Friendly and unfavorable monthly days
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Young month by month table.

Vidminno To achieve success, it is necessary to correctly distribute your time and importance. important steps for pleasant days. Vibrati date for

family saints The monthly reporting calendar will help you with your business progress and progress in 2018..

Monthly energy is closely related to the energy field of a person, health and psychological comfort.

Recommendations will help you to find harmony with yourself and extra light, enjoy the new day and overcome life’s difficulties with ease. monthly calendar

Sichen 1-2 days:

The month of the Lord is Cancer. The month begins with a new month in the zodiac Cancer.

This means that on the first day of fate, it is important to pay attention to your emotions and think well before making any decisions. 2nd day As the month begins to subside, on this day it will be possible to easily overcome old problems, borgs and bygone images.

3-4 days: The month continued to decline, turning into the Suzir of Leva.

This period will be favorable for any important trips or trips with guests. 5-7 Monday:

The waning Month at Diva's. The energy of these modern days brings harmony to the calm at home and everyday troubles.

8-9 pm: It's a month with Sir Tereziv.

This period is reserved for any meditative practices, yoga, early childhood or light physical exercise. growing month in Ribi.

This winter period is good for financial benefits, big purchases and investments in new projects. 22-24 today:

The month continues to go through the growth phase, moving to the demise of Aries. This period will be neutral in its energy, and all possible successes will lie in the reports of our forces.

25-26 today: The month of the Lord is Taurus.

The earthly energy of this Sign is united with the energy of the Month, with growth, acceptance of the fertilized family, fusing with distant relatives and friendly fusing. 27-28 today:

It's the month of the Lord Bliznyuks. These days will include activities such as sports, hanging out with friends and short trips in search of new enemies.

29-30 today:

It's a growing month for Suzira Raku.

This year is a period of success for the romantic plan and for the long-term story. 31st day:

On the last day of the month, Suzira Leva is very positive about spending time with other people. This day is a wonderful day for an important trip, a get-together with friends, or a party.

Lutius The fierce energy of the planets accepts the planning of future issues.

At this time it will be very important to save your strength and not waste it. By working on yourself for a month, you can lay a great foundation for future accomplishments, so that you can immediately look at the signs that you wish for the All-World.

1 fierce: The month has fallen for Suzir Lev.

The first day of the month will be kept away for any inquiries related to the gatherings and mass visits. 2-3 fierce: The month continues to go through the cycle of decline, turning into Suzir'ya Divi. Our strong energy is positively infused into the family’s daily meals.

4-5 fierce: It's a low month for the sign of Aquarius, which is positively focused on creativity and thoroughness.

You can discover new talents and achieve inner harmony through audio meditation and special practices. 16-18 fierce:

Month at Ribach. This three-day period will be even more distant for any commercial interests, security operations or valuable papers. On the 16th of February there will be a New Moon. 19-20 fierce:

The growing month in Aries may impact your emotional state Both positive and negative aspects: everything depends only on your mood. Try to spend more than an hour with your loved ones.

21-22 fierce: The month of Taurus will be filled with great strength and will be able to generously bestow you with its energy.

At this hour you can reach the poor one without special practice

: you need to believe in yourself and stand firmly in your own way 23-24 fierce:

growing month at the Bliznyuks.

The energy of this substance has been revived and can be used for merging, new knowledge and the formation of brown bonds.

25-26 fierce: the growing month of the suzira Raku.

This period is neutral in its energy, so you will be able to achieve great success without finishing the zusil. 27-28 fierce:

During the growing month of Leo, we will be able to support with our energy everyone whose work is closely related to singing, people, and Christmas celebrations. Berezen

In the first spring month, plans and dreams, made in the fierce, may take away the support from the appearance of real actions. Just like this day, sown on cold winter days and warmed by the birch sun, our goals are to begin our development. 1-2 bereznya: As the month progresses, Suzira Divi will use the first day of the month at the end of the day for household chores and daily meals.

11-12 Bereznya: The month will be deprived of the Sagittarius lord and move to the Capricorn lord.

This time is perfect for completing work orders, business negotiations and finalizing purchase and sale agreements. 13-15 Bereznya:

As the month wanes, in the zodiac Aquarius it is important to increase your strength and be able to generously bestow energy on everyone whose work is related to activity and otherwise related to creativity. Don’t be afraid to take risks and bravely go to your destination - this way you can get the bananas off in a short time.

16-17 Bereznya: The month will complete the cycle of decline, moving into Suzir'ya Rib.

Young month 17 Birth can help you achieve success in everything you have planned, as you can listen to the joy of your loved ones. 18-19 Bereznya:

Growing Month for the Lord Aries. The energy of this Sign is driven by impulsive decisions and conflict, so try to respect your word carefully.

20-21 Birth: The month is growing in Taurus.

In this symbol, the power of the Earth’s satellite has increased greatly. In fact, this winter period can be the best time to organize everyday meals, meetings with relatives and family trips.

22-23 Bereznya: Month at the Bliznyuks.

The energy of the twins has been revived to help achieve success for everyone whose work is related to information and personnel management. 24-26 Bereznya: During the growing month, the sage of Cancer will spend part of his strength, so this tridenal period will be neutral. The achievements of the desired and successful entries at this time will lie inclusive of the reports.

27-28 Bereznya:

The month will be overtaken by Cancer and move to the zodiac Leo.

These dates will be an ideal time for celebrations, Christmas celebrations and corporate events. The month is falling for Suzir Tereziv.

On the first day of this spring month, your special success will depend on your mood. Try to teach yourself how people will love and understand you, and not use terminology for another hour.

2-3 quarters: Month for Scorpio.

The energy of the lean month, those connected with the strong flow of energy of the zodiac Scorpio, are susceptible to increased flexibility, concentration and resolution. This is the perfect time to complete projects, finalize contracts, etc.

4-6 quarters: The month continues to go through the decline phase, moving into the suzir of Sagittarius.

This three-day period will be off to change your diet, take up active sports and go on long trips. 7-8 quarters:

Month at Kozerozia. This hour, replete with the strong earthly energy of Capricorn, is a good time for gatherings with distant relatives, travel, work and routine activities.

9-11 April: The month has fallen for Aquarius.

This hour-long period will be extremely convenient for preparing tests, obtaining certificates and completing initial programs. 12-13 quarter:

The month will be cleared from the Aquarius branch and move to the Pisces branch. This period is a good time for drawing up purchase and sale agreements, investing in business and making large purchases. 14-15 quarter: waning Month in Aries.

The impulsive and unstable energy of Aries can slightly ruin plans and cause a quick reaction to new surroundings. Don’t lose your presence of mind and you will be able to get out of any situation with honor.

16-18 quarter: It's a growing month for Suzira Divi.

These two days may turn out to be the most pleasant hour per week. The strong energy of the zodiac Virgo is associated with success in any work related to everyday life and family values.

27-28 quarter: It's a growing month at Teresa's.

This winter period will be reserved for relaxation, spa treatment, meditative practices and looking after your body.

29-30 quarter: The month, which is growing, in the surname of Scorpio, is positively applied to career development in any field. To achieve success and develop your dreams, you will need to report and show your strengths. On the remaining day of the month, you can get help from special practices and rituals. Traven

In the rest of the spring month of 2018 especially significant

Your mother remembers to find a good word with distant people and make new acquaintances. To straighten your skin, you need some support, and know which of your friends, acquaintances and loved ones will not deprive you of

Vazhu Khvilina will help in the development of astronomicality. 1 herb: Month for Scorpio on the first day of the month we will experience the most old problems, the most tensions and conflicts.

2-3 herbs: This month in early Sagittarius you can use this year away to start a new baby, increase your sports interests and carry out medical procedures in the future.

4-6 grass: The month will continue to decline, moving into the suzhira of Capricorn.

This hour may appear in the distance to settle financial matters and complete in-line robots

and closing projects. 7-8 herb:

The month has fallen for Aquarius. On these numbers, luck can bring students, as well as those whose work is related to their skills.

9-11 May: The growing Month of Cancer can have both a positive and a negative impact on the sphere of feelings and emotions.

To avoid unpleasantness, try to control your words and actions. May 20-21:

For a month, continue to go through the growth phase and move on to the decline of Leva. This period may include long trips and exciting walks with close friends.

May 22-23: Diva's growing month.

It is important for the zodiac Virgo Month to strengthen its energy, so during this period, any dealings associated with moving, repairs and furnishings of the home will be successful. May 24-26:

During the growing month of Teresa, throughout this tridenal period, we will experience success in everyday work, as well as in any practices related to the search for internal motivation. May 27-28:

The month is growing for the lord of Scorpio.

This time may be favorable for career development, preparation of important documents and medical procedures. May 29-31: It's the month of Streltsa.

This month, on the 29th, fill the energy fields with intense energy, and you will be able to get whatever you want without much effort. On the 30th of May the month is different than the cycle of decline, which may lead to a sharp decline in energy and a decrease in self-esteem.

Cherven In the first month of summer, our skin will be able to strengthen its energy field, filling it with a flow of energy.

For whom is it necessary to spend more than an hour on fresh air

: long walks, combined with meditation and an hour of walking, will help you find harmony with too much light 1-2 chernies:

The month of Caperosis is falling, use this period away to complete work projects, change the place of work and move any kind. 3-5 chernies:

The month will continue to go through the decline phase, moving into the waning phase of Aquarius. This is the time to embrace creativity, and we will also be away for long trips.

14-15 chernies: The growing month will move into the sage of Cancer. These days you may receive special respect close people

: To avoid conflicts and problems, try to properly divide your time between work and work. 16-17 chernia:

The month of Suzira Leva welcomes the success of any trips, holy and spiritual contacts with old friends. 18-20 chernies:

The growing month will move into the suzira of Divi, having significantly strengthened its energy. During this period, any trips to distant places may turn out to be extremely difficult. 21-22 chernies: It's a growing month at Teresa's.

At this time, some practices may appear in the distance, connected with the thought of one’s life's path

, as well as a robot, which is directly related to finance. 23-24 chernies: The growing Month for Scorpio will have a beneficial effect on the results of any steps associated with changes in work and illumination..

25-27 chernia: The growing month of Sagittarius can especially strengthen the energy of athletes and dancers, adding energy and

vital forces 28-29 chernia:

Month at Kozerozia.

This is the month of the month to complete the growth phase. The new month of the 29th is for the blessed one: for whom it is necessary to immediately mark the signs of the Share. 30 worms:

The month of Aquarius is falling and the last day of the month of 2018 will be extremely ripe for any manifestation of creative talents. Lipen

Another summer month especially respect

Your loved ones may need it. A well-organized vacation, a weekend trip to the forest, or just frequent walks with the whole homeland will help relieve stress and reduce stress.

1-2 linden: The month of the sage of Aquarius can pleasantly touch the sphere of special feelings, feelings and emotions.

Don't be afraid to show affection and show affection, and perhaps your feelings will be reciprocated. 3-4 lime trees:

The month will be cleared from the Aquarius branch and move to the Pisces branch. The month of Cancer will end its decline phase on the 12th.

Young month of the 13th of this year, let’s find harmony in our lives with people dear to you. 14-15 linden:

The energy of the growing month in the zodiac Leo welcomes the success of exciting visits and trips. 16-17 linden:

Diva’s growing month can be positively influenced by the results of any household issues that arise during this period. 18-19 linden:

It’s a month to continue to grow and move into Tereziv’s reign. This period may appear even further away for long-distance migrations, disturbances and relocations.

20-22 linden: As Scorpio's month progresses, take this hour away to change your image, make purchases, and change your wardrobe.

23-24 linden: The month of Sagittarius is significant for increasing your energy, and this period can lead you to success in any team work.

25-27 linden: The month of the zodiac Capricorn ends the growth phase on the 27th.

Throughout this period, success will accompany you from any right people connected with your homeland. 28-29 linden:

The fall month for the sage of Aquarius can have both a negative and a positive impact on the expression of creative potential.

Try to remove the tiles and devote more than an hour to gentle practice.

30-31 linden: The month of Pisces is falling and can give encouragement to everyone whose work is related to finances and valuable papers.

Serpen The rest of the summer month is the hour for the first full-fledged pouches of the new robot. Esotericists please do not forget about the inner, spiritual self-refinement. Mastering meditation will help you save your life’s strength and avoid such bad luck.

1 sickle: The month has fallen in Suzira Rib.

On the first day of the month, the energy will be neutral, which means that your success in any area of ​​life depends on your efforts. 2-3 sickles:

The month is falling for the sage Aries. This period will have brown

physical importance Month at Levi's.

This month is the end of the decline phase. The young month of the 11th can help you turn your dreams into reality and achieve success with the help of proper planning.

12-13 crescents: Diva's growing month.

At this hour, a strong energy was shining, giving support to all the rights associated with the family and house. 14-15 sickles: The month of Suzir Tereziv will give energetic support to all practices related to the updates and expansions of the energy field. 16-18 crescents:

growing month for Scorpio. This hour is filled with the strongest energy, the highest nourishment associated with a special lane,

medical quilts But if you take care of yourself, you will be quick and forgive us.

19-20 sickle: The energy of the growing month in Sagittarius will not be very strong, so your well-being and good self-esteem will lie with you. 21-23 crescents: growing month in Capricorn.

During this period we can keep away those people whose work is connected with cultivation, the transfer of knowledge and mastery. 24-25 sickle:

The month of the sage of Aquarius. This hour will be friendly for all appearances

creative work, competitions and zmagan. 26-28 crescents: The month of the zodiac Pisces ends its growth phase on the 26th.

The next month of this day may completely ruin plans and lead to conflicts and clashes.

The beginning of the recession cycle on the 27th sickle will improve the situation, and the expert site will please you to relieve stress and worry about your health throughout this period. 29-30 sickle: waning Month in Aries.

On these dates, the energy of the month will be weakened: in order to achieve such great success, you will have to report the chimalikh zusil. 31 sickles:

The waning month of Taurus on the remaining day of the crescent will welcome success in any financial transactions

, great purchases and penny investments. Veresen

In the first autumn month of 2018, it will be important to preserve the blessings of the future. The month of Levy is falling and will bestow its energy on those people whose activities are connected with the celebrations of the saints.

9-10 monday: Virgo’s young month on the 9th will be energetically neutral, and therefore, your success during this period will benefit from special contributions from a special time.

11-12 monday: Teresa's growing month is positively influenced by the result of any activity related to her endeavors.

13-14 monday: For a month, continue to go through the growth phase and enter into an alliance with the Scorpio lords.

At this time we can appear even further away to look after ourselves, shop and enjoy great shopping. 15-17 monday:

The month of the Sagittarius ruler can create this period even further for any kind of success or failure. 18-19 monday:

The growing Month of Capricorn will give its encouragement to those people whose work is connected with valuable papers and financial ruins. 20-22 monday:

It’s a month to continue to grow and move to the end of Aquarius. This period will help you achieve success in any endeavors related to creativity.

23-24 monday: growing month in Ribi.

At this time, there will be some issues related to finances, positions and valuable papers. 25-26 monday:

The new month for the surname of Aries on the first day of this period will be energetically neutral, so you can get basil from your life only with the help of special rituals. The beginning of the change phase on the 26th may be successful for sports trips and long trips.

27-29 monday:

The month is falling for the lord of Taurus. This three-day period will be completely off for moving, repairs, or buying and selling items. 30th monday:

The waning Month for the Twins on the remaining day of the month to work even further for distant shifts and disruptions. Zhovten

In the year 2018, the main leitmotif may be the search for inner and outer calm. We will help you get ready for the cold autumn weather you need

luscious teas and collect the herbs.

1 roast: It's a low month for the twins. Always a strong position The first day of the month 2018 will be far away for those whose activities involve long trips. 2-3 roasts:

8-9 zhovtnya: A month at Teresa's.

On the next day of this period, the Earth’s satellite will complete its decline phase: The new month of the Lord Tereziv will be the next hour for beginning any sphere of life. 10-12 zhovtnya:

The month is growing for the lord of Scorpio. This time may be too late to change activities, move, or start new off-the-grid projects.

13-14 zhovtnya: The growing month of Sagittarius is positively applied to those whose work is connected with physical work.

15-16 zhovtnya: For a month you will continue to go through the growth phase and move to the end of Capricorn.

This period will not be available for any transactions involving securities, financial injections and banking operations. 17-19 zhovtnya:

growing month in Aquarius. This triday period may appear favorable for any creative work, long trips and family activities.

20-21 zhovtnya: Growing Month in Susira It is important to spend this hour away for people who work in the field of finance and valuable papers.

22-24 zhovtnya: The growing month will move into the waning month of Aries and the growing phase will end with the rising month on the 24th.

Throughout this period, astrologers urge you to be extremely careful and not to provoke conflicts with others. 25-26 zhovtnya:

The month is falling for the lord of Taurus. At this time, success can be attracted into their lives by people who deal with non-destructive materials, deposits and valuable metals.

27-28 zhovtnya:

The month will continue to decline and move into the surname of Bliznyuk.

This period will be favorable for those who are able to manage themselves in unsatisfactory situations and competently seize on the use of rejected information for their own purposes. 29-30 zhovtnya:

The waning month of Cancer. The month of Suzira Divi.

This triday period will be favorable for any kind of work associated with the improvement of living space. 5-6 leaf fall:

The month has fallen for Teresa. This time can be set aside for special growth practices, meditation and yoga.

7-8 leaf fall: Month for Scorpio.

This day it was getting dark to end the decline phase. Young month for the lord of Scorpio on the 7th, bring good luck to everyone who has spent their life in the beauty and fashion industry.

9-10 leaf fall: The growing month at Streltsa.

This period will be favorable for any physical activity, as well as sports activities. 11-13 leaf fall:

The growing month of the sage Capricorn is favorably influenced by the result of transactions related to financial interests and earthly robots. 14-15 leaf fall:

The month of the sage of Aquarius. This hour can bring success to people connected with creativity in any way it manifests itself.

16-18 leaf fall: growing month in Ribi.

This three-day period may appear in the distance for major purchases, renovations and financial investments. 19-20 leaf fall:

The month continues to go through the cycle of growth and transition to the demise of Aries. This hour may appear not far away, so try to protect yourself from conflicts, quarrels with loved ones and supernatural attractions.

21-22 leaf fall: During the month of growth, in the surname of Taurus, set aside this period for any household chores, spending time with close relatives and family trips.

23-24 leaf fall:

Month at the Bliznyuks.

The month ends the growth period on the 23rd. The month is falling for Suzira Divi.

This day can be spent away for family outings, housework, and cooking. 2-3 breasts:

The month will continue to decline and move into the reign of Tereziv. This time will be positive for small physical needs and changes in food intake.

4-5 breasts: It’s a month for Scorpio to make this period extremely positive and away from changing your style or haircut.

6-8 breasts: It's the month of Streltsa.

The young month of the 7th breast will appear in the distance for new beginnings in any sphere of life, and the transition to the growth phase on the 8th will help to strengthen the energy flow. 9-10 breast:

growing month in Capricorn. This hour will be positive for any issues related to property, purchases and financial investments in expensive metals.

11-13 breast: The growing month of the surname of Aquarius welcomes the development of creative buds and successful trips to distant destinations.

14-15 breast: The month continues to go through the growth phase, having passed from the Suzir Rib.

This time we will be away for those whose work is closely connected with finances and valuable papers. 16-18 breast:

growing month in Aries. The weak position of the month can lead to illness on the 16th. Astrologers throughout this period should beware of the great avarice of people and respect their self-esteem. 19-20 breast:

As the month of Taurus progresses, we will experience success in dealing with daily problems and problems associated with close relatives. 21-22 breast:

It's the month of the Lord Bliznyuks. This hour, especially the first month of the 22nd, can appear in the distance for sleepy trips with friends, long-distance flights and chats with friends.

23-24 breast: The month of Cancer has fallen and we will kindly flow onto the sphere

love marriages waning month for Scorpio.

The rest of the day will be favorable for the sake of everything unnecessary that one has lived and deserves for the sake of life. A good way to move your mood is to spend time with your loved ones and loved ones. Monthly calendar - dzherelo

brown trees

at any time.

How do you want to plan your...

Over time, many ways to find out about your future have lost their relevance - the remains of them have been removed by modern science. However, having lost one, it has undergone the verification of time and the complexity of current studies and has become one of the necessary elements for forming your calendar for every known person.

There is a monthly calendar, which you will learn about from the materials in this article.

What is the monthly calendar 2018

For a long time, people have been watching over the natural satellite of our planet and noted that the Moon does not look the same now.

Initially, in the past, everything in life, with a mythical rank, was reduced to the Month, but later people realized that not all processes that occur on our planet flow into it.

However, the Moon is a powerful natural magnet that simply cannot but be present on the Earth and the creatures that inhabit it.

Monthly calendar with flow of monthly days (additional) , which is rarely avoided with significant calendar dates. A month has several phases and a number of transitional periods. Phases of the month of 2018 are marked by a sudden attack of zusil and a ruined camp.

The body changes from a passive phase to an active one, which can cause people to feel unwell and technology to fail.

During the day, when the month moves into a phase of growth, many people feel a surge of strength. This hour is best spent on making plans for the future and actively implementing them. The passive phase is the final phase, the fourth phase of the Month.

This day you should complete your work, do less active work, and spend more time relaxing.

Friendly and unfavorable monthly days


scientific points

dawn, friendly and unpleasant days, looking for help during the month that occupies the Sun and the Earth.

On a pleasant day, it reaches 60 degrees, which brings about a special monthly influx: increased strength, efficiency, and concentration.

Unpleasant days are indicated around 120 degrees.

At this point, people feel a lack of energy, decreased brain activity, and lack of self-respect.

It is extremely undesirable these days to interact with suspicious people and make suspicious approaches that may end in inconvenience.

Immediately after the appearance of the young month in the night sky, the growing phase of the Moon will equalize with spring and connect with the element of the Earth.

During this period, which runs from the 1st to the 7th day of the month, the human brain activates its work, people discover emotional importance and begin to think about creativity. As a rule, in the case of plans that are carefully formed in this phase, all the possibilities come into play. The flow of the growing month is even more friendly when entering

rural dominion


Summer residents and city dwellers noted that the plants planted these days grow quickly, suffer little illness, and give rise to miracles.

Persha quarter

This phase corresponds to the period from 8 to 15 days of the monthly calendar and is associated with the element of Water.

Like summer, the first quarter is suitable for travel and refurbishment, as well as for a comfortable refurbishment in your home country.

The first quarter is successful for negotiations and work change. People today effectively deal with the problems that have accumulated, successfully carrying out apparently unacceptable negotiations and hoping for a positive result for themselves.

Last month and third phase of the month

The new month urges people to actively expend their vital energy, leading to emotional overexcitation and sleeplessness. In the new month, it is easier to avoid serious illnesses and surgical operations, and it is also strictly not recommended to replant trees. Drinking alcohol during this period can lead to unpleasant consequences, provoking a number of accidents and road accidents.

Decreased immunity can provoke the development of illness, which means that your health will be affected.

Active activities in this phase of the month will not work, so you may not have the strength to complete them.

Phases of the month for 2018 by month

The folded list shows the exact ear of the skin from the monthly phases of 2018 according to the Moscow hour.

  • Sichen:
  • Old month – 02.01, 05 years 04 months 03 seconds;
  • last quarter – 09.01, about 01:25:13;
  • young man - 17.01, 05:17:12;
  • first quarter - 25.01, 01:20:20;

New month – 31.01, 16:26:32.

  • Lutius:
  • last quarter – 02/07, 18:53:51;
  • young man – 16.02, 00:05:08;

first quarter – 23.02, 11:09:00

  • Berezen:
  • New month – 02.03, 03:51:09;
  • last quarter – 09.03, 14:19:58;
  • young man – 17.03, 16:11:52;
  • first quarter - 24.03, 18:35:12;

New month – 31.03, 15:36:48.

  • Kviten:
  • last quarter – 08.04, 10:17:44;
  • young man - 04/16, 04:57:12;
  • first quarter - 04/23, 00:45:35;
  • povnya – 30.04, 03:58:12.
  • last quarter – 08.05, 05:08:43;
  • young man - 15.05, 14:47:31;
  • first quarter - 22.05, 06:48:57;

New month – 29.05, 17:19:39.

  • Cherven:
  • last quarter – 06.06, 21:31:51;
  • young man - 13.06, 22:43:15;
  • first quarter - 20.06, 13:50:50;

New month – 28.06, 07:53:14.

  • Lipen:
  • last quarter - 06.07, 10:50:50;
  • young man - 13.07, 05:47:56;
  • first quarter – 19.07, 22:52:25;

New month – 27.07, 23:20:34.

  • Serpen:
  • last quarter – 04.08, 21:18:04;
  • young man - 11.08, 12:57:37;
  • first quarter - 18.08, 10:48:29;

New month – 26.08, 14:56:12.

  • Veresen:
  • last quarter – 03.09, 05:37:32;
  • young man - 09.09, 21:01:32;
  • first quarter - 17.09, 02:14:55;

New month – 25.09, 05:52:22.

  • Zhovten:
  • Last quarter – 02.10, 12.45;
  • young man - 09.10, 06:46:59;
  • first quarter - 16.10, 21:01:51;
  • New month – 24.10, 19:45:08;

Last quarter – 31.10, 19.40.13.

  • Leaf fall:
  • young man - 07.11, 19:01:53;
  • first quarter - 15.11, 17:54:16;
  • New month – 23.11, 08:39:14;

last quarter – 11/30, 3:18:47.

  • Breast:
  • young man – 07.12, 10:20:21;
  • first quarter - 15.12, 14:49:15;
  • New month – 22.12, 20:48:37;

last quarter – 12/29, 12:34:19.

Keep in mind that the transition from one monthly phase to another is unpleasant for the psyche and can be accompanied by nervous tension. Marvel video

Our website presents a monthly calendar for 2020.

You will benefit from everyday actions and help make life easier.
By struggling with this knowledge, you can end up with compromises, wrong decisions, and unnecessary wastage of energy and strength.

If you need to achieve success with the right, you must quickly use the calendar and schedule them accordingly to the position of the month.

The monthly river, like the primary sonic river, is formed over 12 months.
The duration of the monthly period is close to 354 days, which is 11 days less than the monthly period.
2020 is a leap year, New Year has 1 day more.

The monthly month goes from young to young and lasts 30 days.

Don't make a mistake about it.
Approximately half of the month of the month has an unfinished cycle - 29 monthly days.

Months outside the cycle create great psychological stress, the days of such months develop more rapidly, and critical days are strongest.
Monthly phases
The monthly cycle has four critical points - New Month, Old Month, First Quarter, Fourth Quarter.
This is the moment of the month to move from one phase to another.
The change of phases affects people and our lives.
At this hour, the Month is in a tense aspect until the Sun, or the young ones join with it.
These are times when we experience a lot of stress.
Most accidents, accidents, and illnesses are occurring this hour.
Immunity may decrease and mood may deteriorate.
New month and 1st quarter
The body of the new moon is most relaxed, people are irritated and easily fall ill.
Obviously, they can go unimportantly.
Alcohol has a stronger effect this time of year, which means that the number of conflicts and conflicts for people increases.

This is the phase of active internal action. For the New Month, it is recommended to make plans, think through ideas, draw a card, and dream. Young month of 2020
25 September about 01:42 23 fierce about 19:31 24 Bereznya about 13:28

23rd week about 06:25

Emotional awareness may develop at the surface, and life expectancy is decreasing.
The popularity of mercy is increasing, people are becoming emotional and passionate.
You may have nightmares or sleeplessness.

Once a person has been enriched with new evidence, he gradually reduces his external activity, and has a need to suppress the current knowledge.
At this time, new stereotypes are being formed and people are moving to new automatisms.
The hour of the new month until the 4th quarter is the period of passive external activity.
You have already started a project in the first quarter, and continue to work actively in this phase.
Save new accomplishments and better plans for the month of growth.
New month of 2020
10 pm about 23:22
09 fierce about 05:43
09 bereznya about 21:49
08 week about 06:35
May 07 at 14:46
05 chernya about 23:26
05 Lipnya 08:46
03 sickle about 20:00

02 monday about 09:23
02 zhtenniya about 01:06

31st month about 18:49

30 leaf fall about 13:44
30 breasts about 07:29
After the exact 4 QUARTERS, a person’s self-criticism and their stereotypical behavior decrease, at which time old ideas can easily be recalled.

After this, the interest in the outside world gradually fades away, overwhelming the person in the power of experience.

This is the phase of passive internal action.
An hour, if all your efforts have already led to the desired results, have formed a whole picture, and you analyze those that have already been produced, fill up your bags.
At this hour it is necessary to prepare for a new plan for the coming month.
Monthly and Sonyachne darkening in 2020
At the moment of darkness, all negative energy comes out.
This is a very unpleasant and important period that greatly affects people.

On Monday 30 February 2020, the capital will be re-trained (home self-isolation) for all residents of Moscow regardless of age.

Confirmatory decree number 34 - dated March 29, 2020. signed by Mayor of Moscow Sergius Sobyanin on February 29, 2020. new document make changes (additions) to the previous Decree No. 12 - dated 03/05/2020.

It's obvious What can be done and what cannot be done until the new Decree.

Despite the introduction of a self-isolation regime, in certain situations you can still leave the house.

Let's compare and drop below.
In some cases you can leave the house:
* Once upon a time there is an emergency for emergency medical care.
* Once guilt threatens your life and health.
* When direct to the place of activity (work), the work is not fenced.
Previously we wrote about those
* To purchase products and goods – go to the nearest store.

* For those who roam their own animals, the distance is no more than 100 meters from the place of residence.

* If necessary, take out the waste to the nearest place where waste has accumulated.
If you still left the house out of necessity, you must adhere to a number of rules.
How to behave on the streets, in large towns and in public transport:

* It is necessary to maintain distance (social distancing) so as not to come closer to other people at a distance of less than half a meter, except for taxi rides.
* Please adhere to special markings due to social distancing in those areas where this has been applied.
The provisions of the Decree are not expanded:
* na vipadki nadannya honey.
* on the activities of law enforcement agencies and other bodies whose activities are directly responsible for the safety of communities.

* On the development of automobile transport.

* for citizens who have seen special crossings. * depending on arrival and departure from the place. Until what date we will impose a self-isolation regime for all residents of Moscow starting from 30 January 2020:

In the published document

no end date specified for the complete self-isolation regime, what will be announced on March 30, 2020.

For now, the self-isolation regime will last until April 30, 2020.
Kviti hibiscus (Sudanese Troyanda) - viroschuvannya, bark and skoda
Sudanese Troyanda hibiscus vyroschuvannya s nasinnya
Actinides are distant relatives of the kiwi