed.

While the guests are drinking tea and redeeming pennies, Countess Dranitska arrives at the check-in, a noble, rich woman, a yak, like Kuzmichov, “robs” the Pole Kazimir Mikhailovich: “... she is young and bad. There is a wind at the head, so I walk.

We caught up with the convoy. Kuzmichov deprives the boy of the guards and violates the law. Christopher on the right. Step by step, Egorushka gets to know new people for him: Panteley, an Old Believer and a stately person, like a cypress spoon with a cross on live bait and drinking water from lamps; Omelyan, an old and innocent person; Dimovim, a young, unfriendly lad, like a father sends a wagon train, so that wine is not sown at home; Vasya, like a sleeper, having chilled his throat and suffering from the impossibility of sleeping more; Kiryuha, nothing particularly recognizable as a peasant ... From their roams at halts, the boy was wise, that all the stinks used to live better and went to work in the convoy through the need.

A great place in the story is occupied by the description of the steppe, which reaches artistic apotheosis in the scene of a thunderstorm, that rozmovi kіptyav. Panteley at night was a bagattya telling terrible stories, nibito from his life in the pivnichniy part of Russia, de vin pratsyuvav as a coachman at various merchants and spent time with them in use in foreign yards. Robbers lived there invariably and cut merchants with old knives. Navit lad razumіє, scho all tsі і ії ії napіvprimanі і, it's possible, navit not by Panteley himself, but why do you care for better rozpoіdat їх, and not real podії zі zі your obviously difficult life. Vzagali, at the world, passing the wagon train to the city, the boy heba sho to re-acquaint himself with the Russian people, and even more richly he is waking up to you marvelous. For example, Vasya can be such a hospitable sight that you can succumb to creatures and those, like stench, go far from people; wine is a living "beaver" (a variety of dried ribey to the type of piskar), with this guise of yogo, a lagid virazu is found. At a new one, there is a sight and “not seeing the light of the world” at once. Dimov suffers from excessive physical strength. It’s “boring” for Yomu, and it’s tedious to kill a lot of evil: why do I drive in a vein, I want to, after the words of Panteley, a great sin, why I imagine Omelyan, and then we ask for forgiveness, etc. all of them are strangers to a new man, Crim Panteley.

Going to the place, the stink of strumming "that same" Varlamov, about the stylka was guessed earlier and which until the end of the day was filled with such a mythological image. Truly a whole year merchant, dilovy and master. You know how to behave with peasants, and with assistants; even more money for yourself and your pennies. Against the backdrop, uncle Ivan Ivanovich looks up to Yegorushka as a "little man", like Moisey Moiseich, standing up on the aphids of Kuzmichov himself.

On the way, under the hour of a thunderstorm, Yegorushka caught a cold and fell ill. O. Khristofor is in the place of joy, and the uncle is even more dissatisfied, which adds to all the troubles about the power of the nephew. Voni s o. Christopher apparently sold the wool to the merchant Cherepakhin, and now Kuzmichov is shoddy, who sells part of the wool at home at a lower price. Vіn think only about pennies and tsim even worries about. Christopher, who is capable of accommodating the necessary practicality with thoughts about God and the soul, love for life, knowledge, may the father's lowering to the boy that іn. Three of the other characters in the field are the most harmonic.

This towel arrives at the old friend of yoga mother Nastasia Petrivna Toskunova, who signed a private house for her son-in-law and lives with her little granddaughter Katya in the apartment, de “richly forming that letter”. Kuzmichov pays ten karbovents per month for the lad's morning. Vin, having already submitted documents to the gymnasium, will soon be able to get a good night's sleep. Having presented Yegorushkov for a dime, Kuzmichov and Fr. Christopher go. The boy is wondering what Fr. Christopher vin no longer pat. Egorushka vіdchuv, that with these people for the new one it has come to life, like a dime, all those that have been experienced; having sank down on the bench in an exhausted state and with bitter tears, having entered a new, unfamiliar life, now it was begun for a new one ... How will life be?”

Option 2

From the same place, an early summer wound, from the first freshness, there were a merchant, Ivan Kuzmichov, priest Christopher the Syrian, and Kuzmichov’s nephew, the nine-year-old Yegor. The men go to the market to sell wool, but they take the boy with them at a price. Vіn їhav join the gymnasium.

Kuzmichov and Khristofor are trying to overtake Varlamov's convoy, the merchant's guide. Stinks in the zazhdzhiy door to the Jewish Moisey Moiseyovich. For the new guests, rich people, and Moses is encouraged to serve before them.

While the stinks were drinking tea and paying their pennies, Countess Dranitska appeared. There's already a garna that bagat pani, yaku, behind the words of Kuzmichov, robs the Pole, Kazimir Mikhailovich. Let's sweat, the stench is raising the convoy, it is depriving the boy there. Postupovo Egor got to know the guards. Among them were different people, who went to work in the convoy through the need.

Significantly place in the work of the step. The apotheosis of the description of this expanse is reached at the scene of a thunderstorm. One of the columnists tells different stories, which, in his own words, were familiar with him at that hour, if he is alive on the beer night of Russia. And then the lad learns that all these terrible stories are half guessed. Moreover, in the course of the convoy, Yegor discovers a lot of things unknown to the share of the Russian people, and even to you, there are some wondrous things.

On the way to the place, the stench of Varlamov is heard, about the yak it was guessed at the cob of creation. Tsya dilova people were lordly and instilled. Porovnyuyuchi yogo s Kuzmichovich, Egor rozumіє, that the rest of the buv is richly lower for the provisions, lower Varlamov.

Under the hour of the storm, Yegor became very ill. Priest Christopher was engaged in yoga exuberance, and Kuzmichov showed dissatisfaction that it was necessary for him to bother with the ailing lad. The stench with great profits sold the wool to one dealer, and Kuzmichov a trifle of embarrassment, who sold part of the wool at a low price, still at home.

Kuzmichov vlashtovoy lad with an old girlfriend of his mother, as he lives with his onukoy in an apartment. Vin and Khristofor give Yegor a dime each and go. The lad of razumіє, that at once from the їkhnіm povіtom it was gone forever. Vin siv on the bench and cry.

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