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If carnivals take place in Latin America. Strings of farbi carnivals of Latin America. Unknown Saints of Latin America

If there is snow in us, the time of carnivals begins at the sleepy summer Latin America ahead of Great Lent. To sing the famous move of the naked chicks, who dance the samba under the beat of the drums, you can go not only to. A whirlwind of merry madness swept through these days over the mustaches of the continent.


The most grandiose show of the planet will be held in the rest of the week before the fast at Rio de Janeiro. Zvichaї ritual dances The African slaves and the European traditions of the Catholic migrants, the authorities of the Holy Trival peace before the day, have changed and changed this year on the barvy course-stranger between the 14 most famous samba schools. Zagalni merry rozpochinayutsya on Friday from the moment, if the measures give the keys to the place of the king of the carnival, who becomes a full-fledged ruler, who can be seen as a law. The skin school of sambi is preparing a vlasny ledge, which is three times 82 hvilin. The column, which can be defiant in front of the viewers of that jury, is composed of 3-5 thousand osіb: tse and “pishi” beautiful, that they dance, and platforms that collapse, place on which you can buy, be-a kind of mischief, who will not be separated from kіlkom hundreds of euros, in order to walk 700 meters by the sambadrome - a special alley, sharpened by stands. At the skin of the school sambi tsiliy rik rehearse dances, sew costumes, think over the design of the carriage, expand the scenario of the theatrical walk, and in Brazil it seems that the carnival begins on the next day after completion.


The flamboyant dances and songs, bright embers, embellished with feasts and sparkles, do not flood the streets of Argentinean cities for two months. In this country, a found carnival is held near the world. Approximately from the first Saturday of September to the first Saturday, the birch trees of the streets are full of dancers, like a rhythmic beating of hundreds of drums, the samba is beaten. Moreover, nayyaskravishi svyata are called not in the capital. If you want to go to the epicenter of the podia, go to the places of Gualeguaychu, Corrientes, Libres and Pasodelos. The carnival fields - "corsodromos" and found tribunes for peeping people are checking on you there.


Vlasny carnival є navіt near tsіy small country. Do not miss the holy sight - the grandiose parade near San Pedro! Among the most popular actions are the magic of dancers, and the most popular sound is that people dressed up in women's clothes are the most popular. Tilki, putting on your best outfit for the carnival, know that at this hour it is customary to sip one of one with different colors of powder.


For whom the regions of Bolivia would not have known, the ten-day carnival will cheer you up. Fun holy z'appeared in the 18th century, if the Indian monks were embarrassed to disguise their pagan rites for the catholic saints. The most famous, recognized by the UN "Spiritual tombs of the people" carnival will take place near the city of Oruro. Dozens of thousands of well-dressed dancers and musicians take part in the main parade, which is three 20 years old. The most recent dance of this festival is about the struggle between good and evil and is called the devil. And the five-kilometer walk will end with the solemn worship in front of the church, the consecration of the Virgin Mary.


For Venezuelans, carnival is the most sacred thing. For a few days the life of the country of the world is over, and in the old places there are colorful visits, moreover, the skin has its own. Having passed through a lot of villages at the same time, you will see how the traditions are completely different: in some, music festivals are held, in others - go, in others - folk performances are played. In the meantime, it is not recommended to raise the price of the carnival in the country: it’s necessary to sit at the kermo for a lot of people drunk and intoxicated with different speeches, which will cause a great number of accidents.

Dominican Republic

Yakshcho swayed great pіst If you think that you have already missed all the carnivals, go to the Dominican Republic. It is holy in this country to start only on the 28th of the fierce and three-year-old day (if in the provinces they can roam so much under the rhythms of the national melodies of the merengue that they don’t chirp until the Great Day). The head character of the wistav is the devil. Moreover, in the skin region of the country, yoga is accepted to be taken in its own way. The final course of the carriage, which arrived from the countryside, will pass at Santo Domingo, on the embankment. Right there, near the capital, they distribute hedges for the most beautiful ledge.


One of the largest carnivals in the world will take place near this country, UNESCO is haunted by the intangible cultural heritage of the people. Misce dії - the place of Barranquilla. A lot of fate in that religion sacredly zmіshalos z mіstsevim traditions: African slaves celebrated their single day of rest. The theatre, songs, dances - everything got angry when they bought it and turned into a grandiose, hoarsely sight. The first parade will take place at the village. Vin is based on reading the decree. Walk at night, childish processes, march in orchestras to celebrate the sprat of tyzhniv.

Trinidad and Tobago

The carnival of this critical island state does not compromise with the Brazilian carnival. The tract is three for only 2 days, but it is the most beautiful, wild and shalen sacred by the entire Caribbean Sea. The carnival is celebrated near the capital in Queen Savannah Park. Days and nights, without interruption, just pass through the sky, music and dance shows, fairs, exhibitions, all kinds of barwists, shows and competitions of calypso - the unique music of African slaves, as they fought to fight, and that the stench of zmusheni will replace Rozmov with a special song yami.


The spring carnival in Atakami is perhaps the most touristic of all similar Latin American saints. Only the less fortunate foreigners are allowed to watch everything that comes to mind in the light of their eyes. The inhabitants of the city don’t mind that outsiders took the fate of someone else, and that’s why it’s not necessary to inform the visiting guests, de vin pass. If you feel the music and spіv in a vipadkovo way, get ready to be unstoppable: in the days of all, it is customary to sip on the boar, and then water it with grape juice. Chile's carnival is not similar to the famous barvy dancers. In Atakami, the participants in the action ... carol: walk around the houses, drink their supplies, and take in the sight of the masters, inconspicuously frequent.


Carnival near Dominica is the best hour for seeing the island. During the days of costume dressing, the streets of the capital - Roseau, are held, where baristas and dance competitions are held to select the queen of the carnival, and calypso dances are celebrated at the viconan song on the most important rock topics. Mistceve did not sacredly become an exact copy of other Caribbean carnivals, but preserved the cultural traditions of the island and those of the settlers. Before one hour, the participants of the carnival dress up in traditional Western African costumes, embroidered with bobbins and banana leaves and supplemented with a mask. And the celebration of the spalling of the spirit of the carnival is coming to an end, which marks the beginning of Great Lent.

Anastasia Gvendiaeva 15.02.2010



10 class

Lesson - presentation

Objectives of the lesson: To formulate a global statement about the cultural and economic features of the lands of Latin America.

To develop independently independently master the various sources of information.

To develop tolerance towards culture of the peoples of other peoples of that country.

Ownership: political map of the world, atlases, tables, illustrations, computer presentations.

Motto of the lesson: If you can help enlightenment, you can only get by the path of self-enlightenment.


I. Organizational part

Presentation of the teacher (theme, number, motto of the lesson, encouragement to learners)

II. Motivation primary activity uchniv

Latin America is one of the most famous historical and geographical regions of the world. Sailors-persoprokhіdtsі, having washed the shore, once realized what the price of new lands was for them. Particularly averting the respect of the growing world.

The Danish region has no record of nature, both in geography and among the inhabitants of the country.

Tse zuhvaliy, volitional character, multiplying by expansiveness chi, if you want, a special spirit, which inspires people of this region for the world.

If Columbus stepped on the land of Kubi, he would fight against the beauty of the masses. Yaka otchuala yogo. And after saying the famous words: “I don’t have anything beautiful in my life!”

I, really, tim, who want to see the Mayan civilizations and the Inks, the mandriving people with an active life position, gourmets, who appreciate the unique reserves and the smallest places on the planet - in La itself teen America.

You are all, America Latino,

In Russia, in music, in fire.

Live like a new picture

On the arch of an old canvas!

III. Introduction of new material

1. Reception "Association"

Latin America is a fair carnival, igniting the rhythms of tango.

Who else is associated with this region?

The words "Latin America" ​​are written on the doshtsi, write down everything that is associated with this region in your thoughts.

Cava carnival tango sombrero salsa

\ \ \ / /

Piranha -- Latin America -- football

/ / / \ \

Selva cacti Aztecs Tequila Incas

2. Presentation of the study "Memoirs of Latin America"

3. Presentation of the study “Business card. EGP Latin America"

The skin of the region has its own peculiarities, which bring it wide popularity and popularity. Everything is shown at the visiting card. / presentation /

4. Competition "Know Cards"

Є vyslovlyuvannya, scho "Geography starts from the threshold, and ends at the All-world".

Therefore, it is necessary to freely orientate yourself with maps of different lands.

To the skin letter, name Latin America and choose the name of the geographical object of this region.

L - ima A - ruba

A - Argentina M - Mexico

T - itikaka Yermosillo

I - guasu R - esefi

H - caragua I - kike

C - uriname K-olumbiya

K - caracas A - sunsion

A - mason

I am Mike

5. Creative director of the "Association"

Latin America is truly great natural resources with different minds.

Everywhere there is a growing awareness that the skin region of the world, the skin country has its own colors. How do you blame the colors of the nature of the krai of Latin America on your mind? Why?

Blue - sky, sea.

Turquoise - sea, ocean.

Bily - ice-makers, snow near the mountains.

Bily - sand on the beaches.

Zeleny - foxes.

Brown - burn.

Chervoniy - lava of volcanoes.

Zhovtiy, golden - sun, pisok.

6. Presentation of the study " natural mind and resources of Latin America"

What will your associations do with the action?

7. Presentation of the study "World Records of Nature in Latin America"

8. Presentation of the study "Population of Latin America"

Latin America is a region with a population that is rapidly growing.

Latin America is a gigantic geographic community, populated by numerous peoples and nationalities, who are in close contact one by one, giving birth to new ethnic denunciations. / presentation /

9. Geographical note “What is it? Who is it?"

Selva - Aztecs

Machu - Picchu - maracas

Surfing - Gaucho

maracabo - pampas

Metisi - Quechua

lama - samba

Sombrero - Atacama

10. Presentation of the study "Industry of Latin America"

Latin America, being, in the literal sense of the word, on the other side of the world, in our mind looks like an exotic continent, to grow bananas and dosi, maybe, to breed natives.

But it’s true that the great places have a flourishing business. Latin America occupies an industrial area between the developed countries, which are developing, because won't sit here for the first time for the general craftsmanship of the middle of the country, which are developing, moreover, the craftsmanship is obganya girnichodobouvnu.

/ presentation /

11. Black box.

For the description, see what the box has.

Among the peoples of America, tsya roslina is small especially poshanu, їy was assigned verses, songs, legends. God's plank was depicted with flowers of growth. From the new one they cook borosno, oliyu, starch, canned food. Indians prepare hominy and call tsyu roslina - maїs. What is it? / corn /

Qiu roslina to know usi and її is called “other bread”. Bringing yoga to Europe Christopher Columbus. In Spain, yoga was called - "tato", in Italy - "truffle", and in France - "apple earthlings".

The Queen of England embellished her crown with flowers of roses.

In Russia, a bunch of people were forced to grow yoga.

Today is growing on the skin city. What is it? /potato/

Latin America is the motherland of chili peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, pineapples, and watermelons.

12. Presentation of the study " Silsk state Latin America"

In most countries of Latin America important area material virobnitstv є silske gospodarstvo.

At Rest of the Rocks galuzia is randomly developed in Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Uruguay, Colombia.

Victory achievement of the "green revolution", the great specialization of the state of these lands will ensure stable growth in the production of the strong state.

The rich country of Latin America plays with the world export of agricultural products. / presentation /

13. Presentation of the study "Transport of Latin America"

Roads are like a mirror of the country.

The economic development of the region and the connections between the Latin American countries are streamed through the insufficient development of transport, and ahead of the land. / presentation /

14. Introduction to the study "The Caribbean Basin Zone - the edge of the tributary paradise"

Specialization - offshore zones:

Pіlgovyy character podatkuvannya;

Simplified registration procedure;

High rіven commercial taєmnitsі;

Vіlne vyvezennya dokhodіv.

Tse “gifts oases”, as they serve international financial operations.

Offshore molding factories - EGP guide:

On the lanes of the sea and winding paths;

Near the great trade and economic centers;

Garne security of telecommunications.

Offshore companies are located on small island powers due to great political stability.

Ninі u svіtі - 60 stable offshore zones.

Latin America has Panama, Costa Rica, Bermudi, Cayman, Virgin Islands, Bahamas, Barbadas, Antigua and Barbuda, Turks and Caicos Islands.

As guarantees of financial security, the Cayman Islands have become one of the largest contributors to the world. 18,000 corporations are registered here, which outweigh the number of city residents.

15. Presentation of the study "Cuisine of Latin America"

The peoples of Latin America are workers, but to love and be able to respect. Residents of the region make their own traditions, holy is, of course, the kitchen. /presentation/

16. Presentation of the study “Carnivals of Latin America”

At the hour of carnivals, Latin America traditionally venerates fierceness. In rich countries, carnival walks are held for a whole month. І skin may have its own peculiarity.

Carnivals of Latin America - tse spravzhnє riot farb, tse smeared body, tse fairy tale color, the sound of that cheerful mood. Tse right fantasy, which wiggles in the barvy, go to the places of various Latin American powers. / presentation /

17. Presentation of the study "Holy Latin America"

How else is the saint of Latin America seen?

18. Presentation of the study "Music of Latin America"

Holy, zvichayno, accompanied by music. Why do people associate Latin American music? Well, it’s a fair Latin American carnival, merry, merry, radiant disguise and beautiful. The whole world of music has appeared in the world directly, which is called "latinos". I chanuvalnikіv tsgogo directly more and more.

19. Presentation of the study "Great people of Latin America"

The people of the region are smart, volitional, expansive. Who among them is leading the world?

20. Presentation of the study "For the sake of tourists"

In the rest of the world, there are anonymous different excursion routes to different countries of the world. Book your excursion route through the lands of Latin America.

21. Announcement of the presentation of the study “Records of Latin America - “The Biggest…”

22. Competition "Knowledge of Latin America"

An anecdote from the French newspaper "Ekip": having recognized the ship's accidents and leaning on a deserted island, two Englishmen divided the territory and planned, apparently to sell their parts. Two Frenchmen in a similar situation sit on a birch and check on mermaids. And the axis of two Brazilians mriyut, so that another accident of the ship was traversed, and it turned around ... How many people? (Twenty, schob Grati at football)

Close to a hundred years ago, a message spread around the world about the war between three sovereign powers: Bolivia, Peru and Chile. “War for riches empty Atacama! the newspapermen chirped. “Kestel Atacama by the fire!” The war was won by the small republic of Chile. Won and began to export "wealth" empty to the other ends of the world. What is it? (Saltpeter - nitrate kind)

At the city of Resif at the fierce 2005. 1.5 million inhabitants came to the street at once. This fact is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most important street saint. Name the country that podia, as it has become in it. (Brazil - carnival)

In 1499 p. The Spaniards danced on the birch of the lagoon a small Indian settlement on the fire, which was telling Venice. What is the stink name of yoga? (Venezuela, Spanish for "little Venice")

In the 1970s. a Peruvian pilot who launched a hang glider, flew on it for 1.5 years without landing. It would have been used - nothing marvelous, the yakby is not like the project. Behind what kind of armchairs was a lethal apparatus created? (behind the armchairs, copied from the little ones at the desert of Nazca)

Colombians seem that their country has three “to”: stones (smaragdas), which one ... Name the third warehouse of their “glory”. (coca)

In Brazil at holidays 2000 p. a kind of rehearsal for the carnival was held: the participants, having put on the masks of the people who were walking around, rushed around the wheelbarrows. How do you know, how did the mask overcome? (No one dared to overtake Pele)

What a round object was earlier brought from 1898. to Brazil C. Miller? (soccer ball)

After that, like the legendary Pele, having seen his book "I am Pele", he won a gold medal from the Ministry of Education. For what? (for someone who has learned to read and write specifically in order to read this book)

Bears with this product are taken right on the street, so there is no shortest time for dry drying, lower asphalt. Therefore, in Ecuador, the transport of the disturbances will be sacrificed and half of the road will be given to them. Name the drink, which one is prepared from the new. (kava)

Near metro Santiago de Cuba, as far as the entrance to the bay, from the 17th century. looming the great fortress of Castillo del Moro. At the same time, they turned it into the only museum in the world ... What? (piracy)

At the hour of the broadcast of the world football championship in the streets of Brazil, it is absolutely empty. In the southern Venezuela, such a picture can be seen very soon. What kind of "sport" can be the most successful in this country? (Contest paint)

Why in Argentina is one and the same product - yalovichina, aloe lubricated and boiled, symbolize the wealth of chi zlidni? (for її lubricating oil is necessary on the road)

How are the three architectural styles represented on the central square of Mexico City, how is it called the Square of Three Cultures? (Aztec, Spanish colonial and modern)

Five part of the Venezuelan sacks in the Valley of Spive Birds. I will translate the name of my mission. (Caracas)

IV. Pouch for the lesson

And finally, let’s say in the words of Christopher Columbus: “I don’t have anything beautiful for Latin America in my life!”

True, the lands of Latin America - the wealth of farb and the diversity of cultures!

(Materials for lesson-betting)

If there is snow in us, the time of carnivals begins at the sleepy summer Latin America ahead of Great Lent. If you want to celebrate the famous march of the naked beauties that dance the samba under the beat of drums, you can go as far as Rio de Janeiro. A whirlwind of merry madness swept through these days over the mustaches of the continent.


The most grandiose show of the planet is shown in the rest of the day before the post near Rio de Janeiro. The sounds of the ritual dances of African slaves and the European traditions of the Catholic settlers and the power of the holy revelry on the eve of the trivalo complacency have changed and changed today on a barvy move-stranger between 14 most famous schools ami sambi. Zagalni merry rozpochinayutsya on Friday from the moment, if the measures give the keys to the place of the king of the carnival, who becomes a full-fledged ruler, who can be seen as a law. The skin school of sambi is preparing a vlasny ledge, which is three times 82 hvilin. The column, which can be defiant in front of the viewers of that jury, is composed of 3-5 thousand osіb: tse and “pishi” beautiful, that they dance, and platforms that collapse, place on which you can buy, be-a kind of mischief, who will not be separated from kіlkom hundreds of euros, in order to walk 700 meters by the sambadrome - a special alley, sharpened by stands. Dances are rehearsed at the skin of the sambi culture schools, costumes are sewn, the carriage is designed, the scenario of the theatrical walk is developed, and it seems to Brazil that the carnival begins on the coming day after its completion.


The flamboyant dances and songs, bright embers, embellished with feasts and sparkles, do not flood the streets of Argentinean cities for two months. In this country, a found carnival is held near the world. Approximately from the first Saturday of September to the first Saturday, the birch trees of the streets are full of dancers, like a rhythmic beating of hundreds of drums, the samba is beaten. Moreover, nayyaskravishi svyata are called not in the capital. If you want to go to the epicenter of the podia, go to the places of Gualeguaychu, Corrientes, Libres and Pasodelos. The carnival fields - "corsodromos" and found tribunes for peeping people are checking on you there.


Vlasny carnival є navіt near tsіy small country. Do not miss the holy sight - the grandiose parade near San Pedro! Among the most popular actions are the magic of dancers, and the most popular sound is that people dressed up in women's clothes are the most popular. Tilki, putting on your best outfit for the carnival, know that at this hour it is customary to sip one of one with different colors of powder.


For whom the regions of Bolivia would not have known, the ten-day carnival will cheer you up. Fun holy z'appeared in the 18th century, if the Indian monks were embarrassed to disguise their pagan rites for the catholic saints. The most famous, recognized by the UN "Spiritual tombs of the people" carnival will take place near the city of Oruro. Dozens of thousands of well-dressed dancers and musicians take part in the main parade, which is three 20 years old. The most recent dance of this festival is about the struggle between good and evil and is called the devil. And the five-kilometer walk will end with the solemn worship in front of the church, the consecration of the Virgin Mary.


For Venezuelans, carnival is the most sacred thing. For a few days the life of the country of the world is over, and in the old places there are colorful visits, moreover, the skin has its own. Having passed through a lot of villages at the same time, you will see how the traditions are completely different: in some, music festivals are held, in others - go, in others - folk performances are played. In the meantime, it is not recommended to raise the price of the carnival in the country: it’s necessary to sit at the kermo for a lot of people drunk and intoxicated with different speeches, which will cause a great number of accidents.

Dominican Republic

As soon as the Great Pist was opened, and you think that you have already missed all the carnivals, go to the Dominican Republic. It is holy in this country to start only on the 28th of the fierce and three-year-old day (if in the provinces they can roam so much under the rhythms of the national melodies of the merengue that they don’t chirp until the Great Day). The head character of the wistav is the devil. Moreover, in the skin region of the country, yoga is accepted to be taken in its own way. The final course of the carriage, which arrived from the countryside, will pass at Santo Domingo, on the embankment. Right there, near the capital, they distribute hedges for the most beautiful ledge.


One of the largest carnivals in the world will take place near this country, UNESCO is haunted by the intangible cultural heritage of the people. Misce dії - the place of Barranquilla. A lot of fate in that religion sacredly zmіshalos z mіstsevim traditions: African slaves celebrated their single day of rest. The theatre, songs, dances - everything got angry when they bought it and turned into a grandiose, hoarsely sight. The first parade will take place at the village. Vin is based on reading the decree. Walk at night, childish processes, march in orchestras to celebrate the sprat of tyzhniv.

Trinidad and Tobago

The carnival of this critical island state does not compromise with the Brazilian carnival. The tract is three for only 2 days, but it is the most beautiful, wild and shalen sacred by the entire Caribbean Sea. The carnival is celebrated near the capital in Queen Savannah Park. Days and nights, without interruption, just pass through the sky, music and dance shows, fairs, exhibitions, all kinds of barwists, shows and competitions of calypso - the unique music of African slaves, as they fought to fight, and that the stench of zmusheni will replace Rozmov with a special song yami.


The spring carnival in Atakami is perhaps the most touristic of all similar Latin American saints. Only the less fortunate foreigners are allowed to watch everything that comes to mind in the light of their eyes. The inhabitants of the city don’t mind that outsiders took the fate of someone else, and that’s why it’s not necessary to inform the visiting guests, de vin pass. If you feel the music and spіv in a vipadkovo way, get ready to be unstoppable: in the days of all, it is customary to sip on the boar, and then water it with grape juice. Chile's carnival is not similar to the famous barvy dancers. In Atakami, the participants in the action ... carol: walk around the houses, drink their supplies, and take in the sight of the masters, inconspicuously frequent.


Carnival near Dominica is the best hour for seeing the island. During the days of costume dressing, the streets of the capital - Roseau, are held, where baristas and dance competitions are held to select the queen of the carnival, and calypso dances are celebrated at the viconan song on the most important rock topics. Mistceve did not sacredly become an exact copy of other Caribbean carnivals, but preserved the cultural traditions of the island and those of the settlers. Before one hour, the participants of the carnival dress up in traditional Western African costumes, embroidered with bobbins and banana leaves and supplemented with a mask. And the celebration of the spalling of the spirit of the carnival is coming to an end, which marks the beginning of Great Lent.

Otzhe, latin america carnivals- tse spravzhnє riot farb, tse smeared the body, tse enchanting color, the sound of that miraculous mood. Tse right fantasy, which wiggles in the barvy, go to the places of various Latin American powers. One of the most popular carnivals of Latin America Crimea, obviously Brazilian, you can visit the carnival in Cuba.

For wealthy people, Cuba is associated with a power, de rule socialism. a huge thought And then, do not let the development of supple flows and control everything and everything. Such a thought can be put in such a way that it will supersede everything that can be done in Cuba. It is not for nothing that this state was called the “Island of Freedom” for its hour. Such a phrase is far from being less about freedom from the American panuvannya, but about the freedom of international citizens of Cubans. The Cuban carnival, or rather, a series of Cuban carnivals, is a vivid confirmation of this.

One of the most important carnivals is the action, which takes place near the Cuban city of Santiago de Cuba. Hundreds of thousands of Cubans and tourists from other lands come here to see the blatant show of fires in the sun. At Santiago, if you are lucky, you can take a part in the enchanting walk along the streets of the city, and also taste the right blue Cuban rum. The whole action takes place during the whole season - in the middle of summer. Many people arrive in Cuban Santiago with children, who will please them with the opportunity to ride on a small train absolutely without cost, and also to treat them to a marvelous freezing cane.

Carnivals of Latin America- more fuses come in at Havana. The participants of this non-repeated show will come out with positive energy. Cuban guitar, African motifs, beautiful women's bodies that collapse in such fiery music and, obviously, a sea of ​​beer and rum - all this is the Havana carnival.

In the middle of the middle of the day, a palm tree carnivals of Latin America go to Argentina. Here, a large-scale action begins at the Gualeguyach township, as if filled with positive emotions and joy. The population of the place during the day increases in number of times for the tourists who come here. Before speech, it is necessary to say that the carnival at Gualeguyachi is the best on the planet. The famous Brazilian carnival is behind us. It's hot to say, the carnival on the Atlantic birch of Argentina lasts for two whole months. It seems that in an hour the skin of an Argentinean, not moving to the old, can see Gualeguyach and indulge in an unforgettable show in your eyes. For a stretch of 60 days, samba, kohannya, and romance, in this place panuє. This carnival is called the "Carnival of the Country", underlining its global national scale. The Atlantic extravaganza of the first Saturday will come to an end, if it is a fair autumn in Argentina.

The inhabitants of the continent can't help it, the baton of the carnivals of Latin America crosses the spring baton of Mexico. The carnival at Matzatlani is respected by the third for mass in the world and the other (after the Brazilian) in Latin America. For five days, in support of which the show is being held, over 300,000 peeping eyes can be seen. The whole carnival of the world, de people rob not only a beautiful queen, but also a terrible king.

So wonder:

Unknown Saints of Latin America

The inhabitants of which continent will have the most joyful and the most holy? Absolutely, the inhabitants of Pivdenny and Central America! The Holy of Latin America - tse yaskravі podії, yakі privyachyuyutsya both religious and hromаdskimi podіyami.

Naibagatsha culture of the lands of Latin America

Whenever I talk about the culture of Latin America, it’s first that I fall into the idea of ​​a bag of other continents, religious Indian rites, a Brazilian carnival, an Argentinean rodeo and, insanely, football, which can be called a traditional Latin American religion Iєyu.

The SBU caught the NABU spokesman Sergiy Boyarsky, the son of the big deputy of the Party of Regions Yuriy Boyarsky. Zatrimanogo is suspected of provocation and giving swag to the first intercessor of the head of the Sovereign Migration Service (GMS) Dina Pimakhova. After zatrimanny їhny svіrobіtnik NABU acted s official statement, calling the prosecutor's office and the SBU at the pereshkodzhanniy investigation Representatives of the department added that 7 spivrobitnikiv bureaus had stopped coming to the call, as they also worked at their right. It was later revealed that they were also caught by the spivrobitniks of the Prosecutor General's Office and the SBU.

"It is planned to arrest and arrest three more detectives from the bureau under cover, a clerk of another clerk of detectives, as well as a clerk of the Special Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office," the NABU website says.

On April 30, 2017, the detectives of the anti-corruption department investigated the facts of corruption in the State Migration Service. For the tribute of NABU, the officials of the department for free money slapped the foreigners with enormity, saw a certificate of residence and helped them to get a biometric passport.

NABU detective Sergiy Boyarsky, a kind of pratsyuvav pіd prikrittami, turned up to Dinya Pіmakhova from the last resort in the issued certificate of residence “for a friend-foreigner”, she waited to pay $ 30 thousand for the service. Under the hour of the transfer of half of the bumovlennoy sumi yogo, the security guards of the SBU caught the weather from the GPU.

“On my grave, the practitioners of the state law enforcement agencies do not have the right to pronounce to the state official to praise the illegal decision and check at the same time, like a sum of wines. This is a pure provocation,” Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko said.

NABU has published a video on how Dina Pimakhov conducts negotiations with detectives under cover. For the sake of Pimakhova, they ask the stench for the sake of it, as if in this situation, since the official herself names the sum, so that “businessmen from Iran” have to pay for the registration of a residence permit.

  • Dina Pimakhova to conduct negotiations with detectives under cover

The NABU denounced its detective as “a sabotage, planned and implemented for the participation of the SBU and the GPU.”

From the last quarter of the year, a special operation was held under the cover, but the SBU, and the Prosecutor General's Office, with their second arrest, canceled the operation. The method of the operation was to uncover a great evil group and reveal all the participants in the scheme,” said NABU spokeswoman Darya Manzhura.

For a few years, the press secretary of the security service of Ukraine, Olena Gitlyanska, told that the SBU should carry out raids at NABU: “So, the raids went to NABU. But I still can’t say the details, the stones are generous to follow the next steps, ”she said in the commentary of Espreso.TV.

Ale її words were spoken at once in NABU, and in the General Prosecutor's Office. The press secretary of the Prosecutor General Larisa Sargan told that the investigations were carried out, not in the Bureau itself, but in the NABU agent Katerina Sikorskaya. Vaughn also pass at the right about the proposition of the swag of the officials of the migration service. For this reason, Sargan did not reveal the details of the following events, saying that the information would appear on the website of the Prosecutor General's Office.

Afterwards, the head of NABU Artem Sitnik leaned over to the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko. As a result, the security forces did their best, that the prosecutor's office did not zatrimuvatime Boyarsky and even more detectives, but on the right against them, all the same, it will be destroyed. At Mondays, 4 breasts, following the words of Lutsenko, we will call the Bureau of High Possessions to the Prosecutor General's Office.

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko criticized the participants in the conflict.

“Noise, screaming that fir'ya style, scho for an hour guessing what a Latin American carnival is. It would have been better to be funny, the yakbi would not have been so vague, ”the president said.

With all the faults, it is important that intrigues lessen the problem of corruption in the country.

“It’s not possible that the law enforcement agencies would get to political activities. <…>I, like the president, at the same time іz suspіlstvom. Supernice is healthy, competition is civilized, and the President and Suspension are honestly stunned, and from conflict, welding, intrigue and vorozhnecha it is absolutely unacceptable to go to the fury of an especially sleepy enemy - wickedness and corruption, ”said Vіn.

Escalation to the conflict

Following the words of Denis Denisov, a clerk of the Kyiv branch of the Institute of Ukraine of the SND, Denis Denisov, the investigations and zatrimannya of the NABU’s spivrobitniks were tied up with internal species analysis of the power bloc.

“As far as we know, there was no way for the security forces to be reconciled to the Ukrainian government to try to be independent and independent Ukrainian military workers,” Denis Denisov explained in an interview with RT. - The present situation confirms this: if the GPU controls Yuriy Lutsenko - the president's protege, the SBU is controlled through Hrytsak (head of the SBU Vasyl Hrytsak. RT), MVS є napivavonomnoy structure for the rahunok of the head of Arsen Avakov - one of the leaders of the party "People's Front".

According to the expert's opinion, NABU, the activity of which is lobbied from the side of Ukraine's foreign partners - the EU and the USA, does not fit into this language.

“Navischo Europe and the USA Whose organ? For victorious against all representatives of the political elite of Ukraine, more, without a doubt, there is no such deputy, minister or intercessor of the minister, who, in his duty, is absolutely honest, without that chi іnshoy koruptsiynoї warehousing”, Denisov explained.

Out of the blue, RT’s dzherelo in the administration of the President of Ukraine revealed that an unspoken conflict between the departments escalated after the 31st anniversary of NABU’s supporters of the son of the head of the MVS Arsen Avakov Oleksandr Avakov and two more osibs - the colossal intercessor of the head of the MVS Sergiy Chebotar and a representative of the company-maker of backpacks "Dniprovend" » Volodymyr Lytvyn.

“According to the version of the investigation, in 2015, the assigned individuals were counted to purchase backpacks for the account of the cost of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for the price of the sum of money in the Middle Rink. Due to the information of the previous investigation, the goods were not delivered at the hour and before that, it did not help, we installed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, in the wake of which the powers were ordered to cut 14 million hryvnia ($ 520 thousand) from the expansion," the NABU informed .

Dzherel thought, with such a rank, the investigators of the Bureau violated the unspoken rule Ukrainian politics: do not attract close relatives of high planters to the distance

Moreover, in the middle of the leaf fall of 2017, NABU denounced criminal prosecution for the fact of illegal wealth.

The investigation into the case of one of the associates of the Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has become a deadly turn in the development of a conflict between NABU and the Ukrainian security forces, the beginning of a kind of slander

  • Oleksandr Avakov is the head of MVS of Ukraine Arsen Avakov
  • Reuters

“As long as the NABU robot continues to control the assistance of Ukrainian judges,” Ukrainian political scientist Andriy Demidenko told RT. “Ale, the president has one more headline: the IMF is preparing to give a fifth tranche in the amount of $1.9 billion only after the creation of an independent anti-corruption court, and the document on this creation was not signed by Poroshenko.” In addition, following the words of the political scientist, NABU demanded that the parliament give you the right to listen to high-ranking residents without a court sanction, but the deputies, for the sake of it, insanely, speak out against the expansion of the new Bureau.

Behind the words of Denis Denisov, the creation of NABU was associated with a whole low mind of a financial character, which Ukraine could not but accept.

“Narazitsia structure is not controlled by the president and power structures, which is uncomfortable for the political elite,” Denisov explained. - And already at the same time the stench may be getting even. Sunset will need control over the Ukrainian elite and compromising information on it.”

Those who are viciously sabotaging the power of their partners to control yoga in Ukraine, the deputies from the Bloc of Petro Poroshenko should be slandered.

“Suspіlstvo, as it happened on the protests of some fate, replaced the totally corrupt president, that yogo sharpened, took away the independent institutions of the top corruption. Ale did not take away the support from the side of the new president and under the control of the SBU and the Prosecutor General's Office. Natomist - try to find a price for any price. Navit a way to see the operational expansion. The meta is all the same — until the beginning of the campaign to neutralize NABU, so that it doesn’t stray under its feet and doesn’t respect the lower echelons to save their streams and plant them, ”Sergiy Leshchenko, a member of the Petro Poroshenko Bloc, wrote on his Facebook page.

However, the high-ranking officials came up with a way to increase control over the work of NABU. Following the words of RT’s dzherel at the “People’s Front” party, according to the norms of the law “On NABU”, the president, the Cabinet of Ministers and the Verkhovna Rada can send independent posters to the anti-corruption body. The stink and control over the most resonant investigations. “For the purpose of proving the guards, it is necessary to use okremium for the sake of the Supreme. I will be given," the representative of the "People's Front" uttered.

Ale war against NABU can lead to problems for Ukraine from foreign partners.

For information from RT, for the investigation of the fact of corruption in the State Migration Service, it is important to guard the US embassy in Ukraine, but the representatives of the representatives have not yet robbed the previous statements from this drive.

“No one will give even a cent of the country, as if they want reforms back. Especially tse reforms in the framework of the fight against corruption. And if you don’t need to increase the price of gas, if you don’t want to freeze the loan, and save the program, then the attack on the NABU to undermine the program is effective. And at the same time, the stability of the hryvnia will be destroyed from it. And the readiness of investors to buy whether they are Ukrainian borg, - Sergiy Fursa, the manager of the investment company Dragon Capital, wrote on his Facebook page. - I as 4 years ago, the students were cut off on economic stability (as it was so wildly incense), having become the most important decision of Yanukovych and yogo prihilnikiv, so this attack on NABU led to stop the attack. And at the same time, the economy of Ukraine. Yak i 4 rocks to that. I shkoda, that it is not often understood, and those people, who praise the solution, and more citizens.

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